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Official FAQs and errata, Version 1.3

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, BLADES OF KHORNE
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Page 79 Battle Traits, Blood for the Blood God!
isnt as clear as it might be. These documents collect Change the first sentence of the last paragraph to:
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Unless stated otherwise in the rule for a reward, Blood
players frequently asked questions. As theyre updated Tithe points can be expended at the start of either
regularly, each has a version number; when changes players hero phase, but only once per phase.
are made, the version number will be updated, and any
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Page 79 Blood Tithe Table, Murderlust
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Change the rules text to:
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in Select a Khorne unit from your army; that unit can
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other move as if it were the movement phase. If it is within
minor correction. 12" of an enemy model, it can either move as if it
were the movement phase or charge as if it were the
ERRATA charge phase.
Page 283 Bloodscorch Bulltribe Page 79 Blood Tithe Table, Apoplectic Frenzy
Change the second bullet point under the Organisation Change the rules text to:
header to: Select a Khorne unit from your army that is within 3" of
3 units of Bullgors an enemy model; that unit can immediately pile in and
attack as if it were the combat phase.
Page 23 Godsworn Champions of Ruin Page 80 Command Traits, Khorne Daemon,
Change the first bullet point under the Organisation Devastating Blow
header to: Change the rules text to:
1 unit chosen from the following list: Daemon Prince, Each time you roll a wound roll of 6 or more for your
Chaos Lord on Manticore, Chaos Sorcerer Lord on general (but not for attacks made by their mount), that
Manticore, Chaos Sorcerer Lord, Lord of Chaos, Chaos attack inflicts a number of mortal wounds equal to its
Lord on Daemonic Mount Damage characteristic instead of its normal damage (do
not make a save roll).
Pages 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225 and 226
Centigors, Razorgors, Chaos Warhounds, Harpies, Page 104 Council of Blood, Fierce Rivals
Jabberslythe, Chimera, Slaughterbrute, Mutalith Vortex Change the rules text to:
Beast and Cockatrice, Keywords In each of your hero phases, pick one Bloodthirster
Add MONSTERS OF CHAOS to the keywords line. from the Council of Blood that is within 3" of an enemy
unit to pile in and make attacks. If that Bloodthirster
Page 252 Clanrats, Strength in Numbers kills an enemy Hero or Monster, or slays the last model
Add the word instead to the end of the in an enemy unit, you can immediately pick another
second sentence. Bloodthirster from the Council of Blood that is within
3" of an enemy unit to pile in and make attacks with. You
Page 281 Hell Pit Abomination, Damage Table can continue to do this until either each model in the
Change the last value under Wounds Suffered to 9+ battalion has attacked once in this manner, or one of
them fails to slay an enemy Hero or Monster, or slay the
last model in an enemy unit.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos 1

