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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities

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ACMJ321-02 ACM-TRANSACTION September 19, 2007 23:48

Model-Directed Web Transactions Under

Constrained Modalities 12
Stony Brook University
Siemens Corporate Research

Online transactions (e.g., buying a book on the Web) typically involve a number of steps spanning
several pages. Conducting such transactions under constrained interaction modalities as exempli-
fied by small screen handhelds or interactive speech interfaces—the primary mode of communica-
tion for visually impaired individuals—is a strenuous, fatigue-inducing activity. But usually one
needs to browse only a small fragment of a Web page to perform a transactional step such as a
form fillout, selecting an item from a search results list, and so on. We exploit this observation to
develop an automata-based process model that delivers only the “relevant” page fragments at each
transactional step, thereby reducing information overload on such narrow interaction bandwidths.
We realize this model by coupling techniques from content analysis of Web documents, automata
learning and statistical classification. The process model and associated techniques have been incor-
porated into Guide-O, a prototype system that facilitates online transactions using speech/keyboard
interface (Guide-O-Speech), or with limited-display size handhelds (Guide-O-Mobile). Performance
of Guide-O and its user experience are reported.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.7.5 [Document and Text Processing]: Document Cap-
ture—Document analysis
General Terms: Algorithms, Human Factors
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Web transaction, content adaption, assistive device

This work was supported in part by NSF grants CCR-0311512 and IIS-0534419.
This article is an extended version of our paper “Model-Directed Web Transactions under Con-
strained Modalities,” which appears in the proceedings of International World Wide Web Confer-
ence 2006 (WWW ’06).
Authors’ addresses: Z. Sun, J. Mahmud, and I. V. Ramakrishnan, Department of Computer Sci-
ence, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794; email: {zsun,jmahmud,ram}@cs.sunysb.edu;
S. Mukherjee, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ 08540; email: saikat.mukherjee@
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is
granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial
advantage and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along
with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
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C 2007 ACM 1559-1131/2007/09-ART12 $5.00 DOI 10.1145/1281480.1281482 http://doi.acm.org/

ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 12, Publication date: September 2007.
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12:2 • Z. Sun et al.

ACM Reference Format:

Sun, Z., Mahmud, J., Ramakrishnan, I. V., and Mukherjee, S. 2007. Model-directed web transactions
under constrained modalities. ACM Trans. Web 1, 3, Article 12 (September 2007), 34 pages. DOI
= 10.1145/ 1281480.1281482 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1281480.1281482

The World Wide Web has become the dominant medium for doing e-commerce.
The volume of goods bought from online stores continues to grow dramatically.
A Web transaction such as buying a CD player from an online store involves
a number of user steps spanning several Web pages. As an illustration let us
examine some common steps for buying a CD player from Best Buy (http://
www.bestbuy.com). To begin the user fills out the search form with “electronics”
as the category and “CD Player” as the item. The search result generated in
response is shown in Figure 1(b). The user selects the very first item in the
result list which leads to the page in Figure 1(c) containing product details.
To complete the transaction the user adds this selected item to the cart which
leads to the page in Figure 1(d) wherein the user selects checkout. Observe
that there are two essential components to a Web transaction: (i) locating the
relevant content, such as a search form or the desired item in a Web page, and
(ii) performing a sequence of steps, such as filling out a search form, selecting
an item from the search list and doing a checkout. For completing a transaction
these steps usually span several pages.
Online transactions such as the one described above are usually performed
with graphical Web browsers. The primary mode of interaction with graphical
browsers is visual, an intrinsically spatial modality. Hence, users can quickly
scan through the rich engaging content in Web pages scripted for e-commerce
and locate the objects of interest quite easily. Moreover, the spatial organiza-
tion of content in these pages helps users comprehend the sequence of steps
necessary to complete a transaction.
Now consider scenarios where visual interaction is impossible ( e.g., when the
user is a visually handicapped individual) or the interaction media has small
displays (e.g., mobile handhelds). Speech is the primary modality of interac-
tion in the former situation. Speech interfaces and small displays offer narrow
interaction bandwidths making it cumbersome and tedious to get to the perti-
nent content in a page. For instance, state-of-the-art screen readers and audio
browsers (e.g., JAWS and IBM’s Home Page Reader) provide almost no form of
filtering of the content in a Web page resulting in severe information overload.
This problem is further exacerbated when such an interaction spans several
pages as in an online transaction. In particular the loss of spatially organized
content makes it difficult for users to comprehend the sequence of transactional
steps. While content summarization can compensate somewhat for this loss, it
alone cannot handle the information overload that the user faces.
Thus, there is a need for techniques that facilitate Web transactions using
constrained interaction modalities that are far less cumbersome to do than cur-
rent approaches. This article addresses this problem and describes our solution.
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:3

Fig. 1. A Web transaction example.

We capture the two aspects of a transaction, namely its operation sequence

and content identification by a process model and an ontology respectively. The
ontology describes the set of semantic concepts occurring in Web pages, which
are considered essential for conducting Web transactions in a particular do-
main. The circled elements in Figure 1 are examples of such concepts. The
process model is a deterministic finite automata (DFA) that captures the set
of transactional sequences. Each state, representing an atomic operation in a
transaction, is associated with a set of semantic concepts drawn from the on-
tology. When the model makes a transition to a state during the course of a
transaction, a Web page is provided to the state as an input. If the concepts
associated with the state are present in the page, then they alone are identi-
fied and presented to the user. For instance, if the page shown in Figure 1(b)
is given as the input to a state associated with the concepts “Item Taxonomy”
and “Search Result” only the two circled items in the figure will be identified
and presented to the user. Since transactions are essentially interactive, we
associate each concept with a user operation, e.g., the submit searchform oper-
ation with the “Search Form” concept. Each such operation results in a state
transition and a sequence of operations constitutes a Web transaction. Thus
coupling content semantics with model-directed navigation can overcome the
information overload problem by delivering relevant content at every step of
the transaction.
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Our approach to semantic concept identification in Web pages is built upon

our previous work [Mukherjee et al. 2005] where we had proposed a technique
for partitioning a page’s content into segments constituting concept instances.
It uses a combination of structural analysis of the page and machine learning.
We adopt it for the problem addressed in this paper and enhance its learning
component to produce more robust statistical models of semantic concepts. It is
noteworthy to point out that the use of content semantics, as opposed to syntax-
based techniques for identifying concepts, makes it more robust to structural
variations in the pages and scalable over Web sources that share similar content
We also use automata learning techniques (see Murphy [1996] for a survey)
to construct process models from training sequences generated from real Web
transactions. The use of process models for online transactions bears similar-
ities to the emerging Web services paradigm for conducting automated trans-
actions. But the fundamental difference is that our technique works on Web
pages instead of services exposed by a service provider (see Section 6 for de-
tailed comparison).
The rest of this article is organized as follows: In Section 2, we describe a
user scenario and the architecture of Guide-O, a prototype system that we im-
plemented based on the techniques detailed in this paper. Currently, Guide-O
can be configured to work with speech (Guide-O-Speech) or with small display
handhelds (Guide-O-Mobile). In Section 3 we formalize the process model and
describe its implementation using DFA learning techniques. Content analysis
techniques for semantic concept identification appear in Section 4. Quantitative
experimental evaluation of the two Guide-O configurations as well as qualita-
tive user experience appear in Section 5. Related work appears in Section 6,
and we conclude the paper in Section 7.


