Huggenberger EDU en 01
Huggenberger EDU en 01
Huggenberger EDU en 01
Deformeter EDU V2
The Deformeter EDU is a precision strain meter with 250 or
500 mm measuring base for mechanical engineering, un-
derground and building constructions as well as geophysi-
cal applications. It serves for static measuring of extensions,
displacements and changes in width of cracks.
Technical Data
Measuring range 10 mm 10 mm
Resolution 0.001 mm 0.001 mm
System accuracy ** 0.005 mm 0.01 mm
Zero point with Invar test rod with Invar test rod
Display LCD LCD
Functions depending on gauge depending on gauge
Temperature range 0 up to 40 C 0 up to 40 C
Interface depending on gauge depending on gauge
HUGGENBERGER AG Toedistrasse 68 CH-8810 Horgen Switzerland Tel. +41 44 727 77 00 Fax +41 44 727 77 07