Orthodontics-in-Daily Practice PDF
Orthodontics-in-Daily Practice PDF
Orthodontics-in-Daily Practice PDF
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ISBN 0-397-50324-5
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This text on orthodontics for everyday dental practice is The newer techniques developed by Dr. Terry are included.
intended for studen ts. practitioners, and teachers. They Dr. Raleigh T. Williams has lectured and conducted
can find here the information best suited to their courses on the Begg technique at many dental schools and
immediate practical needs and can avail themselves of the orthodontic groups. He presents clear-cut illustrations and
wide range of information on the specialty of orthodontics. concise instructions on the construction of the Begg
This volume will be useful for planning and instruction in appliances used in treating different types of malocclusion.
continuing education programs and as a handbook of ready The chapter on the edgewise appliance technique by Dr.
reference in daily practice. R. William McNeill is presented as taught by him at the
Practical instruction is included on occlusal guidance of University of Washington and as practiced in his own
the developing dentition in the young child to obviate office. His explanations and illustrations of appliance
extensive orthodontic intervention later. Stress is laid on construction and case reports are a revelation in their
the construction and use of preventive-interceptive simplicity and perfection.
appliances. Practical cases are discussed and illustrated. Dr. Robert A. Wertz is a pioneer in mid-palatal suture
Orthodontic treatment of adults is now an important separation. His chapter is presented simply and is fully
phase of practice. This subject is presented and illustrated illustrated. He presents illustrated case reports that are of
for the treatment of malocclusion and for the alignment of practical value to the practitioner.
teeth into favorable positions as abutments in restorative A chapter on direct bonding of brackets is contributed by
dentistry. A method is discussed for establishing vertical Professor Fujio Miura. Professor Miura presents the subject
dental height before undertaking restorative dentistry in with an economy of words but with excellent illustrations
occlusal rehabilitation. Techniques are presented in a step- and explanation of the technique.
by-step sequence. The related basic medical and dental Dr. Marshall Parker, a student of Dr. Crozat, has
sciences are explained when they have immediate bearing perfected the technique in the construction and use of the
on diagnosis and treatment. Crozat appliance.
I am proud to be associated with the contributors to this The activator appliance is being used with increasing
text whose names are listed alphabetically and not frequency in the United States for treatment of
necessarily according to the relative importance of their malocclusion and in retention to overcome tongue thrusting.
contributions. The practice of orthodontics now requires Dr. Donald G. Woodside contributes his extensive
the expertise of those who have made special contributions knowledge of activator techniques.
to the specialty. I have included these contributors for this "Tissue Changes in Orthodontic Tooth Movement" is
reason. I am deeply indebted to them. contributed by Professor Kaare Reitan. Professor Reitan is
A detailed account of interceptive-preventive accepted as the leading modern authority on oral tissue
orthodontic therapy is contributed by Dr. Faustin Weber. changes and physiology in orthodontic tooth movement.
He addresses himself to the general practitioner and I wish to. think Dr. A. ]. Mazel, my associate of many
pedodontist as well as to the student and practitioner of years, for his assistance.
orthodontics. Indications and contraindications are given I wish to thank the J. B. Lippincott Company, which has
for treatment with and Without the use of appliances. been publishing my texts for over 30 years, for their high
<The chapter on labioIingual technique is by Dr. standard of professionalism. My thanks go to my secretary,
H. K. Terry, who was long associated with the late Dr. Mrs. Annette Grumman, for her patience and sympathetic
Oren Oliver. Dr. Terry has presented courses as a special attitude, beyond the call of duty, in the typing of the
lecturer in universities and orthodontic groups in Europe manuscript.
and North and South America.
J. A. Salzmann
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Definition: Orthodontics is a branch of the science and of "straight teeth" by the patient and his or her immediate
art of dentistry that deals with the developmental family. This is influenced by the age and sex of the patient
pathologic and positional aberrations of the teeth, the as well as by the general valuation accorded "straight
jaws and the orofacial soft tissues. teeth" by the ethnic group and the cultural environment.
Scope of Orthodontics: Orthodontics encompasses, Malocclusions hazardous to dental health and function
directly and indirectly, physical anthropology, biometrics or detrimental to facial appearance are not always so rated
biomechanics, gnathostatics, endocrinology, genetics, by the patient or the immediate family. Conversely,
pediatrics, dietetics, and most of the health sciences. malocclusions of minor importance have been known to
Orthodontic principles underlie every phase of dental act as a deterrent to a person's social and environmental
practice. Orthodontics is an important factor in the adjustment and achievement.
maintenance of dental, oral, and general health, It is important to take into consideration the patient's
masticatory function, and personality adjustment when attitude toward the malocclusion and the desire to correct
facial esthetics are involved. it. The patient's attitude is an important factor in the
achievement of a successful treatment result.
The techniques followed in treatment must be
PUBLIC HEALTH ASPECTS acceptable to the patient and suitable for the correction of
With the growth of public and private prepayment the malocclusion. The operator should be expert in the
dental care programs the latent potential need for dental manipulation of the appliance used. However, he should
care, including orthodontic treatment has been translated be familiar also with the advantages and disadvantages of
into an active demand. various appliances employed in orthodontics and choose
The change in dentist-patient relations brought about those appliances that will enable him to obtain the best
by the active participation of the "third party," those results.
responsible for the funding and conduct of public health
and private prepayment dental care programs, has
affected not only the extent but also the very nature of
dental practice.
Whether the severity of a malocclusion is such as to
require the services of a specialist in orthodontics or
whether it can be treated by the generaLpractitioner must An understanding of normal and abnormal dentofacial
be determined on an individual basis. In the final analysis growth and development are basic requirements if the
the decision depends on the orthodontic education, patient is to benefit from the treatment. There are many
treatment ability, and experience of the dentist. phases of orthodontics that should be performed by the
family dentist even if he does not practice orthodontics in
general. In any event, the family dentist should be
.- prepared to discuss and counsel parents on the orthodontic
Patient Motivation
needs of their children.
Motivation of patients to seek orthodontic treatment - Malocclusions express themselves clinically in
and this applies also to dental service in craniofacial abnormalities and poor relation of the dental
_ general-does not depend as much as is generally believed arches; tooth crowding, spacing, and rotation; proximal
on socioeconomic status, level of education, or even contact alterations and changes following premature
elimination of the financial block through prepayment shedding or prolonged retention of deciduous teeth;
programs. The determining factor in the demand for supernumerary teeth; agenesis of tooth
orthodontic care is the appreciation
2 . Principles of Orthodontic Therapy
germs; and postnatal loss of teeth. Spacing of teeth, THE CHILD AS AN ORTHODONTIC PATIENT
crossbite, and openbite predominate in the deciduous
Orthodontic treatment can extend over months or years.
dentition, while crowding and rotations and dental arch
If the proper dentist-patient relationship is not established
malrelation are more frequently found in the permanent
at the beginning, even before mechanotherapy is
instituted, successful results will be found unobtainable.
