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Biles Spade

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Detecting the Unknown with Snort and the Statistical

Packet Anomaly Detection Engine ( SPADE )

Simon Biles
Computer Security Online Ltd.


SPADE is a pre-processor plug-in for the Snort intrusion detection engine. It

detects network traffic that deviates from the normal behaviour of your network. This
paper will introduce SPADE, its conceptual working and a simple overview of its
installation and configuration.


The SPADE pre-processor plug-in to Snort was created by Stuart Staniford and
James Hoagland whilst they were working for Silicon Defence, a company funded by the
American Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ). Sadly, in 2003
DARPA decided to cut funding for unclassified network research, and Silicon Defence
was no more. Fortunately for us however, the creators had the foresight to release
SPADE and a number of their other projects under the GPL, so it has been free for us to
pick up and continue to work with.


Each network has normal traffic that is expected, for example if you are running
a web server, your normal traffic is from a large range of external IP addresses to a single
address on port 80 TCP. If you are running an internal DNS server, you expect there to be
traffic to and from port 53 UDP and TCP from the machines within your network. This
can be characterised as normal traffic. It would be not normal for your internal DNS
server to be receiving requests from external IP addresses to port 80 TCP.

An administrator can see instantly that this is wrong, but a signature based IDS
such as Snort would be none the wiser if a signature didnt exist to match. This is where
SPADE steps in. SPADE allows your IDS to detect things that it doesnt have prewritten
signatures for this is the concept of zero-day detection. You can now protect yourself
against things that havent been discovered yet.


In order to detect abnormal, anomalous packets SPADE maintains probability

tables that contain information regarding the number of occurrences of different kinds of
packet over time on the network. It assigns a higher weight to more recent occurrences,
and gradually phases out older occurrences.
Using the above example these probability tables could tell us that the probability
of a packet to the DNS server on port 53 is 10% (P(dest_ip=DNS_SRV, dest_port=53) =
10%) where as the probability of a packet to the DNS server on port 80 is 0.1%
(P(dest_ip=DNS_SRV, dest_port=80)=0.1%). Again from this information it is clear that
there is something uncommon about the second packet, but SPADE doesnt stop here.
First this probability is converted first to a raw anomaly score and then into a relative
anomaly score this leaves us with a number between 0 and 1 for easy comparison.

The calculations are quite straightforward, given a probability P(X) for a packet X
the raw anomaly score a(X) is equal to log2(P(X)). To get to the relative anomaly
score, a(X) is then divided by the maximum possible raw anomaly score to leave us
with A(X) being between 0 and 1, with 0 being completely normal and 1 being
completely not normal.

When we are setting up the SPADE sensor we specify an alerting threshold, so a

packet X giving an A(X) over a certain value will trigger an alert. Sending a standard
Snort alert through the normal Snort alerting mechanisms.

SPADE cant however tell you if the packet is an attack or simply a

misconfiguration. It has no concept of the intention of the packet, simply if it is within
normal network behaviour or not. It also doesnt ( yet give us time ! ) examine the
packet contents or flags, so it wont pick up someone trying out a new attack against a
commonly used service on your network such as a web or mail server if that attack relies
on exploiting the normal port.

Just as a parting shot though you can make use of the tables that SPADE keeps
to examine what sort of traffic is normal on your network and see just where your
bandwidth goes.

Set Up

SPADE was originally released as a patch to the Snort source tree. One would
download the Snort source, unpack it, download the SPADE patch, and apply it. At this
point in time, the patches havent been rewritten for the latest version of Snort, but you
can download an integrated tar of the entire source from the SPADE project repository on
BleedingSnort.com. Installing Snort with SPADE applied is exactly the same as installing
Snort, in the source directory run the configure script, make and make install.

Then setup Snort with signatures as you would normally, for more information on
this see the Snort documentation or refer to a good book on the subject I would
thoroughly recommend the Snort Cookbook from OReilly there is a section on
SPADE in there that I also wrote along with a lot of other good advice on setting up Snort
to get the best from it.
To activate SPADE within Snort, you need to insert into your main Snort
configuration file (usually snort.conf) the pre-processor option line for SPADE as

preprocessor spade: { <optionname>=<value> }

You can set any number of the possible options on this line separated by spaces.
Possible option are detailed in the following table.

