RCA Guidelines
RCA Guidelines
RCA Guidelines
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IAEA, 2015
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IAEAL 1400947
Following an event at a nuclear installation, it is important to determine accurately its root causes so
that effective corrective actions can be implemented. As stated in IAEA Safety Standards Series
No. SF-1, Fundamental Safety Principles: Processes must be put in place for the feedback and
analysis of operating experience. If this process is completed effectively, the probability of a similar
event occurring is significantly reduced. Guidance on how to establish and implement such a process
is given in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. NS-G-2.11, A System for the Feedback of Experience
from Events in Nuclear Installations.
To cater for the diverse nature of operating experience events, several different root cause analysis
(RCA) methodologies and techniques have been developed for effective investigation and analysis. An
event here is understood as any unanticipated sequence of occurrences that results in, or potentially
results in, consequences to plant operation and safety.
RCA is not a topic uniquely relevant to event investigators: knowledge of the concepts enhances the
learning characteristics of the whole organization. This knowledge also makes a positive contribution
to nuclear safety and helps to foster a culture of preventing event occurrence.
This publication allows organizations to deepen their knowledge of these methodologies and
techniques and also provides new organizations with a broad overview of the RCA process. It is the
outcome of a coordinated effort involving the participation of experts from nuclear organizations, the
energy industry and research centres in several Member States. This publication also complements
IAEA Services Series No. 10, PROSPER Guidelines: Guidelines for Peer Review and for Plant Self-
Assessment of Operational Experience Feedback Process, and is intended to form part of a suite of
publications developing the principles set forth in these guidelines.
In addition to the information and description of RCA methodologies provided in this publication,
available user manuals for RCA methodologies have been provided in the accompanying CD-ROM.
The IAEA wishes to thank all participants and their Member States for their valuable contribution. The
IAEA officer responsible for the preparation of this publication was M. Caldoro from the Division of
Nuclear Installation Safety.
This publication has been prepared from the original material as submitted by the contributors and has not been edited by the editorial
staff of the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
IAEA or its Member States.
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1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objective and Scope ........................................................................................ 1
1.3. Structure .......................................................................................................... 2
5. METHODS ................................................................................................................. 52
5.1. Human Performance Enhancement System (HPES) ....................................... 53
5.2. Korean Human Performance Enhancement System (K-HPES) ....................... 55
5.3. Japanese Human Performance Enhancement System (J-HPES) ...................... 56
5.4. Man-Technology-Organization Investigation (MTO) ..................................... 57
5.5. Human Performance Evaluation Process (HPEP) ........................................... 58
5.6. Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT) ............................................. 60
5.7. Paks Root Cause Analysis Procedure (PRCAP) ............................................. 63
5.8. Safety Through Organizational Learning (SOL) ............................................. 65
5.9. Assessment of Safety Significant Events Teams (ASSET) ............................. 67
5.10. Accident Evolution and Barrier Function (AEB) ............................................ 70
5.11. Control Change Cause Analysis (3CA) .......................................................... 71
5.12. TRIPOD Beta ................................................................................................ 72
5.13. Systematic Approach For Error Reduction (SAFER)...................................... 75
5.14. Method of Psychological Root Cause Analysis of Human Factors.................. 76
5.15. Commercial RCA Methods ............................................................................ 79
5.15.1. TapRoot .......................................................................................... 79
5.15.2. Apollo root cause analysis .................................................................. 80
5.15.3. REASON ........................................................................................ 81
5.15.4. PROACT......................................................................................... 82
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 93
1.1. Background
The IAEA Safety Fundamental Publication, Fundamental Safety Principles [1] states the need
for operating organizations to establish a programme for analysis of operating experience. It is
recognized that there are different analysis tools, techniques and methods available which can
be used to evaluate the root causes of events, including freely available as well as commercial
products. Several of these different instruments are deployed in nuclear organizations around
the world.
Each tool, technique or method has characteristics that can make it suitable for use in
particular circumstances of an event investigation. The IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-2.11, A
system for the Feedback of Experience from Events in Nuclear Installations [2] states in
Appendix III.14 that Since there is no single best technique for use for all events in all States,
the evaluator should select the most appropriate tool for use for the event in question, in the
context of national capabilities.
Currently IAEA guidance exists which reviews some of these analysis instruments [3]
however a comprehensive reference manual of tools, techniques and methods was not
available up to now. Moreover, the present document is intended to complement IAEA-
TECDOC-1550, Deterministic Analysis of Operational Events in Nuclear Power Plants [4]
and IAEA-TECDOC-1417, Precursor Analyses [5].
The present publication is intended as a reference manual for Root Cause Analysis, providing
in a single information package the most important material available on the topic or at least a
direct reference to information.
The overall objective of the publication is to allow benchmarking of the Root Cause Analysis
tools, techniques and methods currently used in one organization, as well as to provide an
objective assessment of the most appropriate tools and techniques to deploy in order to
analyse events.
The present manual is also intended to provide guidance to all organizations establishing a
new process for Root Cause Analysis, especially in countries embarking on a nuclear power
It is not the intent of this publication to address the different levels of investigation performed
in a nuclear power plant, nor to give extensive indications on corrective actions
implementation. The reader is referred to IAEA-TECDOC-1581, Best Practices in
Identifying, Reporting and Screening Operating Experience at Nuclear Power Plants [6],
IAEA-TECDOC-1600, Best Practices in the Organization, Management and Conduct of an
Effective Investigation of Events at Nuclear Power Plants [7] and IAEA-TECDOC-1458,
Effective Corrective Actions to Enhance Operational Safety of Nuclear Installations [8] for
more information on these topics.
1.3. Structure
The first two parts are presented in this volume; the material of third part is presented in the
CD-ROM attached to the inside back-cover of this document.
The description of the event investigation process is based on the actual process in place at
some of the best performing Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs).
The tools, techniques and methods presented are the most commonly used for Root Cause
Analysis (RCA), and they are currently used by the international community of nuclear
operators and regulators. Other commercial RCA methods are available, which are specialized
for other industries and situations, but have not been taken into account. For the description of
these RCA instruments, extensive use was made of the Technical Report Comparative
analysis of nuclear event investigation methods, tools and techniques [9] prepared by the
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
2.1. Purpose
Prerequisites for event investigations should be in place in every organization. They include
(but are not limited to):
Management procedures, defining principles and organization of event investigations,
roles, duties and responsibilities of participating personnel, threshold for performing
RCA, etc.;
A permanent structure, responsible for initiating and performing event investigation,
reviewing and approving its results (e.g. Event Review Board - The management
group that reviews and approves the final significant event reports and authorizes
subsequent actions);
Experienced root cause investigators proficient in the use of an internationally
recognized Root Cause Analysis method and tools. (see Appendix V for guidance on
selection of a method).
Following an event, a Condition Report (CR) should be initiated. After event screening, a
decision is made to initiate a root cause investigation if appropriate. (The Event Screening
Meeting is conducted by the management group that reviews the condition report and
approves significance and subsequent actions (investigation level).
High Medium Low
2.3.2. Perform the investigation
If at any time during the performance of the root cause investigation additional adverse
conditions are identified, then individual condition reports should be initiated.
If at any time during the performance of the root cause investigation a question of operability
arises then the Shift Manager must be notified immediately.
Careful preservation of the evidence is very important in the determination of the actual cause
of an issue or event. In cases where malicious intents are suspected, it may be necessary to get
Security involved.
The Shift Manager should ensure quarantine, as long as it does not impede the
operations of the station, of all documents, computers, areas, equipment and parts
related to an event as soon as possible. This is to ensure that the event investigation
team can objectively gather information and review the situation as close as possible
in the same configuration as it was prior to the event. Quarantined areas should be
obvious to prevent inadvertent entry into the quarantined area. Quarantine methods
o Placing security tape and placards around a piece of failed equipment
including, control switches, breakers, isolation points and/or other controls;
o Taking custody of any tools utilized or parts replaced prior to or during the
o Placing related documents in a secure place;
o Putting adequate controls on computers or network access as necessary.
The Shift Manager will ensure that individuals involved in the event or those helpful
in the gathering of facts remain on site until interviews can occur. If individuals
important to the event investigation have left the site, then they should be requested to
return to the site as soon as safely possible in order to expedite gathering of pertinent
Proper root cause investigation team composition will ensure that the correct technical and
management perspectives are addressed objectively throughout the performance of the
The Responsible Manager should select the root cause investigation team in accordance with
guidance from this document.
When selecting the proper root cause investigation team there are important elements to
Ensure sponsorship is at the senior management level to ensure adequate resources are
available to complete the investigation expediently and resolution of conflicts;
A root cause investigation team should consist of at least three members, but can be
larger proportionate to the significance and complexity of the event. At a minimum,
one of the investigation team members should be a qualified and experienced root
cause investigator; preferably, the other members should be trained in root cause
analysis techniques and one of the team members should be an human factors expert.
Depending on the significance of the event it may be advantageous to include an
expert external to the plant in the team;
The investigation Team Leader should be experienced in root cause investigations and
it would be desirable that this person performed an investigation recently. It is their
job to ensure the root cause process is followed throughout the investigation. It is
recommended that the investigation Team Leader be fully independent if possible,
however at the very least, the investigation Team Leader should not be from the
department involved in the initiating event. If it is later determined during the
investigation that the team leader may be from the involved organization, then a new
team leader should be designated;
The investigation team should include an individual that has technical expertise and
recent experience in the area that the root cause investigation is being performed to
In order for the investigation to be conducted objectively, the remaining team
members should be chosen that are not directly related to the area under investigation;
Investigation team members should be dedicated to the investigation as their primary
responsibility until the investigation is complete with the Responsible Managers
A root cause investigation Terms of Reference (TOR) is very important because it defines the
scope and resources needed for the root cause investigation. With the scope and resources
defined and approved, Senior management can commit the resources necessary to enable the
successful performance and completion of the investigation.
completed actions. (The Action tracking system is a programme used to monitor
progress of completion of corrective actions identified during the event investigation
root cause investigation milestones commitment dates for various root cause
investigation actions taken throughout the performance and approval of the
Event Review Board disciplines necessary for RCA investigation approval members
that have the proper technical expertise and influence to understand and support
corrective actions listed in the investigation;
Sponsoring Senior Management commitment signature and date ensures that
sponsoring manager has agreed to the root cause team, resources needed, scope, and
interim actions for the successful completion of the investigation.
If the investigation scope changes during the performance of the root cause investigation, a
new Terms of Reference should be completed and approved. The due date for the root cause
investigation should remain as the original due date.
Successful outcome of the root cause investigation will have a profound impact on the
business and ensure that continuous improvement is achieved. The proper conduct of the
investigation will ensure a successful root cause investigation is achieved. The following
steps should be taken to assist with the conduct of the investigation.
Secure a dedicated location for the entire term of the investigation and ensure this
location contains all necessary equipment to perform the investigation;
Utilize Human Performance tools throughout the investigation including:
o Procedure adherence;
o Questioning attitude;
o Self check (e.g. Stop Think Act Review (STAR));
o Pre-job briefs.
This section provides guidance on how to conduct the investigation. The most important thing
to consider when performing and documenting the investigation is that the final document
RCI report - should be stand alone so that an individual with a basic understanding of
nuclear power can understand the technical content contained within the investigation, and
understand how the root cause was derived.
The investigation Team Leader should ensure the investigation timeline is followed. If nuclear
safety or production is affected by the investigation outcome, then schedule investigators to
work in shifts to expedite completion of the investigation.
Investigation teams should gather all additional pertinent information as soon as possible.
This information includes:
All documents and information from the event response team during the investigation
turnover meeting;
Interviewing additional individuals potentially involved or related to an event at the
earliest time possible;
Review of event Condition Report data and previous related investigations,
evaluations, audits, and self-assessments;
Gather manual documents including procedures, logs, turnover sheets, work packages,
drawings, operator rounds, surveys, shipping manifests, training records, or other
related documents;
Electronic data including work management data, control room or other sequence of
event recorder outputs, chart recorders, indications, or other related electronic data or
data capture devices;
Taking photographs of equipment and areas related to the issue;
Ensure gas, fluid, or effluent samples have taken and sent for analysis as necessary;
If the event being investigated is a major transient (a Reactor Trip or Unplanned
Power Reduction) gather information from the Transient Review Board meeting
minutes. (Transient Review Board is a group of managers and technical experts who
perform a technical review of reactor trips or transients.);
Perform Equipment Failure Analysis (a typical failure analysis guideline is shown in
Identification of the proper group of facts is important to ensure that the scope of the
investigation is not too broad or too narrow. Extraneous or missing events or facts can
confuse the root cause investigation team, Event Review Board, or others reviewing the
investigation especially when reviewing it later without the benefit of one of the investigation
team members to answer questions. However, the discussion of facts should be thorough
enough that all information is included to review the investigation without utilizing other
sources of information.
When investigating an event, it is typical to use an event timeline to help identify when the
first causal factor had an impact on the event. The event timeline should begin at the first set
of facts just prior to the first failure or inappropriate action.
There are many root cause investigation techniques that can be considered for use in getting to
the proper root cause of an event or issue, however, most techniques are effective only in
certain situations (TABLE 1: COMPARISON OF TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES, Section 4).
Usually a combination of techiques, selected as the investigation progresses, will be necessary
to ensure the effective analysis of the event. Regardless of the technique utilized, a basic event
and causal factor chart should be used to help identify all failures or inappropriate actions.
Utilizing the event and causal factor chart and the most appropriate root cause techniques will
identify the root causes, contributing causes and causal factors effectively.
7 Error precursors and failed defences
When performing a root cause investigation that has an element of human error as part of the
cause, it is very important to make the assumption that all individuals come to work to do the
best job they can every day. During the course of the investigation it can be determined if
malicious intent was a factor in the event. When human errors occur, root cause investigators
must always put the errors in the proper perspective. There are factors that influence even the
most qualified and dedicated individuals to make errors. These factors are called Error
One of the attributes of a strong process or programme is a defence in depth approach within
the design of the process. Defence in depth is a design attribute of a strong process or
programme used to ensure that one or very few human errors cannot result in a significant
event. When a break through event occurs, it is important to evaluate the defences within the
programme or process that are used to prevent errors. Usually, the investigator will find weak
or non-existent failure defences1.
Evaluation of error precursors and failed defences along with use of the proper root cause
Analysis technique, allow the investigators to put the error in the proper context. For example
if the investigation reveals that individuals involved in the event understand the expectation of
procedure adherence, then when one of these individuals fails to follow a procedure, we
would investigate whether program barriers were appropriate and whether there were error
precursors present at the time of the error that had an influence in the outcome of the decision
making by the individual that made the error.
These two attributes properly documented in the event timeline or discussion of facts will
ensure a thorough understanding of how the error occurred by the reviewers of the
investigation. Corrective actions can be taken to address the error precursors and/or failed
defences so that if an individual is put in the same situation in the future, the error will not
repeat itself.
Repeat events can only be determined once the root cause has been identified. For
organizational or programmatic issues, repeat events are those in which the root cause and
issue or event being investigated is similar to a significant event or issue from within the last
few years (for example, in some NPPs two years is used due to the nature of frequent change
in nuclear power management).
For equipment failure related investigations, the equipment failure mode should be
determined and if it is similar to a previous event that has occurred within the last few years
(for example, some NPPs consider 5 years to be an adequate period). When previous events
are identified, it is important to review the actions taken to address the previous events to
ensure that the corrective actions from this investigation are more effective than the previous
actions that were taken.
Failed (Flawed) defences are usually defined as defects that under the right circumstances may inhibit the
ability of defensive measures to protect facility equipment or people against hazards or fail to prevent the
occurrence of active errors.
There are a few ways to search for previous events. The root cause team may enlist the help of
the group managing Operating Experience (OE) or corrective actions to obtain this
information. Run queries on the CR database for related trend codes for significant events or
issues. Also, scan the titles of all significant events that have occurred within the last few
years. For Equipment Related issues, review the CR titles of significant issues for the last few
years and review the equipment names within high priority work orders.
For items which appear to be related by equipment, component for functional process, each
root cause investigation will need to be reviewed to determine if the previous root cause is the
same as the current root cause. If a previous similar event is found, then the respective
Corrective Actions and their closures should be reviewed to identify why the event recurred.
This information should be utilized in the development of the new Corrective Actions to
ensure that these actions are developed with the new insights gained from this review. The
search criterion utilized and results of the previous event search should be documented in the
applicable section of the root cause investigation Report, and if no similar issues are found
this should be documented as well in the report.
External Operating Experience (OPEX) from a facility outside the station can also be valuable
when developing effective Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence. The root cause
investigator should perform an Operating Experience Review in order to find similar events or
issues in the Operating Experience database. The root cause investigator should collaborate
with the site OE coordinator or designee to ensure the most accurate search is performed.
Document the results of the OPEX search in the applicable area of the root cause investigation
report. Include search criterion utilized for the search and any results of the search in the
applicable section of the report. If no similar events or issues were found then document this
in the applicable section.
Differentiating between the different causes revealed during a root cause investigation in
order to determine which one is the root cause, is a knowledge based skill that takes
experience and technique. Once the possible root cause is identified then the next question
that needs to be asked is whether the issue or event can recur if this cause is permanently
corrected. If it can still occur, then the root cause has not been identified.
Root cause(s) is the most fundamental reason for an event or adverse condition, which
if corrected will effectively prevent or minimize recurrence of the event or condition.
The best way to get to the root cause is to ask why an issue has occurred. Keep
asking why until the fix for the root cause becomes prohibitive to fix either from a
realistic perspective. Although there are different philosophies on how many root
causes an event can have, there should be not too many root causes for an event, and
in most cases there will only be one root cause. Many root cause investigators mistake
contributing causes for root causes resulting in too many, ineffective Corrective
Actions, or too many resources expended correcting all the identfied root causes.