Orthodontic therapy primarily requires an under-
Most children will accept orthodontic treatment if the
standing of the dynamics of growth and development and
reasons for it are explained in terms they can understand.
of the general health status of the patient, in addition to a
Information should be given the child without hesitation
broad knowledge of the dentofacial complex. While
and in an authoritative manner. The child is a captive
abnormal jaw relation can be easily recognized in the
patient; usually forced by the parents to accept treatment,
young child, positional anomalies of individual teeth in
he is apt to be uncooperative. If he is to cooperate, the
children with mixed dentition cannot always be diagnosed
child should be induced by mutual understanding to accept
as requiring treatment on the basis of a single dental
the treatment on his own volition. Repeated broken
appointments and broken appliances are evidence of non-
The frame of reference in the treatment of maloc-
acceptance of treatment by the patient. Time taken to
clusion, and of general dental practice, cannot be confined
explain the treatment and to establish mutual
to mechanics alone. Every dental examination should take
understanding will dispel the patient's fears. Treatment
into consideration the state of the occlusion, the method of
time and waiting time per visit should be as short as
swallowing, over retained or prematurely lost deciduous
possible. Time intervals seem longer to young children
teeth, shifting and loss of permanent teeth, supernumerary
than to adults.
teeth, and other conditions that can interfere with the
Children whose mothers have a high anxiety level
developing occlusion of the child's teeth and eventually
exhibit more negative or uncooperative behavior than
with the dental health of the adult.
others. The mother's anxiety, her prediction of her child's
untoward reaction to the treatment, and her rating of the
child's level of anxiety, especially when made in the
presence of the child, .are significantly related to the
child's cooperation: Bhnd obedience should not be
expected of the patient. It may at times be beneficial to
Orthodontic practice deals directly or indirectly with the postpone orthodontic treatment until the child can
following: understand and appreciate its value.
1. Guidance of occlusal development. The effectiveness of the orthodontist is diminished
when his attitude to the child becomes intolerant and
2.Elimination of impairment of masticatory function
resentful. Impatience places the child on the defensive and
caused by dental malocclusion.
diminishes confidence in himself and in the orthodontist.
3. Reducation of susceptibility to dental caries caused
Patient listening and straightforward replies to the child's
by dental irregularities.
questions make treatment easier for the patient to accept
4. Correction of dentofacial abnormalities of genetic,
and for the orthodontist to accomplish.
congenital, and environmental origin.
All patients do not have the same threshold for pain and
5. Improvement of dentofacial esthetics.
discomfort. What appears to be undue complaining by the
6.Elimination of periodontal disease and other
patient may be the real response brought about by mental
conditions of the oral tissues resulting from malocclusion.
as well as physical discomfort, although the same
7. Correction of shifted teeth prior to the construction
operation may not be quite as objectionable to other
of bridges and partial dentures.
8. Elimination of harmful dentofacial habits.
The child who requests a hand mirror to see "what is
9.Correction of temporomandibular abnormalities
going on," should be given a mirror if it is apparent that
caused by malocclusion.
denial of the request will lessen cooperation. It will soon
~mportant requirements in the orthodontic treatment of be found that the child tires of the mirror and forgets to use
young children are (1) knowledge of the development of it.
normal occlusion and the time sequence in the The parents should be told in simple language the
development of the dentition, and (2) the ability to importance of their continued interest and coopera-
recognize the rate of a child's general physical maturation
in relation to the development of the dental growth
General Dental Care . 3
bon in the treatment to be undertaken for the child. It is sion or facial defects, the patient may evidence certain
better to foster a kindly parent-child relationship than to unusual traits and personality changes. The orthodontist
ask parents to "police" the treatment, which can result in should alert parents to this possibility.
undue parent-child tensions.
The Adolescent Patient
Oral Hygiene
The orthodontic appliance is a symbol of childhood to
the adolescent. Adolescents resent the implication of Patients should be instructed in tooth brushing before
abnormality in any part of their body. This seems to apply and after appliances are inserted in the mouth. While
especially to the teeth. The adolescent may deny that the orthodontic appliances do not cause dental caries, they
teeth require "straightening," especially if they are not provide increased possibilities for the retention of food
grossly disfiguring. When the condition is disfiguring, the debris. The patient must observe proper home care in
adolescent is tom between wanting the teeth straight and keeping the teeth and appliances clean in order to avoid
reluctance to wearing orthodontic appliances. It is better plaque formation and enamel etching. Parents should be
for orthodontist-patient relations if the adolescent patient notified in writing if the patient does not brush the teeth as
comes for treatment alone or with a friend and is nbt instructed, and when general dental treatment is necessary.
escorted by the mother. Orthodontic bands and other appliances should not be
placed on carious teeth. Children with malocclusion tend to
have more caries than those with good occlusion.
ings should be completed the same day started in order to ---: Nutrition research of dental significance: 19601962. J, A.
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Fisk, R. 0.: Physiological and sociopsychological significance
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Fullmer, H. M., Martin, G. R, and Burns, J. J.: Role of
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caries. Such teeth can remain caries-free, and in some cases
structures. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 129;286-294, 1962,
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tissues around the teeth. At each visit the orthodontist Surg., Oral Med. & Oral Path., 26:145, 1968.
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Growth of the Face
DEFINITIONS OF GROWTH AND during the first 2 years after birth. The cranial base does not
DEVELOPMENT reach 90 per cent of adult size until about the 13th year.
Dental abnormalities of occlusion can exist in the presence
Growth is the physicochemical process by which an of a normal cranial base.
organism becomes larger. Development is the sequence of Bones of the face and cranium are polygenic in origin.
changes from fertilization to maturity. Development mayor Each of the facial bones is developed according to its
may not show itself as an increase in size. It consists of specific genes. Thus, they have independent developmental
histologic, morphologic, functional, and maturative and growth vectors. Van der Klaauw considers the skull to
changes. Normal growth in a child cannot be assessed be composed of more than 30 relatively independent
against statistical averages; rather a range of growth functional units, each governed by its own functional
measures accepted as normal according to genetic, ethnic, growth center. Scott divides the craniofacial skeleton into
internal and external environmental factors and in keeping eight different regions, each having its own growth pattern.
with the child's own rate of growth and development However, the bones can be grouped also by specific
should be the standard of comparison. functional muscle attachments and nerve supply, what
Moss calls functional matrixes. Disturbances in a functional
matrix can show themselves in modification of the
GROWTH OF THE SKULL morphology of the jaws and malposition of the teeth.
