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5-Minute Daily



New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney Mexico City

New Delhi Hong K ong Buenos Aires

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
For my mom, who taught me that math was coollong before it was.

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Cover design by Gerard Fuchs

Cover art by Dave Clegg
Interior design by Holly Grundon
Interior illustrations by Mike Moran

ISBN: 0-439-40916-0
Copyright 2003 by Jill Safro
All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.

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5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Co ntents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Multiplication Division

Multiplication Terms . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Division Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Whole-Number Whole-Number
Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Multiples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Division Mazes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Mixed Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mixed Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Mental Math & Money Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mental Math &
Money Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Square Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Multiplying Fractions . . . . . . . . . 28 Dividing Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Multiplying Decimals . . . . . . . . . 29 Dividing Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Inverse Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Inverse Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 3
I n t ro d uc t io n
T here are 180 problems inside this book and 180 days in your average school year.
Coincidence? Not in the least. These specially written problems of the dayan
eclectic mix of computation, mental math, problem solving, brainteasers, and fascinating
factswill help hone students multiplication and division skills all school-year long.

How to Use This Book

Weve created the quick and clever problems inside this book. Now its up to you to
get them to your students. You may want to copy each page, cut apart the activities, and
hand one to your students each day. You may also want to copy them onto the blackboard,
or make an overhead transparency of each page.
Each problem (or set of problems) should take the average student about five minutes
to complete. Some students may take a bit longer, while others may drop their pencils even
before you finish explaining the problem. No matter. Just keep in mind that this book was
crafted with the following goals in mind:

To reinforce skills and foster a deeper appreciation of the

wonders of multiplication and division
To engage all students with entertaining, age-appropriate
To make solid connections with the content standards
developed by the National Council of Teachers of Math

4 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Multiplication Terms

1. In each equation, which number is the MULTIPLIER?

5 x 7 = 35 20 Seventeen times two

x 3 equals thirty-four

Multiplication Terms

2. In each equation, which number is the PRODUCT?

44 x 3 = 132 105 Forty times thirty

x 8 equals one thousand
___ two hundred

Multiplication Terms

3. In each equation, which number is the MULTIPLICAND?

11 x 2 = 22 8 Eighty times thirteen

x 9 equals one thousand forty

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 5
Whole-Number Computation

4. What number am I?
I am an odd number.
I am the year the first Star Wars movie came out.
I am the product of 659 times 3.

Whole-Number Computation

5. What number am I?
I am an even number.
I am the number of stories in the Empire State Building.
I am the product of 17 times 6.

Whole-Number Computation

6. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

5 x 8 = 40
5 x 5 = 25
8 x 5 = 32
7 x 5 = 35

6 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

7. What number am I?
I am an even number.
I am the number of ridges on the edge of a dime.
I am the product of 59 times 2.

Whole-Number Computation

8. What number am I?
I am an even number.
I am the number of outs made in a full, 9-inning baseball game.
I am the product of 6 times 3 times 3.

Whole-Number Computation

9. There were many clowns inside the car

Eleven for every point on a 5-point star.
How many clowns were in the car?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 7
Whole-Number Computation

10. What number am I?

I am an odd number.
I am the year sneakers were invented.
I am the product of 213 times 9.

Whole-Number Computation

11. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

22 x 2 = 44
22 x 12 = 66

Whole-Number Computation

12. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the highest score in bowling.
I am the product of 3 times 5 times 4 times 5.

8 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

13. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

133 x 10 = 169
133 x 15 = 1,995
133 x 27 = 3,591
133 x 49 = 6,517

Whole-Number Computation

14. The answer is 117. Whats the question?

a) How much is 232 times 2?
b) How much is 39 times 3?
c) How much is 20 times 6?

Whole-Number Computation

15. The answer is 108. Whats the question?

a) How much is 3 times 4 times 9?
b) How much is 36 times 6?
c) How much is 3 times 2 times 2 times 3?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 9
Whole-Number Computation

16. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

202 x 2 = 404
202 x 4 = 808
202 x 6 = 1,212
202 x 8 = 1,606

Whole-Number Computation

17. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the number of U.S. senators.
I am equal to 5 times 4 times 5.

Whole-Number Computation

18. The answer is 10,000. Whats the question?

a) How much is 10 x 10?
b) How much is 100 x 10?
c) How much is 100 x 100?