2.1 Use Scenario of Guide-O Speech:

Alice, who is a visually impaired individual, is planning on replacing her bro-
ken CD player with a new one from Best Buy. To begin, she speaks Best Buy’s
URL to Guide-O. After retrieving the home page Guide-O analyzes this page;
extracts the two concepts in it, namely “Item Taxonomy” (the circled item on the
left in Figure 1(b)) and “Search Form” (the circled item on the top of Figure 1);
and asks Alice to choose one of them. Alice says “Search Form” and in response
Guide-O reads out the drop-down items in the search form pausing briefly after
each item. Alice can pick an item at any time by saying either the item name or
its number. Alice says “Electronics” and Guide-O prompts her for the electronic
item she wishes to search for. Alice responds with “CD Player.” Guide-O sub-
mits the search form filled with these two parameters that results in fetching
the page containing the search results shown in Figure 1(b). Guide-O extracts
the “Search Result” concept and begins reading out the brief description asso-
ciated with each CD player in this list. Alice says “item 1” causing Guide-O to
follow the link associated with the 1st player (CDP-CE375) in the list to the
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:5

page containing a detailed description of this player (Figure 1(c)). In this page
Guide-O extracts three concepts, namely “Search Form,” “Item Detail,” and “Add
To Cart.” Alice is asked if she wishes to hear the product details. When Alice
responds in the affirmative, Guide-O reads out the detailed description of the
CD player she picked earlier. At the end Alice is asked if she wishes to add this
to her shopping cart. Alice responds “yes.” Guide-O follows the link labeled Add
To Cart in Figure 1(c) to the page shown in Figure 1(d). In this page Guide-O
extracts the concepts of “Search Form,” “Shopping Cart,” “Checkout” and “Con-
tinue Shopping.” When presented with these choices, Alice chooses “Checkout.”
To complete the transaction Alice must provide credit card information upon
checkout. Its details have been omitted as they are quite similar to the form
filling step described in the first step of the scenario. At any point Alice can also
say any one of a set of general-purpose navigation commands, such as “Back
to top page,” “Start over,” “Repeat” (last item), or “Stop.” Besides, on a laptop
or desktop computer Alice could also use a keyboard in addition to speech to
interact with Guide-O.

2.2 Use Scenario of Guide-O Mobile:

Let us examine how Jane, a Verizon subscriber, will use the Guide-O-Mobile to
pay her telephone bill. To begin, she submits Verizon’s URL to Guide-O-Mobile.
After retrieving the home page, Guide-O-Mobile analyzes this page, extracts
the “My Account” concept segment (Figure 2(a)) in it and displays it to Jane.
Jane clicks on the “Sign in” link, and in response the “Sign-in” concept segment
(Figure 2(b)) is presented and Jane types in the login info. On successful login,
the “Billing Summary” segment (Figure 2(c)) is displayed along with two action
choices—View-Bill and Pay-Bill. Jane chooses the former and the “Complete
Bill” segment (Figure 2(d)) is shown. In this page, Jane is presented with two
action choices—Pay-Bill and View-Detail. Jane picks the latter, which causes
the “Bill Details” concept segment (Figure 2(e)) to be presented. Jane chooses
the “Pay-Bill” action here and the “Bill Payment” segment data (Figure 2(f))
is displayed. Jane provides payment information in this page. On receipt of
this data a Submit-Form action takes place and the transaction proceeds to the
page where the payment data is reviewed and a final sign-out completes the
The use scenario above illustrates how a user conducts Web transactions
with Guide-O-Mobile using mobile handheld devices where graphical interac-
tion with a standard browser is not feasible because of their small screen size.
Instead of displaying the entire Web page to the user, Guide-O-Mobile displays
only the extracted concepts of a page. Since usually these are few in number
with small content, they can be browsed more easily even under small screen
size constraint.

2.3 Guide-O Architecture

The architecture of Guide-O is shown in Figure 3. It can be configured to op-
erate with speech/keyboard inputs (Guide-O-Speech) or with mobile handheld
devices (Guide-O-Mobile). In the latter configuration the Interface Manager
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Fig. 2. Utility bill payment using Guide-O-Mobile.

automatically generates a DHTML page to display the extracted concepts while

for the former configuration it automatically generates a VoiceXML1 dialog in-
terface. We use freely available text-to-speech synthesizers and speech recog-
nizers in Guide-O-Speech. We have developed a VoiceXML interpreter to handle
both speech as well as keyboard inputs.
The Content Analyzer partitions an input Web page into segments contain-
ing semantically related content elements (such as “Item Taxonomy,” “Search
Result” in Figure 1). Using an underlying shallow ontology of concepts present

1 http://www.w3.org/TR/voicexml20/

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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:7

Fig. 3. Guide-O system architecture.

in Web pages it classifies these segments to the concepts in the ontology and
labels them with their names. (Section 4 describes the classification technique.)
Table I shows concept names in our shallow ontology for online shopping trans-
action domain (e.g., books, consumer electronics, office supplies). Table II lists
some concept names in a shallow ontology for the utility bill payment trans-
action domain. Associated with each concept is an operation as shown in the
tables. When the user selects a concept in a state, the corresponding opera-
tion is invoked. The ontology also includes information for classification of page
segments to concepts.
The Browser Object Interface fetches pages from Web servers. Special fea-
tures include automatic form fillouts and retrieval of pages pointed to by navi-
gable links, which requires execution of javascript.
The Process Model orchestrates all the actions that take place in Guide-O.
In a state, it takes a URL as the input, calls the Browser Object Interface to
fetch the page and the Content Analyzer to extract from the page the concepts
that it expects. The extracted concepts are organized as a concept tree that is
dispatched by the Process Model to the Interface Manager for presentation to
the user. When the user selects a concept, it is sent to the Process Model as an
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Table I. Concepts in Ontology for Online

Concept Operation
Shopping Cart view shoppingcart
Add To Cart add to cart
Edit Cart update cart
Continue Shopping continue shopping
Checkout check out
Search Form submit searchform
Search Result item select
Item List item select
Item Taxonomy select item category
Item Detail show item detail

Table II. Concepts in Ontology for Utility

Bill Payment
Concept Operation
My Account Sign-In
Sign In Submit-Form
Billing Summary Pay-Bill, View-Bill
Complete Bill Pay-Bill, View-Detail
Bill Payment Submit-Form
Bill Details Pay-Bill

operation on the concept. A state transition based on the operation is made and
the cycle repeats.
The architecture described is in essence the runtime engine that drives the
Guide-O system. The Process Model and the Concept Extractor in the engine
are learned a priori in the learning component.

Formally, our process model is defined as follows: Let C = {c0 , c1 , . . .} be a set
of concepts, and I (c) denote the set c of concept instances. Let Q = {q0 , q1 , . . .}
be a set of states. With every state qi we associate a set Si ⊆ C of concepts. Let
O = {o0 , o1 , . . .} be a set of operations. An operation oi can take parameters. A
transition δ is a function Q ×O → Q, and a concept operation ρ is also a function
C → O. Operations label transitions; that is, if δ(qi , o) = q j then o is the label
on this transition. An operation o = ρ(c) is enabled in state qi whenever the
user selects an instance of c ∈ Si and when it is enabled a transition is made
from qi to state q j = δ(qi , o).
Technically a concept instance is the occurrence of a concept in a Web page.
For example, the circled items in Figure 1 are all concept instances. But for
brevity we choose not to make this distinction explicitly and use concepts and
concept instances interchangeably when referring to content segments in Web
Figure 4 illustrates a process model. The concepts associated with the start-
ing state q1 are “Item Taxonomy,” “Item List,” and “Search Form.” This means
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:9

Fig. 4. A process model for online shopping.

Fig. 5. A process model for utility bill payment.

that if these concept instances are present in the Web page given to q1 as its
input, they will be extracted and presented to the user. User can select any
of these concepts. When the user selects the “Search Form” concept, he is re-
quired to supply the form input upon which the submit searchform operation
is invoked. This amounts to submitting the form with the user-supplied form
input. A Web page consisting of the search results is generated and a transition
is made to q3 . As discussed in the use scenario in Section 2 we have omitted the
payment steps following checkout.
Hence q6 , which is entered upon a check out operation, is deemed as the final
Figure 5 is an example of a process model for utility bill payment correspond-
ing to the use scenario for Guide-O-Mobile described in Section 2.

