3rd Grade Math Centers PDF
3rd Grade Math Centers PDF
3rd Grade Math Centers PDF
Math Centers
Includes over 150 Number, Geometry, Measurement and Data
Centers aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
* Use the Bookmarks pane to navigate to the required CCSS.
Equal Groups 8
Relate Addition and Multiplication 9
Building Arrays 10
Array Picture Cards 11
3.OA.A.2 Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g. interpret 56÷8 as the number of
objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares
when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For example, describe a context in
which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56 ÷ 8.
3.OA.A.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal
groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g. by using drawings and equations with a symbol for
the unknown number to represent the problem.
3.OA.A.4 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three
whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of
the equations 8 x?=48, 5 = ?÷3, 6x6 =?
Missing Numbers: Multiplication 51
Missing Numbers: Division 61
3.OA.B.6 Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. For example, find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the
number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8.
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic
3.OA.D.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using
equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using
mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
3.OA.D.9 Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and
explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even,
and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends.
3.NBT.A.3 Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (e.g., 9x80, 5x60)
using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
3.NF.A.2 Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line
a. Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole
and portioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the
part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line.
b. Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize
that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line.
Sample Activities:
b. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions e.g.., ½ = 2/4, 4/6=2/3) Explain why the fractions
are equivalent, by using a visual model.
c. Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers.
Examples: Express 3 in the form 3=3/1; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point of a
number line diagram
d. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their
size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record
the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or < and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a
visual fraction model.
Reason with shapes and their attributes
3.G.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may
share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category
(e.g. quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and
draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
3.G.2 Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the
whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each part as
1/4 of the area of the shape.
3.MD.A.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams
(g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems
involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a
beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem.
3.MD.B.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and
fourths of an inch. Show data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in
appropriate units- whole numbers, halves, or quarters.
Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to
3.MD.C.5 Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area
a. A square with side length 1 unit, called a “unit square”, is said to have “one square unit” of area, and
can be used to measure area.
Square Units 348
Square Meters 350
* Use the Bookmarks pane to navigate to the required CCSS.
3.MD.C.6 Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and
improvised units).
b. Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of
solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular
areas in mathematical reasoning.
Word Problems: Area 367
c. Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths a
and b + c is the sum of axb and axc. Use area models to represent the distributive property in
mathematical reasoning.
d. Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-
overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to
solve real world problems.
Relate Addition and Multiplication
Materials: numeral cards 1-10
1. Turn over the top card in the stack. Draw this number of
Building Arrays
Materials: number cubes, counters
1. Roll a number cube twice. The first number you roll tells how many
rows to make in your array. The second number you roll tells how many
counters to put in each row of your array.
2. Draw the array and write an equation to express the total number of
counters as a sum of equal addends.
Example: Lisa rolls a 2 first and then a 5. She makes an array with 2 rows of 5.
2 rows of 5
5 + 5 = 10
2 x 5 = 10
Array Picture Cards
Materials: Set of Array Picture Cards
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Identify the Unknown
Materials: Identify the Unknown cards and sorting mat
1. Read each problem and identify the unknown. Do you need to find the
number of groups or the number of items in a group? Sort the problems
under the appropriate headings on the table.
2. Represent each problem using an equation with a symbol for the unknown
5. Write two story problems using the numbers 3, 5 and 15. The first one
should be a "How many groups?" type problem. The second one
should be a "How many in each group?" type problem. Share your
problems with your partner.
Identify the Unknown
Number of Groups Unknown Number of Items in a Group Unknown
Solve: Solve:
Solve: Solve:
Solve: Solve:
Identify the Unknown cards
Set 1
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Arrays (Set 1)
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com D
2 rows of cars. 4 cars per row. How
many cars?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com H
Three rows of turtles. Five turtles in each
row. How many turtles?
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Three rows of bikes. Ten bikes per row.
How many bikes?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com P
Set 2
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Arrays (Set 2)
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com D
If 32 bottles of orange juice in the refrigerator are
lined up in 8 equal rows, how many bottles of
orange juice are in each row?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com H
If 48 toy trucks are lined up neatly with 6 toy
trucks in each row, how many rows are there?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com P
Word Problems: Equal Groups
Materials: Word Problems: Equal Groups cards
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Equal Groups
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com D
Miguel has 4 bowls. He puts 8 strawberries in
each bowl. How many strawberries in all?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com L
Jody swims 8 laps of the swimming pool each
morning. How many laps does Jody swim in
5 days?
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Number of Equal Groups
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com D
A store has 45 t-shirts in boxes of 5. How
many boxes?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com L
Kate has 30 cookies. She puts 5 cookies
in each bag. How many bags does Kate need?
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Size of Equal Groups
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com D
Lizette picks 25 flowers from the garden.
She gives an equal number of flowers to 5
people. How many flowers does each person get?
3. Build and draw possible arrays. Write an equation for each array.
Sharing Marbles
Materials: counters
2. Imagine that you had this number of marbles. How many friends
could you share them with so that you all had an equal number of
marbles? Use drawings and equations to show all possible
3. How many different solutions did you find? How can you be sure
that you have found all possible solutions?
One Hundred Hungry Ants
Materials: counters, copy of One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes
1. After listening to the story One Hundred Hungry Ants choose one
of the following numbers: 12, 24, or 36.
3. Use counters to build as many different arrays as you can for the
number you chose.
Six Dinner Sid
Materials: copy of Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore
1. After listening to the story Six Dinner Sid, solve the following
If Sid ate six dinners in just one day, how many dinners would
he eat in one week?
3. Challenge: How many dinners would Sid eat in the month of May?
Explain your thinking.
Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream
The Doorbell Rang
Materials: copy of The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins
1. After listening to the story The Doorbell Rang, choose one of the
following numbers: 16, 24, or 32.
2. Suppose that you had this number of cookies. How many friends
could you share them with so that you all had an equal number of
4. How many different solutions did you find? How do you know that
you have found all the possible solutions for the number you chose?
Missing Numbers: Multiplication
Materials: Missing Numbers boards, counters marked 0-9
2x = 12 1x2=
x 5 = 25 5x =5
0x2= x 5 = 35
2x = 16 x2=8
x 5 = 45 5x = 15
5x = 45 5x0=
x 10 = 70 x 10 = 60
1x5= 5x = 40
10 x = 40 x 10 = 20
x 5 = 15 10 x = 10
10 x = 90 2x0=
x 5 = 35 x 5 = 25
3x2= 10 x = 30
2x = 16 x2=4
x 5 = 20 10 x = 10
3x = 27 4x0=
x 6 = 24 x3=9
3x2= 4x = 28
4x = 20 x3=6
x 3 = 24 4x =4
3x = 18 6x0=
x 6 = 30 x6=6
3x3= 6x = 42
6x = 18 x 3 = 24
x 3 = 12 6x = 12
3x = 12 4x0=
x 8 = 72 x 8 = 16
2x4= 8x = 40
4x = 28 x 4 = 24
x 8 = 24 8x =8
G .
7x = 35 9x0=
x 6 = 48 x 7 = 21
1x7= 9x = 18
6x = 54 x7=7
x 7 = 28 7x = 42
4x =0 2x1=
x 6 = 24 x 9 = 27
3x2= 4x = 20
4x = 32 x 6 = 42
x 5 = 45 5x =5
I .
2x = 18 9x0=
x 9 = 36 x 8 = 24
2x4= 4x = 20
11 x = 11 x 8 = 16
x 5 = 35 8x = 48
Missing Numbers: Division
Materials: color tiles numbered 1-10 Number of Players: 2
1. Collect a set of color tiles numbered 1-10. Place the tiles in random order
with the numerals facedown in a row above the gameboard.
2. Take turns to turn over a color tile and try to use the number on the tile to
make a true equation on your side of the board. If you can use the number
read aloud the equation. If you cannot use the number place it back
facedown above the gameboard.
3. The first player to complete all five equations on his or her side of the board
wins the round.
5. Create your own Missing Numbers board. Your board must have 10 division
equations with the missing numbers 1-10 in different positions. Try out your
board with a classmate.
Player 1 Player 2
5÷5= 20 ÷ 10 =
60 ÷ 10 = 90 ÷ 10 =
20 ÷ =5 40 ÷ =5
÷2=5 15 ÷ =5
70 ÷ = 10 ÷1=5
Player 1 Player 2
2÷2= 4÷2=
30 ÷ 5 = 45 ÷ 5 =
8÷ =2 16 ÷ =2
÷5=2 6÷ =2
35 ÷ =5 ÷1=5
Player 1 Player 2
4÷4= 12 ÷ 4 =
10 ÷ 2 = 18 ÷ 2 =
24 ÷ =4 20 ÷ = 10
÷2=5 ÷ 4=2
28 ÷ =4 ÷1=4
Player 1 Player 2
8÷8= 48 ÷ 8 =
20 ÷ 4 = 36 ÷ 4 =
24 ÷ =8 28 ÷ =4
÷4=1 ÷ 8=1
80 ÷ =8 16 ÷ =8
Player 1 Player 2
3÷3= 42 ÷ 6 =
30 ÷ 6 = 12 ÷ 3 =
27 ÷ =9 48 ÷ =6
÷6=1 ÷ 3=3
30 ÷ =3 12 ÷ =6
Player 1 Player 2
7÷7= 42 ÷ 7 =
45 ÷ 9 = 36 ÷ 9 =
21 ÷ =7 72 ÷ =9
÷9=1 ÷ 7=1
70 ÷ =7 18 ÷ =9
Turn Your Array
1. Choose one of the following numbers: 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, or 24.
Collect this number of color tiles and arrange them in equal rows.
3. Turn your array, so the rows become the columns. Draw the array and
write a multiplication equation to represent the Commutative Property
of Multiplication.
ver. 1
Decompose a Factor
1. Solve the problems below. For each problem, show one way to find the
product by decomposing one factor into addends, multiplying each term, and
adding the partial products.
a) 6 x 4 b) 7 x 8 c) 9 x 6 d) 8 x 9 e) 6 x 8 f) 9 x 7
Example: 8 x 6 = ?