Investigations for failed equipment are unique in that equipment root causes are
typically failures caused by humans as a result of a weak process, programme, or
organization. These failures manifest themselves in the trip or degradation of one or
more related components up to a unit trip. In order to identify the proper cause of the
failure two things need to happen. First the direct cause of the equipment failure needs
to be identified. Secondly, the failure mode needs to be identified through an accurate
and independent failure analysis in order to identify the causal factors. Once the causal
factors are identified then the root cause investigation process can evaluate the root
cause and contributing causes. The most important point to note is the fact that
although an equipment failure can be the cause of an event, the of the event is never
the equipment failure, rather it is the weaknessthat lead to the equipment failure that is
the root cause. Appendix II: Example of an Equipment Failure Worksheet contains a
typical Equipment Failure Worksheet to assist in the equipment Failure cause
identification. (A Direct cause is the immediate cause of an event or adverse condition.
An Apparent Cause is a cause that can easily be dermined (obvious, apparent) by
available information without further and deeper investigation.);
Contributing Cause(s) is a causal factor that exacerbated the problem but is not the
root cause of the problem.
Causal Factors are any action or condition either causing an event to occur or
increase its severity.
Causal factors result in inappropriate actions or failures. They must still be corrected
through corrective actions from the investigation;
A casual factor can be Proximate Root Cause (most probable) There will be cases
when the root cause cannot be determined during the root cause investigation due to a
lack of data, the inability to identify the exact failure, or a delay in revealing the
failure due to outages or extended failure analyses. In these cases, the Proximate Root
Cause should be determined. The proximate root cause is the best root cause that can
be determined based on all of the information available.
The normal root cause investigation should be typically performed within the 28 day time
frame. However, if determination of the root cause is dependent on more information, the
proximate root cause will be used and a corrective action will be created to track amendment
to the existing investigation, once further failure analysis or missing information is available.
A new investigation should not be performed, the existing investigation should be re-opened,
changes notated, and re-presented to Event Review Board for approval.
10 Extent of cause / Extent of condition
Once the root cause is identified, the Extent of Cause and Extent of Condition should be
The Extent of Cause is the extent to which the root causes of an identified problem have
impacted other plant processes, equipment or human performance. In the simplest terms, the
Extent of Cause is how the root cause manifests itself in other related areas.
In order to determine if the extent of cause has been properly identified, the question needs to
be asked: if the root cause is corrected permanently, is it possible for other significant events
from the organizational or programmatic weakness to fail in a way that an event can occur
that is similar to the event being investigated.
Example: if a control switch fails due to inadequate maintenance work practices used by one
maintenance crew, the extent of cause looks at others maintenance crews for inadequate work
The Extent of Condition is the extent to which the actual condition exists with other plant
processes, equipment or human performance. It is the total effect that the root cause has had
on the station, its processes or employees. Since root causes are mostly Organizational or
Programmatic, evaluation of the Extent of Cause and Extent of Condition will determine how
this Organizational or Programmatic cause if not corrected will affect the nuclear facility,
resulting in repeat events.
Answering the following questions will help to identify the Extent of condition, including the
historical review of previous problems of similar events:
Example: if a control switch fails due to inadequate maintenance work practices used by one
maintenance crew, the extent of condition is everything that this crew worked on over a
predetermined period of time.
This evaluation is important when developing the Corrective Actions because it will ensure
that the action is broad enough to address the other areas affected by the root cause.
There are many corrective actions taken as a result of a root cause investigation some actions
mitigate the initial issue or related issues, while others permanently address the root cause.
Corrective actions to address root causes get the highest level of priority in the corrective
action program. The implementing organization should be involved in the development and
implementation date of the corrective action. Each type of action is discussed more in detail
Interim Actions (compensatory actions). Interim Actions are important for mitigating or
preventing the effects of the causes until Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence can be
fully implemented. Interim Actions are sometimes implemented immediately upon discovery
of the issue, or they can be initiated at anytime throughout the event response and
performance of the root cause investigation. Interim Actions should be documented on the
Terms of Reference for review by Event Review Board and within the root cause
investigation in the applicable section of the report.
Corrective Actions to address root causes. Corrective Actions that are taken to address the
root causes of issues (Equipment, Organizational, human performance or Programme). As
such, successful implementation of the corrective actions depends on effective change
management in order to prepare the organization for the implementation of a change that is as
significant as the issue being investigated. In order for the corrective action to be successfully
implemented, the action must address several elements. These include:
Administrative information including title, owner, tracking number, due date and other
identification information;
Which root cause that Corrective Action is being taken to address;
The desired end state or closure criterion so that should be met to confirm complete
implementation of the Corrective Action;
How the Corrective Action will be utilized. This is important to be sure that the
Corrective Action addresses all circumstances it was designed to address (Extent of
Cause/Condition). For example outage related corrective actions are only utilized
during outages, therefore an outage must occur and the corrective action must be
utilized before it can be fully reviewed for effectiveness;
Operating Experience that were used in the development of the Corrective Action so
that learning from related internal and external events or issues were included in the
development of the Corrective Action;
Previous events to ensure history does not repeat itself;
An Implementation plan that includes all aspects necessary for the management of the
change related to the implementation of the Corrective Action. Elements of the
Corrective Action implementation change management plan include identification of
the following:
o Resources personnel, cost, materials etc.;
o Barriers to success;
o Contingency planning;
o Communications plan;
o Training;
o Stakeholders (people affected by corrective actions);
o Project type;
o Procedure or Work instructions that need to be changed.
In addition, Corrective Actions to address equipment failures should include:
Outage identification (if applicable);
Plant modifications needed if necessary;
Performance centred maintenance Programme category change (if applicable).
With regard to Corrective Actions that address root causes typically there should be no more
than two Corrective Actions per root cause. If more Corrective Actions are necessary, then
some of the Corrective Actions are probably addressing contributing causes and a review of
the root causes and contributing causes should be done.
Actions to Address Contributing Causes Corrective Actions taken to address contributing
cause need are not as important as the Corrective Actions, yet if left incorrectly implemented
can contribute to other failures.
Actions to Address Other Causes Corrective Actions taken to address other causes should
be taken.
Each corrective action should be related to a cause, each cause should have at least one
corrective action.
Extension of corrective actions to address root causes need to be approved by the Event
Review Board.
Development of proper corrective actions is very important for the elimination of the
identified deficiencies.
Corrective actions should have the following attributes:
be specific and practical;
have content and timescale agreed by the recipient of the action, i.e. persons
accountable and responsible for the actions;
be prioritized;
short term actions/contingencies to correct immediate significant problems should be
implemented pending long term corrective action completion.
The following criteria should apply to the corrective actions to ensure that they are viable. If
they are not viable, re-evaluate the solutions.
Will the corrective action prevent recurrence?
Is the corrective action feasible?
Does the corrective action allow meeting operating organization mission, primary
goals and objectives?
Does the corrective action introduce new risks? Are the assumed risks clearly stated?
(The safety of other systems must not be degraded by the proposed corrective action.)
Were immediate actions taken to address the direct (or apparent, observed) cause
appropriate and effective?
Is the implementation of the corrective actions measurable? (For example, Revise
step 6.2 of the procedure to reflect the correct equipment location, is measurable;
Ensure the actions of procedure step 6.2 are performed correctly in the future, is not
Are the closure criteria clear such that it will be readily apparent when the corrective
actions have been satisfactorily completed?
Each root cause investigation should include an assignment to track a formal effectiveness
review of the root cause investigation. The effectiveness review assignment should delineate
how the corrective actions to prevent recurrence will be challenged and measured to be
A trend is a series of related issues. Each issue may be coded and a trend database
constructed. Upon conclusion of a root cause investigation, trend codes that reflect the actual
investigation results should be documented in the root cause investigation report in the
applicable section and in the trend code database.
Typically, the root cause investigation should be scheduled for presentation within the 28 day
due date for the investigation.
The Responsible Manager for the investigation maintains responsibility for complete and
timely presentation of the root cause investigation to the Event Review Board. Root cause
investigation package should include:
The Initiating Event condition Report;
The investigation Terms of Reference;
Equipment Failure Worksheet (if applicable);
The Failure Analysis Report (if applicable);
The Complete signed root cause investigation Report.
The Manager Responsible for the performance of the root cause investigation should present
the report to the Event Review Board. Technical support from the root cause investigation
team should be present in the Event Review Board meeting during the presentation. Minimum event review board disciplines needed to approve report when complete
During approval of the terms of reference, the Event Review Board approved the disciplines
necessary to approve the root cause investigation. The purpose of this was to ensure that the
proper technical and business process experts review the report for accuracy and objectivity.
It is up to the Responsible Manager that has approved the report to ensure that the proper
senior managers with these disciplines attend the Event Review Board.
Review and approval of the root cause investigation should be conducted in accordance with
the Event Review Board Terms of Reference. The expectations and quorum for the Event
Review Board should be defined in an administrative procedure.
Once the investigation has been approved by Event Review Board, the Responsible Manager
should incorporate all comments into the investigation, and the completed investigation
should be provided to the Event Review Board chairman for review and approval along with
the list of root cause investigation comments.
The effectiveness review should be scheduled no earlier than six months after the completion
of latest Corrective Action to address root cause. If any of the Corrective Actions within the
investigation are extended, the effectiveness review should be extended to six months after
the new Corrective Action extension date.
1. Interviewing.
2. Task analysis.
3. Change analysis.
4. Barrier analysis.
5. Event and causal factor charting.
6. Cause and effect analysis.
7. Fault tree analysis.
8. Event tree analysis.
9. 5 whys (why staircase).
10. Common cause analysis.
11. Current Reality Tree.
12. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.
13. Human factor investigation tool.
14. Psychological and physiological evaluation.
15. Ergonomics analysis.
16. KEPNER TREGOE Analysis.
17. Interrelationship diagram (ID).
18. JNES Organizational Factors List (JOFL).
Where information was clearly available, strenghts and limitations of the tool or technique are
stated in the description; a thorough examination of advantages and disadvantages of each
tool or technique is presented in Section 4: COMPARISON OF TOOLS AND
3.1. Interviewing
interviewees it is necessary to consider the respondents sensibilities. For this reason the
interviewer requires special training.
The initial questions should be prepared in advance. Many questions are derived from other
RCA tools (such as task analysis, change analysis, etc). The important aspects of the
interviewing tool are:
Interviewing is an important tool for data gathering and is used for all investigations;
Focused on fact-finding not fault finding;
Need a no-blame culture;
Requires a degree of skill on the part of interviewer;
Is done as soon as possible: facts become less clear, memory is lost and opinions
established as time passes;
Some direct witness may not always be available, you may have to select others;
Collaboration between interviewees should be avoided prior to the interview;
Not all interviewees would necessarily be directly involved in the event (e.g. work
planning, supervision, etc.);
There should not be a close relationship (professional or personal) between
Interviewer and interviewees.
Due to the importance and nature of event investigations, interviews must be conducted in a
professional manner. Interviewers must be capable of obtaining factual information from
interviewees who may feel threatened, be hostile, be emotional, or have trouble recalling the
information in an unbiased way or have trouble expressing themselves clearly. For all of these
reasons, interviewers must acquire a level of expertise in the various techniques of
interviewing through comprehensive training.
Listening to the first-hand accounts from those involved in an event as soon as possible after
it has happened will help the investigation team start to build a picture of what happened and
potentially highlight what other information will be required. The optimum time for holding
an interview is between two and 72 hours after the event. The interviewer needs to establish
who they want to interview and make arrangements to do so as soon as possible.
The interview should take place in a quiet, relaxed setting and, if possible, away from the
interviewees usual place of work and not at the scene of the event. Steps should be taken to
ensure, where possible, that no interruptions occur (e.g. telephones, pagers).
The interviewer should ensure they have all the relevant documentation available at the
Conducting the interview
Introductions should be made of those present in the room. Include details on roles and an
explanation of the sequence of the interview and approximate length. The RCA process
should be explained and an estimate given of how long it will take to complete.
It is important to reinforce that this is not part of a disciplinary process. The interviewer
should explain that notes will be taken throughout, for the purpose of informing the
investigation. It must be stressed that these notes will not act as a formal witness statement
and therefore do not need the interviewees signature
The interviewee should be asked to confirm they have understood all of the above and should
be reminded that they should offer only factual information, but include everything regardless
of whether they think it is relevant or not. The interviewee should be discouraged from
making off the record comments. The interviewee should also be advised that the first-hand
account and the final report will be written with due anonymity to staff.
Listening techniques
Dont assume, ask questions;
Listen to answer before asking next question;
Be relaxed, friendly;
Do not let note taking interfere with listening.
Do not wait until next day;
Discuss with counterparts;
Request copies of documents for later study;
Use of electronic recording devices should be carefully considered;
Contradictory information provided by the interviewee must be considered as
perceptions which may be important in the investigation.
Task analysis (TA) aims at providing a better understanding of what is exactly involved in
carrying out an activity when performed correctly. TA involves collecting data about the
operational procedures for performing a particular task, as well as collecting information
about some additional aspects of the tasks such as the job conditions, the required skills and
knowledge, safety and environmental factors, references, equipment, etc.
The first part of task analysis, how the task should have been performed can be a complex and
time consuming process if this technique is used thoroughly. Normally subject matter
expertise on the team and documents such as written procedures make it unnecessary to do a
fully detailed task analysis. Often the work order process, pre-job brief, procedure and closing
activities are used to create a very brief analysis of how the task should have been performed.
Task analysis using paper and pencil provides investigators with a good insight of the task,
helps to identify questions to use later for interviewing. It is useful for analyst not familiar
with the task.
The second part of task analysis, how the task was actually performed is almost always used
as an investigation tool of human performance issues involved in events. It is absolutely
critical to view the event from the standpoint of the individuals involved in the event. To
accomplish this goal you must be able to stand in the shoes of the individuals involved. It is
almost impossible to recognize many of the human factors and environmental issues without
walking through the event and these issues typically play a significant role in events in
nuclear power plants.
Application: Task analysis compares how the task should have been performed with how the
task was actually performed, the output which frequently becomes an input into a change
Change analysis involves systematically identifying and analysing any changes that may have
affected the problem under investigation. The tool is designed to determine what changed
compared to previously successful occasions, if the change introduced was responsible for the
consequences and what was the effect of the change in the event.
As suggested by the name of the tool, change analysis is based on the concept that change (or
difference) can lead to deviations in performance. This presupposes that a suitable basis for
comparison exists. What is then required, is to fully specify both the deviated and correct
conditions, and then compare the two so that changes or differences can be identified. Any
change identified in this process becomes a potential cause of the overall deviation.
There are basically three types of situations that can be used for comparison. First, if the
deviation occurred during performance of some task or operation that has been performed
before, then this past experience can be the basis. Second, if there is some other task or
operation that is similar to the deviated situation, then that can be used. Finally, a detailed
model or simulation of the task (including controlled event reconstruction) can be used, if
Once a suitable basis for comparison is identified, then the deviation can be specified. The
end result is a list of characteristics that fully describe the deviated condition. Given the full
specification of the deviated condition, it becomes possible to perform a detailed comparison
with the selected correct condition. Each difference is marked for further investigation. In
essence, each individual difference (or some combination of differences) is a potential cause
of the event.
Causes identified using change analysis are usually direct causes of a single deviation; change
analysis will not yield root causes. However, change analysis may be the only method that can
find important, direct causes that are obscure or hidden.
Figure 2 shows the six main steps involved in Change Analysis. Figure 3 is the Change
Analysis Worksheet. The first step of a change analysis is to define the event-free situation
and compare it to the situation in which the event under investigation occurred.
Once the event and event-free situations have been identified, they are analysed to
determine the specific differences between them. The impact of each difference on the event
is then evaluated and used as an input to the cause analysis to determine whether the change
was unimportant or was a direct, contributing, root and/or programmatic cause of the
FIG. 3. Change Analysis Worksheet.
Application: This tool of analysis is used in most cases when either the tasks or elements of
the task have been completed successfully before.
Therefore, for most events for failure to occur something must have changed. Change analysis
is a technique used early in the investigation that will provide input into the more thorough
investigation tools.
Barrier analysis is based on the concept that hazards represent potentially harmful conditions
from which a target (personnel, equipment and environment) must be protected.
Hazards to personnel may include, for example, radiation, electrical energy, chemical and
biological agents or adverse environmental conditions. Hazards to equipment may include
human error, damage from wear and tear or natural phenomena. Barriers (physical and
organizational) are used to protect and/or maintain a target within its specified range or set of
conditions, despite the presence of hazards. Barriers are often designed into systems, or
planned into activities, to protect people, equipment, information, etc.
A barrier analysis is performed in five steps. The first step is to identify the hazard and target.
The second step is to identify all of the barriers that could have protected the target from the
hazard. The third step is to evaluate how each barrier performed.
That is, did the barrier succeed or fail? For barriers that failed, the fourth step is to determine
why they failed. Each failed or missing barrier is analysed using cause analysis to determine
its effect on the outcome of the event.
This tool is useful as basis for developing corrective actions that can strengthen existing
barriers that failed or establish barriers where they were missing.
FIG. 4. Model of event used for barrier analysis (Swiss cheese model).
Events and causal factors charting (E and CF) and analysis is a tool for organizing and
analysing the evidence gathered during an investigation. It is a systematic event analysis tool
to aid in collecting, organizing, and depicting event information; validating information from
other analytical techniques; writing and illustrating the event investigation report; and briefing
management on the results of the investigation.
The E and CF charting should be initiated first and updated throughout all root cause
investigations. It provides a graphic display of the event on a time line highlighting problems
and their causes. It is performed by successively asking what? how? and why? This tool helps
to identify what is known and what needs to be known chronologically, thus helping to set the
direction of further investigation.
An E and CF chart (see Figure 5) is comprised of symbols that represent the important events
and conditions that led up to the problem under investigation. An event in an E and CF chart
is any action or occurrence that happened at a specific point in time relative to the problem
under investigation. A condition is a state or circumstance that affected the sequence of
events in the E and CF chart. The symbols used for charting are unimportant. Any symbol set
or other method to differentiate among events, conditions, causes and their inter-relationship,
such as colour-coding, may be used in the chart.
