Fault Codes DM1 Issue 5 Tcm51-526386

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Fault codes DM1

Industrial engines
DC09, DC13, DC16

Marine engines
DI09, DI13, DI16

03:10 Issue 5.0 en-GB 1

Scania CV AB 2015, Sweden

DM1 .......................................................................................................................... 3

Abbreviations........................................................................................................... 3

Fault type identifier................................................................................................. 3

List of fault codes..................................................................................................... 4

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Scania CV AB 2015, Sweden

Fault codes generated in the CAN network are sent via CAN message DM1. This
document describes how to interpret these fault codes from the DM1 message.

Abbreviation Explanation
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
FMI Failure Mode Identifiers

Fault type identifier

Explanation of FMI codes.

Code Explanation Code Explanation

0 Data valid but above normal operational range (that is, engine overheating) 12 Bad intelligent device or component
1 Data valid but below normal operational range (that is, engine oil pressure too low) 13 Out of calibration
2 Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 14 Special instructions
3 Voltage above normal or shorted high 15 Data valid but above normal operating range - least severe level
4 Voltage below normal or shorted low 16 Data valid but above normal operating range - moderately severe level
5 Current below normal or open circuit 17 Data valid but below normal operating range - least severe level
6 Current above normal or grounded circuit 18 Data valid but below normal operating range - moderately severe level
7 Mechanical system not responding properly 19 Received network data in error
8 Abnormal frequency, pulse width, or pending 20 Data drifted high
9 Abnormal update rate 21 Data drifted low
10 Abnormal rate of change
11 Failure mode not identifiable

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List of fault codes

List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description
46 Pneumatic Supply Pressure The pneumatic pressure in the main reservoir, sometimes referred to as the wet tank.
51 Engine Throttle Valve 1 Position The position of the valve used to regulate the supply of a fluid, usually air or fuel/air mixture, to an en-
91 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 The ratio of actual position of the analogue engine speed/torque request input device (such as an accel-
erator pedal or throttle lever) to the maximum position of the input device.
94 Engine Fuel Delivery Pressure Gage pressure of fuel in system as delivered from supply pump to the injection pump.
97 Water In Fuel Indicator Signal which indicates the presence of water in the fuel.
98 Engine Oil Level Ratio of current volume of engine sump oil to maximum required volume.
100 Engine Oil Pressure Gage pressure of oil in engine lubrication system as provided by oil pump.
102 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure The gage pressure measurement of the air intake manifold.
103 Engine Turbocharger 1 Speed Rotational velocity of rotor in the turbocharger.
105 Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature Temperature of pre-combustion air found in intake manifold number 1 of engine air supply system.
107 Engine Air Filter 1 Differential Pressure Change in engine air system pressure, measured across the filter, due to the filter and any accumulation
of solid foreign matter on or in the filter.
108 Barometric Pressure Absolute air pressure of the atmosphere.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature Temperature of liquid found in engine cooling system.
111 Engine Coolant Level Ratio of volume of liquid found in engine cooling system to total cooling system volume.
131 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure
132 Engine Intake Air Mass Flow Rate Mass flow rate of fresh air entering the engine air intake, before any EGR mixer, if used.
156 Engine Injector Timing Rail 1 Pressure The gage pressure of fuel in the timing rail delivered from the supply pump to the injector timing intake.
167 Charging System Potential (Voltage) Electrical potential measured at the charging system output. The charging system may be any device
charging the batteries.
168 Battery Potential/Power Input 1 This parameter measures the first source of battery potential as measured at the input of the ECM/actu-
ator etc. coming from one or more batteries, irrespective of the distance between the component and the

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List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