10 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

19. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

1,889 x 8 = 15,112
1,889 x 88 = 166,323
1,889 x 889 = 1,679,321
1,889 x 1,889 = 3,568,321


20. Which of these numbers are multiples of 7?

1 7 14 18 28


21. Which of these numbers are multiples of 1?

1 11 101 11,000

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 11

22. Which of these numbers are NOT multiples of 9?

1 9 27 81 117


23. Which of these numbers are NOT multiples of 22?

1 11 22 220


24. Which of these numbers are multiples of 5?

5 10 205 500

12 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources

25. Which of these numbers are multiples of 30?

10 30 120 300 730


26. Which of these numbers are NOT multiples of 0?

0 6 10 207 4,005


27. Which of these numbers are NOT multiples of 8?

2 4 8 64 96 280

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 13
28. What is the least common multiple of 48 and 12?

29. What is the least common multiple of 5 and 29?

30. What is the least common multiple of 30 and 186?

Name: Multiples

31. What is the least common multiple of 13 and 65?

14 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mixed Operations

32. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am a perfect score in the Olympics.
I am equal to 3 times 3 plus 5 minus 4.

Mixed Operations

33. What number am I?

I am an odd number.
I am the number of pounds of garbage
produced by one American each year.
I am equal to 18 times 17 times 5 plus 57.

Mixed Operations

34. The answer is 0. Whats the question?

a) How much is 7 times 10 plus 0?
b) How much is 7 times 10 minus 0?
c) How much is 7 times 10 times 0?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 15
Mixed Operations

35. The answer is 1. Whats the question?

a) How much is 5 x 4 20?
b) How much is 5 x 4 19?
c) How much is 5 x 4 + 1?

Mixed Operations

36. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the number of bones in an adult human.
I am equal to 4 times 3 times 8 times 2 plus 14.

Mixed Operations

37. The answer is 1. Whats the question?

a) How much is 5 x 1 5?
b) How much is 8 x 8 64?
c) How much is 8 x 8 63?

16 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mixed Operations

38. The answer is 450. Whats the question?

a) How much is 1 x 90 x 50?
b) How much is 9 x 50 + 0?
c) How much is 450 x 1 + 1?

Mixed Operations

39. The answer is 1,001. Whats the question?

a) How much is 101 x 10 x 1 + 1?
b) How much is 10 x 10 x 10 x 1?
c) How much is 10 x 10 x 10 + 1?

Mixed Operations

40. The answer is 121. Whats the question?

a) How much is 63 x 2 + 5?
b) How much is 63 x 2 5?
c) How much is 63 x 2 x 5?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 17

41. Fill in the blanks.

______ squared equals 25.
______ squared equals 64.
______ squared equals 1.


42. Fill in the blanks.

______ squared equals 196.
______ squared equals 144.
______ squared equals 400.


43. Fill in the blanks.

25 squared equals ______ .
19 squared equals ______ .
21 squared equals ______ .

18 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources

44. The answer is 121. Whats the question?

a) What is 44 squared?
b) What is 12 squared?
c) What is 11 squared?


45. The answer is 256. Whats the question?

a) What is 65,536 squared?
b) What is 1,024 squared?
c) What is 16 squared?


46. The answer is 6,084. Whats the question?

a) What is 684 squared?
b) What is 78 squared?
c) What is 87 squared?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 19
Mental Math & Estimation

47. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

47 x 19 = ?
a) 1,000
b) 800
c) 400

Mental Math & Estimation


48. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

183 x 11 = ?
a) 2,000
b) 180,000
c) 3,000

Mental Math & Estimation


49. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

1,900 x 9 = ?
a) 1,999
b) 10,000
c) 20,000

20 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mental Math & Estimation

50. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

2,252 x 52 = ?
a) 100,000
b) 150,000
c) 180,000

Mental Math & Estimation


51. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

337 x 97 = ?
a) 30,000
b) 50,000
c) 15,000

Mental Math & Estimation


52. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

99 x 9 = ?
a) 99,000
b) 100,000
c) 1,000

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 21
Money Math

53. I started the day with 50 bucks.

I spent 10 on 20 ducks.
I also purchased 15 limes,
which set me back 30 dimes.

How much money did I spend?

How much do I have left?