8 x (5 + 1) = (8 x 5) + (8 x 1) = 40 + 8 = 48
or 8 x (3 + 3) = (8 x 3) + (8 x 3) = 24 + 24 = 48
2. Create your own 1-digit x 1-digit problem. Explain how you could decompose
a factor to quickly find the product of the two numbers mentally.
Example: 6 x 7 = ?
I split 7 into 5 and 2. In my mind I can quickly compute 6 x 5 = 30, then
6 x 2= 12, and add 30 plus 12. The product of 6 x 7 is 42.
ver. 2
Decompose a Factor
1. Solve the problems below. For each problem, show one way to find the
product by decomposing one factor, multiplying each term, and adding the
partial products.
a) 5 x 15 b) 24 x 3 c) 6 x 13 d) 16 x 4 e) 14 x 4 f) 7 x 13
Example: 4 x 23 = ?
4 x 23 = (4 x 20) + (4 x 3) = 80 + 12 = 92
or 4 x 23 = (4 x 10) + (4 x 10) + (4 x 3) = 40 + 40 + 12 = 92
2. Create your own 1-digit x 2-digit problem. Explain how you could decompose
a factor to quickly find the product of the two numbers mentally.
Example: 3 x 24 = ?
I decompose 24 into 20 and 4. In my mind I quickly compute 3 x 20 = 60
and 3 x 4 = 12, then add 60 plus 12. The product of 3 x 24 is 72.
Division as an Unknown Factor
Materials: game board for each player, division fact cards Number of Players: 2
1. Shuffle the cards and place them facedown on the table in a pile.
2. Take turns to turn over a division card from the top of the pile and
look for a related multiplication fact on your board. Cover the
multiplication fact with the division card and explain how the two
facts are related. If the multiplication fact is already covered return
the division card to the bottom of the pile.
__ times __ equals __ , so
__ divided by __ equals __.
3. Continue taking turns until one player has covered all the division
facts on his or her board.
___ times ___ equals ___ times ___ equals
know ,that
___ __divided
__ minus __ equals __ .
I know,that
___ divided
__ minus __ equals __ .
5 x ? = 10 8x?=8 6 x ? = 12 8 x ? = 16
5x?=5 10 x ? = 10 4x?=4 7 x ? = 14
9 x ? = 18 3x?=6 10 x ? = 20 2x?=4
10 ÷ 5 = ? 8÷8=? 12 ÷ 6 = ? 16 ÷ 8 = ?
5÷5=? 10 ÷ 10 = ? 4÷4=? 14 ÷ 7 = ?
18 ÷ 9 = ? 6÷3=? 20 ÷ 10 = ? 4÷2=?
3 x ? = 15 8 x ? = 80 4 x ? = 20 6 x ? = 60
6 x ? = 30 9 x ? = 90 8 x ? = 40 5 x ? = 50
7 x ? = 35 3 x ? = 30 2 x ? = 10 4 x ? = 40
5 x ? =25 7 x ? = 70 9 x ? = 45 2 x ? = 20
Ver. 2 cards – copy and cut out two sets
15 ÷ 3 = ? 80 ÷ 8 = ? 20 ÷ 4 = ? 60 ÷ 6 = ?
30 ÷ 6 = ? 90 ÷ 9 = ? 40 ÷ 8 = ? 50 ÷ 5 = ?
35 ÷ 7 = ? 30 ÷ 3 = ? 10 ÷ 2 = ? 40 ÷ 4 = ?
25 ÷ 5 = ? 70 ÷ 7 = ? 45 ÷ 9 = ? 20 ÷ 2 = ?
ver. 3
Division as an Unknown Factor
5 x ? = 15 10 x ? = 60 7 x ? = 21 7 x ? = 42
2x?=6 9 x ? = 54 1x?=3 8 x ? = 48
3x?=9 5 x ? = 30 4 x ? = 12 6 x ? = 36
6 x ? = 18 3 x ? = 18 10 x ? = 30 1x?=6
Ver. 3 cards – copy and cut out two sets
15 ÷ 5 = ? 60 ÷ 10 = ? 21 ÷ 7 = ? 42 ÷ 7 = ?
6÷2=? 54 ÷ 9 = ? 3÷1=? 48 ÷ 8 = ?
9÷3=? 30 ÷ 5 = ? 12 ÷ 4 = ? 36 ÷ 6 = ?
18 ÷ 6 = ? 18 ÷ 3 = ? 30 ÷ 10 = ? 6÷1=?
ver. 4
Division as an Unknown Factor
5 x ? = 20 8 x ? = 64 3 x ? = 12 6 x ? = 48
7 x ? = 28 5 x ? = 40 4 x ? = 16 7 x ? = 56
2x?=8 2 x ? = 16 9 x ? = 36 9 x ? = 72
6 x ? = 24 1x?=8 8 x ? = 32 10 x ? = 80
Ver. 4 cards – copy and cut out two sets
20 ÷ 5 = ? 64 ÷ 8 = ? 12 ÷ 3 = ? 48 ÷ 6 = ?
28 ÷ 7 = ? 40 ÷ 5 = ? 16 ÷ 4 = ? 56 ÷ 7 = ?
8÷2=? 16 ÷ 2 = ? 36 ÷ 9 = ? 72 ÷ 9 = ?
24 ÷ 6 = ? 8÷1=? 32 ÷ 8 = ? 80 ÷ 10 = ?
ver. 5
Division as an Unknown Factor
6 x ? = 42 7 x ? = 63 9 x ? = 63 8 x ? = 72
5 x ? = 35 5 x ? = 45 1x?=7 2 x ? = 18
3 x ? = 21 4 x ? = 36 4 x ? = 28 3 x ? = 27
2 x ? = 14 6 x ? = 54 8 x ? = 56 9 x ? = 81
Ver. 5 cards – copy and cut out two sets
42 ÷ 6 = ? 63 ÷ 7 = ? 63 ÷ 9 = ? 72 ÷ 8 = ?
35 ÷ 5 = ? 45 ÷ 5 = ? 7÷1=? 18 ÷ 2 = ?
21 ÷ 3 = ? 36 ÷ 4 = ? 28 ÷ 4 = ? 27 ÷ 3 = ?
14 ÷ 2 = ? 54 ÷ 6 = ? 56 ÷ 8 = ? 81 ÷ 9 = ?
Fill the Grid
Materials: Fill the Grid board per player, number cubes Number of Players: 2
1. Take turns to roll two number cubes and use the numbers rolled to draw
an array on your 100 grid. For example, if you roll 5 and 4 you may color
a 5 x 4 array or a 4 x 5 array. You can put the array anywhere on the grid
but your goal is to get the grid as full as possible by the end of the game,
Write an equation to describe each array you draw.
2. Continue to take turns to roll and draw arrays. If you cannot fit a rectangle
with the dimensions rolled you must wait for your next turn.
3. The game ends when both players cannot draw any more rectangles on
the grid. The winner is the player with the most area colored at the end of
the game.
Fill the Grid Multiplication Facts:
Domino Multiplication
1x3=3 2x2=4
Materials: dominoes
2. Each player turns over one domino and multiplies the two numbers
represented by the dots.
4. Play continues for six rounds. Players calculate the sum of their six
products and bonus points for a final score. The player with the
largest final score wins the game.
Domino Multiplication 1x3=3 2x2=4
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
Total: Total:
Multiples Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check
Materials: Multiples cards with flaps, pencil and paper
2. Cover the multiples with the flap. Write the multiples in order from memory.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 2 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
20 2 10
4 14
8 6 18
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 3 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
12 2 15
6 30
3 21 24
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 4 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
12 2 20
8 28
4 24 32
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 5 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
10 2 20
15 45
5 30 50
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 6 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
12 2 36
18 42
6 54
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 7 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
14 2 35
28 49
7 63
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 8 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
16 2 48
24 56
8 40 80
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 9 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
Multiplication Bump
18 2 45
27 63
9 54 90
X 10
Multiplication Bump
Materials: number cube marked 1-10, 10 snap cubes per player of same color Number of Players: 2
I rolled ___.
___ multiplied by 10 equals ___.
2. Cover the product on the board with a snap cube. If your opponent’s
snap cube is on the number BUMP it off. If you already have a snap
cube on the number, link two cubes together to FREEZE the spot.
3. Continue playing until one player has placed all 10 snap cubes on
the board.
X 10
Multiplication Bump
20 2 30
40 80
10 50 90
Multiplication: Four in a Row
Materials: 2 paper clips, counters (different color for each player) Number of Players: 2
1. Player 1: Put paper clips on any two numbers below the square. Multiply
the two factors and cover one square on the board containing the product
with a counter. Say the multiplication fact.
2. Player 2: Move one paper clip to a different number. Multiply the two
factors and cover the resulting product on the board with a counter. Say
the multiplication fact.
3. Think carefully about the next product you want to cover before moving a
paper clip. You may only move one paper clip each turn. You may place
both paper clips on the same number.
4. Continue taking turns until one player has four counters in a horizontal,
vertical, or diagonal line.
The product of ___ ___ multiplied by ___
times ___ is ___. is ___.
10 25 50 10 5 50
5 50 10 5 4 20
2 20 10 4 2 10
10 25 50 10 20 50
20 10 50 5 1 5
2 5 10 1 2 10
1 2 5 10
36 18 50 24 30 12
20 24 18 15 20 16
9 12 15 25 30 12
12 18 50 24 18 36
20 24 25 15 20 30
9 12 15 30 16 12
3 4 5 6
48 54 42 72 81 36
56 63 64 81 56 72
56 42 48 54 49 63
81 54 63 72 81 56
56 63 64 48 56 72
36 42 48 54 49 42
6 7 8 9
The product of
Multiples of 2 __ x 2 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 2. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
2 8 6 18 10
20 4 14 16 12
The product of
Multiples of 3 __ x 3 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 3. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
3 9 6 15 21
27 30 24 18 12
The product of
Multiples of 4 __ x 4 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 4. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
4 12 8 16 20
40 32 28 36 24
The product of
Multiples of 5 __ x 5 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 5. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
5 30 50 15 20
40 45 10 35 25
The product of
Multiples of 6 __ x 6 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 6. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
6 18 36 24 12
60 54 30 42 48
The product of
Multiples of 7 __ x 7 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 7. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
7 14 49 70 35
63 21 56 42 28
The product of
Multiples of 8 __ x 8 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 8. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
8 16 48 40 24
80 72 56 64 32
The product of
Multiples of 9 __ x 9 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 9. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
9 18 36 45 27
90 72 81 63 54
The product of
Multiples of 10 __ x 10 is ___.