When creating E and CF charts, primary events are arranged in a line in chronological order
from left to right. It is usually easiest to use the significant event as the starting point and
reconstruct the pre-event and post-event sequences from that point. Then the E and CF chart
is expanded further by adding secondary events, contributing factors and conditions which
have affected the occurrence to establish how the event have happened. As more information
is discovered, the chart is updated thus providing a continuous graphical indication of the
progress of the investigation. Usually E and CF analysis is integrating several other event
investigation tools and techniques such as interviewing, task analysis, change analysis and
barrier analysis.
Application: This method is always used for any event investigation in which a timeline or
sequence of events might apply regardless of the initiating event being equipment failure or
human performance.
FIG. 6. Example of an E and CF chart with broken barrier.
The purpose of this tool is to identify root causes by examining the relationship between
cause and effect. It is performed by asking successively what effects have occurred and why,
and proceeding from the last failure/deficiency backwards to find the cause.
Using the cause and effect tool is simply starting with the most significant event and
determining the cause(s) of it. The cause(s) for this events cause(s) are then determined, and
this chain of events and causes is continued until no other causes can be determined. These
causes are then verified by determining if the root cause criteria have been met.
On the basis of information gathered, the Cause and Effect Diagram (CED), also known as the
Fishbone Diagram, can be created (Figure 7). It is a tool to graphically identify and organize
many possible causes of a problem (effect) based on pre-defined classification of possible
While creating the CED, the main issue should be written in a box that is typically in the
center of the right edge of the page. A line called the spine or backbone extends to the left
starting from the edge of the main box. Branches angle off of the spine, each representing a
cause or effect of the main issue. Each of these branches may contain additional branches.
Application: A cause and effects analysis is often used in addressing events initiated by both
human performance and equipment failures. For most events initiated by human performance
issues, it is usually easier to use this tool later in the event investigation. Because of its logic
and relationship aspects, a cause and effect analysis does not lend itself to use as one of the
primary investigation tools for human performance issues. Human performance issues often
have multiple influences on the event and often cannot be clearly specified until late in the
Fault tree analysis is a tool for more detailed investigation of a cause and effects relationships
visually depicting all possible ways that the undesirable condition being investigated could
have occurred. Fault tree analysis creates an event reconstruction model in form of analytic
diagram fault tree. This fault tree is designed to list all possible failure mechanisms and using
scientific research to verify or refute the possible causes until the true initiating mechanism of
an event can be determined. A fault tree analysis is recommended for equipment initiated
To create a fault tree, an undesired system failure such as a safety system failure is selected
for the top event. The top event is related to more basic failure events by logic gates and/or
more basic events. The process is continued, until the events can no longer be expanded. An
example of a fault tree with top event Fire breaks out is shown on Figure 8. Possible but
unrealistic and unsubstantiated paths/explanations for the problem are then eliminated using
further investigation and deductive reasoning, until only the actual failure path remains.
The attributes of the fault tree analysis tool are:
Top event is the significant event;
The graphic tree shape representation provides a structured vision of the event;
Similar in approach to E and CF charting and to cause and effect analysis but with all
Generally used to provide a graphic representation to a complex problem with many
possible scenarios;
Suitable to present also near miss potential.
Among other fault tree analysis features it should be mentioned, that fault trees encourage the
user to ask the 5 Whys multiple times for a given type of problem and to evaluate several
possible problem causes on one diagram (similar to the manpower, methods, materials, and
machines boxes on a Fishbone Diagram). Fault trees tend to be a predominantly experience-
based tool, in that there are no predetermined questions that are used to help user to create the
branches of a given tree.
FTA is recommended for evaluating events involving equipment failures but it could be used
for analysis of human performance-related events also. If used early, it can help identify areas
to initially focus on during the investigation. The fault tree can then be annotated to track the
progress of the investigation as possible failure paths are eliminated from consideration. The
tree may also be used near the end of an investigation to ensure all possible scenarios have
been covered. Fault trees could be really useful for troubleshooting reoccurring problems,
such as quality defects, because such problems tend to have a common set of causes and sub-
Fault Tree Analysis is designed more for identifying HOW the event occurred, rather
than WHY. For example, the fault tree may clearly point to the initiating fault in the
chain of events being a relay that failed due to an over current condition, but well
need to look deeper if we want to know why the over current condition was present;
Successful use of this technique is dependent on identifying ALL credible
explanations for the problems being analysed. In some cases, the assistance of subject
matter experts may be necessary to ensure the analysis is comprehensive.
Fault trees typically fail because:
o people do not use them in a disciplined manner to develop multiple problem
causes at each level;
o multiple levels of potential causes exist to be sorted through for each problem
o they are opinion driven. They often tend to be a blend of a cause effect
diagram and flow chart, but in such cases, the user can easily get lost and not
arrive at any particular root cause.
Also, a fault tree that has been developed to its final extent often leads the user to discover
that the same generic management system weaknesses are the root of the problems (such as
poor training, excessive employee turnover, weak communications, and poor procedure
design) but rarely to the comprehensive mix of realistic root causes.
3.8. Event Tree Analysis
The purpose of this tool is to identify potential outcomes from an initial event. An event tree
analysis (ETA) is an inductive procedure that shows all possible outcomes resulting from the
initiating event and additional occurences or factors. It takes into account whether installed
safety barriers are functioning or not. Design and procedural weaknesses can be identified,
and probabilities of the various outcomes from an accidental event can be determined.
Further analysis may be necessary that includes consequence determination for the less than
desirable outcomes. Event tree models can be developed as stand alone, and also in
combination of event tree - fault tree models for more complex event progression scenarios.
1. Identify (and define) a relevant initial event that may give rise to unwanted
consequences. It is always recommended to start with the first significant deviation
(system or equipment failure, human error or process upset) that may lead to
development of undesirable occurrence. For each occurrence the following are
identified: a) the potential progression(s); b) system dependencies; c) conditional
system responses.
2. Identify the barriers that are designed to deal with the event. The barriers that are
relevant for a specific event should be listed in the sequence they will be activated.
Examples of barriers include automatic detection systems (e.g. fire detection),
automatic safety systems (e.g. fire extinguishing), alarms warning personnel/operators,
procedures and operator actions, mitigating barriers. Additional occurences and/or
factors should be listed together with the barriers, as far as possible in the sequence
when they may take place.
Construct the event tree (see Figures 9 and 10). Constructing starts by an initiating
event (not the final event), depicting by separate branches of a tree what happens if the
line of defence is successful (S) or fails (F). Branching stops when a significant
consequence or concern is identified.
FIG. 9. Simple example of a generic event tree.
Application: Event tree analysis is a tool used to help in assessing safety significance of the
event both in Root Cause Analysis and in probabilistic safety analysis. Event tree analysis is
useful in quantitatively determining the probability of the different consequences when the
probability of each line of defence is known.
It allows analysis of dependencies between various factors and domino effects that are
difficult to model using fault trees, and allows for determining the effectiveness of possible
corrective actions to prevent recurrence by quantitative analysis of possible future failures if
proposed corrective actions were to be implemented.
3.9. The 5 Whys (Why Staircase)
The 5 Whys procedure involves asking Why? five times in succession. A true root cause
can follow a series of therefore statements backwards up through the 5 why analysis. The
investigator should ask why? until he goes outside of the scope of the investigation or until
fixing the cause is beyond the control or desire of the organization. Although many root cause
processes attempt to dictate the number of whys that should be asked, why needs to be
asked until fixing the issue becomes prohibitive from a business or realistic perspective. The
questioning Why? could be continued further to a sixth, seventh, or even greater level.
The investigator should be encouraged to avoid assumptions and logic traps and instead to
trace the chain of causality in direct increments from the effect through any layers of
abstraction to a root cause that still has some connection to the original problem.
1st Why 2nd Why 3rd Why 4th Why 5th Why
This technique can be used for all types of events to identify organizational weaknesses,
simple technique, used to challenge the causes find with other techniques.
If an investigator knows how to ask good, successive why questions, and is able to ask them
to the right people, he or she will find at least one root cause for a given problem. This
approach takes little time to perform as few as five minutes can be used to perform a 5Why
analysis and does not require the use of special software, flip chart paper or reading
materials. If it is performed repeatedly with the same group of people in a sound manner, its
use can lead to a new way of thinking amongst those people that have been exposed to the
tools use.
While the 5 Whys is a powerful tool for engineers or technically savvy individuals to help get
to the true causes of problems, it has been criticized as being too basic a tool to analyse root
causes to the depth that is needed to ensure that the causes are fixed.
Reasons include:
Tendency for investigators to stop at symptoms rather than going on to lower level
root causes;
Inability to go beyond the investigator's current knowledge - can't find causes that they
don't already know;
Lack of support to help the investigator to ask the right why questions;
Results aren't repeatable - different people using 5 Whys come up with different
causes for the same problem;
The tendency to isolate a single root cause, whereas each question could elicit many
different root causes.
In addition, the 5 Whys approach normally leads to the identification of just one root cause
for the problem in question. You will need to go through the 5 Whys process several times
for a given problem in order to ensure that all root causes are identified, and being able to do
so effectively requires even more skill on the part of the question asker. It also does not
necessarily point the problem solver towards the generic causes of similar problems.
This approach requires significant experience and technical knowledge of the problem area in
order to learn how to ask the right why questions the 5 Why technique is not as simple as
asking why alone five times. While the use of this tool will lead to the definition of a root
cause that is also a change that is needed (a corrective action), it does not often result in a
corrective action that is well developed and defined. Most people fail to gain much success
when using this tool simply because they cannot develop the ability to ask good why
questions in succession. These can be significant problems when the 5 Whys is applied
through deduction only. On-the-spot verification of the answer to the current why question,
before proceeding to the next, is recommended as a good practice to avoid these issues.
Common Cause Analysis (CCA) is a tool that provides a systematic approach for evaluating a
group of related CRs for possible shared causes (for example all CRs related to procedural
Significant events are typically preceded by a number of lower level events that were induced
by the same causal factors. CCA helps identifying the common causal factors; once Root
Cause Analysis of these common factors has been conducted and issues corrected, related
significant events should be prevented from occurring.
CRs typically list Inappropriate Actions (IAs) (e.g. performing a procedure step out of
sequence, failing to include a component on a plant drawing, not signing off a completed
work package). CCA prompts the investigator to identify the causal factors involved with
each IA. Once a causal factor has been assigned to each CR, then the most predominant
causal factor is identified (e.g. using Pareto principle). Further analysis of this predominant
factor will identify corrective actions that can be taken to prevent recurrence of the original
issues (see Figure 12).
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 5
It may be applied to look for driving factors behind a known problem area (e.g. an adverse
trend in personnel contamination issues).
CCA can be used to analyse a population of CRs for performance problems that were
previously unrecognized.
During a CCA, the investigator attempts to draw conclusions based primarily upon
information already documented in the OE Database. Getting good results may be a challenge
if too few CRs are evaluated or if information in the OE Database for the CRs is inadequate or
inaccurate. Consequently, the probability of successfully identifying common causes is
dependent upon two factors: the amount and quality of the data available for analysis.
The CRT addresses problems by relating multiple factors rather than isolated events. Its
purpose is to help practitioners find the links between symptomatic factors, called undesirable
effects (UDEs), of the core problem. The CRT was designed to show the current state of
reality as it exists in a system. It reflects the most probable chain of cause-and-effect factors
that contribute to a specific set of circumstances and creates a basis for understanding
complex systems.
The CRT assumes that all systems are subject to interdependencies among the factor
components. Like the other tools, the CRT uses entities and arrows to describe a system.
Entities are statements within some kind of geometric figure, usually a rectangle with smooth
or sharp corners. An entity is expressed as a complete statement that conveys an idea. An
entity can be a cause, an effect, or both. Arrows in the CRT signify a sufficiency relationship
between the entities. Sufficiency implies that the cause is, in fact, enough to create the effect.
Entities that do not meet the sufficiency criteria are not connected. The relationship between
two entities is read as an if-then statement such as, If [cause statement entity], then [effect
statement entity].
In addition, the CRT uses a unique symbol, the oval or ellipse, to show relationships between
interdependent causes. The literature distinguishes between interrelationship and
interdependency using sufficient cause logic such that effects due to interdependency are
attributed to multiple and related causal factors. Because the CRT is based on sufficiency,
there may be cases where one cause is not sufficient by itself to create the proposed effect.
Thus, the ellipse shows that multiple causes are required for the produced effect. These causes
are contributive in nature such that they must all be present for the effect to take place. If one
of the interdependent causes is removed, the effect will disappear. Relationships that contain
an ellipse are read as, If [first contributing cause entity] and [second contributing cause
entity], then [effect entity]. Figure 13 shows an example of a current reality tree.
The CRT also allows for looping conventions that either positively or negatively amplify the
effect. In this situation, an arrow is drawn from the last entity back to one of the earlier
causes. If the original core cause creates a negative reinforcing loop, but can be changed to a
positive, the entire system will be reinforced with a desirable effect.
Although constructed from the top, starting with effects, then working down to causes, the
CRT is read from bottom to top using if-then statements. The arrows lead from the cause
List between five and 10 problems or undesirable effects related to the situation.
Test each UDE for clarity and search for a causal relationship between any two
undesirable effects;
Determine which UDE is the cause and which is the effect;
Test the relationship using categories of legitimate reservation;
Continue the process of connecting the UDEs using if-then logic until all the UDEs
are connected;
Sometimes the cause by itself may not seem to be enough to create the effect.
Additional dependent causes can be shown using the and connector;
Logical relationships can be strengthened using words like some, few, many,
frequently, and sometimes.
This process continues as entities are added downward and chained together. At some point
no other causes can be established or connected to the tree. The construction is complete
when all UDEs are connected to very few root causes, which do not have preceding causal
entities. The final step in the construction of the CRT is to review all the connections and test
the logic of the diagram. Branches that do not connect to UDEs can be pruned or separated for
later analysis.
The assumptions and logic of the CRT are evaluated using rules called CLRs. These rules
ensure rigor in the CRT process and are the criteria for verifying, validating, and agreeing
upon the connections between factors. They are also used to facilitate discussion,
communicate disagreement, reduce animosity, and foster collaboration. The CLRs consist of
six tests or proofs: clarity, entity existence, causality existence, cause insufficiency, additional
cause, and predicted effect.
Clarity, causality existence, and entity existence are the first level of reservation and are used
to clarify meaning and question relationships or the existence of entities. The second level of
reservation includes cause insufficiency, additional cause, and predicted effect. They are
secondary because they are used when questions remain after addressing first-level
reservations. Second-level reservations look for missing or additional causes and additional or
invalid effects.
Advantages: allows finding common causes by grouping and organizing them for many
different issues; good for capturing all the facts/brainstorming. The strength of the CRT is the
rigor of the CLR mechanism that encourages attention to detail, ongoing evaluation, and
integrity of output.
Disadvantages: Practitioners may find the application of the CRT too difficult or time
3.12. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a step-by-step procedure for identifying all
possible failures and their effects. It is most commonly used for technical applications, but
can also be applied for processes. It involves reviewing schematics, engineering drawings,
operational manuals, etc, to identify basic faults at the lowest level and consequently
determine their effects at a higher level. This approach is also considered as an inductive
analysis tool that methodically details, on an element-by-element basis, all possible failure
modes and identifies their resulting effects on surrounding elements and or the overall system.
Failure modes are any errors or defects in a process or equipment, and can be potential or
actual. Effects analysis refers to studying the consequences of those failures.
Failures are prioritized according to how serious their consequences are, how frequently they
occur, and how easily they can be detected. This tools helps to eliminate or reduce defects or
problems, starting with the highest-priority ones (see Figure 14).
FMEA is used during design of a process to prevent subsequent failures. Later it is used for
control, before and during ongoing operation of the process.
The general FMEA procedure includes following steps:
1. Formation of a cross-functional team of people with diverse knowledge about the
process, product or service.
2. Identification of the scope of the FMEA. Flowcharts are used to identify the scope and
to make sure every team member understands it in detail.
3. Identifying information has to be filled in at the top of the FMEA form. The rest of the
information will be appropriately put into the columns of the form.
4. Identification of the functions of the scope and the purpose of the system, design,
process or service. it should be identified with a verb followed by a noun. Usually the
scope is broken into separate subsystems, items, parts, assemblies or process steps and
the function of each step is identified.
5. For each function, identification of all the possible ways a failure could happen. These
are potential failure modes. If necessary, the function should be rewritten with more
detail to be sure the failure modes show a loss of that function.
6. For each failure mode, identification of all the consequences on the system, related
systems, process, related processes or regulations. These are the potential effects of
failure. The team should ask what happens when this failure occurs.
7. Determination of the seriousness of each effect. This is represented with a severity
rating, or S. Severity is usually rated on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is insignificant
and 10 is catastrophic. If a failure mode has more than one effect, only the highest
severity rating for that failure mode should be written on the FMEA table.
8. For each failure mode, determination of all the potential causes. Tools classified as
cause analysis tool should be used, as well as the best knowledge and experience of
the team. All possible causes for each failure mode should be listed on the FMEA
9. For each cause, determination of the occurrence rating, or O. This rating estimates the
probability of failure occurring for that reason during the lifetime of the scope.
Occurrence is usually rated on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is extremely unlikely and
10 is inevitable. On the FMEA table, all the occurrence ratings should be listed.
10. For each cause, identification of the current barriers. These are tests, procedures or
mechanisms that are in place to keep failures from occurring. These barriers might
prevent the cause from happening, reduce the likelihood that it will happen or detect
failure after the cause has already happened.
11. For each barrier, determination of the detection rating, or D. This rating estimates how
well the controls can detect either the cause or its failure mode after they have
happened but before a problem occurs. Detection is usually rated on a scale from 1 to
10, where 1 means the control is absolutely certain to detect the problem and 10 means
the control is certain not to detect the problem (or no control exists). On the FMEA
table, all the detection rating should be listed.
