Home Composting Systems
Home Composting Systems
Home Composting Systems
This simple home composting technology has been Moisture: Moisture/water is a very essential component to
identified as most sustainable solution to address the precede all microbial activities. Water is the medium for
emerging solid waste management problems in many most chemical reactions and 40% - 65% of moisture content
countries. Active community participation can be expected is ideal for effective composting. When the moisture content
because; home composting enhances economic condition of is below 40%, microbial activity will continue at a slower
urban poor people through home-gardening and selling of rate. When the moisture content is above 65%, water will
compost and/or recyclables. displace air from the compost pile leading to anaerobic
The suitability of each composting system to a specified
location primarily depends on site characteristics. Most Temperature: Is essential for a well mixed compost pile,
traditional systems are not common in urban areas due to temperature can reach up to 65-700C due to activities of the
space limitations and pest attractions. Therefore, bin micro-organisms. This heat is desirable and helps to
composting is preferred by most urban dwellers due to its accelerate the degradation process. In addition to this, it
convenience and as it has less impact on aestheticism. But destroys the weed seeds, pathogens in the composting
all methods use the same scientific principle though it differs material and makes it unsuitable for fly breeding.
from its procedures and equipments that are used.
Who to contact: Project Manager – Solid Waste Management or the Resource Desk at
For specific details please contact the Project Officer in the Practical Action:
Hambantota T +94 (11) 4379339 E southern@practicalaction.org.lk
Ampara T +94 (11) 2224932 E eastern@practicalaction.org.lk
Technical Brief
Particle Size: When the particles are smaller it will be The basic heap size is about 2 m wide at the base, 1.5 m
turned into composting very fast. Smaller particles have a high and 2 m long. Any length can be used if enough space
larger surface area that can be attacked by microbes. A and waste materials are available. The sides are tapered so
shredder can be used to reduce the size of larger particles. that the top is about 0.5 m narrower in width than the base.
Tree leaves also can be shredded to prevent them from
forming layers. But too smaller particles disturb the aeration Forming the heap
process and it is better to maintain a good texture (mixture
of different size particles -Ideal size is 2-3 inches).
Advantages Disadvantages
• This is a very simple method • Attraction and disturbances from animals like dogs, pigs and
• Involves low cost or no costat all
• Breeding places for some pest like rats flies etc.
• Can handle large amount of waste at once
• More suitable as batch method
• Easy maintenance
• Aesthetically not pleasant
• Not applicable for congested areas
Advantages Disadvantages
• Easy to construct • Pest attraction (animals, rats etc)
• Low cost or no cost for construction • Comparatively a large space is required
• Can handle any amount of waste • Possible odour problems
• Easy maintenance • Slow decaying due to anaerobic conditions
• Good protection compared to open heap
• Minimise moisture loss and wind problems
Basket/Jeewakotu method is a continuous composting growing crops. Growing green twigs of the poles can be
system. Waste material can be added to the basket as used for mulching the crops or to incorporate as a substrate
available and made compost could be removed continuously (green) for composting. This helps nutrient recycling through
from bottom spaces (Space between poles). Mixing is not different components of the farming system.
required in this system since this structure provides better
aeration compared to the other composting structures. Fine compost can be removed from the bottom spaces of
Adding balance substrates (green and brown) and the system and slowly degradable materials remain in the
maintaining proper moisture contents are the most important bin until it is broken down into smaller pieces. No maturation
management practices for this method. period is required after removing and can be applied to the
crops and plants.
In organic farming systems, planting crops around the
composting unit is a very common practice. Composting unit
provides the necessary nutrients and moisture to the
Advantages Disadvantages
• Involves no cost at all or low cost incurred for • Does not match with urban landscape
• Can cause damage from wild animals some pest like monkeys
• Simple and easy to construct
Management practices
Bin Composting is a continuous system that can add organic moisture levels. Mixing of kitchen waste with garden waste
waste daily to the composting bin. Care should be taken to is a good solution to address above problems.
put only suitable material for composting since this system is
more suitable than the other systems discussed above. Compost can be removed after 2-3 months starting the bin
Moisture and nutrient balance is more important and use of and continue as it produces. Oversized/partly degraded
improper mixture could result delay in composting, stink particles can be sent back to the bin. Intermittent mixing of
odours, and vermin problems. Different waste material can the bin accelerates the composting process and minimise
be mixed together to get balance mixture and kitchen waste possible odour problems.
alone give problems in composting process due to high
Advantages Disadvantages
• Eliminate external whether problems • High cost of purchasing (Rs. 1000-2500)
• Minimum animal/pest attractions • Improper/poor designs
• Aesthetically good looking • Need proper maintenance (if not Vermin and odour problems
may occur).
• Maximum use of space
Advantages Disadvantages
• Easy to construct • Pest attraction (animals, rats etc)
• Low cost or no cost for construction • Comparatively a large space is required