University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject
University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject
University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject
Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate
Principal Subject
ITALIAN 9783/04
Paper 4 Cultural Topics and Texts May/June 2011
2 hours 30 minutes
Additional Materials: Answer Paper/Booklet
* 8 1 6 8 5 1 0 6 2 7 *
If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet.
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer one question from Part I: Topics AND one question from Part II: Texts.
Part I: Topics
Answer one question in Italian. Choose EITHER question A OR question B from one topic. You should write
between 350 and 500 words.
A maximum of 30 marks are available, of which 20 are for content and 10 are for language.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
All questions carry equal marks.
Choose EITHER question A OR question B from ONE of the topics and answer it in Italian.
You should bear in mind that you will be assessed on both content and language.
In your essay in Part I you must refer to TWO works from the prescribed list. You may also refer to other
A Analizza il ruolo delle persone non-siciliane nella lotta contro la mafia. Fino a che punto
questa estraneità è un vantaggio in questa loro lotta?
B Descrivi i modi di agire delle forze dell’ordine nella loro lotta contro la mafia. Quali di questi
modi ti sembrano efficaci e quali no?
A Analizza come le diverse classi della società meridionale partecipano, o meno, alla vita
politica, e con quali obbiettivi. Fino a che punto sono raggiunti questi obbiettivi?
B Quali sono gli aspetti più importanti della vita familiare dei personaggi del film/dei libri? Fino a
che punto la famiglia si dimostra favorevole ai desideri e alle aspirazioni degli individui?
La strada
Otto e mezzo
La dolce vita
A Descrivi qualche scena in cui i personaggi non sembrano più vivere nella realtà ma in un
mondo di fantasia. Qual è l’importanza della fantasia per i protagonisti e gli spettatori di
queste opere?
B In base a due o tre esempi commenta la presentazione felliniana del mondo dell’infanzia.
Qual è, secondo te, il significato di questo mondo nei film che hai studiato?
A Catturato dai fascisti Primo Levi si dichiara “cittadino italiano di razza ebraica”. Esamina fino
a che punto gli ebrei erano integrati nella società italiana prima delle leggi razziali e in che
modo queste hanno modificato i rapporti tra ebrei e ariani.
B Mettendo a confronto i temi delle opere, spiega quali siano i messaggi più importanti che
gli autori/i registi vogliono comunicarci. Secondo te, con quanta efficacia questi messaggi
vengono comunicati?
A Descrivi i modi in cui l’ambiente urbano è rappresentato, indicando i suoi vantaggi e svantaggi
per i cittadini. Fino a che punto questo ambiente rende felici i personaggi?
B Descrivi e analizza i rapporti tra uomini e donne nei libri e/o nel film che hai studiato,
commentando fino a che punto l’ambiente socio-economico influisce su questi rapporti.
Choose EITHER question A OR question B OR question C on ONE of the literary texts and answer it
in English.
You should bear in mind that you will be assessed on both content and structure.
A Comment on the following extract. You should explain its context, detailing the sin involved
and clarifying the nature of the contrappasso. What is the significance of the episode in your
opinion? Add any other relevant comments on style or content.
B ‘Dante is guilty of succumbing to his pride.’ Give specific illustrations of such pride in Inferno,
and consider to what extent it is possible to agree with such a statement.
C Consider the relationship between Dante the character and Dante the poet in Inferno.
Using specific episodes as illustration, explain the effect of this relationship on the reader.
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context and the significance of the
encounter it portrays. What do we learn about Pin’s character in this episode? Add any other
relevant comments on style or content.
– Di’, Pin.
– Ti fai bello, Cugino, vuoi far colpo. Fai presto se vuoi trovarla in
B Calvino has spoken of Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno as a novel in which ‘nessuno è eroe’. Say
how far you agree with his statement and why you think Calvino might have chosen to write
his story in this way.
C ‘The contrast between Pin’s childish nature and the world he inhabits is a vital literary device
in Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno.’ Why do you think Calvino chose to portray the events of his
novel through the eyes of a child?
© UCLES 2011 9783/04/M/J/11
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context, the relationship between the Conte
and the other characters, and the comic nature of the scene. What is the importance of the
minor characters in Il ventaglio? Add any other relevant comments on style or content.
