Study and Thinking Skills
Study and Thinking Skills
Study and Thinking Skills
Table of contents
Contemporary Math
170 187
Atty. Antonio V. Ferrer
Politics and Governance with the Philippine Constitution ... 226 242
Dr. Benjamin C. Domingcil Jr.
Rizals Life and Works and other Heroes and Heroines ..... 281 290
Dr. Evangeline L. Martin
A. Study skills according to Graham and Robinson (1984) are specific abilities which
students may use alone or in combination to learn the content of the curriculum on
their own.
B. Harris and Smith (1986) state that study skills are those that enable a person to
gather information and to organize it in such a way that requires analysis,
interpretation, and evaluation
C. Klein, Peterson, and Simington (1991) claim that study skills are skills necessary for
acquiring critical information form a variety of texts and media sources for different
purposes and uses
P Preview
Know where youre going first. You would never plunge in and try to cross rugged territory if
you could have in advance an accurate map of the region. Here is your mental map of a
textbook chapter: Example the title. Read the introduction. Glance at the pictures, charts,
and diagrams. Read the wrap-up of the chapter--- the summary and review questions
Q Question
Work through the chapter one manageable section at a time. A section marked off with a
bold face or italic side heading is likely to be the right size bite for you to digest. Be a
human question mark. Go into each section with a question in your mind. Turn headings,
and sometimes topic sentences, into questions. These should guide you to the main points.
R1 Read
Read to find the answer to your question and other important content. Unknown terms say,
STOP! LOOK UP! LEARN! Remove these roadblocks. Each pictorial aid is saying, This is
clearing up something important. Shift into back-and-forth reading for pictures, diagrams,
and charts. Shift your eyes (and thoughts) back and forth as needed from the printed words
to the pictorial aid
Speed up and slow down as needed within the passage. Do stop-and-go reading. Thought
time is needed in addition to reading time. Reread as often as necessary. Do stop-and-go
R2 Record
Jot down or mark important ideas. Make the key ideas stand out in some way so they will
flag you later. Use any combination of devices. Jot mini notes on a memo slip to be
inserted between related pages on in the books margin. Draw vertical lines in the margin
just to the left or right of important content. Bracket key ideas. Underline or color-accent
selectively. Now you wont have to reread the entire chapter when you return to review it
later. Make key ideas flag you
R3 Recite
Students exclaim, Ive read that chapter twice, but I still cant remember it. Solve this
problem by using the most powerful technique known to psychologists the technique of
self-recitation. As you complete a section or a paragraph, ask yourself, Just what have I
learned here?
Look away from the book while self-recite, or cover the passage with your hand or with a
convenient card (such as 5x8 index card). Can you recite the important points to yourself
in your own words? Now look back at the column of print, wherever you need to, and check
your accuracy. Knowing youre going to self-recite when you finish a section forces you to
concentrate while youre reading.
R4 Review
Add a last quick run through. Can you recall the broad chapter plan? Run through the
chapter to recall the plan. Next, run through it section by section, checking yourself once
more on the main points and the important subpoints. Use your cover card again. Make
some quick reviews later on from time to time. Long term memory does improve grades
R5 Reflect
As you read a passage, turn on your critical thinking. Ask yourself: What does this all
mean? Is it true? How can I apply it? Reading and reflecting should be simultaneously and
inseparable built right into every step of PQ3R
Readers use different strategies based on what and why they are reading. To be an efficient
reader, students need to know when to read for full comprehension and when to use other
reading methods, such as scanning and skimming. Seyler (2001) discusses the difference of
the two, gives guidelines how to use them.
Skimming is a strategy for getting an overview of the ideas contained in a particular piece
of writing. When you scan, you look for specific information; when you skim you overlook
details to learn just the gist or main ideas of the work
Skimming is like scanning, though, in two important ways. First, both reading strategies
depend on your understanding of the organization of the work. Second, both strategies are
alternatives to reading for full comprehension. Neither skimming nor scanning along will
produce success when you are reading to learn, but both can make you more efficient if you
use them appropriately.
Good reading strategies help you to read in a very efficient way. Using them, you aim to get
the maximum benefit from your reading with the minimum effort. This section will show you
how to use four different strategies to read intelligently
The first thing to ask yourself is: Why you are reading the text? Are you reading with a
purpose or just for pleasure? What do you want to know after reading it?
