07 - TDS - Concresive 1418

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High strength polyester resin for grouting in dowel pins, starter bars and for repairs to concrete

Description Will cure underwater and at temperatures

CONCRESIVE 1418 is a two-component below 0C.
polyester resin compound consisting of a liquid Extra sand can be added for bulk filling.
resin and a powdered hardener filler system in
one container. It is a grouting, bonding and repair Packaging
material. CONCRESIVE 1418 is supplied in 15kg
containers. Each container contains resin and
Primary uses adequate powder for normal use.
Grouting in dowel pins, rag bolts, holding
down bolts and starter bars.
Fixing tiles, slabs, pre-cast facings, etc. The action of mixing the powder and liquid
Bedding and sealing concrete units, components of CONCRESIVE 1418 results in a
steelwork, road furniture, etc. chemical reaction producing a material of
Repair of worn or damaged concrete. exceptional strength and chemical resistance.
Repair of pre-cast concrete units.
*Typical properties
Advantages Density 25C Approx. 1920kg/m
Easy to use - economical and fast. Setting times 25C Approx. 40-50 minutes
Simple to batch and mix. Pot life 25C >25 minutes
Versatile - has many applications.
Mix consistency can be varied at will. Results are based on normal 3.2 to 1 mix by volume:
Excellent adhesion to most building materials Temp Strengths in N/mm
(ceramics, wood, metal, stone, concrete, Strength C 3hrs 24 hrs 7 days
quarry tiles, asphalt, mortar, etc.). Property
Compressive 25 24 75 >90
Excellent chemical resistance.
Tensile 25 14
High early and ultimate strengths.
Flexural 25 28
Due to the nature of the resin system, the
mechanical and chemical resistance of
CONCRESIVE 1418 is constant irrespective
of the volume of filler added provided
adequate compaction can be achieved.
CONCRESIVE 1418 has low shrinkage
properties and does not shrink at the bonded
surface. No shrinkage occurs once hardening
has taken place.

Adhesion to sound concrete: In excess of the tensile strength of concrete
Adhesion to shot blasted or heavily scored steel: 9N/mm
Chemical resistance: resists attack by sugar, salt, sewage, dairy produce, oil, petrol,
lactic acid, etc.

Working load in concrete C35/45 Steel Rod

Steel Rod 8.8 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20
of insert (mm) 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.0
of hole D (mm) 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 25.0
Embedment depth (mm) 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 200.0

Post-installed Rebars
The test results per NF Norms P 18-831 & NF P steel bar of HA quality (high adherence) in the
18-836 have confirmed that bonding between concrete i.e. if the concrete is poured directly
resin & the concrete is equal to the bonding a around the rebar, it is not more effective than
using resin.

Rebar HA Fe E 500
Concrete C35/45
Re = 500 N/mm (yield point)
Rm = 550 N/mm (tensile strength)

Rebar Diameter (mm) 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.0

Drill bit diameter (mm) 10.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 25.0
Section (mm) 50.3 78.5 113.0 154.0 201.0 314.0
Ultimate Tensile Load (kN) Maximum embedment depth 27.0 43 62.0 84.0 110.0 172.0
Ultimate Shear Load (kN) Maximum embedment depth 12.6 16.5 27.3 35.9 41.6 66.7

Working load in concrete

Resin CONCRESIVE 1418 rebar HA Fe E500
Concrete C25/30 Concrete C35/45
Length of embedment Tensile working load Length of embedment Tensile working load
of rebar of hole (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
(mm) (mm) L Min L Max F Min F Max L Min L Max F Min F Max
8 10 80 285 4 16 80 222 5 16
10 14 100 357 7 25 100 277 9 25
12 16 120 428 10 36 120 333 12 36
14 18 140 510 13 50 140 396 17 50
16 20 160 580 17 65 160 451 23 65
20 25 200 728 28 102 200 566 36 102
For different concrete strengths, multiply the working loads by a factor which is = working load x {1+ (Actual concrete strength-

Application procedures Concrete repair use:
Surface preparation: CONCRESIVE 1418 should not be applied in
Ensure surfaces are free from oil, grease paint, coats thicker than 20mm. Where repairs are to be
curing compound, etc. remove dust laitance and above 20mm, it is preferable to apply
friable materials by wire brushing, bush CONCRESIVE 1418 in layers each with a
hammering or acid etching. It is preferable to maximum thickness of 20mm. Apply successive
abrade and roughen smooth surfaces prior to coats after the previous coats have hardened.
application of CONCRESIVE 1418.
When using material of flowable consistency,
Mixing: ensure material is given time to settle and self-
Mixes normally used vary from 2:1 powder to level before proceeding. When using material of
resin up to 4:1 powder to resin by volume. The trowellable consistency work it well into the
resin rich mixes are flowable and the leaner mixes surface to be prepared. Build up layers ensuring
are trowellable. Mixes as lean as 5:1 can be used good contact and adhesion between coats.
as space fillers but these will not necessarily
develop the full properties. Finishing is best effected by applying a little
hydrocarbon solvent, to the trowel. Use clean
Pour required quantity of resin into a clean plastic
smooth tools. Coat thickness depends on location
bucket and add powder filler stirring continuously
and substrate. A general guide is up to 20mm on
until desired consistency is reached and the
horizontal applications, 12mm on vertical
mixture is smooth, lump free and uniform in
applications and 4-6mm per coat on soffits.
Do not mix more material than can be used within
20 minutes.
The following coverage rates are indicative for a
Application: 15kg pack of CONCRESIVE 1418:
Hole preparation and formation: mix by volume yield litres (approx.)
Drill the correct size hole in the concrete base 4:1 7.5
material. Clean the hole thoroughly. The mixed 3:1 7.0
grout should be placed into the prepared holes. 2:1 5.5
Insert the rebar or threaded rod into the hole. The Sufficient filler is supplied for mixes up to 5:1
bar should be left undisturbed in the required
position until the grout has hardened fully. For Equipment care
threaded rods, apply the correct tightening torque Clean all equipment with CLEANING SOLVENT
only after the curing time specified for the resin. before it sets.

Specification clause Note
CONCRESIVE 1418: Field service, where provided, does not constitute
CONCRESIVE 1418, as manufactured by BASF, supervisory responsibility. For additional
or similar approved, complying with the following information contact your local BASF
specifications shall be used where indicated: representative.

Composition: A 2-component, polyester resin BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
and accelerator filler system. any difficulty determined by accepted test
Density with 3.2 to 1 mix filler to methods.
resin ratio: 1920kg/m.
Quality and care
The material should be applied as directed by the All products originating from BASFs Dubai, UAE
manufacturer. facility are manufactured under a management
system independently certified to conform to the
Safety precautions requirements of the quality, environmental and
As with all chemical products, care should be occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
taken during use and storage to avoid contact ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
with eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs. Treat
splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If 02/95 BASF_CC-UAE revised 12/2009

accidentally ingested, seek medical attention.

* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
Reseal containers after use. Use in well ventilated
areas and avoid inhalation.

Store under cover out of direct sunlight and
protect from extremes of temperature. In tropical
climates the product must be stored in an air-
conditioned environment.
Shelf life for this product is 6 months from date of
manufacture when stored below 25C.

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.

As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 8090800 Fax: +971 4 8851002
Certificate No. Certificate No. Certificate No.
www.basf-cc.ae e-mail: marketingcc.mideast@basf.com 963680 945787 772556

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