ILP Handbook
ILP Handbook
ILP Handbook
Weightlifting Reading & Study Zen Gestalt Therapy Codes of Conduct Tantra Right Livelihood Transmuting Integral
(Physical) Emotions Relationships
Belief System Centering Prayer Cognitive Therapy Professional Ethics Integral Professional
Aerobics (Physical) Sexual Yoga Training Emotional Integral
Integral (AQAL) Big Mind 3-2-1 Process Social & Ecological Intelligence Parenting
F.I.T. Framework MeditationTM Activism Kama Sutra Money Training
(Physical, Subtle) Dream-Work Management Communication
Mental Training Kabbalah Self-Discipline Kundalini Yoga Bhakti Yoga Skills
Diet: Atkins, Interpersonal Work as a (Devotional
Ornish, the Zone Taking Multiple Compassionate Integral Ethics Sexual Mode of ILP Practices) Couples Therapy
(Physical) Perspectives Exchange Psychoanalysis Transformative
Sportsmanship Practice Karma Yoga Emotional Relational
ILP Diet (Physical) Any Worldview TM Art & Music Mindfulness Spiritual Practice
or Meaning Therapy Vows & Oaths Community Practice
Tai Chi Chuan System that Integral Inquiry Service & Right Association
(Subtle) Works for You Volunteering Tonglen (Sangha)
The 1-2-3 of God (Compassionate
Qi Gong (Subtle) Work as Exchange Conscious
Vipassana Transformation Meditation) Marriage
Yoga Meditation
(Physical, Subtle) Creative
Expression & Art
3-Body Workout
(Physical, Subtle,
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Part I: Design Your Own ILP 6
Introduction 7
Design Your Own ILP 9
Step 1: Assess Your Current Situation 11
Step 2: Identify Gaps 12
Step 3: Choose Practices 13
Step 4: Fill Out an ILP Design Blueprint 14
Step 5: Practice! 18
Step 6: Join or Form an ILP Group 19
Evolving Your ILP Over Time 20
Body Module 24
3-Body Workout 25
Focus Intensity Training (F.I.T.) 49
Physical Exercise 52
Nutrition Practice and The ILP Diet 54
The MyILP Handbook
Mind Module 58
The AQAL Framework 59
Spirit Module 62
Integral Inquiry 64
Big Mind ProcessTM 68
The 1-2-3 of God 70
Compassionate Exchange 72
Shadow Module 74
The 3-2-1 Process 75
ILP TeachingTeam 86
Production Team 90
Note: While anyone may find the practices and recommendations described in this book and this Starter Kit to be useful,
they are made available with the understanding that neither the authors nor the publishers are presenting specific medical,
psychological, or spiritual advice. Nor is anything in the book intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, or cure for any spe-
cific kind of medical, psychological, or spiritual problem. Please consult a licensed physician, therapist, or other professional
before undertaking any program of physical, psychological, or spiritual practice.
Design Your Own ILP
Part I.
Design Your
The MyILP Handbook
The My ILP Handbook is a guide to Integral Life Practice and the ILP Starter Kit. In
these pages, youll find step-by-step instructions on how to design your ILP, perform
the Gold Star practices, and adapt your ILP over time. Our aim is simple: to help you
actualize the practice that works for youthat is most likely to bring your life to
higher waves of freedom and fulfillment.
Integral Life Practice offers no quick fixes. The following pages invite you to make at
least an experimental commitment to practice. Why? Because practicing, even for
just 10 minutes a day, will enhance literally everythingit will make your life more
joyful, loving, healthy, whole, intelligent, fun, and compassionate. It does take a
little work to follow through on the initial commitment, and to ever renew the con-
nection to your inspiration for practice, but the effort is well worth it, as we hope
youll discover for yourself.
Design Your Own ILP
If youre already a long-time practitioner, these pages will help enliven and bal-
ance your practice life. They will suggest ways to situate what youre already doing
within a larger framework, teach you some powerful new practices, and offer what
we believe is a novel and useful approach to the whole notion of practice. Maybe
ILP will refresh the sense of adventure you felt when you first started on your path.
Or ILP might simply be the next step in your practice life, a natural evolution that
gives a name to something you already knew, but hadnt quite put into words.
The great practitioners relate that one of the secrets of practice is realizing thatin
this very momentwere already perfect. We dont need to practice, if we know
who we really are. And yet . . . life kindly requests us to grow and unfold and evolve.
Which means practice is a good ideain fact, indispensable. We hope this lends a
sense of lightness and humor to the endeavor of Integral Life Practice, which is para-
doxical by nature and yet perfectly natural. This is the paradox of practice: Always
absolutely OK just exactly as we are, we are nonetheless called to be more loving,
more truthful, more in touch with beauty. Through Integral Life Practice, we simply
rest as who we arewhile aspiring to be who, in our innermost heart, we know we
can become.
The MyILP Handbook
The modular aspect of ILP means establishing your ILP requires at least one practice
from each of the Four Core Modules: Body, Mind, Spirit, and Shadow. A mod-
ule simply represents a general area of practicebut its up to you what specific
practices you choose in that area. In time you may want to take up additional prac-
tices within the core modules. You might also consider practices from the auxiliary
modules (listed in the ILP Matrix). You may find that you already have practices in
some areas. If so, adding them to your ILP can be as easy as situating them within
an Integral framework. Well walk you through this process shortly.
The scalable nature of ILP means time need not be an issue. You can engage your
practice for as much or as little time as you have availablefrom a 1-Minute Mod-
ule to a session that lasts for an hour or longer. Being busy with life shouldnt stop
you from having a life practice.
This ILP design process will help you get started, regardless of how many modules
you choose to engage and how much time you have available. Here is a six-step
strategy for starting an ILP:
Step #1: Assess Your Current SituationWhat are you already do-
ing that can be considered a practice? What do you value in your current
practices? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Well help you
determine how these will fit into your overall practice design.
10 Design Your Own ILP
Step #4: Fill out an ILP BlueprintRecord the results of your design
process on an ILP Design Blueprint.
All of the information and tools presented in the My ILP Handbook come from the
collective experience of ILP practitioners. As you begin your ILP, youll have your own
experiences and insights, which we invite you to share with us at
There you can participate in online discussions using the coupon code on the inside
cover of the Starter Kit box, and you will also find information about joining or form-
ing an ILP group.
Now lets look more closely at these 6 steps for designing your ILP.
The MyILP Handbook 11
This assessment will help you incorporate any current practices into an Integral
framework. If you dont have any current practices, or would like to explore new
practices, weve provided a number of highly recommended Gold Star Practices in
this Starter Kit. Well get to those in a moment.
If you would like, you can list your current practices on the lines below.
12 Design Your Own ILP
Based on your assessment of your current situation, you can circle or note the mod-
ules where you believe practice gaps exist and where you would like to add new
practices in order to create a more balanced ILP. Keep in mind that the ILP Matrix is
not nearly exhaustive, so you may have practices not represented here. Thats OK.