Once you know this, you can examine the text to see whether it is going to move you
towards this goal
An easy way of doing this is to look at the introduction and the chapter headings. The
introduction should let you know whom the book is targeted at, and what it seeks to achieve.
Chapter headings will give you an overall view of the structure of the subject
Ask yourself whether the book meets your needs. Ask yourself if it assumes too much or too
little knowledge. If the book isnt ideal, would it be better to find a better one?
Where you only need the shallowest knowledge of the subject you can skim material. Here
you read only chapter headings, introductions and summaries
If you need a moderate level of information on a subject, then you can scan the text. Here
you read the chapter introductions and summaries in detail. You may then speed read the
contents of the chapters, picking out and understanding key words and concepts. At this
level of looking at the document, it is worth paying attention to diagrams and graphs
Only when you need detailed knowledge of a subject is it worth studying the text. Here it is
best to skim the material first to get an overview of the subject. This gives you an
understanding of its structure, into which you can fit the detail gained from a full, receptive
reading of the material. SQ3R is a good technique for getting a deep understanding of a
When you are reading a document in detail, it often helps if you highlight, underline and
annotate it as you go on. This emphasizes information in your mind, and helps you to review
important points later
Doing this also helps to keep your mind focused on the material and stops its wandering.
This is obviously only something to do if you own the document! If you own the book and
find that active reading helps, then it may be worth photocopying the information in more
expensive texts. You can then read and mark the photocopies.
If you are worried about destroying the material, ask yourself how much your investment of
time is worth. If the benefit you get by active reading reasonably exceeds the value of the
book, then the book is disposable.
1. Determine the topic of the text. Use the title to predict the topic.
2. Ask yourself, What about the topic is discussed? to point out the focus of the topic
3. Review the title to hypothesize about the writers pattern of text organization.
Generally, the rhetorical pattern chosen showcases the main idea and the
supporting ideas.
Doing the three steps given will help the readers to come up with a main idea even
prior to the reading of the actual text. The formula to construct or state the main idea
mi = p + f + t
mi = main idea
p = pattern of organization
f = focus of discussion
t = topic
Read the entire selection to confirm if the main idea you have predicted matches writers
main idea. If there is a match, the purpose of your reading is to look for the support
ideas. Jot down all the important notes that relate to the main idea. However, if there is a
mismatch between your main idea and the writers main idea, revise or change your
hypothesis before you gather the support ideas.
4. Evaluate the notes you have written, and synthesize the ideas you gathered from
steps 1-4 to summarize the informational text in two or three sentences. The formula
for summary of an expository text is:
Set = mi + si + (sd)
Main Idea:
Different sorts of documents hold information in different places and in different ways. They
have different depths and breadths of coverage. By understanding the layout of the material you
are reading, you can extract useful information much more efficiently
These tend to give a very fragmented coverage of an area. They will typically only concentrate
on the most interesting and glamorous pats of a topic this helps them to sell copies! They will
often ignore less interesting information that may be essential to a full understanding of a
subject. Typically areas of useful information are padded out with large amounts of irrelevant
waffle or with advertising.
The most effective way of getting information from magazines is to scan the table of contents or
indexes and turn directly to interesting articles. If you find an article useful, then cut it out and file
it in a folder specifically covering that sort of information. In this way you will build up sets of
related articles that may begin to explain the subject.
Newspapers tend to be arranged in sections. If you read a paper often you can learn quickly
which sections are useful and which ones you can skip altogether.
If you know what you want from an article, and recognize its type, you can extract
information from it quickly and efficiently.
Critical reading is a study skill that is necessary for success in every subject area. It is the
process or result of making judgments in reading, evaluating relevancy and adequacy of
what is read, and scrutinizing new ideas and information.
1. Proposal A: I strongly propose that colleges and universities allow smoking among
students in the campus during break as a way of easing pressure and tension caused by heavy
academic demands.
This is a question on critical thinking, specifically on noting point of view. The proposal requires
sensitivity to the speakers word choice and stand on the issue. The words campus, break, academic
pressure and tension suggest that a person is very familiar with college life, and the stand is not
against, but for smoking. Although choices A, B, and D are also familiar with university life, not all of
them would fight for smoking. The best answer is C- the one is a university student and who smokes
would be the most likely to propose the idea.
2. Proposal B: Smoking increases the chances of having fire accidents not only in
schools, but also in all public places parks, hotels, markets, and villages. It could be a way of
endangering the lives of people who interest the government has promised to serve and protect.