Money Math

54. If you had a nickel for every letter of the alphabet,

how much money would you have?

Money Math

55. Aunt Bertha needs a babysitter for little Laverne.

Shell pay you $3.55 an hour.
How much money will you
earn in four hours?

22 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Money Math

56. When I was eating in a New York deli

I spent 38 quarters on toast and jelly.
How much did the toast and jelly cost?

Money Math

57. Music Mania is having a super sale.

All CDs by the band Uh-oh Town cost $4.99!
How much will it cost for 21 CDs?

Money Math

58. On a recent trip to Baltimore,

I found 23 cents on the hotel floor.
When I took that money to the store,
I spent it all, plus five times more!
How much money did I spend in the store?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 23
Money Math

59. Morey McMiser spends just $7.27 each day.

There are
How much does Morey spend in a year? 365 days
in a year.

Money Math

60. Twice a week, Fiona Finster slips

a quarter into her purple piggy bank. There are
52 weeks
How much money will be in the pig in a year.
at the end of one year?

Money Math

61. Phil gave me a dollar bill.

Jill gave me twice as much money.
Linda gave four times more than Jill,
but Lenny gave me just a penny.
How much money was I given?

24 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
62. A notebook is on 0.75 inches thick.
How thick is a stack of 4 notebooks?

63. Tillys tube of Toonah brand
toothpaste weighs 6.8 ounces.
How much do 12 tubes of Toonah
toothpaste weigh?

64. A computer is about 1 foot, 3 inches wide.
About how wide is a row of 5 computers?

Name: Measurement

65. A can of Fizzy-Wizzy soda pop is 4.75 inches tall.

How tall is a stack of 13 cans of Fizzy-Wizzy?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 25

66. Cindys cell phone weighs 6 ounces.

How much do 6 of Cindys cell phones weigh?


67. A baseball is about 3 inches wide.

About how wide is a row of 5 baseballs?


68. A hockey puck is about an inch thick.

About how thick is a stack of 24 hockey pucks?

26 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources

69. Each chunk of Charlies cheese weighs 10 ounces.

How much do 20 chunks of Charlies cheese weigh?


70. Uncle Arties autobiography

weighs 2 pounds, 4 ounces.
How much do 40 copies of
Uncle Arties book weigh?


71. Coreys computer battery lasts 2 hours, 17 minutes.

How long could Corey run his computer with 5 batteries?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 27
Multiplying Fractions

72. Doris ate 1/8 of her doughnuts.

If she started with 56 doughuts, how many did she eat?

Multiplying Fractions

73. Marvin lost 3/12 of his marbles.

If he started with 216 marbles, how many did he lose?

Multiplying Fractions
74. Carrie bought 4 dozen cupcakes and asked
for 2/3 of them to have sprinkles.
How many had sprinkles?

Name: Multiplying Fractions

75. Norbert knits 4 1/2 sweaters each month.

How many sweaters does Norbert knit in a year?

28 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Multiplying Fractions
76. Solve: 1
__ 2
x __ =
4 5 4 9
__ x __ =
5 6 9 10
__ x __ =
8 7

Multiplying Fractions
77. Solve: 7
__ 5
x __ =
12 9 24 3
__ x __ =
25 5
__ x 14
__ =
13 15

Multiplying Fractions
78. Solve: 1 3
2 __ x __ =
2 8 2 1
4 __ x 9 __ =
3 4
7 4
5 __ x 2 __ =
16 7

Name: Multiplying Decimals

79. Petunia pays $.17 a minute to talk to her friend Percy in Peru.
How much does a 3-hour phone call to Percy cost?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 29
Multiplying Decimals

80. Pablo gets paid

$22.50 per hour to play
professional Ping-Pong.
How much does Pablo
earn for 35 hours of play?

Multiplying Decimals

81. Pandora pledged to pay $.14 per pin in a charity bowling

How much will Pandora pay the charity for 300 pins?