Materials: 5 counters per player; 10-sided number cube (or numeral cards 1-10) Number of Players: 2-3
1. Each player collects 5 counters.
2. Take turns to roll the number cube and multiply the number rolled by 10. Complete the math talk
sentence and place a counter on the product. If the number is already covered you must remove the
counter from the board and add it to your pile.
3. The first player to have placed all 5 counters on the board wins the game.
10 50 30 40 20
90 70 80 60 100
Multiply It!
Materials: numeral cards 1-10 (2 of each), gameboard per player, paperclip Number of Players: 2
1. Shuffle the numeral cards and place them facedown in a pile on the table.
2. Take turns to turn over the top numeral card in the pile and spin the
spinner on your board using a pencil and paper clip. Multiply the
number on the card by the number on the spinner. Say the multiplication
fact aloud before writing the product in the correct space in the table on
your board.
3. Players must check their opponent’s work before taking their turn.
4. Continue taking turns and checking one another’s work until one player
has completed all sections of his or her board.
Multiply It!
5 2
2 5
5 2
2 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Multiply It!
4 2
2 4
4 2
2 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Multiply It!
6 3
3 6
6 3
3 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Multiply It!
6 5
5 6
6 5
5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Multiply It!
7 8
8 7
7 8
8 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Multiply It!
9 8
8 9
9 8
8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Multiply It!
9 10
10 9
9 10
10 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
X 10
X2 and x5
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 22. I have 5.
I have 22. I have 5. I have 15. I have 25.
I have 55. I have 6. I have 24. I have 16.
X2 and x10
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 500. I have 20.
I have 500. I have 20. I have 6. I have 30.
Who has 2 x 10? Who has 3 x 2? Who has 3 x 10? Who has 1 x 2?
Who has 0 x 10? Who has 8 x 2? Who has 4 x 10? Who has 2 x 2?
Who has 5 x 10? Who has 12 x 10? Who has 4 x 2? Who has 6 x 10?
I have 60. I have 18. I have 90. I have 10.
Who has 9 x 2? Who has 9 x 10? Who has 1 x 10? Who has 11 x 2?
Who has 7 x 10? Who has 6 x 2? Who has 10 x 10? Who has 7 x 2?
Who has 8 x 10? Who has 12 x 2? Who has 11 x 10? Who has 50 x 10?
X3 and x5
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 100. I have 5.
I have 100. I have 5. I have 3. I have 10.
I have 40. I have 24. I have 50. I have 21.
X3 and x7
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 36. I have 0.
I have 36. I have 0. I have 7. I have 9.
I have 28. I have 18. I have 42. I have 24.
X4 and x6
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 12. I have 6.
I have 12. I have 6. I have 8. I have 18.
I have 24. I have 28. I have 60. I have 36.
X4 and x10
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 200. I have 0.
I have 200. I have 0. I have 20. I have 12.
Who has 0 x 4? Who has 2 x 10? Who has 3 x 4? Who has 1 x 10?
Who has 2 x 4? Who has 6 x 10? Who has 6 x 4? Who has 3 x 10?
Who has 4 x 6? Who has 5 x 10? Who has 4 x 4? Who has 8 x 10?
I have 80. I have 28. I have 120. I have 40.
Who has 7 x 4? Who has 12 x 10? Who has 10 x 4? Who has 9 x 10?
Who has 8 x 4? Who has 10 x 10? Who has 9 x 4? Who has 7 x 10?
Who has 11 x 4? Who has 11 x 10? Who has 12 x 4? Who has 20 x 10?
X6 and x8
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 96. I have 6.
I have 96. I have 6. I have 8. I have 18.
I have 48. I have 42. I have 80. I have 66.
X7 and x9
1. Deal all cards equally among the players. All players place their
cards in a row face up in front of them.
2. The player with the ‘Start’ card reads his or her card aloud and
places it in the center of the table.
3. The player with the correct answer card names the product and
reads the question on his or her card. After a card is read aloud it is
added to the line of cards in the center of the table.
4. Continue playing until all cards have been played. The game will end
with the same student who started play.
5. Shuffle the cards and play another round. You may like to use a
stopwatch and try to improve on the time it takes to complete the
game each round you play.
I have 84. I have 7.
I have 45. I have 49. I have 14. I have 54.
28 ÷ 4
Six Sticks
12 ÷ 2
1. Deal seven sticks to each player. Place one stick in the center of the table and
remove any remaining sticks.
2. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get six sticks with the same
quotient. Player 1 chooses one stick he or she does not want and places it
facedown in front of the player on his/her left. Player 1 then picks up the one
stick left in the center of the table.
3. Player 2 passes an unwanted stick to the player on his/her left before picking up
the stick given by the player on his/her right.
4. Play continues clockwise with each player passing an unwanted stick to the
player on the left before picking up the stick given by the player on the right. The
game ends when one player says, "I have six" to indicate that he or she has six
sticks with the same quotient. The player reads each division problem aloud and
places them face up on the table to ensure that all players agree that the six
sticks have the same quotient.
Write (or have students cut out and paste) each of the following problems on one side of a jumbo craft stick.
8÷2 12 ÷ 3 16 ÷ 4 20 ÷ 5 24 ÷ 6
10 ÷ 2 15 ÷ 3 20 ÷ 4 25 ÷ 5 30 ÷ 6
12 ÷ 2 18 ÷ 3 24 ÷ 4 30 ÷ 5 36 ÷ 6
14 ÷ 2 21 ÷ 3 28 ÷ 4 35 ÷ 5 42 ÷ 6
28 ÷ 7 32 ÷ 8 36 ÷ 9 40 ÷ 10 44 ÷ 11
35 ÷ 7 40 ÷ 8 45 ÷ 9 50 ÷ 10 55 ÷ 11
42 ÷ 7 48 ÷ 8 54 ÷ 9 60 ÷ 10 66 ÷ 11
49 ÷ 7 56 ÷ 8 63 ÷ 9 70 ÷ 10 77 ÷ 11
Division Race
Materials: Division Race board 1, 2, or 3, number cube, one counter per player
2. Take turns to roll a number cube and move your counter forward that
number of spaces along the path. Say and write the division fact or
follow the instruction you land on. Partners must listen carefully and
check each other’s work. A player who gives an incorrect quotient must
miss a turn.
(÷ 2, 5, 10)
Division Race 1
Go Roll End Start
back 5 6÷2 20 ÷ 2 again
20 ÷ 5 10 ÷ 2 2÷2 5÷5
Miss a Go
8÷2 turn 25 ÷ 5 back 8 14 ÷ 2
40 ÷ 10 10 ÷ 5
18 ÷ 2 35 ÷ 5
15 ÷ 5 90 ÷ 10 20 ÷ 10 10 ÷ 10
Go Roll
50 ÷ 10 back 5 30 ÷ 10 40 ÷ 5 again 4÷2
Go Go
back 4 back 3
Roll Miss a
70 ÷ 10 50 ÷ 5 again 60 ÷ 10 12 ÷ 2 45 ÷ 5 16 ÷ 2
(÷ 3, 4, 6)
Division Race 2
Go Roll End Start
back 5 42 ÷ 6 28 ÷ 4 again
24 ÷ 3 32 ÷ 4 24 ÷ 4 3÷3
Miss a Go
36 ÷ 4 turn 21 ÷ 3 back 8 6÷6
27 ÷ 3 18 ÷ 3 20 ÷ 4 4÷4
30 ÷ 3 48 ÷ 6 16 ÷ 4 12 ÷ 6
Go Roll
40 ÷ 4 back 5 54 ÷ 6 15 ÷ 3 again 8÷4
Go Go
back 4 back 3
Roll Miss a
36 ÷ 6 30 ÷ 6 again 24 ÷ 6 18 ÷ 6 12 ÷ 3 12 ÷ 4
(÷ 7, 8, 9)
Division Race 3
Go Roll End Start
back 5 70 ÷ 7 80 ÷ 8 again
64 ÷ 8 27 ÷ 9 54 ÷ 9 7÷7
Miss a Go
63 ÷ 7 turn 36 ÷ 9 back 8 8÷8
18 ÷ 9 45 ÷ 9 42 ÷ 7 81 ÷ 9
72 ÷ 8 49 ÷ 7 63 ÷ 9 14 ÷ 7
Go Roll
56 ÷ 8 back 5 72 ÷ 9 35 ÷ 7 again 28 ÷ 7
Go Go
back 4 back 3
Roll Miss a
40 ÷ 8 48 ÷ 8 again 32 ÷ 8 24 ÷ 8 16 ÷ 8 21 ÷ 7
Division Squares 20 ÷ 2
50 ÷ 5
Materials: Division Squares board, division cards, calculator Number of Players: 2
1. Shuffle the division cards and place them facedown in a pile. Player 1 turns
over the top card in the pile, reads the problem aloud and names the
3. Player 2 turns over a card, reads the problem aloud and names the quotient.
Player 1 checks the answer.
5. At the end of the playing time, players calculate their scores. Each box with
initials is worth 1 point. The player with the most points wins the game.