12. Calculation of the risk priority number, or RPN, which equals S O D and
calcualtion of the Criticality by multiplying severity by occurrence, S O. These
numbers provide guidance for ranking potential failures in the order they should be
13. Identification of the recommended actions. These actions may be design or process
changes to lower severity or occurrence. They may be additional controls to improve
detection. the responsible for the actions and target completion dates have to be
indicated in the form.
14. Once actions are completed, results and the date should be indicated on the FMEA
form, together with new S, O or D ratings and new RPNs.
Provides a disciplined approach to evaluating possible cause of equipment failures. All
possible equipment failure modes are identified and their effect on the degradation of the
piece of equipment is analysed. effective tool to confirm the cause and support the
determination of the most effective corrective actions.
This technique is time consuming and expertise is needed to effectively evaluate
possible causes;
The team may not recognize all potential causes;
This technique is not stand-alone;
This technique becomes difficult to use on complex problems because it cannot show
causal relationships beyond the specific failure mode being analysed.
The tool was developed on a theoretical basis with reference to existing tools and models and
it collects four types of human factors information including (a) the action errors occurring
immediately prior to the event, (b) error recovery mechanisms, in the case of near misses, (c)
the thought processes which lead to the action error and (d) the underlying causes.
The structure of HFIT is developed on a sequential model of the event where events are seen
as the product of a number of different causes organized into four categories (see Figures 15
and 16). The behaviours immediately prior to the event are described as the first category
called Action Errors, which personnel at the sharp-end enact. These action errors are
generally preceded and caused in part by a reduction in awareness of their situation, so
Situation Awareness is the second category. The reduction in situation awareness is often
related to Threats to safety from the work environment; otherwise, there are conditions that
may have been in the system for some time, but have not been identified nor rectified (third
category). If the error or reduced situation awareness is detected and recovered from before an
event occurs (error recovery), a near miss results. So a fourth category called Error
Recovery is included that could occur during the action error or situation awareness stages.
The four categories contain a total of 28 elements. Action error elements are divided into 22
further items, situation awareness elements are described by 21 items and the error
recovery elements contain 7 items. The 12 threat elements are divided into sub-elements (n
= 43) and items (n = 271).
The HFIT tool can be used in a number of different ways, first as an interview tool, where the
investigator goes through the questions with each witness in turn. Secondly, the tool can be
used after the witness interviews have taken place and the investigator/s use the tool
themselves, keeping in mind what they found from the interviews. Finally, it can be used
retrospectively on events that have been previously investigated using other investigation
FIG. 15. HFIT model of event causation and direction of analysis.
There have been inconsistencies with the results obtained by using this tool. It is resource
intensive. One of the main issues seems to be the cost and resources implications for
implementing new tools especially for large, international organizations.
3.14. Psychological and Physiological Evaluation
Job relevant individual traits are features of human beings that define potentials and abilities
for professional activity and training. These features are formed on the bases of genetic,
social, and psychological factors. Requirements to the job relevant individual traits get
stronger when work complexity and conditions increase.
The psychological-physiological evaluation is also used in RCA to find root causes associated
to psychological and physiological traits.
Application: the tool could be used in Root Cause Analysis for step of direct and root cause of
erroneous actions of employee and allows to detect them on level of psychology and
Disadvantages: intrusion of privacy of individuals being investigated.
Resources: trained medical staff, psychologists and human factor specialist, costly tool.
The method is used by human factor specialists who are taking part in Root Cause Analysis,
work place design, equipment quality assessment, investigation of esthetic and psycho-
physiological work conditions.
The ergonomic analysis of MMES could be fulfilled by the following set of ergonomic
indices describing groups of ergonomic features:
Anthropometric index describes correspondence between equipment features and
human being body size and shape, mobility of body parts and other personal factors;
Biomechanical index describes ergonomic requirements that define the relationship
between technique, machine and human being strenght, velocity, energy, visual,
acoustic, tactile, olfactory traits;
Psychological index describes the relationship between machine and human being
perception, memory, thinking, psychomotor system traits and also the level and type
of group interaction;
Hygienic index describes work environmental conditions illumination, air
temperature and wind velocity, humidity, radiation, noise, vibration, electromagnetic
field, dust level, gas content, atmospheric pressure.
Application: the tool is used for Root Cause Analysis of human factor related problems and
helps in the development of corrective actions to fix these problems.
Advantages: when utilized whithin RCA the tool will highlight the following aspects:
shortcomings of man-machine interfaces;
inappropriate workload;
incompatibility to infrequently performed evolutions;
incompatibility to usability of documentation.
Disadvantages: use of the tool requires the presence of a specialist in ergonomics analysis.
Kepner-Tregoe is used when a comprehensive analysis is needed for all phases of the
occurrence investigation process. Its strength lies in providing an efficient, systematic
framework for gathering, organizing and evaluating information and consists of four basic
Situation appraisal to identify concerns, set priorities, and plan the next steps;
Problem analysis to precisely describe the problem, identify and evaluate the causes
and confirm the true cause. (This step is similar to change analysis);
Decision analysis to clarify purpose, evaluate alternatives, assess the risks of each
option and to make a final decision;
Potential problem analysis to identify safety degradation that might be introduced by
the corrective action, identify the likely causes of those problems, take preventive
action and plan contingent action. This final step provides assurance that the safety of
no other system is degraded by changes introduced by proposed corrective actions.
These four steps cover all phases of the occurrence investigation process and thus, Kepner-
Tregoe can be used for more than causal factor analysis. Separate worksheets (provided by
Kepner-Tregoe) provide a specific focus on each of the four basic steps and consist of step by
step procedures to aid in the analyses. This systems approach prevents overlooking any aspect
of the concern. A formal Kepner-Tregoe training is needed for those using this method.
The steps that make up the problem analysis process of the Kepner-Tregoe technique are:
1. Describe the Problem. The problem is described by clearly stating the deviation, or
stating what should have occurred and what actually occurred. As an aid in clearly
stating the deviation, information should be gathered to answer the following
2. With this information in place, the next step of clearly understanding the deviation
is to develop an IS and IS NOT comparison chart. This chart should contain an
information about what, where, when, and to what extent the deviation(s) IS along
with what, where, when, and to what extent the deviation(s) IS NOT.
3. List the Possible Causes. This second basic step of the problem analysis process
develops a list of possible causes for the specified deviation. This list is generated
by listing the distinctions and/or changes that have occurred between the items of
the IS and IS NOT lists. The causes of the distinctions or changes are then
4. Finding the True Cause(s). The last basic step of the problem analysis process is
finding the true cause of the deviation. This step tests the list of possible causes for
the most probable causes. This done by comparing all of the possible causes with
the observed specifics (the IS/IS NOT chart) of the deviation. If the cause could
produce all of the same observed specifics, it can be classified as a probable cause.
When all the probable causes have been determined, then the True Cause must be found and
verified. This is done by further investigation, experimentation, observation, etc. of the most
probable causes.
As shown, the Kepner-Tregoe technique for performing a Root Cause Analysis does provide
the basic benefits of a good analysis tool. This technique is a structured guideline to an
investigator in determining the information needed, the questions to ask, and when to stop;
i.e., when the root causes have been identified.
The major drawback to this technique when performing Root Cause Analysis or determining
their corrective actions is, as in any thought process, extensive training in the technique is
required and constant practice in its use is necessary. Also, a significant amount of time,
energy and resources may be required for the verification of the true causes of the event. This
technique, however, does provide a good base for the development of a more specific analysis
tools to find root causes of reactor plant events.
Advantages: this systems approach prevents overlooking any aspect of the concern
The ID, originally known as the relations diagram, was developed by the Society of Quality
Control Technique Development in association with the Union of Japanese Scientists and
Engineers (JUSE) in 1976. The relations diagram was part of a toolset known as the seven
new quality control (7 new QC) tools. It was designed to clarify the intertwined causal
relationships of a complex problem in order to identify an appropriate solution. The relations
diagram evolved into a problem-solving and decision-making method from management
indicator relational analysis, a method for economic planning and engineering.
The interrelationship diagram takes complex, multivariable problems and explores and
displays all of the interrelated factors involved. It graphically shows the logical (and often
causal) relationships between factors. The ID allows groups to identify, analyse, and classify
the cause-and-effect relationships that exist among all critical issues so that key factors can be
part of an effective solution. The intent of the ID is to encourage practitioners to think in
multiple directions rather than linearly so that critical issues can emerge naturally rather than
follow personal agendas. The ID assists in systematically surfacing basic assumptions and
reasons for those assumptions. In summary, the ID helps identify root causes.
use of at least a noun and a verb. Arrows drawn between the factors represent a relationship.
As a rule, the arrow points from the cause to the effect or from the means to the objective. The
arrow, however, may be reversed if it suits the purpose of the analysis.
The format of the ID is generally unrestricted with several variants. The centrally converging
ID places the major problem in the center with closely related factors arranged around it to
indicate a close relationship. The directionally intense ID places the problem to one side of
the diagram and arranges the factors according to their cause-and-effect relationships on the
other side. The applications format ID can be unrestricted, centrally converging, or
directionally intense, but adds additional structure based on factors such as organizational
configuration, processes, or systems.
The ID may use either quantitative or qualitative formats. In the qualitative format, the factors
are simply connected to each other and the root cause is identified based on intuitive
understanding. In the quantitative format, numeric identifiers are used to determine the
strength of relations between factors and the root cause is identified based on the numeric
A variant of the ID is the ID matrix, which places all the factors on the first column and row
of a matrix. This format creates a more orderly display and prevents the tool from becoming
too chaotic when there are many factors. The strength and direction of the relationships can be
represented through arrows, numbers, or other symbols placed in the cells of the matrix. It is
observed that users become careless with large, complicated diagrams, so the ID matrix is a
good technique to force participants to pay attention to each factor in a more systematic
A particular concern of the ID is that it does not have a mechanism for evaluating the integrity
of the selected root cause. In using the quantitative or qualitative method, practitioners must
be able to assess the validity of their choices and the strength of the factor relationships. Some
users may simply count the number of arrows and select a root cause without thoroughly
analysing or testing their assumptions about the problem.
Overall, the IDs strength is that it is a structured approach that provides for the analysis of
complex relationships using a nonlinear approach. The disadvantage is that it may rely too
heavily on the subjective judgments about factor relationships and can become quite complex
or hard to read.
The Japanese Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) prepared the JNES Organizational
Factors List (JOFL) as a reference list for regulatory body to confirm the appropriateness of
organizational factors found by the licensees root cause analyses [JNES ceased to exist in
March 2014 as a result of integration into Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), Japan]. The
tool allows the regulator to evaluate organizational factors from various root causes analyses
so that they possibly can be combined in order to identify communalities.
This reference list is composed of six key factor areas that refer to a structure of 33
intermediate classifications as well as 137 questionnaires for the confirmation of each
perspective. The six key factors areas are:
Figure 18 indicates potential causal relationships among the factors considered in conducting
a Root Cause Analysis.
The licensees RCAs are evaluated utilizing the JOFL classification following three steps:
As necessary, the association of individual personal psychological factors with group factors
(work related psychological factors) and organizational psychological factors should be
As the main target of this method is to assess the effectiveness of a Root Cause
Analysis, identifying problems in the timeline is outside of the scope.
As the set of JOFL classification refers to a typical ideal organization and uses a
different terminology and definition of root cause compared with other methods,
analysts may need to make changes for it to match with the organization which is the
subject of the evaluation.
Organization psychological
Organizational Psychological
External Environmental
xt Corporate
Operational Senior
er Management Factor
management factors
Governance factors
l fa
en ct
vi or
Individual Psychological
n Collective
Group Factor
factors Individual factors
m Factor
Organization psychological
Organizational Psychological
Safety significance
In this category it is specified the safety significance of the issue for which the technique is
best suited.
Resources needed
Training for the technique, skills, competences, team size necessary to execute the technique.
Interviewing All Low Single event Any Quick Trained and Information gathering Technique cannot be used
experienced technique for alone to identify root
Repeated interviewer investigations causes. Should be used
events soon after event.
Task Analysis All Low / task Parts of any Can be used Time to complete Minimal training Easily identifies Usually requires the
specific event for any process is required differences between the availability of an
moderate; however, proper performance of a individual technically
individual causal Someone familiar task and the performance knowledgeable of the task
factors can be with the type of task of the task at the time it being evaluated.
identified quickly. being evaluated. was performed when it was
related to the event being May be not effective when
investigated. task cannot be re-enacted.
Barrier All Medium Single event Any Short Minimal training Can identify probable If the evaluator is not
Analysis required causal factors with a familiar with the technical
Repeated systematic approach. aspects of the event being
events Someone technically investigated, they may not
familiar with the Used in conjunction with E recognize all barriers.
process or evolution and CF, can identify
being investigated. process weaknesses and Technique cannot be used
the effectiveness of alone to identify root
proposed CAs. causes.
Event and All High / entire Single event All Time to Complete Trained/experienced Provides an illustration of Time consuming
Causal Factor event Significance process is long, E and CF evaluator the whole problem from
Chart Repeated levels however, individual initiating event through Evaluator needs experience
events causal factors can recovery actions. for proficiency
be identified Technique is not useful for
quickly. evaluation of trends unless
they are a result of a
sequence of issues over a
period of time.
Cause and Non-complex Low, but Single event Recommended Quick Minimal training Provides an easy approach Begins after causal factors
Effect Analysis events causal factors for low to required for identifying root causes, are identified, therefore
must be Medium for non-complex events. when viewed by itself it
identified Someone familiar will not provide all
prior to with the process background information to
performance understand a complex
of this problem.
Requires experience to ask
the right questions.
Fault Tree Equipment High Single event High Long Minimal training Allows for a graphic Subjective in that all
Analysis required, however depiction of how cause and possible causes must be
Repeated technical knowledge effect are related to the identified in order for this
events of the issue being event being investigated. tool to work properly.
investigated is
important. Can be used to evaluate Designed more for
complex events with identifying direct causes
multiple outcomes. rather than causal factors.
Good method for Technique cannot be used
evaluating equipment alone to identify root
failures. causes.
Event Tree Equipment High Single event High Long Minimal training Each outcome is weighted Labour intensive
Analysis required allowing for the
Repeated prioritization of corrective Needs to be used with
events A specialist in PRA actions based on impact on other techniques to
is needed the event or issue being populate the event tree.
Technical knowledge evaluated.
of the issue being
investigated is
Specialized software
5 Whys, Why All Low All All Once causal factors Not many resources Can be used for all types of Highly subjective
Staircase are identified or training needed events to identify
(depending on other programmatic and Difficult to know when to
techniques used), Most effective when organizational weaknesses. stop asking why
time to complete performed by (experience needed).
process is quick. individual with a Simple technique, used to
leadership challenge the causes Does not easily
perspective of the identified by other differentiate between root
organization. techniques. causes, contributing causes
to an event.
Needs to be used by an
investigator familiar with
the specific programmes
and organization.
Need to be used with other
techniques to identify the
causal factors.
Common Cause All High Trend Can be used High Training should Can be used to identify Quality of the analysis
Analysis for all levels include using trend programmatic or depends on the number and
reports, organizational weaknesses accuracy of the data points
understanding causal when trends of causal
factors and how they factors appear. A successful CCA will
are assigned. only result in the
Can be used with any data identification of the more
sets that causal factors can dominant common causes
be assigned to. for a group of events; a
root cause method must be
used in order to identify
root causes and
contributing causes to the
trends identified.
Current Reality Organizational High Single event Medium / high Time to complete Process expert in the Allow finding common CRT could be found too
Tree or process is long, use of this method grouping and organizes difficult or time
programmatic Repeated however, time to them for many different consuming.
events identify individual Individual with issues.
causal factors can technical knowledge Need to be used with other
be moderate. of organization Good for identification of techniques to identify the
organizational factors. causal factors.
Failure Modes Equipment High Single event High Long High technical Provides a disciplined Time consuming
and Effects issues expertise related to approach to evaluating
Analysis Repeated the failure possible cause of Expertise is needed to
events equipment failures. effectively evaluate
Trained facilitator is possible causes. The team
needed Good method to confirm may not recognize all
the cause and support the potential causes.
determination of the most
effective CAs. Need to be used with other
techniques to identify the
causal factors.
Human Factor Human Medium / high Single event High Long Need human factor HFIT is useful for the Resource intensive
Investigation performance specialist development of corrective
Tool actions related to human The tool relies heavily on
performance improvement. the expertise of the
specialist in order to get an
accurate outcome.
Physiological Human Medium Single event High Medium Trained medical staff Allows for the proactive Some individuals may
and performance and human factor identification and consider this tool to be an
Psychological Repeated specialist correction of a human excessive intrusion of their
Investigation events performance failure mode. privacy.
Ergonomics Human Low Single event Low / medium Moderate, however, Human factor / The tool highlights these The tool relies heavily on
Analysis performance time to identify technical expertise following aspects: the expertise of the
individual causal specialist is necessary in
factors can be shortcomings of man- order to get an accurate
quick. machine interfaces; outcome.
incompatibility to
infrequently performed
incompatibility to
usability of
K-T Problem Equipment Medium / high Single event High Time to complete Training, experience, It is a rational, industry Proprietary technique,
Analysis issues process is long, licence, technical proven process that allows licence required, extensive
Repeated however, time to expertise, team a focused approach to training in the technique is
events identify individual needed. solving discrete problems. required and regular
causal factors can The system approach practice in its use is
be moderate. prevents overlooking any necessary.
aspect of the concern.
Significant amount of time,
energy and resources may
be required for the
verification of the true
causes of the event.
Interrelationship Complex High Single event High Long Team needed It is a structured approach Subjective and complex
Diagram that provides for the
analysis of complex It needs to be used with a
relationships using a method to validate the
nonlinear approach. accuracy of the root causes
JNES Human and Low Single event Recommended Individual causal Someone with a little Provides an illustration of Identifying problems in the
Organizational organization for High, can factors can be training can analyse the whole problem and timeline is outside the
Factors List issues Repeated be used for identified quickly. by using a set of contributing factors. Works scope (target of this
(JOFL) events any. JOFL classification. very well with barrier method is to assess the
analysis. effectiveness of a root
Questionnaires cause analysis).
