Key Cards New Themes & Strategies: Corruption's Price

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Released August, 2002. 152 new cards, 4 Strongholds (3 new). Three different 84-card starter decks, 11-card boosters.


when it debuted at GenCon 2002. The reason might
Corruption’s Price
Like Loyal Yojimbo, this card upset a strong deck archetype,
have been that in the weeks leading to the release, AEG’s namely decks using free Shadowlands Holdings. Since it
Marketing Director, Mark Jelfo, released card previews to could destroy a non-Shadowlands Personality, it was
fan websites left, right, and center. By the time the strongest against non-Shadowlands decks.
expansion had officially released, players already knew
Mystic Dojo
what a third of Broken Blades would look like.
Mystic Dojo does for shugenja decks what Hiruma Dojo
By this time, the Gold playing environment had been does for samurai decks, although not quite as well. Never-
running for a while, and players and designers alike seemed theless, reducing the cost of shugenja by 4 has the potential
to have pretty clear ideas about what worked and what to speed a shugenja-heavy deck significantly.
worked too well. A large amount of this set seemed meant
Yoritomo Kumiko
to bring more diversity to the playing field by thwarting
Poor Kitao barely had a chance. Most Mantis players hated
particularly popular choices in deck construction.
her. When presented with the Daughter of Storms, plenty
Broken Blades was the first expansion with a single rule of players showed where their loyalties lay. Kumiko, like
sheet instead of a complete rulebook. There were just too Yoritomo, had a lot of small traits adding up to one solid
many opportunities for unexpected mistakes to creep in package: good stats, no Honor requirement, and a bonus for
every time the whole rulebook got reprinted! weapons and Naval followers.

Key Cards New Themes & Strategies

Luckily, for a set with “broken” in its name, not too many “Bring ’em back alive!” might have been the Design Team’s
cards got accused of being overpowered. There were a motto for this set. A major thrust of Broken Blades was to
couple of standouts, but many usable cards just weren’t all stanch the tide of Personality destruction that had emerged
that glamorous. in decks since the release of Gold Edition. Loyal Yojimbo,
Kisada’s Fist, Pirate Wharf, Kisada’s Shrine and Razor’s Edge
Dojo were all clearly aimed at making “I kill your guy” tactics
Brutal. Killer. Deadly. Sending home a unit from battle is
slightly less efficient. Crab players were particularly pleased
good. Killing units is better. Forcing a player to send home
by Kisada’s Shrine, because it and Relentless Assault were the
two units or nuke the highest-Force Personality in their
first cards that let the Yu trait do something new.
army? And a non-unique rare? From the word “go,” Over-
whelmed was Broken Blades’ hottest card. Corrupt decks, also widely viewed as more efficient than
they ought to be, were on the receiving end of Corruption’s
Scroll Cache
Price, which destroyed Holdings with the Shadowlands trait.
This card doesn’t seem to offer much. You can attach
several spells at once, but you’re seldom up against the A few cards made the choice of Wind slightly more
clock playing spells. Its discount doesn’t combine with important than it had before. The Shogun’s Fealty was
others. It makes 1 gold spells free, but there aren’t many a “carrot:” it encouraged playing a less-popular Wind by
great 1 gold spells. Why players wanted Scroll Cache was giving a player the Favor if nobody else had the same Wind.
hidden at the end of the card: it lets you draw other cards. On the other hand, Dangerous Extremes was a “stick:”
Cards that let you draw more cards win games. it discouraged military players from using a popular Wind,
because if two players had the same Wind, neither could
Loyal Yojimbo
attack without first destroying one of their own Provinces.
Almost anything that would take a Personality off the table
(besides battle) now had to contend with a bodyguard.

