Agile 101 Practical Project Management PDF
Agile 101 Practical Project Management PDF
Agile 101 Practical Project Management PDF
Antonio Martel
Edition (English)
October 2016
Begoa Martnez
David Nesbitt
Foreword - Hey, Scrum worked!
The real reason for use of pressure and overtime may be to make everyone look better when the project
Tom DeMarco
Thats the first sentence in Henrik Knibergs book Scrum and XP from the Trenches: Scrum worked!
It has also worked for us, the teams that develop environmental and safety (Police) projects in the
department of Public Administrations of a Spanish software consultancy company.
Its difficult to quantify how much, but ever since I started using Scrum back in 2009 (yes, I know, I
wasnt an early adopter), weve seen a steady increase in successfully finished projects, not only in our
case, as were the software providers, but also for our clients. They have received products that grow step
by step and adapt to their real needs.
Delivering part of the work to the client every two weeks and asking the client what they want us to work
on the following two weeks has given our daily work routine a certain peace of mind. This relative peace
has helped us, in part, to get rid of that twinge of chaos that appears when great deliveries have to be
made at the end of a project. It reduced stress for developers, but it also gave peace of mind to all the
stakeholders, who could regularly see what were we working on and how the developed project looked.
Working for the public administration wasnt always easy. Even if they are normally reluctant to try new
work methodologies, we were also surprised by their flexibility. Indeed the road from 2009 to today
hasnt been easy. Ive made lots of blunders and Ive had to learn difficult lessons along the way, but I
think the result has been worth it. From that year to the present day, Scrum has become the recommended
methodology for many projects. European and International top job portals are full of ads looking for
Agile experience, and Im happy to say that, increasingly, Scrum is the requested methodology in
technical specification sheets in the Spanish administration public tenders, and in the RFQs of European
international projects.
The road I followed to learn Scrum and Agile has been difficult but gratifying. I foresee many more years
of guiding projects to a successful finish.
Your company has just appointed you project manager. Youve heard about Agile methodologies, Scrum,
Kanban, and lots of other things youd like to try. Youve started reading all about artifacts, principles,
and manifestos, but nothing is crystal clear just yet.
You dont know whether your lack of knowledge will put your project at risk, but probably what worries
you the most is that all these things are nothing but buzzwords, the current fad, and that they wont have
any real effect on your day-to-day work or even worse, that such a big change in what to call things
and how to do them will make your team, your clients, and your company reject those ideas altogether.
Luckily for me, or unluckily maybe, I have also gone through all these problems, so in this book I will
tell you how I solved them (when Ive been able to) or, at least, what I tried and what eventually failed.
Dont expect this document to be an exhaustive Scrum guide. I dont know everything about Scrum,
and the implementation I follow is far from perfect. For a thorough knowledge of Scrum, I recommend
following some of the popular Scrum guides that you can find either online or in books like the one by
Henrik Kniberg, not to mention the one by Jeff Sutherland, creator of Scrum.
Even though I follow a survival Scrum style and I still have lots to improve, Scrum has worked for me.
Using it, we have managed to gain credibility in difficult projects, projects that were not working the
way we expected. We managed to reduce the amount of stressful situations that, luckily, now happen far
less often, and we have increased the satisfaction of the clients who, sprint after sprint, get their moneys
worth. We have not been able to follow Scrum methodologies to the letter in every project we have
worked on, but just trying to be more Agile we have improved our results in the projects we are working
When we start using Scrum, we all tend to use the terminology of this framework, talking about daily
sprint meetings, product backlogs or burndown charts. We follow our Scrum guides to a tee, when in fact
no one understands them, not even ourselves. Not understanding the spirit behind these rules, we end up
creating a waterfall projectlike we always have donedisguised by jargon that makes us look more
Rather than telling you how to do things, or explaining in detail how many meetings you should have and
how many minutes each one should last, in this book I want to describe what the purpose is behind those
meetings, what the artifacts described in Scrum guides are for, and what you might get out of them. Ill
help you understand the Agile principles that underlie this way of working and that really make this work.
I hope you find this book very useful!
How do you manage a project when you have received no previous training in project management?
Well, by suffering a lot.
Albert Cubeles
Scrum is a framework or a set of good policies for project management. It is based on a study carried out
on development processes successfully used in Canon, Xerox, Honda or HP which in the 80s were
the Google or Apple of the time. The findings of this study indicated that these teams had very general
definitions of the scope of their products and that they had to ship them in very little time. They were
highly productive teams which followed very similar work patterns.
In 1986, Takeuchi and Nonaka, authors of this study, noted down all the common patterns they could find
and defined this way of working as a unit that passes work from one to the other so that each person does
their bit, somewhat like in rugby when the front line passes the ball from one person to another until they
score a touchdown. It is from rugby terminology that this framework ended up with the name Scrum.
In the early 90s, for the very first time, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland presented a description of the
methodology that today is known as Scrum, which summarized their experiences and the best industry
Scrum is based on partial and regular deliveries of the final product, starting with the features that are
most important for the client. Scrum is thus recommended especially for projects where early results
are necessary, or where requirements are constantly changing, and competitiveness, flexibility, and
productivity are key (and where are they not?). This prevents deadlines from being exceeded for longer
periods, and allows reacting before costs go through the roof.
The way of working in Scrum is based on artifacts (or tools, Im afraid I dont like the word artifacts
very much), on a series of meetings that have to be convened throughout the project, and on some roles
that the project members must play.
Artifacts or tools
Product Backlog: It is simply a list of tasks to be performed. It will specify, broadly, each of the features
that the final product must have. This list must be defined and prioritised by somebody who is aware of
the needs that our product will address, or someone who represents the stakeholders, those with a vested
interest in making sure that the project works (the product owner).
Having this task list available in a visible place and going through it every now and then will allow us not
to lose perspective on the amount of work pending. Striking off items from this list will give us a feeling
of progress, that we are nearing the end of the project. It is a feeling similar to the one you get when you
are studying, and you jot down on a piece of paper how many topics you should review for an exam.
Crossing out a new topic every time you are finished with it makes you want to start the next one so you
can cross it out, too. It also allows you to see at a glance how much you still have to do and whether you
can finish everything on time before the exam.
Sprint Backlog: From the long list we have defined before, the Product Owner will shortlist some tasks
that the team can do in the next 2 weeks. That fortnight is called a sprint, as during that time we are going
to run a short race to prepare and test all the tasks that the team committed to finishing during that period.
The usual duration of a sprint should be from 1 to 4 weeks.
Deliveries every two weeks will make our work easier to tackle, as compared to just one big delivery at
the end of the project. Establishing small, frequent milestones will will keep us from getting winded when
faced with the amount of unfinished work. Can you imagine how it would feel to pay just one mortgage
instalment a year instead of every month? Many would be reckless and would have to tighten their belts
the last few months, scraping together a few coins here and there to make the payment on time. Others
would put a small amount aside every month or every week, so that they could reach the deadline without
last-minute distress. This philosophy is quite similar to the one we follow with partial deliveries in every
demo of the sprint.
Burndown Chart: When the Product Owner, in the Demo Meeting after finishing a sprint, authorizes
some or all the tasks that had been scheduled, sets the estimated pending work to zero, so there are fewer
tasks to complete and the chart goes down (that is why it is called burndown). When the chart hits bottom
(there are zero pending tasks in the Product Backlog) we have finished the project. Congratulations! (It
looked like that day would never come.)
In my experience, the Burndown Chart is not only helpful to see whether a project is going well or not,
but it also motivates the team to improve the slope of the graph. If in the current sprint the graph had gone
down a lot, the usual attitude would be if this is OK, watch what we do on the next sprint. If, however,
the slope in the graph was quite horizontal instead, the team would say the work for the next sprint is not
that hard well be able to finish all the stuff we couldnt finish for this one, and also add all the points
of the next one.
Product Owner: This person establishes and prioritizes the list of features that should be developed in the
project (the Product Backlog) according to the needs of the people who pay for the product. The Product
Owner represents the clients perspective and needs. This person is in charge of describing the tasks or
features listed in the Product Backlog and in the Sprint Backlog. This role is normally played by someone
chosen by our client to represent all the people interested in having a final product that is useful to them:
users, managers or executives in the clients side that is, the stakeholders.
A Product Owner who clearly defines the functionality required of the product, who knows the business
well and sets objectives that are clear, straightforward, and free of unnecessary complications is
Scrum Master: A Scrum Master is not exactly a traditional project manager. That role is shared between
the Scrum Master and the Product Owner. The most important mission is protecting the team from
interruptions while they work to complete the sprint and helping to overcome any setbacks that might
prevent the team from reaching the sprint goal. The Scrum Master will prepare the meetings and make
sure they are productive. He or she will also assign tasks to the members of the Development Team and
will follow up on those already assigned.
The Development Team: They are the members responsible for delivering the product. At the end of
each sprint, they must deliver the user stories, reviewed and checked. Otherwise, they will fail in the
Demo Meeting (and well all feel a bit embarrassed).
Sprint Planning Meeting: Before starting the work that has been planned for the following 2 weeks,
you will meet with the Product Owner (and with the people from the clients team that they consider
appropriate) and set the priority level for each task that must be completed in that time (if the team thinks
that the tasks can be done in that period of time). The Product Owner will provide details on the chosen
tasks, explaining anything to the team that might be necessary to carry out the work.
If the work capacity of the team is taken into account, this Planning Meeting will be able, amongst other
things, to fit production to the holiday periods of the team members. Its as simple as explaining: In
two weeks we promise to deliver just 3 of these tasks, instead of 5 as we normally do. Alberto and Pilar
are on holiday next week. That is normally not a problem because the Product Owner would have been
receiving product deliveries after each sprint in a consistent manner.
Daily Meetings: The Development Team and the Scrum Master will meet for 15 minutes every day,
preferably early in the morning, in order to answer the following questions:
I normally work as the Scrum Master in several projects and to each of those daily meetings I take a
printed sheet with these three questions, where I record the answers of the Development Team. At the end
of each sheet I add a section called Tasks for the Scrum Master. There I can note down everything that
the work team needs in order to go on, or what is making their work difficult. Some common examples
of these notes: Call the client and get the client list (tomorrow we start that task!) or Ask for an export
of the database (we need a copy before we start crunching data). It is frequent for me to spend the rest
of the morning trying to solve these problems.
Demo Meeting: After we finish each sprint, a meeting is set with the Product Owner to present a demo
of the work that has been finished in the previous two weeks. In that meeting, the Product Owner will
review what is being shown and will decide whether to sign off on it.
In order to mark a feature as done, it is important for it to be completely finished and error freea number
of tests from the Development Team and a full validation from the client are necessary. If we didnt do
it this way, we would get to the end of the project as per the Burndown Chart (every task would be at 0
pending hours) but the project wouldnt be finished because some features would remain incomplete or
have errors to be corrected.
