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BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology

Faculty of Textile Engineering

Industrial Training report
Course Code: TEX-4214

Submitted By
ID No: 131-001-0-155
Department: Textile Engineering
Batch: 131, TE 1

Supervised By
Name: Md. Abdur Rouf
Sr. lecturer
Dept. of Textile Engineering

This Internship Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

requirements for the Degree of B.Sc. in Textile Engineering in the
Faculty of Textile Engineering of BGMEA University of Fashion
and Technology (BUFT)
Department of Textile Engineering

Submission Date:.


Course Code: TEX-4214


Submitted By

ID No: 131-001-0-155
Department: Textile Engineering
Batch: 131, TE 1

Supervised By
Name: Md. AbdurRouf
Sr. lecturer
Dept. of Textile Engineering

Exam Committee:
Examiner 1(Supervisor): Signature:

Examiner 2(External Member): Signature:

Examiner 3(External Member): Signature:

January february,2017

Summary of the Industrial Training

It is my great pleasure to make a report on the industrial training report on SILVER

APPARELS LTD. At the time of preparing of report I have learnt many practical
aspect of garments. I have made this report as a part of my program. In have
to go through two months internship program with reputed textile engineer .
garments sector plays important role for the development of the country and a
developing countries economy mainly depend on trade from profit and
profitability, market share .during my training period at SILVER APPARELS LTD. I
have learnt garments making procedure ,washing , finishing & packing procedure
of garments.

I have prepared my report on the basis of garments manufacturing of SILVER

APPARELS LTD . Here I have present the summary of industrial report.

March 28, 2017

Md. Abdur Rouf
Senior lecturer
Dept. of Textile Engineering
BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT)

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,
With great pleasure, here I submit my internship report on Textile Engineering
(major in Apparel) in Garments industry (SILVER APPARLS LTD. ) that you have
approved & assigned as a compulsory requirement of TEX-4214 Course. I have
tried my best level to bring out the original scenario of silver APPARLS LTD with
full of effectiveness & Efficiency.

I have really learned a lot and have gained valuable experience and knowledge
while collecting information for the report. It was certainly a great opportunity for
me to work on this real life project to actualize my theoretical knowledge of this
course in the practical arena and some more which is out of this course.

I hope that this project paper has been to your expectation, if you come across
any question or quarries regarding these cases, it will be my pleasure to clarify
your questions.

Sincerely yours,
Md Saddam Hossain
ID: 131-001-0-155
Batch: 131 TE1
Dept. of Textile Engineering

I, MD Saddam Hossain hereby declare that this internship Repot On garments

manufacturing a Study on silver apparels Ltd submitted by me to BGMEA University of
Fashion & Technology (BUFT) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.SC
in Textile Engineering is an original work.
It has not been submitted earlier, either partly or wholly to any other University or Institution for
the award of any Degree.

Md. Saddam Hossain in textile engineering
ID: 131-001-0-155
BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT)


First of all, we like to thanks the almighty ALLAH for enabling me to complete my industrial
training and report successfully.
We express our heartiest thanks to our instructor and honorable teacher Md Abdur Rouf (
senior Lecturer, Department of textile engineering, BUFT) to whom I am extremely indebted for
tremendous support and guidance throughout my training period. Being working with her we
have not only earned valuable knowledge but was also inspired by her innovativeness which
helped enrich our experience to a greater extent. Her ideas and way of working was truly
We are thankful to Prof Engr Dr. Ayub Nabi Khan, Pro vice chancellor of
BGMEA University of fashion and technology for his kind help and advice.
We would like to thank the management of the SILVER APPARELS LTD. Especially Dewan
Saju, (Chairman, Silver Apparel Ltd) who managed us opportunity to do the industrial training
successfully.Our deepest appreciation goes to Istiaq Ahemed Tanvir, Merchndiser of SILVER
APPARELS LTD. For his permission to conduct my industrial training without which it would be
uncompleted. The generous support is greatly appreciated

No. Title Page no.

1 Introduction. 4

2 Introduction to Organization 7

3 HR Department 11

4 Factory Layout 13

5 Machine Description (Knitting Machine) 16

6 Finishing Section 31
7 Sample Section 33

8 Merchandising Activities 35

9 Production Planning 56

10 Store and Inventory Control 64

11. Cost Analysis 70

12. Marketing Strategy 77

13. Maintenance 78

14. Utility 80

15. Limitations 85

16. Conclusion 86


BGMEA: Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association

BKMEA: Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association
BUFT: BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
GSP: Generalized system of preferences
CT-PAT: Customs-Tread Partnership against Terrorism
RMG: Ready made Garments
WRAP: Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
ILO: International Labor Organization
ETP: Ethical Treatment Plant
CAD: Computer Aided Design
IE: Industrial Engineer
CM: Cost of Making
BUTex: Bangladesh University of Textile
CBM: Cubic Meter
NOVCC: Non Vessel Operated Cargo Carrier
LCL: Less Container Load
FCL: Full Container Load
ETA: Expected Time of Arrival
ETD: Expected Time of Departure

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