Debre Tabor University Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Debre Tabor University Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Debre Tabor University Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of mechanical engineering
General Directions
Write your name and ID on the top of each sheet you use for rough work & final answers.
Attempt all the questions, with the proper format.
Use both sides of the sheet for your answers.
Write legibly and start on new page for each question.
Highlight all the needed results of the part-B
Any kind of cheating leads to score penalty.
Prepared by:
Part A: give the short answers for all the questions
1. Write the relation between critical speed, critical speed margin and operating speed. (1)
2. List and discuss the different type of vibration caused in rotor systems? (2)
3. Mention all the forces which are reason for the origin of torsional vibration in the rotor
systems. (2)
4. Derive the equation of torsional natural frequency with neat sketch. (2 Marks)
5. Consider the six-stage compressor as shown in the figure. The rotor stiffness K2 = 60,900
Nlmm (348,000 lbf/in) and model weighs are 4300 N and 3200 N, compressor operating
speed is 9000 rpm. Find out the critical speed f or the given model weights and critical
speed margin also. And compare with the operating speed for the conclusion. (4 Marks)
6. Obtain the torsional natural frequency of an overhung rotor system as shown in Fig. The
end B1 of the shaft has fixed end conditions. The shaft diameter is 15 mm and the length
of the shaft is 0.4 m. The disc D1 is thin, and has mass of 25 kg and the polar mass
moment of inertia equal to 0.06 kg-m2. Neglect the mass of the shaft. (4 Marks)
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