The analysis done in 1 can be used here too. Word choice will a clue as to who is speaking words
such as accidents, places, markets, hotels government, serve, and protect. Take note the persons
stand is not for, but against smoking. Choice A, physician will not talk about the risks of smoking in
this manner and perhaps would not encourage smoking. Choice B, store owner, might cite other
reasons and might be ambivalent about the issue either to fight for or against smoking. A teacher,
choice, D might not advocate smoking, but will offer different explanations. The best answer is
choice C. Among the choices, only a fire chief would explain reasons the way it was done in the
proposal because of which smoking is not viewed positively.
3. How would a tobacco grower explain the reason of the proposal for smoking?
This is thinking skills question which requires an analysis of the persons character as basis for
identifying perspective and point of view. Notice that the person involved is a tobacco grower who
would encourage smoking for business reasons. Choice A is perhaps from an economists view,
while choice B could be made by a plain smoker trying to justify the act. Choice C might be a
statement by a sociologist talking about gender issues. Choice D is the correct answer, because the
tobacco grower depends on the plant for a living, and so he/she airs a view from a business or labor
Reading the selection and answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of the best
answer for each item.
1. For all his ability to travel over a sandy desert without water, the camel has a nasty temper
and the spirit of revenge. Hes not happy until he pays back a wrong, actual seeming.
Knowing this, camel drivers and other who use camels a lot have devised an interesting
way of letting the camel settle his scores without the person getting hurt.
2. When a driver has made a camel angry in some way or other, he immediately runs out of
sight. He hides near the road on which the camel will pass. He then take off his clothes and
throws them down on a heap, which vaguely resembles a sleeping person.
3. Along corners the camel. He sees and smells the clothes of the one who hurt him. Then he
pounces upon the pile, shakes every piece and tramples all over everything. Satisfied, he
walks away. The driver comes out of hiding, mounts the avenged beast, and rides off.
4. It makes one think of the baby who dumps its head against the leg of the table, turns
around, and hits the leg in punishment.
-from 1000 Stories You Can Use by Frank Mihalic
6. What is implied by the statement, Hes not happy until he pays back a wrong, actual or
A. The camel does not seek revenge.
B. The camel never stops forgiving an offender.
C. The camels happiness depends on the kind of punishment.
D. The camel makes sure to punish anyone that offends him.
7. What happens after the camel has trampled all over the clothes of the driver?
A. The camel walks away. C. The driver comes out riding.
B. The camel smells the clothes. D. The driver walks away from the camel
A study made a number of years ago said the more education a man has, the less likely he
is to be an inventor. Now, the reason for that is quiet simple. From the time the boy or girl starts in
school, he or she is examined three or four times a year, and of course, it is very, very disastrous if
he-she fails. An inventor fails all the time and it is a triumph if he succeeds once. Consequently, if
education is an inhibition to invention, it is due entirely to the form by which we rate things and
not because of any intellectual differential.
I can take any group of young people any place, and teach them to be inventors, If I can
get them to throw of the hazard of being afraid to fail. You fail because your ideas are not right.
You should not be afraid to fail, but you should learn to fail intelligently. By that I mean, when you
fail, find out why you failed, and each time you fail it will bring you nearer to the goal.
-from 1000 Stories You Can Use by Frank Mihalic
10. How are the ideas mentioned in this statement connected, If education is an inhibition to
invention, it is due entirely to the form by which we rate things?
A. The sentence enumerates reasons for invention.
B. The sentence conveys the result of being uneducated.
C. The sentence compares education and invention.
D. The sentence gives cause-effect relationship between education and invention.
14. What could be the reason for capitalizing some words in the selection?
A. They show the importance of greatness.
B. The reflects in sight for human nature.
C. They stand for concepts difficult to understand.
D. They represent great works of persistent people.
15. What could inferred about the people mentioned in the selection?
A. They are gifted with power.
B. They are admired for who they are.
C. They are born to succeed life.
D. They are recognized in their discipline.
16. Which is the best statement that tells the main idea of the selection?
A. Ones greatness is the product of brilliance.
B. Perseverance makes one reach his or her goal.
C. Success is measured by ones effortless creation.
D. Success is for every person who waits for it patiently.
19. How does the speaker in the poem regard the saints?
A. With Admiration C. With Understanding
B. With compassion D. With Sympathy
20. What do the last two lines mean? The speaker is saying that he__________
A. be given patience so he can do his work C. wants to be saint of pots and pans
B. like his job and praying to his saints D. does not like work at night
1. What must occur to enable us to remember a friends name, a fact from history, or an
incident from our past? The act of remembering requires the successful completion of three process:
encoding, storage, and retrieval. The process encoding, involves transforming information into a
form that can be stored in memory. Sometimes we encode information automatically, without any
effort, but often we must do something with the information in order to remember it. For example, if
you met someone named George at a party, you might associate his name with George Washington
or George Bush. Such simple associations can markedly improve your ability to recall names and
other information. The careful encoding of information greatly increases the chance that you will
remember it.