Process Model Learning

A process model can be built manually or learned from training data. For simple
tasks, users can create their own process models. However, when we don’t have
sufficient “knowledge” on how to accomplish the task in a step-by-step process
or there are variations in how the same task is carried out in different sites,
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Fig. 6. (a) A prefix automata. (b) learned DFA.

manual construction of the process model becomes cumbersome. This is more

evident when the resultant model is large (i.e., has large number of states and
transitions). Here we propose a learning based approach of process model con-
struction, which is generic and scalable. Specifically, we built the process model
using DFA learning techniques, a thoroughly researched topic (see Section 6 for
related work). In the DFA learning problem the training set consists of two sets
of example strings, one labeled positive and the other negative. Only strings in
the positive set are in the DFA’s language. The objective is to construct a DFA
that is consistent with respect to these two sets; that is, it should accept strings
in the positive set while rejecting those in the negative set. We adapted the
heuristic in Oncina and Garc [1991] for learning our process model, the choice
being mainly dictated by its simplicity and low complexity.
The training sequences we used for learning the process model con-
sist of strings whose elements are operations on concepts. The sequence
<submit searchform, item select, add to cart, check out> is one such example.
These training sequences are (manually) labeled “completed” and “not com-
pleted.” The positive example set (S+) consists of sequences labeled “completed”
while the negative example set (S−) consists of those labeled “not completed.”
We first construct a prefix tree automata as shown in Figure 6(a) using only
the examples in S+. In Figure 6(a), the sequence of operations along each root-
to-leaf path constitutes a string in S+. For this example S− consists of the
strings: {<check out>, <submit searchform, add to cart>, <submit
searchform, check out>, <select item category, add to cart, check out>}. The
prefix of every string in S+ is associated with a unique state in the prefix
tree. The prefixes are ordered and each state in the prefix tree automata is
numbered by the position of its corresponding prefix string in this lexicographic
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:11

order. Next we generalize the prefix tree automata by state merging. We choose
state pairs (i, j ), i < j as candidates for merging. The candidate pair (i, j ) is
merged if it results in a consistent automata. For example, merging the pair
(1,2) is consistent whereas (3,4) is not merged as the resulting automata will
accept the string <submit searchform, check out> in S−. The DFA that results
upon termination of this merging process on the above example set is shown
in Figure 6(b).
Since we do at most Q 2 state mergings, where Q is the cardinality of S+,
the time complexity is polynomial. In Section 5 experimental evaluation of the
performance of the learned process model is presented.

Herein we describe the content analyzer module that extracts the relevant con-
cepts. In a nutshell this is achieved by partitioning a Web page into segments
of semantically related items and classifying them against concepts in the on-
tology. In the following we provide the detail of our approach.

The Approach
It is based on our previous work on learning-based semantic analysis of Web
content [Mukherjee et al. 2005]. Briefly, the technique rests on three key steps:
(i) inferring the logical structure of a Web page via structural analysis of its
content, (ii) learning statistical models of semantic concepts using lightweight
features extracted from both the content and its logical structure in a set of
training Web pages, and (iii) applying these models on the logical structures of
new Web pages to automatically identify concept instances.

4.1 Structural Analysis:

The basic idea of structural analysis comes from our previous work (see
Mukherjee et al. [2005] for details), which is based upon the observation that
semantically related items in Web pages typically exhibit consistency in pre-
sentation style and spatial locality. For example, in the search result page of
BestBuy (Figure 1(b)), all the search result items which are semantically re-
lated, located in the middle of the page, have similar presentation: an image
followed by the product name and the description of the product.

4.1.1 Type System. Exploiting the above observation, we have redesigned

our simple but effective type system in the previous work to encode the pre-
sentation style and structural information. Instead of treating the HTML tags
equally for the primary type (which is the sequence containing all the HTML
tags in the root-to-leaf path in the DOM tree; see Mukherjee et al. [2005] for
more details), we divide the HTML tags into three categories: style tags, layout
tags and functional tags (see Table III). Style tags in a HTML page are about the
presentation style of visible elements such as font and style; functional tags
are those that enable HTML document browsers to handle events and functions
such as script and meta; layout tags are all the tags other than the above two
categories, and are used to arrange the position of the visible elements. For the
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Table III. Categories of the HTML Tags

Category HTML Tags
Style tags font, color, style, strong, i, b, a, big, em, img.
Layout tags table, tr, td, p, br, etc. (All the tags not belong to the other two
Functional tags head, script, meta, var, object, applet.

Fig. 7. Structural analysis of the page in Figure 1(a).

purpose of partitioning the content, the functional tags are omitted since they
don’t contribute to the presentation style of the content.
Our type system is based on the Document Object Model (DOM) of the HTML
document. A segment of the DOM presentation of the HTML page is shown in
Figure 7(a), where the internal nodes of the tree are labeled with HTML tags
and the displayable content are at the leaf nodes. Formally:

Definition 4.1. Every node in DOM tree has an associated type T , which is
defined as follows.

— A primary type T of a node n is a 2-tuple < D, L >, in which D is the style

of n indicated by collecting the style tags in the path from root to n and/or
extracting the class attributes from Cascade Style Sheets (CSS);2 L is the
sequence of tags (t1 , t2 , . . . , ), in which ti is the ith HTML layout tag in the
path from the root node of DOM tree to n.
— A compound type T is a sequence of types (T1 , T2 , . . . , ), in which Ti is also a
— A type T is either a primary type or a compound type.

2 There are many attributes defined in CSS styles. However in our work, we use only a small subset
of the CSS style attributes.

ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 12, Publication date: September 2007.
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:13

Algorithm 1 PartitionTree(n)
Require: n: a node in a DOM tree
1: if n is a leaf node then
2: n.type = the primary type defined above.
3: else if n has only one child node c then
4: PartitionTree(c)
5: Replace n with c and remove n from the DOM tree.
6: else
7: for all child node x of n do
8: PartitionTree(x)
9: end for
10: Analyze(n)
11: end if

Intuitively, the primary type encodes the presentation style (including lo-
cation and visual cues such as font type and size) of a piece of content (text
or image) that corresponds to a leaf node in a DOM tree. For example, the
leaf nodes of the product names (“SONY 5-Disc...,” “SONY CD-R...,” etc.) in
Figure 7(a) have the same primary type T1 =< D1 , L1 >, where D1 ={bold =
true, italic = true, link = true, size = 11px, face = serif, color = #000000, im-
age = false} and L1 = ..FORM.TABLE.TR.TD. Similarly, all the descriptions of
items (“Variable line...,” “Internal storage...,” etc.) share the same primary type
T2 =< D2 , L2 >, where D2 = {bold = false, italic = false, link = false, size =
9px, face = serif, color = #000000, image = false} and L2 = ..FORM.TABLE.
A compound type essentially summarizes the structural recurrence infor-
mation of a subtree rooted at an internal node. For example, in Figure 7(a)
the subtree rooted at the circled TABLE node are the search results. The prop-
erty of spatial locality combined with consistency in presentation style reveals
structural recurrence information about semantically related items. For exam-
ple, the TR nodes under the circled TABLE node have the same compound type
TT R = T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 where each Ti is the primary type of the ith leaf node under
them. By concatenating all the types of the circled TABLE node’s children, we
get a type sequence TTR TTR TTR ... where the sequential pattern, TTR , exactly
captures the structural recurrence information of each semantic unit (i.e., the
items in the search results). In our type system, such a repeating type sequence
TT R results in a compound type TTABLE = T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 for the circled TABLE

4.1.2 Partition Creation. We now formalize the notion of a pattern used in

partitioning a Web page into semantically related items:

Definition 4.2. A pattern p is a substring of type sequence T with the length

| p| ≥ 2, such that there are n p (≥ 2) occurrences of p in T and for any two
occurrences pi , p j of p, pi p j = ∅.
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12:14 • Z. Sun et al.

