Smart Fingertip Tactile Sensors For Agrorobotics Applications

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Smart fingertip tactile sensors for agrorobotics


Author: Supervisor:
Nuno Lopes Prof. Susana Freitas
Prof. Alexandre Bernardino

Research work performed for the Master in Engineering Physics


Department of physics

July 4, 2020
1 Introduction 1

1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
In the agricultural business, as well as in distribution networks and packaging industry, food items
suffer changes that need to be controlled. In particular, fruits and vegetables are handled multiple
times starting from the harvest up until the point when they are sold. This manipulation facilitates
damage in the food items, leading to a shorter shelf-life and overall loss of quality.
It has been demonstrated that appropriate handling is crucial to prevent spoilage and premature
degrading of food items. Another crucial point to focus in is that fruits and vegetables should be har-
vested at the right stage of maturity: not to green, not too ripe. Therefore in fruit/vegetable handling,
there is crescent effort to introduce automated technologies for manipulation and optical inspection
of fruits/vegetables made possible by the increase of energy density and effectiveness of computing
power. This is advantageous in the sense that it can present a quick and cost-effective way to harvest
fruits without the need for seasonal labour force and its associated costs, but also and most importantly
because it opens new doors for harvesting without damaging. This is where sensor technologies play a
key role, for they facilitate the creation of agricultural robots that can effectively replace human labour
in terms of speed and quality in handling.

1.2 Context
With this in mind, this work stems from the collaboration between INESC-MN and ISR-Robotics in
magnetic-based tactile sensors. This collaboration has been fruitful in the study of such sensors, with
the development of technologies such as ciliary structure GMR force sensors [25] and the hall effect 3-
axis magnetic soft sensors developed by Tiago Paulino for the Vizzy robot hand [26]. With such works,
experience was obtained in the design, optimization and testing of tactile sensors and the ground was
laid for the study and implementation of other technologies.



F IGURE 1: Design scheme of sensors for implementation in Vizzy robot 1a [26] and pho-
tograph of ciliary structure GMR sensor 1b [25]

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

2 Tactile sensing transduction techniques 2

1.3 Objectives
So, in this dissertation diverse options and detection strategies will be evaluated with the instrumenta-
tion of a robotic hand in view. The goal is to equip this robotic hand with sensors in strategic positions
in such a way that provides tactile sensing abilities that allow for a quick evaluation of the quality and
an increased precision in distinction of shape of the fruit/vegetable when being handled. In this way,
we will dedicate to develop e-skin technologies and sensors embedded in elastomers and artificial
skin, in a way that combines the tactile ability with a more sensitive perception of texture at the time
of harvesting.

F IGURE 2: Robotic hand for crop harvesting [23]

2 Tactile sensing transduction techniques

As mentioned briefly before, in this thesis we will evaluate various detection strategies for the con-
struction of a tactile sensor. There are various techniques for tactile transduction, some of them com-
monly researched and a few used in agrorobotics.
Out of all of them, capacitive, piezoresistive, piezoelectric, inductive and optical methods show
more potential for superior performance. Therefore, we give a brief overview of these transduction
techniques [3].

2.1 Capacitive tactile sensors

Capacitive tactile sensors are one of the most used types of transducers used in tactile sensing. They
are composed of 2 conductive plates (electrodes) with a layer of dielectric material between them.
These sensors make use of the change in capacitance when a force is applied. The capacitance of a
parallel plate capacitor is given by C = e0 er Ad . Where e0 is the vacuum permittivity, ηr is the dielectric
layer’s relative permittivity, d is the distance between electrode plates, and A is the area in which both
electrodes overlap.
One can measure the force applied on the sensor by tracking the changes either in A or d [1].
They usually have good frequency response, high sensitivity and large dynamic range, making
them appealing to researchers, however they are more prone to noise (crosstalk) and require complex
electronics for noise filtering [3].
Most research in capacitive sensing is being done in the design of the dielectric layer or the elec-
trode structure. Tipically, using non-patterned PDMS for the dielectric layer the sensitivity is low,
however with patterned layers of PDMS high sensitivity is easily achievable. For example, in [24] two
structures were proposed for stretchable capacitive tactile sensors. One of them with a micropillar pat-
terned PDMS layer between a vertical electrode - paralell plate structure (PPS)- and the other with a
parallel serpentine electrode structure patterned in a PDMS layer - circular involution structure (CIS).
Both structures showed good linearity in measuring small pressures, and could withstand defor-
mations of 90% (PPS) and 50% (CIS). A PPS sensor array was aditionally attached to a robotic finger

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

2 Tactile sensing transduction techniques 3

( A ) (a) Cross sectional view; (b) Serpentine electrode lines con-

nected to taxel; (c) Micro-pillar PDMS layer; (d) 5x5 PPS sen- ( B ) (a) Cross sectional view; (b)/(c) involution electrode; (d)
sor array 4x4 CIS sensor array

F IGURE 3: PPS (8a) and CIS (8b) sensors schematics (Taken from [24].)

and was demonstrated to achieve more than 90% accuracy in distinguishing objects with different
form and stiffness.

