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Interbits SuperPro Web


Read the following text:

Mardi Gras, which means "Fat Tuesday" in French, was introduced to America by
French colonists in the early eighteenth century. From that time 1it has grown in popularity,
particularly in New Orleans, and today 2it is actually a legal holiday in several southern states.
The Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans begins well before the actual Mardi Gras day.
Parades, parties, balls, and numerous festivities take place throughout the week before Mardi
Gras Day; tourists from various countries throughout the world 4flock to New Orleans for the
celebration, where 3they take part in a week of nonstop activities before returning home for
some much-needed 5rest.
(Source: PHILLIPS, D. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. NY: Longman, 1996.)

1. (Ufv 2001) What words do the pronouns "it" [it has grown] (ref. 1), "it" [it is actually] (ref. 2)
and "they" [they take part] (ref. 3) refer to? Answer in English.


Nanotechnology: The Good, the Bad and the Cautious

By Joan Boccafola
Nanotechnology is molecular manufacturing or, more simply, building things one atom or
molecule at a time with programmed nanoscopic robot arms. Utilizing the chemical properties of
atoms and molecules (how they "stick" together), nanotechnology proposes to manipulate
atoms individually and place them exactly where needed to produce the desired structure. This
would allow automatic construction of consumer goods without traditional labor, the way a Xerox
machine produces unlimited copies without a human retyping the original information.
Scientists envision creating machines that will be able to travel through the circulatory system,
cleaning the arteries as they go, sending out troops to track down and destroy cancer cells and
tumors, or repairing injured tissue at the site of the wound, even to the point of replacing missing
limbs or damaged organs. The extent of medical repair systems is expected to be quite broad,
with the cumulative impact being equally large.
Nanotechnology is expected to touch the water we drink and the air we breathe. Once scientists
have the ability to capture, position and change the configuration of a molecule, they should be
able to create filtration systems that will scrub the toxins from the air or remove hazardous
organisms from the water. They anticipate being able to actually clean up the environment.
But powerful technologies give people power, and, as we all know, power can be abused.
Nanotechnology is based on self-replicating machines. Imagine using them to build missiles and
other automated military equipment. Imagine adapting them to use as programmable germs for
germ warfare. This technology is more easily concealed than, say, nuclear weapons, and can
be produced by many of the so-called terrorist countries.
(http://www.beyondmainstream.com/index.php3?inc= politics/ethics_nano.php)


2. (Ufrj 2003) Responda em ingls.

Find in the first paragraph of text:
a) the word or words that the pronoun 'they' refers to;
b) an expression equivalent to 'aims at'.

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Interbits SuperPro Web


Pollution Solution
Two researchers at the United Nations University argue that combating cyberpollution
will require more than aggressive computer recycling programs, such as those mandated by the
European Union. A new book, Computers and the Environment (see www.it-
environment.org/compenv.html), edited by physical scientist Eric Williams and political scientist
Ruediger Kuehr, proposes a simpler solution: convincing consumers to hang on to and upgrade
computers they already own.
Upgrading makes more sense than recycling, because the process of manufacturing
just one desktop computer with a 17-inch monitor consumes 530 pounds of fossil fuels, 50
pounds of chemicals, and more than 3 tons of water. Multiply those by the more than 130 million
computers sold each year worldwide, and buying a new machine simply to use e-mail, the Web,
and other general office applications is unnecessary, the researchers argue. It's far more
affordable, and environmentally friendly, to upgrade an existing machine - if you can overcome
that "got to have it" attitude.
- Jennifer L. Rich
(Foreign Policy, Sep. / Oct., 2004: 92)

3. (Ufrj 2005) Transcreva (em ingls):

a) do 1o pargrafo, um conectivo que introduz uma exemplificao;
b) do 2o pargrafo, um conectivo que introduz uma condio.



NEW YORK - We hear music everywhere in shopping malls, concert halls, carpools and
cathedrals. Even when there is none playing, we often hear it inside our heads. Because music
occupies so much of our lives, could it have played an important role in the development of the
Some scientists have recently proposed that music may have been an evolutionary
adaptation, like upright walking or spoken language, that arose early in human history and
helped the species survive.
"Of course it's utter speculation", said David Huron, a professor of music at Ohio State
University in Columbus. Most experts still assume music was a cultural invention, like cave
painting or writing that humans invented to make their lives easier or more pleasant.
Yet Huron and many of his colleagues wonder if music might have biological roots. The
"music gene" would have arisen tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago, and conferred an
evolutionary advantage on those who possessed it. Natural selection would have nurtured the
gift of music, favoring 1those who possessed it with more offspring who were themselves more
likely to reproduce.
(http://www.cis.vt.edu/modernworld, access on Sep. 24, 2004)

4. (Ufrj 2005) Transcreva do texto as palavras a que se referem os seguintes pronomes:

a) those (ref. 1)
b) it (ref. 2)


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Interbits SuperPro Web


From Himalayan villages to Eastern European cities, people - especially women and
girls - are attracted by the prospect of a well-paid job as a domestic servant, waitress or factory
worker. Traffickers recruit victims through fake advertisements, mail-order bride catalogues and
casual acquaintances.
Upon arrival at their destination, victims are placed in conditions controlled by traffickers
while they are exploited to earn illicit revenues. Many are physically confined, their travel or
identity documents are taken away and they or their families are threatened if they do not
cooperate. Women and girls forced to work as prostitutes are blackmailed by the threat that
traffickers will tell their families. Trafficked children are dependent on their traffickers for food,
shelter and other basic necessities. Traffickers also play on victims' fears that authorities in a
strange country will prosecute or deport them if they ask for help.
Trafficking in human beings is a global issue, but a lack of systematic research means
that reliable data on the trafficking of human beings that would allow comparative analyses and
the design of countermeasures is scarce. There is a need to strengthen the criminal justice
response to trafficking through legislative reform, awareness-raising and training, as well as
through national and international cooperation. The support and protection of victims who give
evidence is key to prosecuting the ringleaders behind the phenomenon.
www.unodc.org/unodc/en/trafficking_human_beings.html, access on Sep. 24, 2005

5. (Ufrj 2006) Responda em ingls:

Transcreva do texto:
a) um conectivo, encontrado no 2o pargrafo, que estabelece uma relao de simultaneidade;
b) uma locuo, encontrada no 3o pargrafo, que exerce a mesma funo de "and".

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Interbits SuperPro Web


Resposta da questo 1:
Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras, tourists.

Resposta da questo 2:
a) "Atoms and molecules"
b) "Proposes"

Resposta da questo 3:
a) Such as.

b) If.

Resposta da questo 4:
a) ''Those'' refere-se a "humans."

b) ''It'' refere-se a "music gene."

Resposta da questo 5:
a) While.
b) As well as.

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Interbits SuperPro Web

Resumo das questes selecionadas nesta atividade

Data de elaborao: 18/11/2017 s 00:02

Nome do arquivo: ingles3

Q/Prova = nmero da questo na prova
Q/DB = nmero da questo no banco de dados do SuperPro

Q/prova Q/DB Grau/Dif. Matria Fonte Tipo

1.............39685.......No definida. .Ingls.............Ufv/2001...............................Analtica

2.............46519.......No definida. .Ingls.............Ufrj/2003...............................Analtica

3.............56294.......No definida. .Ingls.............Ufrj/2005...............................Analtica

4.............56693.......No definida. .Ingls.............Ufrj/2005...............................Analtica

5.............62997.......No definida. .Ingls.............Ufrj/2006...............................Analtica

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