Regular deliveries allow clients to see how the project advances as well as what has been done in each
sprint, so that they can decide later, in the Sprint Planning Meeting, what they want to see in the following
Demo Meeting. This helps build trust with the clients, instead of the letting them lose sight of the
development company once the requirements are set, and meet months later with a finished product that
would be very difficult to modify.
Retrospective Meeting: After each sprint and demo, the Scrum Master and the Development Team meet
to look at problems that might have come up in the previous two weeks, to find out why the demo meeting
didnt go as well as planned (or maybe it did!), and to figure out whether theres anything that could be
improved for the next delivery.
It is constructive for the work team to feel free to describe what they consider to have been the main
problems, even if that means a bit of embarrassment for the Scrum Master. Problems normally appear in
our blind spot as Scrum Masters and we need someone to help us see what is wrong.
That meeting gave rise to a number of principles governing the new alternative (and Agile) methods they
were proposing: the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto.
Clearly, this is what should be done in any type of development. We start every project with that in mind,
but soon people start getting into a rush. Our director asks how many hours weve spent (and weve spent
a lot already). Our client asks when all the features will be ready. Our workmates ask if they can take that
two-week holiday we owe them.
It starts to look ugly. Were in a mess again. We have to redo the Gantt chart with the new delivery
deadlines, we have to look for another set of dates for those holidays (even our own holidays), and we
have to give the director loads of explanations. The client requested lots of changes. The technology
was new. We miscalculated.
Heres where we should be firm and ask the team for some extra effort, and decline little changes
requested by the client. If it isnt written exactly like that in the contract we signed or the minutes of a
meeting we had six months ago, were sorry but we cant do it.
The thing is, clients also did this. They wrote a very clear contract in which they stated each and every
feature that they wanted (or the ones they wanted when they drafted it). Maybe they no longer needed
those features or had realised that there were other, more important things, but theyre in the contract and
they should be done. The project cannot end and leave 30% of undeveloped functionality.
At the moment, we have lost sight of what should be our top priority in our job: early and continuous
delivery of valuable software. From here on, there are just tough negotiations and a contract that we would
try to fulfil as soon as possible with the least amount of damage possible.
The contract might have tonnes of clauses and stipulations, but regardless of what it says, what the client
wanted on signing it was a solution to the problem at hand, not an argument about whether to implement
one functionality or another.
But if we deliver our software early and often, we can let clients test it and use it and tell us what they
think. We can allow them tell us if there is something missing or what could be improved. They will want
us to implement things they find they now need, and they will be delighted in turn to take out that .rpt
file-exporting feature that no one remembers requesting or knows why it was requested in the first place.
When we finish the project, the client will have a product that really solves their problems, one that has
been evolving while they learned, and one that they have been able to use and test from the early stages
of the project. It sounds better for both the provider and the client, right?
We made a full analysis, we collected all the client needs, and from there we compiled a list of features to
be implemented. All very normal. Correct, coherent features that solved specific problems. With a thick
requirements document and their respective designs, we started to implement these features, one after
Back then, we tried to be a bit Agile (in a way) and every two weeks in pre-production we showed how
things were going. It didnt look half bad. It was easy to use and we even got congratulated by clients on
the work they were seeing.
We were happy like that, so we went on until we developed, with no small effort on our part, all the
features that were included in the analysis document that had been approved. And we deployed them into
And as soon as the administration staff used the application for a few days, they realized they could have
done with some changes: include a table in each screen with the original documents, so they wouldnt
lose sight of them; avoid going out to another menu when creating an entity; adding more controls at the
end to avoid mistakes when filling them in, etc... Most of them were minor changes that wouldnt take
more than two or three days of development, but we had already exhausted our budget (and more).
Amongst the features we had developed from the beginning, there were some complex ones that allowed
complicated changes between workflows and that were difficult to develop (and test, in order to be able
to check every possible case). I asked about them months later but nobody knew anything about them
or which menu they were in. It wasnt considered important. When they had needed something like that,
they had cancelled the process and started a new one.
When we started the project, neither I, nor the client, nor the users had an exact idea of what would work
well. We simply couldnt know for sure. What could have been done to avoid this? Well, we should have
deployed the basic features to production as soon as they were ready. That way we would have easily seen
all these little changes that would have made the application much more practical and easy to use.
From that moment on, in new projects, when users see the need for changes like these, they ask me about
the possibility of including them. They have no problem giving up other features for which they no longer
remembered the reason for including in the initial contract or that no longer made much sense.
The feature list is drafted from the beginning in the Product Backlog. The client is aware of this estimation
and simply says: Take out feature 18, which would take 8 days work, and change it for these other two
features which would take 6 days. We save those two days in case we need some other change.
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the
customer's competitive advantage.
In general, it is advantageous for clients because they get a product that works and is not broken until a
new contract for corrective maintenance is drafted (which would involve paying extra money). But it is
also an advantage for us as providers, because we offer a project that is a good reference, in which we are
aware of and can account for every hour we spend, and we avoid delivering a product that depletes our
budget but still lacks important features.
Yes, but thats no longer of use to me. Now we have to change all this.
There is nothing more difficult and dangerous, or more doubtful of success, than an attempt to
introduce a new order of things.
Disadvantages of using Scrum
How many technologies have quickly popped up and then vanished even quicker? They all promised to
be revolutionary, the new silver bullet that will end every problem in the software industry. When we get
as much hype as has been lavished on Scrum and Agile, our first reaction is to raise a critical brow.
If you are adopting Scrum in your project or company, it is best for you to be informed beforehand about
its drawbacks:
When we have things to deliver every two weeks, and in the latest deliveries the projected functionality
wasnt ready and the speed of the team does not indicate that we will finish the next one on time, we have
a problem. We can succumb to the temptation of finishing the pending tasks in any way we can and leave
a technical debt behind us. Everything has the appearance of going well, we create more features, we
start new things, and the client is happy because deadlines are being met.
But every time you leave a small hole of a deficit behind you, I can guarantee that you will stumble on it
again and make it bigger. If new things keep caving in this way, the debt will become a pit. Sooner or
later youll have to stop everything and fill in the pitpay back that loan and with extra interest because
of that late payment. The project doesnt finish when we were so close to the end, and the burndown chart
appears to have a horizontal asymptote at 0 (sorry again, Math 101 Calculus).
This is one of the main criticisms that Scrum normally receives. In a way, it is logical that Scrum cannot
give you those deadlines. At the beginning of the project, you cannot predict when youre going to finish,
if youre making it easy to change the thing being built as time goes by. But, do you prefer a product
that you know for certain will be finished in 12 months, but is built over the ideas and opinions you
had a year earlier? Maybe you prefer a product that could be finished in a similar period of time, but that
you have been able to steer towards your real needs, and youve been able to use and test before the final
delivery deadline.
We cannot sprint for our whole lives. We deliver something and the next deadline is just two weeks away.
Then another one, and another one. If we have to run like this for many miles, we will sprint really hard
for the first deadline, but we will walk for the last one and that, with luck. It is something we should
bear in mind during planning, from the start.
One of Scrums principles is that the team members must make their own decisions and self-organize.
Also, one of the requirements is to avoid having teams that focus just on specific tasks, like analysis,
testing, design, documentation, development etc., but rather to make sure that every member of the same
team can carry out all of these tasks without depending on external teams or members. Can we always
have a team like this? What happens if we dont have one, or if we lack a key component?
Scrums advantages
I dont want to become one of those Agile evangelists, preaching everywhere about how good and
modern it is to be agile. But now that weve discussed the disadvantages of Scrum, we should look at
Scrums advantages. Im going to focus on one of its brightest features: regular deliveries. Thanks to these
deliveries, Scrum will make the following possible:
The client can start using the product even if not all the elements have been built. If 20% of the new
features have been developedwhich are the features that will be used 80% of the time according to the
Pareto principleusers could start enjoying the product.
With the feedback of users after trying out one of the deliveries, we might realize that some of those
features are far more important than 80% of the remaining tasks in the Product Backlog. Somebody could
say but the draught of the new regulation no longer requires a signed approval form or actually what
we need is a button that would cancel the procedure (we actually received these two comments in real
Businesses change, needs change, regulations change. And what was key when the project was signed
might not be so important six months later. The client can pursue new goals, what to do in each new sprint
and what we should focus on in our next delivery.
Colossal tasks require colossal efforts. If we must deliver just a part of that task every two weeks, our
load will be lighter. Smaller, more manageable tasks make us feel that our job is easier. In each delivery,
we have the feeling of having advanced one more step towards the final goal.
Fewer surprises
When we see our product grow, little by little, we all get an idea of what we are doing with it and if it is
going to be useful or not. Also, we will know pretty accurately at what speed things are being delivered
and how long it will take to finish up. Should we correct our course? We would know that in weeks.
Deliver what the client needs
One of the basic principles of Scrum (and also one of its main challenges) is accepting that clients can
change their minds about what is or isnt necessary. With Scrum, we strive towards providing a flexible
response, admitting that clients themselves may not have put their finger exactly on the problem, and that
often, as the project advances, they may come to realize what they truly need. That is why, among other
things, Scrum is considered an Agile methodology.
The list of requirements and features created at the beginning is open and can be modified at any time.
It contains rough estimations of the amount of effort that each feature requires. Before each iteration,
or sprint, a group of these requirements is set as the goal for that period. Two or three weeks later,
requirements may have shifted and the new goal might be in another direction, rather than the one that
was set a few sprints back.
It is a new way of working, and a bit hard to adopt, for both the client and the provider. There are other,
apparently easier, ways. We can always go back to the traditional formula. First we analyse the problem
for months. When weve determined what should be built, we start developing it for a few months more.
When were finished, we cross our fingers and deliver our final product to the client.
After this step, who hasnt heard sentences like: but this is not what I wanted, theres this thing missing
here, or no, it wasnt like this, you misunderstood me or yeah, its fine, but Im going to call the
Director, actually hes the one who has to sign it off. After months of work, of stress and rushing around
to deliver by the deadlines, clients have not received what they need and we need to work even more to
try and patch up the proposed solution.
I have wondered if it is possible to be agile when you are building something so big. I think that the
answer is yes, you can. At least I can think of a few advantages of being agile when you are immersed in
a project that is the size of a cathedral:
With a framework such a Scrum, youll always bear in mind the final goal and the features it should have.
In the Sprint Backlog you will have a series of requirements such as the creating a ground plan, raising
the vault, decorating doors and windows, and many other things that will give shape to the final cathedral.
