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Find someone who...

...can snap ...will sing Im ...can draw a ...knows an ...will sing Its
his/her fingers a Little Teapot musical note instrument that raining, Its
has strings pouring

...can name the ...can tell you ...plays an ...can name what ...will sing If
two shapes in what pianissimo instrument all the vowels Youre Happy
Twinkle, means are and You Know
Twinkle, Little It

...can tell you the ...can identify a Free Space ...will sing O ...can list 4
difference famous musician Canada words that
between the base rhyme with
clef and the SING
treble clef

...can sing a high ...can say the 7 ...knows what ...can clap a ...can list 5
note, and then a letters that are comes after Do, rhythm to you different
low note used to name the re, mi, fa. instruments
notes on a staff
...will tell you ...was in choir ...plays more ...can tell you ...can sing a song
one thing they last year than 1 what a crescendo in a language
are excited about instrument is other than
in choir English

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