What Is A Great Church
What Is A Great Church
What Is A Great Church
What are you doing? Are you renewing your first love?
Regenerated Membership
We reject infant baptism as devilish heresy (I Pet 3:21).
The greatest church was filled with the Spirit (Ac 2:38-47).
You should pray for this great blessing (Eph 1:17; 3:14-19).
They hold to the old paths as directed (Jer 6:16; Jude 1:3).
What are you doing? Are you mainly giving, not taking.
To be a great church, we must forgive one another.
God and Christ forgave far more than you ever can!
What are you doing? Are you living a truly holy life?
Reverent Worship
It is more than being old-fashioned; it is being holy.
What are you doing? Push and pray for all members.
In public and in private Christians should give thanks.
We must always give thanks to God (II Thes 2:13; Heb 13:15).