Growth of the Skull . 7
Fig. 2-2. (A) The skull of a newborn registered at porion and superimposed along the
Frankfort horizontal on the skull of an adult. (B) The decided increase in absolute facial size
and in proportion to the entire skull proceeds from birth to completion of skeletal growth. The
skulls shown here are registered on the Frankfort horizontal. (C) (Top) skulls, registered on the
nasion, demonstrate differences in proportion and in overall size. The cranium occupies a
larger proportion of the child's skull. The adult's face is not only larger but also occupies a
larger proportion of the skull than the child's. (Bottom) the lateral views of the child of 3 years
and the adult - registered on the Frankfort horizontal-are compared.
3yrs. Adult
Anterior lateral
Fig. 2-3. The face, like the skull as a whole, is never truly
symmetrical. (A) Note the comparatively large orbits and the
narrow maxilla and mandible in this anterior view of a newborn's
skull. The occipital bone is not fused. The lower border of the
nasal opening extend only slightly below the orbital opening.
The greatest width of the skull equals or exceeds the combined
height of the cranium and face. In the adult, width is only three-
quarters of this dimension. Face width at birth is as 10 to 4. It is
as 9 to 8 in the adult. The right orbit is usually higher. The right
maxillary and malar bones may be more prominent than the left.
(8) Lateral aspect of the skull at birth. The face con ists
essentially of the jaws.
8 . Growth of the Face 5.
E rythrob lasts
alimentary tract, the oral cavity, the respiratory organs, the traumatic ongm. It may be caused by a malformed
maxilla, the mandible, and the teeth. The close condyle, by neurogenic activity, and by habits.
interrelation of the visceral structures of the head is The inherent growth pattern of the face is influenced in
evident from the very beginning of their development. its developmental course by function, growth of the
here is a wide divergence between cranial and visceral sinuses, development, form, and position of the teeth, the
growth. Postnatal changes in the visceral part of the face facial musculature, the tongue, and countless general,
are much greater than in the cranial. The greatest changes physical, and environmental factors. Growth of the face,
are those in the dentofacial region, especially in the jaws. especially of the mandible, extends over a longer period of
At the age of 6 years, the braincase is almost of adult size, time than growth of the other parts of the head. The face is
but the jaws and the face are still characteristically therefore longer under the influence of environmental
infantile. factors, and its growth consequently is more irregular and
Facial asymmetry may be caused by genetic influence. unpredictable. An annual record of the growth rate in face
It may be congenital, or of pre- or postnatal height can be of practical value in deterrnin-
7. Role of the Bone in Orthodontic Therapy . 9
10 . Growth of the Face 8.
intramembranous in origin. All other bones in the body later it is divided into an oral and a nasal portion.
are formed from cartilage. When the mandibular processes of the first branchial
arch are fused, and the frontal and maxillary processes
The Mandibular Condyle complete their fusion, the mouth appears as a slit covered
with membrane. The nasal cavity and the mouth are not
There is no interstitial growth of bone in the human separated until some time during the third fetal month,
body with the exception of the mandibular condyle. when horizontal oral ingrowths - known later as the
Certain parts of the mandibular condyle are of lateral palatine processes - and the extension from the
membranous origin and others are of carti1aginous fron tonasal process unite to form the palate. The lateral
origin. The growth of the condyle can be influenced by wall of the medial nasal process and the medial wall of
mechanical stimulation, especially in young children the lateral nasal process must come into contact for fusion
during active growth. to occur. Underdevelopment of one or the other process
prevents this contact, in which event fusion does not
occur and clefts result. The genetic factor in cleft lip and
palate frequently is misunderstood because a recessive
The embryonic stomodeal depression, the anlage of gene is involved and there may be many cases of children
the oral cavity, is bounded by the overhanging with clefts born into a family with a negative history of
frontonasal process, the paired lateral nasal processes cleft palate and vice versa (Fig. 2-7).
above, the paired maxillary processes laterally, and the
mandibular arch below. In early embryonic life the
stomodeum consists of a single chamber;
Fronto-nasal "-
........ Enlow pointed out that the mandible becomes
Lateral nasal process displaced forward and downward while it grows
predominantly upward and backward. Actual growth -in
oral cavity the forward area at the chin itself is
slight. The marked lengthening process takes place at the Fig. 2-8. (A) Nasal sep-
posterior ends. This represents the dominant mode of tum (NS), Frontal process NS
enlargement. IT
(F.P.), palatal process pp
Underdevelopment of the mandible, and overgrowth of (P.P.), tongue (T), and
the mandible, are mainly independent of the growth of the Meckel's cartilage with
maxilla and vice versa. Forward translation of both jaws mandibular bone to the
increases during growth, the mandible increasing relatively right and left. (B) Frontal
more than the maxilla. The increase in jaw length is greater section of the face of a
than the forward growth of the cranial base. When this human embryo. The oral
occurs it gives the lower face a more advanced position in cavity (D. C.) has not yet
relation to the base of the skull as the child grows older. LT
separated from the nasal
Increase in ramus height contributes to the forward rotation cavity; dental lamina B
of the mandible. (D.L.) is present; the
The mandible in the newborn infant shows trabecular tongue is now below the
arrangements in line with functional force even before palatal processes. (C)
function asserts itself. 1 ~1e jaws will grow in the presence Frontal section through the
of anodontia if muscle function is not impaired. head of a human embryo D
Mandibular growth is retarded when the mandible is l
at about 8 weeks shows T
ankylosed and the vector of growth is disturbed. the anlage of the maxilla
Bjork describes three types of forward rotation of the (Max.), the dental lamina
mandible. and the oral cavity is
(D.L.), the tongue (T), and
Type I. Forward rotation with the centers of rotation at separated from the nasal
the beginning of the
the temporomandibular articulations. This results in deep cavity.
mandible (Man.). The
overbite with underdevelopment of anterior face height. GROWTH OF
palatal processes have now THE MAXILLA
Type II. Forward rotation with the center of rotation joined,
Growth in the maxilla, as in the mandible, occurs mostly
located at the incisal edges of the mandibular incisors. This in a posterior and superior direction with displacement in
is caused by marked development of posterior face height an inferior and anterior direction. The many parts and areas
and normal increase in anterior height. of the whole maxillary bone, grow in a complex variety of
Type III. In cases with abnormal maxillary or regional directions, and the entire bone is involved in these
mandibular overjet the center of rotation is displaced multidirectional growth movements.
backward to the premolars. Anterior face height is The appositional growth on the oral surface of the hard
underdeveloped as posterior face height increases and a palate, with resorption on the nasal surface, tend to lower
deep bite develops. the palate and reduce the size of the oral cavity. The
downward and forward rotation of the mandible more than
compensates for this reduction. In addition, growth of the
maxilla - including the maxillary alveolar process - also
tends to in-
1. Muscles of the Lips, Muscles of the Face, Mastication, the Tongue, Pharynx and Soft Palate
Orbicularis oris Various muscles running Fibers surround oral open- Facial nerve. Draws lips together.
into lip ing, forming a sphincter
Levator labii Root of nose and maxilla Alar cartilage; upper lip Facial nerve. The whole muscle raises the
superioris upper lip. The levator labii superioris
alae que nasi alaeque nasi also lifts the wings of the nose.