Multiplying Decimals

82. Solve:
6 x 0.4 = _______

8 x 0.9 = _______

5 x 0.5 = _______

30 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Multiplying Decimals

83. Solve:
0.3 x 0.2 = _______

0.9 x 0.1 = _______

0.2 x 0.8 = _______

Multiplying Decimals

84. Solve:
0.09 x 0.18 = _______

0.75 x 0.03 = _______

0.188 x 0.26 = _______

Inverse Operation

85. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product
8 88
3 99
20 120

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 31
Inverse Operation

86. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product
25 1,875
1 4,645
9 6,030

Inverse Operation

87. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product
100 10,000
10 12,100
5 285

Inverse Operation

88. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product
12 144
11 143
13 78

32 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Inverse Operation

89. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product
16 672
50 1,250
82 328

Inverse Operation

90. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product
1 431
101 2,121
65 1,950

Division Terms

91. In each equation, which number is the DIVISOR?

4,815 321 = 15 73 Twelve divided by

12 876 three equals four

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 33
Division Terms

92. In each equation, which number is the DIVIDEND?

132 66 = 2 Thirty-three 421

divided by eleven 15 6,315
equals three

Division Terms

93. In each equation, which number is the QUOTIENT?

368 23 = 16 Eighty divided by 33

ten equals eight 44 1,452

Division Terms

94. In each equation, which number is the DIVISOR?

1,512 27 = 56 Fourteen divided 11

by seven equals 8 88

34 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Division Terms

95. In each equation, which number is the DIVIDEND?

Sixty divided 9 3,550 71 = 50

by five equals 9 81

Division Terms

96. In each equation, which number is the QUOTIENT?

Ninety divided 69 360 8 = 45

by ninety 14 966
equals one

Whole-Number Computation

97. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the average number of days an eyelash lasts before it falls out.
I am the quotient of 450 divided by 3.

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 35
Whole-Number Computation

98. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

12 4 = 3
12 3 = 4
12 2 = 6
12 5 = 2

Whole-Number Computation

99. What number am I?

I am an odd number.
I am the number of athletic
events in a heptathalon.
I am the quotient of 56
divided by 8.

Whole-Number Computation

100. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

256 4 = 64
256 16 = 32
256 2 = 128
256 256 = 1

36 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

101. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the number of months it takes for
most dollar bills to wear out.
I am the quotient of 162 divided by 9.

Whole-Number Computation

102. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

225 25 = 10
225 15 = 15
225 5 = 45
225 75 = 3

Whole-Number Computation

103. What number am I?

I am an odd number.
I am the year that Oreo cookies first hit the market.
I am the quotient of 11,466 divided by 6.

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 37
Whole-Number Computation

104. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

112 1 = 112
112 2 = 56
112 4 = 28
112 8 = 18

Whole-Number Computation

105. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the number of times
you blink your eyes in a day.
I am the quotient of 460,000
divided by 23.

Whole-Number Computation

106. You be the teacher! Which of these equations is NOT correct?

6,561 81 = 81
6,561 3 = 2,187
6,561 9 = 739
6,561 27 = 243

38 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

107. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the number of pounds of skin most people shed in a lifetime.
I am the quotient of 4,520 divided by 113.

Whole-Number Computation

108. Solve the equation. If the quotient is

an even number, the statement is true.
If it is odd, the statement is false.
In China, it was once against the
law to have a pet.
540 6 = _______

Whole-Number Computation

109. Solve the equation. If the quotient is an even number, the

statement is true. If it is odd, the statement is false.
In the United States, it was once against the law for
parents to tell their kids to go to bed.
3,069 31 = _______

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 39
Whole-Number Computation

110. Solve the equation. If the quotient is an even number, the statement is
true. If it is odd, the statement is false.
It was once against the law to wear white shoes in Tibet.
15,500 62 = _______

Whole-Number Computation

111. Fill in the blanks.

_______ 7 = 9

_______ 13 = 12

_______ 658 = 11

Whole-Number Computation

112. What number am I?

I am an odd number.
I am the number of residents
in Wyoming, Americas least
populated state, in 2000.
I am the quotient of 4,444,038 divided by 9.

40 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

113. Fill in the blanks.

16 _______ = 4

77 _______ = 7

144 _______ = 12

Whole-Number Computation

114. Fill in the blanks.

207 _______ = 23

275 _______ = 55

231 _______ = 77

Whole-Number Computation

115. Fill in the blanks.

_______ 3 = 27

_______ 5 = 405

_______ 9 = 81

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 41
Whole-Number Computation

116. Fill in the blanks.

_______ 3 = 5

_______ 2 = 14

_______ 8 = 244

Whole-Number Computation

117. The Aluminum Chef is throwing a dinner

party for 21 people.
If he bakes 483 cookies, how many cookies
could each person have?