Division Squares
Set 1 cards: ÷ 2, 5, 10
2÷2 12 ÷ 2 5÷5
4÷2 14 ÷ 2 10 ÷ 5
6÷2 16 ÷ 2 15 ÷ 5
8÷2 18 ÷ 2 20 ÷ 5
10 ÷ 2 20 ÷ 2 25 ÷ 5 ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
Set 1 cards: ÷ 2, 5, 10
30 ÷ 5 10 ÷ 10 60 ÷ 10
35 ÷ 5 20 ÷ 10 70 ÷ 10
40 ÷ 5 30 ÷ 10 80 ÷ 10
45 ÷ 5 40 ÷ 10 90 ÷ 10
50 ÷ 5 50 ÷ 10 100 ÷ 10 ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
Set 2 cards: ÷ 3, 6, 9
3÷3 18 ÷ 3 6÷6
6÷3 21 ÷ 3 12 ÷ 6
9÷3 24 ÷ 3 18 ÷ 6
12 ÷ 3 27 ÷ 3 24 ÷ 6
15 ÷ 3 30 ÷ 3 30 ÷ 6 ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
Set 2 cards: ÷ 3, 6, 9
36 ÷ 6 9÷9 54 ÷ 9
42 ÷ 6 18 ÷ 9 63 ÷ 9
48 ÷ 6 27 ÷ 9 72 ÷ 9
54 ÷ 6 36 ÷ 9 81 ÷ 9
60 ÷ 6 45 ÷ 9 90 ÷ 9 ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
Set 3 cards: ÷ 4, 7, 8
4÷4 24 ÷ 4 7÷7
8÷4 28 ÷ 4 14 ÷ 7
12 ÷ 4 32 ÷ 4 21 ÷ 7
16 ÷ 4 36 ÷ 4 28 ÷ 7
20 ÷ 4 40 ÷ 4 35 ÷ 7 ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
Set 3 cards: ÷ 4, 7, 8
42 ÷ 7 8÷8 48 ÷ 8
49 ÷ 7 16 ÷ 8 56 ÷ 8
56 ÷ 7 24 ÷ 8 64 ÷ 8
63 ÷ 7 32 ÷ 8 72 ÷ 8
70 ÷ 7 40 ÷ 8 80 ÷ 8 ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
Division Spin ÷2
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by two.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
16 14
___ divided by
2 equals ___. 2 12
8 4
18 10
6 20
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷3
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by three.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
15 18
___ divided by
3 equals ___. 3 21
6 30
12 27
9 24
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷4
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by four.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
16 28
___ divided by
4 equals ___. 4 40
8 36
12 32
20 24
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷5
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by five.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
10 20
___ divided by
5 equals ___. 5 15
30 50
25 45
40 35
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷6
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by six.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
12 18
___ divided by
6 equals ___. 6 60
30 24
36 54
48 42
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷7
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by seven.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
14 70
___ divided by
7 equals ___. 7 63
21 49
28 56
42 35
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷8
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by eight.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
16 32
___ divided by
8 equals ___. 8 48
24 80
40 64
56 72
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin ÷9
Materials: small paper clip, pencil, 20 small counters for each player, Division Spin board
1. Work with a partner. Take turns to spin a paper clip on the spinner using a
pencil. Divide the number that the paper clip lands on by nine.
2. Complete the math talk sentence. Find the quotient on the board and
cover it with a counter.
18 54
___ divided by
9 equals ___. 9 63
27 72
45 82
36 90
3. Each space on the board can only be covered once. Continue playing
until one player has placed all 20 counters on the board.
Division Spin Board
nine 4 9 10 5 6 1
3 1 five 4 seven 1
5 three 6 2 8
2÷2 14 ÷ 2 16 ÷ 2
8÷2 10 ÷ 2 12 ÷ 2
18 ÷ 2 4÷2 6÷2 20 ÷ 2
Division Bump! (÷ 3)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
3÷3 18 ÷ 3 21 ÷ 3
6÷3 15 ÷ 3 24 ÷ 3
12 ÷ 3 9÷3 30 ÷ 3 27 ÷ 3
Division Bump! (÷ 4)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
4÷4 20 ÷ 4 24 ÷ 4
8÷4 16 ÷ 4 28 ÷ 4
12 ÷ 4 40 ÷ 4 32 ÷ 4 36 ÷ 4
Division Bump! (÷ 5)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
5÷5 10 ÷ 5 20 ÷ 5
15 ÷ 5 35 ÷ 5 25 ÷ 5
50 ÷ 5 40 ÷ 5 45 ÷ 5 30 ÷ 5
Division Bump! (÷ 6)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
6÷6 12 ÷ 6 24 ÷ 6
30 ÷ 6 54 ÷ 6 48 ÷ 6
60 ÷ 6 36 ÷ 6 42 ÷ 6 18 ÷ 6
Division Bump! (÷ 7)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
7÷7 14 ÷ 7 35 ÷ 7
21 ÷ 7 49 ÷ 7 42 ÷ 7
28 ÷ 7 56 ÷ 7 63 ÷ 7 70 ÷ 7
Division Bump! (÷ 8)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
8÷8 80 ÷ 8 16 ÷ 8
72 ÷ 8 48 ÷ 8 32 ÷ 8
64 ÷ 8 56 ÷ 8 40 ÷ 8 24 ÷ 8
Division Bump! (÷ 9)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
9÷9 18 ÷ 9 36 ÷ 9
63 ÷ 9 45 ÷ 9 27 ÷ 9
54 ÷ 9 81 ÷ 9 90 ÷ 9 72 ÷ 9
Division Bump! (÷ 10)
Players: 2 Materials: 16 snap cubes (8 each of 2 different colors), numeral cards 1-10
Each player takes 8 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to flip over a numeral card and place a snap cube on the
expression with a matching quotient. If your partner's cube is on the expression BUMP it off. If your cube is on the
expression link the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Say and write the division fact. Keep going until one player
has used all 8 cubes.
10 ÷ 10 20 ÷ 10 40 ÷ 10
60 ÷ 10 100 ÷ 10 50 ÷ 10
70 ÷ 10 80 ÷ 10 90 ÷ 10 30 ÷ 10
Set 1
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Two-Step – Set 1
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com L
Mrs. Green had 560 lemons. She sold 470
lemons at the market and threw away 34 rotten
lemons. How many lemons did Mrs. Green have
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com P
Set 2
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Two-Step – Set 2
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com H
I have 99 cents. I buy six pencils for nine
cents each. How much money do I have left?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com L
Jose bought 4 notebooks for 80 cents each. If
Jose gave the cashier $5.00, how much
change should he receive?
Roll a number cube to find out what your rule will be. Next, choose a
two digit even number and write it in the bold rectangle. Complete
the number pattern. Repeat.
Roll a number cube to find out what your rule will be. Next, choose a
two digit odd number and write it in the bold rectangle. Complete the
number pattern. Repeat.
Ver. 2
Choose a two digit number and write it in the bold rectangle. Roll a number cube twice.
The first roll tells how many to add for rule one. The second roll tells how many to
subtract for rule two. Complete the pattern. Repeat.
*Create another two-step number pattern on the back of this page with a sequence of ten numbers.
Start with a three digit number. Create your own rules.
ver. 1
4. What would the 15th term in each pattern be? Explain your thinking.
ver. 2
3. Name the two-step rule for your pattern. The two-step rule for
my pattern is add 5,
subtract 2.
Odd and Even Sums
Odd and Even Products
Patterns in the Addition Table
Materials: copies of addition table
Patterns in the Multiplication Table
Materials: copies of multiplication table
3. Look carefully at the multiplication table. Write about other patterns that
you discover.
Patterns I found in the multiplication table:
Drawing Multiplication Patterns
Materials: rulers, recording sheets, enlarged circle diagrams numbered 0-9
2. Write the multiplication facts to x10 for the number you chose. Write the
digit in the ones place in each product.
Example: If you record multiples of 3 write the ones digits 3, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 0.
3. Put your pencil at zero on the circle diagram. Use a ruler to draw a line from
zero to the first ones digit you recorded. Continue to connect the ones digits
in order until you return to zero. Color your multiplication circle.
Example: For multiples of 3 we start our pencil at 0 on the circle, then draw a line from 0 to 3, then
from 3 to 6, then from 6 to 9, then from 9 to 2, then from 2 to 5, and so on.
4. Make circle patterns using other multiplication facts. Record your observations
about the patterns you create. Which numbers create the same circle pattern?
Do they create it the same way? Is there a relationship between the facts
that create the same patterns?
Multiplication Fact Product Ones
9 1
7 3
6 4
What’s the Nearest Ten?
1. Turn over 2 numeral cards (or roll 2 number cubes) to make a 2-digit number.
2. Identify the tens that your number falls between. Record the tens and the
midpoint between them on a number line.
6. Describe any patterns you find to determine when to round to the lesser
ten or round to the next ten.
43 is between 40 and 50.
It would round to 40
Example: because it is closer to 40
than 50.
40 43 45 50
___ is between ___ and The tens that ___ falls
___. It would round to between are ___ and
___ because it is closer ___. The closer ten is
to ___ than ___. ___.
1. Turn over 3 numeral cards (or roll 3 number cubes) to make a 3-digit number.
2. Identify the hundreds that your number falls between. Record the hundreds
and the midpoint between them on a number line.
6. Describe any patterns you find to determine when to round to the lesser
hundred or round to the next hundred.
382 is between 300 and 400.
It would round to 400
Example: because it is closer to 400
than 300.
Player 1 Player 2
Round to the Nearest Hundred
Directions: Place a stack of numeral cards (0-9) facedown on the table. Each player takes three cards from the top of the
stack and places them on the board in the order drawn to make a 2-digit number. Each player rounds his/her 3-digit number
to the nearest hundred and explains his/her thinking. The player with the largest numbers when rounded takes all six cards.
Play continues until all cards have been picked up. The player with the most cards wins the round.
Player 1 Player 2
The number ___ is The number ___ is
between ___ and ___. between ___ and ___.
It is closer to ___ so is It is closer to ___ so is
rounded to ___. rounded to ___.
