CBLM Cust Service Lo5-Skeletal
CBLM Cust Service Lo5-Skeletal
CBLM Cust Service Lo5-Skeletal
Unit of Competency:
Module Title:
If you have questions, dont hesitate to ask your trainer for assistance.
You may already have some of the knowledge and skills covered in this
module because you have:
If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular
skill or skills, talk to him/her about having them formally recognized so you dont
have to do the same training again. If you have a qualification or Certificate of
Competency from previous trainings show it to your trainer. If the skills you acquired
are still current and relevant to this module, they may become part of the evidence
you can present for RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skills,
discuss it with your trainer.
After completing this module ask your trainer to assess your competency.
Result of your assessment will be recorded in your competency profile. All the
learning activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace.
Inside this module you will find the activities for you to complete followed by
relevant information sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may
have more than one learning activity.
1. Remove takings from register/terminal
2. Reconcile takings
1. Balancing of register/terminal is performed at prescribed times in accordance
with store policies and procedures
2. Reading registers/terminals and recording information are applied according
to store policies and procedures
3. Handling of cash and the removing of sales from register/terminal are applied
according store policies and procedures
4. In accordance with store policy, separates change fund from sales and secures
it prior to balancing register/terminal
5. Register/terminal is replenished with change fund in accordance with store
6. Cash and non-cash documents are removed and transported in accordance
with store security policies and procedures
7. Cash are counted accurately according to store policy
8. Non-cash documents are calculated accurately
9. balance between register/terminal reading and sum of cash and non-cash
transactions are determined accurately in accordance with store policy
10. Store and individual department takings are recorded in accordance with store
Remove takings from the register/terminal
Manual and electronic ticketing equipment and corresponding
manufacturers instructions and design specifications, including those on
use, maintenance, and storage
Manual and electronic ticketing equipment and corresponding company
policies and procedures on security
Pricing requirements and corresponding manufacturers instructions and
design specifications, including those on use and maintenance
Store procedures on preparation of tickets
Enterprise standards regarding the quality of labels and tickets
Enterprise policies regarding the preparation of labels and tickets for
window, wall, and floor displays
1. Electronic ticketing equipment and pricing requirements are used and
maintained in accordance with manufacturers instructions and design
2. Tickets are prepared in accordance with store procedures
3. Soiled, damaged, illegible or incorrect labels/tickets are Identified and
corrective action taken
4. Labels/tickets for window, wall or floor displays are prepared in
accordance with store policy,
5. Ticketing equipment are maintained and stored in a secure location
Written test / case study or scenario or situation analyses
Oral questioning / interview
Portfolio / third-party report
Demonstration / practical test
Learning Outcome 1
Remove takings from the register/terminal
.Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read and understand the information sheet and
1.Read Information Sheet 5.1-1 on Types of check yourself by the self-check. You must
Terminals answer all questions correctly before proceeding
to the next activity.
2.Answer Self-check 5.1-1
Compare answer with answer key5.1-1
Dumb Terminals
There are various conflicting definitions of "dumb terminal" but as time goes by, more and more
terminals are called dumb. This document mainly covers text terminals which display only text on the
screen. It could have been titled "Dumb-Terminal-HOWTO". But in some magazines articles, any
terminal, no matter how smart, including ones which present a full graphical user interface (GUI), are
called dumb. If all terminals are "dumb" then there is no point of prefixing the word "dumb" to terminal
(except as a sales pitch to sell computers or the like instead of terminals). Due to the ambiguous
meaning of "dumb terminal" it is not classified here as a type of terminal.
Text Terminals
For a text terminal, a 2-way flow of information between the computer and the terminal takes place
over the cable that connects them together. This flow is in bytes (such as ASCII) where each byte is
an integer that usually represents a printable character. Bytes typed at the keyboard go to the host
computer and most bytes from the computer are displayed on the terminal screen. Special control
bytes (or sequences of bytes) from the computer tell the terminal where to move the cursor to, what
to erase, where to begin and end underlining and/or blinking and/or bold, etc. There are often
hundreds of such special coded commands and most real terminals can even change fonts. The
communication uses characters (letters) encoded using a code chart for the character set being used.