Timoteo dalla sua bottega con pistetto in mano. Limoncino dal caffè,
con un legno. Scavezzo dall’osteria, con uno spiedo.
B ‘Goldoni fails to make any profound comments in Il ventaglio.’ To what extent do you agree
with this critic’s view of the play?
C How does Goldoni portray the nobility in Il ventaglio? In your opinion is the nobility satirised
more or less than the other social classes in the play?
A Comment on the following passage, and explain its context. What does it tell us about the
differences between Nuto and the narrator? Add any other relevant comments on style or
“Se sapevo suonare come te, non andavo in America” dissi. “Sai
com’è a quell’età. Basta vedere una ragazza, prendersi a pugni con
uno, tornare a casa sotto il mattino. Uno vuol fare, esser qualcosa,
decidersi. Non ti rassegni a far la vita di prima. Andando sembra più
facile. Si sentono tanti discorsi. A quell’età una piazza come questa 5
sembra il mondo. Uno crede che il mondo sia così …”
“Ma non la prendono” disse Nuto. “Tu invece l’hai presa. Perché?” 10
Dissi: “Alla Mora stavo troppo bene. Credevo che tutto il mondo fosse
come la Mora”. 15
“No” disse Nuto, “qui stanno male ma nessuno va via. È perché c’è un
destino. Tu a Genova, in America, va’ a sapere, dovevi far qualcosa,
capire qualcosa che ti sarebbe toccato.”
“Magari è qualcosa di bello” disse Nuto, “non hai fatto i soldi? Magari 20
non te ne sei neanche accorto. Ma a tutti succede qualcosa.”
B Consider the portrayal of America in the novel. What is the importance to the narrator of his
experiences there?
C ‘The typical protagonist in the works of Pavese is a loner, through choice or through
circumstances.’ To what extent is this true of the narrator in La luna e i falò?
A Comment on the following extract, and its context, describing how Baricco sets the scene
for the story to come. What does the author mean when he writes of Hervé Joncour, “Era
d’altronde uno di quegli uomini che amano assistere alla propria vita, ritenendo impropria
qualsiasi ambizione a viverla.”? Do you think this assertion is fair? Justify your answer fully.
Si sarà notato che essi osservano il loro destino nel modo in cui,
i più, sono soliti osservare una giornata di pioggia.
B ‘Silk: letting it fall between one’s fingers is like touching the untouchable.’ In your opinion, why
did Baricco choose the title Seta for his novel, and to what extent do you agree that reading
this novel is like “touching the untouchable”?
C What is the function of the character Madame Blanche in Seta? Do you believe her to be
particularly credible?
A Comment on the following extract, and its context, considering the nature of Michele’s home
life. Are we meant to feel sorry for the villagers of Acqua Traverse? Add any other relevant
comments on style or content.
B Analyse the character of Sergio. To what extent is he to blame for the loss of innocence in
Acqua Traverse?
C What is the importance of the natural world in Io non ho paura, and to what extent does it
influence the lives of the characters?
A Comment on the following extract, explaining its context and considering its importance for
the text as a whole. What do we learn about appearance and reality? Add any other relevant
comments on style or content.
C Examine the character of Il Capocomico in Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore. What is his
function, and what does he learn from his encounter with the characters?
A Comment on the following passage, explaining its context. Which of the play’s main themes
are evident here? Add any other relevant comments on style or content.
B To what extent would you agree that the success of Fo’s Morte accidentale di un anarchico is
mostly due to its political message?
C Analyse the role and the function of Il Matto in Morte accidentale di un anarchico.
Copyright Acknowledgements:
Question 7 © Calvino; Il sentiero dei nidi del ragno; Mondadori; Sept. 1993.
Question 8 © Carlo Goldoni; Il Ventaglio; Giulio Einaudi editore; 1981.
Question 9 © Pavese; La Luna e i Falo; Manchester University Press; 1994.
Question 10 © Baricco; Seta; Bur La Scala, RCS Libri.
Question 11 © Ammaniti; lo Non ho Paura; G Einaudi; 2001.
Question 12 © Pirandello; Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore; Manchester University Press; 1969.
Question 13 © Dario Fo; Morte accidentale di un anarchico; Methuen Drama/A&C Black; 1980.
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.