But once the goal has been defined, we have to start chipping stone. At the beginning of each iteration,
the team will choose which tasks can be started from the list of things that are pending construction (and
that has been prioritized by our client). We will define a smaller goal for the next few weeks, so well
have a new goal, a much closer goal that will help us not to despair at the distance that still separates us
from the final goal. It is the moment to pick up our hammer and our chisel.
When our pending tasks are divided into small groups to be solved in fixed amounts of time, they are
timeboxed. This is a divide and conquer strategy. Plan your most immediate goal and what you will do
to solve it without getting overwhelmed with all the work still pending. A Burndown Chart will also help
you see how the amount of pending work is diminishing and that, however slow it may seem, you are
making progress towards your final goal: the cathedral.
Short sprints
With this solution, we will keep the tasks that have already been programmed for that sprint. If our sprints
are 1 or 2 weeks long, we will be able to make the unplanned tasks a priority on the to-do list for the next
sprint. If the sprint is one week long, we will start urgent tasks after 3 days, on average.
In an ideal world, this would work but it would pose some disadvantages. Not every issue can wait for a
few days to be solved. A whole service could depend on it.
If in each sprint the team has the capacity to solve 10 planned stories, we could promise to deliver just
7, so the team has time to solve urgent issues. That way we wont fail when its time to deliver what we
promised, sprint after sprint.
In my opinion this solution can be useful in some projects but it could create another problem. Let me
explain. Normally the load factor is 75%. If we lower it so were able to devote 30% of the teams time to
urgent tasks, we should apply a load factor ranging from 40 to 50%. On this 40% were using Scrum but,
how are we managing the rest of the teams time? What do we know about that pile of tasks that were
solving sprint after sprint?
This solution consists of having a Scrum team for the identified and planned tasks, and a Kanban team for
the urgent issues. With Kanban we can add new tasks to the TO-DO column as they arrive, and we will
follow them up until they get shifted to the DONE column. With this the team will be even more agile,
reducing the overhead in meetings and planning that we could suffer with Scrum.
We still have a dilemma with unplanned tasks, which are, well, unplanned. There will be times when the
Kanban team providing support will be oversized, because there are very few issues. But then a week
later the number of issues and their importance could be so high that we will need any help we can get.
To minimise those risks, we could rely on the previous solutions. We could have short sprints, so the
Scrum development team can plan the tasks for the next iteration. We could also use a lower load factor
so the team can have a bit of room in their planning to give a hand if needed. In the same way, the support
team can help with planned sprint tasks when their TO-DO column starts to look empty. To make the
most of this, it would be good if all members in all teams rotated, so that everyone knows every aspect of
the job.
If our company has been lucky enough to win the tender, then both of us, provider and client, have to
face the harsh day-to-day reality of projects. Circumstances change. New legislation comes up that affects
the project. Things that were deemed correct a few months ago are no longer valid, because needs have
changed. What should we do? If we adapt the project to every change that the client needs, then we
providers have to bear the brunt of additional cost. If we refuse to change anything for the client, always
waving the contract and its specifications in their face, we risk delivering something that might be perfect
for last years decree, butfor that very reason (or for any other reason)is no longer of any use.
The way to avoid this, or at least the way that has worked best for me so far, arises from the way of
working in Scrum projects. At the beginning of the project I make a list with the features to be developed,
and give them a score that the client knows right from the beginning.
I normally give the example of a large jar full of ping-pong balls. Each ball is a feature that must be
developed. The jar is full. If the Product Owner wants to include two new features, I ask that person to tell
me which other featuresor ping-pong balls of a similar sizeshould we take out of the jar. Normally
this vision solves the predicament and the Product Owner does not resist giving up other features, now
recognizing that they arent important. If it all gets recorded in the meetings minutes and, most important
of all, if the Product Owner understands what is being given up and what will be gained instead, it is
normally a comfortable solution for both sides.
About preparation or before programming. Some people call it sprint #0, the sprint where you prepare
your tools, install the stuff you need, train the team, etc.. It can be a longer sprint (3, 4 weeks or so). Some
detractors criticise this sprint because it is not agile, and because it hides some work that is taken care of
in the same way as the rest.
It is true that it can be very comfortable, because we tell the client that well be back in 3 weeks to have
the preparation meeting for the first sprint, and by then we have organized it all. I have also used those
zero sprints in my first projects, but now I prefer to solve those issues also in an Agile manner.
I try to make every one of those tasks (installing the development server, installing the demo server,
creating a project and tasks in Trac or Redmine, installing the Integrated Development Environment or
IDE, etc.) part of the first sprint and, if possible, have a set deliverable at the end of each demo.
In that demo, we could show, for example, the project-management tool already installed in the final URL
and the task list with the tasks ready to be assigned, or we could launch the IDE in that demo meeting, and
check whether the environment has been created correctly and whether Jetty executes a Hello World
application correctly.
Another important step is the initial architecture design. If we make a huge design with all the application
architecture (known as a big up-front design) before we start programming, we will be returning to a
waterfall design. Firstly, we analyse everything, three months later we do all the design work during a
couple of months, and then we program everything in one go until we finish it six months later. If we
finish all work and show it to the clients and they say: that is not what we discussed a year ago then
we have a problem.
It is better to design one of the modules of the application, or one of the new features, then draft the
specifications, and finally send them to development. While part of the team implements them, analysts
can gather requirements for another module or another feature, and go on doing so sprint after sprint.
There will be sprints in which we wont have new stuff to analyse and others in which the development
goes a bit faster than the specifications, but normally there is always some task ready to be carried out
while Product Owners sign off the latest requirements, or until those requirements are completely defined.
If we work like that, new modules or features could be regularly deployed to production or preproduction,
so users will be able to take advantage of them without waiting until the very last feature of the application
has been designed.
It had to be filled up with something. Maybe the last few songs did not have the same quality as the two
or three first hits in the disc? Well, it was necessary to justify the price, to pad it a little. This could make
you hate the author for those last three songs in a duet with Tom Jones or the techno-pop version of their
first hit.
The same can happen with books. We feel better if our book is 500 pages long, and we write it for two
years but, at what cost to you, the writer? And for the reader who buys it? Probably that reader is only
interested in the chapters on Agile quotes or about Scrums advantages.
Something of the sort happened to me while I wrote this book. It had very few pages and I was tempted
to add some filler chapters. They werent really as interesting as the rest and they werent as close to the
main subject of the book. I ended up taking them out. The first version of the book was about 67 pages
long, but I chose to keep it that way instead of having readers think that the book was too long or too
This expression, attributed to Steve Jobs (Real artists ship!) refers to the fact that real artists are not
constantly re-thinking their work until they have the perfect painting or the perfect sculpture. They ship
their works, put them up for sale, and then see what the market is really interested in.
Have you written a tutorial on how to install Pentaho? A Wordpress configuration manual? What are they
doing in a drawer? Get a cover (there are hundreds of websites for that), format it, write an attractive
description, and put it up for sale at Amazons KDP, at iTunes or wherever you want.
It is only 30 pages long? Well, then sell it for one or two dollars. If you sell a few youll get a return for
the 20 or so hours that it took you. Also, youll have learned lots of things about digital marketing, sales,
royaltiesand also about which kinds of subjects sell books and which dont.
No matter how much you try to write the perfect book, with the perfect cover, with the exact price to
maximise sales and no typosyou wont be able to do it. Perfection is a vertical asymptote (sorry again,
Math 101 Calculus).
The better you try to make it, the higher the cost will be for you. When youve put an enormous amount
of hours into it, putting in another enormous amount wont get you any closer to getting a bestseller.
When I put the book up for sale, I realized from the first opinions on the book that users thought it would
be a Scrum manual. I had to learn from that and change the description to make it clearer. Small changes
in the description had very high impact on sales.
In the same way, when I updated the book to its second cover, sales increased by 30%. Sadly it went
further down when I changed it to the third cover. It was more expensive, and in my opinion prettier, but
apparently Amazons users didnt like it.
Your leads will tell you if they find the content, the cover or the subject interesting or not. You can think
it over again and again, but until the book is not in the virtual shelves you wont know what works and
what doesnt. Avoid the paralysis that sets in with perfectionism and dont overthink it. Put your book up
for sale and let them decide (remember, real artists ship!).
Seen on Twitter
Estimates with Scrum
One of the things that gives us more headaches when we decide to adopt Scrum (and also when we dont)
is how to make estimates, and how they will help us know how were doing or when well finish the
project. In Scrum you normally estimate twice (yes, twice) but not in the traditional way, which consists
of one single and well-thought-out estimate that took hours or days at the beginning of the project.
This way to make estimates is somewhat controversial, but Ill try to explain it in the best possible way.
We carry out a rough estimation in points, not in hours, based on the initial feature list. We estimate the
effort or difficulty that we believe each of the projects requirements would take. We measure it (or,
more accurately, we calibrate it) following for example the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.) or
even using the sizing chart that you normally see on t-shirts (S, M, L, XL, XXL, etc.).
By the Cone of Uncertainty Principle, no matter what estimation we have done, no matter how much
time weve devoted to it or the methodology weve used, our estimate will without a doubt be wrong. If
it turns out to be right, it will probably be just a coincidence (unless we know each and every detail of
the project). Rodrigo Corral explains it very well in his blog post Intuition-led project management, or
why project management is so difficult (in Spanish Gestin de proyectos guiada por la intuicin, o por
qu gestionar proyectos es tan difcil)the rest of the post is really worth it, too. Then, why should we
devote so much effort to it? Well just give 1 or 2 points to simple features, 3 or 5 to the medium-difficult
ones and 8 to 13 to the difficult or very difficult tasks, and thats it. (Do you need more points? Then
maybe you should break down that feature into smaller ones).
This will save you enormous amounts of effort when it comes to estimations. And we may as well say
it: this will also reduce the teams stress (they are normally afraid of being wrong with estimates). With a
high-level estimation with points, we avoid some of the drawbacks of hour-based estimates. For example,
if we indicate that a certain task will take 40 hours, the rule that work will expand until it takes up all
available time will apply to this, too. On the other hand, we will avoid the common mistake made by
Scrum newbies (yes, I made that mistake too) which consists of thinking that if 40 hours have been spent
on this task, the burndown chart must descend 40 hours. This would give the false impression of going
forward in the project if the task is not completely finished and approved by the client, and we actually
have 20 more hours to go until that item is successfully completed.
The second estimate will be made when we plan the sprint tasks. In this planning, we will know the
project much better and what each task implies. We will be able to do an hour-based estimate then, even
though some teams still decide to estimate on points at that juncture, or decide not to estimate at all.
