15 - TDS PCI Pecitape

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Special waterproofing tape PCI Pecitape 120

Special waterproofing tape PCI Pecitape 250
Special waterproofing gasket PCI Pecitape 10x10
Special waterproofing gasket PCI Pecitape 35x35
Special corner piece – internal PCI Pecitape 90°I
Special corner piece – external PCI Pecitape 90°A

Special waterproofing tape system for waterproof corner and perimeter joints, pipe culverts and
floor drains

Areas of application
 For indoor and outdoor use.

 For walls and floors.

 For wet areas with non pressurised water

such as showers, in residential buildings,
hotels, old people's homes and hospitals.

 For permanently wet areas with pressurised

water such as swimming pools.  For waterproofing according to
 For embedding in the waterproof coatings – ZDB leaflet "Bonded waterproofing",
PCI Lastogum, PCI Seccoral 1K/2K, PCI edition 2005.
Apoflex TF, PCI Collastic, Thoroseal FX100. – Building regulation list A part 2 no.
 For forming corner joints and floor/wall 1.10 "Waterproofing substances to
junctions in combination with the be applied in liquid condition directly
waterproofing membranes PCI Pecilastic W under tiles.. ."
and PCI Pecilastic WS.  PCI Pecitape 250 for additional embedding in
the bitumen coating PCI Pecimor 1K, PCI
Pecimor 2N and PCI Pecimor Super.

Features and benefits

 Special fleece / fleece-lined rubber tape.  Resistant to ageing, insensitive to
environmental influences.
 Crack-bridging, high security when cracks in
the substrates form at a later stage.  Secure adhesion, bonding with the
waterproofing products PCI Lastogum, PCI
 Waterproof and resistant to frost, all-purpose
Seccoral 1K/2K, PCI Apoflex TF or PCI
use indoors and out.
Collastic are ensured.

 Resistant to limewater as well as chlorinated

water, all-purpose use indoors and out as well
as in chlorinated swimming pools.
Technical data
Material base special fleece-lined rubber tape
Components 1 part
Colour blue
Impermeability in combination with PCI Seccoral up to head of water of 15 m
Tear-out force extensibility diagonal > 15 Mpa
Elongation at break extensibility diagonal > 200%
Temperature resistance -20°C to +80°C
PCI Pecitape 120 / PCI Pecitape Object 10 m roll
50 m roll
PCI Pecitape 250 20 m roll
PCI Pecitape 10x10 1 piece
PCI Pecitape 35x35 1 piece
PCI Pecitape 90°I 1 piece
PCI Pecitape 90°A 1 piece
Preparation of substrate PCI Pecitape 10x10
The substrate must be sound, dry, even, clean Prior to applying the waterproofing gasket PCI
and free of oil, grease and other bond-inhibiting Pecitape 10x10 make sure that the gasket is
residues. The requirements for substrate placed adjacent to the conduit pipe. If the conduit
preparation for the products PCI Lastogum, PCI pipe does not reach beyond the waterproofing
Seccoral 1K/2K, PCI Apoflex TF, PCI Collastic, level a distance piece should be attached by a
PCI Pecimor 1K, PCI Pecimor 2N, PCI Pecimor professional. The interim plug should not be
Super should be followed (see technical covered!
Apply the waterproofing material to the substrate
Application procedure by brush or trowel and put the waterproofing
PCI Pecitape 120/250 gasket PCI Pecitape 10x10 over the pipe
In the connection area floor/wall and/or wall/wall connection sticking out of the wall (if necessary
apply PCI Lastogum, PCI Seccoral 1K/2K, PCI remove interim plug beforehand) and fix with the
Apoflex TF or PCI Collastic in a width of approx. waterproofing material.
10 cm and/or 15 cm by brush or trowel.
When applying the material to the entire area
Press PCI Pecitape 120/250 into the wet make sure that the waterproofing gasket is fully
waterproofing material. Do not use sharp-edged covered.
PCI Pecitape 90° I/A
When applying the waterproofing material to the Use preformed internal corner piece PCI Pecitape
entire area make sure that PCI Pecitape is fully 90°I and/or 90°A to waterproof corners in rooms
covered. in combination with PCI Pecitape 120; fix the
edges of the waterproofing tape and corner piece
PCI Pecitape 35x35 with the waterproofing material or with silicone
Cut a hole into the waterproofing gasket PCI joint sealant. The minimum overlap should be
Pecitape 35x35 corresponding to the diameter of approx. 5 cm.
the component to be waterproofed (floor drain,
pipe culvert etc). Apply internal or external corner piece PCI
Pecitape 90°I or PCI Pecitape 90°A analogue to
Apply the waterproofing material to the substrate the application instructions for the waterproofing
by brush or trowel and press the waterproofing tape PCI Pecitape 120.
gasket PCI Pecitape 35x35 into the wet material.

When applying the material to the entire area

make sure that the waterproofing gasket PCI
Pecitape 35x35 is fully covered; for floor drains
with clamping flange: attach flange and screw
PCI Pecitape in combination with PCI Lastogum
PCI Pecitape in combination with Thoroseal FX100

PCI Pecitape in combination with PCI Apoflex TF

In view of widely varying site conditions this data
sheet is meant to provide general application
guidelines only. Any recommendation or
information issued by us constitutes a preliminary
and accessory contractual obligation only. Users
must satisfy themselves regarding the applicability
of the content to their own particular
requirements. Please contact our Advisory
Service for special requirements. Liability is
accepted for incomplete or incorrect particulars in
our information material only in the event of intent
or gross negligence, without prejudice to claims
under product liability laws. All transactions are
subject to our Terms of Sale and Supply. Any
subsequent publication supersedes this edition.

02/2009 BASF_CC-UAE

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.

As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 8090800 Fax: +971 4 8851002
Certificate No. Certificate No. Certificate No.
www.basf-cc.ae e-mail: marketingcc.mideast@basf.com 963680 945787 772556

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