Electric Circuits 7 MS

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1 (a energy transferred per coulomb/unit charge

OR energy supplied in driving coulomb/unit charge around a circuit

ACCEPT p.d./voltage across battery/power supply B1

(b) (i) V = IR in any form OR (I =) V ÷ R C1

2.0 A OR 2 A A1

(ii) electrons B1

(iii) arrow right to left by heater OR indication of clockwise B1

(c) (E =) VIt OR V 2t/R OR I 2Rt in any form C1

14 000 J A1

2 (a (i) NAND B1

(ii) output and one input correctly labelled B1

(b) rectangle with longitudinal line in middle third, no input or output wire required B1

(c) (i) temperature (decreases) B1

(ii) correctly relates change of resistance to change of temperature B1

voltage of mid-point (of potential divider) / left of LED increases OR higher V across
thermistor B1
current flows through / enough V to light LED B1

(d) 1 / Rp = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 or (Rp ) = R1R2 / (R1 + R2) C

(R = 1 / (1 / 4 -1 / 6) =) 12 Ω A1

[Total: 9]

3 (a (i) rectifier / diode

(ii) frequency (of A.C. supply) B1

b) (P =) IV OR 0.5 × 5.3 OR 500 × 5.3 C1
2.6 W OR 2600 mW W

(ii) (E =) Pt OR IVt OR 2.65 × 1.5 × 3600 OR 0.5 × 5.3 × 1.5 × 3600 C1

14000 J A1

(c) energy only underlined B1

[Total: 7]

4 (a)(i)(ii R ∝ L in words or symbols

(ii) AND R ∝ 1 / A in words or symbols B1

(b) P = IV OR (I =) P / V OR 60 / 230
0.26 A A1

(c) length change divides resistance by 2 / multiplies current by 2 C1

cross-section change multiplies resistance by 3 / divides current by 3 C1
(overall) resistance of Y is 3/2 times bigger / 3/2 × 885 Ω / 1327 Ω
OR current in Y 2/3 of 0.26 A = 0.17 A C
current in Y / Current in X = 2/3 A1

[Total: 7]

5 (a (one third length so) one third R, accept any division by 3 C1

(half area so) twice R, accept any doubling, including divide by ½ C1

(resistance = 0.45 × 2/3) = 0.3(0) Ω accept 1 sig. fig. A1 [3]

b) 1(Ω) and 3(Ω) used in correct parallel formula C1

2(Ω) added to candidate’s parallel resistance C1

2.7 or 2.8 or 2.75 Ω A1 [3]

(ii) any 2 from:

I1 = I4 OR I1 = I2 + I3 OR I4 = I2 + I3
OR other correct relevant equation/inequality e.g. I4 = 4I3, I4 > I3 B2 [2]

(iii) any 2 from:

V1 = V4 OR V1 = V2 + V3 OR V4 = V2 + V3
OR correct relevant inequality e.g. V1 > V3 B2 [2]

[Total: 10]

6 (a) triangle with bar at apex, pointing either way NOT circle at apex B1 [1]
enclosing circle (but must have horizontal lines to/from triangle), no line through
triangle, triangle filled in

b) deflection/reasonable value/no deflection
must be consistent with direction of recognisable arrow B1 [1]
if no recognisable direction in symbol of (a), assume arrow L to R

(ii) his (i) different way round

i.e. if deflection in (i) must be no deflection in (ii);
if no deflection in (i) must be deflection in (ii); B1 [1]

(c) half waves up or down on alternate half cycles B1

reasonable shapes of correct frequency AND amplitude 2.5–3V AND flats 0V
(±1 small square) B1 [2]

(d) (i) transistor B1 [1]

(ii) 1st line of table : both off B1

2nd line of table : both on B1 [2]
give one compensatory mark : 1st line both on AND 2nd line both off
accept HIGH/LOW or 1/0 for on/off ignore ticks/crosses/yes/no

7 (a) rheostat/variable resistor AND control/vary/change/ limit
current /resistance/power/voltage across heater B1

b) P = VI in any form OR (I=) P/V C1
1.25 A A1

(ii) (R =) V/I in any form words or numbers C1

(voltage across X =) 2.4 (V) OR 6 - 3.6 (V) C1
1.92 Ω e.c.f. from (b) (i) A1

(c) battery running down/going flat/energy of battery used up OR V or e.m.f. less

OR more/increasing resistance (of heater) NOT resistance of X increases B1

d) ( transformer condone step-up OR potential divider/potentiometer NOT extras B1

(ii) diode OR rectifier OR L.E.D. NOT extras B1 [9]

8 (a increases (as current increases) M1

at an increasing rate A1

b) 25 Ω B1

(ii) IR in any form OR 0.070 x 25 C1

1.7/1.8 V A1

(iii) (P =) IV OR I2R OR V2/R in any form, numbers, symbols or words C1

0.12 W e.c.f. from (i)/(ii) A1

c) answer to (b)(ii) B1

(ii) use of 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 OR R = R1R2/(R1 + R2) C

12.5 Ω A1

[Total: 10]

9 (a) current = power/voltage or 150/12 C1
value is 12.5 A A1 2
(b) (i) sum of currents at junction = current after junction/12.5 A = 5.0 A + I C1
value is 7.5 A A1
(ii) power = VI or is 7.5 x 12 e.c.f from (i) C1
value is 90 W A1
(iii) resistance = voltage/current or 12/7.5 e.c.f. from (i) but not from (a) C1
value is 1.6Ω A1 6


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