Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
AbstractUltrasonic sensors are widely used in the distance The action field pulse that is emitted from an ultrasound
measurement. In practice, there is a major problem for transducer has a conical shape. The echo is received in
the measurement resolution, the ability to distinguish different response to sound reflection it indicates the presence of the
targets. The ultrasonic distance measurement is an effective, non-
invasive method that can be used in a variety of environments nearest object is within the sound cone and does not specify
that can be prone to changes where is difficult to locate an any time the angular location thereof. Although the maximum
object. Ultrasonic sensors cover a wide range of application likelihood is that the object detected is on the central axis
situations, for example industrial automation, medical and of the acoustic cone, the probability that the echo has been
automotive applications. In this paper various implementations produced by an object present in the periphery of the central
and configurations based on ultrasonic sensors for measurement,
detection and positioning systems of different objects, as well axis is not negligible and must be taken into account and
as the resolution and the evolution of these sensors are presented. suitably treated.
The conclusion goes here.
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