The point is simply to identify whether youre somehow touching inat a mini-
mumwith Body, Mind, Spirit, and Shadow. These are the required modules for any
ILP. Optionally, you can also circle any Auxiliary modules to which you might like to
give some attention.
The MyILP Handbook 13
Thats why weve developed a modular approach. Its also why we recommend the
Gold Star Practices, which are a distillation and condensation of the finest
practices anywhere. Even just one Gold Star Practice in each of the Four Core Mod-
ules will cover all the important bases.
Also remember that ILP is scalable, which means you are free to shorten or extend
the length of your practice sessions as needed. Here again, more is not necessarily
better. In meditation practice, for example, its far superior to commit to 5 minutes
a dayand to actually follow throughthan to commit to 60 minutes a day and fail.
Your ILP will grow much more quickly if you schedule short, manageable amounts
of time, than if you over-commit and give up in frustration when you cant meet
your goals.
On days when youre pressed for time, the 1-Minute Modules are a fantastic way
to go. Youll find that even just touching in with a practice area gives rise to a sense
of wholeness throughout your being. Of course, if youre able to devote more time to
practice, thats great too. Many people find that they cycleas their lives cycle
between periods of more practice and periods of less. People also cycle between
different kinds of practice. So there is nothing fixed about these initial choices. Start
in whatever way you feel works best for where you are right now.
14 Design Your Own ILP
The more advanced sample is for those who have been practicing a while and want
to add more dimensions to their practice. This is just one example from a myriad of
possible designs. Advanced practice is not totalistic, but individually tailored. Many
practitioners settle in at 4 or 5 main practices. Others do much more. But the essen-
tial point is to keep it simple at least one practice in each of the Four Core Mod-
ules, plus Auxiliary practices if desired.
One optional step at this point is to articulate your ILP vision or goals. For example,
you might want to meditate more, or give more attention to your physical health, or
deepen your intimate relationship, or perform better at work. Your ILP vision might
also simply be to experience a greater connection to the sacred in every moment,
through body, mind, and spirit, in self, culture, and nature.
The MyILP Handbook 15
BODY module
MIND module
SPIRIT module
SHADOW module
None yet
BODY module
MIND module
Reading & Study Set aside an hour a week for reading Integral books
Fiction Check out some new short stories 1x/week
SPIRIT module
SHADOW module
BODY module
MIND module
SPIRIT module
SHADOW module
Some people find that keeping a practice diary or log is helpful, especially at the
beginning. You might also simply record your insights and ideas in a notebook,
as they arise. These are just ways of gently monitoring whether youre keeping
up with the practices youve committed to. They will also serve to remind you of
where youve been and where youre going. If practice tracking doesnt appeal
to you, dont worry. For some people, its just not their style. The most important
thing is your practice itself. Jump in! Make the most of this precious opportunity
that human life affords us.
The MyILP Handbook 19
A supportive community can not only accelerate this transition, but also inform your
ILP at every step. Group interaction helps avoid pitfalls such as ignoring the shadow,
breaking commitments, getting caught in an inflated sense of progress, and roboti-
cally going through the motions. Many people find that their practice benefits from
the visibility and accountability a group can provide. Not to mention it just feels good
to practice in the company of others.
On the other hand, if youre a lone wolf, then lone wolf away! You can still practice
ILP as you see fit. Just be sure to follow all the other steps. Everything else is the
same, so no worries. If you ever decide you want to touch base with a community,
you can always do so.
An ILP community can take many forms. It could just be one good frienda prac-
tice buddy. Or it could be a large network, serving an entire city. Ideally your group
will have several mentors or teachers due to the unlikelihood that any one person
could ever guide you in all areas of human growth. The best support system involves
people who are willing to share their own experiences and listen to yours, people
who can sustain you during breakdowns and invigorate you during plateaus. Practic-
ing together forms the basis of an Integral culturea culture that honors the greatest
spectrum of human capacities.
Next make any needed adjustments. Engaging in a new practice often incites re-
sistance. After all, as we grow we push the edge of our comfort zone. This can
challenge the part of us that tries to maintain the status quo. Its normal and natural
to feel emotional resistance. Simply acknowledge your reactions and continue to
practice. These are often the most fruitful times for growth. If resistance continues
to be a problem, ask an ILP friend or mentor for their perspective. It may be that the
practice truly isnt right for you. Listen to your friends, mentors, or teachers, and
then use your own best judgment to decide.
And finally, remember more is not necessarily better. Integral is based on whats
essentialits not meant to be totalistic. Be sure to have at least one practice from
each of the Four Core Modules, and of course add more if you wish. Referring to the
ILP Matrix and the other materials in the Starter Kitas well as the resources youll
find at www.MyILP.comwill keep your ILP integrally informed as you design the
practice thats right for you.
The MyILP Handbook 21
Good Luck!
Theres an old story told in practice circles. The great golfer Ben Hogan was asked
by a journalist what made him so good at the game. Hogan answered, Im just
lucky, I guess. But youre well known for practicing all the time! the reporter said.
To which Ben replied, Well, the more you practice, the luckier you get!
This certainly applies to Integral Life Practice. Its not that practice causes enlighten-
ment or greater awareness or a more fulfilled life. But it does make you just a little
bit luckier, if only by bringing your being into greater harmony with the universe, God,
or grace. While there is certainly a results-oriented side to ILP, which is perfectly
legitimate, there is also a sense in which we practice . . . just to practicefor no
other reason than because it feels like the right thing to do. And this just so happens
to make us luckier in terms of results.
Its in this spirit that we wish you good luck! And we hope that your ILP brings much
love, joy, and fulfillment to your life.
22 Gold Star Practice Instructions
Part II.
Gold Star
The MyILP Handbook 23
For your convenience, weve collected all the Gold Star practice instructions in the follow-
ing section. These same practices are also taught on the ILP Starter Kit DVDs and CDs.
Please watch the DVDs and then go through the rest of this manual, focusing on the areas
where you need additional help. The CDs can come in at any time. For instance, you may
want to listen to the Out-of-the-Box ILP CD before anything else, as a tantalizing taste of
whats contained in the rest of the Kit.
In which order should you practice the modules? Any order you wish. In this Kit we present
the Spiritual module DVDs first, starting with Big Mind. This serves as a powerful introduc-
tion to Ever-Present Suchness. We follow this with Integral Meditation, and then move into
the Body module with the 3-Body Workout DVD.
The next DVD is one of the most important in the collection: The 3-2-1 Process, part of the
Shadow module. Its an extraordinarily effective way to deal with your personal shadow, an
area sorely neglected by traditional forms of practice and virtually all forms of present-day
workshops and growth techniques. We think youll find this simple, easy, frightening, and
effective. And dont worry, youll love it.
