1. The document contains a practice test for general intelligence and reasoning with 24 multiple choice questions.
2. The questions test abilities such as series completion, analogies, mathematical reasoning, and identifying logical relationships.
3. Answering the questions would require analyzing the information given and selecting the best option to complete statements or figures based on the patterns and relationships.
1. The document contains a practice test for general intelligence and reasoning with 24 multiple choice questions.
2. The questions test abilities such as series completion, analogies, mathematical reasoning, and identifying logical relationships.
3. Answering the questions would require analyzing the information given and selecting the best option to complete statements or figures based on the patterns and relationships.
1. The document contains a practice test for general intelligence and reasoning with 24 multiple choice questions.
2. The questions test abilities such as series completion, analogies, mathematical reasoning, and identifying logical relationships.
3. Answering the questions would require analyzing the information given and selecting the best option to complete statements or figures based on the patterns and relationships.
1. The document contains a practice test for general intelligence and reasoning with 24 multiple choice questions.
2. The questions test abilities such as series completion, analogies, mathematical reasoning, and identifying logical relationships.
3. Answering the questions would require analyzing the information given and selecting the best option to complete statements or figures based on the patterns and relationships.
Hkkx& I : lkekU; cqferk ,oa rdZ'kfDr Directions (1 4) : In each of the following Direction (10): Two statements are given which questions, select the related letter/word/ are followed by two conclusions 1 and 2. You number from the given alternatives. have to consider the two statements to be true funsZ'k (1 & 4) % fuEu izR;sd iz'u esa fn, x, fodYiksaeven esa lsif they seem to be at variance from lEcfU/r v{kj@'kCn@la[;k dks pqfu,A commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow 1. 2 October : Gandhi : :14 November: ? from the given statements. 2 vDVwcj % xkkh %% 14 uoacj% \ (A) Nehru/usg: funsZ'k % iz'u la[;k 10 esa nks dFku vkSj mlds vkxs nks fu"d"kZ (B) Jinnah/ftUukg 1 vkSj 2 fn, x, gSaA vkidks bu dFkuksa dks lR; ekudj (C) Sardar Patel/ljnkj iVsy fopkj djuk gS pkgs os lkekU;r% Kkr rF;ksa ls fHkUu izrhr gksrs (D) Manmohan Singh/eueksgu flag gksaA vkidks fu.kZ; djuk gS fd fn, x, fu"d"kksZ esa ls dkSu lk 2. 623 : 54 :: 284 : ? fu"d"kZ ;fn dksbZ gS] fuf'pr :i ls dFku ds vk/kj ij (A) 64 (B) 70 fudkyk tk ldrk gSA] (C) 48 (D) 96 Statements / dFku: 3. Ben stokes : ? :: Ashish Nehra : India All Clowns are Stupid osu LVksdl % \ %% vk'kh"k usgjk % Hkkjr lHkh tksdj ew[kZ gSaA (A) New Zeland/U;wTkhySaM Some Stupid are Innocent (B) South Africa/nf{k.k vizQhdk oqQN ew[kZ eklwe gSaA (C) England/baXySaM Conclusions / fu"d"kZ : (D) Australia/vkWLVsfy;k 4. 18 : 729 : : ? : 343 1. All Stupid are Innocent (A) 12 (B) 14 lHkh ew[kZ eklwe gSA (C) 8 (D) 16 2. Some Stupid are Clown Directions (5 8) : Find the odd word/letters/ oqQN ew[kZ tksdj gSaA number pair/n umber fr om the given (A) Only conclusion (1) follows alternatives. funsZ'k (5 & 8)% fn;s x, fodYiksa esa ls fo"ke 'kCn@v{kj@la[;k dsoy fu"d"kZ 1 vuqlj.k djrk gSA ;qXe@la[;k dks pqfu,A (B) Only conclusion (2) follows 5. (A) 357 (B) 323 dsoy fu"d"kZ2 vuqlj.k djrk gSA (C) 374 (D) 406 (C) Both conclusion (1) or (2) follows 6. (A) Bengaluru/csaxyq: fu"d"kZ 1 rFkk2 nksuksa vuqlj.k djrs gSA (B) Trivandrum/f=kosanze (D) Neither conclusion (1) nor (2) follows (C) Guwahati/xqokgVh uk rks fu"d"kZ 1 uk gh2 vuqlj.k djrk gSA (D) Shimla/f'keyk Direction (11-13) : In question no 11 to 13, 7. (A) Yawn/mcklh select the missing number from the given (B) Hiccup/fgpdh responses. (C) Dream/LoIu funsZ'k (11-13) : iz'u la[;k 11 ls 13 esa] fn, x, fodYiksa (D) Sneeze/Nhad esa lsa foyqIr la[;k pqfu,A 8. (A) Nose/ukd (B) Kidney/xqnkZ 11. 