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Inspection Certificate

MANUFACTURE DATE: 06-12/07/2016 Abnahme prufzeugnis DIN EN 10204 3.1

Certificat De reception
Certificado di collaudo

SUBJECT: Magnavis 7HF Oil Based Black MPI Ink Aerosol BATCH No: 160702
B.B.E.: JULY 2019

We hereby certify that the above Magnetic Particle Inspection Material meets the requirements of Aerospace material
specification AMS-3041E, Magnetic Particles, Non Fluorescent, Wet method, Oil vehicle.


Contamination 3.3.1 No foreign material, scum Conforms

or agglomeration

Concentration 3.3.2 1.2 - 2.4 ml magnetic particles Conforms

per 100 ml

Sensitivity 3.3.3 6 Hole indications shown Conforms

Colour 3.4 Black, red or as ordered Conforms

Particle size 3.5 Pass 45 mesh: 98% Min Conforms

Mechanical Durability 3.6 Retain initial sensitivity & colour Conforms

We further certify that the above Magnetic Particle Inspection Material meets the requirements of the following

A. (For Aerosols only) AMS-3043D Paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.1 to 3.4.2

B. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2015 Edition, Nondestructive
Examination, article 7, including 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009b & 2011a Addenda, Paragraphs, T731 and Article 25
as applicable.

C. ASTM E 709-15, Paragraphs 8.1.2, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5 & 8.5.3.

D. ASTM E1444/E1444M-12, Paragraphs 5.5.2 and 5.5.3.

E. MIL-STD-2132D, 11 February 2003, Paragraph 6.1.3, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.2.6, 6.2.7.

F. AMS 2641C Type 1 Oil vehicle. Flash point greater then 93C.

We further certify that this material does not contain mercury as a basic element and no mercury bearing equipment
was used in its manufacture.

Certification is issued under the auspices of the Quality Assurance Manager.

(Authorised Employee)

For and on behalf of MAGNAFLUX (A DIVISION OF ITW LTD)


1. Our batch number appears on the label of bulk containers. Aerosols have batch numbers printed on the bottom of the container. Bulk materials
have a minimum shelf life of 5 years from date of manufacture. Aerosols have a minimum shelf life of 3 years from date of manufacture.
2. The above certification gives the results obtained at the time of manufacture. Age and use may alter the properties of any material.

Magnaflux (A Division of ITW Ltd),

Faraday Road, South Dorcan Industrial Estate,
FORMAT: MX 101.124 (9934-2) Rev 9 Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5HE, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1793 524566 Fax: +44 (0)1793 490459

Email: sales@magnaflux.co.uk www.eu.magnaflux.com
Inspection Certificate

SUBJECT: Magnavis 7HF Oil Based Black MPI Ink Aerosol BATCH No: 160702 B.B.E.: JULY 2019

Specification: EN ISO 9934-2

When tested at the time of manufacture the following results were obtained:

nach DIN
Einzeleigenschaft / EN ISO Anforderungen / Ergebnis /
Characteristic 9934-2 Quality requirement Batch testing
Eignung Anzeigefhigkeit auf Vergleichskrper 1
Performance 7.1 (#072814) sehr gut
Ermittlung der Anzeigenlngen auf Gesamtlnge der beiden Anzeigen:
Vergleichskrper2 / 5.0 cm
Indication on reference block 1 (#072814) very good
Indication length of reference block 2 Total length of indication: 5.0 cm
Farbe/ Schwarz Flssigkeit Farbe identisch/
Colour 7.2 Black liquid Colour identical

Korngre/ Mittlerer Korndurchm esser 4.6 m

Particle size 7.3 d 1,5m und d 40m Average diameter 4.6m

Flammpunkt Als gefunden melden Bulk 102C

Flashpoint 7.7 Report as found Aerosol -40C

Viskositt Bei 20C weniger als 5mPa s 3.0 mPa s bei 20C
Viscosity 7.9 Less than 5mPa s at 20C 3.0 mPa s at 20C

Mechanische Stabilitt Keine Abnahme der Empfindlichkeit

Kurzzeittest 7.10 Nach dem test Anforderungen erfllt/
Mechanical stability No decrease in sensitivity after test Requirement fulfilled
Short term test
Schumverhalten/ Keine signifikante Schaumbildung/ Anforderungen erfllt/
Foaming 7.11 No significant foaming Requirement fulfilled

Lagerungsbestndigkeit/ 3 Jahre/
Storage stability 7.13 3 years

Vorstehende Angaben sind die Ergebnisse unserer Qualittsprfung. Sie entbinden den Kufer nicht von einer
Eingangsprfung und haben nicht die Bedeutung, die Eignung des Produktes fr einen konkreten Einsatzzweck

The above information is derived from our quality checks. It does not relieve the purchaser from examining the
product upon delivery and gives no assurance of the product for any particular purpose.

Certification is issued under the auspices of the Quality Assurance Manager.

(Authorised Employee)

For and on behalf of MAGNAFLUX (A DIVISION OF ITW LTD)

Magnaflux (A Division of ITW Ltd),

Faraday Road, South Dorcan Industrial Estate,
FORMAT: MX 101.124 (9934-2) Rev 9 Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5HE, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1793 524566 Fax: +44 (0)1793 490459

Email: sales@magnaflux.co.uk www.eu.magnaflux.com

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