We finish with the Mind module and the AQAL Framework DVDthe framework that puts
it all together, helps you hold it all in place, and gives meaning to all the various elements.
Even if you dont practice any other modules, you can use the Integral or AQAL Framework
to organize your other practices and aspects of your existence. With the AQAL Framework
youll find theres a place for everything in your life.
Whatever order you decide to practice these modules is up to you. The order of the DVDs is
simply a suggestion. In the following pages, we will outline the Four Core Modules in the
traditional order of Body, Mind, Spiritand Shadow!
24 Gold Star Practices: Body Module
Body Module
The MyILP Handbook 25
The extended version of the 3-Body Workout presented in the following pages can be
scaled up or down, from a 1-Minute Module to a session lasting an hour or longer.
In the DVD, weve included three versions for your convenience, lasting approximate-
ly 1, 10, and 40 minutes. You can also choose to create your own routine by mixing
and matching exercises. Just choose the steps you want to include, being sure to
incorporate at least one exercise for each of your 3 bodies.
In addition to gross, subtle, and causal, many traditions include the nondual,
which integrates all three. We are including causal and nondual as one sim-
plified practice.
Stand straight with arms down and eyes closed or open. Use the Nondual
Pointing-Out Instructions, the Big Mind Process, or the I AMness meditation,
as follows.
Notice the sounds around you and notice your bodily sensations.
Notice that you are not identical to these sounds and sensations.
All sounds and sensations are objects arising to the awareness that you truly are.
Notice your thoughts, feelings, memories, motivations, and impulses.
Notice that you are not identical to your thoughts, feelings, memories, motivations, or impulses.
All of them arise as objects in the awareness that is you.
You are the one who has always been present.
There was never a time when You were absent.
You have always been You.
So notice You, the witness of this and every moment.
Notice the suchness that you are.
Do not pretend that you are seeking or finding or forgetting the One you truly are.
Be that One always.
The MyILP Handbook 27
Notice the qualities and contents of the mind and emotions. Allow them
to settle.
Use the Facilitator voice to ask to speak to the voice of the Controller.
When the Controller shows up, acknowledge the voice, and take a mo-
ment to notice his or her presence and qualities.
Does another voice (or voices) need to be heard from? If so, allow them
to show up, acknowledge their presence, and be with them until they
are ready for you to go on.
Now ask to speak to the voice of Integrated Big Mind/Big Heart. Allow
the voice to manifest. Sit quietly with its qualities. Feel into and rest as
ever-present Big Mind. Notice the tone, feel, openness, clarity, empti-
ness, freedom, and fullness that you are. Be pure presence. Let the
small self uncoil in the vast expanse of All Space. Feel Big Heart; love
to infinity.
Then quietly dwell in Integrated Big Mind/Big Heart for another minute or two. Holding that
awareness, go on to the next step.
28 Body Module: The 3-Body Workout
I AM Meditation
Read this meditation quietly to yourself, taking the perspectives of both the questioner and the
respondentthe voice of your own I AM.
Notice your present awareness. Notice the objects arising in your awarenessthe images and
thoughts arising in your mind, the feelings and sensations arising in your body, the myriad objects
arising around you in the room or environment. All of these are objects arising in your awareness.
Now think about what was in your awareness 5 minutes ago. Most of the thoughts have changed,
most of the bodily sensations have changed, and probably most of the environment has changed.
But something has not changed. Something in you is the same now as it was 5 minutes ago.
What is present now that was present 5 minutes ago?
I AMness. So many objects have come and gone, so many feelings have come and gone, so many
thoughts have come and gone, so many dramas and terrors and loves and hates have come, and
stayed a while, and gone. But one thing has not come, and one thing has not gone. What is that?
What is the only thing present in your awareness right now that you can remember was present 5
years ago? This timeless, ever-present feeling of I AMness is present now as it was 5 years ago.
All that is ever-present is I AMness. Every person feels this same I AMnessbecause it is not a
body, it is not a thought, it is not an object, it is not the environment, it is not anything that can be
The MyILP Handbook 29
seen, but rather is the ever-present Seer, the ongoing open and empty Witness of all that is aris-
ing, in any person, in any world, in any place, at any time, in all the worlds until the end of time,
there is only and always this obvious and immediate I AMness. What else could you possibly
know? What else does anybody ever know? There is only and always this radiant, self-knowing,
self-feeling, self-transcending I AMness, whether present now, 5 minutes ago, 5 hours ago, 5
centuries ago.
5 millennia ago?
Before Abraham was, I AM. Before the universe was, I AM. This is my Original Face, the face I
had before my parents were born, the face I had before the universe was born, the Face I had for
all eternity until I decided to play this round of hide and seek, and get lost in the objects of my
own creation.
I will NEVER again pretend that I do not know or feel my own I AMness.
And with that, the game is undone. A million thoughts have come and gone, a million feelings
have come and gone, a million objects have come and gone. But one thing has not come, and
one thing has not gone: the great Unborn and the great Undying, which never enters or leaves the
stream of time, a pure Presence above time, floating in eternity. I am this great, obvious, self-
knowing, self-validating, self-liberating I AMness.
I AM is none other than Spirit in 1st person, the ultimate, the sublime, the radiant all-creating
Self of the entire Kosmos, present in me and you and him and her and themas the I AMness
that each and every one of us feels.
Because in all the known universes, the overall number of I AMs is but one.
Rest as I AMness always, the exact I AMness you feel right now, just as it is, which is Unborn
Spirit itself shining in and as you. Assume your personal identity as wellas this or that object,
or this or that self, or this and that thingresting always in the Ground of it All, as this great and
completely obvious I AMness, and get up and go on about your day, in the universe I AM created.
30 Body Module: The 3-Body Workout
Notice the suchness, the is-ness of this and every moment. I am this suchness. I am
the openness in which all things arise.
Inhale, exhale, and inhale. Palms together at heart and then hands crossed over chest, and
then, on last exhale, opening both hands along either side . . .
Holding hands folded over heart center, imagine the brilliant white letters I AM in the heart cen-
ter itself. Concentrate on the I AM, focusing steadily, breathing in and out from the I AM, keeping
hands over chest.
Do this several times, then dissolve the I AM in pure Emptiness, breathe out and let go to infinity,
opening both hands along either side....
32 Body Module: The 3-Body Workout
Hip circles, hands on hips Forward bend with Quad stretch, standing
straight back on one leg
Step #2 Energizing
Inhaling, hands gather energy, Exhaling, hands move up the Inhaling, hands come down
coming to fingers loosely front, palms facing the sky ... along the sides, returning to
interlaced ... fingers loosely interlaced ...
I breathe into the fullness of life. I breathe out and return to light. Completing the circle,
I am free and full.
Continue for a total of eight arm circles, tongue on palate (completing the microcosmic orbit).