Analysts may need to
make changes to match the
organization which is the
subject of the evaluation.
The CD-ROM inside the back cover of this document also contains manuals and information
on the following:
1. Control Change Cause Analysis (3CA FORM C)
2. Assessment of Safety Significant Events Teams (ASSET)
3. Japanese Human Performance Enhancement System (J-HPES)/Systematic Approach
For Error Reduction (SAFER)/JNES Organizational Factors List (JOFL)
4. Human Performance Evaluation Process (HPEP)
5. Events and Conditional Factors Analysis Manual (ECFA+)
6. Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT)
7. Paks Root Cause Analysis Procedure (PRCAP)
8. Psychological Root Cause Analysis of Human Factor Method
9. Safety through Organizational Learning (SOL)
10. Tripod Beta
These manuals and information have been taken from available publications, information
available on the internet and information provided by contributors to the development of this
In the section below, where information was available, limitations of the methods are
highlighted (limitations are weaknesses inherent of the particular method that limit its
effectiveness in being used for a particular type of issue or event).
With all methods specific training is required and regular practice at utilizing the method is
important to maintain proficency.
The HPES method utilizes task analysis, change analysis, barrier analysis, cause and effect
analysis and interviewing. Event related information is graphically represented in an event
and causal factors chart. The integrated event and causal factorss graphic shows the direct
causes, the root causes, the contributing causes, the failed barriers with their interconnections
and dependencies. Although valid for all types of issues (technical, procedural, etc), the
method is oriented to enhance the determination of the human performance issues. A human
performance specialist is recommended to be part of the team. Nevertheless, due to its
systematic approach, the method can be very well used after a short practical training by non
specialists. The event investigation team members are kept proficient with the technique by
frequently practicing the method and participating in investigation teams.
The HPES method is a systematic process to guide the event investigator first to understand
what happened before attempting to understand the causes. To understand the mechanism of
the human performance (or the individuals behaviour) during the event it is necessary to find
out how the event happened. To find the causes, it is determined why the behaviour occurred
and what additional factors contributed to the event. It is carried out by systematically
performing several steps (these are outlined in Annex I of this document):
Task analysis. One of the first priorities when beginning an event investigation is to
determine as much as possible about the activity that was being performed;
Further information gathering (e.g. interviewing, walkthrough, etc.);
Change analysis. The purpose of this step is to explore the potential affective changes
which might be contributory to the event;
Barrier analysis.
For each primary event and primary effect the conditions are examined which allowed or
forced it to occur. Conditions are circumstances pertinent to the situations that may have
influenced the course of events. The conditions (causes) are placed on the chart (in ovals)
showing their relationship to the effect. For each identified condition, the question is asked,
why that condition existed i.e. the condition is treated as an effect and the causes are
determined. This cause-and-effect process is repeated until:
Correction of the cause is outside the control of the organization;
Correction of the cause is determined to be cost prohibitive;
The primary effect is fully explained;
There are no other causes that can be found that explain the effect being investigated;
Further cause and effect analysis will not provide further benefit in correcting the
initial problem.
The HPES Causal Factor Work Sheets provide guidance for performing the cause-and-effect
process and for determining the actual causal factors and root causes of the event.
Based on each root cause and failed barrier, the corrective actions are identified. The
corrective actions must meet the following criteria:
Will the corrective actions prevent recurrence of the event?
Is the corrective action within the capability of the utility to implement?
This method is mostly used for significant events. The HPES system is useful to help identify
potential contributing causes that may be initially outside the mindset of the investigator. A
full analysis typically requires 200-300 man-hours on average. Lower level events can be
investigated in a simplified format with less resource.
Organizational and programmatic factors are not strongly supported by the method. It
can be difficult from a single event investigation to target management weaknesses;
The application of the whole process can be time consuming, particularly in the area
of interviews of personnel.
The HPES and associated techniques have now been adopted by many countries and
organizations. The approach has been proven to be practicable and successful across a broad
spectrum of NPP operators and cultures, having been adapted where necessary to meet local
needs. Its limitations in the managerial and organizational areas have been addressed by those
organizations which are increasing focus on these issues.
KHNP (Korea Hydro Nuclear Power Company) introduced K-HPES (Korean-version Human
Performance Enhancement System) based on the HPES method. K-HPES was upgraded as a
web based system with its Root Cause Analysis method refined in 2007.
K-HPES was developed by replacing the behavioural factor analysis of HPES with operators
cognitive model. This model utilized a set of check items to discover causes of an event.
In this method, accidents are described in series of events, and the events are traced down to
search for root causes. Some causes are selected and classified using both an attribute table
and classification tree, and they are further analysed with barrier analysis, finally are linked to
corrective actions.
K-HPES provides both a tree consisting of nine causal factors at the first level and an attribute
table to categorize the causes. The nine causal factors include defective device, environment,
and documents such as procedures, task management, organization, knowledge, workload,
communication, and attitude shown in Figure 19. These first level causal factors are further
decomposed until detail causal factors are obtained. The attribute table is used to find
ergonomic factors of human error committer.
The workflow of K-HPES is fully computerized and customized graphic user interfaces are
Causal Factor
MM Dev Envi Prot Edit Adhe Plan Sup Budg Mang Qual Edu Staff Char Shif Meth Attit Tool
The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in Japan developed a
human error analysis method, J-HPES (a Japanese version of the HPES) in 1990.
The J-HPES was developed by fully modifying the HPES method, so that it was adapted to a
Japanese environment. Developed as a remedy-oriented system for systematically analysing
and evaluating human-related events occurring at nuclear power plants, this method aims in
particular at identifying causal factors and deriving proposals for specific hierarchical
corrective actions.
The causal analysis stage (Stage 3) is applied to each trigger action (defined as a human
action contributing directly to an abnormal change of machinery state in an event). The
approach applies the modified fault tree method to initiate a search reaching down to the
ultimate underlying causal factors. This causal relation chart clarifies the direct causal factors
that have induced the trigger action, indirect causes that have contributed to the direct causal
factors, and latent causes that have contributed to the indirect causes.
The revised process, named HINT/J-HPES, comprises four stages. HINT is not an acronym,
but was added to the name of the method because the revised version includes enhanced hints,
in the form of the basic framework for causal analysis. Stages 1 and 4 have not changed from
those of the original J-HPES. Gathering information for Stage 2 has been enhanced by using
the causal factor reference list, with the basic framework as a reference. The framework has
also been applied to the causal analysis (Stage 3) to guide the search down to the management
factors. The causal factors are analysed to draw up a causal relation chart in the format shown
in Figure 20.
This method has been used mainly by the Japanese nuclear power industry.
The basic framework for human error event analysis shown in Figure 20 is applied to a causal
analysis after identifying trigger actions. First, the factors concerning personnel involved at
implementation phase that is the working level are examined. These factors concern workers
or work group members. Next, the local workplace factors such as task demands and work
environment are examined. After that, work control such as preparing procedures and work
packages is examined. Finally, management factors such as training, quality control, and
safety culture are analysed.
The causal factors reference list is summarized based on this framework, in order to assist
investigators who do not have sufficient knowledge about human factors in identifying causal
Resources and skills needed:
Requires a team that consists of a few members trained in the method, personnel involved,
and a team leader with management experience.
MTO is a systemic theory with a focus on the interactions between man, technology and
organizations. It is a modified version of HPES method adopted by Swedish nuclear industry.
The method uses three basic tools: event and cause analysis, barrier and change analysis. To
structure the process events and causal factors flow-charts are used. MTO investigations are
mostly used for significant events related to human and organizational factors.
The basis for the MTO-analysis is that human, organizational, and technical factors should be
focused equally in an event investigation. As previously mentioned, the MTO-analysis is
based on the employment of three commonly used tools:
Structured analysis by use of an event- and cause-diagram;
Change analysis by describing how events have deviated from earlier events or
common practice;
Barrier analysis by identifying technological and administrative barriers which have
failed or are missing.
The first step in an MTO-analysis is to develop the event sequence longitudinally and
illustrate the event sequence in a block diagram (see Figure 21). Then, the analyst should
identify possible technical and human causes of each event and draw these vertically to the
events in the diagram.
The next step is to make a change analysis, i.e. to assess how aspects in the event progress
have deviated from normal situation, or common practice. Normal situations and deviations
are also illustrated in the diagram below.
The investigator must further analyse which technical, human or organizational barriers have
failed or were missing during the event progress. The investigator must also illustrate all
missing or failed barriers below the events in the diagram. The basic questions in the analysis
The last important step in the MTO-analysis is to identify and present recommendations. The
recommendations should be as realistic and specific as possible, and might be technical,
human or organizational.
The Human Performance Evaluation Process is a resource developed for US NRC inspectors
to use when reviewing licensee problem identification and resolution programs with regard to
human performance. It is divided into two parts. Part I provides a step-by-step process for
reviewing licensee effectiveness in identifying, analyzing and resolving human performance
problems. Part I also addresses the challenges in identifying and investigating human
performance problems, describes three root cause analysis techniques, and discusses
characteristics of effective corrective action plans. Part II is comprised of the HPEP cause tree
and modules. The cause tree is a screening tool for identifying the range of possible causes for
a human performance problem. The modules describe frequently identified causes for human
performance problems and provide examples. Part II is intended to support the evaluation of
licensee root cause analyses for human performance problems identified in Part I.
Human errors may play several different roles in an event sequence. An error may:
Directly cause an event;
Contribute to an event by setting up the conditions that, in combination with other
events or conditions, allowed the event to occur (e.g., leaving a valve open that should
be closed);
Make the consequences of an event more severe; or
Delay recovery from an event.
Human errors typically contribute to events rather than directly cause them. In fact, a single
human error directly causes very few significant events because most systems that involve
nuclear processes are designed to be fault-tolerant; that is, designed to prevent a single human
action (or failure to act) from causing an event with important consequences. More often, a
risk-significant event involves several system deficiencies, some of which may have
happened long before the event takes place. For example, errors in the original installation of
a system may set the stage for another human error to initiate an event months or years later.
The value of investigating the human errors involved in an event is to understand what caused
them so that corrective actions can be developed to minimize the likelihood of recurrence. It
is also important to detect and correct patterns of errors before they result in an event. Human
performance trends are a pattern of related errors resulting from the same causal factors.
The HPEP is not intended to replace existing NRC inspection procedures. The purpose of the
HPEP is to support NRC staff reviews of the effectiveness of licensee problem identification
and resolution programs in detecting and resolving human performance problems. Methods
are presented for evaluating licensee investigations of human performance problems, root
cause analyses and corrective actions.
MORT method is an analytical procedure for inquiring into causes and contributing factors of
events. The MORT method reflects the key ideas of a 34-year program run by the US
Department of Energy to ensure high levels of safety and quality assurance in the energy
MORT is a method originally developed for analysing events of nuclear safety significance
for which organization and management issues are apparent, and was later adapted for more
general event investigation and safety assessment. The MORT method analyses an
organizations functions for managing its risks effectively. These functions have been
described generically; the emphasis is on what rather than how, and this allows MORT to
be applied to different industries. MORT reflects a philosophy which holds that the most
effective way of managing safety is to make it an integral part of business management and
operational control.
According to the philosophy of the MORT system, an event is caused by an energy flux
which is not controlled in the right way by adequate barriers and/or control upon the
unwanted energy transfer. It is based on developing the analysis through several
interconnected fault trees each one representing a domain of investigation and filling in the
fault trees using a predetermined check list. A predetermined check list of around 100 generic
problems and 200 basic causes is utilized. The implementation of this technique presents a
certain complexity which requires expert users with a relatively higher expenditure of man-
hours and resources for the investigation. Some versions of this technique were registered as a
commercial product and are supported by software to expedite the diagnosis.
Step 1 is supported using a procedure called Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis. In this step
the analyst is trying to identify a complete set of events and to define each of them clearly. It
is very difficult to use MORT, even in a superficial way, without first performing an Energy
Trace and Barrier Analysis.
In Step 2, the analyst looks at how the energy was exchanged with the person or asset. This
way of characterizing events as a series of energy exchanges was proposed as a means of
analysing them scientifically. There may be several different energy transfers that need to be
considered in the same investigation. In this step, the analyst aims to understand how the
harm, damage or danger occurred.
In Step 3, the analyst considers how the activity was managed. This step involves the analyst
looking at the local management specific to the activity and resources. The analyst also
looks upstream to find management and design decisions about people, equipment,
processes and procedures that are relevant to the event. To help make this analysis systematic,
the analyst uses the MORT chart (Figure 22); this lists the topics and allows an analyst to
keep track of his/her progress.
Each topic on the MORT chart has a corresponding question in the set of questions provided
in advance. The questions in MORT are asked in a particular sequence, one that is designed to
help the user clarify the facts surrounding an event (Figure 23). The analyst, focused on the
context of the event, identifies which topics are relevant and uses the questions in the manual
as a resource to frame his/her own inquiries. Like most forms of analysis applied in
investigations, MORT helps the analyst structure what they know and identify what they need
to find out; mostly the latter. The accent in MORT analysis is on inquiry and reflection by the
MORT is a proven and free to use method. It looks to the whole management structure, uses
detailed fault tree and gives up to 1500 potential causal factors. MORT uses barrier analysis
and identifies the assumed risks taken by management. Computerized versions are available.
MORT was found to be easy adaptable for quick analysis of simple events.
Perceived by some to be complex, costly and time consuming due to extensive task
Some versions of MORT and appropriate software are a commercial product that is
only available for a fee;
Not appropriate for use by NPP staff in routine investigations.
5.7. Paks Root Cause Analysis Procedure (PRCAP)
The Paks Root Cause Analysis Procedure (PRCAP), has been developed to meet the safe and
reliable operations of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). PRCAP was originally an
adaptation of the Human Performance Investigation Process (HPIP) of the US NRC and of the
safety management factors in the Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT) of the US
Department of Energy. Nevertheless, significant modifications and amendments were made to
incorporate features of RCA methods currently used in the world, together with specific
requirements for RCA at Paks NPP.
PRCAP has extended the searching system and the cause modules of HPIP to cover potential
contributions of Equipment and Personnel in the RCA;
PRCAP Flow, which displays the major steps used to investigate and analyse an event
(central column of the diagram);
Purpose of each of the major steps, (left column of the diagram);
Tools, which are the RCA techniques, criteria, guidance/guidelines used in the major
steps (right column of the diagram).
Among those tools, three are essential to perform RCA when following this process: PORTM,
the PRCAP modules and the Event and Causal factors (E and CF) Charting.
The PRCAP modules cover all the basic elements (equipment, personnel and procedure) and
the essential environmental/ managerial factors, which may contribute to or result in an event.
The seven PRCAP modules or categories of causal factors are:
1. Equipment.
2. Personnel.
3. Procedures.
4. Human-Engineering.
5. Training.
6. First Line Supervision.
7. Management Systems.
Each module is formulated in a tree structure with branches and causal factors at three levels;
they are structured with the intention to address all problems that could arise in analysing
direct causes, contributing causes and root causes of the operational events.
Purposes Process Flow Main Tools
5.8. Safety Through Organizational Learning (SOL)
The SOL method covers the identification of human as well as technical, organizational and
management factors. During the first phase of the analysis event data is collected, without
questioning its significance (see Figure 25). In the second phase the data is organized in
elements of the event as individual actions performed by the personnel, organizational unit or
by systems. This is then classified chronologically for each factor (called actor) and
represented in a graphic actor-action-time. The method uses a predetermined set of direct
causes and contributing factors. On the basis of the selected direct causes the method proposes
questions to be addressed to help identify the contributing causes. These elements are
successively added to the graphic actor-action-time facilitating the progress of the
investigation and the further collection of information.
SOL method analyses events using a backward oriented problem-solving process. SOL
employs the concept of event analysis in a set of two standardized process steps: (1) the
description of the actual event situation, and (2) the identification of contributing factors.
As the first step of the analysis, a situational description is constructed. The information
needed for the description of the event is gathered by interviews and document analysis. A set
of questions helps the analyst to ask the right questions in order to completely reconstruct the
course of an event.
The collected information is broken down into a sequence of event-building blocks, i.e. the
event is decomposed into a sequence of single micro-events to clarify and illustrate what
happened. For each event-building block the information is categorized according to the actor
(human and technical actors), the action, the point in time of the action, the location (where
the action takes place) and additional remarks. Thus, an event is determined by a sequence of
singular actions by different actors. The starting point of an event (i.e. the first event-building
block) is defined as the first deviation from a warranted course of action. These deviations are
identified by contrasting actions against formal procedures and technical system design or
against normal system performance based on the appraisal of an event analyst. The end
point (i.e. the last event-building block) is defined as the recovery of a safe system state.
The situational description illustrates only observable facts (what happened). Actions which
were not shown as well as hypotheses about potential causes should not be incorporated into
the situational description. Each event-building block is graphically ordered in a time-actor
diagram which provides an overview of the recomposed event and serves as an important
information source for the subsequent identification of contributing factors.
The identification of contributing factors, i.e. the second step, is conducted in the following
way: for each event-building block a separate analysis is conducted. An identification aid
supports the categorization of potential contributing factors which cover individual, technical,
group, organizational and inter-organizational aspects to guarantee a sufficient scope of
FIG. 25. SOL and SOL-VE analysis procedure.
Since it is assumed that an event analyst may not exclusively be a human factors specialist,
the aid also gives illustrative examples of potential influences of contributing factors with the
aim to stimulate creative problem solving processes. These examples are concrete enough to
cover a broad range of potentially contributing factors but they are not meant to be
exhaustive. To guarantee the comprehensiveness of the analysis all general questions are
linked to others. These so-called cross-references are theoretically and empirically based. If
one question is answered in the affirmative, the team is guided to answer another set of
questions in order to identify other potentially contributing factors.
Contributing factors are roughly divided into direct and indirect factors. The analysis process
starts with the identification of direct factors which are linked to a couple of indirect factors
due to the cross-references. For instance, if the direct factor personal performance is
identified, a cross-reference to indirect factors such as training is given. By these cross-
references mono-causal thinking and over-weighting of active errors should be overcome.