Algorithm 2 Analyze(n)
Require: n: an internal node in a DOM tree
1: finalpattern =null
2: S = the type sequence of all the child nodes of n
3: repeat
4: max = 0; maxpattern =null; maxscheme =null
5: collapse adjacent nodes in S which share the same type
6:  = MaximalPatterns(S)
7: for all each maximal pattern p in  do
8: scheme = GenerateScheme( p, S)
9: score = EvaluateScheme(scheme)
10: if score > max then
11: max = score; maxpattern = p; finalpattern = p; maxscheme = scheme
12: end if
13: end for
14: if maxpattern =null then
15: partition and update S with scheme maxscheme
16: end if
17: untill maxpattern =null
18: if finalpattern =null then
19: set the type of n to maxpattern
20: else
21: set the type of n to S
22: flatten all the grandchild nodes of n (each child of n will be a 1-level subtree)
23: end if

It is quite common that a sequence contains more than one pattern, and only
one pattern can be used to identify the related items. In our previous work, we
defined a maximal pattern to be the only candidate based on the frequency of
its appearance. A more robust definition is as follows,

Definition 4.3. A pattern P is maximal if and only if ∀ pattern p

= p,
either n p
< n p or p ⊂ p

For example, in the compound type T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 , the maximal patterns

are T1 T2 , T1 T2 T3 , T2 T3 T1 , and T3 T1 T2 . T2 T3 is also a pattern but not maximal,
as the pattern T1 T2 T3 repeats the same number of times as T2 T3 and T2 T3 ⊂
T1 T2 T3 . T1 T2 T3 T1 has two occurrences in the sequence but it is not a pattern,
since the two occurrences overlap with each other.
Our top-level structural analysis algorithm, namely PartitionTree shown ear-
lier, partitions each internal node according to the maximal pattern found in the
type sequence of its children. PartitionTree traverses the DOM tree top-down
and then re-structures it bottom-up. When a leaf node is processed, we collect
its primary type in Line 2. For the internal node with only one child, we pro-
cess its only child, delete the node, and move its child up to the node’s parent,
as shown in Line 4–5. However, for an internal node with multiple children,
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Algorithm 3 GenerateScheme( p, S)
Require: p: a maximal pattern. S: a sequence of nodes.
1: Partition S into β0 γβ1 γ . . . γβm where γ = p and βi represents the node sequence
between each pair of patterns. Set the initial partition ρi to the ith γ .
2: For each βi , split it to βi,1 and βi,2 if there is a separator between βi,1 and βi,2 .
3: For each βi , if the nodes in βi have different parent nodes, split it to βi,1 and βi,2 such
that the nodes in each of them come from one parent node.
4: For any sequence ρi βi ρi+1 , if after all the above steps, it becomes ρi βi,1 βi,2 . . . βi,k ρi+1 ,
we merge βi,1 into ρi and βi,k into ρi+1 .
5: The final scheme is {ρ1 , ρ2 , . . . , ρm }.

PartitionTree is invoked on its children for type computation (Line 8) and

then, pattern discovery is performed on the type sequence of its children
(Line 10).
Algorithm Analyze takes an internal node n as input. Its main function is
to partition the child nodes of n by examining their structural similarity. As
mentioned above, such similarity is discovered by finding the maximal pattern
in the type sequence S of its children. The main body of algorithm analyze is
an iterative process. At Line 6 the set of maximal patterns in the type sequence
S is generated. Each such maximal pattern is the basis of a partition scheme
(Line 8), and we assign a “goodness” score to the schemes (Line 9). The scheme
with the highest score will be used to actually partition the sequence S (Line 15).
We will show the details shortly. The process repeats until no more patterns
can be found. Finally, the type of n will be set to the type sequence of the last
found pattern (if it exists), or to the type sequence S of its children (otherwise).
If no pattern is found, its immediate children are deleted and their child nodes
are attached to the node n itself (Line 22). In our algorithm, we use suffix trees
to find the repeating substrings in S (see Gusfield [1997] for the details). We
find the maximal patterns amongst these substrings.
Let us illustrate the algorithm step by step using an example. Suppose al-
gorithm PartitionTree is invoked on the tree shown in Figure 8(a). The nodes
are labeled as ni , 1 ≤ i ≤ 19. Each leaf node has its primary type displayed
on the left. The rectangle between n11 and n12 is a separator3 detected in the
HTML document. PartitionTree first traverses to the leaf nodes n14 and n15
(other leaf nodes are processed similarly), assigns the primary types to them
and calls the Analyze algorithm. It first runs on the node n6 , and is unable to
find any pattern. Since all the child nodes of n6 are leaf nodes, Analyze skips
propagating the grandchildren and just assigns T2 T3 as the compound type of
n6 . Analyze continues on n2 where still no pattern can be found. At this time all
grandchildren of n2 are propagated up. Node n6 gets deleted; n14 and n15 become
the immediate children of n2 . The nodes n3 and n4 are processed similarly. This
leads to the intermediate tree in Figure 8(b), where n2 , n3 and n4 are assigned
the compound types shown on their left.

3A separator denotes a horizontal or vertical blank region in a Web page. Its purpose is to indicate
the boundary between visible content. Examples of separators include stand-alone BR tags, blank
table cells and images used as spacers.

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Fig. 8. An example for the partitioning algorithm.

Now we take a closer look at the partition scheme generation and its eval-
uation. In the sequel, for simplicity, we will refer to a node by its type unless
otherwise stated. Therefore, the type sequence can also be regarded as the se-
quence of nodes in the DOM tree. Next we generate the partition scheme of S
for a pattern p using GenerateScheme below.
After a partition scheme is created under node n, we assign a “goodness” score
to it. This is done as follows: suppose the scheme λ has nλ partitions under node
n. Let us denote each partition as ρiλ , 1 ≤ i ≤ nλ . Then the score for λ is:
2 × |λ| × nλ   2
− |ρiλ | − |ρ λ | , (1)
|λ| + nλ 1≤i≤n λ

where |ρi | denotes the size of the partition ρi .

The first term in the score is the harmonic mean of coverage and number of
partitions, and the second term is the standard square deviation of the sizes
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of all the partitions. The combination is based on the observation that the se-
mantically related items usually have similar size of contents (low standard
square deviation), and we prefer the scheme whose coverage and the number
of partitions are both large (high harmonic mean).
We pick the partition scheme with the highest score and do the partition-
ing based on the selected scheme. The partitioning step first removes all the
substructure in the child nodes, resulting a 1-level tree rooted at n. It then
aggregates all the child nodes in partition ρi under a newly created node nρi ,
namely pattern node, whose type is set to the pattern p. nρi is then inserted as
the child of n.
Let us continue the example in Figure 8. When Analyze is invoked
on n1 , the algorithm assigns n1 with the type sequence of its children
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T2 T3 T6 T7 T1 T2 T3 . The maximal patterns discovered are p1 = T2 T3
and p2 = T1 T2 T3 . Algorithm GenerateScheme is invoked on each of the
maximal patterns. For p1 , the initial partition scheme is
[T1 ](T2 T3 )[T4 T5 ](T2 T3 )[T6 T7 T1 ](T2 T3 ) (we use parenthesis to indicate the
boundaries of ρi , and bracket to indicate the boundaries of βi ). Since there
is a separator between n11 and n4 , β2 = T6 T7 T1 is split into [T6 T7 ][T1 ].
Also since n4 and n5 have different parent nodes, β1 = T4 T5 is split into
[T4 ][T5 ]. The same holds for β2,1 = T6 T7 . Accordingly the type sequence is
now [T1 ](T2 T3 )[T4 ][T5 ](T2 T3 )[T6 ][T7 ][T1 ](T2 T3 ). GenerateScheme modifies the
scheme to (T1 T2 T3 T4 )(T5 T2 T3 T6 )[T7 ](T1 T2 T3 ). This scheme is assigned the
score 4.05 (|λ| = 11, nλ = 3, ρ1 = ρ2 = 4, ρ3 = 3) by the goodness scoring
formula given in (1).
Similarly the maximal pattern p2 results in the partition scheme
(T1 T2 T3 T4 )[T5 T2 T3 T6 ][T7 ](T1 T2 T3 ), with the score of 2.93 (|λ| = 7, nλ = 2, ρ1 =
4, ρ2 = 3). Therefore, the partition scheme based on p1 has the highest score
and is selected to actually partition the sequence. The partitioning step re-
moves n2 , n3 , and n4 . We insert the new pattern nodes P ’s (see Figure 8(c))
according to the scheme. The newly inserted pattern nodes are assigned the
compound type Tp = T2 T3 . The type sequence of n1 becomes Tp Tp T7 Tp . Since
no more patterns can be found in the new type sequence, the loop ends and
n1 is assigned the type Tp . The final result of Analyze on n1 is shown in
Figure 8(c), where the nodes labeled with P are the newly inserted pattern
Finally in the restructured tree, known also as the partition tree, there are
three classes of internal nodes: (i) group—which encapsulates repeating pat-
terns in its immediate children type sequence, (ii) pattern—which captures each
individual occurrence of the repeat pattern, or (iii) block—when it is neither
group nor pattern. Intuitively the subtree of a group node denotes homogenous
content consisting of semantically related items. For example, observe how all
the items in the search results list in Figure 1(a) are rooted under the group
node in the partition tree. The leaf nodes of the partition tree correspond to the
leaf nodes in the original DOM tree and have content associated with them.
The partition tree resulting from structural analysis of the DOM in Figure 7(a)
is shown in Figure 7(b). The partition tree represents the logical organization
of the page’s content.
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4.2 Concept Identification