___ is between ___ and ___. ___ is between ___ and ___.
The midpoint between ___ The midpoint between ___
and ___ is ___. ___ is closer to and ___ is ___. ___ is closer to
___ and therefore is rounded ___ and therefore is rounded
to ___. to ___.
ver. 1
Estimating Sums
Materials: numeral cards (0-9)
Example: 2 2 20 20 + 70 = 90
6 8 70
ver. 2
Estimating Sums
Materials: numeral cards (0-9)
ver. 1
Estimating Differences
Materials: numeral cards (0-9)
Example: 7 9 80 80 - 30 = 50
2 8 30
ver. 2
Estimating Differences
Materials: numeral cards (0-9)
Close to Zero
Materials: numeral cards 0-9 (4 of each), calculator Number of Players: 2
2. Take six cards each from the top of the stack and use them
to create a subtraction problem with two 3-digit numbers. Arrange
your cards to make a difference as close to zero as possible.
4. Use a calculator to check each other’s work. The player with the
difference closest to zero scores one point.
5. The player with the most points after five rounds wins the game.
My problem was ___ My problem was ___
minus ___. The minus ___. The
difference between difference between
___ and ___ is ___. ___ and ___ is ___.
Add the Difference
Materials: numeral cards (0-9), calculator Number of Players: 2
1. Shuffle the cards and place them facedown in a pile. Take five cards each from
the top of the pile.
2. Select four cards to keep and return one card to the bottom of the pile. Arrange
your four cards to make two 2-digit numbers and calculate the difference
between them. This is your score for the round.
3. Play another round. Calculate the difference between your two 2-digit numbers
and add this number to your score. Use a calculator to check your opponent’s
4. Continue to make 2-digit numbers, calculate the difference between them and
add this number to your score. The first player to reach a score of 500 points
wins the game.
3-Digit Addition Split
Materials: Addition Split Board (3-digit + 3-digit)
100 + 80 + 6
Example 2: 186 + 235 + 200 + 30 + 5
300 +110 +11 = 421
Board 1
3-Digit Addition Split
Board 2
3-Digit Addition Split
1. Choose a line of four problems from the Subtraction Split board (vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally).
2. Solve each problem by decomposing the addends into hundreds, tens and ones
before subtracting. Show your work. Sometimes you will need to split the larger
number so that each part is larger than each part of the smaller number.
Board 2
3-Digit Subtraction Split
Board 3
3-Digit Subtraction Split
Doubling to 1000
4. Keep on doubling until you get a sum that is greater than 1,000.
8 + 8 = 16
16 + 16 = ?
Multiples of Ten Multiply
Materials: set of numeral cards (0-9), counters Number of Players: 2
1. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a stack. Players flip over two
cards each from the top of the stack and place a zero after the second digit
to make a 1 x 2-digit multiplication problem.
3. The player with the largest product places a counter in his or her circle on the
4. Continue taking turns to turn over two cards, create 1 x 2-digit multiplication
problems with multiples of ten and compare your products. The first player to
have 10 counters in his or her circle wins the game.
Multiples of Ten Multiply
I know that ___ times I know that ___ times
___ is ___ , so ___ times ___ is ___ , so ___ times
___ tens equals ___ tens ___ tens equals ___ tens
or ___. or ___.
Multiply One-Digit Numbers by Multiples of Ten
Materials: Multiply One-Digit Numbers by Multiples of Ten Board, base ten blocks
2. Solve the problems independently. Use base ten blocks to make equal
groups of tens.
3. Draw a quick picture of the base ten blocks. Draw a stick to represent
a ten and a square to represent a hundred.
4. When you have solved the four problems share your solutions and
strategies with your partner.
A. B. C. D.
Tom needs to multiply There are 3 boxes with 60 There are 30 stacks of Mike needs to calculate
8 x 30. Explain how pencils in each box. How books with 6 books in the total number of sides
Tom can solve the many pencils are there in each stack. How many on 40 pentagons. How
problem. all? books in all? can Mike solve the
E. F. G. H.
How many sides in total Jacob rides his bike for 50 Lisa cut 8 lengths of
Model 4 x 40. What is the
are on 60 hexagons? minutes each day. How ribbon. Each length of
Explain your thinking. many minutes does he ride ribbon was 20cm. How
his bike in one week? many centimeters of
ribbon did Lisa cut in all?
I. J. K. L.
A baker places 30 trays of Sunset Elementary has 4 Find the unknown factor:
muffins in the oven. Each What is the product of
4 x 300? Explain your third grade classes. Each a) 7 x ? = 420
tray holds 6 muffins. How class has 30 students. b) ? X 40 = 360
many muffins in all? thinking.
How many students in all?
M. N. O. P.
Each shelf in the library How would you explain to There are 3 rows of apples What is the product of
holds 40 books. There are a friend how to multiply a with 30 apples in each row. 5 x 50? Explain your
8 shelves in the animal one-digit number by a How many apples are thinking.
section. How many animal multiple of ten? there?
books are there?
ver. 1
1. Label the longest strip as one whole, . Color the strip yellow.
2. Label the parts of each strip with the correct unit fraction. Shade
each strip a different color.
3. Cut out and order the fraction strips from the largest to the smallest
sized pieces. What do you notice about the numerators? What do you
notice about the denominators? Record your observations.
4. Write your initials on the back of each fraction strip and store them in
an envelope.
Fraction Strips – Grade 3 (denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 only)
One Whole
ver. 2
1. Draw six strips on a sheet of paper that are each 24cm long and the width of your
ruler. Cut out the strips and shade each one a different color.
2. The first strip represents one whole. Label the strip: one whole, 1
3. On the second strip, draw a line so that the strip is divided into two equal 12cm long
sections and label each section. 1 1
2 2
Cuisenaire Fractions
Materials: cuisenaire rods
1. Work with a partner. If the orange rod has the value of one, what is the value of
the yellow rod?
2 Find the value of all other rods in relation to the orange rod. Record your work.
3. Give the yellow rod the value of one. Find the value of all other rods in relation
to the yellow rod. Record your work.
4. Give another rod the value of one and repeat the process.
5. How can the same rod have different fractional names? Explain.
My Fraction Bar Riddle
2. Draw your fraction bar. Use an index card to make a flap to cover your
3. Write three clues to describe your fraction bar. For example, 6 of my
fraction bar is yellow.
4. Swap riddles with a partner. Read the clues and try to build your partner’s
fraction bar without looking under the flap.
5. Lift the flap and compare the fraction bar you built with your partner’s
_____ of my fraction bar is _____________________ .
Fraction Posters 𝟐
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
𝟐 𝟑 𝟒
2. What fraction of the shape is shaded? What fraction of the shape is not
shaded? Explain your thinking.
4. After you have completed all cards in the set discuss your work with a
classmate. Use mathematical reasoning to justify your answers.
A. B.
C. D.
E. F.
G. H.
I. J.
K. L.
Picture Pie
Materials: copy of Picture Pie by Ed Emberley, fraction circles, scissors, glue
Challenge: Put together pieces from a fraction kit to find the total
value of your picture. Explain your thinking.
Fractions on a Number Line
Materials: ruler, number cubes (1-6)
1. Draw a six inch number line that begins with 0 and ends with 1.
2. Roll a number cube (1-6). Partition the distance from 0 to 1 into this
number of equal parts.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you have five different number lines.
Roll a Fraction
Materials: Roll a Fraction boards, 2 number cubes (1-10) Number of Players: 2
1. Each player chooses a board. Take turns to roll two number cubes to
create a fraction. You may decide which number will be the numerator
and which number will the denominator.
2. If the fraction you rolled belongs on a number line on your board write
it below the appropriate point and explain your thinking. If the fraction
does not belong on any of your number lines you must wait until your
next turn. You may use equivalent fractions. For example, if you roll
𝟏 𝟐 𝟑 𝟒
you may record , or because all of these fractions are
𝟐 𝟒 𝟔 𝟖
equivalent to .
3. The first player to label ten points on the number lines on his or her
board wins the game.
reate a number line equivalent fraction tool
Roll a Fraction similar to the one below,
Roll which can be used as
a Fraction
desktop resource as students build their
understanding of common fraction
equivalences. Note that this desktop resource
0 1 0 as a linear mental image for
serves 1
equivalence as students begin their work with
fractions as numbers within CCSSM at the
third-grade level. At upper grade levels, offer
0 1 0
expanded desktop number lines to directly1
relate to the role of fraction equivalence (e.g.,
denominators to include fifths, tenths,
decimals from 0.1 to 1.0, etc.)
0 1
0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
reate a number line equivalent fraction tool
Roll a Fraction similar to the one below,
Roll which can be used as
a Fraction
desktop resource as students build their
understanding of common fraction
equivalences. Note that this desktop resource
0 1 0 as a linear mental image for
serves 1
equivalence as students begin their work with
fractions as numbers within CCSSM at the
third-grade level. At upper grade levels, offer
𝟐 𝟏
0 expanded
0 desktop number lines to directly
𝟑 𝟐
relate to the role of fraction equivalence (e.g.,
denominators to include fifths, tenths,
decimals from 0.1 to 1.0, etc.)
0 1
𝟔 𝟒
0 0
𝟑 𝟑
0 1 𝟑
Pizza for Dinner
Materials: fraction kits (optional)
Leo and Tom were talking about what they had for dinner the
previous evening. Leo said, “My family bought a large pizza and
I ate of it.” Tom replied, “I ate more than you. My family bought
a large pizza and I ate of it.” Sarah said, “Tom you didn’t eat
more pizza than Tom. You ate the same amount.”
ver. 1
1. Give the largest piece in your fraction kit the value of one whole. Name
the other size pieces in your kit in relation to the whole.
2. How many different ways can you make one half using pieces in your
fraction kit of the same shape and size? Draw and label the equivalent
fractions you find.
4. How many different ways can you make one third using pieces in your
fraction kit of the same shape and size? What about one fourth? Record
your findings and describe any patterns that you notice.
ver. 2
1. Use your fraction strips. Line up each of the fraction strips in turn under the one
whole strip. How many different fractions can you find that are equivalent to
one whole? Sketch and label the equivalent strips. Name the equivalent fraction.
1 whole
2. Next, line up each of the fraction strips in turn under a one half strip. How many
different fractions can you find that are equivalent to one half? Sketch and label
the equivalent strips. Name the equivalent fraction.
3. What patterns do you notice in the numerators and denominators of fractions that
are equivalent to one half? Explain.