Option Meaning
logfile This specifies the logging file for SPADE.
This file is regenerated on each reload and
restart of Snort, and contains date which
may be useful in tuning the detectors.
statefile SPADE maintains probability tables, this
specifies the file that these tables are
written to for recovering the probability
tables on process restart. (Defaults to
cpfreq This specifies the frequency that the state
table file set above is updated with the
current state. This is done every N updates
to the state. (Defaults to 50000)
dest This allows you to specify the location that
SPADE messages are sent to. The possible
values here are : alert, log or both.
Alert sends messages to the Snort alert
facilites that have been configured, Log
to the configured Snort logfiles. Both
to both.
adjdest This configures SPADE to output
Threshold Adjusted messages to a
different destination to other messages. It
takes the three options above, and also a
none option which cause SPADE to be
silent about threshold adjustment.

An example of the above options in use to configure SPADE with the

/var/log/spade/spade.log log file, the /var/log/spade/state.rcv state file, saving state every
25000 updates, sending messages to the Snort alert facility except for threshold
adjustments which are ignored would look like this :

preprocessor spade: logfile=/var/log/spade/spade.log

statefile=/var/log/spade/state.rcv cpfreq=25000 dest=alert
SPADE will also function better if you let it know what it should expect to be
inside its own network. This is done using the following line :

preprocessor spade-homenet: <network> <network>

Where <network> is replaced with a network in CIDR notation, a single IP

address or any for everything it will default to any if nothing else is specified. For
example :

preprocessor spade-homenet:

( N.B. This is independent to the Snort HOMENET variable ).

You now need to set up some detectors for SPADE to work with. Detectors are
set up with the following line, and the options detailed in the table below.

preprocessor spade-detect: { <optionname>=<value> }

You can use any combination of the following options. Where required they are
covered in more detail in following tables.

Option Action
type This indicates the detector type.
You can choose from closed-dport,
dead-dest, odd_dport or odd-
to Sets the direction of traffic home is
traffic with destinations in the
earlier specified homenet, nothome
is everything else, and any is both
from from is the same as to except for the
source rather than the destination.
proto Specifies which protocol the
detector is for, can be tcp, udp
or icmp.
tcpflags Specifies flags that are set for TCP
packets. Possible values are
synonly, synack, setup,
established, teardown or
icmptype Specifies the type of ICMP packet
to look for, can be err, noterr or
thresh This is the initial threshold for
packets to be reported based upon
their anomaly score.
minobs This is Minimum Observations:
how many packets need to be
observed before alerts are sent. This
covers the start up of the system,
when all packets look like
wait The number of seconds that a
message is held in the waiting
queue before timing out.
Xdips Exclude reports from this detector
about certain destination IP
Xdports Exclude reports from this detector
about certain destination ports.
Xsips Exclude reports from this detector
about certain source addresses.
Xsports Exclude reports from this detector
about certain source ports.
id A label for the detector, must start
with a letter, and can contain only
alphanumeric characters, - and
revwaitrpt If response waiting is enabled for
this detector, this causes the
conditions for the detection to be
scalefreq This is how often in minutes that
the existing observations are
decayed in favor of newer
scalefactor This is the relative weight that
should be given to old data at each
scalefreq reweighing.
scalehalflife This option helps to attain a certain
half life for the weight of an item of
traffic. It can be created through
scalefreq and scalefactor, but is
easier to specify as an exact time in
scalecutoff This is the point below which an
item of traffic will be removed from
the active dataset.

Each of the detector types makes use of the other options in slightly different
ways some are inappropriate for use with a specific detector type.
This detector type looks at TCP and UDP traffic for attempts to connect to closed
ports. This is common behavior for port scanners, which attempt to connect to all ports to
determine what is open. There is an option to wait for the rejection of the packet before
issuing an alert to see if the port was open or not, which removes alerts caused through
the use of passive FTP. This will create one of three types of alert. Without the response
wait option enabled it gives Rare dest port used. If response waiting is enabled and a
RST or ICMP unreachable response is sent then it gives Closed dest port used. Finally,
if response waiting is enabled and the port is open it gives Rare but open dest port used.
The normal options are as follows.

Option Action
to,id As normal
protocol tcp or udp only.
tcpflags synonly, synack, established,
teardown and weird available.
wait How long to wait for the response
revwaitrpt Wait for response.

This detector type scans for traffic that is being sent to IP addresses that are not in
use. This will detect the typical behavior of network scanners and worms that are
unaware of the internal layout of your network. The alert given is Non-live dest used.
The normal options are as follows.

Option Action
to,id As normal
tcpflags synonly, synack, established,
teardown and weird available.
icmptype As normal

This detector type looks for use of ports which differ from the normal usage
patterns. This is often a symptom of a compromised host running something new. This
can be applied to local or remote sources, and is reported with an alert of Source used
odd dest port. The normal options are as follows.

Option Action
from, id As normal
protocol tcp or udp only.
wait How long to wait for a response
packet if you specify revwaitrpt.
revwaitrpt Wait for a response before alerting.
This detector looks for anomalous behavior in the way of connections being made
to normal ports on unusual machines. For example if e-mail usually goes to a specific
host and this changes suddenly, it may be that the host has been compromised in some
way. The alert given is Source used odd dest for port. The normal options are as

Option Action
from, id As normal
protocol tcp and udp only.
maxentropy This is a measure of the variation
that should be expected for the
destination IP of a given port. 0
indicates that there should be only
one port expected, and increasingly
higher numbers indicate an
increasingly higher variation.
This detector reports odd ICMP packets on the network. The alert given is Odd
ICMP type/code found. The normal options are as follows.

Option Action
to, id As normal
icmptype As normal defaults to any

All of the above are covered again in the Usage.Spade file included in the
distribution. I would recommend a read of this before installing, as this will be the first
place that any changes are detailed in.

There are four facilities to help you to find a threshold that works for you so that
you dont get flooded by alerts about innocuous packets, but so that you arent missing
out on things that you should be seeing. The first three of these facilities are called
threshold adapting. Method 1 is the simplest, it periodically takes a weighted average of
the current threshold and the recently observed ideal. To activate it you add the following
line to the Snort configuration file :

preprocessor spade-adapt: {<optionname>=<value>}

Where <optionname> is one of id, target, obsper, newweight or

bycount. The id option is required and is the ID of the detector whose threshold you
are adapting. The target packet count is given by the target argument, the length of time
during which that count is aimed for and the refresh rate of the threshold is given by
obsper, newweight is the weight given to the new component of the weighted
average. Setting the bycount variable to 1 will use a packet count, rather than a period
of time to determine the new threshold.

Method 2 is more involved, it takes into account the averages on short, medium
and long term components. To include it, add the following line to the Snort
configuration file :

preprocessor spade-adapt2: {<optionname>=<value>}

The options for this method are : id (again mandatory), target, obsper,
NS, NM or NL. Target is the specification of the number of alerts wanted. If it is
greater than or equal to 1, it is an hourly alert rate. If it is less than 1, then it is a fraction
of considered packets to report, based on the best estimate of your packet rate. The latter
might be better if your network might experience a shift in packet rates. obsper is the
number of minutes in an observation window. This is the frequency with which the
threshold is updated. NS times obsper determines the length of the short term, NM
is the number of short term periods there are in the medium term, and NL is the number
of medium term periods there are in the long term.

Method 3 is fairly simple in comparison. The reporting threshold is based on an

average of the ideal threshold values from the last N observation periods. This mode is
invoked with the following line the Snort configuration file :

preprocessor spade-adapt3: {<optionname>=<value>}

The options for the third method again contain the obligatory id and also :
target, obsper or numper. Target is the specification of the target alert rate and
takes the same form as that of Method 2. Obsper is the number of minutes in a period
of observation, and numper is the number of periods of observation to take the average

You can use multiple adaptors at the same time, but they must refer to different

The other method of threshold finding is called Threshold Advising. This will
report to the log file the threshold that would have been needed to produce the required
number of alerts during a given period of time. You can enable this method by entering
the following line in the Snort configuration file :

preprocessor spade-threshadvise: {<optionname>=<value>}

Apart from the already familiar id we also have target to specify the number
of alerts that we are aiming for in a given period, and obsper to specify the length of
this period.


Hopefully this has given you a feel for the reasoning behind the SPADE project,
and enough to get yourselves setup to add it to your IDS repertoire. If you have any
questions you can either direct them to me at simon@computersecurityonline.com or
through one of the forums on http://www.bleedingsnort.com. We are also looking for
help from anyone who would be interested in taking part, or if you would like to make a
donation to help with future development. We are also very interested to hear from
people who have implemented SPADE in their environment, how they are getting on
with it, and any changes that they would like to see.

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