12 6 16 8 (C) Lips/gksaB (D) Hair/cky 9. In a row of boys, Arun is at eighteenth 14 10 7 5 position from the left and Ravi is at sixth 18 27 ? 9 position from the right. There are five boys between Arun and Ravi. Anil is just left of (A) 8 (B) 6 Arun. What is Anil's position from the right? (C) 12 (D) 4 yM+dksa dh ,d iafDr esa] v:.k ck,a ls vBkjosa LFkku 12. ij gS 17 29 ? 35 vkSj jfo nk,a ls NBs LFkku ij gSA v:.k vkSj jfo ds chp 13 22 52 esa ikp yM+ds gSA, v:.k vfuyds Bhd ck,a esa gSA vfuy 29 58 dk nk,a ls D;k LFkku gS\ 87 (A) 9th/ok (B) 10th/ok (A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 12th/ok (D) 13th/ok (C) 18 (D) 13 Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 1 2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 20. Choose the correct alternatives from the 13. 24 8 24 12 6 given ones that will complete the series. ? 12 fuEu fodYiksa esa ls lgh fodYi dk p;u djsa tks fd fn, 15 10 4 x, J`a[kyk dks iwjk djsxkA 30 20 abcd _ bcda _ cdab _ d a _ ch (A) efgb (B) egcf (A) 60 (B) 45 (C) gebf (D) fgbh (C) 30 (D) 35 21. If + = , = , = and = +, then find the 14. Which one of the following diagram value of 18 16 + 4 2 5 ? represents the correct relationship among ;fn + = , = , = rFkk = +, rks Continent, Country, State. 18 16 + 4 2 5 dk eku fudkysaA fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh vko`Qfr egk}hi] ns'k rFkk jkT; (A) osQ 14 (B) 28 (C) 24 (D) 42 chp lacak dks n'kkZrh gS \ 22. Which of the answer figures is the right mirror image of the question figure ? (A) (B) nh xbZ mkj vkfr;ksa esa ls dkSu&lh vkfr iz'u vkfr dk lgh niZ.k izfrfcEc gSa\ Question Figure: iz'u vkfr% (C) (D)
15. From the given alternatives, select the word
which cant be formed using the letters of Answer Figures: the given word. mkj vkfr;k% fuEu fodYiksa esa ls ml 'kCn dk p;u djsa] tks fn, x, 'kCn esa 'kkfey v{kjksa ls ugha cuk;k tk ldrk gSA EXCITATIVE (A) EXIT (B) NATIVE (C) CAVE (D) VEIT Directions (16-18) : In the following questions, (A) (B) (C) (D) a series is given with one terms missing. 23. Insert the correct mathematical signs in the Choose the correct alternative from the given following equation. ones that will complete the series: fuEu lehdj.k esa lgh xf.krh; fpUg MkysaA funsZ'k (16-18) % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa] ,d vuqe fn;k x;k 18 6 1 2 = 1 (A) , , + gS ftlesa ,d in yqIr gSA fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls og lgh (B) , , fodYi pqfu, tks vuqe dks iwjk djsaA (C) +, , + 16. 8, 16, 4, 32,_____ (D) , , 24. Identify the figure that will completes the (A) 6 (B) 12 pattern of the question figure. (C) 2 (D) 18 ml vkfr dk p;u djsa tks iz'u vkfr ds iSVuZ dks iwjk 17. 1, 1, 5, 11, 19,____ djsxhA (A) 23 (B) 29 Question figure: (C) 31 (D) 37 iz'u vkfr% 18. 235,357,571,171,113,111,___ (A) 317 (B) 273 ? (C) 243 (D) 197 19. Amit and Anmol are brothers. Charu and Komal are sisters. Amit's son is Komal's brother. How is Charu related to Anmol ? Answer figures: vfer vkSj vueksy HkkbZ gS] pk: vkSj dksey cgus mkj gS] vkfr;k% vfer dk iq=k dksey dk HkkbZ gSA pk:] vueksy ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS \ (A) Niece/Hkrhth (B) Daughter/iq=kh (C) Cousin/ppsjh cgu(D) Aunt/cqvk (A) (B) (C) (D) Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 2 2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 25. A word is represented by only one set of vkO;wgksa ls ,d v{kj dks igys mldh iafDr vkSj ckn esa LraHk numbers as given in any one of the la[;kvksa }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA mnkgj.k B dks ds fy,] alternatives. The sets of numbers given in 01, 31 vkfn }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSPrFkk dks67, 75 the alternatives are represented by two classes of letters as in two matrices given vkfn }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA fn;s x, 'kCn ds RIDE below. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are fy, lewg dks igpkuuk gSA numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II Matrix/vkO;wg -I Matrix/vkO;wg -II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 these matrices can be represented first by 0 A B L D E 5 P Q R I F its row and next by its column. E.g., B can 1 D L B A E 6 Q I P R F be represented by 01, 31 etc., and P can be 2 B A D L E 7 P F R I Q represented by 67, 75 etc. Similarly, you 3 D B L A E 8 Q I P R F have to identify the set for the word RIDE. 4 L D A E B 9 F P I Q R ,d 'kCn osQoy ,d la[;k&lewg }kjk n'kkZ;k x;k gS] tSlk (A) 77, 58, 02, 34 fd fodYiksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa fn;k x;k gSA fodYiksa esa(B) fn,68, 86, 41, 34 x, la[;k&lewg v{kjksa ds nks oxks }kjk n'kkZ, x, gSa](C)tSlk57, fd 97, 21, 03 uhps fn, x, nks vkO;wg esa gSA I dsvkO;wg& LraHk vkSj iafDr (D) 88, 58, 01, 34 dh la[;k 0 ls 4 nh xbZ gS vkSj vkO;wg& II dh 5 ls 9A bu
Hkkx&II : lkekU; tkudkjh 26. A community of people called Manganiyars 30. The tendency of a liquid drop to contract and is well-known for their: occupy minimum area is due to : lkekU; euq";ksa dk ,d leqnk; ftUgsa eaxf.k;kj dgk tkrk,dgSrjy cwan dh izo`fk fdl dkj.k ls floqQM+rh vkSj de os fdl fy, tkus tkrs gS \ LFkku ?ksjrh gS\ (A) Martial arts in North-East India/ (A) Surface tension/i`"B ruko mkj iwoZ Hkkjr esa ek'kZy vkVZ osQ fy, (B) Viscosity/';kurk (B) Musical tradition in North-West India/ (C) Density/?kuRo mkj&if'pe Hkkjr esa laxhr iajeijk osQ fy, (D) Vapour pressure/ok"i ncko (C) Classical vocal music in South India 31. Cobalt-60 is commonly used in radiation nf{k.k Hkkjr esa 'kkL=kh; laxhr osQ fy, therapy because it emits: (D) Tradition in Central India/e; Hkkjr esa dksckYV&60 vke rkSj ij fofdj.k fpfdRlk esa iz;ksx izpyu fd;k tkrk gS D;ksafd ;g mRltZu djrk gS& 27. Who amongst the following was the first to (A) Alpha rays/vYiQk fdj.kksa dk state that the earth was spherical ? fuEufyf[kr esa ls lcls igys fdlus crk;k fd i`Foh xksykdkj gS\(B) Beta rays/chVk fdj.kksa dk (C) Gamma rays/xkek fdj.kksa dk (A) Aristotle/vjLrq (D) X-rays/,Dl js fdj.kksa dk (B) Copernicus/dksijfudl 32. Many transplanted seedling do not grow (C) Ptolemy/VkWyseh because- (D) Strabo/LVScks cgqr lkjs izfrjksi.k vaoqQj esa o`f ugha gks ikrs D;ksafd% 28. The Constitution (98th Amendment) Act is (A) The new soil does not contain related to: favourable minerals/ubZ feV~Vh esa vuqowQy lfokku (98oak la'kksku) vfkfu;e lacafkr gS% [kfut inkFkZ 'kkfey ugha gksrs (A) Empowering the Centre to levy and (B) Most of the root hair grip the new soil appropriate Service Tax/djkjksi.k vkSj mfpr too hard/ubZ feV~Vh esa ewy jkse (tM+) dh idM+ lsok dj osQ fy, osQUnz dks l'kDr cukus gsrq lcls dfBu gksrh gS (B) The Constitution of the National (C) Most of the root hairs are lost during Judicial Commission/jk"Vh; U;kf;d vk;ksx transplantation/cgqr lkjh ewy jkse (tM+) dk xBu izfrjksi.k osQ nkSjku yqIr gks tkrh gS (C) Readjustment of electoral constitu- (D) Leaves get damaged during trans- encies on the basis of the population plantation/ifk;k izfrjksi.k osQ nkSjku {kfrxzLr gks census 2001/2001 dh tula[;k tux.kuk osQ tkrh gS vkkkj ij fuokZpu {ks=kksa osQ iqufuekZ.k 33.gsrq The alkaloid naturally found in coffee, cocoa (D) The demarcation of new boundaries and cola nut is: between states/jkT;ksa osQ chp ubZ lhekvksa dkWiQh] osQ dksdks] dksykuV esa izko`Qfrd :i esa ik;k tkus okyk fukkZj.k gsrq ,sYosQykbM+ D;k gS\ 29. Which term is used in economics for the (A) Cocaine/dksosQu (B) Morphine/ekWiQhZu market value of all goods and services in (C) Tannin/Vsfuu (D) Caffeine/oSQiQhu one year by labour and properly supplied by 34. Which city to host the first edition of Gramin the residents of the country ? Khel Mahotsav (GKM)? vFkZO;oLFkk esa Jfedksa }kjk ,d o"kZ esa lHkh oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa xzkeh.k [ksy egksRlo dk igyk laLdj.k fdl 'kgj }kjk osQ cktkj osQ fy, vkSj ns'k osQ fuokfl;ksa }kjk mfpr vkiwfrZ osQ vk;ksftr fd;k tk,xk\ fy, fuEu esa ls fdl 'kCn dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\ (A) New Delhi/ubZ fnYyh (A) GDP/ldy ?kjsyw mRikn (B) Chennai/psUubZ (B) CRR/udn vkjf{kr vuqikr (C) Mumbai/eqacbZ (C) SLR/lkafofkd pyfufk vuqikr (D) Kolkata/dksydkrk (D) GNP/ldy jk"Vh; mRikn Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 4 2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 35. Under which one of the Ministries of