Whole-Number Computation

118. The Aluminum Chef cut a lasagna into 294 pieces.

He has 21 people to feed.
How many pieces could each person have?

42 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Whole-Number Computation

119. The Aluminum Chef filled 127 bottles with

fresh-squeezed turnip juice.
Could he give all 21 people at his party the same
number of juice bottles and have none left over?

Whole-Number Computation

120. If 5 people can fit at one table, how many tables does
the Aluminum Chef need for 21 people?
Could all the tables have the same number of people?

Division Mazes

121. Use division to get from START

to FINISH. You can move in any
264 2 4
direction, but each box may
be entered only once. The number 12 1 6
in the finish box is the quotient.

1 2 44

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 43
Division Mazes

122. Use division to get from START 30 5 6

to FINISH. You can move in any
direction, but each box may
be entered only once. The number 1 3 2
in the finish box is the quotient.

2 5 3

Division Mazes

123. Use division to get from START 144 4 3

to FINISH. You can move in any
direction, but each box may
be entered only once. The number 2 12 2
in the finish box is the quotient.

3 4 2

Division Mazes

124. Use division to get from START

to FINISH. You can move in any 176 4 2
direction, but each box may
be entered only once. The number 2 8 2
in the finish box is the quotient.

8 11 22

44 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Division Mazes

125. Use division to get from START 80 40 20

to FINISH. You can move in any
direction, but each box may
be entered only once. The number 10 8 10
in the finish box is the quotient.

2 2 5


126. Which of these numbers are factors of 28?

28 7 14 8
4 2 1 0


127. Which of these numbers are NOT factors of 72?

24 12 18 72 5 9 3
1 8 7 6 2 4
5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 45

128. What are the factors of the number 9? Make a list.


129. What are the factors of the number 16? Make a list.


130. Which number has more factors: 12 or 15?

46 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources

131. Which number has fewer factors: 24 or 34?


132. What is the greatest common factor of 51 and 153?


133. What is the greatest common factor of 148 and 222?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 47
Mixed Operations

134. The answer is 2. Whats the question?

a) How much is 800 8 99 + 1?
b) How much is 800 8 + 99 199?
c) How much is 800 8 99 1?

Mixed Operations

135. The answer is 444. Whats the question?

a) How much is 444 2 x 2?
b) How much is 44 2 x 4?
c) How much is 4 2 x 44?

Mixed Operations

136. The answer is 100. Whats the question?

a) How much is 85 x 20 170?
b) How much is 85 x 20 17?
c) How much is 85 20 x 170?

48 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mixed Operations

137. The answer is 30. Whats the question?

a) How much is 15 x 19 + 15 10?
b) How much is 19 x 15 + 15 + 10?
c) How much is 15 x 10 5 x 2?

Mixed Operations

138. Solve:
5 + 1 3 = _______

10 2 4 = _______

14 + 6 10 2 = _______

Mixed Operations

139. The answer is 10. Whats the question?

a) How much is 60 5 2?
b) How much is 100 10 + 1?
c) How much is 40 4 1?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 49
Mixed Operations

140. What number am I? I have 35

I am an even number.
I am the number of rooms in the
White House.
I am the answer to 945 divided
by 7 minus 3.

Mixed Operations

141. Solve:
8 4 x 425 = _______

20 4 + 17 = _______

63 7 9 = _______

Mixed Operations

142. What number am I?

I am an even number.
I am the number of teams in the
National Football League.
I am the answer to 144 divided
by 4 minus 12 plus 8.

50 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mixed Operations

143. Solve:
4 x 3 2 + 1 = _______

5 1 4 = _______

22 x 2 44 x 0 = _______

Mixed Operations

144. Solve:
144 12 3 x 9 = _______

6 x 6 6 x 0 = _______

42,000 x 1 1 = _______

Mixed Operations

145. What number am I?

I am an odd number.
I am the year of the first space-shuttle flight.
I am the quotient of 10,000 divided by 5 minus 20 plus 1.

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 51
Mixed Operations

146. Solve:
933 1 x 1 = _______

8,000 1,000 4 = _______

101 101 + 101 = _______

Money Math

147. Aunt Gertrude wants to give each of her 40

nephews an equal share of her $500 fortune.
How much will each nephew receive?