Raises upper lip.
Levator labii Maxilla below orbit Upper lip
Zygomaticus Zygomatic bone Upper Lip Raises upper lip.
Depressor labii
inferioris Mandible below canine and Lower lip Facial nerve. Draws lower lip downward.
Incisivus labii premolar teeth
(inferior and Maxilla and mandible, near Orbicularis oris muscle Facial nerve. Draws corners of lips medially.
superior) canine and lateral incisor These are part of orbicularis oris.
Zygomaticus teeth Facial nerve. Raises corner of mouth and
major Levator Zygomatic bone Orbicularis oris muscle draws it laterally.
anguli oris
Risorius Facial nerve. Raises corner of mouth and
Canine fossa of maxilla Orbicularis oris muscle draws it medially.
Facial nerve. Draws comer of mouth laterally.
Subcutaneous tissue over Skin and mucous membrane at Facial nerve. Draws corner of mouth
parotid gland corner of mouth Orbicularis downward.
Depressor Mandible below canine, pre- oris muscle
anguli oris molar, and first molar teeth
Maxilla, mandible, and
Buccinator pterygomandibular raphe Orbicularis oris muscle and Facial nerve. Draws corner of mouth laterally;
skin of lips pulls lips and cheeks against teeth.
Facial nerve. Draws up skin of chin.
Mentalis Mandible, below lower lateral Skin of chin
2. Muscles of Mastication
Masseter Zygomatic arch Lateral surface of ramus of Masticator or motor root of trigeminal nerve.
mandible Raises mandible and draws it forward.
Masticator or motor root of trigeminal nerve.
Temporal Temporal fossa of temporal Coronoid process of mandible Raises mandible.
bone Neck of condyloid process of Masticator or motor root of trigeminal nerve.
Lateral Lateral pterygoid plate and mandible Draws mandible forward and sideward; aids
pterygoid sphenoid in opening mouth.
Masticator or motor root of trigeminal nerve.
Medial Maxilla, palatine and sphe- Medial surface of ramus of Draws mandible upward and sideward.
pterygoid noid bones mandible
TABLE 2-1.-Continued
Inferior con- Lateral surfaces of thyroi and Dorsal part of pharynx Pharyngeal plexus. Constricts pharynx; aids
strictor of cricoid cartilages in swallowing.
Middle con- Greater and lesser cornua of Dorsal part of pharynx Pharyngeal plexus. Constricts pharynx; aids
strictor of hyoid bone; stylohyoid in swallowing.
pharynx ligament
Superior con- Pterygoid process, ptery- Dorsal part of pharynx; Pharyngeal plexus. Constricts pharynx; aids
strictor of gomandibular raphe, and occipital bone in swallowing.
pharynx mylohyoid ridge of man-
Stylopharyngeus Styloid process of temporal Thyroid cartilage and lateral Glossopharyngeal nerve. Lifts pharynx in act
bone wall of pharynx of swallowing.
Palatopharyngeus Aponeurosis of soft palate Thyroid cartilage and lateral Pharyngeal plexus (vagus nerve). Closes
wall of pharynx opening between nasal and oral pharynx;
depresses soft palate and raises pharynx.
Levator veli Undersurface of temporal Aponeurosis of soft palate Pharyngeal plexus (vagus nerve). Raises soft
palatini bone and cartilage of palate; narrows pharyngeal opening of
auditory tube auditory tube.
Tensor veli Scaphoid fossa of sphenoid Palate bone and aponeurosis Masticator or motor root of trigeminal nerve.
palatini bone and cartilage of auditory of soft palate Tightens soft palate; opens auditory tube.
tube Aponeurosis of soft Pharyngeal plexus (vagus nerve). Draws up
Uvulae palate and palatine bones Uvula the uvula.
From Greisheimer E. and Wiedeman, M.: Physiology and Anatomy. Ed. 9. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1972.
4. Enlargement of the maxilla and the growth of the veolar processes to accommodate the developing molars. The
maxillary sinuses face shows a tendency to become unusually longer in height
5. Enlargement of the mandible and shorter in depth in those children who begin to manifest
6.Increase in size of the nasal area and paranasal sinuses abnormal occlusion.
7. Enlargement of the orbits Growth in depth occurs at a greater ratio in the mandible
8. Expansion of the ethmoid and sphenoid bones than in relation to the maxilla, resulting in a more forward
relationship of the jaw in the adult than in the child. Active
growth in width and depth of the face precedes tooth eruption.
With the eruption of the deciduous second molars and the
permanent first, second, and third molars, there occurs a
Method of Face Growth forward translation of the entire face that makes the face
The face is projected downward and forward in relation to longer and deeper.
the anterior portion of the cranial base, although the vector of Growth in Face Height (vertical growth) occurs after
facial growth varies among individuals. Growth of the face eruption of the first molars. Stability of the permanent first
proceeds at the anterior surfaces of the parietal and at the molar in its anteroposterior position is influenced by the size
sphenoid bones, the anterior surfaces of the pterygoid pro- and position of the teeth and the muscles.
cesses of the sphenoid, and at the zygomatic process of the Height (vertical growth) of the face is related to growth of
temporal bone. the maxillary sinuses and tooth development and eruption.
Depth. The highest percentage of anteroposterior growth Vertical growth is not always synchronous with forward
occurs after the deciduous dentition has been completed but translation. It is accomplished by increase in the palatoalveolar
before the permanent first molars are erupted. Forward area and in the upper part of the face. Some vertical growth
growth of the face is extremely active immediately preceding occurs with nasal development in the first 6 months after birth
and during the early stages of eruption of each of the and continues with the eruption of the deciduous dentition and
permanent molars. As the braincase expands forward the face with development and
is translated forward and at the same time growth produces
the backward expansion of the palate and the al-
16 . Growth of the Face
Fig. 2-15. Expansion of the brain (arrow) causes expansion of the neurocranial
capsule, within which the calvariae are embedded. This motion passively carries
the cranial bones outward. Osteogenesis at the sutural borders (black areas) is
secondarily compensatory to this process and is not the primary cause of growth
of the neurocranium. (Courtesy of M. L. Moss)
growth of the alveolar process itself. Face height is greater fluence dental occlusion. Growth projection of the
in children with abnormal occlusion, except in Class II, mandible may be forward without increasing vertical
Division 2 malocclusion. (See Chapter 6). height of the face, or it may be downward without
Face height increases rapidly to about 10 months and increasing depth of the lower part of the face.