the 39. Name of the country from which the Government of India does the Food and constitutional features of procedures for Nutrition Board work? amendment was borrowed by India. [kk| ,oa iks"k.k cksMZ Hkkjr ljdkj osQ fdl ea=kky; osQ mlrgr ns'k dk uke D;k gS ftlls la'kksku osQ fy, izfozQ;kvksa dh dke djrk gS\ laoSkkfud lqfokkvksa dks Hkkjr }kjk mkkj fy;k x;k Fkk \ (A) Ministry of Agriculture/o`Qf"k ea=kky; (A) Britain/fczVsu (B) Ministry of Health and Famil Welfare/ LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=kky; (B) America/vesfjdk (C) Ministry of Human Resource Develo- (C) South Africa/nf{k.k vizQhdk pment/ekuo lalkku fodkl ea=kky; (D) Germany/teZuh (D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha 40. Consider the following statements 36. Match List-I with List-II and select the regarding a motor car battery: correct answer using the codes given below ,d eksVj dkj cSVjh osQ ckjs esa fuEu dFkuksa ij fopkj djsa% the lists: 1. The voltage is usually 12 V/oksYVst vkerkSj lwph& I dks lwph& II osQ lkFk lqesfyr dj uhps fn, x, lwfp;ksa osQ ij 12 V gksrh gS izo`f"V;ksa esa ekStwnk owQVksa dk mi;ksx dj lgh mkj dk p;u djsaA 2. Electrolyte used is hydrochloric acid/ List-I/lwph&I List-II/lwph& I (Bhakti Saint) (Profession) blesa mi;ksx fd;k x;k fo|qr vi?kVu gkbMksDyksfjd (HkfDr lar) (O;olk;) ,flM gksrk gS a. Namdev/ukenso 1. Barber/ukbZ 3. Electrodes are lead and copper/blesa ysM b. Kabir/dchj 2. Weaver/cqudj vkSj rkcka V bysD ksM+ gksrs gS c. Ravidas/jfonkl 3. Tailor/nthZ 4. Capacity is expressed in ampere-hour/ d. Sena/lSu 4. Cobbler/eksph bldh dk;Z{kerk ,sfEi;j&?kaVk ls vfHkO;Dr dh tk a b c d ldrh gS (A) 2 3 1 4 Which of the above statements are correct? (B) 3 2 4 1 mi;qZDr dFku esa dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS (C) 3 2 1 4 (A) 1 and 2/1 vkSj 2 (D) 2 3 4 1 37. Consider the following pairs : (B) 2 and 3/2 vkSj 3 fuEu ;qXeksa ij fopkj djsa % (C) 3 and 4/3 vkSj 4 Hills/(igkM+h) Region/({ks=k) (D) 1 and 4/1 vkSj 4 1. Cardamom Hills/ : Coromandel Coast/ 41. Which one of the following is used as an byk;ph ioZr : dksjkseMay rV explosive? 2. Kaimur Hills/ : Konkan Coast/ fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk ,d inkFkZ foLiQksVd osQ :i esa bLrseky dewj ioZr : dksd.k rV fd;k tkrk gS \ 3. Mahadeo Hills/ : Central India (A) Phosphorus trichloride/iQkLiQksjl VkbZDyksjkbM egknso ioZr : e; Hkkjr (B) Mercuric oxide/eoZQjh vkWDlkbM 4. Mikir Hills : North-East India fedj ioZr iwoksZakj Hkkjr (C) Graphite/xzsiQkbV Which of the above pairs are correctly (D) Nitroglycerine/ukbVksfXyljhu matched? 42. Which one of the following is the correct mijksDr tksMs+ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh <ax ls lqesfyrsequence ugha gS\ of a food chain? (A) 1 and 2/1 vkSj2 fuEu esa ls dkSu&lh ,d [kk| Ja`[kyk dk lgh vuqozQe gS \ (B) 2 and 3/2 vkSj3 (A) Diatoms-Crustaceans-Herrings/Mk;Ve& (C) 3 and 4/3 vkSj4 ozQLVs'ku & gsfjax (D) 2 and 4/2 vkSj1 (B) Crustaceans-Diatoms-Herrings/ozQLVs'ku & 38. The first web based email service is : Mk;Ve & gsfjax igyh osc vkkkfjr bZ esy lsok gS& (C) Diatoms-Herrings-Crustaceans/Mk;Ve & (A) Hotmail/gkWVesy (B) Yahoo mail/;kgw esy gsfjax & ozQLVs'ku (C) Gmail/thesy (D) Crustaceans-Herrings-Diatoms/ozQLVs'ku& (D) Rediff mail/jsfMiQesy gsfjax & Mk;Ve
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 5
2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 43. Who has been appointed the new chairman 47. UTI bank has chosen the new brand name as: of Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal (CWDT)? ;w-Vh- vkbZ cSad dk u;k uke D;k gS\ dkosjh ty fookn U;k;kfkdj.k (CWDT) osQ u, v;{k (A) Trade Bank/VsM cSad fdUgs fu;qDr fd;k x;k gS\ (B) Dena Bank/nsuk cSad (A) N P Singh/,u ih flag (C) Axis Bank/,fDll cSad (B) B S Chauhan/ch ,l pkSgku (D) Yes bank/;l cSad (C) J S Khehar/ts ,l [ksgj 48. The metal used for making aircrafts and (D) Abhay Manohar Sapre/vHk; euksgj lizs rockets is : 44. Quit India Movement was launched in response to: ok;q;ku vkSj jkWosQV cukus osQ fy, dkSu&lh kkrq dk iz;k Hkkjr NksM+ks vkanksyu fuEu esa ls fdlosQ tokc esafd;k 'kq:tkrk fd;kgS\ x;k Fkk\ (A) Lead/lhlk (A) Cabinet Mission Plan/oSQfcusV fe'ku Iyku (B) Aluminium/,Y;qfefu;e (B) Cripps Proposals/fozQIl izLrko (C) Nickel/fudy (C) Simon Commission Report/lkbeu deh'ku (D) Copper/rkck fjiksVZ 49. Which one of the following techniques can (D) Wavell Plan/okosy ;kstuk be used to establish the paternity of a child? 