Transformational Leadership in The Context of Organizational Change
Transformational Leadership in The Context of Organizational Change
Transformational Leadership in The Context of Organizational Change
Enacting change
Ford and Ford (1994) use models of logic to provide different understandings of
the change process. They argue that our understanding of organization change
will vary depending on the logic that is deployed. The logic of dialectics
emphasizes conflict or struggle as the basis for change. The conflict between
the forces for and against change are two opposing actions that ``work at each
other'' until one dominates and the resulting outcome is a synthesis that is
distinct but contains elements of the forces for and against change. This model
assumes that dissatisfaction with the status quo is necessary before change can
occur. In contrast, the logic of trialectics proposes that change occurs through
attraction. Changes do not result from ``pushes'' or pressure to move away from
the present situation, but instead result from being ``pulled'' toward or attracted
to different possibilities.
In addition to developing these models of logic, change researchers have
sought to describe other aspects involved in implementing successful change.
Brown and Eisenhardt (1997) identified three key characteristics of successful
managers in continuously changing organizations. Successful managers
provided clear responsibility and priorities with extensive communication and
freedom to improvise. Analogous to jazz improvisation, these managers created
an environment that supports intensive communication in real time, within a
structure of a few, very specific rules. The limited structure provides
framework without which there are too many degrees of freedom. Yet, these
fundamentals provide a firm backdrop against which individual members can
be creative.
A second characteristic of successful managers is exploration of the future
by experimenting with a wide variety of low-cost probes. They argue that low-
cost probes enhance learning about future possibilities. This learning
opportunity is critical because, while the future is uncertain, it is possible to Transformational
learn something about it. Learning makes it easier for leaders to anticipate and leadership
even create the future (Brown and Eisenhardt, 1997).
Third, effective managers link current projects to the future with predictable
(time-paced rather than event-paced) intervals and choreographed transition
procedures. Familiar routines are created by predictable timing and by
transition procedures that link the present to the future. They use the term 83
``links in time'' to portray explicit organizational practices that address past,
present and future time horizons and the transitions between them. Rhythms
are created that enable people to pace their work and synchronize their energies
with one another, creating a focussed flow of attention that enhances
performance. Consistent with Gersick (1991), performance is further enhanced
if the rhythm created by the transition process becomes synchronized with the
rhythm of change in the environment.
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