What Does It Take To Fall in Love?: Not Very Much, It Turns Out

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Article 1 :

What Does It Take to Fall in

Not very much, it turns out.

Let me define falling in love as well as I can, so we know what we are talking
about. One person finds himself/herself excited and preoccupied with
someone else and desirous of touching that person and being with that person
as much as possible. That strong physical attraction usually includes sexual
feelings. There is a frequent desire to share thoughts and experiences, even
trivial experiences. It is a headlong, pleasurable feeling that, everyone seems
to agree, colors judgment so that the loved person is not seen clearly.
Vague fantasies of a dramatic nature enter into the lovers thoughts. The rest
of life fades a little behind this dramatic daydream. It is as if there is a magnetic
attraction to the other person that transcends rational thought. It is so powerful
that, like other powerful feelings, such as grief, it seems to the affected person
that it will last forever. It is the sort of thing people write songs about.

People can fall in love over time, but most often it is sudden, developing
quickly. It is called falling in love because it seems beyond controla little like
falling down. Or tripping over something. It often comes at the wrong time,
people tell me, and sometimes plainly with the wrong sort of person. It is not a
voluntary process.

Written by Fredric Neuman M.D. Fredric Neuman M.D.

Article 2:

The Moment You Know Youre

Falling In Love
The moment you know that you are falling in love with someone is one of the
most exciting and terrifying moments in existence. Falling in love with
someone is scary because, for the most part, it is completely out of your
control. The heart wants what the heart wants. When the elation, the nerves,
the butterflies, the anxiety, and the euphoria all come together, somehow you
just know.You know youre falling when time goes by in fast forward and you
desperately wish there was a pause button on life so you could be with them
forever, frozen in a perfect moment.You know youre falling when you forget
youre hungry and all you can think about is how amazing the other person is,
and when you can sit in silence with the other person and feel like its the best
conversation that youve ever had. Silence is one of the most powerful things,
as is communicating without actually having to say anything. And you know
youre falling when you wake up and the other person is the first thing that
crosses your mind and the thought of them immediately makes you smile.You
know youre falling when you can actually fall sleep with them in your bed.
Especially if you can fall asleep while they snore, and if you can share the
covers. You know when you want to know every single thing about the other
person. What house they grew up in, how many cousins they have, what
sports they played, what movies they hate, what their favorite restaurant
is.Youre falling when you trust them enough to tell them your deepest, darkest
secret, and you know they wont run away. You feel comfortable enough to be
at your most vulnerable, and you know they will try and protect you from your
demons and fears. Youre falling when all you want to talk about is the person
youre falling for. How sweet they are. How caring they are. How similar you
two are. You want to tell the world everything about them and inform everyone
of how you two first met.You know youre falling when you start staring off into
the distance in class or in a meeting or in your office and you think about all of
the ways you two are absolutely perfect together. The more you think about it,
the more you want to shout it all from the top of a mountain.You know youre
falling when all the other relationships that came before become vague and
blurry fixtures of your past. You no longer need to hold onto the disintegrating
love from your failed relationships, to the hurt and wounds and resentment.
You learn how to let go, if you havent before. When you realize that holding
yourself back because the fear of being hurt all over again isnt fair to someone
new. Because theyre not your past. Instead, they could be your future.You
know youre falling in love with someone when you know. All of these things
can be signs, but the moment you realize you actually love the other person,
you just know. It hits you like a ton of bricks. It knocks the air out of your lungs.
And its the best feeling in the world.

By Michaela Rollings
Article 3 :

How Do You Really Know If

You're Falling in Love?

Are you falling in love? How can you tell?

Theres no question that the early stages of a relationship can be confusing.

You might puzzle over your own feelings, and wonder what the person

youre datingreally thinks of you. Your own emotions may be difficult to fully

decipher, and trying to categorize them as falling in loveor as just a passing

attraction can be tricky. Is what you're feeling the real thing, or are you just

prone to feeling this way and need to be careful moving forward?

Drawing on recent research (focused on heterosexual relationships), here are

some questions to help you sort it out:

1. Are you suddenly doing new things?

As people fall in love, they often branch out beyond their normal range of
activities and try those that their partners favor. You might find yourself
trying new foods, watching new shows, or attempting new activities like
running, fishing, or gambling. People who fall in love tend to report
growth in the content and diversity of their own self-concepts (Aron, Paris,
& Aron, 1995).
2. Have you been especially stressed lately?

As welcome as falling in love might be, evidence links the experience

with higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol (Marazziti & Canale,
2004). So if youre anxious, tense, or just plain jittery, it might be a normal
response to the strain of repeated social encounters with someone
whose impression matters deeply to you.