These types of estimates will allow us to calculate the ROI (return on investment) of each feature, so
clients can decide which kind of task they want taken care of in the next sprint. For example: a Product
Owner knows that feature A will take 2 work weeks to finish and places the value or importance of the
task at 100. But maybe seeing that, the Owner decides to prioritise features B, C and D, valued at 50
points each, and that can also be done in those 2 weeks. That way the client could get more value faster:
150 points of value for the final product, instead of 100.
More on estimates
When we talk about estimating using Agile techniques, some things are difficult to accept for those of us
who have been planning and calculating timing and deadlines for a few years.
We can find several techniques for Agile planning: Planning Poker, clothing sizes for task classification
(S, M, L, XL, etc.) or Team Estimation Game, but, lets face it, theyre difficult to integrate in a traditional
development environment, and even harder to integrate for the clients who purchase our products (or at
least, for the clients Ive been able to work with).
Were not used to seeing a team playing cards for a session of Planning Poker (at least, I am not used
to it). I do, however, agree with the philosophy behind those techniques. I believe that theyre becoming
more and more popular partly because it is necessary to dispel some myths regarding estimations. Lets
try and do just that:
We do estimates wrong
Can we do them right? To estimate is to predict how long a task will take or what materials we will need
for a certain job. When we do an estimate with high uncertainty, as for example when we use the data
included in a public-tender document, its not so much an estimation as a bet.
We need estimationsthats obvious. We must try to predict what will happen, so we can make decisions.
But unless weve gone through that specific task many times before, with the same team and under the
same circumstances, we need to be aware that our estimates will very likely be wrong.
The more effort we put into an estimation, the closer well be to reality
Estimations have a cost and that cost is high. When we dont know every specific detail of every bit of
the work well be taking on, does it make sense to spend hours and hours to guess about tasks that we do
not know very well? When you finish your next project, do this exercise for me. Review the time spent on
every task. Youll see that you estimated 20 hours on tasks that took you 100, and youll find that with
luck you spent 20 hours on tasks that you thought would take you 100. Youll see that there were some
tasks that no-one marked as done. They simply werent necessary. However, hours are spent on tasks that
were added later and that no-one considered necessary in the initial estimate.
The fact that were using complex estimation techniques could give us a false sense of security about
our estimate, and prevent us from striving for higher reliability. That could actually cause us higher costs
(see above) where we invest time that would have been better spent doing something else (like reducing
How to make estimates come out the way you want (dont fool
Now, lets hear a quick story about how we fool ourselves when somebody requests a quote for a job. It
may have happened to you at some point.
A client has requested a quote. He has an idea in mind and wants to know how much it will cost and
how long will it take. He made some calculations in his head and comments briefly on the numbers he is
You arrive to your office and meet with the experts in these types of projects. After mulling it over
for quite a bit you agree on how long it will take and the level of difficulty. Youve had to do a little
convincing, so theyre not so overly cautious, because after all it doesnt look like a difficult project.
However, the final quote reached is way higher than the client had foreseen. Furthermore, if that vision
were to be true, the project would not be finished by the deadline . Youll need to reduce that estimate by
at least 50%.
Youve done this before. Youll be faster this time. Youve carried out similar projects on other
occasions, so youve surely learned from your mistakes. Also the problems that came up other times
wont necessarily happen this time (10% less). Are you sure you wont have some new problems?
The clients said they wanted something simple. It wont be that hard to do. Well do something basic
well cut on the complex stuff (10% less). The clients know their business well and its easy for them,
but, what about you? Do you know everything you need to know about their business?
Well really keep an eye on costs. Some other projects werent monitored very closely, but this time
youll be especially watchful of every hour spent, and you wont let costs go through the roof (10% less).
Well put our best technicians on it. Its a major project for an important client. Well put our best
people on it (10% less, even though you dont know whether theyll be available on the date you need
Well make an extra effort. If push came to shove, and we saw we were about to miss the deadline, we
would ask every stakeholder to make an additional effort for a few weeks. If its necessary, well even add
some extra technicians halfway through so we can finish on time (10% less). Remember Brooks Law:
adding extra staff to a project thats late will only delay it even more.
And there we are. With just a little bit more work, weve been able to cut the initial estimate by 50%.
Actually, to make the estimate match the budget, weve convinced ourselves that we can do the work
in half the time. Sad to say, stats show that software projects take an average of 120% more time than
initially estimated, and that final costs are normally 100% more than was budgeted at first.
George Siedel, a professor in the University of Michigan, has a test he normally runs on his students to
show the effect of anchoring in their predictions. He asks every student to do the following:
Write down in a piece of paper the last three digits of your phone number. Add 400 to that
number and write it down in the same piece of paper.
Attila of the Huns was one of the most terrible conquerors of our era, until he was defeated by
the Romans. Was he defeated before or after of the date you noted down in your piece of paper? Write in
your note Before or After.
Now write down the year in which you think Attila of the Huns was defeated.
Funny enough, those whose number plus 400 was between 400 and 599, predicted that Attila was defeated
on 580, on average. But those whose result was between 1200 and 1399 estimated, on average, that it
had happened around 1340. They had connected the two things, but what does the year of Attilas defeat
have to do with our phone number? Nothing at all. But we all naturally tend to be influenced by the first
information we receive.
This is what happens when clients request a quote but say they can only spend 20,000. We do our
calculations for the cost of the project influenced by this number, in pretty much the same way as the
example with Attila and our phone number above. If the real data when the project finishes shows a much
higher number, did we execute it wrong, or did we estimate it wrong because we were anchored to those
Do not place much trust on your experience in similar projects. Experts also fail on their estimations.
Two researchers asked specialised pulmonary surgeons for the probabilities that a certain patient would
develop a pulmonary condition.
They asked the first group if the chance was higher or lower than a random number from a cardlets say
20%and then asked them to add their own estimation. The second group was asked the same question,
but with a different random card lets say 50%.
You can imagine the results. The calculations of most members of the first group were close to the first
number shown on the card. And in the second group, they were close to that 50% that appeared on the
second card. The random number that was shown to them influenced their prediction much more than all
their previous knowledge on the subject.
Be very careful with any information that may anchor your estimations. It could become very costly for
Who hasnt ever been wrong when estimating the cost of a project? We carefully divide and subdivide
work, with a detailed list of small tasks. We consult our senior colleagues about the most complex ones,
and we consider the time to prepare the environment, and many, many more things. But still, we get it
wrong, and quite frequently, we get it wrong by a large margin. Whats happening? Dont we know how
to estimate correctly? We cant lose money on every project, but we cant inflate our quotes just in case,
either, because well start to lose clients.
There are many reasons why we get it wrong time and again when we estimate. But maybe
overconfidence is one of the main ones.
Human beings are optimistic by nature. We trust our own abilities too much, and we tend to think that we
are immune to small daily disasters. Were not. When we calculate mentally how long will it take us to
finish a certain task, we normally just count the time needed to write the code. But we often forget about
the time we need to test, deploy, document, and discuss the code, to solve that bug in a certain browser,
to write the user manual, and endless other things.
Ive got bad news. Youre too optimistic, too. You dont think so? Humour me with this test. If I ask you
what year Mozart was born, you wont be able to give me an exact number. But if I make it a little easier
and ask you for a range of years in which he was born with a 90% probability, you might just dare to
venture an answer.
If we made this test a bit longer and we added another 9 questions in which you could give an answer
with 90% probability, with questions like the length of the Nile or the diameter of the Moon, what do you
think would happen?
If your estimations were correct, you should have gotten 9 out of 10 questions right but they probably
werent. Most people get two or three questions right. Dont worry, we do tend to be overly optimistic,
and we choose a range thats too narrow to get right (we should have chosen a probability range of being
right about 30% of the time). It happens to all of us. Actually, the people who lack this optimistic bias are
considered clinically depressed.
If youre curious, Mozart was born in 1756, the river Nile is 6,738 km long and the diameter of the Moon
is 3,476 km. This overconfidence in our estimations or predictions is normally studied in negotiations
and sales processes of every kind, from real estate to start-ups. George Siedel, from the University
of Michigan, explains it in his Coursera online course. Have a look, I highly recommend it. Nearly
everything in life is a negotiation (project management, too).
Whatever we decide to call these people, their contribution to a project is key to its success. They decide
which features the project will have, which ones are indispensable and which ones are not. Maybe they
will be the users of the final project, and thus will have a very clear idea of which elements would be
key to create a useful tool that they use daily at work. However, its usefulness shouldnt be limited to just
themselves or their department, but rather it should also take into account the requirements of the whole
When we start a new project, the Project Director on the clients side and the users of the final product
have lots of ideas and great expectations about the new system. Sadly, no project, no matter how big it is,
accommodate each and every suggestion from its users. Some ideas would be irrelevant for most users,
other features might be too expensive to implement, or they would take so long to build that the project
would be delayed for too long before being delivered. Its here where the Project Director on the clients
side, who knows the market well and has a clear vision of the product, will have to prioritise the most
important features and discard those that provide less value to the final product.
To explain how far-reaching the responsibilities of Project Directors are, lets imagine the following. Our
company decides to contract the development of a new airline ticketing system. In the company, they
have decided that Elena will be the Product Owner or Project Director, and she will have to transmit to
the chosen company all the requirements and needs that the new system must deal with.
Elena has a very clear vision of what she wants and is extremely enthusiastic about the project. So are the
IT, marketing, and sales department heads, who have prepared an exhaustive list of features that the new
product should include. Even in informal conversations, every day the future users of the system make
new feature requests. Elena doesnt want to miss anything important and conscientiously writes down all
these requirements in a notebook.
Two months later, Elena realises that the team carrying out the work in the development company is
delivering from 4 to 6 new features every week, and this seems to be their maximum capacity. She is
happy with the work they are doing, but she has a problem: in her notebook she gets about 10 new feature
requests every week. The list is growing and soon she will need a new notebook.
First of all, she asks the work team to double their efforts and deliver 10 features a week. Unfortunately,
not many more features are delivered, and worse yet, she can tell that the quality of those features has
gone down. On occasion, they even have to stop everything and correct previous deliveries. If things go
on like this, frustration and stress will take over the project.
From now on, Elena must decide what should and shouldnt be done. Not every feature will be included:
at least not now. Some will have to wait for future versions. And of course, the idea of including a Clippy-
style assistant to the purchase process for flight tickets will get a clear NO.
But, which features should she have developed first? Which criteria should she apply? Elena realises that
there isnt a direct relationship between feature cost and value added to the final project. Some features
are easy to build, but some others take a very long time to develop while not actually providing a lot of
value to the final product. If she asks the work team directly how many days each of those features would
take, she will know what was the approximate cost would be. If she asks the users to score importance of
each feature from 1 to 5, she will be able to calculate the value for her company.
