Clean Dowanol
Clean Dowanol
Clean Dowanol
kitchen cleaners is their ability to increase the water solubility of hydro- for Window Cleaners (spray): 3
Propylene glycol n-propyl ether
phobic ingredients, such as perfumes and some hydro-
Propylene glycol n-butyl ether
window cleaners
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether
window/multi-purpose cleaners phobic glycol ethers.
80 6
Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether
Surfactants tend to be used in an acid form. To 70
DOWANOL DPnB/DPM, DPnP achieve the recommended alkaline pH of around 10, 60
(concentrate up to four times) it is therefore necessary to add neutralizing or buffering 40
all-purpose hard-surface cleaners agents, such as caustic soda or ethanolamines. 30
Minor additives used in window-cleaner formulations 20
The high efficiency of most Dow starting formulations include dyes, chelating agents (when hard water is a 0
concern) and electrolyte salts. DOW Brand A Brand B Brand C
means they can be diluted even further if required,
thereby reducing costs. Use of DOWANOL P series glycol ethers in window
cleaning formulations allows savings to be made by Performance Effectiveness for
reducing the quantity of solvent needed without com- Window and Multipurpose Cleaners (spray):
promising cleaning performance. Often, solvent concen-
* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company trations can be reduced significantly from typical 80
levels of 8% to 12% down to 4% to 6%. The low surface 78
tension of DOWANOL P series increases surface 74
wetting, which makes the cleaning task easier. 72
DOW Brand A Brand B
Kitchen Cleaners All-purpose Hard-surface For more information on DOWANOL P
series glycol ethers in cleaning
Starting Formulations for Introduction
Cleaners and Concentrates formulations, contact: Hard-surface Liquid Cleaners
Dow Information Centre
Kitchen cleaners are usually non-dilutable spray clean- All-purpose hard-surface cleaners and concentrates This brochure provides information on starting
International Business Reply Service
ers with outstanding grease-cutting properties. They are normally formulated for dilution. If these formu- formulations developed and tested by Dow using
P.O. Box 12121
are ideally suited to removing burnt-on grease from lations are diluted with tap water, they will require DOWANOL* P series glycol ethers. The performance
1100 AC Amsterdam Zuidoost
tiles and walls in kitchen and from around stoves, al- builders to soften hard water. Builders such as citrates, data and guidelines are for a variety of hard-surface
The Netherlands
though they are not intended as oven cleaners. Kitchen phosphates and carbonates are invariably included cleaning products. Described in this brochure are:
Tel. +31 20 69 16 268
cleaning products represent a relatively new market in products which are diluted by the user. Technically,
Fax +31 20 69 16 418
sector, which is growing quickly in Europe because of all-purpose hard-surface cleaners can be considered Window cleaners
their frequent, often daily use. to be the same as kitchen cleaners with the addition of Window and multi-purpose cleaners
builders. Kitchen cleaners
Kitchen-cleaner formulations normally include hydro- All-purpose hard-surface cleaners
phobic solvents at concentrations of 5 to 10%, and A builder is a substance that increases the effectiveness Concentrated cleaners
anionic/nonioic surfactants. A highly alkaline pH is of a soap or synthetic surfactant by adding to its deter-
usually preferred, and this is achieved by adding caustic gent power. The performance data apply to specific formulations
soda or ethanolamines. prepared by Dow whose compositions fall within the
The major solvent which has been used in these formu- range of the examples given or are very close to them.
lations is diethylene glycol n-butyl ether, which has
the disadvantage of being an irritant (Xi). An attractive The cleaning test used by Dow is a standard one
alternative is to use blends of DOWANOL DPM and 1 employed by the detergent industry. The formulations
DPnB glycol ethers, along with lower levels of sur-
2 have been tested with leading brand-name cleaning
factant. This avoids irritancy due to solvent while products. A difference of 3% between test results is
maintaining cleaning performance, and also reduces considered significant: already at this level, the
smearing on cleaned surfaces. difference in the performance of products becomes
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether
Dipropylene glycol n-butyl ether Note that the data relate to starting formulations.
When formulating finished products, it is advisable to
aim for a cloud point above 45 C. This is the tem-
perature at which the formulation becomes turbid. There
is a degree of freedom as to the range and percentage
of chemicals which can be added to these formulations.
Performance Effectiveness Performance Effectiveness However, even minor ingredients such as perfumes
for Kitchen Cleaners (spray): for All-Purpose H/S Cleaners: or dyes can have a major impact on the stability of a
finished product.
90 60
70 50 Specific pH values are recommended in most cases.
60 40 Notice: The information and data contained herein These values can be achieved by adding citric acid or
50 do not constitute sales specifications. No liability,
30 caustic soda.
40 warranty or guarantee of final product performance
30 20 is created by this document. No freedom from any
patent is granted or to be inferred. (September 1995)
20 10
0 0
DOW Brand A Brand B DOW #1 DOW #2 Brand A Brand B Brand C
* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company
Dilution: 1.5 g cleaner/100 g water