171 Ambient Air Temperature Temperature of air surrounding vehicle.
172 Engine Air Intake Temperature Temperature of air entering vehicle air induction system.
174 Engine Fuel Temperature 1 Temperature of fuel passing through the first fuel control system.
175 Engine Oil Temperature 1 Temperature of the engine lubricant.
188 Engine Speed At Idle, Point 1 (Engine Configuration) Stationary low idle speed of engine which includes influences due to engine temperature (after power
up) and other stationary changes (calibration offsets, sensor failures, etc).
190 Engine Speed Actual engine speed which is calculated over a minimum crankshaft angle of 720 degrees divided by the
number of cylinders.
234 Software Identification Software identification of an electronic module.
532 Engine Speed At High Idle, Point 6 (Engine Configuration) Engine speed of high idle of the engine torque map.
558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch Switch signal which indicates the state of the accelerator pedal 1 low idle switch.
559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch Switch signal which indicates whether the accelerator pedal kickdown switch is opened or closed.
590 Engine Idle Shutdown Timer State Status signal which indicates the current mode of operation of the idle shutdown timer system.
597 Brake Switch Switch signal which indicates that the driver operated brake foot pedal is being pressed.
598 Clutch Switch Switch signal which indicates that the clutch pedal is being pressed.
636 Engine Position Sensor
641 Engine Variable Geometry Turbocharger Actuator #1 Actuator that controls the variable geometry turbocharger geometry.
645 Engine Tachometer Signal Output
651 Engine Injector Cylinder #01
652 Engine Injector Cylinder #02
653 Engine Injector Cylinder #03
654 Engine Injector Cylinder #04
655 Engine Injector Cylinder #05
656 Engine Injector Cylinder #06
657 Engine Injector Cylinder #07
658 Engine Injector Cylinder #08

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List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

677 Engine Starter Motor Relay Activates the starter.
723 Engine Speed 2 The engine speed as measured by speed sensor 2.
968 Engine Idle Increment Switch Switch signal which indicates the position of the idle increment switch.
972 Accelerator Interlock Switch Switch signal used to disable the accelerator and remote accelerator inputs, causing the engine to return
to idle.
974 Remote Accelerator Pedal Position The ratio of actual position of the remote analogue engine speed/torque request input device (such as an
accelerator pedal or throttle lever) to the maximum position of the input device.
986 Requested Percent Fan Speed Fan speed as a ratio of the actual fan drive (current speed) to the fully engaged fan drive (maximum fan
1086 Parking and/or Trailer Air Pressure The pneumatic pressure in the circuit or reservoir for the parking brake and/or the trailer supply.
1108 Engine Protection System Timer Override Status signal which indicates the status of the override feature of the engine protection system timer.
1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine Status signal which indicates whether or not the engine protection system has shutdown the engine.
1239 Engine Fuel Leakage 1 Status signal which indicates fuel leakage in the fuel rail of the engine. Location can be either before or
after the fuel pump.
1322 Engine Misfire for Multiple Cylinders When a misfire occurs in any one of the cylinders.
1323 Engine Misfire Cylinder #1 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1324 Engine Misfire Cylinder #2 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1325 Engine Misfire Cylinder #3 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1326 Engine Misfire Cylinder #4 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1327 Engine Misfire Cylinder #5 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1328 Engine Misfire Cylinder #6 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1329 Engine Misfire Cylinder #7 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1330 Engine Misfire Cylinder #8 Engine misfire detected in cylinder.
1135 Engine Oil Temperature 2 Temperature of the engine lubricant.
1442 Engine Fuel Valve 1 Position The position of a gaseous fuel valve that is metering the fuel flow to the engine.
1443 Engine Fuel Valve 2 Position The position of a gaseous fuel valve that is metering the fuel flow to the engine.

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List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

1483 Source Address of Controlling Device for Engine Control The source address of the SAE J1939 device currently controlling the engine.
1484 Other ECUs Have Reported Fault Codes Affecting Opera-
1485 ECM Main Relay
1569 Engine Protection Torque Derate Torque has been derated for protection of the engine.
1632 Engine Torque Limit Feature Torque limit rating described in the current record.
1639 Fan Speed The speed of the fan associated with engine coolant system.
1675 Engine Starter Mode Start cannot take place for one of several different reasons.
1761 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Level Ratio of volume of diesel exhaust fluid to the total volume of diesel exhaust fluid storage container.
2609 Cab A/C Refrigerant Compressor Outlet Pressure Gage pressure at the compressor outlet in the cab air conditioning system.
2791 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 (EGR1) Valve Con- Desired percentage of maximum Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve opening.
2797 Engine Injector Group 1 A first collection of fuel injector circuits that are grouped together.
2798 Engine Injector Group 2 A second collection of fuel injector circuits that are grouped together.
2858 Machine Data Configuration 1 There is a problem involving the parameter list for the data structure for configuring operations within
the Controller Application being communicated with.
2859 Machine Data Configuration 2 There is a problem involving one (or more) of the PGN(s) within the parameter list for the data structure
for configuring operations within the Controller Application being communicated with.
2860 Machine Data Configuration 3 There is a problem involving the first output control list for the data structure for configuring operations
within the Controller Application being communicated with.
2861 Machine Data Configuration 4 There is a problem involving the second output control list for the data structure for configuring opera-
tions within the Controller Application being communicated with.
2862 Machine Data Configuration 5 There is a problem involving the third output control list for the data structure for configuring operations
within the Controller Application being communicated with.
3031 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Temperature Temperature of the diesel exhaust fluid in the storage tank.