Page 105 Blood Hunt, Blood Mark pile in up to 8" and attack. If he does so, you can re-
Change the rules text to: roll all failed hit rolls for the Goretides Mighty Lord of
After set-up, but before the battle begins, pick an enemy Khorne, including any attacks made with the Blood-dark
Hero to receive Khornes blood mark. At the start of Claws of his ferocious Flesh Hound.
each of your hero phases, you can roll two dice for each
unit from the Blood Hunt that is more than 3" from any Page 137 Bloodsecrator, Portal of Skulls, Rage
enemy models. You can then move the unit being rolled of Khorne
for a distance up to the result of the roll (it cannot run, Change to:
or end the move within 3" of an enemy model). The unit Rage of Khorne: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic for
must finish the move closer to the enemy model with the melee weapons used by friendly Khorne units while
blood mark. they are within 18" of any models with this ability. In
addition, do not take battleshock tests for friendly
Page 108 Charnel Host, Butchers of Khorne Khorne units while they are within 18" of any models
Change the rules text to: with this ability.
In each of your hero phases, you can pile in and attack
with any units from a Charnel Host that are within 3" Page 141 Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and
of an enemy model and within 8" of their battalions Skullhammer, Bane of Cowards
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury. Change the last sentence to:
If any enemy models flee within 8" of this Aspiring
Page 110 The Reapers of Vengeance, Khornes Deathbringer in the battleshock phase, if this model is
Vengeance Made Manifest within 3" of an enemy model at the end of that phase,
Change the rules text to: this model can pile in and attack as if it were the
This ability replaces the Blood Mark ability of any combat phase.
Blood Hunts in this battalion and applies to all of the
units from the Reapers of Vengeance. After set-up, but DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH
before the battle begins, pick D3 enemy units to receive Page 73 Spell Lores
Khornes blood mark (they do not have to be Heroes). Change to:
At the start of each of your hero phases, you can roll two Spell Lores: The champions of Tzeentch have ever
dice for each unit from the Reapers of Vengeance that been feared for their mastery of the sorcerous arts.
is more than 3" from any enemy models. You can then Wizards from your army gain one spell from one of two
move the unit being rolled for a distance up to the result spell lores the Lore of Fate or the Lore of Change
of the roll (it cannot run, or end the move within 3" of depending on whether they are a mortal sorcerer or one
an enemy model). The unit must finish the move closer of Tzeentchs daemons.
to an enemy unit with the blood mark.
Page 74 Battle Traits, Masters of Destiny
Page 111 The Bloodlords, Exalted Loci of Khorne Change the Damage roll bullet point to:
Change the rules text to: Damage roll (e.g. any roll that determines a Damage
If any units of Bloodletters and/or Bloodcrushers from characteristic, but not any roll that determines
the Bloodlords are within 3" of an enemy model and the number of mortal wounds inflicted by a spell
within 8" of any of the battalions Bloodletter Heroes at or ability)
the start of your hero phase, they can immediately pile
in and each model in the unit can make a single attack Page 75 Tzeentch Arcanites, Boundless Mutation
with one of their melee weapons. Change the last sentence to:
On a roll of 1, your general suffers 1 mortal wound; if
Page 116 Skulltake, Reaping Strikes this slays the general, before you remove the generals
Change the rules text to: model, you can add a Chaos Spawn to your army and set
Skullreapers from a Skulltake are in a frenzied fury it up within 1" of your general.
whilst they are within 12" of the battalions Bloodstoker.
If the wound roll for a Skullreaper in a frenzied fury is Page 75 Tzeentch Arcanites, Cult Demagogue
6 or more, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of the Change to:
weapon they are using for that attack. If the Skulltake Cult Demagogue: Add 2 to the Bravery characteristic of
contained the maximum number of units at the start of friendly Tzeentch Arcanite units whilst they are within
the battle, then this ability applies to all Skulltake units 9" of the general.
whilst they are within 12" of the Bloodstoker.
Page 76 Treasures of the Cults, Ambitions End
Page 122 The Goretide, Aqshys Bane Change the last two sentences to:
Change the rules text to: On a roll of 5 or more, the Hero suffers 1 mortal wound
In each of your hero phases, if the Goretides Mighty and, if they are a Wizard, they also forget a randomly
Lord of Khorne is within 8" of any enemy models he can selected spell that they know.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos 2

Page 76 Treasures of the Cults, Windthief Charm suffers 1 more mortal wound, roll a dice after the mortal
Change the rules text to: wound has been allocated; on a roll of 5 or more the
Once per battle, at the start of your movement phase, unit suffers 1 more mortal wound, and so on until you
you can use the Windthief Charm. If you do, for that fail to roll a 5 or more.
movement phase the bearer can fly and you can double
their Move characteristic. Page 83 Tzeentchs Firestorm
Change the name of the spell to Tzeentchs Inferno.
Page 77 Fated Artefacts, Changeblade
Change the last two sentences to: Page 99 Changehost, Deceive and Dismay
Whenever a Hero is slain by a wound inflicted by this Change the rules text to:
weapon, before you remove the heros model, you can At the start of each of your hero phases, you may pick
add a Chaos Spawn to your army and set it up within 1" a pair of units from this battalion that are within 27"
of the heros model. of the battalions Lord of Change to swap places. To do
so, take one model from each unit, and have them swap
Page 77 Fated Artefacts, Nexus Staff places on the battlefield. Then, remove all of the other
Change the last two sentences to: models from the two units, and set them back up within
Whenever a Hero is slain by a wound inflicted by this 9" of the model from their unit that first swapped places.
weapon, roll a dice for each enemy unit that is within 9" If a Changehost has 9 or more units at the start of your
of the slain model. On a roll of 4 or more the unit being hero phase, you can pick two different pairs of units to
rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds. swap places rather than only one. If the Changehost has
18 or more units, then you can pick three different pairs
Page 77 Fated Artefacts, Paradoxical Shield of units to swap places. Each unit can only move this way
Change the rules text to: once in a hero phase.
Re-roll successful save rolls for the bearer. In addition,
add 2 to the save rolls for the bearer (after any re-rolls Page 102 The Eternal Conflagration, Pawns of the
have been taken). Radiant Lord
Change the last sentence to:
Page 78 Daemonic Weapons, Warpfire Blade When the Lord of Change that must be taken in this
Change the last sentence to: battalion successfully casts an Arcane Bolt or Mystic
Wound rolls of 6 or more made for this weapon cause a Shield spell, you can measure the range and visibility for
mortal wound in addition to their normal damage. the spell from a Flamer from this battalion instead of
the caster.
Page 79 Daemonic Powers, Cursed Ichor
Change the rules text to: Page 103 Scintillating Simulacra
Roll a dice at the end of the combat phase if any Add the following:
wounds were allocated to this daemon in the combat For the purposes of this spell, whether a roll is a success
phase (even if this daemon was slain). On a roll of 2 or or a failure is determined after re-rolls and modifiers
more, one enemy unit that attacked this daemon in that have been applied.
combat phase suffers 1 mortal wound. If several enemy
units attacked this daemon, randomly select the unit Page 105 Arcanite Cabal, Cabal of Sorcerers
that suffers the mortal wound. Change the last sentence to:
Each Wizard from an Arcanite Cabal that is within
Page 83 Treason of Tzeentch 9" of at least two other Wizards from the same
Change the rules text to: battalion in your hero phase can attempt to cast one
Treason of Tzeentch has a casting value of 5. If additional spell.
successfully cast, pick an enemy unit with 2 or more
models that is within 18" of the caster and which is Page 109 Tzaangor Coven, Aspirant Gor-kin
visible to them. Roll a dice for each model in the unit Change the first sentence to:
you picked. It suffers 1 mortal wound for each dice roll If the unit of Tzaangors from a Tzaangor Coven
of 6 or more. If, after any of the mortal wounds caused is within 3" of an enemy unit and within 9" of the
by this spell are allocated, only one model remains in battalions unit of Tzaangor Enlightened or Tzaangor
the unit, any remaining mortal wounds caused by this Skyfires at the start of your hero phase, it can pile in and
spell are negated and have no effect. attack as if it were the combat phase.

