Unit 1-Grade 7

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Choral 7 Unit 1

Teacher: Lanieca Falkenberg

School Year: 2017-2018
Topic: Introduction to Sight Singing, Theory, and Performance in the Classroom
Duration: approx 10 classes
Required Materials & Resources:
Junior High Music Curriculum Guide
Music Journals

Outcomes: General Learning Outcomes

Singing: To discover, develop and evaluate their talents and abilities relative to singing, and to
establish and reinforce correct vocal techniques and skills.
Reading: To interpret rhythm, melody, harmony, form and expression as they appear in musical
notation through both cognitive and psychomotor responses.
Listening: To develop the ability to make aesthetic judgments based on critical listening and
analysis of music.

Learning Outcomes & Learner Expectations (as taken from the Alberta
Program of Studies)
General & Specific Learner Expectations/Outcomes Unit Learner Expectations (Goals)
By the end of the course students will . . . By the end of the unit, students will be able to . . .

General Outcome 1
SINGING To discover, develop and evaluate their talents and abilities relative to singing, and to establish
and reinforce correct vocal techniques and skills.

Specific Outcome 1.1: ULE: 1.1.1

The student will understand the use and care of the The student will be able to sufficiently prepare the
vocal instrument. vocal instrument for singing, with the guidance
and direction of the instructor.
ULE: 1.1.2
The student will be able to describe healthy and
unhealthy substances and activities for the vocal

Specific Outcome 1.2: ULE: 1.2.1

The student will develop proper breath control. The student will be able to sing a 4 measure
phrase, with adequate tone and volume.

Specific Outcome 1.3: ULE: 1.3.1

The student will demonstrate pure and unified vowel The student will be able to match the vowel
sounds and properly formed consonants. sound of another student or the instructor.

Specific Outcome 1.4: ULE: 1.4.1

The student will successfully perform his or her part The student will be able to accurately perform his
in canon or unison with descant selection. or her own part with adequate intonation and
reasonable balance

Specific Outcome 1.5: ULE: 1.5.1

The student will match pitches The student will be able to accurately match
vocalized pitches and pitches played on an
accompanying instrument, such as a piano.

Specific Outcome 1.6: ULE: 1.6.1

The student will echo a five-note melody based on The student will be able to accurately repeat a
the first five notes of a major scale or the pentatonic five-note melody sung or played by the instructor
scales (do or la based) after it has been played or
sung three times

General Outcome 2
READING The student will interpret rhythm, melody, harmony, form, and expression as they appear in
musical notation through cognitive and psychomotor responses
Specific Outcome 2.1: ULE: 2.1.1
The student will identify by letter names the notes of The student will be able to accurately identify
the treble and bass staff notes of the treble and bass staff, inside and
outside of the context of the repertoire, and other

Specific Outcome 2.2: ULE: 2.2.1

The student will recognize and interpret rest and The student will be able to accurately identify rest
note values and note values as small as eighths inside and
outside of the context of the repertoire.

Specific Outcome 2.3: ULE: 2.3.1

The student will identify dynamic markings, tempo The student will be able to accurately identify
terms (e.g., allegro, andante) and other terms as expressive markings (tempo and dynamics) inside
related to the repertoire being sung and outside of the repertoire being studied.

The goals of the Junior High Choral Music Program are achieved through the use of the
following curricular components:1

Vocal Ear Sight Theoretical Interpretive Synthesis

Skills Training Singing Skills Skills Skills






*Indicates area of emphasis

Essential Question

Junior High Program of Studies
How will students transitioning into a new choral program better be able to perform their
choral music through the use of theory and fundamental skills such as reading music, writing
music, and proper technique?

This unit is appropriate for this grade level because it is necessary to assess each
student's skill level as they now enter into a Grade 7 Choral classroom, music different than
their music in Grade 6. This unit will help the teacher know what level each student is at, and to
help the student know what to expect in a middle school music setting. This unit emphasizes the
importance of basic music skills to enhance our performance in a choral setting. This unit will
set a base for each student, so that they can further their skills in music technique throughout
the year, and then hopefully dive into more challenging repertoire.

Considerations for Exceptional Learners

A variety of activities and exercises will provide a way for exceptional learners to begin
to grasp and eventually master musical concepts and ideas. Activities that require small
amounts of physical activity will be planned as often as possible to help students remain
cognitively and physically engaged. This will also cater to the different learning preferences of
all students in the class and will ensure that all students are provided with an appropriate way to
learn and demonstrate their knowledge.