Exhaling, hands move up the front to the sky; inhaling, hands circle back out and down.
The MyILP Handbook 37
Step #5 Circulating
Infinity Flow Shifting weight from side to side, add torso
rotation in the same direction as the shift. Extend energy
out through the fingers, tracing an infinity symbol in the air.
At this point, you can stop or continue onto any other exercises. We give 4 examples from
a myriad of possibilities: push-ups, back-arch, sit-ups, and stretchingbut again, feel free
to do whatever works for you, mixing and matching to suit your needs. For intermediate and
advanced practitioners, we recommend using the F.I.T. technique now.
40 Body Module: The 3-Body Workout
Extend and lengthen the spine as you raise your shoulders and feet off the floor
Extend energy, drawing the crown of your head far away from your heels
Inhale on the way up and exhale on the way down
Try to keep your feet together through the whole movement
Keep breathing on holds
Example #4 Stretching
Cow (alternate with Cat) Cat (alternate with Cow Downward Dog
4 or more times)
Lunges, left
and right
IV. Dedication
Bow in Four Directions (turning right, clockwise)
Suggested Practice:
Beginners: 10 minutes, 3x/week
More Advanced: 10 minutes before meditation; extended version 1x/week
The MyILP Handbook 45
3-Body Workout
I. Causal Body
Notice the suchness, the is-ness of this and every moment. I am this suchness. I am
the openness in which all things arise.
Inhale, exhale, and inhale. Palms together at heart and then hands crossed over chest, and
then, on last exhale, opening up both hands along either side...
Inhaling, hands gather energy, Exhaling, hands move up the Inhaling, hands come down
coming to fingers loosely front, palms facing the sky... along the sides, returning to
interlaced... fingers loosely interlaced...
I breathe into the fullness of life. I breathe out and return to light. Completing the circle,
I am free and full.
Continue for a total of eight arm circles, tongue on palate (completing the microcosmic orbit).
Exhaling, hands move up the front to the sky; inhaling, hands circle back out and down.t
The MyILP Handbook 47
IV. Dedication
2. Charge: 3 to 5 short explosive breaths into the upper chest to activate the sym-
pathetic nervous system and to rapidly circulate subtle energy currents. During
each in-breath, visualize the subtle energy being drawn up from the ground
into the physical body. Then, each explosive breath outward charges the gross
body with this energy, readying it for the exertion to come in a moment. This is
performed immediately before you begin your set.
50 Body Module: Focus Intensity Training (F.I.T.)
3. Focus: This is single-pointed attention: continual focus and return to the pres-
ent moment and the sensations of the bodymind. Give special attention to the
muscles, subtle body currents, the breath, and the overall form of the exercise
being performed. If distracting thoughts arise, focus on a mantra or repetition
count. This is performed during the actual set or sequence of lifting.
4. Surrender: Breathe deeply from the diaphragm and open your awareness.
With each out-breath, visualize all tension in the body flowing downward into
the ground. This phase is about letting go and resting in deep relaxation. If
the eyes are open, adopt a soft eyes panoramic focus. If the eyes are closed,
some type of mindfulness meditation can be engaged.
This same execution cycle can be used for any physical exercises, whether they are
cardiovascular or muscle related, and whether the exercise lasts for one minute or
two hours. In addition to the core execution cycle, you may also want to try the fol-
lowing pre- and post-workout cycles.
2. Renew Dedication: Take time to recall the intention that you set in your pre-
workout preparations. Notice what qualities this dedication brought to your
training. Do something to bring formal closure to this specific period: this can
take any form you feel is appropriate.
3. Reflect and Integrate: Reflect upon the subjective experiences you encoun-
tered during training. Take a still, relaxed posture, and examine anything that
stands out: perhaps a period of distraction, a state of extreme intensity, a
triggered memory or projection, or any other phenomenological experience that
is important to you in the moment. This is perhaps the most important phase
of the post-workout practice, as it ties together your training and clarifies its
relationship to the rest of your life and practices.
Physical Exercise
Good old-fashioned physical exerciseweightlifting, aerobics, swimming, sports, still one of the best ways to become healthy and fit on the physical level,
with beneficial effects reverberating throughout your being. In the ILP Starter Kit, we
provide a couple of quick and easy 1-Minute Modules to exercise your physical body,
as well as instructions on how to extend your workouts if you have more time.
Physical Exercise
You may choose to extend your 1-Minute exercises to 10-15 minute
workouts. For muscle fitness, you may want to work more than one
muscle group per day. Alternatively, you could perform more than
one set for the same muscle group. In regard to aerobic exercise, you
may repeat each interval 8-10 times. Or you could mix in different
forms of cardiovascular practices: 3 sprinting intervals, 3 intervals of
jumping rope, and 3 biking intervals, for example.
To extend your physical exercise workout further, you can increase the
number of muscle groups exercised, the types of exercises you do for
each muscle group, and/or the number of sets. You can also extend
the types and duration of aerobic exercises you do. The important
point is to simply choose a physical exercise that works for you, and
do it however you wantbut do it!
The MyILP Handbook 53
We live in a culture that makes it very easy to eat poorly (and much harder to eat
well!). This may be due to evolutionary factors. For most of humans thousands of
years of evolution we were hunter-gatherers. Living very close to the edge of sur-
vival, it helped our overall health to crave concentrated calories, sugar, salt, and fat,
and to be inclined to graze all day! But today, with tasty food conveniently avail-
able everywhere, advertised through media to which were exposed many times a
day, we suffer the degenerative diseases of kings that come from eating too much
of what we crave.
It takes a very serious commitment to eat consciously and well, a commitment that
must be renewed again and again. Its especially hard to generate a disciplined re-
lationship to food without adopting rigid and/or extreme dietary prescriptions. From
an Integral perspective, its important to consider not just gross physical nutrition but
also subtle nutrition, including the subtle energetics of food, which includes atten-
The MyILP Handbook 55
tion to how it is grown, handled, and prepared. Its also appropriate to consider how
our food choices impact others and the world. But the calculation is both complex
and personal. Not all bodies need the same diet.
The ILP Diet comes from integrating the fundamental insights of decades of nutri-
tion research. The result is a simple and elegant nutrition map that depicts the three
major sources of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
The ILP Diet first points to the many scientifically validated approaches to diet that
advocate paying attention to your proportions of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Second, it suggests that a healthy, balanced diet involves eating the good versions of
these three nutrientseating above the line.
Of course, other nutrition practices are also important. Many people thrive, and
swear by eating fresh, whole foods rather than refined, processed or synthetic foods.
There are numerous different philosophic approaches to supplementation, most em-
phasizing some vitamins, herbs, anti-oxidants, enzymes, super-foods, or amino acids.