If there are two features that have the same approximate cost, but one has value 1 and another one has
value 3, they will clearly add the second one. If there are two features with approximately the same value
for the company, but the first one would be ready in 5 days while the second one would be ready in a few
hours, its also quite clear which one they should work on first.
Elena knows that the value and cost of each feature arent absolute values, but just approximations. We
dont know how much an apple weighs, but we know its about 5 times bigger than a strawberry and that
people like the strawberry more (at least, the people who will pay for it like it more), so the strawberry
would be built first. Its an easy way to decide what provides more value, faster, to our project.
Communication is one of Elenas main responsibilities. She must be in contact with the work team, but
also with the people in her company who have something to say about the product that is being built.
She has to be able to say no when necessary: she has to be practical in this sense, making this decision
swiftly and directly. And also, she should know her business inside out, to make sure that everything that
gets built will actually provide value to the company. I would say that Elena has quite a lot on her plate,
dont you think?
Who wants to work till late again? Please raise your hand!
Small start-ups
Ana had been laid off from a software-development company. After some time thinking about it, she
managed to convince David and Alberto to join her in a project they had been discussing since college:
founding their own company to develop software.
They were lucky that their first client soon appeared. It was a dairy-distribution company that had decided
to give them a chance. The Head of IT in their area knew them from their previous jobs, had good
references about them, and thought that it would be a wise idea to increase their vendor database by
including a young local company. He would give them a small, non-vital project. If it worked well, many
more would follow.
Ana, David, and Alberto did not consider it a small project at all. They had no experience managing
projects of that size on their own, and were afraid they would choke on it. They had offered a very low
price to build a stock-control tool, so they had to be very competitive if they were to make money with
the budget they had.
There was also another added risk. The international consulting company that normally developed
software for the client would be a hard opponent to beat. If the project went wrong or was late, the stock-
control tool would end up being integrated as one more module in the ERP that the consulting company
had already deployed for their client.
Ana and her partners decided to follow an Agile methodology like Scrum to try and reach the level of
efficiency that would help them succeed in their first project. They knew that if they spent too long
analysing possible features and then spent months and months implementing them, the project could be
cancelled as the client would not be able to see short-term results. Their main target was to get something
into production as soon as possible: something useful for the client, even if it didnt have all the requested
With this idea in mind, they started to develop their software. Every 2 weeks they showed the head of IT
and the warehouse managers what has been accomplished during the previous fortnight. It looked good,
but the company hadnt started to use it yet, so they didnt know if it would work or not.
Soon Ana suggested deploying a pilot version to production, one with a pilot version that would allow
them only to add new stock, to record stock entries and withdrawals, and to draft a simple stock report.
There wouldnt be any complex functionality that would foresee demand or any SMS alerts when the
stock for a given product was low.
When warehouse workers started using the new application, doubts arose, but also it became clearer what
was useful and what wasnt. After so many meetings, no one had thought that it would be useful to add
a history of the products delivery so they would know how far in advance a product should be ordered
before they ran out of stock. Or that the order screen should include current orders of the same product,
to avoid duplications in ordering.
The next items on which to work were quite clear now. Also, they constantly received new application-
improvement requests. They had seen that if they integrated the warehouse-management tool with the
invoicing software of the delivery vehicles, they would avoid typing every product twice, once for each
system, which would save them lots of time and errors. This was not foreseen from the beginning, but they
reached an agreement. They wouldnt develop the demand-prediction tool, which would be postponed
until a later version was developed, but instead they would add this integration with the delivery agents
mobile devices.
Cooperating with the client, accepting changes in requirements, and frequent deliveries of working
software made the project a success for the dairy distributor. Now, at this local branch, they had a
piece of software that did its job and also lightened the load on the warehouse workers and the delivery
salespeople. They heard about the project in the Madrid headquarters, and were considering implementing
it in other locations. Who knows, maybe this would mean a new project for Ana, Alberto, and Davids
The engineer received this appointment with great enthusiasm, and went on to plan an estimate for
everything that would be needed for the construction. He calculated how many builders, cranes, pulleys,
scaffolds and centrings would be necessary. He could clearly see that with 50 builders the bridge could be
finished in 4.7 years.
With the 600,000 sestertii that he had received to execute this assignment, he quickly bought all the
necessary materials according to his calculations, and had them delivered to the construction site. He
recruited the 50 builders he had estimated he would need and sent them to the river bank to start work at
soon as possible. There was no time to lose. The sooner it was begun, the sooner it would be finished.
Soon, however, the workers told him that they didnt need so many pulleys and cranes, but that there
werent enough pickaxes and saws for the job. I cant do anything about that, said the engineer, most
of the money has already been spent and there isnt much left to buy new materials. Youll have to adapt
to what weve got.
The construction went on, and soon afterwards it became clear that things werent going as planned. The
foreman told the engineer that the stone quarry where the stone was being cut was too far away, and that
the road was full of bumps and potholes from last years flooding. It just took too long to bring the stone
in carts to the bridge. Youll have to make an extra effort, said the engineer, theres no time now to fix
the road.
The foreman also informed the engineer that it would be necessary to build arches in the bridge, to reduce
the amount of materials used, and, most of all, to improve its resistance. Theres no time for frills, said
the engineer. Were late. Well add a little extra mortar in the pillars, and thatll be it.
The news about the construction of the bridge came to the Prefects ears. He despaired when he heard
about how slowly the work was progressing, so he sent for the engineer. The Prefect needed to justify his
actions in Rome, and demanded that the bridge be ready for Saturnalia. The engineer explained that, in
order to achieve that, he would need at least another 50 workers. As he was also pressured from above,
the Prefect agreed and committed to send the new workers a month later.
Back at the bridge, the engineer gathered all the builders and asked them for an additional effort to comply
with that new deadline. The workers could not understand how were they to work twice as fast if they
didnt have enough stone, and in any case they always had to wait for the mortar to set.
Not even with the new workers could the bridge be built on time. There werent enough tools for
everyone, the stone was still slow reaching the worksite, and collapses were common because of the
hurried construction process.
In ancient Rome, a bridges builders had to stand underneath it while an entire legion crossed it. Its a
good incentive to build firm, solid bridges, dont you think?
The Cicada, ready to learn from her hard-working friends, decided that it would be a good idea to prepare
for the winter. The leaves and sticks she used to build her shelter the previous year were getting dry, and
it wouldnt hurt to have a new home to spend the winter in comfort.
She quickly started to plan the wonderful shelter she would build. Now that she had time she would build
it with every possible comfort. She would be the envy of the whole meadow. The stories about her new
home would be heard far away, further even than the cypress hedge. It would have spacious windows so
the light would flood in, and she would design a clever pulley system that would save her many trips to
and from the barn to store what she had collected.
The Ant, however, had a plan. In August she would build the first room, which would be the barn. That
way, if the rains started early this season, she and the other ants would have at least some extra space to
store their grain. Then she planned the rest of the work according to its importance. If she didnt have
enough time to finish it all by the deadline, she would have built at least the most important parts.
In September she would dig a hole that would later become the hall were the first larvae of the year would
live. In October she would build an additional room to increase barn capacity. Lastly, in November she
would finish the work by digging a hall where she could grow fungi.
In the meantime, the Cicada was worried about having a dining hall that was big enough, and a structure
as solid as necessary to hold everything she had imagined. She would run back and forth looking for the
materials she would need to build all the things that she had planned in her head.
In October the first rains came, but the Cicada didnt even have a basic shelter to take cover in. Also, water
ruined some of her first constructions that were halfway built, and she had to start again. Then November
came and the weather became really ugly. She had to hurry up and started working from sunrise to sunset.
Those first October rains made the Ant think that something could go wrong, and she decided to test
whether the work that was already done would be useful. She started to fill her new barn with grain and
soon she noticed that the access hole was too small for big leaves, and that it should be a bit higher if they
wanted to avoid water or mud coming through. In order to fix this, they had to stop doing other things.
Winter came early that year, and the Ant realized that she wouldnt have enough time to build the last
room, so in the main anthill they decided that they should open an extra entrance, in case the main one
got blocked by a stone or an enemy.
The Cicada, however, was surprised by the bad weather. She didnt really know what was finished and
what wasnt. Also, what she had considered finished had not been tried out, and now there was no time to
improve it. Winter was here and no more work could be done.
In her new shelter, under the leaking roof, the Cicada promised herself that this would never happen again:
Next year Ill start work even before the Ant, she said to herself.
A pottery teacher in an art school divided his students in two groups and told them what they had to do
to get an A+ in his class. He told the first group that they had to do 100 vases in order to get the highest
mark. However, he told the second group that to get that A+ they had to make the best vase. This last
group devoted enormous amounts of time and energy to debate and read about the best techniques for
creating vases. But the best vases were actually done by the first group. They had devoted their time to
practice, practice, practice and made 100 vases. Their technique had improved. Its the same with your
blog, your app or that design youve been thinking about. Let them meet the real users and let those users
give you a thumbs up.
The world of software is full of products that were developed over years until they had every feature a
client could imagine, in the way they were initially designed by their creators. Sadly when the software
met the market, the market had its own ideas and needs. Very few people used every feature in those
applications. Other features were heavily demanded, but none of the creators had thought about them
when those products were first designed.
There is a Spanish proverb: perfect is the enemy of good. When you have a small but already useful
product, ship it, show it to the public, get your first clients. They will tell you whats missing. Learn about
that, launch a second version, then a third. If you cant get at least a small client base with your first
version, maybe it is not the right time or place for your product. At least youll learn lots of things you
didnt know yet, and you wont have wasted months and months of your work.
Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.
Peter Drucker
The fiasco of the website has already become famous worldwide. The site which was
meant to be a main asset of Obamacare, the national health plan, included in the election manifesto of the
American president. It intended to improve the way in which a major part of the population made their
health plans: the part that couldnt afford them.
The project, developed by a company called CGI, is now finished. The result, 292 million dollars have
disappeared down the drain. Theres a website that collapses when a few hundred users connect at the
same time. It also makes frequent mistakes when calculating the monthly plan of many of its users.
An expert team analysed the failure of this project. They found a lack of metrics or dashboards to check
on the progress of each of the development phases. Project Management had no idea about the current
state of things. This called to mind this classical axiom about quality. It is normally attributed to Peter F.
Drucker: If it cannot be defined, it cannot be measured. If it cannot be measured, it cannot improve. And
what cannot be improved, eventually deteriorates. There are many variations of this statement and many
versions about its authorship. I prefer to use a somewhat more positive version: if it can be measured, it
can be improved.
A basic metric for project management with Scrum is to add up how much work is still pending. Every
day we can add up all our pending task estimates for the current sprint. This will give us the total amount
of pending work until the end of the current iteration: the Release Burndown. With a bit of luck on the
next day we will have finished some new tasks and the addition will result in a smaller number. If we
represent this on a graph, it will go down until it reaches 0 on the horizontal axis. The steeper the line, the
faster our team is going. We can do the same with the Product Pile if we add up the estimates of all the
pending features.
