Plugin Syllabus 2003
Plugin Syllabus 2003
Plugin Syllabus 2003
Final Exam: Friday, May 23, 12:30-3:30 PM (Exam Group 19) Location: TBA
EE 40 Course Policies -- Spring 2003
Instructor: Sheila Ross Email:
Office: 477 Cory Hall Phone: 2-8485
Course Description: This 4-unit EECS core course uses digital electronics topics to teach fundamental circuit analysis
techniques. Topics include: (1) Essential quantities for circuit analysis, (2) Circuit laws and DC circuit analysis, (3)
Transients and step response of RC circuits, (4) Digital logic and gates,
(5) Analog elements for digital circuits including transistors and operational amplifiers, (6) CMOS circuits and static logic
gates, (7) Switch models and propagation delay for CMOS logic gates.
Textbook: Electrical Engineering: An Introduction, by Schwarz and Oldham, 2nd Edition, Oxford.
Class Notes: Notes will be handed out in lecture. The notes are designed to provide you with the main points and
diagrams so that you can listen and think in lecture, and concentrate less on note-taking. Space will be provided for you
to embellish the notes.
Homework: Homework will be posted to the website when assigned, due at the beginning of class on the specified due
date (at least one week later). You may discuss the homework with other students, but each student must write up the
solutions independently. Turn in the homework either in class, or in the EE 40 drop box in the student lounge on the 2nd
floor of Cory Hall. Late homework is not accepted, and the lowest HW score will be dropped.
Grading: There will be three midterms and one final exam. Your final score is computed as follows:
The laboratory portion of the course is graded pass/fail. You must pass all the labs to pass the course.
Makeup Exams: Makeup exams will be given when there is a class conflict with the scheduled exam, a death of a close
family member, or an illness with a doctor’s excuse. The makeup exam may be oral or written, and might not have the
same content or difficulty as the original exam.
Grading Scale: The grading scale is fixed, so your grade is determined by your performance, and is unaffected by the
performance of other students. This is intended to eliminate competition.
A+ 97-100 A 89-96 A- 85-88 B+ 81-84 B 74-80 B- 70-73 C+ 66-69 C 59-65 C- 55-58 F below 55
Regrading Exams: Exams may be regraded if the grading error is pointed out when the exam is picked up. Once you
take the graded exam away from the classroom/office, it cannot be regraded.
Laboratory: The lab is 3 hours per week and reinforces most of the basic concepts taught in this course. Students are
responsible for downloading the lab and prelab each week, bringing the completed prelab to the laboratory, and finishing
a lab report. The intent is a fun lab where students are encouraged to explore circuits and devices. It is OK to burn up
transistors, though we want you to be kind to the expensive equipment. The last 5 weeks of the lab is spent on a project –
a digitally controlled robot, the CalBot.
CalBot Contest: At the end of the semester, there will be a contest for you to show off your CalBot’s abilities. The
fastest CalBot and the CalBot with the most overall functionality will earn the winning lab team 100% on the final exam.
Felder, Richard, "Meet Your Students: 3. Michelle, Rob, and Art."
Chem. Engr. Education, 24(3), 130-131 (Summer 1990).
The scene is the AIChE student chapter lounge at a large southeastern university. Three juniors---Michelle,
Rob, and Art---are studying for the second quiz in the introductory transport course. Art got the high grade in
the class on the first quiz, Michelle was close behind him, and Rob got 15 points below class average. They've
been at it for over an hour.
Michelle: "What about this stuff on non-Newtonian flow---I don't think I really get it."
Art: "I think we can forget it---I've got copies of Snavely's tests for the last five years and he's never asked
about it."
M: "Maybe, but it's the real want to analyze blood flow, for instance, Newtonian won't work."
A:"So what...the only blood flow we're going to have to worry about is ours on this test if we don't stick to the
stuff Snavely is going to ask."
Rob: "Hey Art, is there going to be any of that Navier-Stokes trash on the quiz?"
A: "Yeah, there usually is, but no derivations---you just have to know how to simplify the equation."
M: "I've been looking through Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot...there are all sorts of Navier-Stokes problems in
there---we could try to set some of them up."
R: "Nah, too much grind---I just need to do enough to get my C, my degree, and my MG...Art my man, why
don't you haul out those old tests and let's just memorize the solutions."
A: "Okay, but that may not...hey, look at this question---he's used it for three years in a row...Parts (a) and (b)
are just plug-and-chug, but he throws a real curve ball here in Part (c)---I don't know how to do it."
M: "Never mind that---let me see it...okay, he's asking about velocity profile development---you just need to
use the correlation for entrance length."
A: "What are you talking about---I never heard of that stuff."
M: "He never talked about it in class but it's in the reading---you need to calculate the Reynolds number and
then substitute it in this dimensionless correlation, and that gives you..."
R: "I'm gonna grab a Coke from the machine, guys---when you get it all straight just tell me what formula I
plug into, okay?"
A: "Yeah, sure. So it's just this correlation, huh Michelle---do I need to dig into where it comes from?"
M: "Probably not for the test, but I was trying to think why you would want to know the entrance length, and it
seems to me that if you're designing a piping system that has a lot of short pipe segments it would be important
to know how well your pressure drop formulas will work...blood flow again, in capillaries, or maybe lubricating
oil in a car engine, or..."
A: "Forget it---that stuff's not going to be on this test...even Snavely wouldn't be that look at this
problem here..."
These three students illustrate what Entwistle[1] calls orientations to studying. Michelle has a meaning
orientation, Rob a reproducing orientation, and Art an achieving orientation. The characteristics of the
orientations are as follows:
Meaning orientation. Michelle tends to take a deep approach to learning, meaning that she tries not just to
learn facts but to understand what they mean, how they are related, and what they have to do with her
experience. Meaning-oriented learners are characterized by an intrinsic motivation to learn (I want to learn
this material because it interests me and I find it relevant to my life) and a tendency to question conclusions
offered in lectures and readings.
Reproducing orientation. Rob almost always takes a surface approach to learning---following routine solution
procedures but not trying to understand where they come from, memorizing facts but not trying to fit them into a
coherent body of knowledge. Reproducing learners are characterized by an extrinsic motivation to learn (I've
got to learn this to pass the course, to graduate, to get a good job) and an unquestioning acceptance of
everything in the book and in lectures. They often do poorly in school.
Achieving orientation. Art's primary goal is to get the highest grade in the class, whatever it takes. Achieving
learners take a strategic approach to learning, which involves finding out what the instructor wants and
delivering it---digging deep when they have to, staying superficial when they can get away with it.