Usually, the first 128 bytes out of 256 possible bytes use ASCII codes. Terminals for Unix-like
systems, normally connect to computers via a cable running between the asynchronous serial ports
(RS-232-C = EIA-232-D) of the host computer and the terminal. Prior to about 2004, most new PCs
had serial ports, but today (2009) almost no new PCs come with serial ports. Sometimes the
connection is via modem or terminal server, etc.
While emulated text terminals don't display images, many real text terminals can display bit-mapped
images, but not in color. Unfortunately, the popular image formats used on the Internet are not
supported. Thus the display of images is seldom used. The protocols for terminal graphics include:
Tektronix Vector Graphics, ReGIS (DEC), Sixel (DEC), and NAPLPS (North American Presentation
Level Protocol Syntax). Even without bit-mapped images, ordinary text terminals can sort of display
images. One may form arrows <--- and draw boxes with |__|, etc. With special graphic character sets
that have a lot of special characters for line drawing, much more is possible. But even without a
graphic character set, one may produce "ascii graphics" art. The term "graphics terminal" usually
means a terminal that can display bit mapped images. However, this term is sometimes applied also
to text-only terminals since text is a limited form of graphics.
There are two basic types of graphics displays: raster and vector (rarely used). Raster graphics (bit-
mapped) puts dots on the screen by horizontal scan lines drawn by an electron beam (or by activating
pixels or dots on a flat screen). Vector graphic displays were intended to be used for monochrome
screens that don't have any dots. They use smart electronics to draw lines and curves with an
electron beam that can continuously move in any direction (just like a pen or pencil). True vector
graphics draws high quality lines without noticeable zig-zags but is both rare and expensive.
This unit encompasses the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to balance the register/terminal
in a retail environment. It involves clearing the register, counting money, calculating non-cash
transactions and reconciling takings.
The Range of Variables provide the range of applications of this unit of competency to allow for
differences within enterprises and workplaces. It provides details of practices, knowledge and
requirements referred to in the elements and performance criteria. The variables chosen in training
and assessment will depend on the work contexts. The following variables may include but are not
limited to: Store policies and procedures in regard to: register/terminal balance security
Register/terminals may be: manual electronic Non-cash transactions may include: credit
cards cheques hire purchase lay-by cash on delivery (C.O.D.) customer refunds customer
credit ratings Register/terminals may be cleared by: operator specialist staff at intervals
during or at close of trading
Australian National Training Authority 2002 Training Package WRR02:V1.00 To be reviewed by
February 2005
The following components of the evidence guide relate directly to the performance criteria and the
range of variables for the unit of competency and provide guidance for assessment of the unit in the
workplace and/or training program.
Critical Aspects of Evidence Competency in this unit requires evidence that the candidate: Operates
register/terminal equipment according to manufacturers instructions and store policy. Consistently
applies store policies and procedures in regard to handling cash and removing takings from
register/terminal. Consistently applies store policies and procedures in regard to reading registers
and recording information. Processes documentation/records responsibly and according to store
policies and procedures. Reconciles takings according to store policies and procedures.
Underpinning Skills and Knowledge Knowledge and skills are essential to apply this unit in the
workplace, to transfer to other contexts and deal with unplanned events. The requirements for this
unit of competency are listed below: Knowledge of: Store policies and procedures, in regard to:
operation register
[prshn rejstr]
(computer science)
A register used to store and decode the operation code for the next instruction to be carried out by a
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012 Feature Pack
When you set up a terminal in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS, you select a hardware profile
and a visual profile for the terminal. A hardware profile determines the physical configuration of a
terminal and a visual profile determines its screen characteristics.
