A New Definition of
A New Definition of
A New Definition of
A new definition of
tissue stability
Success in implant dentistry comes from a love of detail. Lasting success can only come to those who can see the
interconnections and are also open to other points of view. DENTSPLY Friadent stands for new perspectives in
implant dentistry. The new view of things is directed to long-term hard-tissue and soft-tissue stability and to
lasting red-white esthetics.
Implant surface, position in the bone, type and geometry of the connection, to name only some examples: How
bone and soft tissue remain stable and what leads to this result is determined by more than one factor.
Research and clinical experience have shown what factors are the most important. Ultimately all details must
interact together in the right way. This is the only way to achieve lasting success for implant-borne restorations.
New perspectives the success factors:
1-No micromovement
2-Bacteria-proof connection
4-Subcrestal placement
5-Microroughness to the interface
X-ray image of the X-ray image of the
Ankylos implant-abut- Ankylos implant-abut-
ment connection ment connection after
before start of the test 1,000,000 load cycles
(x-ray image: Holger (x-ray image: Holger
Zipprich/Dr. Paul Zipprich/Dr. Paul
Weigl, Frankfurt am Weigl, Frankfurt am
Main) Main)
1-No micromovement.
Micromovement between implant and abutment irritates the peri-implant bone. The bone responds by resorp-
tion in the region of the implant shoulder, referred to as remodeling. However, keyed and friction-locked con-
nections prevent micromovement. This results in a virtual single-component implant, which ensures tissue from
the start.
1. Abboud M, et al. Immediate loading of single-tooth implants in the posterior region. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005 Jan-Feb;20(1):61-8.
2. Zipprich H et al. Failure mode of implant-abutment connections after horizontal cyclic loading, Int Poster J Dent Oral Med 2004, Vol 6 No 03, Poster 238.
3. Dibart S, Warbington ML, Su MF, Skobe Z. Evaluating the Bacterial Seal of an Implant-Abutment Connection. Poster presentation on the American Academy of
Periodontology Meeting, Orlando, Florida in November, 2004.
4. Sethi A, Kaus T. An implant that does not smell - The Ankylos Implant. Featured in Irish Dentist-July 2002; Probe-July 2002; Dentistry-August 2003.
A bacteria-proof friction-locked
connection is formed only if
the taper is flush over its
entire surface.
2-Bacteria-proof connection.
Gaps between the implant and abutment leave space for bacterial colonization. Chewing loads can cause a rela-
tive movement between the components, which results in a pumping effect. The resulting distribution of endotoxins
in the tissue at the implant-abutment interface level causes an inflammation reaction. Bone is resorbed below
the implant-abutment connection until the biological width is established. Only a bacteria-proof connection
prevents bone resorption and stabilizes the soft tissue.
1. Broggini N, et al. Peri-implant inflammation defined by the implant-abutment interface. J Dent Res. 2006 May;85(5):473-8.
2. Mairgunther R, Nentwig GH. Das Dichtigkeitsverhalten des Verbindungssystems beim zweiphasigen Ankylos Implantat. Z Zahnrztl Implantol 1992 Jan;8(1):50-53.
3. Weigl P, New Prosthetic Restorative Features of the Ankylos Implant System. J Oral Implantol 2004;30(3):178-188.
Platform-Switching combined with
a stable, bacteria-proof connection
design is an important factor for
tissue stability (x-ray image: Dr.
Nigel Saynor, Stockport, UK)
Platform-Switching moves the transition between implant and abutment to a central position. It keeps mechanical
and microbial influences away from the peri-implant tissue. The biological width is transferred from the vertical
to the horizontal level. Platform-Switching is therefore an important factor for tissue stability but only in connec-
tion with a stable, bacteria-proof connection design. The more slender abutment also provides more room for
peri-implant soft tissue.
1. Lazzara RJ, Porter SS. Platform-Switching: a new concept in implant dentistry for controlling postrestorative crestal bone levels. Int J Periodontics Restorative
Dent. 2006 Feb;26(1):9-17.
