Esr 1976
Esr 1976
Esr 1976
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Copyright 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 5
ESR-1976 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 5
AISI S100 (AISI-NAS for the 2006 IBC). Instructions on The screws must be installed perpendicular to the work
how to calculate connection design strengths for use in surface, using a screw driving tool. The installation speed
1 1
Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) are found in the for /4-inch TEKS/3, /4-inch TEKS/5, and #12 TEKS/5
footnotes of these tables. The connection strength values screws should not exceed 1,800 rpm; the installation
are applicable to connections where the connected steel speed for all other screws should not exceed 2,500 rpm.
elements are in direct contact with one another. For The screw must penetrate through the supporting steel
connections subject to tension, the least of the allowable with a minimum of three threads protruding past the back
pullout, pullover, and fastener tension strength found in side of the supporting steel.
Tables 2, 3 and 5, respectively, must be used for design.
For connections subject to shear, the lesser of the fastener
shear strength and allowable shear (bearing) found in The ITW Buildex TEKS Self-drilling Fasteners described
Tables 5 and 4, respectively, must be used for design. in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to
Design provisions for tapping screw connections what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of
subjected to combined shear and tension loading are this report, subject to the following conditions:
outside the scope of this report. 5.1 Fasteners must be installed in accordance with the
For screws used in framing connections, in order for the manufacturers published installation instructions and
screws to be considered fully effective, the minimum this report. In the event of a conflict between this
spacing between the fasteners and the minimum edge report and the manufacturers published installation
distance must be three times the nominal diameter of the instructions, this report governs.
screws, except when the edge is parallel to the direction of 5.2 The utilization of the nominal strength values
the applied force, the minimum edge distance must be contained in this evaluation report, for the design of
1.5 times the nominal screw diameter. When the spacing cold-formed steel diaphragms, is outside the scope of
between screws is 2 times the fastener diameter, the this report.
connection shear strength values in Table 4 must be
reduced by 20 percent (Refer to Section D1.5 of AISI 5.3 The allowable load values (ASD) specified in Section
S200). 4.1 for screws or for screw connections are not
permitted to be increased for short-duration loads,
For screws used in applications other than framing such as wind or earthquake loads.
connections, the minimum spacing between the fasteners
must be three times the nominal screw diameter and the 5.4 Drawings and calculations verifying compliance with
minimum edge and end distance must be 1.5 times the this report and the applicable code must be submitted
nominal screw diameter. Additionally, under the 2009 and to the code official for approval. The drawings and
2006 IBC, when the distance to the end of the connected calculations are to be prepared by a registered design
part is parallel to the line of the applied force, the allowable professional when required by the statutes of the
connection shear strength determined in accordance with jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed.
Section E4.3.2 of Appendix A of AISI S100-07 or AISI- 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
NAS, as applicable, must be considered.
Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria
Connected members must be checked for rupture in for Tapping Screw Fasteners (AC118), dated February
accordance with Section E6 of AISI S100-12 for the 2015 2016.
IBC (Section E5 of AISI S100-07/S2-10 for the 2012 IBC;
Section E5 of AISI S100-07 for the 2009 IBC).
4.2 Installation: ITW Buildex TEKS Self-drilling Fastener heads are
marked with BX as shown in Figures 1 through 3. Each
Installation of ITW Buildex TEKS Self-drilling Fasteners box of fasteners has a label bearing the company name
must be in accordance with the manufacturers published (ITW Buildex), fastener description (model, point type,
installation instructions and this report. The manufacturers diameter and length), lot number, and the evaluation report
published installation instructions must be available at the number (ESR-1976).
jobsite at all times during installation.