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Scania CV AB 2015, Sweden
List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

3216 Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx The amount of combined NO and NO2 in the exhaust entering the aftertreatment system measured by a
NOx sensor at the aftertreatment intake, represented in NOx molecule parts per million non-NOx mol-
ecules in exhaust bank 1.
3226 Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx The amount of combined NO and NO2 in the exhaust entering the aftertreatment system measured by a
NOx sensor at the aftertreatment outlet, represented in NOx molecule parts per million non-NOx mole-
cules in exhaust bank 1.
3241 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 The reading from the exhaust gas temperature sensor located farthest upstream in the aftertreatment sys-
tem in exhaust bank 1.
3242 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Particulate Filter Intake Gas Tem- Temperature of engine combustion by-products entering the diesel particulate filter in exhaust bank 1.
3245 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Gas Temperature 3 The reading from the exhaust gas temperature sensor located farthest downstream in the aftertreatment
system in exhaust bank 1.
3246 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Particulate Filter Outlet Gas Tem- Temperature of engine combustion by-products leaving the diesel particulate filter exhaust in exhaust
perature bank 1.
3249 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Gas Temperature 2 The reading from the exhaust gas temperature sensor located midstream of the other two temperature
sensors in the aftertreatment system in exhaust bank 1.
3251 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Particulate Filter Differential Pres- Exhaust differential pressure measured between the intake and exhaust of a diesel particulate filter in
sure exhaust bank 1.
3275 Aftertreatment 2 Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 The reading from the exhaust gas temperature sensor located farthest upstream in the aftertreatment sys-
tem in exhaust bank 2.
3279 Aftertreatment 2 Exhaust Gas Temperature 3 The reading from the exhaust gas temperature sensor located farthest downstream in the aftertreatment
system in exhaust bank 2.
3283 Aftertreatment 2 Exhaust Gas Temperature 2 The reading from the exhaust gas temperature sensor located midstream of the other two temperature
sensors in the aftertreatment system in exhaust bank 2.
3340 Engine Charge Air Cooler 1 Intake Pressure Pressure of air at intake to 1st or only charge air cooler, from multiple first stage turbochargers being
cooled and feeding multiple second stage turbochargers.
3360 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Controller The Diesel Exhaust Fluid Controller has the ability to read attributes of the SCR system, including but
not limited to, diesel exhaust fluid level, diesel exhaust fluid temperature, diesel exhaust fluid quality,
and diesel exhaust fluid dosing rate.

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Scania CV AB 2015, Sweden
List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

3361 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Unit The diesel exhaust fluid dosing unit is a device that mixes the diesel exhaust fluid and air, and delivers
a metered quantity of this mixture to the exhaust stream.
3362 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Unit Input The diesel exhaust fluid dosing unit is a device that mixes the diesel exhaust fluid and air, such that it
Lines contains an input line from the air tank and an input line from the diesel exhaust fluid tank.
3363 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Heater Percentage of heating applied to the aftertreatment 1 diesel exhaust fluid tank heater.
3464 Engine Throttle Actuator 1 Control Command The control command to throttle actuator 1, normalized to percent.
3471 Aftertreatment 1 Fuel Pressure Control Actuator Diagnostic SPN for the actuator controlling aftertreatment 1 fuel pressure.
3472 Aftertreatment 1 Air Pressure Control Actuator Diagnostic SPN for the actuator controlling aftertreatment 1 air pressure.
3480 Aftertreatment 1 Fuel Pressure 1 First fuel pressure measurement for the aftertreatment 1 system.
3485 Aftertreatment 1 Supply Air Pressure Pressure of the supply air for aftertreatment 1.
3515 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Temperature 2 Temperature of the diesel exhaust fluid at the device measuring diesel exhaust fluid quality.
3516 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Concentration A measure of the concentration of urea in water.
3563 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute Pressure The absolute pressure measurement of the air intake manifold.
3607 Engine Emergency (Immediate) Shutdown Indication A signal issued by the engine control system to a user or external system indicating that it is immediately
shutting the engine down.
3673 Engine Throttle Valve 2 Position The sensed position feedback of the valve, coming from a second electrical actuator for a second throttle
plate, used to regulate the supply of a fluid, usually air or fuel//air mixture.
3822 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1 Valve 2 Position The position of the second exhaust gas recirculation valve expressed as a percentage of full travel.
3936 Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter System Non-specific failures of the aftertreatment diesel particulate filter system.
4090 NOx limits exceeded, root cause unknown On-Board Diagnostics has determined that the limits for NOx in the exhaust stream have been exceeded,
but the root cause cannot be determined by the OBD system.
4094 NOx limits exceeded due to Insufficient Diesel Exhaust On-Board Diagnostics has determined that the limits for NOx in the exhaust stream have been exceeded
Fluid Quality due to an insufficient diesel exhaust fluid quality.
4095 NOx limits exceeded due to Interrupted Diesel Exhaust On-Board Diagnostics has determined that the limits for NOx in the exhaust stream have been exceeded
Fluid Dosing due to an interruption in diesel exhaust fluid dosing activity.
4096 NOx limits exceeded due to Empty Diesel Exhaust Fluid On-Board Diagnostics has determined that the limits for NOx in the exhaust stream have been exceeded
Tank due to the diesel exhaust fluid tank being empty.