Money Math

148. Barney Butterworths budget allows him

to spend $456.25 on bagels each year.
How much can Barney spend on
bagels each day?

52 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Money Math
149. The Couch Potato Shopping Channel is selling
pewter pigs for the low, low price of $239.94.
If thats divided into 3 easy payments, how much
is each payment?

Money Math
150. Dudley bought a dozen doughnuts for $3.48.
How much did Dudley pay for each doughnut?

Money Math
151. Paulie and Polly Pumpkin won a
pie-eating contest. They had entered
as a team.
How much of the $27.44 prize
does each Pumpkin get?

Name: Money Math

152. My mother gave me 60 nickels,

with which I purchased 20 pickles.
How much money did I spend?
How much did each pickle cost?

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 53
Money Math

153. I pulled 40 dollars from my pockets,

and spent it all on 16 lockets.
How much did each locket cost?

Money Math

154. I made 90 dollars when I sold 8 wagons.

I spent the cash on 15 dragons.
How much did I sell each wagon for?
How much did each dragon cost?

Money Math

155. Today I decided to give a penny

to all my friends who are named Jenny.
Im going to start making friends named Lou,
since the Jennys cost me $12.02.
How many friends named Jenny do I have?

54 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mental Math & Estimation

156. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

452 9 = ?
a) 45
b) 65
c) 40

Mental Math & Estimation


157. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

76 19 = ?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3

Mental Math & Estimation


158. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

1,888 8 = ?
a) 400
b) 300
c) 200

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 55
Mental Math & Estimation

159. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

8 503
a) 40
b) 50
c) 100

Mental Math & Estimation


160. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

11 17,353
a) 700
b) 1,800
c) 800

Mental Math & Estimation


161. Use mental math to choose the best estimate.

11 968
a) 100
b) 91
c) 80

56 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Square Roots

162. Fill in the blanks.

The square root of ____________ equals 7.
The square root of ____________ equals 2.
The square root of ____________ equals 11.

Square Roots

163. Fill in the blanks.

The square root of ____________ equals 5.
The square root of ____________ equals 10.
The square root of ____________ equals 9.

Square Roots

164. Fill in the blanks.

The square root of ____________ equals 6.
The square root of ____________ equals 14.
The square root of ____________ equals 50.

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 57
Square Roots

165. Fill in the blanks.

The square root of 64 equals ____________.
The square root of 144 equals ____________.
The square root of 900 equals ____________.

Square Roots

166. Fill in the blanks.

The square root of 10,000 equals ____________.
The square root of 9 equals ____________.
The square root of 625 equals ____________.

Square Roots

167. Fill in the blanks.

The square root of 16 equals ____________.
The square root of 400 equals ____________.
The square root of 1 equals ____________.

58 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Dividing Fractions
168. Solve:

1 4
9 __ = 20 __ =
3 5

Dividing Fractions
169. Solve:

__ 4
__ 1
3= __ =
5 8 2

Dividing Fractions
170. Solve:

1 1
4 __ = 60 __ =
8 3

Name: Dividing Fractions

171. Solve:

__ 1 6 1
__ = __ __ =
4 3 10 2

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 59
Dividing Fractions

172. Solve:

__ 1 5 4
__ = __ __ =
8 4 12 5

Dividing Decimals

173. If 10 inches of licorice costs $1.20, how much does one inch cost?

Dividing Decimals

174. If 12 cans of tennis balls cost $33.48,

how much does one can cost?

60 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Dividing Decimals

175. What is the quotient of 0.08 divided by 0.4?

Dividing Decimals

176. What is the quotient of 0.006 divided by 0.003?

Inverse Operation

177. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Dividend Divisor = Quotient
1 256,000
56 222
199 12

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 61
Inverse Operation

178. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Dividend Divisor = Quotient
3 7
25 6
16 82

Inverse Operation

179. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Dividend Divisor = Quotient
119 23
414 20
20 19