Finally, all identified contributing factors are added to the time-actor-matrix (see Figure 26),
thus successively completing the reconstruction of the event and its causes.
FIG. 26. Example of the SOL time-actor diagram with contributing factors.
A set of three specific guidelines is aimed to support the process of event analysis, to ensure
its standardised conduct while at the same time mobilising expert knowledge and creativity of
the analysis which can be compared to a backward oriented problem solving process:
1. Guideline for the description of the situation: the event is broken down into a sequence
of event-parts i.e. single actions of different actors (man or machine), event building
blocks, and no contributing factors should be identified at this stage.
2. Guideline for the identification of contributing factors: Every single action
(representing an event building block) identified in the description of the situation
should be analysed by asking the question why.
3. Guideline for the reporting of the event: The event description is a comprehensive
documentation of the process of analysis and provides the main basis for the NPPs
internal organizational learning. The guideline insures the standardization of the
reports in all NPPs ; it contains information about the role, form and writing of the
event report, and also information about the classification of contributing factors for
statistical analysis.
SOL-VE (SOL Versio Electronica) is a computer based software tool for event analysis
including the administration of events and associated corrective actions within a data base..
The application includes data base functions that allow trending of various root causes across
all event investigation results.
ASSET is an IAEA method developed in 1991 for investigating events of high significance
with related managerial and organizational issues by an IAEA led team. Issues and corrective
actions identified by ASSET method are often at high level, more applicable to management
policy and philosophy, and of a generalized nature.
According to ASSET method, the work process at a nuclear power plant has three basic
elements: people, procedures and equipment. The reason for an error in the performance of
the work process must be a deficiency in one, or several of these basic elements. The ASSET
approach is based on the logic that events always occur because of a failure (of people,
procedures or equipment) to perform as expected due to a latent weakness (direct cause)
which was not timely eliminated due to deficiencies in plant surveillance program (root
cause). In ASSET analysis, the event is broken up in a logically connected occurrences which
can be attributed to a single failure of either people, procedures or equipment, and the direct
cause and root causes of each occurrence are identified to determine the corrective actions
which will eliminate the direct cause and root causes.
The fundamental approach of the ASSET method is shown in the following diagram:
Figure 28 shows the event root cause anlysis form. The objective of the Root Cause Analysis
is to establish exactly what happened and why, so as to contribute to the prevention of
repetitious events. According to ASSET, the Root Cause Analysis is a process of three
phases, namely:
Investigation: the determination of what exactly happened, the identification of all the
occurrences making up the event and their temporal and logical relationships;
Analysis: the analysis of selected (or all of the) occurrences;
Formulation of recommendations: the identification of corrective actions on which to
base recommendations.
Useful for investigation of generic events;
Can be useful for investigating a single event of high safety significance which has
related managerial and organizational aspects;
Useful for retrospective review of a population of events where a trend of recurring
problems has been identified.
FIG. 28. Event Root Cause Analysis form (blank).
Uses a different terminology and definition of root cause compared with other
Because the method identifies deficiencies in management, organization and higher
policy issues, knowledgeable senior staff with practical experience are needed to
perform the analysis;
Issues and corrective actions identified by ASSET method are often at high level,
more pertinent to management policy and philosophy, and of a generalized nature.
This makes development of concise, measurable, and achievable corrective actions
ASSET services are no longer supported by the IAEA and hence, training and further
improvements for the ASSET method may no longer be available through IAEA.
The ASSET method, when applied to discrete events of limited safety significance, develops
root causes which are at the higher managerial levels, and as a result generate more global
corrective actions. Such actions have been found to be difficult to implement due to issues
relating to high cost and insufficient focus of ownership and accountability. The existing
experience indicates that the application of other available methods in this respect can be
more effective than the ASSET method for discrete events.
The AEB method models the interaction between human and technical systems. It consists of
the narrative of the event, the flow chart model of human and systems malfunctions, errors
and failures, and barrier function analysis.
As a basic principle for classification in the AEB method, the evolution leading to an event is
modeled as a chain or sequence of malfunctions, failures, and errors in human and technical
systems. Referring to this, a distinction was made between barrier functions and barrier
systems. A barrier function represents a function (and not, e.g. an object) which can arrest the
event evolution so that the next event in the chain is never realized. Barrier systems are those
maintaining the barrier function. Such systems may be an operator, an instruction, a physical
separation, an emergency control system, and other safety-related systems, components, and
human factors-organizational units.
More generally, a barrier function can be defined as the specific manner by which the barrier
achieves its purpose, whereas a barrier system can be defined as the foundation for the barrier
function, i.e., the organizational and/or physical structure without which the barrier function
could not be accomplished. The use of the barrier concept is based on a systematic description
of various types of barrier systems and barrier functions, for instance as a classification
system. This will help to identify specific barrier systems and barrier functions and to
understand the role of barriers, in either meaning, in the history of an event. In Figure 29
barrier functions are shown as two parallel lines //.
FIG. 29. The Accident Evolution and Barrier (AEB) function model.
The AEB model proposed three different barrier systems, namely physical, technical, and
human factors/organizational. Coupled with most links in this sequence of malfunctions,
failures, and errors in human and technical systems there are possibilities to arrest the event
evolution through barrier functions, (e.g. a physical barrier function) controlled by barrier
function systems (e.g. a computer-controlled lock). In contrast to a tree representation of the
contributing factors to barrier function failures, AEB implies that failures and failing barrier
functions are analysed at successively more detailed levels.
One of AEB disadvantages is that it does not present all the data in the main flow chart and
hence runs a risk of missing potential relevant contributory factors.
This method has its origins in a co-operative project run by Humber Chemical Focus and the
UK Health and Safety Executive in 2000. The venture was aimed at line managers of
chemical sites and sought to develop their skills in identifying underlying causes of events.
The project aimed to equip people with tools to help them investigate and identify lessons to
be learned.
Control Change Cause Analysis 3CA is designed to help investigators structure their
inquiries into the underlying cause of events and to make it easy for others to review their
In 3CA, the analyst treats an event as a sequence of occurences in which unwanted changes
occur. This sequence begins with the moment that reduces control and ends with the moment
that restores control. Some of the occurences in the sequence are significant in the sense that
they increase risks or reduce control in the situation, so allow further unwanted changes to
occur. The first job for the 3CA analyst is to identify these significant occurences. With the
set of significant occurences established, the analyst identifies what measures could have
prevented them or limited their effects.
To ensure the thoroughness of this identification, the analyst describes each significant
occurence in terms that make explicit who/what is acting, the action and who/what is acted
upon. In this way, the analyst evaluates all the elements of unwanted change from the point of
view of prevention. The analyst has to identify in what ways prevention was ineffective. In
the first part of the analysis the focus is on tangible barriers and controls, those at the
operational level. Next, the analyst restates the facts as differences between what was
expected (based on norms such as standards and procedures) and what was true in the actual
situation. The differences between the actual and expected situations provide the agenda for
the rest of the analysis. The investigator seeks to account for these differences in terms of the
reasoning used by people responsible for the barriers and controls, the organizational and
cultural factors that influenced the situation and, the systems and management arrangements
that caused or allowed the difference to exist.
The analysis runs in parallel with other investigative efforts; after the initial 3CA analysis, it
is likely that one or more revisions are made as further enquiries yield new insights and, in
some cases, new questions. The initial 3CA analysis is performed in two parts in the sequence
described below and indicated in Figure 30.
In the first part, column 1 is completed (the significant occurences) before completing column
2 (the barriers and controls). The first part of the analysis is completed by setting priorities in
column 3; these priorities decide the sequence for the second part of the analysis. In the
second part of the analysis, columns 4 and 5 are completed for one significant occurrence at a
TRIPOD Beta is a combination of the original TRIPOD concept with the HEMP (the Hazard
and Effects Management Process).
TRIPOD considered that substandard acts and situations do not just occur. They are generated
by mechanisms acting in organizations, regardless whether there has been an event or not.
Often these mechanisms result from decisions taken at high level in the organization. These
underlying mechanisms are called Basic Risk Factors (BRFs).
These BRFs may generate various psychological precursors which may lead to substandard
acts and situations. Examples of psychological precursors of slips, lapses and violations are
time pressure, being poorly motivated or depressed.
According to this model, eliminating the latent failures categorised in BRFs or reducing their
impact will prevent psychological precursors, substandard acts and the operational
disturbances. Furthermore, this will result in prevention of events. The identified BRFs cover
human, organizational and technical problems.
FIG. 31. The definitions of the basic risk factors (BRFs) in TRIPOD.
The TRIPOD model was further developed in TRIPOD Beta. As previously mentioned,
TRIPOD Beta merges two different models, the HEMP (The Hazard and Effects
Management Process, see Figure 32) model and the TRIPOD accident causation model.
FIG. 32. Accident mechanism according to HEMP.
The TRIPOD Beta accident causation model is presented in Figure 33. This string is used to
identify the causes that lead to the breaching of the controls and defences presented in the
HEMP model.
Although the new model is similar to the original TRIPOD model, its components and
assumptions are different. In the Beta-model the defences and controls are directly linked to
unsafe acts, preconditions and latent failures. Unsafe acts include how the barriers were
breached and the latent failures why the barriers were breached. An example of a TRIPOD
Beta accident analysis is shown in Figure 34.
SAFER was originally developed in 1997 as H2-SAFER by the Tokyo Electric Power
Companys (TEPCO) Human Factors Group (HFG). (H2 stands for Hiyari-Hatto, which is the
Japanese term for near misses.) It was considerably improved in 2003 and renamed SAFER.
Human error is not a cause, but is a result or consequence of error inducing factors. This is the
basic meaning of what the TEPCO HFG refers to as human factors engineering.
Effective analysis and corrective actions are usually performed by people on the site rather
than by external method specialists. Therefore there is a need for a simple analysis method
that is easy for the on-site people to use and that helps them identify the background factors of
an event.
The SAFER procedure embodies three stages: 1. Fact-finding, 2. Logical investigation, and 3.
Development of corrective actions against background factors.
SAFER further splits these stages into eight steps. As a first step, on site staff are given
understanding on the notion of human factors engineering.
In order to develop corrective actions (stage 3), TEPCO has comprehensive guidance.
TEPCO specifies that the object of corrective actions is to prevent or minimize damage
resulting from events related to human erroneous action. TEPCO has introdiced a distinction
between two phases, prevention of errors and mitigation of effects, and two approaches,
improvement of surrounding factors and improvement of individuals abilities (individualistic
countermeasures). This altogether resulted in the eleven measures shown in Figure 36.
This method presents the basic notions, analysis step and practical know-how in analysis.
However it does not present all the data such as causal factors reference list, countermeasure
proposal list, etc. to management or other interested parties.
Resources needed
Requires a team which consists of a few members trained in the method, other personnel
involved, and a team leader with management experience.
Skills needed
The true essence of SAFER is not a procedure but the basic notion of human factors
engineering. Therefore, it is desirable that SAFER is implemented by analysts who have a
good understanding of the basic notion.
This method was developed from the IAEA ASSET Guidelines. The method is based on the
concept of professional activity, engineering and industrial psychology, And is used by
human factor specialists to analyse human errors.
According to this concept, the worker who performs inappropriate actions is considered as
having deficiencies in activity structure. The Activity structure contains motivation,
knowledge and attitude to work areas. Deficiencies in each area define the characteristics of
the inappropriate action.
Initial stage of investigation.
The main goal for the human factor specialist at this stage is to assist the event investigation
team in establishing if human factors have had an impact on the event.
If they have, the human factor specialist develops a plan for gathering information specific to
the event and the personnel involved.
To develop the information gathering plan the human factor specialist utilizes a table of basic
elements for analysis, containing areas of inappropriate action precursors and information
sources for each basic element.
Information gathering.
The objective for the human factor specialist is to gather information on the circumstances of
the event, with particular focus on human factor aspects.
The information obtained from interviews and observations is classified in causal factor
modules. The human factor specialist should then identify all problem issues.
The human factor specialist also has to identify if any similar events have already occurred,
and analyse any associated information.
In the final stage of information gathering, hypothesis are formulated on inappropriate action
types and root causes that led to personnel error.
Psychological analysis should be focused on the worker (or group of workers) who were
involved in the event and should be conducted for all aspects of the activity:
knowledge of available information;
assessment of the situation;
decision making process;
interaction with others workers, procedures, documents.
The human factor specialist makes conclusions on the types of inappropriate action using the
information collected in previous stages and a block-scheme for inappropriate action types.
interconnected with each other, have no contradictions, must strengthen the positive effect on
each other.
Corrective actions directly addressing personnel should take into account the following
individual traits;
the values and motivation system;
human-being behavior management possibilities and restrictions.
For example, if the event cause area is social self-control, the corrective measures could be
effective-communication training.
The final stage of the investigation includes the preparation of the report, containing all results
from psychological analysis.
The investigation team leader is responsible for the preparation of the report.
The report is developed starting from a template and forms part of the complete final event
There are several commercial RCA methods available, listed are examples of some popular
methods and a short description of their features.
5.15.1. TapRoot
TapRooT System is a process and techniques for organizing the facts of an event into a
chronological order, investigation and analysis of these facts, identification of causal factors,
determination of root causes and development of corrective actions to solve problems.
The TapRooT System combines both inductive and deductive techniques for systematic
investigation of the fixable root causes of problems. The system is supported by software and
provides a trendable event/root cause database and corrective action management database.
The TapRooT System is based on the concept that each error could be categorized and
addressed. According to it, the investigation of each event should start with attributing of each
causal factor of an issue to one of the four initial categories: a) human performance
difficulties; b) equipment difficulties; c) natural disaster/sabotage; d) other. Then analysis is
going further, digging deeper by selecting or eliminating the adequate more detailed
subcategories to find root causes.
TapRooT can be used in troubleshooting and Root Cause Analysis of equipment, and
includes 2000 equipment troubleshooting tables which can be used for finding the root cause
of human performance and equipment-related problems.
TapRooT System utilizes a 7-step sequential process, where each step is assisted by
software tools, based on Barrier Analysis, Change Analysis, and Event and Causal Factors
Analysis. These 7 steps and the graphical representation of an event performed using
SnapCharT are shown on Figure 36.
The Apollo Root Cause Analysis (ARCA) method is based on assumption that the goal of
analysis is not to find root cause, but to identify the most effective solution to prevent the
primary effect. This problem solving method does not use any pre-defined grouping,
categorization scheme or check list of possible causes and causal factors, but is based on
cause and effect principle. It provides four basic assumptions that allow us to understand
reality in a simple structured way.
Performing these five steps gives the elemental causal set, made up of an effect and its
immediate causes an action and one or more conditions. Then each cause is treated as effect,
and five steps procedure is repeated, generating next elemental causal set. Continuing this
process further, elemental causal sets are combined to form reflection of common reality.
There are four valid reasons for interrupting the expansion of the Realitychart: a) reaching the
desired condition, b) reaching the situation without control, c) finding new primary effects
that need a separate analysis, and d) finding more productive cause paths.
Potentially effective solutions to prevent recurrence are identified based on the causes
identified from the Realitychart. After each solution is challenged, the best solution is
identified according to the following criteria:
prevent occurrence;
be within control;
meet the set goals and objectives (not to cause other unacceptable problems and
provide reasonable value for its cost).
5.15.3. REASON
REASON is both a method and a system software. The REASON method is a standard
operating procedure that guides the investigator to ask the right questions at the right time, in
order to get the right answers.
REASON Root Cause Analysis is a multifaceted discipline that leads a user through the
investigation of an event using a standard, repeatable inquiry process. This process guides the
user to logically reconstruct an event from the causal facts. The method of inquiry is not based
on predetermined questions found in a list or template but is a process that creates a line of
questioning based on the nature of the facts themselves. The REASON process ensures that
the questions logically required by an event are asked. Following this process a tree model of
the event is created.
The tree graphically represents the facts of the event and depicts how these facts networked to
produce the overall event being investigated. The tree also indicates solutions that could have
interrupted the causal network, thus achieving prevention of the unwanted event.
This approach generally looks at a systemic failure (organizationally) leading to an event and
also may help to answer the systemic why of an event, complementing the how and
5.15.4. PROACT
PROACT is method that provides tools to document, validate, report and track findings and
recommendations. The method identifies an organization's most significant annual losses and
provides tools to identify all the causes and then eliminate their recurrence in the future. The
end result is that it builds a business case for which events are the best candidates for Root
Cause Analysis based on the Return-On-Investment (ROI).
The PROACT Logic Tree is an expression of cause and effect relationship that represents
an undesirable outcome. These cause and effect relationships are validated with factual
Present the failure analysis results to the Event Review Board and include in the terms of
reference for the root cause investigation
1. Is the equipment properly classified to the proper level of criticality within the
performance centred maintenance programme? (document basis)
3. Was the equipment failure caused by improper Operation of the Equipment? (provide
4. Was the equipment failure caused by other plant conditions or external factors such as:
Water Hammer?
Excessive Vibrations?
Humidity/Temperature in area?
Weather related (storms, rain, etc)? (provide basis)
6. Was the equipment failure the result of inadequate performance monitoring? (provide
7. Are there existing open corrective actions against this equipment or could this failure
have been prevented through the proper use of other internal/external OPEX? (provide
13 Cause unknown
Explanation Explanation
2 Physiological stressor
3 Subjective factors
5 Others
2 Task characteristic 1 Task difficulties
2 Workload factors
5 Others
3 Work condition inadequacies
4 Special equipment
5 Others
3 Communication
4 Team work / Workshop morale
5 Compliance to rules
6 Others
Most of the internationally recognized root cause methods, when used properly, will enable
the investigation team to identify the root cause/causes of an event or conditions. However
during performance of a root cause investigation tools and techniques are chosen applicable to
the type of event that has occurred. Several factors should be considered when selecting a
RCA method:
Benchmarking within and outside the industry;
Recommendations by international organizations;
The amount of training needed to successfully use the method;
The available software to support the method;
The cost of the licence.