2.2 Piezoelectric tactile sensors

Piezoelectric sensors make use of certain materials with piezoelectric properties, such as polymers
like polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and ceramics for tactile sensing. These materials generate a volt-
age potential proportional to the deforming external forces/pressures [1]. The tactile element is con-
structed by applying thin layers of metallization to both sides of the piezoelectric material, turning it
into a parallel plate capacitor [2].
In [14], a sensor is proposed for detection of normal as well as shear force. A tactile unit composed
of a unitary bottom electrode and a top electrode divided into 4 units, with a PVDF piezoelectric film
layer between the electrodes was used to measure shear forces by the difference in change of charge
between the 4 components of the electrode.

F IGURE 4: Schematics of piezoelectric sensor for 3 axis force measurement (Taken from

Sensors applying this transduction technique generally have a good high-frequency response with
high sensitivity in dynamic environments. However, due to the quick dissipation of the charge in-
duced on the piezoelectric material, they are unable to measure static forces only being able of detect-
ing dynamic forces due to their large internal resistance [3]. Vibrating the sensor and detecting the
change in vibration frequency when a force is applied is a way to overcome this problem [2].

2.3 Piezoresistive tactile sensors

Piezoresistive tactile sensors work by changing the electrical resistance of a material placed between
or in touch with 2 electrodes when an external force is applied [2].
The sensitive material used in these sensors can be pressure sensitive conductive rubber, elas-
tomer/elastomer cords in grid pattern or conductive ink. Usually the electronic setup to which they

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

2 Tactile sensing transduction techniques 4

are integrated is a simple one, as a change in resistance is easy to quantify by V = RI, V being the
voltage , I the current and R the resistance. They obtain good results in mesh configurations due to
their low susceptibility to noise.
In [11] a pressure sensor is developed by patterning a Au resistor film in a PDMS flexible mem-
brane. This membrane was then bonded to an air chamber made of PDMS walls used to put the
desired pressure on the sensor by allowing the membrane to bend.

F IGURE 5: Schematics of sensor (Taken from [11].)

Ultrahigh sensitivity was achieved, owing to the strain-induced formation of microcracks on the
resistor film (Sensitivity and other results exposed in Table 2).
However, this type of sensors suffer from hysteresis and low frequency response [3].
Furthermore, elastomer based sensors have a long nonlinear time constant, their force-resistance
characteristic is highly nonlinear and they have poor long and medium term stability due to perma-
nent deformation [2].

2.4 Strain gauges

Strain gauges are also resistive based, low cost tactile sensors, they are zig zag patterned metallic foil
on flexible material. They change their resistance according to the external applied force that stretches
or compresses the gauge [1].
We show here the fabrication process of a strain gauge sensor developed in [16], which was made
double sided to compensate for the temperature induced resistance variation of the metal, in which
the sensing part is the NiCr patterned in a square-wave shape.

F IGURE 6: Fabrication process of sensor (Taken from [16].)

Usually gauges are used to wrap cantilevers, however these method can lack sensitivity and sens-
ing area.
Metallic or alloy gauges generally have good sensitivity and spacial resolution but lack flexibility.
They are highly sensitive and susceptible to humidity and temperature changes. Their response is
nonlinear and they suffer from high hysteresis due to their mechanical nature [3].

2.5 Magnetic tactile sensors

Magnetic tactile sensors measure changes in magnetic flux or magnetic field using a Hall effect sen-
sor or a magneto resistance, respectively. These are able to detect 3D forces/pressures with just one

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

2 Tactile sensing transduction techniques 5

taxel (by means of 3D Hall sensors, for example) which allows for high-resolution and low power
consumption [1].

2.5.1 Inductive tactile sensors

They can also measure changes in magnetic induction of coupled coils when affected by an external
force, being then called inductive tactile sensors.
They use Faraday’s law of induction [1]. A primary coil induces a magnetic field sensed by a
secondary coil. By applying an external force one modulates the mutual induction between those
coils, which in turn modulates the voltage measured in the sensing coil [3].
The sensor below, developed in [19] is composed of a coil array separated from a rigid stainless
steel sheet sensing interface. Normal forces are detected by the change of inductance when the gap
between them is reduced, and shear forces when the coil area covered by the stainless steel is reduced
on one side and increased in the other.

F IGURE 7: (a)/(b) Schematics of sensor; (c)/(d) Principle of operation for normal and shear
forces; (Taken from [19].)