After a partition tree is generated, our task is to associate an instance of a
concept to a particular node in the partition tree. The subtree rooted at such
a node represents the smallest segment of the Web page covering the concept
instance. Towards this, we have designed a feature space for partition tree
nodes. For each node in the partition tree, its features are collected as a vector
in the feature space. The features are then used to build a statistical concept
model. The model is trained using prelabeled nodes. For a new partition tree,
each node is ranked by the concept model and the one with the highest rank is
selected as the instance of the concept. In the following we give a description of
the feature space.

4.2.1 Feature Space. Each node in the partition tree can be represented by
a vector of values representing its attributes, namely features. The set of feature
vectors forms a multidimensional feature space. In our concept identification
problem, given a partition tree node p, the value of feature f i , denoted as n f i , p , is
the frequency of occurrence of feature f i in p. The features of p are categorized
into three types, namely word, p-gram, and t-gram.
(i) Word features—These are features drawn from the text encapsulated
within a partition tree node. Intuitively, an instance of a certain concept usu-
ally contains a set of particular words occurring more often than others. For
example, given the Search Form concept, an instance usually contains words
like “search” and “find.” Such concept-specific words are of great importance in
identifying the instance. Word features are the most widely used features in
text-related machine learning tasks such as text categorization.
For a leaf node in the partition tree, its word features are drawn from its
own text while for an internal partition tree node, the words present in all the
leaves within the subtree rooted at it are aggregated. All the words are case-
insensitive, and stop words (e.g., “the,” “in,” and “please”) are ignored in both
cases. n f i , p is the number of times the word f i occurs in the text of p.
(ii) p-gram features—These are features representing the presentation of
content. We have observed that in Web sites sharing similar content semantics,
the presentation of a semantic concept in those sites exhibits similarity. For
instance, in Figure 1(b), each item is presented as a link with the item name,
followed by a short text description, and ending with miscellaneous text infor-
mation. Similar visual presentation can also be found on other sites. A p-gram
feature captures these presentation similarities. The basic p-gram features are
link, text, and image found in the leaf nodes of a partition tree. Recall that
during structural analysis, pattern nodes aggregate every individual repeat
in a type sequence. Since repeats are typically associated with similar visual
presentation, complex p-gram features are constructed only at pattern nodes
by concatenating the p-gram features of their immediate children nodes. In-
ternal nodes aggregate basic and possibly complex p-grams from the subtrees
rooted at them. Let n f i , p be the number of times f i occurs in the subtree rooted
at p. For instance, in the left tree of Figure 9, the p-gram feature at the pat-
tern node labeled “P” is < text · link >, while in the right tree of Figure 9,
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Fig. 9. t-gram features.

the node labeled “B” at the same position has the p-gram features {< text >,
< link >}.
(iii) t-gram features— While p-gram features capture the visual presenta-
tion, t-gram features represent the structure of the partition tree. Recall that
internal partition tree nodes can be either group, pattern, or block while link,
text, and image are the different classes of leaf nodes. The structural arrange-
ment of these classes of nodes also characterizes a concept and this is what
is captured by t-gram features. Given a partition tree node with N nodes in
its subtree, the complete structural arrangement within the node can be de-
scribed in terms of a set of subtrees of k (2 ≤ k ≤ N ) nodes where each subtree
is an arrangement of group, pattern, block, link, text, or image type nodes.
Since enumerating all these subtrees has exponential complexity, we restrict
our analysis to subtrees of 2 nodes. When k = 2 the t-gram is essentially a
parent-child feature. For instance, in Figure 9, when k = 2 the t-gram feature
space of the left tree is {< G, P >, < P, T ext >, < P, Link >}, and the right
tree is {< B, B >, < B, T ext >, < B, Link >}, where G and B are labels of
group and block nodes respectively.

4.2.2 Concept Model. Our concept identification task is to assign a score

sn,c to every node p in the partition tree given a concept c. The node covering only
the instance of c gets the highest score. Specifically, given N denotes the domain
of nodes, C is a domain of concepts and R is the domain of real numbers, the
task is to approximate the target function φ : N × C → R with φ̃ : N × C → R
called concept model, such that for any node n assigned highest score by φ, φ̃
will perform similarly (i.e., very likely to assign the highest score also).
We use Bayesian learning method for the concept identification. Specifically
we are looking for the node p that has the maximum φ( p, c) = P (c| p) (i.e.,
given a node p, the probability that it is an instance of a concept c) among all
the nodes in the partition tree. By Bayes theorem, we have
P ( p|c)P (c)
arg max P (c| p) = arg max = arg max P ( p|c),
p∈N p∈N P ( p) p∈N

where P (c) is a constant and P ( p) is uniformly distributed. Therefore, our

concept model φ̃ is defined as P ( p|c), which consists of two components: (i) a
probability distribution on the frequency of occurrence of the word, p-gram,
and t-gram features of p, and (ii) a probability distribution on the number of
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nodes present in the entire subtree of p. A collection of partition trees whose

nodes are (manually) labeled as concept instances serve as the training set for
learning the parameters of these distributions.
A maximum likelihood approach is used to model the distribution of a feature
in a concept. Given a training set of L partition tree nodes identified as instances
of concept c j , we are interested in the features occurring in L. The probability
of occurrence of a feature f i in c j is defined using Laplace smoothing as:

p∈L n f i , p + 1
P ( f i |c j ) = i=|F |  ,
i=1 p∈L n f i , p + |F | + 1

where n f i , p denotes the number of occurrences of f i in partition node p and |F |

is the total number of unique feature including word, p-grams, and t-grams.
Features that do not appear in the training set have the fixed probability of

i=|F |  .
i=1 p∈L n f i , p + |F | + 1

The number of nodes within the subtree of a partition tree node for a concept c j
is modeled as a Gaussian distribution with parameters mean uc j and variance
σc j and is defined as:
p∈L | p| p∈L (| p| − μ c j )2
μc j = , σc j = ,
|L| |L| − 1

where | p| is the number of nodes within the subtree of p, and |L| is the number
of training examples.
For a node p of any new partition tree, we use a modified multinomial dis-
tribution to model the likelihood P ( p|c j ):

P ( p|c j ) = × P ( f i |c j ) N f i , p
N f 1 , p ! · · · N f |F | , p ! i=1

(| p|−μ )2 /(2σ 2 )
where N = K × e cj cj
, with K being a normalized total feature fre-
quency count, | p| being the total number of partition tree nodes  within the
subtree rooted at p, and N f i , p is a scaled value of n f i , p such that i N f i , p = N .
The normalization of the multinomial coefficient ensures that the subtree of p
with the size closer to μc j will have greater likelihood to c j .
Note that the above formulation of the likelihood takes into consideration
both the number of nodes within p as well as the frequencies of the various
features in the content encapsulated within p. This results in a tight coupling
between content analysis and document structure during concept identification.
The partition tree node with the maximum likelihood value is identified as the
concept instance. The concept tree created with the identified concept instances
is shown in Figure 10. Observe that the irrelevant content in the original DOM
tree has been filtered.
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Fig. 10. Extracted concept tree.