45. Which one of the following is the correct fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh rduhd cPps osQ fir`Ro dks fl sequence in the decreasing order of production (in million tones) of the given djus osQ fy, iz;ksx dh tkrh gS\ foodgrains in India? (A) Protein analysis/izksVhu fo'ys"k.k ls Hkkjr esa fn, x, [kk|kUUkksa (fefy;u Vu) esa] fuEu(B) esa Chromosome/ ls xq.klw=k ls dkSu&lk mRiknu ?kVrs ozQe esa gS\ (C) Quantitative analysis of DNA/Mh,u, osQ (A) Wheat - Rice - Pulses - Coarse Cereals ifjek.kkRed fo'ys"k.k ls xsgw & pkoy & nky & eksVs vukt (D) DNA finger printing/Mh-,u-,- fiaQxj fizfVax ls (B) Rice - Wheat - Pulses - Coarse Cereals pkoy & xsgw & nky & eksVs vukt 50. What is the Indias GDP forecast for FY 17, (C) Wheat - Rice - Coarse Cereals - Pulses as per latest report by the International xsgw & pkoy & eksVs vuktnky & nky Monetary Fund (IMF)? (D) Rice - Wheat - Coarse Cereals Pulses vrajk"Vh; eqnzk dks"k dh uohure okf"kZd fjiksVZ osQ vuql pkoy & xsgw & eksVs vukt & nky fok o"kZ 2017 esa Hkkjr osQ ldy ?kjsyw mRikn dks vuqeku 46. The salaries and allowances of the Judges D;k gS \ of the High Court are charged under: (A) 7.2% mPp U;k;ky; osQ U;k;kkh'kksa dk osru vkSj Hkkk(B) fuEu esa ls 6.8% fdlosQ vkhu gSa\ (C) 6.6% (A) Consolidated Fund of India/Hkkjr dh lafpr (D) 7.0% fufk osQ (B) Consolidated Fund of the State/jkT; dh lafpr fufk osQ (C) Contingency Fund of India/ Hkkjr dh vkdfLedrk fufk ls (D) Contingency Fund of the State/jkT; dh vkdfLedrk fufk ls
Hkkx& III : ek=kkRed vfHk{kerk 51. A person buys 120 cups at ` 8 each. 20 cups 56. A certain number of men complete a piece break, while bringing it to shop. He sells of work in 50 days. If 8 more men are the remaining cups at ` 12 each. His profit included, then it will take 20 days less to percent is: complete the work. How many men had ,d O;fDr 120 I;kys` 8 izfr I;kys ds fglkc ls [kjhnrk originally started the work ? gSA nqdku ij bls ykrs le;] dqN 20 I;kys VwV tkrs gSaA 'ks"k I;kyksa O;fDr feydj fdlh dk;Z dks 50 fnuksa esa iwjk djrs gSA ;fn 8 O;fDr vkSj 'kkfey gks tk,] rks dk;Z iwjk 20djus esa dks og` 12 izfr I;kys ds fglkc ls csp nsrk gSA mldh ykHk fnu de yxsxsaA okLro esa fdrus O;fDr;ksa us feydj dk;Z dk izfr'kr gS& djuk 'kq: fd;k Fkk\ (A) 15 % (B) 20 % (A) 10 men/vkneh (B) 12 men/vkneh (C) 25 % (D) 30 % (C) 16 men/vkneh (D) 20 men/vkneh 52. If cos cosec 29 = 1, then the value of is 57. The rate of interest on a sum of money is 6 ;fn cos cosec 29 = 1 gS] rks dk eku gS percent per annum for the first 2 years, 5 (A) 28 (B) 37 percent per annum for the next 4 years and (C) 61 (D) 65 8 percent per annum for the next 2 years. 53. The value of 3x + 4y in the equations If the simple interest accrued by the sum for a total period of 8 y e a r s i s x y 5 x ` 1440. What is the sum? + = and + y = 1 is : 4 3 12 2 igys 2 o"kksZa ds fy, fdlh /u ij C;kt dh 6% nj izfr x y 5 x o"kZ gS] vxys 4 o"kksZa ds fy,5;gizfr'kr izfr o"kZ ,oa + = rFkk + y = 1 esa 3x + 4y dk eku gS & vxys 2 o"kZ ds vof/ ds fy,8 izfr'kr izfr o"kZ gSA ;fn 4 3 12 2 (A) 3 (B) 5 /u ij 8 o"kksZa dh dqy vof/ ds fy, izkIr (C) 4 (D) 1 lk/kj.k C;kt` 1440 gSA ewy/u D;k gS\ 54. Two stations A and B are 110 km apart on a (A) ` 2000 (B) ` 2400 straight railway line. One train starts from (C) ` 3000 (D) ` 3200 A at 9 a.m. and travels towards B at 40km/h. 58. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods Another train starts from B at 11 a.m. and at cost price, but he uses a weight of 720 gm travels towards A at 50 km/h. At what time instead of one kg weight. Find his gain will they meet? percent. nks LVs'ku A ,oa B, ,d nwljs ls110 fdeh- vyx ,d jsyos ,d csbZeku O;kikjh oLrq dks ; ewY; ij cspus dk nkok ykbu ij fLFkr gSA ,d jsyxkM+h A ls LVs'ku 9 cts iwokZg~u djrk gS] ij og ,d fdyksxzke Hkkj dh 720 txg xzke Hkkj esa jokuk gksrh gS 40 vkSj fdeh-@?k.Vk dh jrkj B dh ls dk bLrseky djrk gSA mldk ykHk izfr'kr Kkr djasA vksj ;k=kk djrh gSA nwljh jsyxkM+h B ls 11LVs'ku cts (A) 35 5 % (B) 37 9 % iwokZg~u esa jokuk gksrh A dh vksj gS vkSj 50 fdeh-@?k.Vk dh 7 13 jrkj ls ;k=kk djrh gSA ;s nksuksa jsyxkfM+;k vkil esa fdl 4 8 le; feysaxh\ (C) 32 13 % (D) 38 % 9 (A) 11.20 a.m./iwokZg~u 59. A and B together can do a work in 12 days. B and C together in 18 days, while C and A (B) 12.30 a.m./iwokZg~u together can do it in 30 days. If they all work (C) 9.30 a.m./iwokZg~u together, the work will be completed in how many days? (D) 9.20 a.m./iwokZg~u A vkSjB feydj ,d dke dks 12 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs 1 1 gSAB vkSjC feydj mls 18 fnuksa esa] tcfd C vkSjA 55. If x + = 2 , then find the value of x . x x feydj mls 30 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrs gSA ;fn os rhuksa ,d lkFk feydj dke djsa] rks dke fdrus le; esa iwjk gks 1 1 ;fn x + = 2 , rksx eku Kkr djsaA tk,xk\ x x 19 8 1 (A) 11 days/fnu (B) 8 days/fnu (A) 2 (B) 31 17 2 7 7 (C) 2 (D) 0 (C) 9 days/fnu (D) 13 days/fnu 17 31 Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 7 2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 60. The value of (101)3 is : 66. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower (101)3 dk eku gS& from a point on the ground is 30 and moving 70 metres towards the tower it (A) 1030311 (B) 1030301 becomes 60. The height of the tower is : (C) 1031301 (D) 1303001 ,d ehukj ds 'kh"kZ dk mUu;u dks.k tehu ds fdlh fcUnq ls 61. Radhe Shyam gives 32 percent of his money 30 gS vkSj ehukj dh 70 vksjehVj pyus ij ;g 60 gks to his wife and 53 percent of the money to tkrk gSA ehukj dh apkbZ gS his sons. He kept his remaining money ` 14,160 for himself. What was the total 35 (A) 35 m/eh- (B) m/eh- amount of money Radhe Shyam had? 3 jkks ';ke vius iSlksa32 esaizfr'kr ls viuh iRuh dks vkSj (C) 70 3 m/eh- (D) 35 3 m/eh- 53 izfr'kr vius iq=kksa dks nsrk` 14,160 gSA 'ks"kmlus 67. 1 + sin2 1 + sin2 3 + sin2 5 ........ sin2 85 + vius fy, j[ksA jkks ';ke ds ikl dqy fdruh /ujkf'k Fkh\ sin 872 + sin 89 2 2 is equal to 2 2 2 1 + sin 1 + sin 3 + sin 5 ........ sin 85 + (A) ` 92,300 (B) ` 82,800 sin2 87 + sin2 89 cjkcj gS (C) ` 94,400 (D) ` 78,600 62. By selling a horse for ` 345, a trader 1 (A) 21 (B) 22 incurred a loss of 8 percent. At what price 2 must he sell it to gain 8 percent? 1 1 ?kksM+s dksesa cspus ij O;kikjh8 dks ` 345 izfr'kr dh gkfu (C) 22 2 (D) 23 2 gksrh gSA 8 izfr'kr ykHk dekus ds fy, mls fdl ewY; 68. ij If the sum of two angles is 120 and their cspuk pkfg, \ (A) ` 405 (B) ` 415 difference is , then the circular measure 6 (C) ` 420 (D) ` 460 of the greater angle is : 1 tan sec 63. If sec = a + , then the value of ;fn nks dks.kksa dk ;ksxiQy 120 gS rFkk mudk varjgS] 4a 2 6 is : rks cM+s dks.k dk o`kh; eki gS& 1 tan sec 3 ;fn sec = a + gS] rks dk eku gS& (A) 6 (B) 4 4a 2 (A) a (B) 2a 5 2 (C) (D) (C) 3a (D) 4a 12 3 64. If x = 28 + 16 3 , then find the value of 69. How many square tiles of 6 decimetre length x . will be required to cover the floor of a room ;fn x = 28 + 16 3 gS] rksx dk eku Kkr djsaA 9 m long and 4 m broad? 9 ehVj yEcs vkSj 4 ehVj pkSM+s ,d dejs ds iQ'kZ dks <dus (A) 4 + 3 ds fy, 6 MslhehVj yEckbZ okyh dqy fdruh Vkbyksa dh (B) 4 3 vko';drk gksxh\ (A) 200 (B) 100 (C) 4 + 2 3 (C) 150 (D) 250 (D) 4 2 3 70. The length of the diagonal BD of the 65. One person add 4 litres of waters to 9 litres parallelogram ABCD is 6 cm. If P and Q are milk and another person add 4 litres of the centroid of the ABC and ADC water to 7 litres of milk. What is the ratio respectively, then the length of the line of the strengths of milk in the two mixtures? segment PQ is : ,d O;fDr 9 yhVj nw/ esa 4 yhVj ikuh feykrk gS vkSj nwljk ,d lekarj prqZHkqt ABCD ds fod.kZ BD dh yEckbZ 6 lseh- gSA ;fn P vkSjQ e'k%ABC rFkkADC ds O;fDr7 yhVj nw/ esa 4 yhVj ikuh feykrk gSA nksuksa izdkj dsUnzd gS]PQ rksjs[kk&[k.M dh yEckbZ gSS& ds feJ.kksa esa nw/ dh ek=kk dk D;k vuqikr gS\ (A) 3 cm/lseh- (B) 4 cm/lseh- (A) 91 : 99 (B) 87 : 91 (C) 91 : 87 (D) 99 : 91 (C) 1 cm/lseh- (D) 2 cm/lseh-