Build Eight Hexagons
Materials: 2 number cubes, pattern blocks (hexagons, trapezoids, blue Number of Players: 2
rhombi, triangles), gameboard per player
1. Take turns to roll two number cubes to create a fraction. The largest
number you roll represents the denominator and the smaller number
represents the numerator.
2. Use pattern blocks to build the fractional amount on your board (give
the hexagon the value of ONE). You may use equivalent fractions but
must explain your reasoning. For example, if you roll 2 you can place a
1 3
trapezoid or three triangles on your board because 2 is equivalent to 6.
3. If you roll a fraction that you cannot use you must wait until your next
turn. Keep taking turns until one player has covered all the hexagons
on his or her board.
Build Eight Hexagons
ver. 1
1. Work with a partner. Empty all the pieces from the fraction kit. Sort
the pieces.
2. Assign the largest piece in the fraction kit the value of one whole. How
many different ways can you find to make one whole using pieces of the
same shape and size?
ver. 2
1. Sort and order a set of cuisenaire rods. Assign the orange rod the value of
one whole. Name the other rods in relation to the whole.
2. How many different ways can you represent one whole using rods of only
one color? Sketch the rods. Label the parts. Name each fraction.
1 whole 1
3. Assign the brown rod the value of one whole. How many different ways can
you represent one whole using rods of only one color? Sketch the rods.
Label the parts. Name each fraction.
ver. 1
2. Compare the fractions using the symbols <, >, or =. Explain your
reasoning using pictures, words and numbers.
𝟒 𝟐
Example: > 𝟓 because 4 pieces that are fifths
are more than 2 pieces that are fifths.
4. How can you compare two fractions with the same denominator that refer
to the same whole? How can you compare two fractions with the same
numerator that refer to the same whole? Explain.
A. B.
C. D.
? ?
E. F.
? ?
G. H.
? ?
I. J.
? ?
K. L.
? ?
ver. 2
Example: 𝟑 𝟑
> because ninths are smaller
𝟗 𝟔
than sixths.
A. B.
𝟑 ?
𝟏 𝟐 𝟒
𝟒 𝟒 𝟔 𝟔
C. D.
𝟒 𝟑 𝟐 𝟏
? ?
𝟖 𝟖 𝟐 𝟐
E. F.
𝟏 ?
𝟏 𝟐 𝟐
𝟔 𝟖 𝟒 𝟔
G. H.
𝟒 𝟒 𝟐 𝟐
? ?
𝟖 𝟒 𝟑 𝟒
I. J.
𝟏 ?
𝟐 𝟏 𝟐
𝟑 𝟔 𝟐 𝟒
K. L.
𝟒 𝟏 𝟏 𝟖
? ?
𝟒 𝟏 𝟏 𝟖
Who Ate More?
1. Ben and Todd bought one large and one small pizza. Ben ate ½
of the large pizza. Todd ate ½ of the small pizza. Did Ben eat less
pizza, more pizza, or the same amount of pizza as Todd?
2. At the movies Lisa and Sam bought one large and one small bag
of popcorn. Lisa ate ¼ of the small bag of popcorn. Sam ate ¼ of
the large bag of popcorn. Did Lisa eat less popcorn, more popcorn,
or the same amount of popcorn as Sam?
Geoboard Squares
Materials: geoboards, rubber bands, geoboard paper
Comparing Quadrilaterals
Materials: geoboards, rubber bands, geoboard paper
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Shape Match
Materials: set of Shape Match cards
Challenge: Use the cards to play a memory game with your partner.
Turn all the cards facedown, with the picture cards in one row and
the clue cards in another row. Take turns to flip over two cards. If the
cards match the player keeps them and has another turn. If they do
not match, the player turns the cards back over and play passes to
the next player. Continue playing until all pairs have been picked up,
then count to see who has the most cards.
A quadrilateral A quadrilateral
A polygon with A quadrilateral
with 4 equal with 2 pairs of
7 sides and 7 with one pair of
sides and 4 right parallel sides
angles. parallel sides.
angles. and no right
Classify Shapes Using a Venn Diagram
Materials: set of shape cards, rulers
1. Work with a partner. Sort a set of shape cards using a Venn diagram
with one circle labeled Quadrilaterals and the other circle labeled
Polygons with Sides of Equal Length.
2. Record your sort. Draw and label the shapes in each section of your
Venn diagram. Draw the shapes that do not belong in either category
outside of the circle.
3. Next, sort the set of shape cards using a Venn diagram with one circle
labeled Quadrilaterals and the other circle labeled Polygons with Right
4. Record your sort. Draw and label the shapes in each section of your
Venn diagram. Draw the shapes that do not belong in either category
outside of the circle.
5. Why do some shapes fit into both categories? Explain why the shapes
you drew in the overlapping sections on your Venn diagram belong to
both groups.
Quadrilaterals Polygons with Sides of
Equal Length
Quadrilaterals Polygons with
Right Angles
Quadrilateral Riddle
Materials: sticky notes, Quadrilateral Riddle recording sheets
1. Draw a quadrilateral in the box on the recording sheet. Write the name of
the shape. Cover the drawing with a sticky note.
2. Write a four clue riddle to describe the quadrilateral you drew. Use math
vocabulary from the Word Bank.
3. Try out your riddle on a friend. After your friend gives an answer lift the
sticky note to show if his/her answer is correct.
1. My quadrilateral ___________________ 1. My quadrilateral ___________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
______________ ______________
Partition Shapes
Materials: pattern blocks
2. Trace a red trapezoid. Show how you can partition the trapezoid into
three parts with equal area using other pattern blocks. Write the unit
fraction that names the area of each part of the whole.
3. Trace a blue rhombus. Show how you can partition the trapezoid
into two parts with equal area using other pattern blocks. Write the
unit fraction that names the area of each part of the whole.
4. Share your work with a partner. Describe how you divided each
shape into equal parts.
This ______ is divided into This ______ is divided into
___ equal parts. Each part ___ equal parts. Each part
is one ___ of the total area is one ___ of the total area
of the shape. of the shape.
Partition a Square
2. How many different ways can you partition the square into parts with
equal areas that are congruent (the same size and shape)? Use a
ruler to record your different solutions on geoboard paper. Label the
area of each part as a unit fraction.
3. Find at least one way to partition the square into parts with equal
areas that do not have the same shape. Record and label your
solution. Explain how you know the areas of all the parts are equal.
4. Share your work with a friend. Compare the different ways you
divided the square into parts with equal areas.
I partitioned this square into ___ This square has equal areas that
parts with equal areas. The unit have the same shape. I know the
fraction that names each part areas of all the parts are equal
of the divided whole is one because ….
I found ___ different ways to This square has equal areas that
partition the square into parts do not have the same shape.
with equal areas that are I know the areas of all the parts
congruent. are equal because ….
ver. 2
Partition a Square
2. How many different ways can you partition the square into four parts
with equal areas that are congruent (the same size and shape)?
Use a ruler to record your different solutions on geoboard paper.
Label the area of each part as a unit fraction.
3. Find at least one way to partition the square into four parts with equal
areas that do not have the same shape. Record and label your
solution. Explain how you know the areas of all the parts are equal.
4. Share your work with a friend. Compare the different ways you
divided the square into four parts with equal areas.
I divided this square into 4 This square has equal areas that
parts with equal areas. The unit have the same shape. I know the
fraction that names each part areas of all the parts are equal
of the divided whole is ___. because ….
Partition a Square
2. How many different ways can you partition the square into eight parts
with equal areas that are congruent (the same size and shape)?
Use a ruler to record your different solutions on geoboard paper.
Label the area of each part as a unit fraction.
3. Find at least one way to partition the square into eight parts with
equal areas that do not have the same shape. Record and label your
solution. Explain how you know the areas of all the parts are equal.
4. Share your work with a friend. Compare the different ways you
divided the square into eight parts with equal areas.
I divided this square into 8 This square has equal areas that
parts with equal areas. The unit have the same shape. I know the
fraction that names each part areas of all the parts are equal
of the divided whole is ___. because ….
Time Match
Materials: Time Match cards (12 analog and 12 digital per set) Number of Players: 2
1. Work with a partner. Shuffle the cards and spread them out facedown
on the table in two rows of twelve.
2. Take turns to flip over two cards and read the time on each clock. If the
cards show the same time, pick them up and flip over two more cards.
If the cards do not show the same time turn them facedown again. The
next player then takes a turn.
3. The game ends when all the cards have been picked up. The winner is
the player with the most cards.
Time Match
Materials: blank template for Time Match cards, scissors Number of Players: 2
1. Work with a partner to create your own set of Time Match cards.
Each partner should make 6 analog clocks with matching digital
clocks. Cut out your cards and write your initials on the back of
each one.
2. Combine and shuffle your cards. Spread them out facedown on the
table in two rows of twelve.
3. Take turns to flip over two cards and read the time on each clock. If
the cards show the same time, pick them up and flip over two more
cards. If the cards do not show the same time turn them facedown
again. The next player then takes a turn.
3. The game ends when all the cards have been picked up. The winner is
the player with the most cards.
ver. 3
1. Work with a partner. Sit side by side with a divider standing between you.
2. Player 1: Show different times to the nearest minute on the clocks on your
grid without letting your partner see your work.
4. Remove the divider and look at your two completed grids to see how
closely they match. Discuss any differences.
Show ___________ on Show ___________ on
the clock in the center the clock above/below
of your grid. ___________.
ver. 4
Time Bump!
Players: 2 Materials: 20 snap cubes (10 each of 2 different colors), Time Bump! spinner, paperclip
Each player takes 10 snap cubes of one color. Take turns to spin the spinner, read the time the paperclip lands on, and place a
snap cube on the matching clock on the board. If your partner's cube is on the clock BUMP it off. If your cube is on the clock link
the two cubes together to FREEZE the spot. Continue playing until one player has all 10 cubes on the board.
ver. 4
Time Bump!