Consider looking into a multivitamin regimen from Life Extension Foundation (www. or Vitamin Research Products (, both of which are highly rec-
The MyILP Handbook 57
The ILP Diet emphasizes the combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
in appropriate amounts, following the universally acknowledged practices
listed above. Nutritional practice involves eating consciously, learning from
experience, and periodically experimenting. It can be very useful and infor-
mative to keep a diet diary. Because food is so powerfully emotional, diet is
an opportunity for continual growth in self-awareness. Nutrition is a central
area of life-long study and practice.
Suggested Practice:
Beginners: Eat above the line 1 day/week to start, increasing to 3 or 4 days
More Advanced: Eat above the line 6 days/week
58 Gold Star Practices: Mind (Framework) Module
Mind (Framework)
The MyILP Handbook 59
Notice how virtually every human language uses 1st-person, 2nd-person, and 3rd-person
pronouns to indicate three basic dimensions of being. The I dimension includes the per-
sonal experiences and intentions occurring within the interior of an individual. The We di-
mension (you and I) involves shared meaning and mutual understanding among peoplethe
interior collective. And the It dimension entails all exterior, objective manifestation.
These Big Three reality dimensions may appear ridiculously obvious when pointed out
because they are the three principal perspectives on any occasion, the three basic contexts
of manifest existence, and the three fundamental dimensions of a sentient being. The four
quadrants are just another way to represent the Big Three dimensions. Subdividing It
into singular It (exterior individual) and plural Its (exterior collective), along with I
(interior individual) and We (interior collective) make up the four quadrants.
Development unfolds through waves of increasing consciousness, care, and concern, from
physical to emotional to mental to spiritual. (The word spiritual has many different mean-
ings; wave or level is only one of them. We also use it in a different sense as a line or
module.) These are levels of development. All are necessary, and none are wrong, hence
the phrase all-quadrants, all-levels or AQAL.
This approach simply suggests that we consciously touch the many waves of consciousness,
and to do so in relation to our individual selves, to others, and to the natural world. In short,
60 Mind Module: Get a Feel for AQAL
(transpersonal waves)
Self and Consciousness Brain and Organism
8 8
integral self
7 also: 7
teal: altered
holistic self states
6 6
sensitive self
5 5
achiever self
4 4
mythic self
3 3
2 2
1 1
power gods feudal empires
ng orti
3 3
mythic order early nations
ag al
4 4
scientific-rational corporate states
5 5
pluralistic value communities
6 6
holistic holistic
7 7
integral integral
8 8
an Integral Life Practice exercises body, mind, and spirit (the all-levels part) in self,
culture, and nature (the all-quadrants part).
In addition to quadrants and levels, the AQAL Integral Framework identifies lines,
states, and types as important elements of any comprehensive map of reality.
Each of these five elements already exists as part of your own being-in-the-world.
Any of them can be cultivated as modules of an Integral Life Practice. They cannot
be imposed from the outside because they are already part of your makeup from
the inside.
Get a Feel
for AQAL
Levelsthe waves or levels of con-
The cornerstone of the AQAL Framework is
sciousness (e.g., physical, emotional, an understanding of perspectives (e.g., the I
mental, spiritual) that are the markers perspective, the We perspective, the It perspec-
of altitude within a given developmental tive, and so on). In any moment, you can feel
these basic dimensions of your being, simply by
line. noticing what is already present.
See The AQAL Framework DVD for more Silently remind yourself, These are all
dimensions of my being and becoming, all
of which I will include, none of which I will
Spirit Module
The MyILP Handbook 63
There are two general kinds of meditation: with form and without form. Meditation with
form involves holding attention on an objectit could be the breath, an image, or a mantra.
Meditation without form involves releasing attention from all objects, in order to rest effort-
lessly in pure awarenessa non-practice practice that is sometimes called just sitting
or pure presence. The Integral Life Practice Starter Kit includes meditation practices both
with and without form, as well as prayer and contemplation practices.
Integral Meditation is a general term for using the AQAL Framework as the launchpad for
meditation. Although meditation ultimately goes beyond all mental forms, the traditions
agree that the View or Framework is of crucial importance for interpreting and understand-
ing meditation correctly. The more integral the View, the more comprehensive and full the
understanding. Today the most integral framework is AQAL.
Within Integral Meditation, you can emphasize one or moreor allof the 3 faces of
Spirit. Examples include, for 1st-person: Big MindTM, Silent Contemplation, I AMness, or
Inquiry. For 2nd-person: Centering Prayer, Compassionate Exchange, or Other Power. For
3rd-person: Kosmic Contemplation, Subtle Energy work, or Great Perfection. The 1-2-3 of
God touches on all three.
The following pages summarize and provide instructions for the meditation and other spiri-
tual practices taught in the ILP Kit.
64 Spirit Module: Integral Inquiry
Integral Inquiry
Integral Inquiry is a form of meditation based on the AQAL Framework. This medita-
tion has two components: an absolute and a relative. On the absolute side, Integral
Inquiry invites you to relax your identification with passing thoughts and experiences,
and to rest in pure presence or Big Mind, moment to moment. This is not a blank,
mindless state, but simply one in which you are free from self-contraction in relation
to what is arising. On the relative side, it invites you to work on the conditions that
habitually distract you from pure presenceoften these are shadow issuesby ap-
plying the 3-2-1 Process or another Integral tool.
Integral Inquiry thus involves a double relaxation. It helps us recognize and abide
as the Absolute Self, which is effortless and free; and it helps us dissolve the self-
contraction caused by shadow elements. Ultimately, the full AQAL Framework can
be brought to bear on the Inquiry, to release us into the present moment with ever
greater clarity.
Integral Inquiry
There are 3 stages to Integral Inquiry. Stages 1 and 2 are done while sitting in meditation, and can be
practiced for any amount of time, from just 1 minute (i.e., the 1-Minute Module) to an hour or longer. Stage
3 invites you to take the Inquiry beyond the cushion, into your everyday life.
Invoke the non-seeking mind (as per the Big Mind process described in the My ILP Handbook.)
When youre ready to begin, simply count your breaths. On inhalation, count, one, on exhalation, two,
on the next inhalation, three, on the next exhalation, four, all the way up to ten. Then, return to one.
If you get distracted and lose count, go back to one and start again.
Note that every breath takes place in the present moment, the very location of Suchness, Consciousness,
and Divinity. Thus, each breatheach one, each two, each threebrings you here, now, to the
mysterious, open present.
Pay particular attention to the still points between breaths, with lungs empty or full, continually releasing
attention to the openness, simplicity and limitless depth of pure presence.
When you can sustain 5 minutes of stability during meditation (and it can often take six months to do that!),
you can stop counting, and simply follow the breath with your attention. The breath remains an anchor for
the present moment, helping us in releasing or going beyond the thinking mind and resting in pure presence,
opening into our most natural condition of formless awareness.