The more comprehensive process of selection the appropriate RCA method for needs of some
organization should consist of several steps and meet the following criteria:
Would management be willing to fund the RCA method development in-house?
Would management be willing to wait for completion of the skill development and
then implementation?
Obviously, this list of criteria is not as comprehensive as it possibly could be, however it is a
good starting point. The key to starting is clearly defining what the organization wants and
obtaining internal support for the vision. Then the task will be to solicit the qualified vendors
to help execute that vision.
Experienced root cause investigators will often adjust a RCA method when performing an
investigation because each event or condition is different or unique.
Annex 1 contains general training material for the most important techniques to be
used in a Root Cause Analysis for the Human Performance Enhancement System
(HPES) approach.
Annex 1 contains general training material for the most important techniques to be
used in a Root Cause Analysis for the Human Performance Enhancement System
(HPES) approach.
Annex II presents an example of training material to simulate a root cause
investigation with trainees but additional examples can be produced using the
analyses presented in Annex III or from specific event information.
Annex III presents an example of a real event investigation.
What it is?
An events and causal factors chart (E and CF) is a graphically displayed flow chart of
an entire event. The heart of the E and CF chart is the sequence of events plotted on a
time line. Beginning and ending points are selected to capture all essential
information pertinent to the situation.
Determine Identify
Validate an
Cause Causal
facts analysis
types Factors
WHY factor
Near-miss associated with cleaning of a battery room. An I and C technician requests
the cleaning of a battery room: they meet with the cleaner and a briefing is delivered.
The cleaner starts to perform the task and places the dustpan on the top of a battery:
this caused a risk of shorting the battery.
Unaware of Assumed
standards for briefing
briefing unnecessary
I&C Tech Dust pan Risk of
Battery requests I&C Tech Cleaning placed on top
terminals not shorting
room cleaning. delivers starts of battery
insulated battery
Meets cleaner inadequate
Assumed Unaware of
Unaware of
standards for briefing hazard
What it is?
Technique that determines what was different about an event or condition from all the
other times the same task or activity was carried out without an event.
The workshop supervisor noticed a puddle of oil under a car this afternoon. A trainee
changed the oil and oil filter this morning. Normally a more experienced technician
does the activity. After doing the work, the trainee had borrowed the car and driven it
off-road over some rough terrain.
Factors that
influence Event Successful Follow-up
Change Effect
performance Condition Performance Questions
Usage Car driven On-road use Car driven Damage Sump leaking or
over rough over causing damaged?
terrain obstacles leak
Oil filter damaged?
I.2.3. Task Analysis
What it is?
Task analysis is a tool that is used on investigations where problems during
performance of tasks contributed to the event.
Form C-1 provides a useful format for doing this; however, many tasks
already have detailed procedures and checklists associated with them
that might work just as well.
Cautionary note: there may be errors in the task methodology. For
example, a poorly written or inaccurate procedure might be a causal
factor for the event. Clearly annotate and follow up on any issues that
might have adversely affected the outcome, or otherwise need to be
Note: Table 1 provides a sample Task Analysis Worksheet for the following incident.
Example Incident:
As Technician Jones simulates the task at the sample panel, check off
actions as they are performed. Also check off tools and components as
she uses them. Any relevant observations (including discrepancies) are
noted on the worksheet, including environmental conditions (lighting,
noise, etc.) that might adversely impact task performance. When it
comes to the first identified critical point, it is noted that she purges the
sample line for a set time of five minutes, rather than basing her purge
time on the purge flow rate as the procedure required. This might be a
causal factor.
It is still unknown why she didnt purge in the manner required by the procedure. Use
other analytical techniques (e.g. interviewing) to get this information. It might still be
prudent to do a Task Analysis on the analytical process and other tasks that could
have caused the incident.
1.2 Technician open demineralizer outlet grab sample XPS-0311 Is this the correct valve,
valve per system design?
1.3 Technician open sample panel isolation valve XPS-0214 Is this the correct valve,
per system design?
1.8 Technician throttle open grab sample valve XPS-0311 Why does step 1.8 say to
open valve, when it is
already open per step
1.9 Technician draw sample from grab sample valve sample bottle Sample contamination
could occur here. Did
technician ensure sample
bottle was clean and
What it is?
Barrier analysis is a technique that is utilized to identify degraded or failed barriers
that have contributed or caused an adverse condition or event. The limitation of
barrier analysis is that it needs to be used in conjunction with other tools in order to
identify causal factors that ultimately may be contributors or the root cause of that
perform an area walk down, or review reference materials in order to
identify ALL existing barriers that apply
Physical Barriers:
Administrative Barriers:
Supervisor 1 revises work instructions intended to disable an out-of-service bypass
valve. The changes introduce an error: not only will the bypass valve be disabled with
a jumper, but the in-service valve as well. Days later, Supervisor 2 and the technicians
assigned to perform the task see the changes to the work instructions. They noted it as
unusual that two jumpers would be landed, since only one jumper per valve was
typically used. Their concerns were put to rest, however, when they observed that
Supervisor 1, who was respected for his competence, revised the work instructions.
Consequently, neither Supervisor #2 nor the technicians bothered to verify the
accuracy of the work instructions, despite management expectations to do so. When
work commenced, their actions caused the in-service valve to close. Feedwater flow
to the affected steam generator (S/G) dropped like a rock, and a reactor trip on low
S/G water level occurred.
Table 2 provides a completed Barrier Analysis worksheet based upon this event.
STEP 2: Identify Existing Barriers
In the case of the work instructions, site procedures allowed Supervisor
1 to make field changes to documents. While no administrative barriers
were in place to prevent this event, three human action-type barriers
were in place that could have prevented it from occurring.
Specifically, management expectations had been established to require:
personnel to use self-verification techniques as a means of
preventing errors of this type;
personnel to exhibit a questioning attitude;
crews to verify the accuracy of work instructions prior to
With respect to the low S/G level, the reactor protection circuitry
provided a physical barrier to limit its impact on reactor safety, if it
were to occur
STEP 6: Consider Missing Barriers
The process, by which supervisors can revise work instructions, while
convenient, obviously introduces an opportunity for error. An
administrative-type barrier requiring field changes to work instructions
to be independently reviewed may be needed.
Undesirable Existing Failed ? How Barrier Failed Why Barrier Failed Missing Barriers ?
Situation Barriers (yes/no)
inaccurate work self-verification yes Supervisor #1 did not self-check when complacency require independent
instructions revising the work instructions. review of field
The following slides provide an example of training material for interview technique.
The training package presented in Annex II is an example that could be followed to create
training packages from real events. It has been split in the following types of documents:
Initial event information which can include event description, event report, etc.;
Fact finding information which can include maps, flow sheets, diagrams,
procedures, drawings, technical documentations, etc.;
Answers from the interviews of the plant personnel for the instructors simulation;
Templates for typical analysis techniques, for example task analysis, change
analysis, barrier analysis, etc.;
Results of the analyses performed specific to the event being analysed.
Use the root cause method that the company utilizes to identify the effect of error
precursors, failed defences in the inappropriate action, and finally the causal
Evaluate the causal factors to determine which are contributing and root causes;
Document the results of the investigation in the format that the company utilizes
for root cause investigation;
Discuss with trainees possible corrective actions to address the root causes,
contributing causes and to mitigate the problem until those corrective actions can
be implemented;
Discuss with trainees the possible way to determine the effectiveness of the root
cause investigation, including how to measure effectiveness and what are the
criteria for successful implementation of corrective actions;
Compare the different investigation results produced by trainees (if more than 1
group) with the Exercise results E1-4 and the Summary of Causes and Corrective
This morning at 5:30 a.m. a reactor scram occurred from 100 per cent rated power. This
event was initiated by an I and C technician lifting a wire in a main steam line pressure
transmitter during a calibration surveillance.
Three I and C technicians were assigned the task of calibrating six main steam line
pressure transmitters on the midnight shift by the I and C supervisor. This task is
normally assigned to a lead technician working with two senior technicians. Due to a lack
of human resources, the supervisor assigned a lead technician, a senior technician, and a
trainee to perform the surveillance. The lead technician was given a copy of the
procedure by the operator to perform the surveillance. The lead technician remained in
the control room while the senior technician and trainee got a deadweight tester and test
pressure gauge.
The two technicians proceeded to the main steam tunnel and established headset
communications with the lead technician in the control room. The surveillance was
controlled by the lead technician in the control room. This was the first time they had
calibrated all six transmitters on the same shift. Previously, they would do one per shift
until all six were calibrated. This week there had been a lot of extra work to do and the
surveillance had been delayed. The surveillances had to be completed because of
requirements contained within the technical specifications.
Four of the six transmitters had been calibrated by 5:00 a.m. with two remaining. The
next transmitter to be calibrated was PT-534. As directed by the procedure, the lead
technician in the control room placed the circuit card for PT-534 in TEST. This
annunciated a control room alarm as expected. He then directed the technicians to isolate
the sensing line to PT-534. Once this was completed, he directed the technicians to
connect the deadweight tester and pressure gauge and lift the lead wire from PT-534.
About 10 minutes later a reactor scram occurred when the technicians inadvertently lifted
the lead wire on transmitter PT-535. With transmitter PT-534 in test and the wire from
PT-535 lifted, the reactor protection system logic was satisfied causing the scram. All
systems performed as designed and the unit was stabilized in hot standby.
PT 534 PT 535
PT 533
II.1.4. DOCUMENT B3 - TASK PROCEDURE On main control board panel RL006, locate AB FS/532C Steam Flow
Select Switch. Ascertain that it is selected to the F533 position. If it
is, N/A Step and and proceed to Step If it is not
selected to F533 position, perform Steps and Notify Operations that they can expect the following alarms and status
indications: Verify on Reactor Trip Status panel that no status indication lamps are
illuminated for any Safety Injection or Steam line Isolation function.
(may not apply in Modes 3-6) In Protection Set I, cabinet 01, locate Channel Test Card PS 534 at
location 0848.
Place the two switches, FS/534A and PS/534B in the TEST position. In Protection Set I, cabinet 01, locate Master Test Card UY/761T at
location 0874.
123 PT0535 in the steam tunnel. Close the sensing line isolation
1st 2nd A deadweight tester pump of the proper type will be used as the test
pressure source Connect the test input pressure source, with gauge, to the test input of
the manifold. Using the DVM, check the supply voltage to the transmitter at the Pos
(+) and Neg (-) terminals. It should be approximately 25-45 Vdc. If it
is less than 20 Vdc, the loop should be checked for power supply
problems prior to calibration. Lift the Pos (+) lead wire from the transmitter terminal block and
connect the precision 50-ohm resistors in series with the current loops.
IF asked to draw a map of the work area, provide students a copy of document B2. The
additional information found on document C2 may be annotated by hand onto the first
map IF solicited by the students during the interview.
1. The pressure transmitters provide main steam line break protection. Two out of
three transmitters on a single steam line must get a signal to cause a scram.
2. Youve performed this task successfully several times before, most recently about
five months ago.
3. The task involves placing the channel in test, verifying an alarm is received,
isolating the transmitter, hooking up a deadweight tester and pressure gauge and
then performing the calibration.
4. Normally, one transmitter is calibrated per shift. Typically, two qualified
technicians are in the field, one of who is on the phones with the lead technician
in the control room. The technician on the phone follows the procedure and relays
orders from lead technician to the second technician, who then performs the work.
5. This time, you were working with a Trainee. Its bad enough that your supervisor
wants all six transmitters calibrated in one shift, but youre supposed to do it
while providing on-the-job training (OJT). You were performing the OJT
according to your own judgment, as nobody ever told you how to do it, but it
slowed things down, so you had to hurry things in order to ensure all six were
6. All three participants attended a pre-job briefing given by your supervisor. The
subject matter was standard: job assignments, possibility of tripping the plant if
we messed up, need to calibrate all six transmitters this shift, etc.
7. It was the third midnight shift in the cycle. You felt pretty alert, and dont think
the Trainee was tired either. The shift lasts from midnight to 8:00 a.m.
8. The Trainee had watched you calibrate the first two transmitters, and you watched
her do the next two satisfactorily.
9. The reactor scram happened around 5:00 a.m. while calibrating the fifth
transmitter, PT-534. The Trainee apparently was working on PT-535 instead of
PT-534. The transmitters are right next to each other.
10. The Trainee was working between you and the transmitters, with her back to you.
11. You were standing about 8 feet away from the Trainee when the scram occurred.
Unlike the first four calibrations, the headset jack was too far away to get within 6
feet of the transmitters. The Trainee had already done two calibrations just fine, so
you figured you might as well stand a little farther away under an AC duct and be
comfortable. Its pretty hot in the rooms due to the main steam lines going
through them.
12. You had a copy of the procedure in-hand and checked off each step as it was
performed. When you got to the step in the procedure that said to isolate PT-535,
you remembered it was a typographical error and told the Trainee to isolate the
correct transmitter, which was PT-534. The Trainee repeated back the order to
isolate PT-534, but still managed to get on the wrong transmitter! The
typographical error has been there awhile and everybodys aware of it.
13. Step 9 of the procedure required two checks. Until about a year ago, one block
was checked by the performer and the other by a quality control (QC) specialist.
The site no longer has QC do second checks like this, so you just skipped the
14. After the scram, your supervisor told you that the extra block in step 9 was for
independent verification. The shop has had some training in the past year on how
to perform independent verification (IV), but nothing about it being required in
situations like this.
15. The lighting in the steam tunnels isnt very good, with lots of shadows near PT-
534 and 535.
16. You looked for a working flashlight before you left the shop, but the batteries
were all dead or nearly so. You didnt think it was worth having to get the Shift
Supervisor to call in a warehouse person on overtime to get more batteries, nor
could you wait that long if all the transmitters were to get calibrated.
17. Labels on transmitters and associated components are correct, but arent easy to
read as they feature small black characters on a gray background.
PT 534 PT 535
Phone Jack AC Duct
PT 533
Headphone Cord 6
This material can be used for simulating other interviews
At 05:30 hours today, there was a trip of Reactor 2 from full power. The event
occurred when an I and C technician disconnected a wire in a main steam-line
pressure transmitter during routine calibration.
At the start of the night shift, 3 I and C technicians were assigned the task of
calibrating 6 main steam-line transmitters by the I and C Supervisor. The task was
usually assigned to a Lead Technician working with 2 Senior Technicians, but
because the Supervisor was short of staff he assigned a Lead Tech, a Senior Tech and
a I and C Trainee to do the work. The Lead Tech was issued with copies of the
procedures by the Supervisor and the I and C team were given permission from the
Shift Supervisor and the Reactor Operator to perform the calibrations.
The Lead Tech remained in the Control Room whilst the Senior and the Trainee
collected a dead-weight tester and a test pressure gauge. The Senior and Trainee
proceeded to the main steam tunnel and established headset communication with the
Lead Tech who was controlling the work from the Control Room.
This was the first time that 6 transmitters had been calibrated on the same shift. It is
normal practice to calibrate one transmitter per shift until all 6 have been calibrated.
This week there has been a lot of extra I and C work to do and the routines have been
delayed. The routine calibrations had to be completed last night to remain in
compliance with the requirements contained in the Technical Specifications.
4 of the 6 transmitters had been successfully completed by about 05:00 hours with 2
remaining. The next transmitter to be calibrated was PT-534 followed by PT-535. As
directed by the procedure, the Lead Tech placed the circuit card for PT-534 in 'Test';
this annunciated an alarm in the Control Room as expected. He then directed the
technicians in the steam tunnel to isolate the sensing line to PT-534. Once this was
completed, he directed the technicians to connect the dead-weight tester and pressure
gauge and to disconnect the lead wire from PT-534.
About 10 minutes later a reactor trip occurred when the technicians in the steam
tunnel inadvertently disconnected the lead wire on transmitter PT-535. With PT-534
in 'Test' and the wire from PT-535 disconnected, the Reactor Protection System logic
was satisfied, causing the trip. All plant systems performed as designed and the unit
was stabilized in Hot Standby.
This material can be used for simulating other interviews
Three I and C technicians were assigned to calibrate 6 main steam line pressure
transmitters located in the steam tunnel. The technicians had successfully calibrated 4
of the six and were attempting to locate and identify pressure transmitter PT-534. The
Lead Technician working in the Control Room placed the test switch (in the
safeguards cabinet) for PT-534 into the 'Test' position. He then directed his two
colleagues (a Senior Technician and a Trainee), working in the steam tunnel to locate
and isolate PT-534 and connect test equipment. The Senior Technician received this
information over a headset and directed the Trainee to find PT-534 and then to isolate
it and connect the test equipment. The Trainee went to the nearest transmitter and read
the label.
It was PT-534 but the Trainee mistakenly read the label as PT-535. Knowing that
there was only one other transmitter remaining to be calibrated she went to the last
transmitter and began to work on it thinking it was PT-534 - it was actually PT-535.
This transmitter was sited in a corner in shadow. During the calibrations, the Senior
Technician was acting as on-job-trainer for the Trainee, who was performing the
calibrations. However the Senior Tech did not directly supervise the Trainee and did
not conduct the required Independent Verification when ready to lift the transmitter
output lead. So, the Trainee isolated PT-535, connected the test equipment and
disconnected the lead. With PT-534 in 'Test' and PT-535 inoperable the 2 out of 3
reactor protection logic was satisfied and the reactor tripped followed by Safety
Even though the procedure, ABC-5.2.3 did not cause the event, it contains a technical
error that could have caused the event. The I and C technicians were compensating for
the error without properly having made a procedure change. The procedure has now
been changed. All personnel should be encouraged to initiate and pursue changes to
procedures when technical inaccuracies are discovered.
Undesirable Existing Failed? How Barrier Failed Why Barrier Failed Missing
Situation Barriers (yes/no) Barriers?
I and C Check voltage at + and - Digital DVM Serial No. and voltage readings are not Transmitter
Technician terminals voltmeter recorded. Type DVM is not specified.