Broken Blades 127

This Expansion’s Story The Dragon Clan has fared badly in its war with the
Phoenix. When Toturi Sezaru summons Tamori shugenja
Akodo Kaneka is unhappy with his advisor, Shosuro
to the lands of the Dragon, the Wolf easily gains their
Higatsuku. Very unhappy. Dragon magistrate Kitsuki
support by ordering massive supplies be delivered to them
Remata reveals that the papers showing that Akodo Kaneka
regardless of cost.
had ties to the Yasuki family were forged. The scribe who
provided the forged documents was, as it happens, being Doji Yasuyo trains with a kenku, Kozue, who tells her, “You
blackmailed by Higatsuku, leading all to suspect that the are now ready to learn the true reason for your quest.”
Scorpion is leading some sort of plot against Kaneka. In the
Yogo Tjeki reaches into the Spirit Realms and recovers the
face of such extreme suspicion, Higatsuku breaks his
missing half of the true Tao, the Way of Shinsei.
wakizashi to demonstrate loyalty, and does Akodo Ijiasu.
The Imperial Legions attack the ruined Naga city that is
Since he can no longer claim to be the Yasuki daimyo,
under control of the Tsuno. They are unable to find the
Kaneka declares himself the empire’s military leader —
Unicorn sentries around the city, and suspect they are dead.
shogun — at the suggestion of Moto Chagatai. Chagatai is
the next to break his sword, followed by most of Kaneka’s By exposing a Kolat plot in Hantei Naseru’s court, Yasuki
allies, including Remata and Hida Hitoshi. Hachi begins to earn some respect from those who
previously thought he was simply at the Anvil’s beck and
Yoritomo Kitao, however, declines to break her blade. She —
call. Naseru is grateful for Hachi’s aid, and the two agree to
like everyone else there — is stunned when a woman
wipe the slate clean between them. The rapprochement
named Yoritomo Kumiko appears in Kaneka’s chambers.
between the two pales into insignificance when the Horde
Kumiko, who claims to be Yoritomo’s daughter, breaks her
attacks Otosan Uchi. With Toturi Tsudao leading the
blade for Kaneka, humiliating Kitao in the process. Some
Imperial Legions in the Shinomen Forest, the city is almost
Mantis samurai leave the castle with Kitao, but many stay
with Kumiko, who can somehow keep the stain of her
mother’s Shadowlands taint repressed. Later, Kumiko orders
her forces to find and sink Kitao’s ship, the Bitter Flower.
Tournament Results
The Shadow Dragon was a consequence of Justin Walsh
For her part, Kitao orders her general, Naizen, to find and
giving the Shadowlands trait to the Air Dragon in the final
kill Kumiko, and sends an emissary to deliver a message to
game at GenCon 2000.
Doji Tanitsu.
Many Personalities got named via Regional Storyline
The Crab fight to retake the Kaiu walls from the
Tournaments held in 2000. James Fox named The
Shadowlands. They are stunned by the appearance of their
Importunate Vu after his friend, GenCon 2000 finalist Vu
former champion, Hida Kuroda, fighting against them.
Nguyen, after winning in Texas. Adrian Dion, inspired by
Kuroda is leading the Shadowlands forces and commands
Mongol ruler Kubulai Khan, proposed Moto Kubulai after
the oni defending the Wall. Despite the crushing blow to
winning the Ontario/Quebec tournament. Ash Thomason
their morale, Hida Kuon’s forces slowly begin retaking the
(California/Nevada) named Akodo Yobi; Al Gharet
(Pennsylvania) named Yogo Hatsumi, and Eric Newman
The surviving Elemental Masters — Isawa Hochiu, Isawa (southeastern U.S.) named Isawa Yoriko. Jared Devlin-
Taeruko, and Shiba Ningen — finally emerge from their Scherer (New England) originally suggested “Agasha
suspension and return to the surface, having barely Shukuen,” and artist Heather Bruton was even com-
survived the attacks of Tamori Shaitung and Agasha Tamori. missioned to paint a Phoenix, but the card became Tamori
They are stunned to learn that Shiba Aikune has found Shukuen somewhere along the way.
Isawa’s Last Wish. “The Shiba have grown strong in our
The Steel Throne was another consequence of the Shadow-
absence,” Hochiu notes, and they immediately begin
lands winning GenCon 2001, and the new Jade Champion,
planning to reform the Council of Masters — as soon as
Asahina Sekawa, also dated back to 2001, and Tom
they are able to find new Masters of Air and Water.
McDonnell’s win for Crane at GenCon UK that year.
Doji Akiko approaches Hochiu to form an alliance between
Yasuki Jinn-Kuen and the reprints of Yasuki Palaces resulted
the Crane and the Phoenix. “With the Crane’s wealth and
from Crab winning the bulk of tournaments in the “Battle
the Phoenix’s magic, none could oppose us, Hochiu-sama,”
of Black Crane Castle” release tournaments for A Perfect Cut.
she entices.
Emmanuel Nicotera, playing Scorpion, was the top player of
Moto Chen continues to hold Seikitsu Pass for the Unicorn
the 214 who participated in Kumite, the 2002 French
Clan, despite a series of skirmishes with the Crane. Doji
Championship, ensuring that Yojo Tjeki would discover the
Kurohito wishes to move his forces through the pass, but is
missing half of the Tao.
told he must ask for permission from the new shogun,