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 8
2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 71. A cricketer with bowling average 10.6 runs per wicket, takes 5 wickets for 26 runs and 30 thereby decreases his average by 0.6. The 27 number of wickets taken by him till the last 24 match is : 21 ,d fdsV f[kykM+h ftldk xsanckth10.6 vkSlr ju izfr
72. In the following figure, AB is the diameter of a
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 circle with O as centre. If AOE = 120and Years (o"kZ) DAO = 36, then the measure of CBE is : fuEu vkd`fr esa] AB ,d O dsUnz okys o`k dk O;kl gSA ;fn 73. Find the percent increase in sale in year AOE = 120 vkSjDAO = 36 gS] rks CBE dk 2013 with respect to year 2008. eki gS& o"kZ 2008 dh rqyuk esa o"kZ 2013 esa fch esa o`f izfr'kr D fudkysA E 2 1 (A) 66 % (B) 33 % 120 3 3 36 A C O B 2 2 % (D) 14 % (C) 16 3 7 74. The average sales in the year of 2008 - 2013 is : (A) 105 (B) 130 o"kZ 2008-2013 dh vof/ ds nkSjku dEiuh dh vkSlr (C) 115 (D) 120 fch (` djksM+ esa) gSS& Directions (73-75): In given line graph a (A) 14 (B) 17 company indicates annual sales in the years (C) 16 (D) 13 2006-2015. Read the line graph and answer the 75. The total sales from 2006 to 2015 (in ` crore) is : questions from 73 to 75. o"kZ 2006 ls o"kZ 2015 rd dqy fch ( ` djksM+ esa) gS& funsZ'k (73-75): fuEufyf[kr js[kk vkjs[k fdlh daiuh dh o"kZ (A) 142 (B) 138 2006-2015 ds nkSjku okf"kZd fch ds vkadM+ksa dks n'kkZrk (C) 136 (D) 156 gSA vkjs[k dk v;;u djsa vkSj 73 ls 75 rd iz'uksa ds mkj nsaA
Direction : In Question nos. 76 to 79 some part Direction : In Question nos. 86 to 88, four of the sentences have errors and some are alternative are given for the Idiom/Phrase in correct. Find out which part of a sentence has bold in bel ow sent ences. Choose the an error and blacken t he oval [ ] alternative which best expresses the meaning corresponding to the appropriate letter (A), (B), of the Idiom/Phrase and mark it in the Answer (C). If a sentence is free from error, blacken the Sheet. oval corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet. 86. Shoulder a burden. 76. The writer(A)/of this poetry(B)/is (A) Broad shouldered person Wordsworth.(C)/No error (D) (B) Perform a duty 77. The jug (A)/is made (B)/out of china clay.(C)/ (C) A light burden No error. (D) (D) A burden beyond ones shoulder 78. Sita with (A)/ all her sisters (B)/were 87. Shoot ones bolt. here.(C)/ No error. (D) (A) Shoot at sight 79. One of the assistant (A)/was (B)/Alfred.(C)/ (B) Bolt the door No error. (D) (C) To use up ones resources Directions : In Question nos. 80 to 82, (D) Shoot before bolting sentences given with blanks to be filled in with 88. To take the bull by the horns. an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are (A) To punish a person severely for his suggested for each question. Choose the correct arrogance alternative out of the four and indicate it by (B) To grapple courageously with a difficulty blackening the appropriate oval [ ] in the that lies in our way Answer Sheet. (C) To handle it by fierce attack 80. Scientific research has now _______that a (D) To bypass the legal process and take fish-rich diet can help _________ depression. action according to ones own whims (A) established, react Direction: In Question nos. 89 to 92, a (B) confirmed, curb sentence/ a part of the sentence is italicized (C) released, combat in underlined. Below are given alternatives to (D) revealed, accustom the italicised part at (A), (B), (C) which may 81. Jane is annoyed ____. improve the sentence. Choose the correct (A) on me (B) with me alternative. In case no improvement is needed (C) against me (D) over me your answer is (D). Mark your answer in the 82. Will all of you, ______ up for prayer? Answer Sheet. (A) race (B) raise 89. Hethrowedit out of the window (C) rise (D) raze (A) threw Directions : In question nos. 83, out of the four (B) throw alternatives, choose the one which best (C) thrown expresses the meaning of the given word. (D) No improvement 83. VINDICTIVE 90. Because that there were heavy rains the (A) Benevolent (B) Dispute (C) Illusion (D) Revengeful lake