3. Are you highly motivated to be with this person?

Transitioning from a casual relationship to falling in love may have a

chemical underpinning: Evidence shows that dopamine-rich areas of the
brain are involved in the beginning stages of love (Fisher, Aron, & Brown,
2005); these areas are considered part of the brains reward system
and serve as highly motivational. Once couples are in love for a while,
the intensity of these emotions tends to decline and different areas of the
brain, potentially more closely linked to attachment, become more active.


5. Does the person youre falling for return your feelings?

If youre a woman and you feel like youre falling in love, you might be
interested to know that women experience reciprocity in those emotions
more than men (Sanz Cruces et al., 2015). Maybe women are more apt
to hold back their emotions until they believe they are returned, or maybe
women are more successful at seducing partners. In either case, women
who think theyre falling in love tend to have their feelings returned more
often than men, making them more likely to find their feelings turn into


Yang berusaha Encik Aminudin bin Mustafa,
Pengetua SMK DJH

Yang Berusaha, Encik Mohd Naseer bin

Zainol, Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran,

Yang Dihormati En Ahmad Fauzi b Ibrahim,

Penolong kanan Hal Ehwal Murid,
Yang Dihormati Encik Mohsin b Ibrahim,
Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum,

Yang Dihormati Puan Jamilaton Rabaiee binti

Haris, Penolong Kanan Tingkatan 6.

Guru-guru Kanan, Guru Cemerlang, kaunselor sekolah,

rakan-rakan guru, dan para pelajar yang dikasihi sekalian.

Assalamualaikum wbt, salam sejahtera dan salam


Bersongkok bersampin segak berseri

Berbaju kurung anggun jelita
Majlis ramah mesra aidil fitri
Bersamalah kita meraikannya

Kuih bahulu tradisi kita

Ketupat rendang pembuka selera
Tangan dihulur maaf dipinta
Agar ukhwah terjalin mesra

Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan
limpah kurniaNya jua maka kita masih diberikan
kesempatan untuk menghirup udara Syawal setelah
sebulan Ramadhan kita berpuasa. Syukur juga kerana
kita sama-sama dapat berkumpul di Dewan Seri Jernih
yang ceria ini untuk meraikan majlis Sambutan hari
raya Aidilfitri peringkat sekolah bagi tahun 2012.
(4) DOA
Hadirin-hadirat yang dihormati sekalian

Majlis sambutan hari raya Aidilfitri ini, kita mulakan

dengan munajat doa memohon restu dari yang maha Esa.
Majlis mempersilakan Ustaz \Mohd Saifuddin b
Hassan bagi memimpin pembacaan doa. Dipersilakan
al-fadzil ustaz.

terima kasih Al Fadzil Ustaz atas pimpinan ketulusan

pembacaan doa sebentar tadi. Semoga majlis nan
berlangsung diberkati oleh Yang Maha Agung.

Hadirin hadirat , para pelajar yang dikasihi sekalian,

Lemang dihidang enak rasanya

Nasi arab pilihan kita
Bingkisan kata bingkisan raya
Tuan pengetua bermadah kata

Bagi maksud itu, majlis dengan penuh hormat dan

sukacitanya mempersilakan yang berusaha, En.
Aminudin bin Mustafa, Pengetua SMK Datuk Jaafar
Hassan untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua kata.

Seterusnya, majlis sekali lagi mempersilakan Tuan

pengetua, penolong kanan pentadbiran, Penolong kanan
HEM dan penolong kanan kokurilulum untuk
menyalakan pelita di hadapan pentas sebagai simbolik
perasmian acara sambutan hari raya pada tahun ini.
Majlis merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan
terima kasih kepada yang Berusaha. Tuan pengetua,
penolong kanan pentadbiran, penolong kanan HEM dan
penolong kanan kokurikulum atas penyempurnaan acara
simbolik sebentar tadi.


Ketupat lemang nasi impit laksa

Mi kuah bihun sup tidak dilupa
Kek dan biskut tersedia di meja
Tunggu apa lagi jom kita jamu selera

Dipersilakan hadirin hadirat dan semua yang hadir untuk

menikmati juadah yang telah sedia dihidangkan.
Tetapi sebelum itu, saya akan serahkan majlis ini dahulu
kepada SITI ROHAYA bt Sabri Goh untuk meneruskan

[Siti Ruhana]

Awan bersua citra berkisah

Ukiran sukma kilauan kelisa
Sambil berbual nikmati juadah
Persembahan pelajar ceria acara

Marilah kita sama-sama menghayati alunan suara

lagu-lagu raya yang akan didendangkan oleh pelajar.