128 Broken Blades

A Time for Action 2 Agasha Chieh 4 3 Akodo Fumio 3 3 Akodo Hakuseki 3

– 7 2 3 8 2 8 7 2
All players with more than Phoenix Clan Shugenja • Magistrate Lion Clan Samurai • Deathseeker Lion Clan Samurai
20 Family Honor lose 5 Honor. Chieh is also considered a member of every Reaction: Once per battle, after an opposing Hakuseki may may not be sent home
“Hachi and the Anvil had come to an agreement family which has members in your Faction. Personality gains a Force bonus from an action, by other players’ card effects if he has one
at last. Ironically, it was then that the Horde “Her skill and intellect are as impressive as her beauty. Fumio gains an equal bonus until the battle ends.
attacked Otosan Uchi.”
or more Ancestors attached.
I pity any samurai who underestimates her,
man or woman.” —Rezan “What I seek, you will find, Tsuno!” “With my Akodo ancestors guiding me, how can I fail?”

BB I LLUS. APRIL LEE ™ & © 2002 AEG 76 ◆ 156 BB I LLUS. W ILLIAM O’C ONNOR ™ & © 2002 AEG 129 ● 156 BB I LLUS. W ILLIAM O’C ONNOR ™ & © 2002 AEG 119 ● 156 BB I LLUS. ANTHONY G RABSKI ™ & © 2002 AEG 122 ◆ 156

A Time for Action Uncommon Agasha Chieh Common Akodo Fumio Common Akodo Hakuseki Uncommon
Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None.
Lots of Phoenix players had asked for a shugenja with strong stats
instead of a strong ability. —JWA
Chieh first appeared in the multi-part fiction “A Hero’s Death.” —SC

1 Akodo Yobi 3 Ancient Promise +2 Armor of the Mountain +2 2 Asahina Sekawa 4

5 8 3 7 5 5 10 2
Battle: Bow this Shugenja to give a Creature Armor Crane Clan Shugenja • Jade Champion
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician Personality +2F/+2C. Experienced • Unique
You may not move this Personality into
Reaction: Draw a card after playing Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell Reaction: Bow Sekawa after a Spell or Kiho is cast
to take permanent control of a Creature Personality or out of battles with actions.
a Terrain from your hand. This is a use to force the caster’s player to discard a Fate card
of the Tactician trait. controlled by another player. Ranged Attacks cannot target cards in this unit. from his or her hand.
“You once served Toturi’s Army, Yobi. The Children of the Last Wish soon sought out “Hida Tokichiro has a grudge against Kitao. Reaction: Bow Sekawa after a Maho action resolves
Now, you will serve mine.” —Akodo Kaneka Naka Tokei. Both sought understanding… Does it matter why?” —Yoritomo Kumiko to force its player to discard a number of Fate cards from
his or her hand equal to Sekawa’s Personal Honor.
3 3
BB I LLUS. KEVIN WASDEN ™ & © 2002 AEG 120 ◆ 156 BB I LLUS. STEPHANIE P UI-M UN LAW ™ & © 2002 AEG 67 ◆ 156 BB I LLUS. C RAIG MAHER ™ & © 2002 AEG 52 ◆ 156 BB I LLUS. DAN SCOTT ™ & © 2002 AEG 109 ★ 156