Then notice when the mind contracts from this simplicity, becoming distracted by thoughts, sensations, or
The mind chronically contracts again and again. When you notice this happening, inquire and relax. Choose
a simple question, such as Avoiding? or Contracting? or Who am I?* And ask it, in the same way that
you might return attention to the breath and to the count, or go back to one when counting the breaths. Use
the question to return to full, free, present awareness, opening and relaxing back into what is.
* Other variations include What am I? Who am I kidding? and Avoiding Relationship? The noun-based forms of inquiry allow at-
tention to illuminate the habitual and mechanical presumption of the separate self. The verb-based forms of inquiry allow attention to
illuminate the same thing, which is at root, not an entity, but a present activity.
66 Spirit Module: Integral Inquiry
The inquiry is not meant to stimulate analysis of why your mind wandered, What was I avoiding? Why?,
but simply to bring awareness to what is actually taking place through the minds wanderingwhile simul-
taneously naturally returning attention to the breath.
Another meaning of the question is, What am I doing instead of being present as free attention? What is
there to notice? One answer given by sages is, Vast emptiness, and automatic contracting of the mind.
As this process deepens, let the whole exercise arise in Emptiness, in Big Mind. Then, allow thoughts to
self-liberate spontaneously.
Begin to notice the pattern of what is distracting you from pure presence. Most often, the root will be a
shadow issue. So, for example, if a particular person or situation with an emotional charge keeps arising
in meditation, you can Face it, Talk to it, and Be it, using the 1-minute version of the 3-2-1 Shadow-work
You can also use specific aspects of the AQAL framework to pinpoint where in your awareness the dis-
turbance is arising. Does it relate to an I, a we, or an its issue? Does it have anything to do with a
line of development where you might need to do some work? Is it in one of your 3 bodies? A gross body
discomfort? A subtle energy block? Use the Framework to help clarify whats really going on.
Dont get lost in thoughtyoure still meditating. Simply do a 1-Minute Module, or just make a mental
note, and then return to sitting in pure presence.
This begins to bring meditation into the rest of your waking life, breaking down the artificial division be-
tween meditation and life. As you bring free Integral consciousness more and more fully into your waking
state, you get closer to the point where it can naturally appear in your dream and deep sleep states also.
This is a fully flexible, fully Integral discipline. You are free to use whatever Integral tool seems best fitted
to freeing up your attention and energy.
The MyILP Handbook 67
You might refresh yourself with a minute or two from the 3-Body Integral Inquiry
1) Sit upright and breathe naturally.
You might simply restore your AQAL sensibilities, by purpose-
2) Rest in the present moment, releasing
fully noticing the four quadrants of your present experience.
attention into the suchness or openness
in which everything is arising. Relax into
You might simply ask the question Avoiding? or Contract- what is.
ing? or Who am I?
3) If thoughts arise or attention wanders,
You might remember God in the 2nd-person perspective, simply ask Avoiding?, Contracting?, or
speaking Thou interiorly. Who am I?
You might even inquire directly in a way that takes no outward 4) Let the question simply open you to a
form at all, just the restoration of free awareness. deeper awareness, rather than try to
answer it. Dont engage a mental story
about your avoidance or contraction.
Whatever you choose to do, the point is simply to do it with full
Just notice whats happening and return
awareness, and then to freely go about your dayhopefully to being present.
lighter and more fully present.
5) Rest in pure presence. Notice when you
get distracted and check for any shadow
elements, such as recurring, emotion-
Suggested Practice: ally charged thoughts around a specific
person or situation. If this is the case, do
Beginners: 5 minutes, 3x/week a quick 3-2-1 Process on the distraction,
and then return to pure presence.
More Advanced: 20 minutes, 4-5x/week
* Notice the double relaxation of releas-
ing your relative shadow-knot, as well
as abiding in pure presence, prior to any
shadow activity.
Zen Master Genpo Roshi, a fully empowered lineage-holder in the largest Zen lin-
eage outside of Japan, developed the Big MindTM process in 1999, drawing from
thirty years of Zen teaching experience and Western therapeutic techniques, includ-
ing Voice Dialogue.
In the Big MindTM process, a facilitator actively enters into dialogue with various
dualistic voices that live within us all, including the voices of desire, fear, seeking,
and the controller. This opens a space where they are free to fulfill their function
without suppression. The process then proceeds to address various nondual voic-
eswhich are the expression of ever-present statesin order to transcend the self
in an experience of Big Mind, Big Heart, and ultimately, the Free-Functioning Fully-In-
tegrated Self, which includes both transcendent and ego-based voices.
Since there is no effort to annihilate the ego, this process engenders little resistance,
even though it draws participants into higher state experiences. As you become
more and more able to experience Big Mind, it becomes easier to enter and maintain
states of wisdom and compassion in the midst of daily life.
Big Mind TM
Use Big Mind as the beginning point for a short or long session of
sitting meditation. This can last as little as 5 minutes or as long as an 1 -MINUTE MODULE
hour or more.
Big Mind TM
As non-seeking, non-grasping mind, begin meditating, just sitting, or Sit quietly with its qualities. You
may ask questions of this voice
using any simple, direct, meditative approach.
such as:
Your whole meditation session can take place within non-seeking, non- How big are you?
grasping mind. When did you begin?
What do you care about?
When youre done, ask to speak to the integrated, free-functioning hu- Do you love without condi-
man being, finish the meditation session, speak a dedication, and walk tions?
freely into the day.
Then quietly dwell in Integrated Big
Mind/Big Heart for another minute
or two. Thank Big Mind/Big Heart.
Suggested Practice:
Conclude by asking to speak to the
Beginners: watch Big Mind DVD 2-3 times
TM voice of the Integrated Free-Func-
More Advanced: 20 minutes, 4-5x/week tioning Human Being.
70 Spirit Module: The 1-2-3 of God
We can contemplate, think, know, and talk about Spirit in the 3rd person.
We can relate with Spirit and listen to, pray 1 -MINUTE MODULE
to, receive, or commune with Spirit in a 2nd- The 1-2-3 of God
person relationship.
At any moment, you can experience God as
a 3rd-person It, a 2nd-person Thou, or a
1st-person I. Simply repeat the following
And we can meditate and feel and know sentences quietly to yourself, letting each
ourselves and speak as Spirit in a 1st-person perspective arise gently and naturally.
apprehension of our source and substance. I contemplate God as all that is aris-
ingthe Great Perfection of this and
every moment.
See the Meditation With Form CD for more
I behold and commune with God as an
infinite Thou, who bestows all blessings
and complete forgiveness on me, and
before whom I offer infinite gratitude and
Engage them intentionally on your own, as instructed below. You can do this for just a few minutes or as
long as an hour or more.
Follow along with the guided meditation on the Meditation With Form CD in the ILP Starter Kit. This will
take approximately 60 minutes.