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Scania CV AB 2015, Sweden
List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

4201 Engine Speed 1 The engine speed as measured by speed sensor 1.
4202 Engine Speed 3 The engine speed as measured by speed sensor 3.
4225 NOx limits exceeded due to error in the NOx control sys- On-Board Diagnostics has determined that the limits for NOx in the exhaust stream have been exceeded
tem due to an error in the NOx control system.
4301 Aftertreatment 1 Fuel Injector 1 Heater Control Heating level that the controller is commanding the aftertreatment 1 fuel injector 1 heater control to
4334 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Doser Absolute The SCR dosing diesel exhaust fluid absolute pressure (measured closest to dosing valve) for aftertreat-
Pressure ment system 1 (exhaust bank 1).
4337 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Temperature The diesel exhaust fluid dosing temperature (measured closest to dosing valve) for aftertreatment system
1 (exhaust bank 1).
4341 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 1 Pre- Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid line heater 1, by the
liminary FMI manufacturers control software in exhaust bank 1.
4343 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 2 Pre- Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid line heater 2, by the
liminary FMI manufacturers control software in exhaust bank 1.
4345 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Pre- Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid line heater 3, by the
liminary FMI manufacturers control software in exhaust bank 1.
4347 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 4 Pre- Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid line heater 4, by the
liminary FMI manufacturers control software in exhaust bank 1.
4374 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Pump Motor Speed Rotational speed of the motor driving a pump for diesel exhaust fluid used in an aftertreatment system.
4427 Aftertreatment 2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Temperature Temperature of the diesel exhaust fluid in the storage tank.
4782 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 Soot Density Soot density in diesel particulate filter 1.
4809 Aftertreatment 1 Warm Up Diesel Oxidation Catalyst In- The temperature measured at the intake of the warm up oxidation catalytic converter in exhaust bank 1.
take Temperature
4810 Aftertreatment 1 Warm Up Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Out- The temperature measured at the outlet of the warm up oxidation catalytic converter in exhaust bank 1.
let Temperature
4814 Engine Coolant Pump command Command for a coolant pump that can be driven at varying output level.
5285 Engine Charge Air Cooler 1 Efficiency An indication of the CACs ability to reduce the temperature of the combustion air that is being routed
through the CAC1.

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Scania CV AB 2015, Sweden
List of fault codes

SPN SPN Name SPN Description

5401 Engine Turbocharger Turbine Bypass Actuator Diagnostic SPN for the actuator controlling the engine turbocharger turbine bypass valve.
5419 Engine Throttle Actuator 1 Device used to control the flow of air or air/fuel mix to the engine.
5421 Engine Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator 1 Device used to control the turbocharger wastegate.
5435 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Pump State State of Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid dosing pump.
5543 Engine Exhaust Brake Actuator Command The control command applied to the engine exhaust brake actuator.
5706 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Pump Heater Percentage of heating applied to the aftertreatment 1 diesel exhaust fluid pump heater.
5743 Aftertreatment Selective Catalytic Reduction Temperature Module will take temperature sensor inputs from the Aftertreatment Selective Catalytic Reduction Tem-
Sensor Module perature Sensors and multiplex the sensor values to the engine ECU via the J1939 network.
5745 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Unit Heater Aftertreatment DEF heater internal to the Aftertreatment Dosing Unit.
5841 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Malfunction The diagnostic system has determined that the engine has been operated with a diesel exhaust fluid (re-
agent) quality malfunction.

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