then shows a marked drop in rate which continues to 3 Discrepancies in size between the maxilla and the
years of age. There is continued but slow growth in height mandible can thus increase in proportion and in overall
which shows some acceleration at 3 to 4 years, 7 to 11
years, and 16 to 19 years. Growth in height after the first 3
Growth in face width occurs on the free surfaces of
years is slow. It is more vigorous during the second 10
the bones by apposition. The lateral walls of the palate and
years, lasts longer and is more extensive in males than in
zygomatic arches go through a lateral proliferation that
widens the face. Face width is smaller in children with a
Height of the lower third of the face depends on the tendency to abnormal occlusion.
direction of the rotation of the mandible. During growth Arch length is stable from age 4 years to 6. It increases
the projection of the lower face may change, but this does after age 6 as a result of permanent molar eruption and the
not necessarily always in- increased labial inclination of the
Pla.hj5ma A
Change in Facial Proportions . 17
(B) The lateral view of the skull shows some of SquamouoS JouhJTE:
the cranial and facial bones and sutures and
sites of some muscle attachments. (C) The base
of the skull shows the foramen magnum in the
occipital bone, the posterior nares anterior to
which lies the bony palate, and the roof of the
mouth, which separates it from the nasal
cavity. The bony palate consists of the palatine
processes of the maxilla and the horizontal
parts of the palatine bones. The palato-
maxillary- (medial palatal), the sphenoccipital-
, and the temporozygomatic sutures are
shown. (Greisheimer, E., and Wiedeman; M.: GreoJ wlnq
Physiology and Anatomy. ed. 9. Philadelphia, of 'phenold
J. 5. Lippincott, 1972)
Menbc l
Fora m en.
Pa.lO-t'ne process of moxi ll o.
HorLumta[ plare
of palClte bone
ptoce~s. o~
l-e m poro.l
Carotid co.no l
FotL1.Xl'len spi.nosum
Fos sc.
Mc sce id.
process cond,:!l e
permanent incisors. As the permanent central and lateral life. As the face matures, the bony profile becomes less
incisors emerge, intercanine width increases on an convex, and the anterior teeth appear less protrusive.
average approximately 3 mrn. Variation in facial growth increases in range between the
Later Changes. Total face height in males, nose ages of 6 and 12 and continues to increase thereafter.
height, and bizygomatic width show significant increase Some dimensional changes in the human head and
up to and including the third decade of
18 . Growth of the Face 13.
IJh."N.jCj,oLd f"Ossa---_. i-
li.qam~nl-(cu~) - -- - - ~
G"l'nioglossus/I .
CrofZ.n.iohyoldo/Cu," /
Diqo.tl"'ic", (entql"'iOl"' IodI'I)
Orbicularis oris
Dental Occlusion and Face Growth' 19
face and profile continue to occur throughout life and into In children with malocclusion, the line of occlusion may be
senility. Attempts to produce lasting changes in the facial irregular or have too great a pitch to allow free jaw
profile by changing the angular relationship and position movements without separating the dental arches to avoid
of the incisor teeth when growth is continuing are subject cuspal interference.
to vicissitudes which can influence the final result for
better or for worse. Muscle Function and Jaw Growth
Muscle function is a factor in shaping the dental arches
DENTAL OCCLUSION A 0 FACE GROWTH and is important in maintaining the stability of the teeth
following orthodontic treatment. Muscle pressure is
Dentofacial anomalies can show themselves in the particularly influential before and during tooth eruption in
predentition stage, and during the deciduous, mixed, and
maintaining effective and normal occlusal relations of the
permanent dentition periods. Normal occlusion depends
jaws and teeth in the growing child. Strong muscle force
on normal face growth, among other factors. There is no
correlation between caries incidence and jaw growth. Jaw and a strong musculature are associated with well-
growth is not directly under the influence of caries developed jaws, but not necessarily with perfect alignment
susceptibility. Malocclusion can occur in children whose of the teeth.
teeth are free from caries.
After eruption of the permanent teeth is completed,
there is little if any anteroposterior growth of the face,
although considerable vertical growth and some Muscles and the Soft Tissue Profile
transverse growth still occur. Apparently impacted third
molars may find room in the dental arch during late Soft tissue changes incidental to orthodontic treatment
adolescence. Contrarily, some normally erupting third center primarily around the lips. However, lip posture is
molars may later show impaction. This can be caused by not always closely correlated with the dental arches. The
insufficient growth or an ectopic eruption path of these profile can, nevertheless, be changed in most people by
teeth. orthodontic therapy which changes the position of the
incisor teeth.
Since the functional forces exerted by the tongue, the
circumoral musculature, the buccinators, and the muscles
Line of Occlusion of mastication are not equal in amount, we can conclude
that there are other factors in addition to muscle balance
When viewed in their vertical aspect, the teeth in the responsible for the stability of the dentition and the
maxillary and the mandibular arches show a curve or line occlusion of the teeth. Among these factors are the axial
of occlusion. The line of occlusion should be positions and interarch relation of the teeth; the habitual
differentiated from the curve of Spee, which is an resting posture of the tongue, the kinesthetics of the denti-
imaginary curve passing through the condyles and the tion that are developed by the proprioceptors, and
cusps of the teeth and ending at the incisal edges of the
mandibular central incisors.
20 . Growth of the Face
the quantity and quality of the functional forces exerted Between 7 and 12 years the deciduous dentition is shed
during the excursive movements of the mandible. and all of the permanent dentition except the third molars
Age Changes in Face Growth and Dental erupt. Growth in width, height, and depth of the face
Development occurs.
Between birth and 7 years the deciduous dentition is From 12 to 20 years the eruption of the permanent
completed and the permanent first molars erupt. The most dentition is completed; the third molars erupt. Some
intensive anteroposterior growth (depth) of the face residual vertical growth still is to be seen in females, but
occurs. more intensive vertical growth occurs in males.
Total face height, nose height, and bizygomatic
Dental Occlusion and Face Growth 21
width show significant size increases during the third can augment dentofacial development and influence the
decade of life. Head length, head breadth, and head entire dentofacial complex. The vector of growth can
circumference do not significantly change with age. The change while the patient is undergoing orthodontic
size of the nose is also an important factor in the treatment and after treatment is completed. A retrognathic
appearance of the facial profile. face may in early adulthood become an orthognathic or
Growth Changes and Orthodontic Therapy. even a prognathic face. It is possible for the skeletal type to
Orthodontic therapy is not limited to changes in teeth change while the dental occlusion is maintained as it was
arrangement and the alveolar process alone. It corrected.
22 . Growth of the Face
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The Functional Matrix and
Clinical Orthodontics
MELVIN L. Moss, D.D.S., PH.D.