Suggested Practice:
For 1st-person, a useful short phrase is I AM. One might also use Myself, Pure
Awareness, Pure Presence, or Mirror Mind. Beginners: Follow Guided
Meditation on CD, 1x/week
For 2nd-person, you can use the names of God when approached as Thou: Jesus,
Allah, Jehovah, Amitabha, Mary, and so on. More Advanced: 20 minutes
on your own, 3-4x/week
Possible 3rd-person names or phrases are The Great Perfection, The Web of Life,
and so on.
In this meditation practice, attend to the breath as much as awareness allows, anchor your 3rd-, 2nd-, and 1st-per-
son relationship with the Ultimate using a word or short phrase, and randomly, and with full feeling-awareness of
the Ultimate, recall that word or phrase.
Begin by anchoring a relationship to the 3rd-person Ultimate in your body, mind, and feeling. Experience It while
associating it with a word or phrase you have chosen to invoke and express this 3rd-person relationship.
Then turn with full feeling to face the Ultimate, presuming your full 2nd-person intimacy, and letting that register in
breath, body, mind, and feeling, while associating it with a word or phrase you have chosen to invoke and express
this 2nd-person relationship.
Then deepen in that intimacy until you open into recognition of no separation at allyour 1st-person identification
with and as the Ultimate, letting your breath, body, mind, and feeling register your Ultimate identity, and associating
it with a word or phrase you have chosen to invoke and express this 1st-person apprehension.
Then, simply sit, attending to the breath. At random, and anytime your mind wanders, utter, with full feeling, one of
three words or short phrases that express your 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-person relationships with Ultimate Reality.
The key is to choose words that resonate with you. Feel free to choose others, besides those suggested here. The
important thing is that you use phrases that are resonant and evocative for you.
Feel free to repeat a single phrase for several minutes if you like, or even a whole session of meditation. It is okay
to continue until another word or phrase spontaneously comes forward.
When meditating this way, we resonate in relationship to the Ultimate, from one perspective or another, again and
again. We sit in the silence, listening, opening ourselves up into the Ultimate through all perspectives.
72 Spirit Module: Compassionate Exchange
Compassionate Exchange
Compassionate Exchange is a way to move freely through all perspectives instead
of staying chronically identified with only one. In this meditative practice, we con-
sciously and deliberately exchange self for other.
Most creatures tend to move towards pleasure and away from pain. We move
instinctually to defend the self from discomfort and harm, and to meet the needs and
fulfill the wants of the self. In Compassionate Exchange, we dissolve the armor that
builds up around this limited, survival-based orientation.
In fact, we reverse the selfs usual orientation and breathe in suffering, and then
breathe out the pleasurable release of suffering. We reclaim the tremendous energy
and freedom that result from reversing the automatic tendency of seeking pleasure
and avoiding pain.
The I moves into awareness of and care for you, and us, and them, and all
beings, and then back to methe self, and then rests in the Self of the selfthe
Witness in which all of them arise.
Compassionate Exchange can be practiced for any
length of time. Compassionate Exchange
You can listen to the guided meditation contained Begin by bringing attention and feeling to the heart and breath-
ing to and from the heart. Recall a memory that evokes the
on the Meditation With Form CD in the ILP Starter
experience of care and compassion.
Kit, which lasts approximately 20 minutes, or you
can practice on your own for lengths of time vary- Then, picture someone dear to you and breathe this persons
ing from just two or three minutes (the 1-Minute distress and suffering into your heart.
Module) to an hour or more.
Then, as you exhale, breathe out the essence of freedom from
suffering, and direct it towards this person.
Suggested Practice: Continue to breathe. Each time you breathe in, take in the
suffering and distress of more and more people. Each time you
Beginners: Follow Guided Meditation
breathe out, breathe out the essence of release and freedom
on CD, 1x/week from suffering and direct it towards this larger group of people.
More Advanced: 20 minutes on your
own, 3-4x/week After several breaths, expand your view to include all beings.
Take in their suffering and distress.
Then focus on one being among all beings: you. Take in your
own suffering and distress, and breathe out the essence of
freedom of suffering, directing it towards yourself. From this
free perspective you naturally embrace and affirm your vitality
and humanity.
Shadow Module
The MyILP Handbook 75
If the threat of this emotion or situation becomes so great it requires a total rejec-
tion, we banish it totally as a 3rd-person It, stripped of humanity. At that point, we
can often recognize shadow as a sense of irritation, reactivity, fear, phobia, rage, or
aversion toward things . . . but we dont really know why.
Under these circumstances, most forms of meditation wont help; in fact, theyll
make things worse. They recommend dis-identification from experience, when what
76 Shadow Module: The 3-2-1 Process
First thing in the morning (before getting out of bed) review your dreams
and identify any person or object with an emotional charge. FACE that
person or object by holding it in mind. Then TALK to that person or object, or
simply feel into it. Finally, BE that person or object by taking its perspective.
For the sake of this exercise, there is no need to write anything outyou
can go through the whole process right in your own mind.
Last thing before going to bed, choose a person who either disturbed or
attracted you during the day. FACE him or her, TALK to him or her, and then
BE him or her (as described above).
Again, you can do the 3-2-1 Process quietly by yourself, any time you need it,
day or night.
The MyILP Handbook 77
You can either talk through the process or use a journal to write it out. If talking, imagine the person or
thing sitting across from you. If using a journal, simply write out each of the following steps. Weve pro-
vided a sample template you can use to get started.
Describe the person, image, or sensation in vivid detail using 3rd-person pronouns (e.g., he, him, she, her,
they, their, it, its). This is your opportunity to explore your experience fully, particularly what it is that both-
ers you. Dont minimize the disturbancetake the opportunity to describe it as fully as possible.
Enter into a dialogue with this object of awareness using 2nd-person pronouns (you and yours). This is your
opportunity to enter into a relationship with the disturbance, so talk directly to the person, image, or sensa-
tion. You may ask questions such as Who/what are you? Where do you come from? What do you want
from me? What do you need to tell me? What gift are you bringing me? Then allow the disturbance to
respond back to you. Allow yourself to be surprised by what emerges in the dialogue.
1- BE IT
Now, writing or speaking in first person, become the person, image or sensation you have been exploring.
Use the first person pronouns (I, me, mine). See the world, including yourself, entirely from the perspective
of that disturbance, and allow yourself to discover not only your commonalities, but also how you really are
one and the same. Finally, make a statement of identification: I am _____ or _____ is me.
Now integrate this perspective into a larger you, feeling it as an integral part of your being.
Suggested Practice:
Beginners: 30 minutes 1x/week with the biggest issue of the week
More Advanced: Begin applying 3-2-1 to dreams and issues of the day
78 Shadow Module: The 3-2-1 Process
3Face it. Describe the person, thing, or situation in 3rd-person terms (e.g., he, she, that, it).
Dialogue with him, her, or it using the 2nd-person you;
2Talk to it. then take the other side and talk to yourself as a 2nd-person you.