Herein we report on the experimental evaluation of the learned process model,
concept extraction and the integrated Guide-O system. Thirty Web sites span-
ning the three content domains of books, consumer electronics, and office sup-
plies were used in the evaluation.
To create the concepts in the ontology we did an analysis of the transactional
activities done by users on the Web in each of the three domains. Based on the
analysis we came up with an “inclusive” set of concepts in Table I.

5.1 Process Model

We collected 200 example transactional sequences from 30 Web sites. These
were labeled sequences whose elements are concept operations as illustrated
in the sequences used in Figure 6. A number of CS graduate students were
enlisted for this purpose. Specifically each student was told to do around 5
to 6 transactions with a Web browser and the sequences were generated by
monitoring their browsing activities. We used 120 of these sequences spanning
15 Web sites (averaging 7 to 9 sequences per site) as the training set for learning
the process model. The remaining 80 were used for testing its performance. The
learned model is shown in Figure 4.
The first metric that we measured was its recall/precision.4 Figure 11(a)
shows the recall/precision values for model learning in each of the three do-
mains. Recall/precision values were 90% and 96% for the books domain, 86%
and 88% for the consumer electronics domain and 84% and 92% for the office
supplies domain.

4 Recallfor a process model is the ratio of the number of completed transactions accepted by the
model over the total number of completed transactions. For Precision, this denominator becomes
the total number of accepted transactions (completed and not completed).

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Fig. 11. Evaluation of the learned process model.

The second metric we measured was the number of transitions that remained
to be completed when a true trace (completed transaction) in the test set failed
to reach the final state (check out state). Figure 11(b) shows the failure curve.
Analysis of the failure curve indicates that almost half of the failure traces end
one hop away from the final state of the model and only 10% of the failures
end three or more hops away from the final state. This means that fast error
recovery techniques can be designed with such a process model.

5.2 Concept Extraction

We built a statistical concept model for each of the concepts in Table I. Recall
that the five concepts in the upper half of the table are generic for all the three
domains whereas those in the lower half are domain specific. For instance the
feature set of a list of books differs from that of consumer electronic items. So we
built one model for each concept in the upper half of the table and three—one
per domain—for each concept in the lower half.
The concept model were built using the techniques in Section 4. To build the
model for each of the five generic concepts we collected 90 pages from 15 out of
the 30 Web sites. For each of the domain specific concept we collected 30 Web
pages from five Web sites that catered to that domain.
Note that pages containing more than one concept were shared during the
building of the respective concept models. These models drive the concept ex-
tractor at runtime. We measured the recall5 of the concept extractor for each
concept in the ontology. Roughly 150 Web pages collected from all of 30 Web
sites was used as the test data. Figure 12 shows the recall values for all of the
10 concepts in each of the three domains.
An examination of the Web Pages used in the testing revealed that the high
recall rates (above 80% for “Item Taxonomy,” “Search Form,” “Add To Cart,”
“Edit Cart,” “Continue Shopping,” and “Checkout”) is due to the high degree

5 Recall
value for a concept is the ratio of the number of correctly labeled concept instances in Web
pages over the actual number of concept instances present in them.

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Fig. 12. Recall for concept extraction.

of consistency of the presentation styles of these concepts across all these Web
sites. The low recall figures for the “Item Detail” (about 65% averaged over
the three domains) and “Shopping Cart” (about 70%) is mainly due to a high
degree of variation in their features across different Web sites. A straightfor-
ward way to improve the recall of such concepts is to use more training data.
However, even this may not help for concepts such as “Add To Cart” that rely
on keywords as the predominant feature. Quite often these are embedded in a
image precluding textual analysis. It appears that in such cases local context
surrounding the concept can be utilized as a feature to improve recall.
We also observed that Web pages with sufficient textual content relevant to
the concept was identified as an instance of that concept with higher accuracy.
Furthermore, concept extraction performed better for schematic Web pages (i.e.,
Web pages generated from a template), because structural feature extraction
is dependent on the presentation style and organization of different elements
of the page.

5.3 Integrated System

We conducted quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the integrated sys-
tem; the former measured time taken to conduct Web transactions and the
latter surveyed user experience. The evaluation was conducted separately for
each domain using the corresponding domain-specific concept extractors (see
Section 5.2).

Experimental Setup. We used a 1.2GHz desktop machine with 256MB RAM

as the computing platform for running the core Guide-O system (shown within
the outermost box in Figure 3). We also used it to run Guide-O-Speech. To do that
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Table IV. Guide-O-Speech Performance

Time Taken (using)
Web Sites Voice Interactions Pages Explored Guide-O-Speech JAWS Screen Reader
μ σ μ σ μ σ μ σ
Amazon 8 0 5 0 306.1 13.73 1300 120.2
BN 9 0.82 5 0 351.5 40.78 1130 176.78
AbeBooks 10.8 0.96 6 0.82 384.9 31.35 700 176.78
Amazon 9.8 3.1 5.2 1.26 386.6 60.15 1413 130.11
CompUSA 9 1.15 6 0.82 360.5 13.34 931.5 211.42
tigerdirect 9.4 1.29 6 0.82 357.7 30.07 1293 212.13
OfficeMAX 10 0.82 5.8 0.96 341.6 23.69 686 61.52
OfficeDepot 10 2.16 6 1.41 309.9 45.87 604 55.23
QuillCorp 9.6 1.73 5.2 0.96 382.6 49.61 625 51.84
*All times are in seconds.

we installed our own VoiceXML interpreter along with off-the-shelf speech SDK
components. Guide-O-Mobile was architected to run in a client/server mode
with the machine running the core Guide-O system as the server and a 400MHz
iPaq with 64MB RAM as the client. Thirty CS graduate students were used as
evaluators. Prior to evaluation they were trained on how to use the two systems.
We chose 18 Web sites (6 for each domain) to evaluate Guide-O-Mobile and 9
(3 for each domain) to evaluate Guide-O-Speech. We conducted roughly 5 to 6
transactions on each of them and calculated mean (μ) and standard deviation
(σ ) for all the measured metrics. Over 93.33% of those transactions could be
completed. Evaluation of the integrated system discussed below is based on
these completed transactions.

5.4 Quantitative Evaluation

Guide-O-Speech. Evaluators were asked to measure the total time taken
to complete the transactions with Guide-O-Speech. The screen was disabled
and evaluators had to interact with the system using a headphone and key-
board. For baseline comparison evaluators were also asked to conduct another
experiment with the JAWS screen reader on the same set of transactions. For
every page used in a transaction sequence they were asked to record the time it
took JAWS to read from the beginning of the page until the end of the selected
concept’s content. The sum of these times over all the pages associated with
the transaction denotes the time taken to merely listen to the content of the
selected concepts with a screen reader. Table IV lists the metrics measured for
each Web site.
From 5 to 6 transactions on each Web sites (3 Web sites for each content
domain), we calculated mean (μ) and standard deviation (sigma) of all the
metrics that are listed in Table IV. Figure 13 shows comparative performance
of guide-o-speech and JAWS.
Observe that Guide-O-Speech compares quite favorably with the best-of-
breed screen readers and hence can serve as a practical assistive device for
doing online transactions.
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Fig. 13. Guide-O-Speech performance.