The functional matrix concept is the subject of much Functional matrix is a comprehensive term that describes all
discussion in orthodontic circles. The denominative phrase is the tissues, organs, and functioning spaces mentioned above.
included in a recent orthodontic glossary.l-' and textbooks We will consider four examples here: the temporalis muscle,
present the concept, to varying degrees of completeness. the teeth, the brain, and the oral functioning space. But first,
Moorrees recently summarized the matter in this way: "We we must consider another part of the concept. The individual
must also acknowledge that the functional matrix concept has cranial bones do not function or grow as independent
become the theoretical basis for craniofacial morphogenesis structures. For example, the maxilla and mandible do not arise
with some aspects of its formulations existing perhaps as embryologically, grow, function, or remain in being as single
working hypothesis, if you wish. The functional matrix bones. Rather, they are composed of what is called skeletal
concept has brought a fresh approach to studying facial units, each of which is related to a discrete functional matrix.
growth, and the formfunction interrelations can no longer be In the mandible, the form of the coronoid process. is always
neglected in the methodological consideration of future ex- and without exception an accurate reflection of the operational
perimentation or observation of the growth processes. "8 demands of the temporaIis muscle; increased muscle function
Because the clinician usually seeks to apply practically and increases coronoid process size, decreased function decreases it,
uniquely the theories and hypotheses developed to meet and both congenital absence or postnatal muscle ablation is
general conditions, the orthodontic clinician properly may ask followed by a complete loss of the coronoid process. Teeth are
to what extent the functional matrix concept can help in the functional matrix for an alveolar skeletal unit. Congenital or
diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning for any individ- surgical absence of teeth produces a secondary loss of alveolar
ual patient. The following pages attempt to answer these bone. The entire specialty of orthodontics depends on the fact
questions by a concise statement of what it is that this concept that if these functional matrices are moved (or alter their
can, and cannot, do at its present stage of development, and functional demands), the alveolar bone skeletal unit will
always within the framework of clinical practice. (hopefully) respond appropriately by altering its size and shape
so as to best continue to provide biomechanical protection and
support to its specific functional matrix.
The growth of the brain case (the calvaria) is another matter.
Here it is the volume of the enclosed and protected neural
mass (brain plus soft meninges plus cerebrospinal fluid) which
determines the growth of the cranial vault. The microcephalic
child has a small cranial vault because the volume of its brain
THE FUNCTIONAL MATRIX CONCEPT is small. Similarly, the growth of the bony orbit is a secondary
At its simplest, this concept is an extension of functional response to the primary role of the growth of the enclosed
anatomy. It attempts to comprehend the relationship between orbital contents (eyeball, muscles, fat, etc.).
form and function. With respect to the head, it is clearly In both of these cases the type of growth produced
stated that the form of all the cranial skeletal tissues (that is,
their size and their shape) is always a response to the spatial,
mechanical, and energy demands of all of the tissues, organs,
and cranial spaces, for whose functioning these same skeletal
tissues provide protection and support. In the form-function
relationship, function is dominant.
26 . The Functional Matrix and Clinical Orthodontics
is different from that produced in the skeletal units prehensive, and clinically useful, statement concerning
related to the temporalis muscle and to the teeth. To head growth.
make this point clear we must consider one additional There are, in reality, two types of skeletal tissue
point. There are two types of functional matrices, each of growth: active and passive. The first occurs in response to
which produces a different type of growth. The first of the prior demands of periosteal functional matrices.
these is the periosteal matrix, so called because most Active growth involves any of the growth processes
muscles attach to the fibrous layer of the periosteum. The capable of being described histologically; deposition and
second type is the capsular matrix; the term expresses the resorption of bone and cartilage, for example. The result
location of the calvarial bones completely within a of these growth changes is to alter the form (that is, either
neurocranial capsule (scalp on the "outside" and dura or both the size and shape) of the skeletal unit responsive
mater on the "inside"). The types of growth produced by to that particular periosteal matrix. However, there is a
each type of matrix are as follows. passive type of growth that does not alter the form of the
skeletal unit but rather causes it to move in space. This
type of growth is a response to changes in capsular
matrices. None of the changes occurring in passive
Processes of Cranial Growth
growth can be detected histologically (as deposition or
Classical studies of cranial growth considered that resorption, for example). Obviously, they can be
some combination of three growth processes accounted observed as dimensional or spatial changes. We term the
for the totality of the clinically observable cranial bone active growth (in response to periosteal matrices)
growth: sutural expansion, deposition and resorption, and transformative growth and the passive growth (in
growth of cartilaginous tissues (as in the mandibular response to capsular matrices) translative growth. Both
condyle, the nasal septum, and the synchondroses of the active and passive processes are involved in cranial
cranial base). Cranial bones are not pushed apart as the growth, and it is only by considering both types of
result of a force generated by the growth of the soft growth that we can compre-
tissues within a suture. Rather, we know that the growth hend the totality of head growth. -
observed at the bony edges bordering the several sutures
is in compensation for the movement of these bones
away from each other. In other words, what was thought
to be a cause in reality is an effect. While deposition and Clinical Applications
resorption of bone does occur, frequently in considerable It should be clear that in both active and passive growth
amounts, many analyses have shown that the extent of the functional matrices are the primary part that is
such growth frequently is insufficient to account for all growing. In a phrase, bones do not grow, the are grown.
of the growth observed, and more critically, such From a theoretical viewpoint it is simple to say that if
resorption and apposition often takes place in directions the clinician wishes to alter either the size, shape, or
opposite to those in which the bones are observed to position of a skeletal unit, it is sufficient, and indeed
move. With respect to the cranial cartilages, there is now proper, to treat the specifically related functional matrix,
consensus that the lower jaw is not moved in space (it with the certainty that the skeletal unit will respond
does not "grow") as a result of a primary expansive force appropriately. While this statement is true, it is simply the
generated within the mandibular condylar cartilage. As case that we do not yet possess sufficient information
described below, it is reasonably certain that the growth about the regulation of matrix growth process, nor about
of this cartilage is a response to a lowering of the the direction and magnitude of the matrix growth forces
mandible and not the cause of that same movement. The to make this a generally useful tool of clinical
functional matrix theory postulates the .same secondary orthodontics at this time.
role for the nasal septal and basal ~ynchondrotic The matter is rendered more difficult when we state
cartilages, although this point has not yet been proved. that, for example, both the maxilla and mandible are
In summary, there is good reason to believe that all composed of several skeletal units, each of which
craniofacial growth cannot be accounted for by any responds only to its own functional matrix. Accordingly,
combination of the classical triad of growth processes. to "treat" a mandible one must know which functional
Something else seems to be required. It is one of the matrices are involved, and there may be several.