You can assign the profiles either to a specific terminal or to a group of terminals. You can also
modify the profiles that are assigned to a terminal. Certain configuration changes do not take effect at
stores until the terminals in the store are restarted. In general, if you modify anything that affects the
POS terminal setup or configuration of one or more terminals, you must restart the affected terminal.
Create a store.
Create Retail POS functionality profiles and assign them to stores.
Create a hardware profile.
Create a visual profile.
Create a screen layout.
Use the following procedure to set up a terminal and assign profiles to it.
The Recording Department is in charge of recording all court judgments, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages,
plats and tax deeds for the Hernando County Book of Official Records.
All Official Records and associated images from 1983 to present can be accessed through our Official Records
If you would like to submit a records request you may do so via telephone, fax, email, regular mail, or in
person, by submitting a written request and the appropriate fee to the address below. Please be aware there is a
3.5% non-refundable transaction fee if paying by credit card.
For further questions regarding requests for copies or record searches in Hernando County, please contact the
Recording Division at (352)540-6768 or 20 North Main Street, Room 362, Brooksville, FL 34601.
Since changes cannot be made once an instrument is recorded, please do the following when preparing
instruments for recording:
Handling Cash
Cash and its equivalent are handled by most units and many individuals at the University of Iowa. Strong
internal controls are necessary to prevent mishandling of funds and to protect employees from inappropriate
charges of mishandling funds. This site is intended to provide units and individuals with the necessary
information and tools to facilitate the establishment of strong internal controls related to cash handling.
Every University unit, administrator and employee responsible for overseeing, receipting, depositing or
reconciling cash and its equivalent are required to complete the cash handling certification process described
within this site. See the memo-to-campus for information on monitoring cash handling training compliance
through the Compliance & Qualifications system.
Description of Role
Maintain timely, accurate & effective communication with all local cash handling control
managers in the department.
Update cash handling roles for all payment receipt locations at the sub-department level in a
timely and accurate manner.
This section prescribes the policies and procedures relating to the establishment, administration, and
discontinuance of change funds.
Change funds are used for the operation of cash registers and drawers throughout campus, providing
change when needed.
The change fund custodian is the employee who has been authorized to increase/decrease the
change fund and who is directly responsible for the administration of the change fund.
Deans/directors/chairs are responsible for the proper safeguarding of change fund monies entrusted
to their departments. Cash must be kept in a locked container, such as a fireproof file cabinet, safe, or
other suitable device to which unauthorized access is difficult.
The change fund custodian is personally responsible for the cash entrusted to him/her; therefore,
access to the fund must be limited to the custodian.
The custodian is responsible for ensuring the cash on hand and receipts equal the authorized amount
of the fund at all times. To balance the fund, use the Petty Cash/Change Fund Reconciliation
form. Change funds must be kept separate from all other funds, such as petty cash, personal funds,
etc. These funds are subject to periodic audits.
The department chair/director submits the following items to the manager of auxiliary funds and
banking operations for approval:
1. A memorandum justifying the need for a change fund and designating the fund custodian. This
should include the identification number and an original signature of the custodian.
2. A check request payable to the designated fund custodian in the amount requested. The check
request should include the department name and must be approved by the department
3. The department custodian will receive a check payable to himself/herself and the current
procedures. The check may be cashed at the Cashiers Office or, for larger amounts, at a local
The department chair/director for which a change fund has been authorized is responsible for
ensuring Financial Services and Operations is informed of changes in change fund custodians.
1. When a new custodian is to take charge of the change fund, the former custodian must count
and verify the fund is equal to the amount authorized, by filling out the Petty Cash/Change
Fund Reconciliation form. Likewise, the new custodian must also count and verify the fund
before he/she conducts any new transactions from these funds.
2. The department chair/director sends a memo to the manager of auxiliary funds and banking
operations that indicates the following:
o removal of the former custodian from the fund;
o the new fund custodian's name and identification number; and
o signature of the new custodian.
Increasing a change fundWhen additional change funds are needed, the department
chair/director sends a memorandum to the manager of auxiliary funds and banking operations
justifying the increase. A check request in the amount of the requested increase and payable to the
fund custodian must be submitted .