3. The final process, retrieval, occurs when information stored in memory is brought to mind.
Calling George by name the next time you meet him shows that you have retrieved his name from
memory. To remember, we must perform all three processes encode the information, store it, and
then retrieve it. Memory failure can result from the failure of any one of the three.
4. Similar steps are required in information processing of computers. Information is encoded
(entered in some from the computer is able to use), then stored in disk, and later retrieved on the
screen. You would not able to retrieve the material if you had failed to enter it, if a power failure
occurred before you could save what you had entered, or if you forgot which disk or file contained
the needed information. Of course, human processing is far more complex than even the most
advanced computer systems, but computer processing provides a useful analogy to memory if not
taken too literally.
3. What do you think was the purpose of highlighting some words in the selection?
A. to enumerate effects of memory C. to emphasize the process involved
B. to discuss reasons of the process D. to relate the information to prior knowledge
6. What type of change in the brain is needed for the storage of information?
A. psychological C. physiological
B. psychosocial D. physical
9. Which of the following could be the best title for the selection?
A. Human Brain and the Computer C. Improving Ones Memory
B. Three Processes in Memory D. My Memory and I
Music Can Heal Mental Wounds but Only in the Right Hands
By Eva Dorothee Schmid
1 Human beings have known about the healing properties of music since Biblical times
according to the Old Testament for example. David soothed Kings Sauls aching brow by reaching for
his sharp.
2 There are also many references to the healing potential of music in texts left behind by the
ancient Greeks.
3 The same properties are not put to good use in the modern field of music therapy. Music
therapy is psychotherapeutic procedure which does not compete with traditional medicine but
rather tries to complement it.
4 Music arouse emotion, soothes, comforts and can lead changes in behavior? It can also
encourage the healing process, increase a persons ability to tolerate pain and help them overcome
their fears.
6. Studies show that the right sort of music causes the body to release an increased amount
of so-called endorphins with the results that the person becomes less sensitive to pain and feels
much better.
-from Manila Bulletin, August 2007
13. According to the selection, the following are the effects of music except
A. emotional healing C. academic excellence
B. pain tolerance D behavioral change
Acid rains refer to all types of precipitation rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog that is acidic in
nature. Acidic means that these forms of water have a Ph lower than 5.6 average of rain water. Acid
Rain kills aquatic life, trees, crops and other vegetation, damages buildings and monuments, corrodes
copper and lead piping, damages such man-made things as automobiles, reduces soil fertility and can
cause toxic metals to leach into underground water sources.
Rain is naturally acidic because carbon dioxide, found normally in the earths atmosphere,
reacts with water to form carbonic acid. While pure rains acidity if Ph 5.6 TO. 5.7 actual pH
readings vary from place to place depending upon type and amount of other gases present in the air,
such as sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxides.
The term pH refers to the free hydrogen ions (electrically charged atoms) in water and is
measured on a scale from 0 to 14. Seven is considered neutral and measurements below seven are
acidic while those above it are basic or alkaline. Every point on the pH scale represents a tenfold
increase over the more so than pH 6. Similarly, pH 9 is 10 times more basic than pH 8 and 100 times
more basic than ph7.
Chaffe, John. 1994. Thinking critically 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
English Writing Orange Level. 1990. Illionis: McDougal Littell and Company.
Mihalic, Frank 1996. 1000 stories you can use. Manila: Divine Word Publication.
Schmid, Eva Dorothee, Manila Bulletin, Aug 2007. Music can heal mental wounds but only in the right hands.
Seyler, Dorothy 2001. Steps to college reading 3rd ed Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Vacca, Richard and vacca, Joanne. 2005, content area reading: literacy and learning across the curriculum 8th ed. Boston:
Pearson Education Inc.
Wright, Sue. 2002. Study skills: Instructors book. Critical reading. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.