4:43 2:37
1:31 10:01
12:09 3:08
6:46 11:04
1:12 1:14
2:14 5:39
Word Problems: Time Intervals
Materials: Word Problems: Time Intervals cards
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Time Intervals
1. Work with a partner. Select five small classroom objects to weigh on the
balance scales.
2. Create a table with the headings: Object, Estimated Weight (g), and
Actual Weight (g). Object Estimated Weight (g) Actual Weight (g)
4. Weigh each object. Put the object on one side of a balance scale. Put
gram weights on the other side. Make it balance. Record the actual
weight on your table. The heaviest/lightest object
we weighed was the ……..
. ©K-5MathTeachingResources.com
I estimated that the
The _________ weighed weight of the ________
___ grams less/more than was ___ grams. The
my estimate. actual weight was ___
Weigh it Twice
Materials: balance scales, set of gram weights, paper clips, set of small objects
2. Measure each object twice, first using paper clips and then using
grams (g).
The _________ weighed The _________ weighed
___more/less paper clips ___ grams more/less
than the _________. than the _________.
1. Take a fistful of marbles from the container using your left hand only.
Place the marbles on the balance scales.
2. Estimate the mass of the marbles you grabbed. Record your estimate.
I grabbed ___ marbles I grabbed ___ more/less
with my left/right hand. marbles with my _____
They weighed ___ grams. hand than my _____
1. Work with a partner, or small group. Choose a container and take turns
to fill it with water using a funnel until you estimate that you have reached
one liter.
2. Carefully pour the water from the container into a measuring jug (or 1 liter
cylinder) to determine the actual capacity using metric units.
3. Add to, or remove water until you have exactly one liter.
More or Less than a Liter?
Materials: measuring jug or 1 liter cylinder, bowl of water, funnel, containers of various
shapes and sizes, large plastic tub to place containers in when pouring water, paper towels
1. Work with a partner. Sort your containers into three groups: those you
predict hold less than one liter, those that hold about one liter, and those
that hold more than one liter.
I predict that the I predict that the
containers that hold more containers that hold less
than one liter are ………. than one liter are ……….
1. Work with a partner. Select four containers. Estimate the order of the
containers from least to greatest capacity.
3. Check your predictions by filling each container with water and then
emptying the water into a measuring jug or one liter cylinder.
I predict that the I predict that the
container with the container with the least
greatest capacity is ……. capacity is ……
I predicted ………..
Something that surprised
me was …….
I discovered ………
Word Problems: Liquid Volume and Mass
Materials: Word Problems: Liquid Volume and Mass cards
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Liquid Volume and Mass
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com D
At a party Lisa makes fruit smoothies for
her friends. Each smoothie uses 8 grams of
fresh strawberries. If Lisa makes 9 smoothies,
how many grams of strawberries will she need?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com H
A restaurant sold 36 liters of orange juice
over 4 days. If it sold the same amount of juice
each day, how many liters of orange juice did it
sell in one day?
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com L
Lisa’s cat weighs 5 kilograms. Her dog
weighs 34 kilograms. How much more does
her dog weigh than her cat?
1. Decide on a survey question with four possible responses. You can use
one of the survey cards or come up with a question of your own.
2. Gather data by surveying each student in our class. Record your data
on a tally chart.
3. Display your data on a bar graph. Be sure to include a title and scale.
Label your axis.
4. Write 5 questions that can be answered by analyzing your data. Here are
some ideas to get you started:
- How many more …..?
- How many less …..?
- What is the difference between …..?
How many letters are in your first name? How many cousins do you have?
1. Work with a partner. Open your packet of M&M’s and sort them by color.
2. Count how many you have of each color. Record your count in a table.
3. Display your data on a bar graph. Be sure to include a title and scale. Label
your categories.
4. Next, display your data on a picture graph. Be sure to include a title and label
your categories. Draw a key that tells the reader what each picture represents.
5. Analyze and interpret your data. Write 6 sentences describing your data.
There were ___ less There were ___ more
______ than ______ ______ than ______
M&M’s in the bag. M&M’s in the bag.
__ ____
__ ____
__ ____
__ ____
__ Key: ______ = ___
__ ________________________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
Gummy Bear Graph
1. Work in a group of 3 or 4 students. Each person in your group must take one
scoop of gummy bears from the bowl using a ladle.
2. Count how many gummy bears each person scooped. Record the count in a
3. Display your data on a bar graph. Be sure to give your graph a title and
number the scale. Label your categories. Draw the bars using your data.
4. Analyze and interpret your data. Write 3 sentences describing your data.
_____ scooped the most To find the total number
gummy bears. _____ of gummy bears
scooped the least scooped by our group I
gummy bears. …..
Paper Ball Throw
1. Work with a partner. Collect 10 small balls of paper. Stand four large steps
away from the bucket.
2. Take turns to try and throw one ball of paper at a time into the bucket. Throw
five balls with your left hand and five balls with your right hand.
3. Use a tally chart to keep track of how many times the balls of paper land in
the bucket. After you have both had ten throws return all the balls of paper to
the bucket.
4. Display your data on a bar graph. Be sure to give your graph a title and
number the scale. Label your categories. Draw the bars using your own and
your partner’s data.
5. Analyze and interpret your data. Write 3 sentences describing your data.
I threw ___ paper balls
I threw ___ more/less
into the bucket with my
paper balls into the
right hand and ___ with
bucket than my partner.
my left hand.
Jake’s Survey
2. Create a tally chart to represent Jake’s data. Explain how you decided on the
count for each type of fruit.
3. Create a bar graph to represent Jake’s data. Be sure to give the graph a title
and number the scale. Label the categories. Draw the bars.
4. Share your work with a partner. How are your graphs alike? How are they
Measure to the Nearest Half-Inch
1. Cut out and label your ruler to show all half-inch measures.
2. Use your ruler to measure ten objects in the classroom to the nearest
4. Write 5 sentences describing your data. Here are some ideas to get you
Measure to the Nearest Quarter-Inch
1. Cut out and label your ruler to show all quarter-inch measures.
2. Use your ruler to measure ten objects in the classroom to the nearest
4. Write 5 sentences describing your data. Here are some ideas to get you
Squid Eyes!
Materials: rulers
1. The giant squid has the largest known eye in the animal kingdom,
with a width of up to 15𝟑𝟒 inches. Use a ruler to draw a line 15𝟑𝟒 inches
in width to get a sense of the size of a giant squid’s eye.
2. Work with a partner. Carefully measure and record the width of your
partner’s eye to the nearest quarter-inch.
My ______ measured ___ The difference in length
inches. It was ___ inches between my ______ and
longer than my partner’s my partner’s ______ is
______. ___ inches. To find the
difference I …..
2. Create a line plot to display your data. Draw a horizontal line with a scale
marked in whole, half, and quarter units.
4. Plot your data be recording an X above the corresponding value on the line
that represents each strip measured. If a measurement is repeated place one
X above the other.
C. D.
E. F.
Measuring Strips Line Plot: Copy strips on cardstock and cut out for use in Center.
I. J.
K. L.
M. N. O.
P. Q.
Measuring Strips Line Plot: Copy strips on cardstock and cut out for use in Center.
The longest strip was Strip ___.
It was ___ inches. The shortest Strips ___ and ___ had an equal
strip was Strip ___. It was ___ length of ___ inches.
ver. 1
1. Write the letters of your first name on half-inch grid paper. Use only one square
for each letter.
2. Use your ruler to measure the length of your name to the nearest half-inch.
Measure from the start of the first square to the end of the last square of your
4. Create a line plot to display your data. Mark the horizontal scale in appropriate
units. Give your line plot a title.
5. Plot your data by recording an X above the corresponding value on the line that
represents the length of each name.
ver. 2
1. Write the letters of your first name on quarter-inch grid paper. Use only one square
for each letter.
2. Use your ruler to measure the length of your name to the nearest quarter- inch.
Measure from the start of the first square to the end of the last square of your
4. Create a line plot to display your data. Mark the horizontal scale in appropriate
units. Give your line plot a title.
5. Plot your data by recording an X above the corresponding value on the line that
represents the length of each name.
Square Units
Materials: rulers, chart paper, scissors
1. Work with a partner. Use a ruler to draw and label a square that measures
one inch on each side – a square inch.
2. Next, use a ruler to draw and label a square that measures 12 inches on
each side – a square foot.
3. Cut out your squares. Test different classroom objects to see how many
of them can fit inside each square. Record your findings on a chart.
1 square inch 1 square foot
4. How would you describe to an absent student what you learned about a
square inch and square foot today? Explain.
To make a square inch
we …… To make a square It took ___ _________ to
foot we …… fill a square inch.
Square Meters
Materials: metersticks, chalk
2. Predict how many students can fit inside your square. Record your
3. Test your prediction. How many students fit inside the square? Record.
4. Next, draw a square that measures two meters on each side. What is the
area of this square?
5. Predict how many students can fit inside the square. Record.
6. Test your prediction. How many students fit inside the square? Record.
I predicted that it
To make one square would take___ students
meter we …… to fill a square meter.
The actual measure
was ___ students.
I predicted that it
To make two square would take___ students
meters we …… to fill 2 square meters.
The actual measure
was ___ students.
Find the Area
Materials: different sized rectangles, color tiles (in.²)
1. Select three different rectangles. Predict the number of one-inch color tiles
(unit squares) that you will need to cover each rectangle.
2. Measure the area or space inside each rectangle by tiling them with one-inch
color tiles. Count the number of color tiles used to cover each rectangle.
3. Draw the rectangles in order from least to greatest area. Record the area of
each rectangle in square inches.
Copy onto cardstock, cut out and store in a baggie for center activity
Area on the Geoboard
1. Make the smallest square possible on your geoboard that can be made by
connecting one rubber band and four pegs. This square has an area of
one square unit and can be used as a measure for finding the area of
geoboard shapes.
2. How many different shapes can you make on your geoboard with an area
of four square units?
3. Draw each shape you make on geoboard paper. Record the area.
4. Make and draw at least two shapes with an area of four square units that
include half squares. Write an equation to show how you calculated the
area of these shapes.