Summary of Lessons

Lesson Topic Learning Assessment/Ev Learning Activities

Expectations aluation

1 Intro to Unit The student will be able to: -Exit Slip -Most of the lesson will
o sufficiently -Observations be spent on setting
prepare the vocal -Music Journals expectations for the
instrument for choral classroom/warm-
singing, with the up/care of the vocal
guidance and instrument
direction of the -Students will learn
instructor. different vocal
o describe healthy exercises/breath control
and unhealthy -Students will set a goal
substances and for the unit-a skill they
activities for the would like to develop or
vocal instrument.
o begin working
toward singing a
4 measure
phrase, with
adequate tone
and volume.
2 Pre-Assessment The student will be able to: -Music Journal -Students will review
& Warm-Up o match the vowel -Observations what was learned in
Building sound of another previous class
student or the -Half the class will be
instructor. spent familiarizing
o accurately repeat a students with warm-up
five-note melody exercises and working on
sung or played vowel formation
by the instructor -Students will learn a
o accurately perform round
his or her own
part with
intonation and

3 New Repertoire The student will be able to: -Observation -Warm-ups will now be
o accurately perform shortened as we
his or her own introduce repertoire
part with
intonation and
o accurately match
vocalized pitches
and pitches
played on an
instrument, such
as a piano.

4 New Repertoire The student will be able to: -Observation -Warm-ups

(Cont.) o accurately perform -Review what we learned
his or her own part last class for repertoire
with adequate -Learn new repertoire
intonation and
reasonable balance
o accurately match
vocalized pitches and
pitches played on an
instrument, such as a

5 Theory lesson 1 The student will be able to: -Exit Slip -In the repertoire learned,
o accurately identify we will look at what kind
rest and note of dynamic and tempo
values as small as markings have been
eighths inside
used while continuing to
and outside of rehearse
the context of
the repertoire.
o accurately identify
markings (tempo
and dynamics)
inside and
outside of the
repertoire being

6 Repertoire Work The student will be able to: -Observation -Students will review
o accurately match what was learned last
vocalized pitches class about dynamic and
and pitches tempo marking as they
played on an continue to work on
accompanying repertoire
instrument, such
as a piano.
o accurately identify
markings (tempo
and dynamics)
inside and
outside of the
repertoire being

7 Theory lesson 2 The student will be able to: -Music Journal -This lesson will
o accurately identify specifically be focused
notes of the on theory. The lesson will
treble and bass be formal and the
staff, inside and students will be focused
outside of the on learning and
context of the reviewing note names.
repertoire, and
other notes.

8 Repertoire Work The student will be able to: -Observation -Work in the repertoire
o accurately identify will continue with a focus
notes of the on learning parts, or on
treble and bass achieving intonation and
staff, inside and balance, depending on
outside of the the groups abilities
context of the
repertoire, and
other notes.
o accurately perform
his or her own
part with
intonation and

9 Theory The student will be able to: -Test results Students will complete a
Test/Music o accurately identify scavenger hunt through
Scavenger Hunt notes of the the music individually to
treble and bass find specific pitches,
staff, inside and dynamic and tempo
outside of the markings etc., throughout
context of the the repertoire.
repertoire, and -Students also will
other notes. answer a number of short
o accurately identify questions related to
rest and note theory we have learned
values as small as
eighths inside
and outside of
the context of
the repertoire.
o accurately identify
markings (tempo
and dynamics)
inside and
outside of the
repertoire being

10 Reflection The student will be able to: -Observation -Students will reflect on
o Adequately satisfy -Music Journals the personal goal set at
all outcomes as the beginning of the unit
described above and assess their
-New repertoire may be

Assessment Plan

Title Observation Music Journals Assignments Performance

& Exit Slips

Type Summative & Summative & Formative Summative &

Formative Formative Formative

Weighing 40% 20% 15% 25%

Assessment Tools

Assessment Brief Description Assessment Assessm Assessmen

Tool FOR Learning ent AS t OF
Learning Learning

Observation This will be the primary

assessment tool for this unit and
other units. Using written notes
and rating scales will ensure that
the observations are outcome
orientated and will allow me to
observe the students skills.

Music Journal Music journals will be used as exit

& Exit Slips slips. At the end of a class, I may
ask the students to respond to a
question relevant to what we have
learned in class. Their responses
will be review and can help shape
what we learn in future
instruction. It also allows for
another way of assessing their
understanding. Comments made
by me in their journals will give
students feedback and provide a
way for self-assessment.

Assignments Assignments will mostly be for

the purpose of assessing the
students knowledge of music.
Students will have many
opportunities in class to clarify
their knowledge throughout the
unit. Their knowledge will
continue to grow with time, and
this is why this portion is weighed

Performances For this unit, performances will be

all in class performances, with the
rest of the class as the audience.
During performances, students
will be able to showcase their
knowledge and skills to the class.
These skills will be assessed
using a rubric.

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