These sensors are flexible, highly sensitive and easy to fabricate, being a good choice for robotic
artificial skin. Nonetheless, when compared to other kinds of sensors, they are power consuming,
require more complex electronics, are prone to stray capacitance, and have low repeatability due to
the coils not always returning to the exact same place after actuated on [3]

2.6 Optical tactile sensors

Optical tactile sensors work by measuring changes in light. Usually, optical fibers are used as the
transmission medium for light. When an external force is applied the transmitting medium (optical
fibers) is bent and such sensors can, for example, measure the change in light intensity at the output of
optical fibers [1] using a camera or a photodiode for this job. A merit of these sensors is that, besides
the intensity, they can also measure the position of the force.
In [22] a simple pressure sensor was developed for vital signal monitoring, using cuts in fiber
optics cables, that reduce the light intensity that arrives at the photodiodes in the output side when
pressure is applied, as showed in the figure below.
These sensors can also include fiber Bragg gratings in the cores of the optical fibbers, and measure
the force by the displacement of the frequency of the transmitted light at the output of optical fibers.
Advantages of these sensors include light weight, immunity to electromagnetic phenomenons and
high spatial resolution [3]. However, they require a lot of processing power and their rigidness is a
major disadvantage.

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

3 Timeline of dissertation work 6

( A ) Principle of operation
( B ) Application schematics

F IGURE 8: (Taken from [22].)

3 Timeline of dissertation work

• September: Reevaluating possibilities and deciding over which technologies, materials and de-
sign to implement in the tactile sensor;

• October and November: Design and fabrication of the tactile sensor in the INESC facilities;

• December - mid January: Calibration and testing of the sensor apparatus;

• mid January - February: Experimental sensor data acquisition and analysis with machine learn-
ing algorithms and posterior discussion of results;

• March-mid May: Writing and delivery of the dissertation.

Advantages Disadvantages
High sensitivity Susceptible to noise
High spacial resolution Stray capacitance
Capacitive Good dynamic range Cross-talk
Independence of temperature Complexity of electronics

High spatial resolution Hysteresis

Low cost High power consumption
Simple electronics Low repeatibility
Low susceptibility to noise

High frequency response Poor spatial resolution

Piezoelectric High dynamic range Only dynamic sensing
High sensitivity

Linear output Poor reliability

High dynamic range Low frequency response
Magnetic (inductive)
High sensitivity High power consumption
Stray capacitance

Good sensing range Hysteresis

High sensitivity Nonlinear response
Strain Gauges Low cost Susceptible to temperature
Susceptible to humidity
Complex design

Reliable Bulky
Large sensing range Non-conformable
Optical High repeatability Processing power requirements
High spatial resolution
Immunity to EMI

TABLE 1: Relative advantages and disadvantages of transduction techniques [1-3]

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

Instance Sensitivity Range Det. Limit Response time Sensor Spacing No of taxels
[7] 1.2 kPa−1 <0.8 Pa 36 ms
6.583 kPa−1 (0 − 100 Pa)
[6] 3 Pa 48 ms 1 mm 5x5
0.125 kPa−1 (100 − 1000 Pa)
[5] 0.815 kPa−1 50 N 38 ms 4x4
50 mN (shear force) (2N)
[4] 3 mm 2x2
190 mN (normal force) (8N)

[8] 11.60–1108.75 kPa−1 600 kPa 40 Pa < 60 ms 1

[9] 516.74 kPa−1 24.5 Pa 1
Piezoresitive 16.9 − 5.41 kPa−1 (<300 Pa)
[10] <10 ms 6x8
Timeline of dissertation work

> 0.5 kPa−1 (1300 Pa)

[11] 0.23 kPa−1 6.7 kPa 200 ms 1

14.93 pC/N (x axis) (0-0.5 N)

[14] 14.92 pC/N (y axis) (0 − 0.5 N) 8 mm 3x2
Piezoelectric 6.62 pC/N (z axis) (0 − 1.5 N)
[12] 0.578 − 0.821 V/N 1x3
[13] 430 mV/N 2N 1

[15] 0.12 V/N 100 N 0.3 N 1

4.9 × 10−5 Pa−1 (0 − 380 kPa)
Strain gauges [16] 930 kPa 6.25 Pa 1
1.66 × 10−4 Pa−1 (380 − 930 kPa)
[17] 0.0229 Ω kPa−1 2000 kPa 14 kPa 1

[20] 9.22 %/N 1.4 N 1

Inductive [18] 1.25 nH/kPa 150 kPa 30 Pa 1
2.9 nH/N (normal force)
[19] 17.4 nH/N (x-axis) 2x2
15.3 nH/N (y-axis)

Optical [21] 0.08 N 0.5 N 1

[22] 2.2 − 4.5%/N 4x4

TABLE 2: Figure of merit of state-of-art tactile sensors

Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes


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Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes


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Tactile sensors for agrorobotics/Nuno Lopes

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