Akodo Yobi Uncommon Ancient Promise Uncommon Armor of the Mountain Uncommon Asahina Sekawa Rare
Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None.
A result of the “Name a Character” Global Storyline Tournament. This card is the result of the Test of the Jade Champion tourna-
—RW ment, which Crane won. —RW

0 Asako Bairei 4 At Your Command +1 Badge of Purity +1 Banzai Charge

10 6 3 0 3 0
Phoenix Clan Shugenja • Unique Battle: Move one of your units into the Will not attach to a Shadowlands Personality. Battle: All Personalities in your army aligned
Reaction: Once per turn, bow to draw a card current battle from your home. You may not Reaction: Bow Badge of Purity before this with your Faction gain +1F/+1C. You cannot
after playing a Spell from your hand. Bairei does move a unit into the attacking army if there Personality receives a Chi penalty to negate the take this action if there is no opposing army
not need to bow if there is already another copy are no defending units. effect or destroy the token creating the penalty. or if your army has a higher Force total.
of that Spell in play. “My life is yours, Storm-Daughter. I beg your command.” “My soul is pure. My body shall heal. Shahai will “Reinforcements will not arrive in time.
“He delves too deeply into history’s mistakes. Some “Find the Bitter Flower,” she said, “and sink it.” suffer for her crimes.” —Kuni Kiyoshi Fight or die, here and today!” — Yasuki Hachi
knowledge should remain lost.” —Isawa Nodotai
3 3 1
BB I LLUS. R ANDY E LLIOTT ™ & © 2002 AEG 130 ★ 156 BB I LLUS. LLYN H UNTER ™ & © 2002 AEG 15 ● 156 BB I LLUS. DAVID H ORNE ™ & © 2002 AEG 53 ● 156 BB I LLUS. MARK SMYLIE ™ & © 2002 AEG 2 ● 156

Asako Bairei Rare At Your Command Common Badge of Purity Common Banzai Charge Common
Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None.
A moment to give Llyn Hunter deserved props. Yoritomo Kumiko The item shown here is the same badge that all Kuni Witch Mark Smylie is one of my favorite comic artists. It was a blast to
is easily one of the best new character designs in this arc. —RW Hunters carry on their persons at all times. —RW get him to work on our card game. —jp

Broken Blades 129

Bayushi Katai Bayushi Yaro Berserker Rage Blessed Dojo 2
2 4 3 3

0 8 2 – 9 0 0 2
Battle: Target one of your Berserker Personalities
Scorpion Clan Samurai opposing one or more units. That Berserker’s Force Bow Blessed Dojo to produce 2 Gold.
Scorpion Clan Saboteur • Samurai • Oyabun
Battle: Bow Katai to challenge an opposing becomes equal to twice his or her printed Force until the Open: Bow Blessed Dojo to give a Personality
Personality to a duel. If the challenge is refused, Open: Bow Yaro to bow a Holding. Lose 1 Honor. battle ends. The Berserker bows when the battle ends, an +2C for the rest of the turn for purposes of
that Personality’s controller loses 5 Honor. “Quite an impressive reproduction, this blade. effect that cannot be prevented, and may not straighten
Goro-san will not note the difference until it is drawn. before your second Straighten Phase from now.
attaching and casting Spells and casting Kihos.
“We were the first to make the Tsuno bleed. By then it will be too late.” —Bayushi Churai “Aikune has found what?” —Isawa Taeruko
“Attack!” screamed Kuon. “The Wall shall be ours once more!”
I suggest you fight beside us.”
BB I LLUS. PAM E KLUND ™ & © 2002 AEG 134 ● 156 BB I LLUS. E RIK P OLAK ™ & © 2002 AEG 135 ● 156 BB I LLUS. MARK SMYLIE ™ & © 2002 AEG 3 ★ 156 BB I LLUS. MARK EVANS ™ & © 2002 AEG 87 ● 156

