Edmondson 10-10-17

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Vinita Daily Journal

Calendar of Events R
October 15 - 5 p.m. Luke share. Hot dogs will be pro-
Oct 14 Supper at First Church of vided. For more information
10 God. Everyone welcome. No contact Frank Houck at 918
charge. Donations accepted. 787-6532. This event is free
2017 Chicken noodle night. For and open to the public. Visit
pickup orders, deliveries to www.grandlakeaudubonsoci-
Page shut-ins or for a ride call (918) ety.com for more information
A003 244-9176 about this organization.
Clip October 16 - Kerin Barn-
resized grover, Federal Employees

Proud S
Program, Blue Cross/Blue
Shield will be speaker at the
meeting of NARFE, Montana
Mikes Restaurant, Miami, 11
Octobrt 21 - Democrat-
ic Gubernatorial Debate and
Indian Taco Dinner featuring
candidates Drew Edmondson,
Connie Johnson and Scott
Inman, 5:30 p.m. at the Craig
County Community Center,
Craig County Fairgrounds,
Vinita. Meal: Indian Tacos,
salad, and homemade des-
serts. Tickets are $10/adult,
children under 10 free. Spon-
sors: Democratic Party Com-
mittees of Craig, Delaware,
Mayes and Ottawa Counties.
Debate: 90 minutes total; Ja-
son Nichols, Moderator.
October 21 - River Ridge
Bluegrass Association Blue- 
grass music show, located at
Bernice Baptist Church Com-
munity Building 120 Hickory
Street Highway 85A. Doors -Y
Mon - Thurs 7:00
open at 5 p.m. The Foust Friday 7:00
family plays at 6 p.m. Lone-
some Road plays at 7 p.m. $5
4:00) K
admission donation. Conces-
sions are available also.
October 21 - Grand Lake
Audubon Society will spon-
Har-Ber Village Museum 9
for the annual Owl Watch.
Those attending will carpool
from the Wal-Mart parking Mon - Thurs 6:40
lot behind Rib Crib at 5:15 Friday 9:00*
Sat 6:40 9:15*
p.m. Bring a covered dish to Sun 7:00

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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