Another useful and simple graph that we can use is CFD: the Cumulative Flow Diagram. First we take
the data from the Kanban board, where we represent how the project is going. Then, each week, we jot
down how many tasks we have under way and what state they are in. Imagine, for example, that we have
a board in which we only have tasks in three states. These states are: To-Do, In Progress, and Done. The
graph would look something like this:
At the beginning of the project, all tasks would be pending (in blue, To-Do). At the end of the project all
would be Done (in green).
This representation has not been chosen randomly. I have observed in several projects that the graph
tends to have this shape. The speed is slow at the beginning (not very steep), when the team is getting
together. Then things gear into high speed once the initial friction has been overcome. At the end, it is
slow again, when some things that had been considered correctly completed are found not to be, and that
some other things should be corrected. This means that the definition of Done or Finished was not
applied correctly.
As we can see in the graph, the project will not be finished on time. If we want the work-pending line to
reach zero, we will need at least 4 or 5 more sprints. The team is finishing an average of 11 points per
week. In sprint 10, the moment initially set as the deadline, there are still 60 points left. So if this speed
goes on, we will finish by sprint 15 or 16.
The team working on the project is inexperienced. Or the technology used is completely new
for them, so they cant complete the tasks in the time initially projected. The graph will tell us, from the
first weeks on, that the project is not going well. This way we will know that we should face the problem.
We can provide help in the shape, for example, of a more experienced new member of the team. Adding
people to the team, especially when the project is quite advanced, also has its risks.
Another possible cause is that the definition of Done has not been used correctly. Some tasks
may have been deemed finished while still containing errors. And so the client or Product Owner does not
consider them finished. Thus the points are not awarded in the Demo Meeting. Maybe the Product Owner
is not marking tasks as finished, and instead is postponing the final approval indefinitely.
Malcolm Forbes
Mistakes are made all the time when we manage projectsat least I have made a few. In this section I
will list only some of them. They are the most relevant or the most confessable ones, depending on your
point of view. Ive messed up in many other ways, but this chapter had to have a limit. So, here they are:
This is the order: first you identify a problem, and then you come up with a solution. Never the other way
round. It is quite common to hear about a modern solution that we apply to the project with enthusiasm.
No matter whether there was a problem to solve or not. What is the use of deploying the new and
sophisticated software for Test Driven Development in our daily work, if your problem with that project
is way more basic? Or if you dont have a tight grip on the version control system?
We all know that in some projects the number of hours spent tends to go through the roof. Only rarely
do the predicted number of hours and the actual ones coincide. Our first reaction is normally to double-
check every hour registered. Then we draft complex graphs that show us how well were doing versus the
estimate. But does this actually help us finish the project on time?
Imagine that someone hired us to carry a heavy load from point A to point B. We estimated that it would
take 10,000 steps. What is the use of knowing that weve walked 5,000 steps already? Do we know where
we are, or if weve been going in circles? Wouldnt it be better to raise our head to see whether we are on
the right path? Maybe double check that the road leads from A to B, or see whether there is an easier way
to get there?
Phantom requirements
Sometimes we ask our team members to change what theyve already done because the client wont
accept it like that. Or because we think the product should work in some other way. Our colleague had
already finished a proposal that took time and effort. Its better to see whether the client likes it. The
client will decide whether its right or wrong. Investing time in unsolicited corrections will only delay
delivery. Careful, though this doesnt mean that we shouldnt review or check our work for quality
before showing it to the client. All Im saying is: if it aint broke, dont fix it.
Project Managers normally work on several projects at the same time. This implies that they juggle
several clients, with their needs and deadlines, and thus accumulate tension and stress. Personally I try
not to spread the stress to other members of the work team and to supply all the serenity I can. Of course,
every team member must be aware of our delivery deadlines and needs to know which job we should
finish for each client. Adding the need to rush to the daily routine only brings quality problems in the final
product. Or creates things that are only half solved and that you will have to solve for good later on. This
will also make us spend double the amount of time that those tasks would have required in the first place.
One of the first mistakes in a project is to start every task as soon as possible without stopping and
planning which steps should be part of it, and without determining whether they are truly necessary or
whether we could simplify them somehow. I mean not only implementing it in the easiest possible way,
but also simplifying the task in itself. Some examples: For this complex system that interconnects several
computers. Isnt there already some sort of pre-defined standard? Should this parser be able to solve
third-order equations? The best way to spend your time is reducing the complexity of the work to be done.
I have combed those balances and extracted five of the most important lessons I have learned. Some are
beginners pitfalls. Others I should have solved by simple logic but matters werent so obvious when I
was in the middle of things. Here they are:
Agile works
Its difficult to quantify, but ever since I started using Scrum in my projects, the number of hours spent per
feature has gone down and in my opinion quite considerably so. We were able to gain 80% of Scrums
advantages with three things. First, the daily 15-minute follow-up meeting. Second, keeping the graph
of the state of the project that tells us whether were doing well or not. And third, delivering software
every the two weeks. Also, every fortnight, clients seemed to feel more comfortable when they received
the items that we had agreed on two weeks before. In July and August it was not possible to meet. So
every week we delivered a simple two-page document with the percentage of completion of each feature.
This document included two paragraphs explaining why those percentages were that way. This helped us
to regain credibility in a project that was quite difficult especially in September when they could check
that those percentages were real.
Being a Scrum Master takes far more work than simply being a project manager. In those daily 15-minute
follow-ups you will be told about lots of difficulties that the team needs to overcome before they can
continue. Trying to find solutions will take the rest of your morning.
And having a deadline every 2 weeks can be exhausting. You cannot sprint for months. Six months later
you start trotting (and that, with luck). You need to take this into account from the first planning meeting
Last, but not least, Scrum is not magic. Whatever method you use, you are going to need a team trained
for the job at hand, ready to roll up their sleeves and work, and willing to contribute. Teams like this dont
grow on trees. If you have one, your job as a project manager is to get out of the way as much as possible.
Adding more workers to a project thats behind schedule will only delay it further
This was sufficiently covered a long time ago in the book The Mythical Man-Month. Even so, its still
necessary to highlight it, as there are hardly any exceptions to this rule. No matter how tight the deadlines
are, nine women cannot create a baby in one month.
No matter what we call it designating the Product Owner, identifying the stakeholders, engaging
themthe end were going to need to know who is going to validate the project in real life. And I do not
mean who is going to green-light the invoice. Youll also need to know who is going to use the product.
The project will be a success only if, after delivering it, it works and its useful.
At some point during the project the area manager gave us all the documentation, validated the partial
deliveries, tested the whole application, and congratulated us on our work. Regrettably, when his secretary
came into the training session a week before deployment, she said: thats of no use to me: thats no longer
the right template, as I need to gather different information now. This meant a week of extra hours and
additional effort, on top of the risk of deploying a product that could be unstable.
If you already have something that could be helpful to the user, deliver it, deploy it, put it up for sale.
Dont wait until you have each and every one of the features finished. If you remember the Pareto
principle, with just 20% of your planned features youll be able to cover 80% of the uses that your product
will have.
When its in production, youll be able to get feedback from the users. They know with more precision
what they need, and youll know where youve failed and how you can fix it. If you bet on just one final
delivery, you only have one bullet to hit the bulls eye. If we had done this, it would have saved us a lot
of problems with the product of the previous example.
In Google, some of the teams adopted Scrum little by little. They did this because they feared resistance
from their engineers. They thought that introducing a formal process in teams that were already highly
productive would not speed them up but slow them down. They started implementing Scrum using only
the most basic techniques. If Google can do it, why cant we?
In Google, they also had a certain resistance to meeting daily. They thought it would be time spent in vain.
They started with meetings that lasted a good deal longer than the initial 15 minutes. At first each engineer
took quite a long time to explain what he or she was doing and the problems being faced. After a while,
when all the members had explained their job and were aware of the job of the rest of the teammates, the
meetings were much more fluid and helpful. To my relief, in their simplified, initial Scrum, they didnt
use a burndown chart for every iteration. They used only one per delivery. That made me feel better. I
hadnt been able to keep the Kanban board updated daily for each sprint (yes, I know, Scrumbutophobia).
The burndown chart helped them realise how long they would spend in developing a feature. For a feature
that they initially estimated at 40 points and 3 weeks, they saw that in the first week they had covered only
8 points. In the second week they managed to finish only 7.5 points. But one of the managers thought that
they had the feature ready in the third week. Then the graph made it clear that it wouldnt be ready in that
amount of time.
Jeff Sutherland recalls a project for the health sector which would be accessed online simultaneously
by hundreds of doctors and other users. In that project, the definition of Done became more and more
stringent. At first, they just had to pass the unit tests and acceptance tests. But later on, for something
to be really marked as Done or Finished, it had to meet this condition: deploy to production, and if the
phone doesnt ring for 1 hour, the new delivery is complete.
A study in projects over 1 million dollars indicates that its 50% more probable that they fail than projects
under 350,000 dollars. How come we hadnt thought about this before? Small projects are easier to
manage and execute than bigger ones.
In big projects that will take more than a year, we tend to establish meetings, milestones, and reviews with
more frequency. We meet monthly, bi-monthly or even every three months. That periodicity is not enough
to take the projects pulse, to check whether were working in the right direction, whether the things that
are needed are being delivered, or whether were veering too far from our estimates.
With projects that take more than a year, or even less, theres an added risk. The project nears completion,
but the goals and needs of the clients business have changed, when compared with the original reasons
for commissioning the project. If we develop a mobile application, will the market be the same in a year
when we start to sell it? And if we wanted to make an app based on the current labour legislation, will
it be useful in a year or two when our product ships? It seems best to consider big projects as action
programmes, and subdivide them into smaller projects. Each would then be delivered as one part of the
overall result.
I would add one more point. Big projects tend to be planned and budgeted in this way because they set
out to achieve ambitious and complex goals. Unfortunately, with each extra order of complexity, the time
needed to solve it multiplies.
If we look closely, the IT world seems to go in a different direction. It tries to maintain projects as
simple as possible. A few years ago, the most popular software projects have menus filled with features,
characteristics, and settings. Lets remember for example every version of MS Office or MS Outlook.
Most projects nowadays, no matter whether they reside in the cloud or in our mobile devices, are much
simpler: a few text boxes and an OK button. And thats it!
David Karp, founder of Tumblr, said about this subject: Every feature has a maintenance cost. Having
fewer features allows us to focus on the truly important ones, and in making sure that they work really
I think its a great outlook. How many features have I ended up developing, that I had considered so
useful! But later they were never used at all.