Bayushi Katai Common Bayushi Yaro Common Berserker Rage Rare Blessed Dojo Common
Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None.
Warlord Story Team member Chris Burns surprised me by putting Very much ike Crimson & Jade’s Wedge, but balanced. —JWA
my D&D character, Zoltan, on a Warlord card. Chris was just as sur-
prised to see himself (as Yaro) in print as I was to see Zoltan. —RW

Blessed Ward Blood in the Shinomen Boundless Sight +0 Brilliant Armor +0

0 3 4
Kiho Limited: Bow one of your Shugenja or Monks
to place a Ward token on one of your Provinces without Political Open: Target a player. Personalities Search your Dynasty deck for an Armor
a Ward token. For the rest of the game, you may, as a you do not control have +1F/+1C while Experienced Personality and refill this Battle: Bow Brilliant Armor to give
Reaction, destroy this Ward token when a Shadowlands attacking that player’s Provinces. You cannot Province with that card, face-up. an opposing Personality –2F and give
Personality assigns or moves to attack that Province take this action during battle. “The city will die, I think,” Tokei said,
to send that Personality home.
Brilliant Armor +2C.
Miyako showed no fear. “You will not have the gazing from the Vigilant Keep, The Naga city lay in ruins, crushed and occupied by the
“Arrange supplies for the Dragon. I do not care about costs.” honor of my death, beast.” “but two heroes will be born.”
—Toturi Sezaru Tsuno. Tsudao gave a great cry, and the Legion charged.

4 1 3
BB I LLUS. STEPHANIE P UI-M UN LAW ™ & © 2002 AEG 62 ● 156 BB I LLUS. DAVID H ORNE ™ & © 2002 AEG 14 ◆ 156 BB I LLUS. V ERONICA V. J ONES ™ & © 2002 AEG 83 ★ 156 BB I LLUS. C HRISTOPHER APPEL ™ & © 2002 AEG 51 ● 156

Blessed Ward Common Blood in the Shinomen Uncommon Boundless Sight Rare Brilliant Armor Common
Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None.
If you look closely, you can see shadows on the faces of the figures. The two heroes referred to here are Yasuki Hachi and Toturi Chris Appel’s rendering style makes armor and weapons look like
Horne used this effective technique again in Warlord. —jp Tsudao, both of whom were instrumental in saving the city and real steel. This piece was used in lots of advertising. —jp
turning back Daigotsu. —RW

Burning Blade Choke the Soul +3 Chukandomo +3 City of Gold

1 6 5
Weapon • Unique This Province has –1 Strength while
Open: Bow this Shugenja to give Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell City of Gold is bowed.
to target a Personality. Until that Personality leaves During your Straighten Phase, if this Personality
a Weapon +3/+3. play, he or she permanently has –2C immediately is bowed and there are any Personalities in play Reaction: Bow City of Gold after you bow a Holding
“If we wield the power of the Fortunes,” before bowing as the cost of an action. If the with more Personal Honor, destroy this Personality to produce Gold. City of Gold produces 1 Gold.
Aikune whispered, Personality dies, cancel that action. instead of straightening him or her. “Here you will find what you seek, Temoru.”
“perhaps we can force one to hear us.” “Forgive me.” —Katsu Your lord’s blade is cursed. Should Kurohito fail, The Dragon nodded to the ronin.
your Clan will be lost. “I pray you are right, Zokusei.”

2 3 4
BB I LLUS. APRIL LEE ™ & © 2002 AEG 68 ● 156 BB I LLUS. LUIS VAZQUEZ ™ & © 2002 AEG 69 ★ 156 BB I LLUS. C HRISTOPHER APPEL ™ & © 2002 AEG 50 ★ 156 BB I LLUS. TONY M OSELEY ™ & © 2002 AEG 150 ◆ 156

Burning Blade Common Choke the Soul Rare Chukandomo Rare City of Gold Uncommon
Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None. Current Errata: None.
One of the first results in a new drive to lower Item gold costs We deliberately started to design fewer Regions per set, starting
across the board. With fewer advantages than Followers, there is with this one. It’s difficult to design large numbers at once that all
little reason to use Items if they have the same cost efficiency. have a chance of dislodging existing Regions from current deck
—JWA designs. —JWA

130 Broken Blades

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