Guide-O-Mobile. Evaluators first conducted transactions with Guide-O-

Mobile. Next they did the same set of transactions with the original pages
loaded onto the iPaq; that is, the page fetched from the Web was dispatched “as
is” to the iPaq. Figure 14(a) lists the metrics measured. The “page load time”
column contains the times taken to load the original pages into the iPaq. The
“analysis time” is the time taken by the Guide-O server to fetch pages from the
Web do content analysis, generate the DHTML page of the extracted concepts
and upload them onto the handheld. Interaction time is measured from the
moment a page is loaded into the iPaq until the user takes a navigable action
like a form-fillout, clicking a link, etc. Figure 14(b) and (c) presents graphically
the overall and interaction times respectively. Observe the significant decrease
in interaction time to complete a Web transaction using Guide-O-Mobile. This
reduction is mainly due to the filtering away of irrelevant content by the pro-
cess model. Consequently the user avoids needless scrolling steps. Furthermore
since the transaction is goal directed by the process model the user is able to
complete the transaction in fewer steps. Another advantage of filtering away
irrelevant content is the relatively small page load times. These times have
been absorbed in the “analysis time.”

Qualitative Evaluation. To gauge user experience we prepared a question-

naire for the evaluators (see Table V). They were required to answer them upon
completing the quantitative evaluation. The questions were organized into two
broad categories—system (S1 to S4) and concepts (C1 to C3)—the former to as-
sess the overall functionality and usability of the Guide-O system and the latter
to determine the effectiveness of the semantic concepts in doing Web transac-
tions. The questions were quite generic and applicable to both Guide-O-Mobile
and Guide-O-Speech. All of the concept questions (C1 to C3) and questions S3
and S4 required a yes/no response. From the responses to S1 and S2 we com-
puted the mean percentage shown in the table.

Results. A large percentage of evaluators felt that the concepts presented

were self-explanatory and contained enough information based on which they
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Fig. 14. Guide-O-Mobile performance.

could take the right steps to make progress on their transaction (response
to Question C1). Some evaluators felt that notification of promotional offers,
coupons, etc. was important and that such concepts ought to presented (re-
sponse to Question C2).
Most were able to find the items they were looking for (response to Question
S1). However, at times they were unable to complete the transaction (the “no”
response to Questions C3 and the unfinished transactions in S2). Analysis of
such transactions revealed that in many cases the problem arose because: (a)
the expected concepts in a state were not extracted; (b) the extracted concepts
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:27

Table V. Questionnaire with Response

C1 Did you find the concepts used in doing the transaction informative? 93.33%
C2 Do they capture all the useful information in the Web pages? 76.67%
C3 Did they help in accomplishing the transaction? 86.67%
S1 How often were you able to find the desired item? 96.67%
S2 How often were you able to complete the transaction for the item found? 93.33%
S3 Do you feel that the system restricted your navigation? 80%
S4 Did you find the system useful for conducting transactions? 96.67%

were mislabeled; (c) the model could not make the correct transition. The last
two problems could be addressed by training the concept identifier and the
process model with more examples.
Quite a few evaluators felt that they expected more flexibility on how they can
complete the transaction (response to Question S3). Observe that the number
of possible paths to complete a transaction is limited by the training data and
hence this criticism can be addressed with more training. Overall they all felt
that the system was adequate to do their tasks (response to Question S4).
Evaluators also had general comments. In particular they all felt that the
system requires help utilities to assist users to become familiar with the use
and effect of each concept.

The work described in this paper has broad connections to research in Web ser-
vices, semantic understanding of Web content, automata learning, non-visual
Web access and browsing with mobile devices.

Web Services. This is an emerging paradigm that focuses on technologies

that let service providers to export their functionalities on the Web so as to fa-
cilitate automated e-commerce. It has given rise to standardization efforts re-
sulting in languages such as WSDL for describing services, SOAP for accessing
services, UDDI for service discovery and integration, BPEL4WS for business
process specification, and OWL-S as an ontology for semantic description of
service metadata. Service providers are beginning to utilize them for exposing
their services (see for example http://www.amazon.com/webservices). The com-
plimentary task of annotating service descriptions with semantic metadata has
been addressed in Hess et al. [2004], Patil et al. [2004], and Sabou et al. [2005].
In contrast to these works we address a different kind of annotation problem,
namely automatic annotation of different kinds of concepts that can occur in a
Web page. Web services expose very basic functionalities which by themselves
are not sufficient to conduct complex transactions. For instance, Amazon’s Web
service exposes basic tasks such as searching for a product, adding a product
into the shopping cart, etc. One has to compose these primitive services in
order to perform complex transactions. This problem has been receiving atten-
tion lately [Agarwal et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2003; Rao et al. 2004; Traverso and
Pistore 2004; Wombacher et al. 2004]. All these works typically use process
definitions and an ontology to create the composite service with varying de-
grees of automation. Note that our technique is based on composing operations
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over Web pages instead of services. A vast majority of transactions on the Web
are still conducted over HTML pages. This focus on Web pages is what sets our
work apart from those in Web services. However using our approach, users can-
not understand the goal of the step because this has been split in several Web
pages. Thus users lose the global vision of the transaction. We are currently
working on an implementation where the local step of the user can be visually
shown in the context of the global task—the process model and the semantics.
Using standard web services constrains the user to a set of pre-defined tasks
(e.g., searching for a product). However, our approach does not confine a user to
whatever service is exposed by the provider. Using our transactional approach,
users are able to create services (e.g., service for buying airline ticket, service
for job search) which can accomplish his personal goal. Thus we are providing
a scalable technique for creating services.

Semantic Analysis of Web content. The essence of the technique underlying

our content analysis module is to partition a page into segments containing
“semantically” related items and classify them against concepts in the ontology.
Web page partitioning techniques have been proposed for adapting content on
small screen devices [Buyukkoten et al. 2001; Buyukkoten et al. 2000; Chen
et al. 2003; Yin and Lee 2004], content caching [Ramaswamy et al. 2004], data
cleaning [Song et al. 2004; Yi and Liu 2003], and search [Yu et al. 2003]. The idea
of using content similarities for semantic analysis was also recently explored
in Zhang et al. [2004] in the context of Web forms. The fundamental difference
between our technique and all the above works is the integration of inferring the
logical structure of a page (see the partition tree in Figure 7(b)) with feature
learning. This allows us to define and learn features, such as p-grams and
t-grams, using the partition tree.
Concept identification in Web pages is related to the body of research on se-
mantic understanding of Web content. Powerful ontology management systems
and knowledge bases have been used for interactive annotation of Web pages
[Heflin et al. 2003; Kahan et al. 2001]. More automated approaches combine
them with linguistic analysis [Popov et al. 2003], segmentation heuristics [Dill
et al. 2003], and machine learning techniques [Cimiano et al. 2004; Hammond
et al. 2002]. Our semantic analysis technique is an extension of our previous
work [Mukherjee et al. 2005], and, in contrast to all the above, does not de-
pend on rich domain information. Instead, our approach relies on lightweight
features in a machine learning setting for concept identification. This allows
users to define personalized semantic concepts, thereby lending more flexibility
to modeling Web transactions. It should also be noted that the extensive work
on wrapper learning [Laender et al. 2002] is related to concept identification.
However, wrappers are syntax-based solutions and are neither scalable nor
robust when compared to semantics-based techniques.

Process Model Learning. Our work on learning process models from user ac-
tivity logs is related to research in mining workflow process models (see [van der
Aalst and Weijters 2004] for a survey). However, our current definition of a
process is simpler than traditional notions of workflows. For instance, we do
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not use sophisticated synchronization primitives. Hence we are able to model

our processes as DFAs instead of workflows and learn them from example se-
quences. Learning DFAs is a thoroughly researched topic (see Murphy [1996]
for a comprehensive survey). A classical result is that learning the smallest
size DFA that is consistent with respect to a set of positive and negative train-
ing examples is NP-hard [Angluin 1978; Gold 1978]. This spurred a number of
papers describing efficient heuristics for DFA learning [Murphy 1996; Oncina
and Garc 1991]. We have not proposed any new DFA learning algorithm for
our work. Instead we adapted the simple yet effective heuristic with low time
complexity described in [Oncina and Garc 1991]. Navigating to relevant pages
in a site using the notion of “information scent” has been explored in Chi et al.
[2001]. This notion is modeled using keywords extracted from pages specific to
that site. In contrast our process model is domain specific and using it a user
can do online transactions on sites that share similar content semantics.