Decreasing a change fundA change fund should be reduced if the amount of the fund exceeds
the actual needs of the department. The amount that is no longer needed should be deposited at the
Cashiers Office, crediting the original index with an account code of A001, along with a memo
indicating the fund is being decreased.
Closing a change fundWhen a change fund is no longer needed, the fund custodian should count
and verify the amount equal is the authorized amount. This amount must be deposited at the
Cashiers Office, crediting the original index with an account code of A001, indicating the fund is
being closed.
Balancing a cash register usually takes place at the end of the day or at the end of a cashier's shift. The cash
drawer and its contents should be taken to an office or other secluded area to prepare the report.
If balancing the drawer after closing, be sure the sales floor lights are off and the door is locked. For many
salespeople, they get in a hurry and tend to start closing before the store is actually closed. This is not a safe
practice. However, if you have multiple employees in the store, it's possible to close one of the registers during
open hours.
Any overages and or shortages should be investigated. Human nature should be taken into account for minor
errors and small amounts. By this we mean simple miscounts of change is common when processing a
transaction. However, frequent discrepancies could be sign of employee theft or may indicate further training is
required for a particular cashier. As a rule, you want to make sure that no more then $2 is off at night. While it
depends on the amount of transactions that day (in other words, the more transactions the greater the chance for
counting error) the $2 rule is a helpful one.
The starting cash on-hand is put back into the cash drawer and stored for the evening, while the deposit is
prepared for the bank. All credit card slips, terminal reports and other register receipts can be stapled to the
Daily Cash Drawer Report and filed by date.
For more accountability, consider using two people to balance the cash register. One person will count the
drawer and create the daily cash report, while the other person prepares a bank deposit. Both staff members
should sign the report indicating they are responsible for the figures shown. While no system can prevent fraud,
this audit trail will help discourage collusion among employees.
At the beginning of the next shift, each cashier should be assigned their own cash drawer. Have the cashier
recount the cash in the drawer to verify the beginning balance. If you are a small store with only one register,
the cash most likely stays in the drawer overnight. If this is your situation, the procedure is the same.
One last note, since human error is part of the game, make sure you are including discrepancies in your cash as
part of your P&L.
Add a line to your P&L that budgets for and shows loss from miscounting. This is another way you can audit
and manage the loss.
Lets start with a little quiz. I say, Big, bloated, and full of errors. What do you say? Right, Windows
Registry. One more: Messing with it is risky. If you guessed the registry again, you pass. While
fooling around with your Windows registry does involve some risk, cleaning it out can have a positive
impact on your PCs overall performance.
The Windows registry is a repository for a massive collection of details about your computerwhere
programs are stored, which helper programs (known as DLLs) are shared among your various
applications, listings of all your Start menu shortcuts, and pointers to the programs that fire up when
you click on an icon. And thats just the beginning. Practically everything you do in Windows is
recorded in the registry. For instance, the URL for this article probably has an entry now, somewhere.
The paths to the last dozen or so images or documents you opened are there, too, as are the details
of the programs you have installed or uninstalled.
Heres the problem: If you pry open the registry, youll find it about as cluttered as a teenagers
bedroom. Thats because Windows doesnt efficiently clean up after itself as it goes about its daily
business. It constantly creates new entries, but seldomif everremoves old entries after theyre no
longer needed.
Compounding this problem is the fact that applications are usually too inept to uninstall all of the
registry entries they create. Far too often, program updates and installers leave unneeded pointers in
the registry, so the registry becomes bloated with unnecessary entries, slowing down your system.
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o Google Plus
If you administer Terminal Services or Citrix MetaFrame, you know that locally cached user profiles can cause
a mess on your servers hard drive by chewing up valuable space. You must remove these profiles often in order
to prevent them from filling up your servers hard drive.