Normally this is not attributable to our type of project or how special our requirements are. We tend to
think our projects are very specific or more complex than any others, but most of us do not work on such
unusual projects. Adopting Agile techniques is not easy. They represent an important change in the way
we work. When things start to go astray, many will point the finger at the Scrum Master and those weird
techniques that are detouring them from the planned course.
If you decide to leave all this behind and go ahead with Scrum in your next project, here are some of the
problems you will find:
Not every client will have ever heard about Agile techniques. Many will probably not care much about
how you and your team get organised. They want the results they have paid for. For that they will
supervise your work and demand deadlines and commitments. Their plans did not include hearing you
speak using weird terms.
In the first meeting of one of my first Scrum projects, I set out to explain the methodology we would
be using and how we would work internally. I started speaking about deliverables, sprints and Scrum
Masters, to then go on talking about daily meetings and burndown charts. I hadnt explained much yet
when I looked at their blank stares. I skipped the rest of my points and went straight to the conclusion.
Nobody noticed or asked any questions about it.
Since that day I do not dwell on many details about our procedures. Of course I dont use any terms that
might sound strange to anybody unfamiliar with the methodology. To my surprise, after a while many
clients end up asking me what this way of working is called. Those adapt quite quickly to sprint times and
The main concern of the manager of an IT company is normally that you develop a good product. But
even more so that you do it on time and within budget. If you do not comply, you can dig a huge hole in
the company accounts. On top of that you may lose a potential happy client. Its too risky to leave it in
the hands of new methodologies.
It may be soothing to hear a boss speak about calendars, cost control and occupancy, instead of about
frequent deliveries and working software. I dont question that those concepts are important too. But they
are of little use if clients dont have a working piece of software they can rely on. The project manager
will have to juggle his or her way through billing reports, hour reports, or estimates. But most of all, the
manager should not forget that the main job is to deliver working software.
Good frameworks, good methods, and good tools will help you make your job easier, no doubt. But dont
forget youll have to clock quite a lot of hours on top of that. Hours of work and effort to try and make
things a little better, a little faster or a bit higher in quality, every time. Your client, your team, and your
family will be grateful.
Many years ago, the world started to investigate the plasticity of the human brain, its capacity to
regenerate or adapt. Apparently, with practice and stimulation, some areas could improve their results.
Back then, great geniuses were asked to donate their brains to science. after they died (funny enough,
nobody wanted to donate them before dying).
Scientists wanted to study what made those people special. Once they discovered what it was, they
thought that we all could stimulate and exercise those areas of the brain, and thus become geniuses. But
after studying many brains, they couldnt find anything special. Neurons were not faster, they didnt have
a higher number of connections between them, nothing. The only thing they found is that one area of the
brain was hyper-developed, bigger than normal. It was the area attributed to memory, the part the brain
used to remember things. But scientists had already seen that area developed, like in London taxi drivers.
London is a huge city, with thousands and thousands of streets. Taxi drivers are required to memorize all
the streets in the city, plus know the shortest route from one point to another. Clearly, London taxi drivers
are not geniuses (at least, not all of them). So, what made all those Nobel-prize winners who donated their
brains to science so special?
A few years later, another theory appeared that tried to explain this phenomenon. It was the 10,000-hour
rule from the book Outliers. This theory states that people that excelled in their professions or in sports
had invested at least 10,000 hours in perfecting their technique. The book showed that the first violin in
an orchestra had 10,000 hours of practice, the second violin 7,000 hours, and so on and so forth. The
same numbers were valid for the main surgeon at a hospital or the golfer that was all the rage that year
on the course. Macauley, a great basketball player from the 1950s, who went on to be the first MVP in
an All-Star match, said: When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and
when you meet him, he will win. But (theres always a but), this theory doesnt explain everything. We
all know basketball players, golfers or football players that have spent more than 10,000 hours training
and will never get to regional third class. I wouldnt want to live close to the violinist who after 2,000
practice hours is still studying beginners pieces.
And heres where we get to a third theory. This one explains that what these people had in their heads
was nothing but curiosity. Yes, simple curiosity. That is, the drive to construct, to know, to understand,
whatever we want to call it. This is what made them geniuses. The ones who donated their brains to
science had enough enthusiasm to spend 10,000 hours, or 20,000 hours of their time, or even more, to do
something they were passionate about. Trying new stuff when the old stuff didnt work, and aiming for
these new things to take them along different paths.
So say you want to become, for example, an expert in project management. You are already aware,
more or less, of the effort you have to put into it. But make sure that you really like what youre getting
into. Youll invest lots of time in it. If youre not passionate about it, it will be hard for you to reach
an advanced level. And 10,000 hours repeating the same thing will not help you more than the first 50
hours you spent learning how to do it.
The methodology, procedures, and policies in your projects should work for you, and not the other way
Up to this point, we didnt know much about the cost of a project. Our boss dealt with that, although we
were always told that money was tight. About the time needed for the project, the only thing we knew
is that we were always behind schedule. We missed deadlines. We knew it was quite normal to work
over several weekends every time there was a delivery. About scope, it was also quite common that the
thing we ended up building was quite different to the one we envisaged at first. We always had new
requirements coming at us. All this is now our responsibility. How will we ever be able to make this
new project stay on track?
We can adopt a monitoring attitude. We can focus on a precise, exhaustive accounting of every expense
and hour spent. We can assign and unassign resources, and just demand the work team to meet the
required deadlines. Unfortunately, sticking to a timeline drafted before knowing nearly anything about the
project will not make it any easier to meet those deadlines. Noting down in our incidence-management
tool that weve already spent 2,000 hours on the project will not tell us whether were building the product
that the client needs, or even whether were going in the right direction.
The longer I spend managing projects, the more convinced I am that the project managers job doesnt
consist only of demanding explanations and insisting that people fulfil their responsibilities. The job is to
help finish those projects. Making everyones job easier and looking for ways to facilitate the work. Its
not simple, but thats why weve been given that responsibility.
Our job would be easier if we always had an experienced team that could successfully dive into any task.
We wouldnt need to spend weeks in training or have to worry about making the job easier. They would
make our job easy. We would just have to sit back and wait till they finished the project. But, where would
we find teams like that?
Sad but true, talent and experience do not grow on trees. You could start by paying more and more
to attract the best. But your competitors will do the same as well so that they can keep their good
professionals. And lets not fool ourselves, your company is not Google. This is an option only for
companies with huge profits. And no matter how much they pay, there will always be excellent
professionals working for others.
Your work team and you (as you are a part of it), with all the difficulties that you may have, will have to
do the best job you can. Thats your main task now: to get the best out of your team. Im sure theyll be
able to do great things, with a bit of effort. You know: in the long term, its not the most brilliant who
succeed, but the average talents that make a habit out of defeating laziness., (Albert Cubeles).
We can always do something to make the best use of the team you have. For example:
Procrastination, or laziness when faced with the most difficult tasks, and the minor chaos of
organising our daily tasks are challenges that every worker faces. Yes, project managers too.
To avoid this, I believe that following Agile methodologies such as Scrum have helped me quite a lot.
Every two weeks we have to deliver what were working on. A delivery that has been reviewed and
checked. We cant leave everything until the end of the project and then see what works and what doesnt.
It would be like designing and building a car in one piece and then sell it without having tested whether
the motor works or whether the electric system can start the car and switch on the lights.
Another practice that I believe helps to improve productivity is the habit of holding daily meetings with
the team members. This helps us stay aware of the things we have to do every day and of the problems
that are coming up, but most of all it helps us see how close we are to the next delivery.
This was mentioned in The Mythical Man-month by Frederick Brooks. Its vital to set aside enough
time for each task. If we give less time than necessary to finish a task, not only can the quality of the
project be compromised, but we could actually take longer than we would have taken if we had planned
If, due to external pressure, we agree to finish in three months a task that would normally take six, it may
end up taking nine instead. When the first three months are gone and we see that the task is not finished
yet, pressure and stress will increase. That in turn will take the quality of the product for a scary ride. We
will also be tempted to add more people to the project so we finish earlier, but that is not free. Several
members will have to stop for weeks or months to train the new members. And during that time, no one
(not the new members, not the old) will be able to make any real headway on the pending tasks. We
would maybe also be tempted to give new members less training, making it doubtful that they would be
productive before the project is over.
Another way to give your team piece of mind is by not interrupting. This is one of the things that Ive
found hardest to learn. The daily hustle makes us think that everything that arrives in our inbox is even
more important than the thing that came before it. We spend all day asking everyone to stop what theyre
doing and put out the latest fire.
Constant interruptions prevent workers from having the sort of calm needed to finish tasks that require
concentration. To avoid these interruptions, I strive to:
Concentrate them all in one time the day. Preferably, I set them for the last thing before the end
of the day.
Request the meeting well ahead of time so they keep that hour free for this purpose. That way
they'll be able to properly organise the rest of their tasks for the day.
Make interruptions as short as possible. Be concise when explaining the issue. Prepare
everything needed to resolve the issue before holding the meeting itself.
Keep it fun
This is the hardest part. We are all under pressure and have our problems. But if we try to keep stress
levels to a minimum, if we give the team peace of mind and remember that managing means making
things easy not just monitoring then we will make our work not only less wearisome, but maybe
even fun.
Nothing will teach you more about managing a project than managing one, then another one, and then
another. Of course, its good to know the theory that so many project managers have written in so many
books and guides, such as PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). Unfortunately, in order
to get the chance to manage a project, having read a lot is not always enough. Sometimes it helps to back
up our knowledge with a recognised certificate.
Right now, the three most important ones are: Professional Scrum Master (PSM) by, Certified
Scrum Master (CSM) by Scrum Alliance and Agile Certified Professional (PMI-ACP) by PMI (the same
people who provide the PMP certificate).
The first two have their origin in the same person, Ken Schwaber. Ken is one of the creators of Scrum,
who, together with Jeff Sutherland, defined the initial versions of Scrum that they would formally present
at the OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications conference) in
1995. Together they also created the Scrum Alliance, an organisation that provides Scrum professionals
with the CSM certification mentioned above.
In 2010, Ken decided to leave the Scrum Alliance and created the institute, to focus more on
the dissemination of Scrum. This new institute ( created the PSM certification (also mentioned
above). Since 2012 another competitor has appeared in the arena, the PMI-ACP certification, which is
generating a lot of buzz.
CSM. Before the exam you must take a two-day course, which can cost from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars.
Then you take a 35-question test, in person (this was in 2012) of which youll have to get at least 24
answers right. Apparently it is not tough. You must renew your certificate every two years, which costs
100 dollars. From 2015 you need a certain number of SEUs (which are somehow equivalent to the PDUs
in PMI).
