Virtues of The First 10 Days of Zul Hijjah
Virtues of The First 10 Days of Zul Hijjah
Virtues of The First 10 Days of Zul Hijjah
Allah blessed the nation of Muhammad with opportunities to reap rewards and blessings
every day of the year. The last ten nights of Ramadan (the month of fasting) are among the most
blessed nights of the year; in particular Laylatul
Laylatul-Qadr (the night of power) is extremely sacred.
Similarly, the first ten days of Dhul
Hijja (the 12th Islamic calendar month) carry special status
during the blessed month of Pilgrimage. The above Hadith of the Prophet spells out the
importance of these ten days in the sight of Allah and the amplified reward for all good deeds
during this blessed season.
Just like the last ten nights of Ramadan are the best ten nights out of the year, these first ten days
of Dhul-Hijja
Hijja are the best days of the year and the most beloved to Allah as they combine acts of
worship in a way unlike any other time
So, the questions we should be asking ourselves are, How do we make the most of this season
of blessings?, What deeds can I perform to attain His pleasure?. The following are some
examples of the acts of worship that will help us gain His pleasure In
Ibn Umar and Abu Hurayrah used to go out in the marketplace during the first ten days of Dhul-
Hijja, reciting Takbeer, and the people would recite Takbeer when they heard them. (Bukhari)
Takbeer at this time is a Sunnah that has mostly been forgotten, especially during the first few
days. So say it in the masjid, in your home, on the street and every place where it is permitted to
remember Allah. Revive the Sunnah that have been virtually forgotten and earn great
grea rewards for
doing so.
The Prophet Whoever revives an aspect of my Sunnah that is forgotten after my death,
said: Whoever
he will have a reward equivalent to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting in the
least from their reward. (Tirmidhi-
(Tirmidhi Hasan)
We should seize this opportunity and beg Him for His Divine Generosity and Mercy. We
should ask Him as our Prophet Our Lord, bless us with the best of this world and
taught us Our a
the best of hereafter and save us from the fire of Hell.
5. Make Sincere Repentance
Allah loves those who repent to Him in complete submission. The act of sincere repentance
to Allah with intention to never return to His disobedience and sin
sin is very dear to Him .
Return to Allah by giving up all the deeds, open and secret, that He dislikes. Be regretful of your
sins and disobedience and resolve
esolve to never return to sin and to firmly adhere to the path which
Allah loves.
Allah But as for him who repented, believed and did righteous deeds, then he will be
says, But
among those who are successful.
successful. [Al-Qasas 28:67]
And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (death).
And (death). [Al-Hijr
[Al 15:99]
By Javaid Siddiqi
Chairman, ICNA Tarbiyah Department