Content Adaptation. Adapting Web content for browsing with handhelds

and speech interfaces is an ongoing research activity. Initial efforts at adapting
Web content for small-screen devices relied on WML (Wireless Markup Lan-
guage) and WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) for designing and displaying
Web pages [Kaasinen et al. 2000]. These approaches imposed additional bur-
den on Web designers to create separate WML content. In contrast, we do not
require any additional effort on the part of content providers—Guide-O takes
the original Web pages, processes them, and presents them to the users.
Subsequent research [Buyukkoten et al. 2001; Buyukkoten et al. 2000; Chen
et al. 2003; Yang and Wang 2003; Yin and Lee 2004] dealt with adapting HTML
content onto these devices by organizing the Web page into tree-like structures
and summarizing the content within these structures for efficient browsing.
They were effective for ad-hoc exploratory browsing. However, summary struc-
tures often cause needless navigational steps when a user is interested in some
specific content. In our work we need to first filter away the content based
on the transactional context represented by the states of the process model.
Summarization can be used to present the filtered content succinctly.
Page-splitting techniques used in content adaptation for small-screen devices
are described in Chen et al. [2003], and Xiangye Xiao and Fu [2005]. A page-
analysis technique is proposed in Chen et al. [2003] to analyze the structure of a
Web page and split it into small logically-related units that fit on the screen of a
mobile device. In the case when a Web page is not suitable for splitting, an auto-
positioning method or scrolling-by-block is used to facilitate browsing without
splitting the original Web page. In Xiangye Xiao and Fu [2005], a Web page that
does not fit on a small screen is transformed into a set of pages, each of which
fits into the screen. Page-splitting techniques could be somewhat disorienting
for the users familiar with the original page structure, however, browsing full
pages on mobiles is far more disorienting because most of the mobile browsers
distort the pages while rendering. Guide-O also uses a partitioning algorithm
to split Web pages into partitions, and then, identify the concepts. However,
Guide-O goes beyond the above-mentioned systems, because it presents the
users with the concepts relevant to the transactional step.
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A number of research projects have tried to condense Web pages by display-

ing thumbnails and summarizing Web content [Baluja 2006; Milic-Frayling
and Sommerer 2002]. For example, SmartView [Milic-Frayling and Sommerer
2002] uses a page-splitting technique to group the elements of a Web page and
present them together while allowing a user to zoom into the individual ele-
ments. The work described in Baluja [2006] segments Web pages into regions,
presents each region using a thumbnail, and also allows a user to zoom into
a region by pressing a single key. In the latter work, the segmentation task is
formulated as a machine learning problem based on entropy reduction and de-
cision tree learning. Zooming and thumbnail presentation styles can facilitate
the identification of relevant sections in Web pages, but they do not pinpoint
the concept instance in a page. These features, however, can further enhance
Guide-O-Mobile’s usability.
Recently, desktop-class applications for browsing on mobile devices appeared
on the market. Apple iPhone [IPhone], for instance, provides access to desktop-
class applications and various software, (e.g., rich HTML email, full-featured
Web browsing, widgets, etc.). The ThunderHawk [Thunderhawk] mobile Web
browser offers desktop level browsing experience to mobile users. It provides
rapid operation, zooming capabilities, different viewing modes (e.g., full screen
and split screen), etc. Users can adjust a Web page’s resolution according to their
preferences and view the page with minimal scrolling. Desktop-class browsers
are the future of mobile browsing. However, they also require user interaction
to scroll and zoom in on the information. Therefore, they could also benefit
from concept instance identification and presentation to further improve user
Technologies for making the Web accessible to visually handicapped indi-
viduals via nonvisual interfaces analogous to Raman [1998], include work on
browser level support [Asakawa and Itoh 1998], content adaptation and sum-
marization. [Richards and Hanson 2004; Zajicek et al. 1999; Harper and Patel
2005], ontology-directed exploratory browsing as in our HearSay audiobrowser
[Ramakrishnan et al. 2004], and organization and annotation of Web pages for
effective audio rendition [Huang and Sundaresan 2000; Pontelli et al. 2002;
Takagi et al. 2002].
Some of the most popular screen-readers are JAWS [jaw] and IBM’s Home
Page Reader [Asakawa and Itoh 1998; Takagi et al. 2002]. An example of a
VoiceXML browsing system (which presents information sequentially) is de-
scribed in [NetECHO[tm]]. All of these applications do not perform content anal-
ysis of Web pages. BrookesTalk [Zajicek et al. 1999] facilitates nonvisual Web
access by providing summaries of Web pages to give its users an audio overview
of Web page content. The work described in [Harper and Patel 2005] generates a
“gist” summary of a Web page to alleviate information overload for blind users.
How we differ from these works is similar to the differences highlighted above
vis-a-vis content adaptation research for handhelds. Specifically we need a more
global view of the content in a set of pages in order to determine what should be
filtered in a state. An interesting outcome of this generality is that by collapsing
all the states in the process model into a single state, our speech-based HearSay
system for exploratory browsing becomes a special case of Guide-O-Speech.
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Model-Directed Web Transactions Under Constrained Modalities • 12:31


The use of complete Web pages for doing online transactions under constrained
interaction modalities can cause severe information overload on the end user.
Model-directed Web transaction can substantially reduce if not eliminate this
problem. Our preliminary experimentation with Guide-O seems to suggest that
it is possible to achieve such reductions in practice. We are corrently conduct-
ing preliminary usability studies of Guide-O’s speech at Helen Keller Services
for the Blind (http://www.helenkeller.org) to get feedback from the visually
handicapped community.
There are several avenues of future research. In this article we have pre-
sented a client-side Web transactional system, where process model resides in
client side. In the future we will also develop server-side Web transactional sys-
tem, where content providers will annotate the Web pages such that concept in-
stances will be labeled with the concept name. Content providers can easily use
XHTML to label concept instances in their Web sites and describe process mod-
els specific to their sites. Most online stores generate their Web pages automat-
ically from templates. So we expect that labeling the content of templates will
not require extensive effort on the part of content providers. At the same time,
the use of XHTML for semantic labeling will imposes no limitation, allowing
content providers to define their own states and actions as they deem necessary.
We build separate ontology and process model for each type of Web transac-
tion (e.g., online shopping, utility bill payment, flight ticket booking). An inter-
esting problem is to develop a generic ontology and process model to support
different types of Web transactions. Currently, we do not consider the security
mechanisms defined in the Web sites to handle sensitive information. In fu-
ture, we will investigate the possibility of handling security mechanisms that
are already present in the Web site.
The Guide-O system works with the assumption that Web transaction is
performed correctly. We plan to extend our system to incorporate failure sce-
narios. To handle failure scenarios, we will maintain a history of transactional
progress. On failure (e.g., when the system does not identify any concept on the
current page), the model will go back to the previous state. Similarly, when a
user chooses to go back, the model will go back to the previous state.
In our current framework, Guide-O-Mobile is set up to run as a client/server
application with the server doing the bulk of the processing. In the future it
should be possible to port all the server steps to the handheld when improve-
ments in handheld hardware and software technologies will provide more mem-
ory and a richer set of browser operations than what are currently available in
In addition, displaying concepts compactly in handhelds along the lines sug-
gested in Florins and Vanderdonckt [2004] will further improve the user’s ease
of interaction.
Finally, integration of our framework with Web services standards is an inter-
esting problem. Success here will let us specify the process model in BPEL4WS
which in turn will enable interoperation with sites exposing Web pages as well
as those exposing Web services.
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Received October 2006; revised May 2007; accepted July 2007

ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 12, Publication date: September 2007.

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