PMI-ACP. This certification requires 1,500 hours of prior Agile experience and 21 hours of an Agile
training course from any institution. It consists of a 120-question test that should be taken in a Prometric
centre. The certificate must be renewed every three years. Renewal requires 30 new PDUs in project
management (1 PDU equals roughly one hour of training or professional activity).
Even though CSM might get more recognition, I personally chose PSM I from for the
following reasons:
The certification and its materials have been created by Ken Schwaber, one of the founders of
Scrum. He did this after leaving the Scrum Alliance where he shared projects with Jeff Sutherland, who is
another one of the founders of this methodology.
The PSM certificate does not have maintenance costs, unlike the CSM.
Before 2012, it wasnt necessary to pass an exam, only to attend some courses by authorised
PSM I has many questions like How would you respond in this situation? This means that to
pass you need to have an ample knowledge of Scrum.
Lastly, the PSM I certificate can be obtained online without attending any courses in person in
any of the big European cities. This is important for me as I live on a faraway island in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean.
The test consists of 80 questions (true/false or multiple choice) that you need to solve in 60 minutes. So,
even if you have your materials with you while youre doing your test, you wont have time to cheat if
you dont know the answer. To pass the test you need to get 85% of the questions right.
Carefully read the Scrum guide available on Its quite dense, although its not
long. In one single sentence in this guide, you may find the answers to several exam questions.
Read the Do Better Scrum guide. Its based on the Scrum they teach at the Scrum
Alliance. Although its not included in the official exam materials, it will give you different perspectives
which are not clear in the guide.
If youre totally new to Scrum these guides are too condensed. You will need ample training
that sets the ground rules and the artifacts of practical case studies. For this purpose I would recommend
Henrik Knibergs book Scrum and XP from the Trenches.
Take the free online test which appears in the official site, Scrum Open (take it several times if
Practice with the PSM I online preparation test you can find at It is
a page with practice tests that I created in 2014 using Ruby on Rails and deployed in the Heroku cloud.
It allows you to test your Scrum knowledge with an exam of 10 random questions in Spanish. These are
quite similar to the ones you can find in an official PSM I exam. Its free for the readers of this book and
you can repeat the test as many times as you want (the questions will be different each time).
The exam is in English. Make sure to read each question carefully. Words like potentially or
required can completely change the answer that you should give.
Lastly, the test costs 150 dollars, not refunded if you dont pass the exam. Good luck with it!
Each Scrum practice has been designed to solve common, difficult to correct dysfunctional ties in many
work teams. After all, the guide itself says that Scrum is easy to understand, but really hard to master.
Scrum and other Agile techniques have been popular in Europe for a few years. Yet people are already
talking about Post-Agile and the things that will come after this Agile fad. As if to say, we havent had
time to learn about Scrum and already theyre replacing it! The Post-Agile movement does not intend
to replace Scrum or Kanban or any other similar techniques. Rather it tries to preserve the philosophy
behind them.
Ive observed many professionals worried about following each and every rule of Scrum. They use
pompous names for their meetings and lots of cards of every colour for every type of task. Theyre too
worried about not getting a high score on the Scrum But Test. They say things like if you dont
update your burndown chart daily youre not doing Scrum! or You dont convene a Retrospective
Meeting after each demo? Thats not Scrum.
There is a sort of Scrum fundamentalism that plagues IT professionals. It turns us into a tiny ITaliban
group armed with our favourite programming language or the fashionable methodology of the moment.
In fact, its also known as Scrumdamentalism and its defined as the fear of doing Scrum wrong. In other
cases it is a kind of disease, Scrumbutophobia, as Henrik Kniberg calls it.
Theres a far-reaching concept coming from martial arts, which calls learning phases Shu Ha Ri. This
concept explains that, when youre learning a martial art and this can be applied in many other fields
you go through these three stages. During the first stage, Shu, trainees only follow the rules they have
been taught. During the second stage, Ha, they learn to adapt them so they work well under specific
conditions. The last phase, Ri, is reached when every technique is known and mastered, and rules are
simply ignored. Those people, or those of us who have suffered that phobia of doing Scrum wrong,
have suffered that symptom. Weve been stuck in Shu, the first stage of learning.
Screw the rules! Rules are a good start, then break them when needed (Henrik Kniberg)
If your goal is to deliver quality products which are really useful for the client, instead of checking
the contract constantly to see if youre supposed to carry out a certain task If you forget a bit about
percentages, complex processes and a myriad of tools, and instead you focus on whether youre regularly
delivering demos that work (maybe with an error or two) instead of Power Points and progress bars If
youre doing all this, then I think youre headed in the right direction. Dont worry if you dont comply
with each and every rule of Scrum.
The world speeds at blinding speeds (Las ciencias avanzan que es una barbaridad)
This paraphrases a line from Zarzuela, the Spanish theatrical genre music. In the world of IT, more things
go on every day, and it all happens faster and faster. For us IT professionals it takes a great deal energy to
keep abreast of whats going on in every one of the technological niches.
In software development, for example, if a few years ago you worked for a bank or in accounting
software, you could work in only one language. On your first day at the job they let you borrow a very
thick book called The Bible of (insert here your favourite programming language). It was all there: a
list with every instruction, the parameters, and examples for using them. It even had an appendix with the
list of every possible bungle. Nothing could go haywire. After three years on the job, you knew the whole
list of errors by heart and there wasnt a single instruction that baffled you.
Regrettably someone started placing servers farther and farther away from the user. First the database
server was hidden at the back of the office, so we had to learn SQL. Then came the Internet and next to
the database server we had an application server. We had to learn how to use Tomcat and how to program
using Java, PHP or .NET.
When there was no more room for more servers at the back of the office, they looked for a datacentre out
of town, with lots of servers from different companies. But that wasnt enough. A few years later, Google
took servers and data even farther away. They were tucked away in Arkansas or Arizona, or both places
at the same time, no one really knows where exactly. Then came cloud computing and now its starting to
be a requirement to be able to program using NoSQL, MongoDB or Cassandra, but also for Android and
iPhone, and.
A university degree is no longer adequate. In less than the blink of an eye, two new frameworks have
come up. Its also not enough to accumulate short subsidised, badly translated courses. The kind where
you get the same information sort of reshuffled from one to the next. Collecting diplomas as if they were
stamps may give you a false sense of security. Actually it doesnt help much to keep yourself up to date.
Luckily, in the same way as technology makes keeping ourselves up to date elusive, it can also provide
high-quality courses. You might find some of those in Mirada X, edX or Coursera. You also can get
tonnes of books like this from Amazon or completely free on the Internet. Keeping updated with the
latest developments in our field is a responsibility for every professional, but also a must for the project
There is some debate around the issue of how much the project manager should know about the project
in question. Should the project manager have full knowledge of whatevers going on in the project, or is
it enough to have good skills in negotiation, planning, and resource management? Should the manager
have been a good technician in the field, or is it enough to have a general idea of the work and follow the
teams advice?
Its not very common for the same person to have all those abilities. Abilities such as gaining a thorough
knowledge of the techniques of the field, and at the same time developing a knack for dealing with clients
and the work team, as well as being canny at reaching agreements even under the hardest circumstances.
I dont wish to downplay the set of soft-skills necessary to become a good negotiator. However, I
personally would go for a project manager that has previously been a good technician. Someone able to
understand what the technicians are explaining. Otherwise, it will hardly be possible to make the right
choices about what should be done or what road to follow.
Also, its not enough for the boss to require timelines and deadlines to be scrupulously complied
with. That manager should also be able to teach the team how its done. Being able to guide and specify
the tasks at hand will help a lot towards a successful completion. As Gabriel Ginebra said: Those who
specify more, achieve more; and those who review what has been specified, achieve even more.
Thomas J. Watson, the cash register salesman that ended up founding IBM, told this anecdote about a
conversation with his boss after his (terrible) first week in sales. He spent a whole week going from farm
to farm, on a horse loaded with cash registers, without selling a single one. Instead of reprimanding or
firing him, his boss explained what was lacking in his sales pitch. He told him how to do it better and
went out with him on the road on each one of the sales visits to show him, in person, how it was done.
Watson couldnt believe his eyes: each of the visits his boss took part in ended up in a sale agreement.
Thanks to his bosss mentoring, Watson eventually became the top salesman in his area. Its worth it to
have a boss who knows how to do the job right.
Please do not forget that in project management, and in practically every aspect of life, there is no one
(much less me) who knows everything about this subject. The things that have worked for me might not
be useful for you, and those that werent useful might be just the thing youre after to make your project
work. So take them all with a grain of salt.
Im sure many of the readers have experience with Scrum as well, or with project management in general,
and have lots to contribute. I would truly be grateful for any opinion or suggestion about the book that
might help me improve it. Anything you can tell me will be appreciated. Feel free to contact me at my
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you?'
I would also like to thank my brother and sister, Carmelo and Mara, for the many hours they spent
reviewing this book and the countless corrections they suggested for the text, images, and cover. I would
also like to thank them for their sincere and direct suggestions for improvement (sometimes too sincere).
Without them, this book would have needed many more months to see the light of day.
Begoa and David, translator and translation editor and proofreader, for their great work and care while
working in this book. The translation of these last paragraphs didnt come from them, so please dont
blame them for this.
Alex Caja for his great cover design, really fast response and eager collaboration whenever anything was
asked to him.
I cannot forget (but cannot count all of them neither, it is half world) to everyone that gave my suggestions
and ideas but also supported, encouraged and gave me time and peace of mind to write it, review it and
work on it. Many, many thanks to all of them, specially to the one behind all this.
Alvin Toffler
Antonio Martel, in his role as software project manager, works in the fields of security (police),
environmental management, and business intelligence in a development company based in the Canary
Islands (yes, those small islands out in the Atlantic Ocean, the ones with the singing birds).
Antonio is project manager and specialises in Java and Business Intelligence solutions using Agile
methodologies. He is a certified Scrum Master (PSM I) with an ample portfolio of international projects
for local and regional public administrations in Spain, but also for German and Scandinavian companies.
He is the author of a number of Amazon bestsellers, like this book you are reading now, which peaked
at #1 in ebook sales in Amazon Spain on August 2015 and stayed in the top 100 for 5 days in a row. It
also reached #3 in the Project Management category at (for every language and every type
of book, not just for eBooks).
He is also the author of the blog which focuses on improving productivity in
software-development departments through the use of Agile methodologies. He has written the book
Certificacin Professional Scrum Master: PSM I, available on Amazon since August 2015. You can find
more information in his professional profile on LinkedIn, in his Prezi about hobbies and interests.
If you have enjoyed this book, you can get more information on Scrum and Agile, not only on my blog, but also in some other publications by me: