Biology M4 Photosynthesis
Biology M4 Photosynthesis
Biology M4 Photosynthesis
Many people would like to live in places full of plants. Why? The place is always
cool; it is less dusty and it has abundant water supply. Plants are great food providers. How
do plants make food? The food-making process of plants is the main concern of this
module. The module includes the following lessons:
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The color of the leaves is green. This means that the green light is
a. absorbed c. reflected
b. deflected d. transmitted
2. Which of the following substances is the origin of oxygen released as oxygen gas by
green plants during photosynthesis?
a. water c. carbon dioxide
b. sugar d. ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
5. Pigments are needed by plants to trap energy from the sun. Which of the following is the
most important pigment for trapping energy?
a. carotenoid c. chlorophyll b
b. xanthophylls d. chlorophyll a
7. What is the temperature in which ribulose biphosphate carboxylase utilizes oxygen gas?
a. below 30 oC c. above 30 oC
b. at 30 C d. undetermined
8. What is the special chlorophyll pigment that serves as primary reaction center of
photosystem I?
a. P 700 c. carotene
b. P 680 d. xanthophylls
9. Where do we find the water splitting mechanism of the light dependent reaction of
a. photosystem I c. primary reaction center
b. photosystem II d. has not been identified
10. Which of the following substances screened out the high-energy components of solar
energy and prevented it from reaching the surface of the earth?
a. carbon dioxide c. ozone
b. cloud d. water
11. Which of the following rays of light has the lowest energy content?
a. blue c. red
b. green d. yellow
12. Which of the following components of the solar energy has the shortest wavelength?
a. ultraviolet rays c. violet light
b. visible light d. gamma rays
17. What is the enzyme that plays an important role in carbon dioxide fixation?
a. phosphatase c. ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
b. ribulose-1,5-oxygenase d. phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase
18. Landscaping is a very lucrative business today. Which of the following plants can be
planted in sunlit ground of a house or building?
a. bermuda c. carabao grass
b. peanut grass d. all of them
19. Light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis must come first step before the light-
independent reaction because its products are important to the fixation of carbon
dioxide. Which of the following is/are the product/s of light dependent reaction?
a. ADP only c. NADPH only
b. ATP only d. NADPH and ATP
20. Which plants grow well in the tropics like the Philippines?
a. rice c. pineapple
b. pine tree d. a and c
Terms Definition
Pigment Colored substance present in plants
Light-dependent Process which occurs in the presence of
Light-independent Process which does not require light
Carbon dioxide fixation Process which converts carbon dioxide
into carbohydrate
Cyclic photophosphorylation Production of ATP in a cyclic manner
Non-cyclic photophosphorylation Production of ATP in Z-pathway
Photorespiration Process wherein oxygen gas competes
with carbon dioxide in reacting with
z-pathway Is the pathway followed by excited
electrons from photosystem II. It is a non-
cyclic flow of electron.
Photosystem Organization of pigments
C3 plant Plant that fixes CO2 to yield 3-carbon
phosphoglyceraldehyde as the first stable
product of photosynthesis
C4 plant Plant that fixes CO2 -4-carbon malate
when temperature is above 30 o C
CAM plant Plant in arid environment wherein CO2 is
fixed at night and released to Calvin
Cycle at day time
Variegated leaf A leaf with patches or margins that are
not colored green
Lesson 1. Sunlight
All processes that occur in living and non-living systems require energy.
Photosynthesis is no exception. The energy that comes from the sun is called solar energy.
It travels as wave and is described in terms of its energy content and its wavelength. It
comes as discrete packets called photons. The component of solar energy that is important
to photosynthesis is the visible light. Visible light is a white light. What makes up the visible
light? Discover it as you perform the activity below.
2. Switch the light source on and focus the light into the prism.
3. What do you see in the white paper that serves as screen? Describe it.
4. Draw what you see on the white paper
Key to answers on page 26.
Figure 1
Components of solar energy
The components of solar energy before the visible light have short
wavelengths such as gamma rays, x-rays and ultraviolet rays. You do not see them. Short-
wavelength components have more energy. Those components after the visible light have
long wavelength. These are also invisible to our naked eyes. They possess less energy.
Only 42 % of the solar energy passes through the atmosphere and reaches the earth.
High energy, short wavelengths are screened out by ozone and the lower energy long
wavelengths are screened out by water and carbon dioxide in air. Only 2 % of the light that
reaches the earth is utilized in photosynthesis.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
2. Which of the following components of solar energy has the most energy?
a. visible light c. ultraviolet rays
b. infrared rays d. violet light
3. Which of the following screens out low energy wavelengths of the solar energy?
a. water c. carbon dioxide
b. ozone d. carbon dioxide and water
Plant leaves absorb sunlight to manufacture plant sugars through a process called
photosynthesis. In order to get enough light, leaf surfaces are flattened to have a big area
as shown in Figure 2. Let us do Activity 2.1 to get a closer view of the external structure of
plant leaves.
What to do:
1. You may have a garden, park or farm in your place. Visit the farm, garden or
2. Note the different characteristics of the leaf of the plants you may find in the place.
Key to answers on page 26
From your visit to the park, garden or farm, you must have seen several leaf
characteristics. Most of these characteristics make leaves very efficient in trapping energy
from the sun, which in turn, increases the photosynthetic activity of the leaves. Some of
these characteristics are the following:
Leaf structure
Simple leaves have a single blade. Compound leaves have more than one blade
on a single petiole. The multiple blades of a
compound leaf are called leaflets.
Leaf Attachment
Petiolate Sessile
The blade is attached to the stem by a petiole The blade is attached directly to the stem
without a petiole.
Leaf Arrangement
Two leaves grow opposite One leaf grows at each node. Several leaves grow around a
each other at each node. The leaves alternate sides single node.
along the stem.
Leaf Shape
Narrow from Oval-shaped Wide at the base Heart-shaped Deeply lobed like the
base to tip and narrow at the fingers of a hand
Leaf Margins
The edge of the leaf The edge has The edge of the leaf The edge of the leaf is
is smooth. rounded indentations is finely toothed. deeply indented.
Where does photosynthesis occur in the leaf of plants? You shall do Activity 2.2 to
find out which parts of the leaves are involved in photosynthesis.
What you need: petri dish iodine solution any variegated leaf
ethyl alcohol 200 mL beaker alcohol lamp
tripod wire gauze water
water bath medicine dropper
What you will do:
Iodine solution is a test for starch. In the activity, the green part of the leaf turned
blue black in the presence of iodine solution. This indicated that starch was present. The
green part of the leaf carried out photosynthesis. This observation was not observed in the
non-green part. Photosynthesis did not happen in the non-green part because there was no
starch, an indicator of photosynthesis. Clearly, photosynthesis occurs only in the green
parts of the plants such as the green leaves and the green stems of cactus.
Have you ever asked yourself what is inside the leaf that makes it a site for food
production? Figure 3 shows the inside of the leaf.
At the lower epidermis, you will see some openings. Each opening is called stoma
(stomata). This is where carbon dioxide enters and oxygen passes out. We shall look at
the structure of the stoma. Perform Activity 2.3.
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What you will do
Activity 2.3 Observing the Stomata
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
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3. Where do we find cells with chloroplasts in the leaves of plants?
a. mesophyll layer c. epidermis
b. cuticle d. matrix
Many people find fulfillment by just looking at plants. Why? You see a myriad of
colors in plants violet, lavender, red, white, pink. These colored parts of plants are due to
pigments. Pigments are chemical compounds, which reflect only certain wavelengths of
visible light. This makes them appear "colorful". Flowers, corals, and even animal skin
contain pigments, which give them their colors. Most leaves are green. Do you think leaves
contain green pigments only? To answer this question, do activity 3.1
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As you can see in the piece of chalk, it is not only the green pigment that is present in
a green leaf. There are other pigments.
Pigments also absorb light rays of certain wavelength. In plants, algae, and
cyanobacteria, pigments capture the energy of sunlight and use it in photosynthesis. Each
pigment absorbs only certain rays of light. Plants possess several kinds of pigments. What
are the different pigments that are important for photosynthesis? There are three basic
groups of plant pigments.
Chlorophylls are green pigments, which contain a ring that allows electrons to
move freely so the molecule can gain or lose electrons easily. There are several
kinds of chlorophylls chlorophyll a is present in plants, algae and cyanobacteria;
chlorophyll b is present in green algae and plants; and chlorophyll c is found only
in photosynthetic diatoms, kelps and dinoflagellates.
Carotenoids are usually red, orange, or yellow pigments. These compounds are
composed of two small six-carbon rings connected by a "chain" of carbon atoms.
They do not dissolve in water. Carotenoids absorb energy and pass it to
chlorophyll. Carotenoid is an accessory pigment. An example of carotenoid is
fucoxanthin, a brown pigment which colors brown algae like kelps and diatoms
brown. Carotenoids also include carotene, which gives carrots their color.
Phycobilins are water-soluble pigments, and are found in the cytoplasm, or in the
stroma of the chloroplast. They occur only in Cyanobacteria and Rhodophyta.
Phycocyanin (present in cyanobacteria) and phycoerythrin (found in red algae)
are examples of phycobilins.
Within the thylakoid, pigments form clusters of 2-3 pigment molecules arranged
around a pair of chlorophyll-a molecules. Some proteins are also found in this cluster. We
call this cluster a photosystem. The outer pigments of the photosystem act like an antenna
shuttling photons into chlorophyll-a in the reaction center.
Where can we find the photosynthetic pigments? They are housed inside the
chloroplast. Do Activity 3.2 to see the chloroplast of a leaf.
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What you will do
Activity 3.2 Observing chloroplast
Under the microscope you see compartments. In these compartments, you will notice
some green bodies. These green bodies are the chloroplasts.
inner membrane
outer membrane
Each stack is called a granum (grana). A granum is made up of flattened sacs called
thylakoid. The photosynthetic pigments are found in thylakoids. Figure 5 is a typical
structure of a chloroplast.
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What you will do
Self-Test 3.1
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
5. How do you call the space between the outer and the inner membrane?
a. stroma c. intermembrane compartment
b. thylakoid compartment d. stromal lamella
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In PS 1, the excited electrons follow a
cyclic path. You can see this in Figure 7. The
electrons that escaped from the chlorophyll
enter the electron transport system, a series of
electron carriers. At the electron transport
system, electrons are passed from one carrier
to the next. In the process, energy is released
and is used to pump hydrogen ions from
stroma to thylakoid compartment. The amount
of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid has potential
Figure 6. Photosystem
The electrons left the electron transport
system with very low energy. The low- energy
electrons return to PS I and repeat the cycle
when the system absorbs solar energy.
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form of Hydrogen ion gradient. This gradient is used by enzyme, ATP synthase complex, to
drive the synthesis of ATP.
As you can see in Figure 9, the low-energy electrons move from the electron
transport system to PS I where they gain energy when the pigments absorb solar energy.
The excited electrons are passed to an electron carrier. The electron carriers send the
energized electrons to oxidized nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate (NADP +), also an
electron carrier. Together with the electron, NADP + picks up hydrogen ion from water to
become NADPH.
The electrons lost at PS II are replenished by a reaction involving water. Water splits
in the presence of light. This is called photolysis. It happens at a system associated with
H20 H+ + 2e- + O2
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The products of light-dependent reactions are ATP and NADPH. Cyclic
photophosphorylation produces ATP only. Non-cyclic photophosphorylation produces ATP
and NADPH. The by-product is oxygen gas, which comes from water and is released into
the atmosphere.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
2. To store the energy of excited electrons is to pump Hydrogen ions from ___________
and into ___________
a. outside the cell, stroma
b. stroma, thylakoid compartment
c. thylakoid compartment, stroma
d. intermembrane compartment, outside the cell
5. Which of the following replaces the electrons that escape from PS II?
a. PS I c. splitting of water
b. NADPH d. the three are correct
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Lesson 5. Light- Independent Reaction / Carbon Dioxide Fixation
What do plants do with the products of light-dependent reaction ATP and NADPH?
These two substances are high-energy molecules. The energy could be harnessed in
making food out of carbon dioxide. How do plants fix carbon dioxide into food?
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2 ATP 2 ADP + 2 Pi
The process occurs in a cyclic manner as shown in Figure 10. Since the first stable
product is composed of 3 carbon atoms, it is called C3 Cycle. Melvin Calvin unlocked this
process. It is also named as Calvin Cycle.
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Figure 10. The Calvin Cycle
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1. How many PGAL
molecules are synthesized? 12
2. How many PGAL molecules
molecules are used to 10
regenerate RUBP? molecules
3. How many ATP molecules
were used up to produce 1 18
glucose? molecules
4. How many NADPH
molecules were used up? 12
Do you understand now how the energy from the sun is utilized to produce the ATP
and NADPH during the light-dependent reaction?
The light-independent reaction occurs during daytime, but light is not used
What you will do
Self-Test 5.1
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the point of entry of carbon dioxide into the inside of the leaves of plants?
a. palisade layer c. guard cells
b. spongy layer d. stomata
2. What substance is used to fix carbon dioxide during the light-independent reaction?
a. Malate c. ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
b. Oxaloacetate d. pyruvate
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d. Protease
From Lesson 2, we learned that stomata are present in the plant leaves especially at
the underside. Water passes out and carbon dioxide enters the leaves through these
openings. When the day is hot and dry, the stomata close to prevent water loss. The
closure causes the build up of oxygen, but the available carbon dioxide is exhausted. When
this happens, oxygen gas competes with carbon dioxide in reacting with RUBP. This
produces a 2-carbon molecule. These 2-carbon molecules are broken down to carbon
dioxide and water. We call this process as photorespiration. Photorespiration makes
photosynthesis inefficient because carbon dioxide is not fixed and ATP molecules are used
Free carbon dioxide enters Calvin Cycle. This process requires additional 12 ATP
molecules to produce one glucose molecule.
What will happen to PEP? It will go back to mesophyll cells to pick up another
carbon dioxide to repeat the cycle.
Many tropical grasses are C4 plants. Good examples of C 4 plants are crabgrass,
sugarcane, corn and Bermuda grass.
Another alternative way of fixing carbon dioxide has evolved in plants found in arid
regions such desert biome. Plants found in desert biomes belong to the family of
Crassulaceae, flowering succulent (water-laden). They fix carbon dioxide when the stomata
are closed.
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PEP + CO2 -- 4 carbon compound
During the day, the stomata close. There is minimal loss of water but no CO 2. So,
the stored 4-Carbon compounds release CO 2 to Calvin Cycle to produce sugars. This
adaptation is called crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Plants that use CAM mechanism
of fixing CO2 are called CAM plants. Many epiphytes (hanging) and desert plants are CAM
plants. Good examples are pineapple and cactus.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
4. Which of the following conditions leads to the adaptation of C4 and CAM pathways?
a. high CO2 and low O2 c. low CO2 and high O2
b. low O2 and High CO2 d. low CO2 and low O2
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Lets Summarize
1. Organisms that make food are called producers or autotroph. Autotrophs may be
photosynthetic or chemosynthetic.
2. Photosynthetic autotrophs use solar radiation to make food.
3. Not all components of solar energy is needed in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis
uses only the visible light.
4. Plant contains pigments that trap energy from the sun. These pigments form
clusters called photosystems.
5. There are two photosystems PS I and PS II. Photosystems are light harvesting
antenna composed of
several 100 chlorophyll a & b molecules, and carotenoids
a central chlorophyll molecule (P680 or P700)
specialized molecule called the primary electron acceptor
6. These pigments are found in the chloroplast. Chloroplasts are found in the leaves
of plant. They are found in the guard cell and mesophyll cells.
7. There are two stages of photosynthesis light dependent reaction and light-
independent reaction.
8. Light-dependent reaction produces ATP and NADPH
9. ATP and NADPH are used in the fixation of carbon dioxide, a light-independent
10. There are three ways of fixing CO2 namely, C3 cycle, C4 cycle and CAM.
11. Due to the three pathways of carbon dioxide fixation, there are three kinds of
plants namely, C3 plants, C4 plants and CAM plants
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
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a. blue c. orange
b. indigo d. red
6. Where does the oxygen gas released during photosynthesis come from?
a. water c. pigments
b. sugar d. carbon dioxide
11. Plants that use only the Calvin Cycle for photosynthesis are called
a. C3 plants c. CAM plants
b. C4 plants d. all three of them
12. CAM Plants can survive in dry, hot deserts because they can fix carbon at
a. daytime c. any time
b. nighttime
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16. A friend asks which of the following plants should be planted in a well-lighted area. What
is your answer?
a. rice c. cattleya
b. onion d. bermuda grass
21. How many PGALs are needed to make one molecule of glucose?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
Key to Answers
1. c 6. d 11. c 16. c
2. a 7. c 12. d 17. b
3. d 8. a 13. b 18. d
4. c 9. b 14. a 19. d
5. c 10. c 15. c 20. d
Lesson 1
Activity 1.1
A rainbow was observed when light passed through the prism. This means that the
visible light is composed of many colors of light.
Self-Test 1.1
1. d
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2. c
3. b
Lesson 2
Activity 2.1
Only parts of the leaf that turn blue-black. This means that these parts manufactured
Self-Test 2.1
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. c
1. b 1. c 1. d 1. a
2. a 2. c 2. c 2. a
3. d 3. b 3. a 3. d
4. b 4. a 4. b 4. c
5. c 5. c 5. c 5. a
6. c
1. d 6. a 11. a 16. d
2. d 7. a 12. b 17. b
3. d 8. c 13. c 18. c
4. d 9. c 14. d 19. c
5. a 10. a 15. c 20. c
21. b
Mader, S. (2003). Biology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
Pickering, W.R. (2000). Complete biology. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- 30 -
Wolf, S. (2000). Molecular cell biology. Boston, MA: Addison Co.
Electronic sources: downloaded on
November 25, 2004.
downloaded on November 26, 2004. downloaded on
November 30.
Kaiser, G. E. Doc Kaiser's Microbiology Home Page downloaded on November 30, 2004 downloaded on December
1, 2004.
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