assets of the functional matrix concept that it permits a However, the picture is really not too bleak. At this point,
description and demonstration of this "other growth it should be clear that when an orthodontist uses a therapy
process" and so permits a com- that applies force only to teeth, he may confidently expect
only the
Mandibular Growth . 27
alveolar skeletal unit to respond directly to that therapy. as it were, after the growth of the jaws, muscles, glands,
To the extent that the clinician knows (really knows) the etc., is complete. On the contrary, the expansion of the
vectorial properties (direction and magnitude) of these oral functioning space is the primary morphogenetic event
tooth-borne forces, he is in some position to estimate the in growth of the lower jaw.
changes in alveolar bone form which are secondary and The expansion in volume of the oral functioning space is
compensatory to the altered demands of the tooth (as a not due to "pneumatic forces." While the processes
periosteal functional matrix). If, for example, changes regulating its growth are not yet understood completely, it
are then found in the coronoid process, these cannot be is reasonable to suggest that this growth is associated with
considered as direct responses of that osseous tissue (as the neurotrophic regulation of epithelial mitosis. In any
a skeletal unit) to the forces imposed upon the teeth. event, the enlargement of the capsule produces a
Rather they are an indication that the temporalis muscle completely passive translative growth motion of the
(as another periosteal matrix) is now altering its mandible which, together with its periosteal matrices,
functional demands, to compensate for altered tooth arises, grows, functions, and is maintained in being while
position or function, and so producing a direct change in totally embedded within the orofacial capsule. One result
its own, nonalveolar skeletal unit. of this "lowering" motion is the tendency to disarticulate
A word of caution: The functional matrix hypothesis the temporomandibular joint, literally carrying the
should not be thought of as a theoretical support for any condylar process away from the articular eminence against
sort of naive myotherapy directed towards treatment of which it functions. For a number of sound physiological
the growing orofacial complex. reasons, the condylar cartilage responds secondarily to this
This sort of therapeutic regimen cannot have a sound passive, disarticulating motion by literally growing upward
conceptual base unless the effects of each muscle on its to continually compensate for the lowering.
particular skeletal unit are understood, the vectors of Parenthetically, we know that bilateral removal of both
muscle force are established, and the idea is clearly mandibular condyles in growing animals and children does
grasped that each facial bone is a composite of several not inhibit mandibular growth; it only causes deformity of
skeletal units. The frequent failure on the part of the condylar process skeletal unit. At the same time, the
clinicians to observe these strictures has made other mandibular periosteal matrices are growing and
"myofunctional" therapy an inconsistent and altering their demands, bringing about all of the many
controversial technique. other active-transforrnative growth changes associated
In summary, the functional matrix concept does not with the totality of mandibular growth as it is observed
provide direct clinical assistance to the orthodontist clinically. It has been shown that the majority of
whose therapeutic intent is only to move teeth within mandibular vertical growth is produced passively, and
alveolar bone. To do this, he need only be adept at the similar statements can be made for maxillary growth.
practice of orthodontics, as it is expressed in the often For the orthodontist there are several practical - clinical
bewildering variety of methods and appliances available implications in these statements and their supporting data.
to alter tooth positions. If, however, the clinician wishes First,' while it might appear that the concepts of orofacial
to do more, then the functional matrix concept may skeletal growth have been complicated by the addition of
prove helpful. To clarify this point, let us study the passive growth processes to the already broadly understood
growth of the lower jaw. active processes of growth, in fact we are now able to com-
prehend the totality of such growth within a unitary
conceptual framework. Second, these same concepts
provide a basis for an extension of therapy into the more
comprehensive field of orofacial orthopedics. Some years
ago Bosma brought the concept of the "airway maintenance
MANDIBULAR GROWTH mechanism" into' focus, demonstrating that the
musculoskeletal apparatus of mandible, hyoid, and larynx
The mandible is a composite of several skeletal units,
function to maintain the volume of the functioning
each responding by direct growth to a distinct periosteal
respiratory space of the oral and pharyngeal regions.' Any
matrix. These skeletal units, together with their periosteal
alteration in the volume of one portion of this respiratory
matrices, are enclosed in an orofacial capsule. The
space produces an attempt to compensate for it in another
capsule is lined and covered with epithelium. As in the
portion, and this by a neuromuscular regula-
case of the skull vault, the orofacial capsule surrounds a
capsular matrix. In this case the matrix is the volume of
the functioning oral space. For many the word "cavity"
has the unfortunate connotation of emptiness. Clinicians
often consider the oral cavity as an empty space, left
28 . The Functional Matrix and Clinical Orthodontics
tion of the location of the several skeletal parts. Indeed, there tioning) of innervated tissues, both afferently and efferently.
is some basis for the feeling that the reported clinical utility of Two recent reviews have focused attention on the specific
several types of removable dentofacial orthopedic therapies is potentiality of this sort of regulation in the regions of
based, in no small part, upon their being successful orthodontic interest." For example, there is, indeed,
applications of the functional matrix hypothesis." (Frankel, considerable reason to suppose that many properties of skeletal
1967). The position in space of the facial skeletal units can be muscles (as periosteal matrices) are specifically regulated by
altered and their compensatory responses predicted within the type of motor neurons innervating them, while it is
clinically useful values. probable that the sensory neurons play some role in the
Further, when we remember the deleterious effects on normal regulation of the growth of the orofacial capsule itself."
orofacial growth of such appliances as the Milwaukee brace, (Henken, 1970). It is reasonable to predict that in the
we can perceive how it might be possible to devise an immediate future we will witness a continually increasing
appliance therapy that 'would assist! and not hinder, the interaction between the theory and practice of orthodontics and
clinician in his the burgeoning field of neurobiology. Such a development is
attempt to restore more normal growth vectors to the patient to be welcomed, for if therapy is to become ever more
with an orofacial deformity. successful, it must be based upon as complete an
We turn! finally, to the subject of prosthetic functional understanding as possible of the biological processes involved.
matrices. In many other cranial regions, it has been
demonstrated repeatedly that skeletal units frequently cannot
"tell the difference" between a normal "vital" matrix and a
suitable prosthesis. As examples we cite the finding of
Hodash and coworkers" that alveolar bone will be maintained
despite tooth extraction and the immediate replacement of a REFERENCES
plastic duplicate! and the use of prostheses to produce normal
1. Bosma, J. F.: Oral and pharyngeal development and
bony orbit growth in children following removal of the orbital
function. J. Dent. Res., 42:375, 1963.
contents.' (Kennedy, 1965). The point is that both periosteal 2. Frankel. R: Funktioris-kieferorthopodie und der Mundvorhof
and capsular functional matrices can be prosthetically als apparative Basis. Berlin VEB Verlag Volk u.
replaced! if done appropriately. It is reasonable to presume Gesundheit, 1967.
that both types of matrices of the orofacial region can also be 3. Graber, T. M. (ed.): Orthodontic Glossary. American
prosthetically substituted. Association of Orthodontics, 1972a.
