Warhammer Aos Chaos en
Warhammer Aos Chaos en
Warhammer Aos Chaos en
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, BLADES OF KHORNE
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Page 79 Battle Traits, Blood for the Blood God!
isnt as clear as it might be. These documents collect Change the first sentence of the last paragraph to:
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Unless stated otherwise in the rule for a reward, Blood
players frequently asked questions. As theyre updated Tithe points can be expended at the start of either
regularly, each has a version number; when changes players hero phase, but only once per phase.
are made, the version number will be updated, and any
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Page 79 Blood Tithe Table, Murderlust
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Change the rules text to:
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in Select a Khorne unit from your army; that unit can
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other move as if it were the movement phase. If it is within
minor correction. 12" of an enemy model, it can either move as if it
were the movement phase or charge as if it were the
ERRATA charge phase.
Page 283 Bloodscorch Bulltribe Page 79 Blood Tithe Table, Apoplectic Frenzy
Change the second bullet point under the Organisation Change the rules text to:
header to: Select a Khorne unit from your army that is within 3" of
3 units of Bullgors an enemy model; that unit can immediately pile in and
attack as if it were the combat phase.
Page 23 Godsworn Champions of Ruin Page 80 Command Traits, Khorne Daemon,
Change the first bullet point under the Organisation Devastating Blow
header to: Change the rules text to:
1 unit chosen from the following list: Daemon Prince, Each time you roll a wound roll of 6 or more for your
Chaos Lord on Manticore, Chaos Sorcerer Lord on general (but not for attacks made by their mount), that
Manticore, Chaos Sorcerer Lord, Lord of Chaos, Chaos attack inflicts a number of mortal wounds equal to its
Lord on Daemonic Mount Damage characteristic instead of its normal damage (do
not make a save roll).
Pages 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225 and 226
Centigors, Razorgors, Chaos Warhounds, Harpies, Page 104 Council of Blood, Fierce Rivals
Jabberslythe, Chimera, Slaughterbrute, Mutalith Vortex Change the rules text to:
Beast and Cockatrice, Keywords In each of your hero phases, pick one Bloodthirster
Add MONSTERS OF CHAOS to the keywords line. from the Council of Blood that is within 3" of an enemy
unit to pile in and make attacks. If that Bloodthirster
Page 252 Clanrats, Strength in Numbers kills an enemy Hero or Monster, or slays the last model
Add the word instead to the end of the in an enemy unit, you can immediately pick another
second sentence. Bloodthirster from the Council of Blood that is within
3" of an enemy unit to pile in and make attacks with. You
Page 281 Hell Pit Abomination, Damage Table can continue to do this until either each model in the
Change the last value under Wounds Suffered to 9+ battalion has attacked once in this manner, or one of
them fails to slay an enemy Hero or Monster, or slay the
last model in an enemy unit.
Page 123 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch, Split Page 126 Magister, Bolt of Change
Change to: Change the last sentence to:
Split: If a friendly unit of Pink Horrors suffers any If any models were slain by this spell, before removing
casualties during a hero, shooting or combat phase, the the first slain model you can add a Chaos Spawn to your
slain Horrors will split and you can create Blue Horrors army and set it up within 3" of the slain models unit.
at the end of the phase (after all other units have
performed their actions and made their attacks). Two FAQs
Blue Horrors are created for each slain Pink Horror if Q: Archaon has two attacks with a 1" range, but the base he
there is already a friendly Blue Horror unit within 6" comes with has more than an inch of empty space between the
of the Pink Horrors, add the Blue Horrors to that unit, edge of the base and Dorghars tails. Measuring model to model,
otherwise set them up as a new unit wholly within 6" of it should be impossible for him to actually hit anything are we
the unit of Pink Horrors. supposed to measure from the base edge, or is he only capable of
smacking things that are as huge as he is?
If a rule causes a whole unit of Pink Horrors to be A: The base is ignored models can be placed upon it
removed at once (excluding battleshock), you can when either they or Archaon make a move.
immediately create a unit of Blue Horrors, just before
removing the last model from the Pink Horrors unit. Q: Archaon can allow other Chaos units to use their command
The unit of Blue Horrors has two models for each model abilities. Can the Lord of Plagues use Grandfathers Gift to
in the unit of Pink Horrors at the point at which it is grant Nurgles Rot to a unit?
removed, and must be set up with all models wholly A: Yes, Warlord Without Equal allows each of your Chaos
within 6" of the last model from the Pink Horrors unit. units to use their command abilities as if they were your
general, in any order you choose.
Note that in matched play, you can add models to an existing
unit of Blue Horrors even if doing so will increase it above its Q: Does a hero as a single model count as a unit to fulfil the
starting size, up until the unit contains 10 models any excess requirement to have 8 units for a Bloodmarked Warband?
Blue Horrors are then lost. A: Yes.