Page 83 Unchecked Mutation

Change the last sentence to:
That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. After the mortal
wounds have been allocated, roll a dice. On a roll of 5 or
more, the unit suffers 1 more mortal wound. If the unit

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos 3

Page 118 The Changeling, Arch-deceiver Page 123 Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch, Split Again
Change to: Change to:
Arch-deceiver: After set-up is complete, you can remove Split Again: If a friendly unit of Blue Horrors suffers
the Changeling from the battlefield and set up it up any casualties during a hero, shooting or combat phase,
again in your opponents territory, more than 3" from the slain Horrors will split and you can create Brimstone
any enemy units. Enemy units treat it as part of their Horrors at the end of the phase (after all other units
own army they can move within 3" of it but they cannot have performed their actions and made their attacks).
target it with spells or attacks, and so on. If it attacks, One model (remember that each model represents a
casts or unbinds a spell, or is within 3" of an enemy Hero pair of Brimstone Horrors) is created for each slain Blue
at the end of your opponents hero phase, it is revealed Horror if there is already a friendly Brimstone Horror
and this ability no longer has an effect. unit within 6" of the Blue Horrors, add the Brimstone
Horrors to that unit, otherwise set them up as a new unit
Page 118 The Changeling, Formless Horror wholly within 6" of the unit of Blue Horrors.
Change to:
Formless Horror: In the combat phase, you can pick a If a rule causes a whole unit of Blue Horrors to be
melee weapon wielded by an enemy model within 3" of removed at once (excluding battleshock), you can
the Changeling, and use that weapons Range, Attacks, immediately create a unit of Brimstone Horrors, just
To Hit, To Wound, Rend and Damage characteristics before removing the last model from the Blue Horrors
instead of those for the Tricksters Staff. If a weapon unit. The unit of Brimstone Horrors has one model
does not have a value for one or more of these for each model in the unit of Blue Horrors at the point
characteristics (e.g. it is given as or see below), it at which it is removed, and must be set up with all
cannot be picked. models wholly within 6" of the last model from the Blue
Horrors unit.
Page 118 The Changeling, Magic
Change the last sentence to: Note that in matched play, you can add models to an existing
Instead of casting a spell that it knows, the Changeling unit of Brimstone Horrors even if doing so will increase it above
can attempt to cast one spell known by a Wizard that is its starting size, up until the unit contains 10 models any
within 9" of it when it attempts to cast the spell. excess Brimstone Horrors are then lost.