2. Chiche F, The concept of Platform-Switching. Journal de Parodontologie & dImplantologie Orale (JPIO) 2005; 30-36.
3. Weng D, Richter EJ: Die Implantat-Abutment-Verbindung - vom mechanischen zum biologischen Aspekt des Mikrospalts. Implantologie 2005;13(2):125-130.
Deposition of bone tissue on the
implant face as a result of sub-
crestal placement. Status three
months after uncovery (histology:
Dr. Dietmar Weng, Starnberg)
4-Subcrestal placement.
The establishment of a natural emergence profile is favored by subcrestal placement. Bacteria-proof connections
without micromovement prevent the bone resorption that normally occurs and they are also tolerated by the bone
when placed at a greater depth. Platform-Switching in combination with subcrestal placement and microstruc-
tured implant shoulders enables bone apposition to the abutment and this also ensures excellent red esthetics
over the long term.
1. Hammerle CH, et al. The effect of subcrestal placement of the polished surface of ITI implants on marginal soft and hard tissues. Clin Oral Implants Res 1996
2. Weng D, Richter EJ: Die Implantat-Abutment-Verbindung vom mechanischen zum biologischen Aspekt des Mikrospalts. Implantologie 2005;13(2):125-130.
3. Doring K, et al. Functional and esthetic considerations for single-tooth Ankylos implant-crowns: 8 years of clinical performance. J Oral Implantol 2004;30
(3, spec. issue):198-209.
In the course of a radiographic and histological animal study the implant shoulders were placed 1.5 mm below
the bone margin in the front tooth region in accordance with an esthetic indication to simulate the submerged
position of the implant-abutment connection site in the area of the bone support of the papillae.
Standardized X-ray images were taken at monthly intervals. In addition to other results the peri-implant bone
margin around the tapered connection remained significantly higher than that of a blunt abutment connection
with an external hexagon over the six months of the trial.
(X-ray images: Dr. Dietmar Weng, Starnberg)
A microstructured implant shoulder favors apposition of bone cells. With a subcrestal position this means that
bone can also be deposited on the horizontal shoulder surface. This also provides additional support for the
overlying soft tissue for successful long-term results.
1. Sammons RL, et al. Comparison of osteoblast spreading on microstructured dental implant surfaces and cell behaviour in an explant model of osseointegration.
A scanning electron microscopic study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2005 Dec;16(6):657-66.
2. Di Iorio, D., T. Traini, et al. (2005). Quantitative evaluation of the fibrin clot extension on different implant surfaces: An in vitro study. J Biomed Mater Res B
Appl Biomater 74(1): 636-42.
3. Degidi et al. Immediately loaded titanium implant with a tissue stabilizing/maintaining design (beyond platform switch) retrieved from man after 4 weeks: a
histological and histomorphometrical evaluation: A case report COIR 2007, accepted for publication.
The key factors in implant dentistry are long-term function and esthetics. The prerequisite is stable peri-implant
tissue. It can best be achieved with tight, rigid connections and deep positioning. The geometry in the emergence
region provides amply space for thick, healthy soft tissue and implant-borne restoration that have a natural
appearance. This opens up new perspectives for lasting red-white esthetics.
1 | Stable peri-implant hard and soft tissue after uncovery. 2 | 24 months after prosthetic restoration.
3 | 48 months after prosthetic restoration. 4 | Clinical situation (photos: Dr. Nigel Saynor, Stockport, UK).
1 2 3 4
The Ankylos implant system from DENTSPLY Friadent is known for long-term high-end
esthetics. The unique TissueCare Connection with its influence on the retention of the
structure of hard and soft tissue, the system-inherent Platform-Switching, the
microroughness of the implant shoulder, and the option of subcrestal placement has
redefined the demand for tissue stability and bone retention.
Distributor for UK and Ireland:
DENTSPLY Friadent UK & Ireland Leeds House Amberley Court
Country Oak Way Crawley RH11 7XL
Phone: + 44 1293 53 6321 Fax: + 44 1293 53 6276
e-Mail: cmeldrum@friadent.org.uk