How To Make Sandwich

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Nama : Rury Kharisma Muzaqi

Absen : 26
Kelas : 9H

How to Make Sandwich


2 Sliced Breads
Sliced Cheese
Sliced Ham

Butter Knife
Cutting Board
1. Prepare all the ingredients and tools
2. Lay 2 slices of bread onto the cutting board.
3. Butter the side of one piece of bread that is facing up, using the butter knife.
4. Spread a small amount of mayonnaise on one side of the other slice of bread.
5. With the plain sides of the slices of bread facing down, place 1-3 leaves of lettuce
onto the buttered slice of bread.
6. Take 2-5 slices of ham and place on the same slice of bread the lettuce is on.
7. Slice the tomato so each slice is about of a centimeter each. Cut as many slices
as you would like for your sandwich.
8. Apply mustard onto either slices of bread and spread the mustard onto the slice
of bread with just the mayonnaise on it.
9. Place 2-6 slices of cheese onto one of the two slices of bread.
10. Take the bread slice with the mayonnaise and place mayonnaise side down onto
the other slice with the other ingredients on it.
11. Enjoy your sandwich
1. What does the text tells us about?
a. Someones experience in cooking
b. How to eat sandwich
c. How to create sandwich
d. History of sandwich
2. How many sliced breads do we need to make a sandwich?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
3. Where do we spread the butter?
a. On the piece of bread that is facing up
b. On the piece of bread that is facing down
c. On both piece of bread
d. On the ham
4. Apply mustard onto either slices of bread and spread the mustard onto the slice
of bread with just the mayonnaise on it. The underlined word refers to .
a. The slice of bread
b. The mustard
c. The tomato
d. The lettuce
5. How thick do we slice the tomato?
a. About centimeter each
b. About 1 centimeter each
c. About 2 centimeter each
d. About 1/2 centimeter each
6. What do we place first after buttering the piece of bread?
a. Lettuce
b. Ham
c. Tomato
d. Mustard
7. How many sliced cheese do we need to make a sandwich?
a. 2-6
b. 3-5
c. 1-2
d. 2-3

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