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada

[Che Faridah]

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada


Demikian tadi berakhirnya persembahan pelajar. Terima

kasih sekalung budi diucapkan kepada semua pelajar
yang menjayakan persembahan itu tadi.

Majlis kita sampai ke penghujungnya. Pihak majlis
mohon mengambil kesempatan waktu di penghujung ini
untuk mengucapkan ribuan kalungan bunga terima kasih
kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam memastikan
majlis sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri peringkat sekolah
ini dapat dilangsung dengan meriahnya. Terima kasih
juga diucapkan kepada semua pelajar atas kerjasama
yang diberikan bagi mengharmonikan majlis ini.

Sekian, Wassalamualakum wbt.dan Selamat hari raya

Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.

Teks pengacara majlis sambutan hari raya ppki 2015 Teks pengacara majlis
sambutan hari raya ppki 2015 Masa Perkara Teks 9.45 Ketibaan pengetua +
pengerusi bakeb Mengumumkan Ketibaan bersama Pn Hjh Siti Liah Binti Che
Muda, Pengetua Smk Seri Tasik dan En Yaakob Bin Jantan, Pengerusi Bakeb
2015,2016. Para Hadirin diminta berdiri. Para hadirin di persilakan duduk.
9.50 Ucapan aluan pengerusi majlis SIRIH BERLIPAT SIRIH PINANG, SIRIH
PARA IBU BAPA.. Serta anak-anak pelajar yang dikasihi SEKALIAN.
SALAM SATU MALAYSIA. Bersongkok bersampin segak berseri Berbaju kurung
anggun jelita Majlis ramah mesra aidil fitri Bersamalah kita meraikannya Kuih
bahulu tradisi kita Ketupat rendang pembuka selera Tangan dihulur maaf
dipinta Agar ukhwah terjalin mesra Para hadirin, Alhamdulillah, syukur ke
hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurniaNya, maka kita masih diberikan
kesempatan untuk menghirup udara Syawal setelah sebulan kita berpuasa.
Syukur juga kerana kita sama-sama dapat berkumpul di bilik hujrah tasik 2
yang ceria ini untuk meraikan majlis Sambutan hari raya Aidilfitri PPKI pada
tahun ini. 9.55 Ucapan aluan pengerusi bakeb Bukan keris tanpa hulunya,
Bukan majlis tanpa ucapannya. Tanpa membuang masa, majlis dengan segala
hormatnya menjemput En Yaakop Bin Jantan selaku pengerusi Bakeb untuk
menyampaikan sepatah dua kata. Dipersilakan... Terima kasih diucapkan
kepada En. Yaakob .. 10.00 Ucapan pengetua Menjemput PUAN untuk berdiri,
Memberikan ucapan kepada kami Kepada PUAN ruang diberi, Mohon
rasmikan majlis kami Majlis dengan sukacita dan penuh takzim
PENGETUA SMK SERI TASIK bagi menyampaikan ucapan dan seterusnya
menyempurnakan dan merasmikan majlis sambutan hari raya aidilfitri ppki
pada tahun ini.. Dengan segala hormatnya, dipersilakan... Dengan Bismillah
kita mulai tadi, Alhamdulillah wassola tannabi, Dengan takdir Ilahi Rabbi,
Selesai sudah upacara merasmi.. Majlis merakamkan ribuan terima kasih
kepada puan pengetua di atas ucapan dan penyempurnaan perasmian itu tadi.
10.15 Penyampaian duit raya Datang ke sekolah seawal pagi Berbaju raya
berseri seri Anak-anak sudah menanti Bila duit raya hendak diberi Dan
sekarang tibalah masa yang dinanti-nantikan pelajar..iaitu slot penyampaian
duit raya. Dengan itu majlis mempersilakan Pn Hjh Siti Liah Binti Che Muda
diiringi En Rosli Bin Omar untuk upacara penyampaian duit raya kepada para
pelajar.. Majlis merakamkan ribuan terima kasih kepada puan pengetua dan
encik rosli di atas penyampaian duit raya sebentar tadi. 10.45 Jamuan
bermula Dengan sempurnanya penyampaian duit raya itu tadi maka majlis
kita sudah sampai ke penghujungnya. Saya mewakili ahli jawatan kuasa majlis
sambutan hari raya aidilfitri ppki 2015 ingin merakamkan jutaan terima
kasih kepada semua yang telah terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung
dalam menjayakan majlis pada hari ini. Yang baik itu datangnya dari Allah
dan yang kurang itu kami ingin menyusun sepuluh jari memohon kemaafan.
Semoga kita berjumpa lagi dalam majlis sambutan hari raya pada tahun
hadapan. Para hadirin dipersilakan untuk menikmati juadah hari raya yang
telah disediakan.












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