ECEN 214 - Electrical Circuit Theory Fall 2017: Smiller@tamu - Edu
ECEN 214 - Electrical Circuit Theory Fall 2017: Smiller@tamu - Edu
ECEN 214 - Electrical Circuit Theory Fall 2017: Smiller@tamu - Edu
Fall 2017
Time & Place
Lecture: MWF 12:40am-1:30pm ETB1037
Recitation: F 11:30am-12:30pm ETB1037
Lab Sections:
200 W 10:20am-12:10pm CVLB 419
501 T 8:00-9:50am CVLB 419
502 T 11:10am-1:00pm CVLB 419
503 T 2:20-4:10pm CVLB 419
505 W 8:00-9:50am CVLB 419
Teaching Assistants:
Lab Section TA Email
Grading Policies: There will be three midterm exams and a comprehensive final exam. The
exams will take place as per the schedule below, unless you are notified of a change in date and
time. Reading assignments will not be made; you are expected to study the book topics as
appropriate. The dates indicated for the material are approximate; some modifications will be
Homework 10%
Laboratory 20%
Quizzes 20%
Midterm Exams (3) 30% (10% each)
Final Exam 20%
All requests for re-grading of any material should be submitted in writing to the instructor within
one week of when the graded material was returned to the class. Please state what
problem/material you want regarded and why you feel you deserve more credit.
Homeworks: Homework sets will be assigned through Mastering Engineering on Friday of each
week and will be due at 11:59pm on the following Thursday. After Thursday evening, points will
be reduced by half (50%) but you can complete missed homework any time until the day of the
final exam. When you log onto ME, look for the course name “ECEN 214 (Miller Fall 17)”. If it
asks you for a course ID, use “miller85591.” If you need help with homework, I recommend you
try the following resources for help:
1) Stop by your instructor’s office for help.
2) Post a question on Piazza to get suggestions from classmates.
3) Ask your lab TA for help.
Quizzes: There will be an in-class quiz during the recitation section on every Friday in which
there is not an exam (except the first week of class). Your quiz grade will be formed from the
average of the best 8 out of 9 quiz scores (i.e., one quiz will be dropped). These quizzes are closed
book/notes but you may use a calculator. The quiz will consist of one of the homework problems
you just completed the night before (usually with the numbers changed so that you cannot just
memorize all the HW answers). If you understood the HW, you should have no problem doing
the quiz. Please make sure to show up to recitation on time so that you do not miss the quiz.
Exams: All exams (midterms and final) will be in class and closed book. You will be allowed to
bring in one sheets of notes (one-sided, 8.5x11 inches) which may contain any material you want
to put on it. You are also allowed to use a calculator (and it is highly recommended that you bring
Piazza: We will be using Piazza as a discussion forum and I will also use this site to post course
materials, make announcements to the class, etc. I will monitor the discussions as much as I can
and will chime in when I think it is helpful. For now, you can enroll in the course on Piazza by
going to their web site at Select the school (Texas A&M) and the course
(ECEN 214). You will see several options under ECEN 214. Select the one that says something
like “ECEN 214 Sections 200, 501-505 Miller Fall 17.”
Recitation: The recitation meetings each week will be used for testing (quizzes and exams). For
weeks when we have a quiz, you may leave as soon as you finish the quiz. They usually only take
a few minutes to complete but you may take as much time as you need.
Academic Integrity Statement and Policy Please refer the student to the Honor Council Rules and
Procedures on the web:
“An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.”
Date Lab
Week of Aug. 28 No Labs
Week of Sep. 4 No Labs
Week of Sep. 11 Lab #1 - Introduction to ECEN 214 Lab
Lab #2 - Non-Ideal Sources and Renewable Energy
Week of Sep. 18 Sources
Lab Report #1 Due
Week of Sep. 25 LAB PRACTICUM #1
Lab #3 - Equivalent Networks and Superposition
Week of Oct. 2
Lab Report #2 Due
Lab #4 - OpAmps/Security System Part 1
Week of Oct. 9
Lab Report #3 Due
Week of Oct. 16 LAB PRACTICUM #2
Lab #5 - OpAmps/Security System Part 2
Week of Oct. 23
Lab Report #4 Due
Lab #6 - Transient Response of a 1st Order Circuit
Week of Oct. 30
Lab Report #5 Due
Lab #7 - Transient Response of a 2nd Order Circuit
Week of Nov. 6
Lab Report #6 Due
Lab #8 - AC Steady State Response of 2nd Order Circuit
Week of Nov. 13
Lab Report #7 Due
Week of Nov. 20 LAB PRACTICUM #3
Lab #9 – AC Power Transfer
Week of Nov. 27
Lab Report #8 Due
Week of Dec. 4 Lab Report # 9 Due