Front Page
Front Page
Front Page
Submitted By
ID No: 131-001-0-155
Department: Textile Engineering
Batch: 131, TE 1
Supervised By
Name: Md. Abdur Rouf
Sr. lecturer
Dept. of Textile Engineering
Submission Date:.
Submitted By
ID No: 131-001-0-155
Department: Textile Engineering
Batch: 131, TE 1
Supervised By
Name: Md. AbdurRouf
Sr. lecturer
Dept. of Textile Engineering
Exam Committee:
Examiner 1(Supervisor): Signature:
January february,2017
I have really learned a lot and have gained valuable experience and knowledge
while collecting information for the report. It was certainly a great opportunity for
me to work on this real life project to actualize my theoretical knowledge of this
course in the practical arena and some more which is out of this course.
I hope that this project paper has been to your expectation, if you come across
any question or quarries regarding these cases, it will be my pleasure to clarify
your questions.
Sincerely yours,
Md Saddam Hossain
ID: 131-001-0-155
Batch: 131 TE1
Dept. of Textile Engineering
First of all, we like to thanks the almighty ALLAH for enabling me to complete my industrial
training and report successfully.
We express our heartiest thanks to our instructor and honorable teacher Md Abdur Rouf (
senior Lecturer, Department of textile engineering, BUFT) to whom I am extremely indebted for
tremendous support and guidance throughout my training period. Being working with her we
have not only earned valuable knowledge but was also inspired by her innovativeness which
helped enrich our experience to a greater extent. Her ideas and way of working was truly
We are thankful to Prof Engr Dr. Ayub Nabi Khan, Pro vice chancellor of
BGMEA University of fashion and technology for his kind help and advice.
We would like to thank the management of the SILVER APPARELS LTD. Especially Dewan
Saju, (Chairman, Silver Apparel Ltd) who managed us opportunity to do the industrial training
successfully.Our deepest appreciation goes to Istiaq Ahemed Tanvir, Merchndiser of SILVER
APPARELS LTD. For his permission to conduct my industrial training without which it would be
uncompleted. The generous support is greatly appreciated
No. Title Page no.
1 Introduction. 4
2 Introduction to Organization 7
3 HR Department 11
4 Factory Layout 13
6 Finishing Section 31
7 Sample Section 33
8 Merchandising Activities 35
9 Production Planning 56
13. Maintenance 78
14. Utility 80
15. Limitations 85
16. Conclusion 86