Crew assigned 5
Did the performance of
Six calibrations One more calibrations
Schedule (2) ?2 repetitive tasks lead to fatigue,
in one shift calibration/shift than previously
complacency, etc.?
More or less question marks could be present in the results from the simulation, depending on when the change analysis is performed during the investigation (and
consequently on the amount of information already available). Questions to answer should change accordingly.
Why was the crew short-
handed? What were the job
assignments during the
calibration? Which technician
Lead Technician, lifted the wire? Was the Senior
I and C Lead Technician, Trainee involved,
Senior Less experience with or Lead Technician providing
Personnel two Senior fewer qualified
Technician, task proper control/oversight of
Assigned Technicians personnel
Trainee trainee? What are site
requirements for trainee
control? What was the
experience level of the Lead and
Senior Technician?
Undesirable Existing Failed? How Barrier Failed Why Barrier Failed Missing
Situation Barriers (yes/no) Barriers?
Inadequate staff Work Planning Yes Low staff level required use of Workload not included in schedule
Trainee planning
Performed more Work planning Yes Emergent work caused backup Emergent work not controlled.
Calibrations per of TS level work items
More or less question marks could be present in the results from the simulation, depending on when the change analysis is performed during the investigation (and
consequently on the amount of information already available). List of missing barriers should change accordingly.
Pre-job briefs ? (What was stressed for the
differing schedule?)
Calibrations Work planning Yes Emergent work was allowed to Schedule impact not assessed.
delayed slow down TS work items
Lifted wrong lead STAR and peer Yes Either was not done or was not
checks done correctly
Procedure Development Yes Steps as written required Old procedure that didnt use
guidance guidance multiple actions and contingent current standards.
Lack of in-line cautions.
Barriers to check:
Work conditions
between CR/field
Procedure content
1. Work schedule induced time pressure: insufficient time and resources were
available to support the scheduling of the routine calibration activities on this
3. Lighting is poor: the lighting in the steam tunnels isnt very good, with lots of
shadows near PT-534 and 535.
4. Self-check techniques (e.g. STAR) not used: I and C personnel did not
maintain questioning attitudes several times during the performance of the
CA 7:
Reinforce with all I and C technicians and trainees the requirement to
follow proper verifications (this action is complete when this has been
reinforced will all individuals in I and C department);
Review and add as applicable the use of proper verification techniques to
the initial and refresher training (this action is complete when applicable
lesson plans and programs has been updated).
CA 5:
Review and add as applicable responsibilities of supervisors during on-job
training to the initial and refresher training (this action is complete when
applicable lesson plans and programs has been updated).
All contributing causes, extent of conditions and identified deficiencies should have
applicable corrective actions specified. (Example of CA 6: Amend the procedure
ABC at step to provide clear instructions that independent verification is
required for identifying the transmitter to be worked on.4)
CA 7:
Review the corrective action database for issues related to failure to use
proper verification techniques;
Review I and C initial and refresher training material to ensure that they
include use of proper verification techniques.
CA 5:
Review I and C initial and refresher training material to ensure that they
include on-job training supervision.
Cause 6 has not been considered as one of the root causes but just a contributing cause because there
was a second block to be checked at step; a different interpretation could consider the procedure
deficiency as one of the root causes, and in this case an extent of conditions would require to verify
also other I and C procedures utilized for critical evolutions. In this last case, the CA 6 would be:
Review all I and C procedures utilized for critical evolutions and ensure that they include the
requirement for proper verification signature at the important steps (this action is complete when all
procedures have been reviewed). An effectiveness review for CA 6 would require to randomly select
10 completed critical I and C procedure checklists and review for proper verification signature.
Title Page
CR No. X-2008-07302
Resolution Cat. B
Vice President
Line Organization
On March 1rd, 2008 during the removal of Work Permit 50438 in Unit 3 for 3-75120-
RV142, a partial loss of instrument air occurred that resulted in a Level 2 Impairment
of Negative Pressure Containment (NPC) due to the closure of 3-3831-DP43 and
DP44. In addition instrument air was inadvertently isolated to various loads.
Numerous events documented via the CR database are attributed to inadequate Pre-
job Briefs (PJB). Inadequate PJB is an industry-wide problem: and it affects both A
and B Stations.
On March 3rd, 2009 during the removal of Work Permit 50438 in Unit 3 for 3-75120-
RV142, a partial loss of instrument air occurred that resulted in a Level 2 Impairment
of Negative Pressure Containment (NPC) due to closure of 3-3831-DP43 and DP44.
In addition instrument air was inadvertently isolated to various loads.
Conduct a thorough review of the root and contributing causes that resulted in the loss
of instrument air event, including a review of the Operations Standards
implementation process and substandard human performance. Programmatic
weaknesses and organizational failures will be addressed and corrective actions will
be recommended that, when implemented, will prevent recurrence.
FIG. 49. Flow sheet depicting instrument air receiver and associated valves.
During the Unit 3 permit removal for 3-75120-RV142 a partial loss of instrument air
occurred as a result of human performance error when instrument air was
inadvertently isolated to various loads. 3-75120-V305 was closed to allow re-
pressurization of receiver 3-75120-RC5 via 3-75120-V306, which was partially
opened. 3-75120-V307 was prematurely closed, prior to re-opening V305. With V305
and V307 closed, instrument air was isolated to the loads downstream of receiver
Event review revealed that a one minute and 27 seconds Level 2 impairment of the
Negative Pressure Containment (NPC) resulted due to a closure of Vault Vapour
Recovery System dampers 3-38310-DP43 and DP44. The dampers were closed as a
result of the isolation of the air supply when V307 was closed. The impairment was
terminated by manual intervention of Unit 0 CRO who boxed-up the containment in
Unit 3 as per the alarm response manual.
09:30 NPO (Nuclear Plant Operator) orders caution tag removal and permit
removal. NPO gives the package, including Caution Tag removal
Tag Out (order to operate) and Work Protection Permit removal Tag
Out, to the NLO (Non-licensed Operator) asking him to deliver the
package to the Unit 3 UTL (Union Team Leader). NPO does not
specify which Tag Out should be executed first. NPO includes
caution note in the package to open 3-7512 V306 slowly.
10:00 Pre-job brief is performed between UTL and NLO. Sequence of Tag
Out execution is not discussed during the PJB (Pre-job Briefing).
NLO is dispatched to remove the Work Protection Permit.
11:00 NLO completes the field inspections and returns to the receiver RC5.
At this time the receiver is almost fully pressurized. NLO decides to
complete the Caution Tag removal Tag Out without consultation
with the Unit 3 NPO. NLO performs the Caution Tag removal Tag
Out (closing 75120-V307), isolating Instrument air flow to the
equipment downstream of RC5.
11:20 MCR Team suspect an instrument air leak (RV lift, ongoing
maintenance on the other instrument air receiver) and a leak search is
initiated. The MCR team requested position checks of 3-7512 V152,
V305, V306, and V307.
Field operator reports that V307 is closed as per Caution Tag
removal Tag Out.
11:23 Following a team briefing in the MCR, team request NLO to slowly
open V307 as per Caution Tag Installation Tag Out.
There two main reasons why sometimes Operators do not follow all standards as
prescribed in OPS-PROC-000XX:
Lack of familiarity with the standard - One of contributing factors to partial loss of
instrument air in Unit 3 was action of NLO, who closed instrument air receiver bypass
valve without consultation with NPO. The bypass valve was the first (and only)
device on the Caution Tag Out. OPS-PROC-000XX requires the Operator to notify
the MCR before manipulating the first device in a procedure or on a Tag Out. After
the event we surveyed field operators and control room staff on the crew with respect
to the knowledge of the standard requiring MCR notification when the first step in a
procedure is executed. We found that a large number of operators did not know this
specific standard.
If Operational steps are included in the Checklist, then additional approvals are
required, depending on the type of system involved (per the table in OPS-PROC-
000XX section 4.33).
Crew supervision were not effective in ensuring that standards are followed - SM,
CRSS and FSOS did not reinforce standards by observing staff performing work and
coaching staff to make sure the Standards are known and followed.
Company Pre-Job Briefing standards for Operations are defined in two documents:
OPS-PROC-000XX and AD-PROC-00617.
During the investigation the standards described in OPS-PROC-000XX and XX-
PROCS-00617 were reviewed against INPO and WANO recommendations.
INPO 07-006 Human Performance Tools for Managers and Supervisors
INPO 06-002 Human Performance Tools for Workers
The review demonstrated that Company standards of when and how to perform Pre-
Job Briefing match the recommendations presented in the INPO documents.
Until recently there was no formal classroom training programme for workers and
supervisors on how to use and enforce usage of the Human Performance (HU) tools.
Formal HU training programs are being presently prepared and delivered for various
groups on site to improve understanding and usage of the HU tools. The training has
already been delivered to the Maintenance staff at Station A; sessions are planned for
Maintenance at Station B and for Operations at both stations.
The branch of HU tools associated with the Pre-Job Briefings requires particular
attention due to many events caused by inadequate PJBs.
The standard defined in OPS-PROC-000XX section 4.34 Work Protection states the
preferred method to remove equipment from service is to use approved operating
procedures to shutdown energized equipment and remove residual system energy. It is
acceptable to use a Clearance Order Checklist to achieve the desired state. Once the
system is in shutdown state, positioning of the devices to establish the boundary of
isolation shall be performed using the associated Clearance Order Checklist.
OPS-PROC-000XX section 4.33 Plant Status Control states that all equipment
manipulations shall be directed by approved procedures. Checklists used for Work
Protection may be used without additional approval provided the manipulations do not
cause an operating change i.e.
The Work Protection Tag Outs are work protection documents so non-work protection
reviews cannot be documented on the Tag Outs. Station B follows a process of
recording the certified staff review of the Tag Outs in the NPO logs. Station A is
presently adopting the Station B process of recording the certified staff review in the
NPO logs.
The procedure for taking instrument air receivers out of service and returning them to
service was not available when the Unit 3 partial loss of instrument air event occurred,
although the task to work on the instrument air receiver was put on the plan a few
months before the event.
Since the work protection Tag Out was not adequate to take equipment out of service
and to return equipment to service, a separate activity from work protection
application and removal was required to take equipment out of service and return to
service but only tasks for permit application and removal were scheduled on the plan.
Operator Task Planners (Assessors) are required to specify the procedure needed to
execute the activity and if a procedure does not exist, they are to have one produced
prior to the T-5 walk down. This was not done prior to this event but is now being
done more consistently, with the assessors generating a DCR to have the procedures
generated. Note that OPS-PROC-000XX still allows the use of an Operational
Checklist with the appropriate approvals if an applicable procedure is not available.
A search of Company CRs was performed for events that can be attributed to using
work protection Tag Out rather than operating procedures. Some of the CRs found are
listed below:
Y-2004-00670 U0B impairment of EFADS during 0-34310-MV1 actuator
The Company SER database has been searched for events associated with inadequate
pre-job briefing. A very large number of events attributed to missed or insufficient
PJBs were found. A few of these CRs are listed below:
The partial loss of instrument air in Unit 3 was a repeat event. A very similar event
occurred at Station B in 1998, when a Field Operator was returning 75120-RC4 to
service. The bypass valve (75120-V312) was closed before the receiver was up to
pressure. This resulted in a low-pressure transient to a section of the instrument air
distribution system. The apparent causes were also similar to the event under
investigation in 2009; Tag Outs were used to remove and replace equipment from and
to service instead of using the operating manual procedure. PJB was insufficient for
the work to be performed. The corrective action included one item that stated Need
to reinforce the use of pre-job briefings and operational Tag Outs with all crews.
Station B event was documented in CR Y-1998-03776.
INPO and WANO SOERs associated with the Instrument Air problems have been
INPO SOER 88-1 Instrument Air System Failure which summarized various
instrument air failures was reviewed. The failures described in the SOER were
associated with equipment failures or instrument air purity. The Station A event was
related to human performance rather than equipment problems so this SOER is not
applicable to the Station A event.
INPO and WANO SOERs associated with incorrect valve manipulation have been
reviewed, specifically INPO SOER 85-2 Valve Mispositioning Events Involving
Human Error. Analysis in this SOER listed the following factor (among others)
contributing to human errors:
Incomplete task-specific procedures and detailed steps for restoration (this
condition applies to the Consolidated A event).
The extent of cause is applicable to Station A only. Station B already had a procedure
for removing instrument air receivers from service and returning them back to service.
Station A procedure was developed after the event.
Interviews with operating and support staff, review of procedures used during the
event, DCC alarm summaries, review or Company Power procedures.
In the actions leading to the event, in several steps, the Operating staff did not follow
the requirements of XX-PROCS-00617 and OPS-PROC-000XX:
1. Work Protection Tag Out and Caution Tag Out were not reviewed by CRSS
and SM as required in OPS-PROC-000XX section 4.33 Plant Status
2. NLO did not notify Main Control Room prior to closing receiver bypass
valve 3-75120-V307.
When NPO sent out the package for execution, he did not have a face-to-face
discussion with the UTL.
The NLO closed instrument air receiver bypass valve without referring to the flow
sheet and without understanding the consequences of his actions. The NLO was only
required manipulate four valves and the part of the system that the operator was
working on was not complicated. A flow sheet review would have allowed the
operator to understand the functionality of the bypass valve. The NLO followed
procedure without trying to understand the steps in the procedure.
The NLO did stop and ask for the sequence of procedure execution.
The NLO did not adhere to the Reactor Safety Operator Fundamental that requires
operators to understand the consequences of their actions.
NLOs do not report to the NPO. They should be getting their instructions from UTL
and FSOS who are responsible for NLO safety and performance. Both NLO and
FSOS can provide valuable input and bypassing them eliminates additional defence-
in-depth barrier.
The loss of instrument air event in Unit 3 would have been avoided if Operators had
an approved operating procedure to return the air receiver back to service and if the
task on the plan for work protection removal (which would only require lifting of the
work protection tags) was separate from the task to return the air receiver to service.
75120-RC5 work was scheduled on the plan without a task for Operations to take the
receiver out of service and to return it to service following the maintenance. The only
task identified was the one for permit application and removal.
There was no PJB between the Unit NPO and Union Team Leader (UTL) to discuss
the requirements for the return to service of the air receiver.
The PJB between UTL and NLO did not discuss the execution sequence of the Tag
Outs, nor did it address the five basic PJB questions (specifically whats the worst
that could happen).
As a result of changes to OPS-PROC-000XX (section 4.33 Plan Status Control) it is
now a requirement for certified staff to review Work Protection Clearance Order
Checklists (Work Protection Tag Outs) if they include operational steps. Since Station
A has relatively few procedures for removing equipment from service, most
Clearance Order checklists are required to include these steps and to have some level
of review by certified staff.
Human Performance
A caution notice stating Caution, Low Pressure can cause Steam Drum Low
Level Step Back. See Note 1.234567-FS-2 has been attached to the pipework
adjacent to the Air Receiver.
A label with text: Caution. Closing this valve with receiver isolated will result in
loss of instrument air will be installed next to all instrument air receiver bypass
FIG. 50. Caution notice.
1. Remediation completed for NPO, UTL and NLO that consisted of review of:
2. Procedure created for removing from service and returning to service of
instrument air receivers at Station A.
3. After the Shift Manager weekly call, a compliance process with OPS-PROC-
000XX section 4.33 Plant Status Control was initiated.
Discuss how this standard was not followed during the event and how the
event could have been avoided if the standard had been followed;
DEPTHEADSOAA TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAB TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAC TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAD TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAE TCD: 31 October 2009.
DEPTHEADSOAA TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAB TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAC TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAD TCD: 31 October 2009
DEPTHEADSOAE TCD: 31 October 2009
SECBAAX TCD: 31 October 2009
SECBAOS TCD: 31 October 2009.
Per CARB recommendation, the effectiveness of CAPR 2 will be determined
by verifying that the discussion of the event and follow up actions is
adequately documented in the appropriate personnel files of the individuals
DEPTHEADSOAC, TCD 15 September 2009.
Unclear expectations
DATE/TIME What Happened? What Should Result of the Significance of
Have Difference the Difference
3 March, 2009 NPO gives the NPO should Insufficient CT and WP TAG
NLO the C/T and have performed information OUT were not
WP packages to PJB with the passed to the executed in
deliver to UTL. UTL face-to- NLO and correct sequence
No PJB between face. NPO SNO for resulting in the
NPO and UTL should have successful event.
discussed task
execution of completion
both CT and WP
specified the
sequence. NPO
should have
asked 5 basic
questions of PJB
DATE/TIME What Happened? What Should Result of the Significance of
Have Difference the Difference
3 March, 2009 PJB performed UTL should NLO did not NLO closed V307
between UTL have reviewed have at a wrong time
and NLO. flow sheet and sufficient resulting in the
Sequence of CTR OPEX with information to event
and WP TAG NLO during successfully
OUT execution is PJB. complete the
not discussed task
UTL should
during PJB have discussed
execution of
both CT and WP
specified the
sequence. UTL
should have
asked 5 basic
questions of
should have
performing task
without an
DATE/TIME What Happened? What Should Result of the Significance of
Have Difference the Difference
3 March, 2009 NLO completes NLO should NLO closed NLO closed V307
caution tag have exercised V307 at a at a wrong time
removal TAG questioning wrong time resulting in the
OUT without attitude. NLO resulting in partial loss of
consultation with should have had the partial Instrument Air
NPO by closing full loss of and Level 2
V307. understanding of Instrument Impairment of
the actions Air. NPC for 1 min 30
performed. NLO sec.
should have
informed NPO
manipulation of
DATE/TIME What Happened? What Should Result of the Significance of
Have Difference the Difference
DATE/TIME What Happened? What Should Result of the Significance of
Have Difference the Difference
Stanislovas, Z. Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Energy, European Commission
IAEA is extremely grateful to following organisations for giving permissions to include their
event analysis methods / related information in a CD-ROM that accompanies this TECDOC.
*JNES ceased to exist in March 2014 as a result of integration into Nuclear Regulation Authority
(NRA), Japan
@ No. 23
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