Page 123 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch, Split Page 126 Magister, Bolt of Change
Change to: Change the last sentence to:
Split: If a friendly unit of Pink Horrors suffers any If any models were slain by this spell, before removing
casualties during a hero, shooting or combat phase, the the first slain model you can add a Chaos Spawn to your
slain Horrors will split and you can create Blue Horrors army and set it up within 3" of the slain models unit.
at the end of the phase (after all other units have
performed their actions and made their attacks). Two FAQs
Blue Horrors are created for each slain Pink Horror if Q: Archaon has two attacks with a 1" range, but the base he
there is already a friendly Blue Horror unit within 6" comes with has more than an inch of empty space between the
of the Pink Horrors, add the Blue Horrors to that unit, edge of the base and Dorghars tails. Measuring model to model,
otherwise set them up as a new unit wholly within 6" of it should be impossible for him to actually hit anything are we
the unit of Pink Horrors. supposed to measure from the base edge, or is he only capable of
smacking things that are as huge as he is?
If a rule causes a whole unit of Pink Horrors to be A: The base is ignored models can be placed upon it
removed at once (excluding battleshock), you can when either they or Archaon make a move.
immediately create a unit of Blue Horrors, just before
removing the last model from the Pink Horrors unit. Q: Archaon can allow other Chaos units to use their command
The unit of Blue Horrors has two models for each model abilities. Can the Lord of Plagues use Grandfathers Gift to
in the unit of Pink Horrors at the point at which it is grant Nurgles Rot to a unit?
removed, and must be set up with all models wholly A: Yes, Warlord Without Equal allows each of your Chaos
within 6" of the last model from the Pink Horrors unit. units to use their command abilities as if they were your
general, in any order you choose.
Note that in matched play, you can add models to an existing
unit of Blue Horrors even if doing so will increase it above its Q: Does a hero as a single model count as a unit to fulfil the
starting size, up until the unit contains 10 models any excess requirement to have 8 units for a Bloodmarked Warband?
Blue Horrors are then lost. A: Yes.

Q: Can I take Archaon and Varanguard as part of a

Bloodmarked Warband?
A: You can take Archaon but not the Varanguard.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos 4

Q: Does the Chaos Hellcannon do D6 mortal wounds per hit, or Q: Is it correct that Skavenslaves have 2 attacks with
just 1D6 total? Rusty Blades?
A: Each Doomfire attack the Hellcannon makes that hits A: Yes.
will deal D6 mortal wounds.
Q: For skaven, if I use a Gautfyre Skorch Enginecoven, can I
Q: Can the 8 wounds inflicted by Skarbrands Total Carnage use the Warp-grinder Weapon Teams Tunnel Skulkers ability
ability be modified in any way, for example by a Stonehorns and bring an additional unit for example Stomvermin
Stone Skeleton ability? Can the wounds be inflicted on an along?
unwounded model in a unit that already has a model in it A: No.
which has 1 or more wounds?
A: No to both questions. Q: On the Plague Monks warscroll, the option is given for
models to be Icon Bearers with standards, or Plague Harbingers
Q: Can the Bloodthirster of Unfettered Furys Drawn to the with instruments. The warscroll states that any model in the
Kill ability be used to move a model that could not otherwise be unit can be an Icon Bearer or a Plague Harbinger. Does that
moved? Because it was atop a Balewind Vortex, for example. mean I can equip my unit of Plague Monks with both options
A: No. from both categories?
A: Yes, you may take multiple standards and instruments
Q: Kairos Fateweavers warscroll says you can change the result in a unit if the warscroll allows it.
of any dice roll to whatever you want. So if you roll 35 dice, can
you change it to 35 6s? BLADES OF KHORNE
A: You may alter the result of a single (1) dice roll to a Q: When can I expend Blood Tithe points in order to use a
result of your choosing. Just one dice! reward in the hero phase?
A: Blood Tithe points must be expended before your
Q: If I attempt to cast a spell using the Blue Scribes Scrolls opponent uses any start-of-turn abilities in your own
of Sorcery, does this count as my one attempt to cast that spell hero phase, or after your opponent has used any start-of-
that turn? turn abilities in your opponents hero phase.
A: Yes.
Q: When using the Screamers of Tzeentchs Locus of Change Q: Most spells in Disciples of Tzeentch refer to visible enemy
ability, do you change hit rolls of 6 to hit rolls of 1 before or after or friendly units; does the unit need to be visible to the caster, or
re-rolls and modifiers have been applied? just any unit in your army?
A: Before. (A roll is the value of the dice before re-rolls A: It must be visible to the caster.
and modifiers have been used.)

Q: The Herald of Slaanesh on Seeker Chariot has 1 fewer

wounds than the regular Seeker Chariot, which just seems weird
especially considering the Herald of Slaanesh on Exalted Seeker
Chariot has the same number of wounds as the regular Exalted
Seeker Chariot. Is this intended?
A: No. This has been corrected in Grand Alliance: Chaos
and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar app.

Q: When you roll a 1 for a Clan Skyre weapon team, it suffers

mortal wounds. Does it still make the attack that triggered
the roll?
A: Only if the mortal wounds didnt slay the
weapon team.

Q: If a Skaven Deathrunner is your general, or has an artefact

of power or a command trait, do these things apply to its
illusionary twin?
A: Yes.

Q: Verminlords dont have the Skaven keyword. Is

this intended?
A: Yes.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos 5

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