University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject
University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject
University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject
Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate
Principal Subject
ITALIAN 9783/04
Paper 4 Cultural Topics and Texts May/June 2010
2 hours 30 minutes
Additional Materials: Answer Paper/Booklet
If you have been given an Answer Booklet follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet.
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer one question from Part I: Topics AND one question from Part II: Texts.
Part I: Topics
Answer one question in Italian. Choose EITHER question A OR question B from one topic. You should write
between 350 and 500 words.
A maximum of 30 marks are available, of which 20 are for content and 10 are for language.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
All questions carry equal marks.
DC (SJF5274) 20761/4
UCLES 2010 [Turn over
Choose EITHER question A OR question B from ONE of the topics and answer it in Italian.
You should bear in mind that you will be assessed on both content and language.
In your essay in Part I you must refer to TWO works from the prescribed list. You may also refer to other
A Quali sono le caratteristiche dei personaggi che, in un modo o un altro, lottano contro la
mafia? Fino a che punto possono essere considerati degli eroi?
B Descrivi i rapporti che esistono tra la mafia e la vita politica. Chi sembra approfittare di pi di
questi rapporti, i mafiosi o gli uomini politici?
A Quali aspetti della societ meridionale contribuiscono a mantenere i poveri nella miseria?
Fino a che punto ti sembra una situazione senza via di uscita?
B Analizza i ruoli che hanno le donne nella vita sociale del Sud. Trovi che le donne siano sempre
La Strada
Otto e mezzo
La dolce Vita
A Nei film di Fellini sono presenti elementi che sembrano ripetersi. Scegliendo due o tre di
questi elementi, spiega cosa possano significare e descrivi leffetto che hanno su di te.
B Si dice che i personaggi principali dei film di Fellini sembrano spesso smarriti. Scegli due o
tre personaggi e dimostra in che modo sono smarriti. Fino a che punto questi personaggi
riescono a uscire da questo smarrimento e trovare uno scopo nella vita?
A Descrivi i modi in cui gli ebrei hanno reagito alla discriminazione e al maltrattamento
nazifascista. Cerano, secondo te, modi di reagire pi positivi di altri?
B Secondo la tua lettura dei libri e/o il film, come e fino a che punto sono stati raggiunti gli
obiettivi della politica razziale nazifascista?
A Considera i rapporti che hanno gli abitanti della citt con i rappresentanti dellautorit civile.
Secondo te, i cittadini considerano questi rappresentanti come protettori o oppressori?
B Quali sono i sogni e le aspirazioni dei cittadini nelle opere che hai studiato? Fino a che punto
questi cittadini riescono a realizzare i loro sogni e aspirazioni?
Choose EITHER question A OR question B OR question C on ONE of the literary texts and answer in
You should bear in mind that you will be assessed on both content and structure.
A Comment on the following extract. You should explain its context, analyse the importance of
the encounter with Brunetto and show how it affects your understanding of Dantes journey.
Add any other relevant comments on style or content.
B Consider specific examples of Dantes use of metaphor and simile in the poem, in each case
explaining his choice. What do you think these metaphors and similes add to the poem?
C Qual io fui vivo, tal son morto. To what extent do you think Dante succeeds in portraying Hell
as the continuation of sin on Earth?
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context and the significance of the episode
it portrays. What do we learn about Pin in this episode? Add any other relevant comments on
style or content.
B Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno is a novel about a young boys journey to adulthood. To what
extent do you agree with such a view?
C To what extent do the characters in I sentieri dei nidi di ragno resist Fascism and how
successful is this resistance?
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context, and the role of Susanna in the
play. Do you think that her criticisms of the other characters and of the village in general are
justified? Add any other relevant comments on style or content.
B What purpose does Il Conte di Rocca Marina serve in the play, and what are his major
strengths and weaknesses? Do you believe him to be a particularly convincing character?
C Little of any real consequence ever happens in Il ventaglio. The storyline is made up of little
more than a series of meaningless happenings. Why is the play seen this way by some
critics, and to what extent do you agree?
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context and the narrators references to
nature. What does it help us to understand about the narrators views on destiny? Add any
other relevant comments on style or content.
B Com stato, cos sar. To what extent is this quotation representative of the experiences of
the characters in La luna e i fal?
C With close reference to the text, analyse what la luna and i fal symbolise, and explain why
you think Pavese chose this title for his novel.
A Comment on the following extract, explaining its context, and the significance of the note. To
what extent does this scene contain all the main themes of the book? Add any other relevant
comments on style or content.
B What are the differences between Europe and Japan that Herv Joncour encounters in Seta?
To what extent does he come to understand these differences?
C How does Baricco portray love and violence in Seta, and which of these is the more powerful
force in the story?
A Comment on the following extract, explain its context, and discuss the relationship between
Michele and his mother. How does Michele see his parents, and how does this change as the
story progresses? Add any other relevant comments on style or content.
B The figure of Michele is nothing more than an accidental hero who stumbles through the
events of Io non ho paura, without ever really being aware of the consequences of his actions.
To what extent do you agree with this critics assessment of Michele?
C Discuss the narrative style used by Ammaniti. Is it true to say that the story is told only through
the eyes of a child?
A Comment on the following extract, explaining its context and discussing its importance for the
text as a whole. What does it tell us about the relationships between those involved? Add any
other relevant comments on style or content.
Rivolgendosi in fondo:
Al Capocomico:
Tranne che non voglia esser lei... 25
B How does Pirandello employ humour in his play, and to what effect?
C In his play, Pirandello seeks to demonstrate the impossibility of communication and the
inadequacy of language. In your opinion, to what extent is he successful?
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context and considering what we learn
about the various characters. To what extent are the main themes of the play present? Add
any other relevant comments on style or content.
B How is authority portrayed in Morte accidentale di un anarchico? What does this portrayal tell
us about Fos political views?
C For a modern audience, it is the comedy rather than the politics that leaves a lasting
impression. To what extent do you agree with this assessment of Morte accidentale di un
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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.