5054 PHYSICS: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2014 Series
5054 PHYSICS: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2014 Series
5054 PHYSICS: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2014 Series
5054/22 Paper 2 (Theory), maximum raw mark 75
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2014 series for
most Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.
Section A
(c) 4.0 (2.7 / 7.2) or 5.0 (2.7 / 9.0) or 1.5 (N) or read from graph or 11.2 (cm) C1
0.148 0.152 kg or 148 152 g A1 [5]
(b) long(er) distance needs small(er) force (for same moment) or inversely
related/proportional B1 [4]
3 (a) V1 = p2V2 / p1 or p 1 / V B1
1.0 105 (1.8 / 2.0) 107 C1
9.0 103 m3 or 9000 cm3 A1
(ii) helium mass / weight small (fraction of total / mass of air included) or this
includes the weight of the cylinder B1 [6]
4 (a) (i) heat gained from burning fuel / combustion or friction between moving
parts / with air / road or from (radiation of) Sun B1
(c) (Q =) mL or 45 220 C1
9900 J A1 [6]
6 (a) (the molecules) move faster or have more kinetic energy or accelerate
ignore vibrate faster B1
(ii) water vapour blown away or surrounding air less humid B1 [5]
7 (a) (i) lasts longer or one cell can be replaced without switching off the circuit or
less (internal) resistance or if one fails the others still work B1
(ii) 1.5 V B1
(ii) decreases B1
resistance of wire increases B1 [7]
(c) (half) distance across screen or count divisions of / measure wavelength or the
wavelength corresponds to one rotation B1
half distance multiplied by time base setting B1 [7]
Section B
(iv) it hits the ground / surface of the earth or stops or speed is zero B1 [12]
[Total: 15]
(d) (i) (sin) i = 0 or ray enters directly / wavefront / light hits surface
along normal / perpendicular or all together B1
(sin) r = 0 or no refraction all slows down together B1
[Total: 15]
90 90
(c) 39 ( Y ) or ( Y) and 0 () B1
1 () 39 ( Y ) and 1 ( ) B1 [2]
[Total: 15]