was flooded. Directions : In question nos. 84, choose the (A) Because of the (B) As there were word opposite in meaning to the given word. (C) There was (D) No improvement 84. PODGY 91. Ramesh has no right to take a claim on (A) Short (B) Thin his fathers property as he did not look (C) Weak (D) Pleasure after him in his old age. Directions : In question nos. 85, four words are (A) To make a claim given in each question, out of which only one (B) To stake a claim word is spelt correctly/wrongly out of them. (C) To demand Find the word spelt correct/wrong and mark (D) No improvement your answer in the Answer Sheet. 92. I am working here from 2005. 85. (A) Ambasador (A) have been working here since (B) Ambassador (B) have worked here from (C) Ambasader (C) have been working here from (D) Ambassader (D) No improvement Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 10 2007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 Direction : In Question nos. 93 to 95, in the 96. The fact that Edward Jenner was a country following question, out of the four alternatives, doctor, was important in the discovery of choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence. smallpox vaccine, because 93. Departure from common rule of standard (A) he had enough time to pursue his (A) Regularity (B) Anonymous research in the rural areas (C) Constant (D) Anomaly (B) he noticed that the disease was 94. Custom of having many wives/husbands prevalent where people worked around (A) Monogamy (B) Bigamy cattle (C) Polygamy (D) Matrimony (C) he noticed that the disease seldom 95. A light sailing boat built especially for struck people who worked around the racing cattle (A) Dinghy (B) Canoe (D) he found that he could convince rural (C) Yacht (D) Frigate people more easily than city people Direction (Q. No- 96 - 100) : In these question 97. Dr. Jenner was successful as cowpox virus you have two brief passages with six questions produces following the passage. Read the passage (A) severe infection in humans resulting carefully and choose the best answer to in deaths eachquestion out of the four alternatives. (B) a mild infection in humans which is not It was during one of the most dreadful smallpox enough to produce active immunity. epidemic in England that Edward Jenner, a (C) a mild infection in humans which is country doctor, made a discovery which was to enough to produce active immunity alter the course of history. Jenner noticed that (D) no infection in humans the disease seldom struck those who lived in rural areas and worked around cattle. Most farmers 98. Dr. Jenner made his experiment on a and dairy workers had contracted cowpox and had healthy boy who recovered with nothing more serious than a (A) died after experimentation pustule which left a scar. This observation led (B) could not be relieved of his mark of Dr. Jenner to think: Why not vaccinate people pustule with cowpox to protect them from smallpox? On (C) developed the sings of pustule on his May 14, 1876, Dr. Jenner took a healthy boy, body when he was injected the matter James Phillips, to a dairy maid, Sarah Nelmes, of cowpox who had a cowpox pustule on her hand resulting from an infection from her masters cow. Dr. (D) was paid for it Jenner made two shallow cuts on James Phillips 99. Passage here is having all an arm and inoculated them with matter taken from (A) narrative style 25 the cowpox sore. A pustule developed on the boys (B) analytic style arm formed a scab and healed. In July of the (B) provocative style same year. Dr. Jenner inoculated James with (D) Idiomatic style matter from a smallpox pustule. During the next 100. A pustule developed on the boys arm two weeks, the doctor watched for signs of formed smallpox. They did not develop. The vaccination was successful. Dr. Jenner wrote a paper (A) a scab explaining hi-method of vaccination. At first the (B) a healed doctors were hostile and would not listen to a (C) both A and B ridiculous procedure. Many towns people (D) None of these organized anti vaccination campaigns. Gradually, however, the doctors and their patients accepted vaccination.