Inverse Operation

180. Use the inverse operation to complete the table.

Dividend Divisor = Quotient
7,100 3
601 100
14 6,116

62 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. 7; 3; two 34. c 68. about 24 inches
2. 132; 840; one thousand 35. b 69. 200 ounces
two hundred
36. 206 70. 90 pounds
3. 11; 8; eighty
37. c 71. 11 hours, 25 minutes
4. 1977
38. b 72. 7 doughnuts
5. 102
39. c 73. 54 marbles
6. 8 x 5 = 32
40. b 74. 32 cupcakes
7. 118
41. 5; 8; 1 75. 54 sweaters
8. 54
42. 14; 12; 20 76. 1/10; 15/28; 2/5
9. 55 clowns
43. 625; 361; 441 77. 35/108; 56/65; 72/125
10. 1917
44. c 78. 15/16; 783/56 (or 13
11. 22 x 12 = 66 55/56); 259/6 (or 43 1/6)
45. c
12. 300 79. $30.60
46. b
13. 133 x 10 = 169 80. $787.50
47. a
14. b 81. $42
48. a
15. a 82. 2.4; 7.2; 2.5
49. c
16. 202 x 8 = 1,606 83. 0.06; 0.09; 0.16
50. a
17. 100 84. 0.0162; 0.0225; 0.04888
51. a
18. c 85. 11; 33; 6
52. c
19. 1,889 x 88 = 166,323 86. 75; 4,645; 670
53. $13; $37
20. 7; 14; 28 87. 100; 1,210; 57
54. $1.30
21. 1; 11; 101; 11,000 88. 12; 13; 6
55. $14.20
22. 1 89. 42; 25; 4
56. $9.50
23. 1; 11 90. 431; 21; 30
57. $104.79
24. 5; 10; 205; 500 91. 321; 12; three
58. $1.38
25. 30; 120; 300 92. 132; thirty-three; 6,315
59. $2,653.55
26. 6; 10; 207; 4,005 93. 16; eight; 33
60. $26
27. 2; 4 94. 27; seven; 8
61. $11.01
28. 48 95. Sixty; 81; 3,550
62. 3 inches
29. 145 96. one; 69; 45
63. 81.6 ounces
30. 930 97. 150
64. 6 feet, 3 inches
31. 65 98. 12 5 = 2
65. 61.75 inches
32. 10 99. 7
66. 36 ounces
33. 1,587 100. 256 16 = 32
67. about 15 inches

5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources 63
101. 18 125. 160. b

102. 225 25 = 10 80 40 20 161. a

10 8 10
103. 1911 162. 49; 4; 121
2 2 5
104. 112 8 = 18 163. 25; 100; 81

105. 20,000 126. 28; 7; 14; 4; 2; 1 164. 36; 196; 2,500

106. 6,561 9 = 739 127. 5; 7 165. 8; 12; 30

107. 40 128. 1; 3; 9 166. 100; 3; 25

108. 90 (true) 129. 1; 2; 4; 8; 16 167. 4; 20; 1

109. 99 (false) 130. 12 168. 27; 25

110. 250 (true) 131. 34 169. 1/5; 1

111. 63; 156; 7,238 132. 51 170. 32; 180

112. 493,782 133. 74 171. 9/4; 6/5
113. 4; 11; 12 134. a 172. 3/2; 25/48

114. 9; 5; 3 135. a 173. $0.12

115. 81; 2,025; 729 136. b 174. $2.79

116. 15; 28; 1,952 137. a 175. 0.2

117. 23 cookies 138. 2; 2; 5 176. 2

118. 14 pieces 139. a 177. 256,000; 12,432; 2,388

119. no 140. 132 178. 21; 150; 1,312

120. 5 tables; no 141. 850; 22; 0 179. 2,737; 8,280; 380

142. 32 180. 21,300; 60,100; 85,624

121. 143. 7; 1; 0

264 2 4 144. 36; 0; 42,000

12 1 6 145. 1981
1 2 44
146. 933; 2; 102

122. 147. $12.50

30 5 6 30 5 6 148. $1.25
1 3 2 or 1 3 2
149. $79.98
2 5 3 2 5 3
150. $0.29
123. 151. $13.72
144 4 3 144 4 3 152. $3; $0.15
2 12 2 or 2 12 2
3 4 2 153. $2.50
3 4 2
154. $11.25; $6
155. 1,202 Jennys
176 4 2 176 4 2
156. a
2 8 2 or 2 8 2
8 11 22 8 11 22 157. b

158. c

159. b

64 5-Minute Daily Practice: Multiplication & Division Jill Safro, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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