5. Look closely at the different shapes you made with an area of four square
units. Do they all have the same perimeter? Explain.
Cover Your Notebook
1. Look carefully at your math notebook. Estimate the area of the front
cover in square centimeters.
2. Using centimeter grid paper find the area of the front cover of your
math notebook. Use pictures, numbers or words to explain how you got
your answer.
I estimate the front The area of the front
cover is ___ square cover is ___ square
centimeters. centimeters. I found this
out by …..
Measuring Objects in Square Centimeters
1. Work with a partner. Collect 5 rectangular objects from the classroom such
as a notebook, different sized sheets of paper or chapter books.
2. Draw a table:
4. Estimate how many square centimeters it will take to cover each object.
Record your estimates in the table.
5. Find the area of each object using centimeter grid paper. Record.
6. Find the difference between each estimate and the actual measure.
Rectangles with Color Tiles
Materials: square inch color tiles
1. Count out 12 square inch color tiles. How many different rectangles can you
construct with an area of 12 square inches?
3. How can you be sure that you have made all possible rectangles with an area
of 12 square inches? Explain your thinking.
4. Choose one of the following numbers: 16, 18, or 20. Investigate how many
different rectangles you can construct with this number of square inch color tiles.
Record your data in a table.
Area Compare
Materials: Area Compare card sheet for each player, scissors
1. Cut out the 12 cards. Draw and shade a different sized rectangle on each
card. Write your initials on the back of each card.
2. Work with a partner. Combine your cards and place them facedown in a
pile. Flip over one card each and find the area of the rectangle.
3. Compare your rectangles. The player with the larger area takes both
cards. If both cards have an equal area players turn over a second card
and compare them.
4. Continue playing until there are no cards left in the pile. The player with
the most cards wins the round.
Variations: 1. The player with the smaller area takes both cards.
2. Compare perimeter instead of area.
This rectangle has an area ___ square units is
of ___ square units. I know greater than/less than
this because ….. ___ square units.
Area Compare Cards:
Cut out the 12 cards.
Draw and shade a
different sized
rectangle on each card.
Find the Area of a Rectangle
Materials: one-inch graph paper, one-inch color tiles, rulers
1. Draw 6 different sized rectangles with whole number side lengths on one-
inch graph paper. Label the rectangles A – F.
2. Measure the area or space inside each rectangle by tiling it with one-inch
color tiles. Count and record the number of tiles it takes to cover each rectangle.
3. Measure the length and width of each rectangle. Record your data in a
table, as shown below.
Rectangle Length Width Area
(cm) (cm) (cm²)
4. Look closely at your data. What is the relationship between the side lengths of
each rectangle and its area? Write a rule, in your own words, for finding the
area of a rectangle.
ver. 2
A. B. C.
D. E. F.
G. H. I.
J. K. L.
Word Problems: Area
Materials: Word Problems: Area cards
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Area
©K-5MathTeachingResources.com L
A rectangular swimming pool has an area of
80 square meters. The width of the pool is
8 meters. What is the length?
1. Make a rectangle with 2 rows of 5 tiles. Next, make an adjoining rectangle with
2 rows of 3 tiles using tiles of a different color.
2. Draw an area model to show the figure. Write a multiplication equation for
each rectangle.
3. Find the total area of the large rectangle by adding the areas of the two
smaller rectangles.
4. Build other rectangles by joining two smaller rectangles made from tiles of
two colors. Sketch each rectangle and find the total area.
Rectangle 1: 5 x 6 = 30
5x6 5x3
Rectangle 2: 5 x 3 = 15
30 + 15 = 45 square units
Jack’s Rectangles
Jack needed to find the area of a rectangle that was 5 square units by 13
square units. He decided to use the distributive property to break the rectangle
into smaller rectangles, and add the area of each smaller rectangle to find the
total area. 13 10 3
5 5 5 x 10 5x3
5 x 13 = 5 x (10 + 3)
Rectangle 1: 5 x 10 = 50
Rectangle 2: 5 x 3 = 15
50 + 15 = 65 square units
1. Use the distributive property to find the area of the rectangles in the pack.
Show your multiplication and addition equations.
2. Share your work with a classmate. Did you break apart the rectangles in the
same way? Explain.
Rectangle Pack: Copy on cardstock and cut out
rectangles for use in center.
Three Rectangles
Materials: grid paper or recording sheet
1. Leah and Sam found five different ways to decompose the figure below into
exactly three rectangles. The three rectangles covered the entire figure but
did not overlap.
2. Work with a partner. Show five different ways that Leah and Sam might have
decomposed the figure into three rectangles. For each solution you must:
- draw the figure and shade the three rectangles different colors
- write a multiplication equation to find the area of each rectangle
- write an addition equation to find the total area of the figure
3. Share your work with another partnership. Did you decompose the figure in the
same ways?
In solution ___ the first
We found ___ different rectangle measured __ by __ ,
ways to decompose the the second rectangle measured
figure into three rectangles. ___ by ___ , and the third
rectangle measured ___ by ___.
ver. 1
1. Choose a rectilinear figure from the pack. Sketch the figure. Show how
you can decompose the figure into smaller rectangles using a horizontal or
vertical line.
5. Share your work with a classmate. Find one example where you broke apart
a figure in a different way than your classmate. Explain why you found the
same total area.
6. Draw your own rectilinear figures on grid paper. Find the area of each figure.
Show all work.
I decomposed figure ___
using a vertical/horizontal To find the total area of
line. One rectangle measured figure ___ I …..
__ by __ . The other rectangle
measured __ by __.
Rectilinear Figures Pack: Copy onto cardstock and cut out for use in center.
Rectilinear Figures Pack: Copy onto cardstock and cut out for use in center.
ver. 2
1. Choose a rectilinear figure from the pack. Sketch the figure. Show how
you can decompose the figure into smaller rectangles using a horizontal or
vertical line.
2. Measure the length and width of each rectangle to the nearest inch.
3. Multiply the side lengths to find the area of each of the smaller rectangles.
6. Share your work with a classmate. Find one example where you broke apart
a figure in a different way than your classmate. Explain why you found the
same total area.
7. Draw your own rectilinear figures. Find the area of each figure. Show all work.
Although we decomposed
To find the area of figure
figure ___ in different
___ first I ….. Then I …..
ways we got the same
Finally I …..
total area because …..
Rectilinear Figures Pack: Copy onto cardstock and cut out for use in center.
Rectilinear Figures Pack: Copy onto cardstock and cut out for use in center.
Design a Flower Bed
1. You have been asked to design a flower bed for a garden. The flower bed
2. Draw two possible designs for the flower bed. Be sure to include all
3. Use equations to show that each design has a total area of 30 square feet.
4. Share your work with a classmate. How are your designs similar? How are
they different?
Squares on a Geoboard
Materials: geoboards, rubber bands, geoboard paper, rulers
1. Connect one rubber band and four boundary pegs to construct a square
with side lengths of 1 unit. Use a ruler to record the square on geoboard
3. Create a table to show the side length, area, and perimeter of each square
you construct. Side Length 1 2 3 4
Area 1
Perimeter 4
4. Examine your data closely. Describe any patterns that you notice.
5. What would the area and perimeter of a square with side lengths of 5 units
be? What about 6 units? Justify your predictions.
Side Length 1 2 3 4
Area 1
Perimeter 4
Patterns I noticed:
My prediction:
Perimeter on the Geoboard
Materials: geoboards, rubber bands, geoboard paper, rulers
1. How many different rectangles can you construct on your geoboard with
a perimeter of 12 units? Use a ruler to record each rectangle you make on
geoboard paper.
2. Order your rectangles from least to greatest area. Record the perimeter,
length, width and area of each rectangle in a table.
Rectangle Length Width Perimeter Area
A 12
B 12
3. Repeat steps 1-2 with a given perimeter of 16 units. Record your data in a
table. How can you be sure that you have found all possible rectangles with
a perimeter of 16 units? Explain.
4. Based on your data can you make a generalization stating how to get the
greatest area for a given perimeter?
Rectangle Length Width Perimeter Area
A 12
B 12
B 16
Measuring Perimeter
The ______ had __ equal I measured each side of the
sides. To find the perimeter ______ to the nearest _____.
I ….. Then I …..
Polygon pack: Copy onto cardstock and cut out for use in Measuring Perimeter center.
Polygon pack: Copy onto cardstock and cut out for use in Measuring Perimeter center.
Perimeter with Color Tiles
Materials: color tiles
1. Work with a partner. Use between 3 and 6 color tiles to make a shape.
Each tile in the shape must touch at least one other tile along a
complete side.
2. Draw your shape. Calculate and record the perimeter of your shape.
3. Use color tiles to make as many different shapes as you can that
have the same length perimeter as your first shape. Record each
4. How many different shapes did you make with the same perimeter?
Do all the shapes have the same area? Explain.
The Perimeter Stays the Same
1. Construct four different rectangles with color tiles. Each rectangle must have
a perimeter of 18 inches.
3. Write an equation to show how you would calculate the perimeter of each
The Area Stays the Same
1. Construct three different rectangles with square color tiles. Each rectangle
must have an area of 12 square inches.
3. Write an equation to show how you would calculate the area of each
4. Do all rectangles with an area of 12 square inches have the same length
perimeter? Explain your thinking.
Rectangular Robot
Materials: cm grid paper, rulers
1. Use centimeter grid paper and a ruler to draw a robot that meets the following
2. Include shapes of your own choosing for the following: eyes, hands, feet, mouth,
and buttons on the body. Color your robot.
3. Explain how your robot meets the criteria. Show all work.
5. Calculate the area of each body part and the total area of your robot. Show
your work.
Design a Rabbit Enclosure
Materials: rulers, grid paper (optional)
Word Problems: Perimeter
Materials: Word Problems: Perimeter cards
1. Work with a partner. Choose five word problems that you will both solve.
2. Solve the word problems independently. For each problem:
3. After completing five problems share your work with a partner. Explain
how you solved each problem using accurate mathematical vocabulary.
4. Repeat with another five problems from the set.
Word Problems: Perimeter
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