The easiest way to delete these files is by using Explorer. However, the easiest way isnt always the best. Using
Explorer for this cleanup job can actually create a host of new problems. In this case, the DELPROF utility is
In this Daily Feature, Ill show you what DELPROF is and how it works. But first, lets go over the problems
that can occur when you use Explorer for the cleaning task, instead of DELPROF.
If youre using Folder Redirection and delete the profiles with Windows Explorer, the next time a user logs on,
Terminal Server will re-create the directory structure stored for the user. However, Terminal Server will then
check the registry and notice that the user has a profile with a SID already associated with it. Terminal Services
will assume the SID is valid, assume the group membership list is current, and wont apply Folder Redirection.
However, for some odd reason, Terminal Services will go ahead and apply the rest of the Group Policy.
Microsoft is considering supplying a possible fix for this oddity with the release of Service Pack 3 for Windows
Forcing a refresh of the Group Policy by using the Secedit command wont help fix the problem. The only thing
you can do at this point to force a change in Folder Redirection is to change the users group membership,
basically adding or removing the user from a security group in Active Directory Users and Computers. The end
result of using this deletion method is that you will not see the correct icons on the desktop or in the Start menu.
In some cases, My Documents and Application Data folders will also not map correctly.
Purpose This procedure provides a series of cash handling practices for Victoria University of
Wellington (the University) to supplement and support the cash handling material contained within
the Treasury Statute issued by the Finance Policy Group.
The cash handling procedure focuses on preventing the mishandling or loss of cash, and situations
where charges of cash mishandling can be raised against University staff. It is intended that the
procedure will ensure consistency of cash handling practices amongst Schools and Central Service
2 Organisational Scope This is a University-wide procedure and shall apply to all University staff.
3 Definitions For purposes of this procedure, unless otherwise stated, the following definitions shall
Bank: The Kelburn Campus branch of the National Bank of New Zealand.
Cash: Encompasses all forms of payment accepted by the University, including; currency, cheques,
money-orders, and credit card and EFTPOS transactions.
Cash Collection Point:
Any area within a School or Central Service Unit which receives and/or handles cash on a regular
basis, and is approved by Finance as a designated cash collection point.
Cash Handling: Includes the receipt, storage, banking, and distribution of cash.
Casual Cash Collection:
Ad-hoc collection of cash by a School or Central Service Unit, outside of a cash collection point.
Includes the receipt of gifts, donations, grants, nonrecurring fees, and sales.
Currency: Notes and coins.
Staff: Any person with an employment agreement with the University, including an independent
contractor (being a person with a contract for services with the University); or an employee of a
separate organisation that is contracted to perform work on University premises.
Cash Handling Procedure Finance Policy
Victoria University of Wellington Page 2
4 Procedure Content and Guidelines
4.1 Cash Collection Points
4.1.1 Cash Collection Point Status
Cash collection point status:
(a) can only be assigned to a School or Central Service Unit by Finance; and
(b) will only be assigned where there is evidence that the applicant receives and/or handles cash on a
regular basis.
4.1.2 Cash Handling Staff Authorisation
(a) Cash may only be handled by a staff member after approval has been granted by another staff
member with the appropriate authority to do so, typically the Head of the School or Central Service
(b) Written notice signed by the individual granting authorisation must be sent by Finance. The notice
will include the name of the staff member being granted authorisation to handle cash, their job title,
and the reasons for the handling of cash.
(c) The staff member delegated with the authority to handle cash shall provide a signed written notice
acknowledging their understanding of the Treasury Policy and of this procedure, and their obligation
to comply with it.
4.1.3 Changes in Cash Handling Staff
If a staff member authorised to handle cash no longer requires that authorisation, the onus is on the
School or Central Service Unit to update their own records and send written notice of the change to
Finance. This includes circumstances where the staff member leaves their position in the cash
collection point for another position in the University, or leaves the University.