The MyILP Handbook 79
Speak as him, her, or it, taking a 1st-person perspective, and describe the world from
that particular "I" view, expressing this "I's" feelings, wants, desires, etc. Then integrate
1Be it. that "I" with the rest of your I, feeling both of them together in a new and larger I.
80 Frequently Asked Questions
Part III.
The MyILP Handbook 81
Q: Why should I be interested in ILP? What makes it different from all the other ap-
proaches out there?
A: ILP combines and integrates the best of hundreds of approaches to self-growth from across cul-
tures and time. It was designed specifically for modern and post-modern life by distilling the most
essential aspects of practice into the most readily usable forms, including Gold Star Practices
and 1-Minute Modules. Moreover, ILP is based on exclusive AQAL technology, which repre-
sents the most leading-edge map of reality and human awareness available.
Q: Why is the mental Framework important? Why not just meditate and do the other
ILP exercises?
A: The AQAL Framework is essential to Integral Life Practice. Without a good map of reality
and consciousness, the effects of merely practicing just dont stick. AQAL simply points out dimen-
sions of your being that are already therebut if you dont know theyre there, theres not much
you can do about them. AQAL is a psychoactive framework precisely because it activates and
orients consciousness around the latent possibilities of your awareness, well-being, and transfor-
mation. Its powerful in itself, but as a part of an ILP, it contributes to a radically effective overall
practice formula.
Q: In the past, Integral Institute has referred to Integral Transformative Practice. Now
its talking about Integral Life Practice. Why the change?
A: Because a truly Integral practice would include not just transformationbut all of life. So
the Integral Institute Training Team began calling it Integral Life Practice, and it has its own
distinct identity.
82 Frequently Asked Questions
We often contrast Practice in this sense to the relative, specific practices we do, like strength
training or meditation. We also think of Practice as the ever-present Ground and Goal of exis-
tence, while practices are the path to that Goal. Each is an important bottom-line of ILP, all are
necessary, and they interpenetrate, but it is valuable to distinguish them.
Q: Sometimes ethics and service are mentioned as fundamental, but when only the Four
Core Modules of Integral Life Practice are mentioned, they are left out. Why?
A: Ethics and service are essential to practice from the beginning. They are also the fruition of
practice, but they often do not give rise to personal practices we can intentionally schedule at
The MyILP Handbook 83
certain times of the day. Primarily for this reason, we focus on the 4 modulesBody, Mind, Spirit,
and Shadow. However, ethics and service are no less fundamental, and we highly recommend you
choose them as an auxiliary practice.
Q: You list practicing in relationships, work, child-rearing and other areas of life among
the auxiliary modules of an ILP, but not as core modules. Why?
A: The most efficient way to establish an Integral Life Practice is by taking on practices in the four
core modules. Focused work in these areas is likely to give you the most significant effect for
the time you invest. At the same time, the core of all practice is the intention to bring awareness
and care to every moment of life, and thereby to deepen, expand, and grow in both awareness and
care. This is why ethical living and service inevitably follow from a core commitment to Integral
Life Practice. Areas of life where we focus significant time and energy become important arenas
for practice, so most of us practice actively in our work and relationships. However, the form of
practice in these areas varies significantly among different individuals, and many people do not
take on specific practices relative to their work and relationships. A simple practice design is
important. This is most effectively accomplished by focusing on the Four Core Modules as well as
Q: Im very busy. Why should I focus on several practices at once? Wont this be over-
whelming? Wouldnt it be better to solidify one practice before adding another?
A: The Four Core Modules are essential to make your practice stick. And in fact, on your busiest
days, you can do an entire ILP in as little as five minutes, using only the 1-Minute Modules. Cross-
training is a key principle of ILP; your total capacities will develop faster and more effectively
by engaging multiple practices rather than doing one or two in isolation. For example, research
indicates that meditators progress faster if they also do strength training. We think youll find that
a well-designed Integral Life Practice, rather than an isolated practice of meditation, exercise, or
psychotherapy, will maximize your growth. This is why Integral Life Practice is the simplest and
easiest practice you can do to wake up.
Identify the practices you can commit to doing daily or every other day, and others you
can commit to doing weekly. Then write out and sign a written contract with yourself
to formalize your practice commitment.
Dont overreach. Try to limit yourself to choices you have a realistic chance of sustain-
ing as permanent lifestyle habits (rather than a short-lived burst of New Years resolu-
tion type activities).
Build self-awareness and discipline by monitoring your practices weekly or monthly
using the Practice Diaries provided in the My ILP Handbook.
One of the most powerful ways to generate support is to create relationships that help
give you visibility and accountability. You can create this by finding a buddy, coach, or
a group and by entering into a contract of mutual practice support. Integral Institute
offers mentoring services and phone-based practice groups (see You
may also want to consider starting an Integral Practice Group in your area so you can
meet face-to-face.
Q: How do I find an ILP support community? Can I start my own community? How would I
go about this?
A: You can organize this yourself through your own circle of relationships or perhaps through
already existing groups with common sympathies. If you want to find people committed to ILP as
described here, please visit Integral Institute is committed to helping ILP prac-
titioners network with each other and to providing resources for them. We offer these services
Q: I havent found other people in my area interested in ILP. What resources and support
are available to me under these circumstances? Can I receive distance or online support
from professional ILP practitioners?
A: Integral Institute offers phone-based Integral Life Practice Support Groups led by AQAL-certified
I-I mentors and coaches. Please visit
However, the ILP Starter Kit has been designed so that you can use it successfully on your own. If
you want further guidance in a particular practice, such as yoga, qi gong, strength training, or medi-
tation, you can seek out a qualified teacher and your practice will benefit. If you want guidance
from an AQAL-certified ILP coach, contact I-I via
Q: What is the role of a teacher in ILP? Can one person master and teach all the modules
or does ILP require multiple teachers?
A: There are many kinds of teachers, mentors, and therapists. An experienced practitioner can
act as a mentor or coach, helping you make choices and sustain commitments. A teacher who
has mastered a particular discipline can embody its maturity and guide you through the stages of
mastering it yourself. For most people, a professional coach or mentor, experienced in ILP, can be
a powerful aid to practice.
When you feel an impulse to change your practice commitments, use your deepest intuition to
discriminate whether that impulse is (a) primarily an expression of resistance to sustaining prac-
tice over time, or (b) primarily an expression of your practice having outlived its usefulness and
the need for you to take on new, fresh, and/or more advanced forms of practice. Make a formal
decision once youve checked in with your wisest inner knowing, and if youve decided to make a
change, embody it by making a new practice commitment and sustaining it.
The following teachers are those most directly involved with the creation of the
Integral Life Practice Starter Kit. Please visit for a full roster of
ILP teachers.
Production Team
The MyILP Handbook 91
You can find information about all of these spheres and more at
The MyILP Handbook 95