Working Standard: Electricity Meters Test Equipment
Working Standard: Electricity Meters Test Equipment
Working Standard: Electricity Meters Test Equipment
The Working Standard is an accurate single-phase (WS 2120) and
three-phase (WS 2320) meter for electrical power and energy
measurement dedicated for on-site testing of all type of meters
(static & electromechanical meters).
The device equipped with universal optical scanner eventually with
cable for SO output pulses and with fixing system for all kind of
meters enables impulses scanning from measured meters. Manual
snap switch simulates pulses from the measured meter, too.
The current inputs are equipped with interchangeable current
transducer, type CT (1 mA - 20 A), current clamps, type CC
(1 m -120 A, resp. 1 m - 240 ) or current probes, type FCP
type (0,2 - 6000 ).
Measured and cumulative results are displayed on coloured LCD
phase by phase. It is possible to display them in a form of phasor
diagram at the same time or in the form of oscilloscopic
waveforms. The device measures higher harmonics and it is Working Standard and Accessories
possible to display them in a table or graphical form.
Measured and calculated results are stored in high capacity flash
memory. It is possible to transfer and process these results in PC
under Windows compatible software. The software and device
menu are implemented in regional languages.
The portable printer for printing of measured results or actual
content of display is an optional accessory.
The device is equipped with internal rechargeable accumulators
excluding it from own power consumption from tested voltage and
eliminating it from degradation of measurement precision.
The device is manufactured in four precision classes.
Technical data
WS 2120E WS 2120A WS 2120B WS 2120C
Basic Error *1
WS 2320E WS 2320A WS 2320B WS 2320C
Current Zvis od typu prdovho senzora
Voltage 0,02 % 0,05 % 0,1% 0,2 %
Apparent Power 0,02 % 0,05 % 0,1 % 0,2 %
Active Power *2 0,02 % 0,05 % 0,1 % 0,2 %
Reactive Power *2 0,02 % 0,05 % 0,1 % 0,2 %
Working Standard in Transport Case
Power Factor 0,0005 0,001 0,002 0,004
Frequency 0,01 Hz 0,01 Hz 0,01 Hz 0,01 Hz
Distortion 0,2 % 0,2 % 0,5 % 0,5 %
Phase angle 0,005 0,01 0,03 0,1
Specified for temperature 23 C
Related to apparent power
Measured Quantities
Voltage, Current; Active Reactive and Apparent power, Active
Reactive and Apparent energy, Power Factor, Phase Angle,
Frequency, Distortion; Active Power of Harmonics; Burden,
phase and transformation ratio of current and voltage
Optional Accessories
Voltage Transducer VT 3x30, Current Transducer CT 2x20, Current Clamps CC 3x24C, Flexible Current Probe FCP 3x2y, Portable
Printer PP 1000, Optical Comm. Head OPTH 1200, Wireless Meter Scanner Network, RS232 cable