4.1.4 Equipping a Cash Collection Point
Reconcile Takings
o Manual
o Electronic
Manufacturers instructions and store policies regarding operation of
register/terminal equipment
Register/terminal balance
Store policies and procedures on reading registers/terminals and recording
Store policies and procedures related to the handling of cash and the
removing of sales from register/terminal
Change fund
Store policies and procedures on separating change fund from sales and
on securing change fund prior to balancing register/terminal
Completing tasks in a set time frame
Store policies and procedures on balancing of register/terminal at
prescribed times
o At intervals during trading
o At close of trading
Store policies and procedures on clearing of registers/terminals by
o Operator
o Specialist staff
Store policies and procedures on supplying change fund to
Store policies and procedures on removing and transporting cash and
non-cash documents
1. Merchandise are unpacked in accordance with store policy
2. Merchandise are placed on floor, fixtures , shelves and in determined
locationsin accordance with store policy
3. Merchandise are displayed to achieve a balanced, fully stocked
appearance and promote sales
4. Damaged, soiled, or outdated stock are identified and required
corrective action are taken in accordance with store procedures
5. Stocks are rotated in accordance with stock requirements and store
6. Stock are presented in conformity with special handling techniques and
other safety requirements
1. Balancing of register/terminal is performed at prescribed times in accordance
with store policies and procedures
2. Reading registers/terminals and recording information are applied
according to store policies and procedures
3. Handling of cash and the removing of sales from register/terminal are
applied according store policies and procedures
4. In accordance with store policy, separates change fund from sales and
CBLMs on Customer Services Date Developed: Document No.
NC II May 2017 Issued by:
Date Revised:
Balancing Register/Terminal
Page 43 of 56
Revised by:
Veronica Joy A.
Revision #
secures it prior to balancing register/terminal
5. Register/terminal is replenished with change fund in accordance with
store policy,
6. Cash and non-cash documents are removed and transported in
accordance with store security policies and procedures,
Written test / case study or scenario or situation analyses
Oral questioning / interview
Portfolio / third-party report
Demonstration / practical test
Learning Outcome 2
Reconcile Takings
Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read and understand the information sheet and
1.Read Information Sheet 5.2-1 on Cash and check yourself by the self-check. You must
Non-cash Handling Procedures answer all questions correctly before proceeding
to the next activity.
2.Answer Self-check5.2-1
Compare answer with answer key5.2-1
Cash Transaction
Settling a trade using the cash transaction method differs from settling a contract on the settlement
date, which in some cases involves agreeing on a price on the trade date but transferring payment on
some date in the future (known as the settlement date). A cash transaction requires all aspects of a
trade including delivery of payment to be finalized on the trade date.
Non-cash Transaction
Investing or financing activity that does not affect the cash inflows or outflows, but involves only owners' equity or
long-term assets and liabilities. If it represents a significant amount, a noncash transaction is disclosed in the notes
(footnotes) to the cash flow statement.
What is binary options? First of all, it is a highly profitable online trading tool that allows you to estimate the amount
of potential profit in advance. Binary options trading can bring substantial income in the shortest time possible.
Traders buy options at a predetermined price. Online trading can be profitable if the trader correctly identifies the
market movement.
Trading is a high-risk area where you can either double or even triple your capital or lose it in a few minutes. Binary
options have several advantages that make it possible to get more profit with predictable risk. An option with a fixed
profit differs from conventional trading.
Beginners can trade binary options with IQ Option just as well as experienced traders. The entire process is fully
automated. Binary options traders are aware of their profits in advance their main objective is to select the correct
direction of the market movement. They need to choose from two directions only up or down.
The IQ Option platform allows you to trade binary options in two basic modes. Practice account is for training. To
open a practice account and to test your strength, you dont even need to make a deposit. For real trading, you need
to deposit $10 only. This ensures a bonus of up to 36%. When opening an account for a larger amount (from
$3,000), a personal account manager will be at your service.
CBLMs on Customer Services Date Developed: Document No.
NC II May 2017 Issued by:
Date Revised:
Balancing Register/Terminal
Page 52 of 56
Revised by:
Veronica Joy A.
Revision #
Documentation and Records