You Can Select "I Forgot My Password" To Change It To Your Liking.
You Can Select "I Forgot My Password" To Change It To Your Liking.
You Can Select "I Forgot My Password" To Change It To Your Liking.
2. Locate the folder from your game app title called Alpha, Beta or Release Candidate. We
will give access according to the status of your game app within this process.
3. Locate the correct platform for your build App Title (Android) or App Title (iOS).
a. Adequately name your build to include the app name abbreviated followed with the
version code as displayed in the Google Play or App Store separated by an underscore.
b. Example: If your android game is called Super Smash Bros and contains the version
code 1.0.2, then submit the app as: SSB_1.0.2.apk.
*Do not enter dates or custom version names, the version in the name must be the same as
the code version of your build as displayed in the Google Play & App Store after uploading. This
check is included in the QA checklist, failure to correctly name the build will result in a QA
rejection. *
5. When you have multiple files to upload (cheat builds, Adhoc + Distribution, changelogs etc.),
ensure to combine all files into 1 .zip file first (not .rar or other extensions). This .zip file must be
named exactly the same as the example we mentioned in Step 4, so in this case it would look like
6. Click Upload.
7. Once a file has been uploaded, an automatic message shall be sent to QA and to your Spil
account manager, notifying us that a new game / new build is waiting to be reviewed.
8. Your app shall be tested by QA and a QA report shall be composed afterwards called
SSB_1.0.2_Rejected/Approved pending on the status. The report shall be uploaded within the
same folder in which the app was uploaded. Once the report is uploaded, an automatic email
shall be sent to you and the Spil account managers email, notifying them a QA report has been
generated and uploaded.
The process shall be repeated until all requirements are met and QA approves your app.