It is not the purpose of this chapter to provide specific 4. Graber, T. M.: Orthodontics: Principles and Practice. ed.
guidelines nor to advocate specific therapies! but rather to 3. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1972b.
suggest that the clinician may well be able to expand his 5. Henkin, R. 1.: Manual and oral stereognosis in normal
clinical potentials by considering the potential applicability of volunteers and patients with various abnormalities of taste
the functional matrix concept to his work. That this will and olfaction. In: Bosma, J. F. (ed.): 2nd Symposium on
Oral Sensation and Reception. Springfield, Charles C
require both study and application is certain, but it is sug-
Thomas, 1970.
gested that this effort may well prove rewarding. 6. Hodosh, M" Povar, M., and Shklar, G.: Plastic tooth
Finally, it is not premature to alert the orthodontist to a implants with root channels and osseous bridges, 0.5,;
relatively new field of investigation into the processes O.M., O.P., 24:831,1967.
regulating orofacial growth and, indeed, presumably 7, Kennedy, R. E.: The effect of early enucleation on the orbit
regulating the functional matrices themselves. The broad topic in animals and humans. Trans. Amer. Ophthalmol. Soc.,
of neurobiology is enjoying a period of rapid expansion and 42:459, 1965,
application 8, Moorrees, C. F. A.: Summary and overlook. Acta Morph.
. throughout the health sciences. One significant pora tion of this Neerl.-Scand., 10:145, 1972.
topic concerns neurotrophism: the study of the processes by 9, Moss, M. L.: Neurotrophic processes in orofacial growth, J.
Dent. Res" 50:1492,1971.
means of which the nervous system regulates the growth and
10. ___________ : An introduction to the neurobiology of oro-
structure (not the Iunc- facial growth. Acta biotheoret., 22:236, 1972 .
11. ___________ : Twenty years of functional cranial analysis.
Amer. J. Orthodont., 61:479, 1972.
12. __________: Functional cranial analysis and the functional
matrix. Arner. Speech Hear. Assoc. Rep., 6:5, 1971.
Eruption of the Teeth
The age of tooth eruption varies greatly; it is different sides of the jaw also varies, although in statistical
genetically determined but can be modified by local and studies no outstanding variation has been found favoring
systemic factors. Children of the same chronologie age earlier eruption on one side of the jaw over the other.
show variation in the number and type of erupted teeth.
Eruption time of the same teeth on
30 . Eruption of the Teeth
1. The teeth crowns calcify in their final size and do not The order of permanent tooth eruption shows
enlarge thereafter. considerable variation. The usual order is as follows:
2. Enamel and dentin, the two principal components of In the mandibular dental arch:
tooth substance, are not normally found in any of the other 1. Central incisors
organs of the body. 2. Lateral incisors
3. Unlike bone, teeth do not macroscopically change in 3. First molars
form once their development is completed except through 4. Canines
caries, functional changes, or other extraneous causes. 5. First premolars
4. Calcification in teeth occurs in early life, but secondary 6. Second premolars
calcifications may occur later in the pulp . chamber. 7. Second molars
5. Teeth are not subject to macroscopic calcium 8. Third molars
withdrawal after they are fully formed.
In the maxillary dental arch:
6. Systemic disturbances in calcification affect the teeth
during their developmental period only: adult teeth are not 1. First molars
affected. 2. Central incisors
3. Lateral incisors
7. Teeth cannot repair themselves nor replace lost
4. First premolars
5. Canines
8. There are two sets of teeth, deciduous (primary) and
6. Second premolars
7. Second molars
8. Third molars
of their roots are calcified. The permanent central incisor The mandibular deciduous canine is less advanced in
tooth germs are located lingual to and above the development than the mandibular deciduous incisors. The
deciduous central incisors near the floor of the nasal permanent canine tooth germ lies slightly below the crown
cavity. The permanent lateral incisor tooth germs are of the deciduous canine.
small undifferentiated buds at this stage. The mandibular deciduous first molars show completely
The deciduous canines show one third of their enamel formed crowns and the mandibular second deciduous
formed. The germ of the permanent canine lies in the molar is calcifying. The buds of the mandibular first and
angle between the pyriform nasal opening and the second premolars are small and lie occlusally and lingually
maxillary sinus at a slightly higher level than the adjacent to the deciduous first and second molar crowns. The
permanent tooth germs. mandibular permanent first molar shows the beginning of
The maxillary deciduous first molar crown is fully calcification and is located close to the inner angle of the
formed, and the second deciduous molar is somewhat less mandible.
calcified. The first and second premolar tooth germs are
small epithelial buds located over the occlusal surfaces of
the deciduous molars.
The maxillary permanent first molar shows the
1 Year
beginning of hard tissue formation and is located above
the tuberosity. In the Maxilla. The enamel of all the deciduous teeth is
At Birth completed; the cusps of the permanent first molars are
united, and their crypts are close to the tu berosities of the
In the Mandible. The crowns of the mandibular maxilla. The deciduous central and lateral incisors have
deciduous central and lateral incisors are fully formed. erupted. The crowns of the permanent centrals, canines,
The mandibular permanent central and lateral incisor and laterals show some calcification.
tooth germs lie lingual to the deciduous central and lateral In the Mandible. The enamel of all deciduous teeth is
incisors and show some formation of enamel and dentin. completed. The deciduous central and lateral incisors have
There are normally no erupted teeth at birth. erupted. The permanent central and lateral incisors and canines
show hard tissue forma-
32 . Eruption of the Teeth
2 Years
In the Maxilla. The roots of the deciduous central and
lateral incisors are completed and those of the deciduous
first molars are nearing completion. The crowns of the
permanent first molars show advanced formation of the
enamel. The permanent central and lateral incisors crowns,
the canine and first and second premolar crowns show
In the Mandible. Almost all deciduous teeth have
erupted. The roots of the deciduous central and lateral
incisors are 'completed, and those of the deciduous first
molars are almost completed. The permanent first molar
crowns show advanced enamel formation. The permanent
central and lateral incisors, the canines, first premolars, and
occasionally, second premolars show various stages of
calcification. The crypts of the permanent second molars
appear distal to the first permanent molars.
Fig. 4-8. (Left) Palatal view of maxilla, of a SY2-year-old. (A) Fig. 4-8. (Right) The left maxilla with the buccal plate removed. (A)
Opening for the gubernaculum into the permanent central incisor Opening for gubernaculum leading to crypt of permanent central
crypt. (B) Crown of permanent lateral incisor as seen through the incisor. (B) Gubernaculum leading to crypt of permanent lateral
opening of the gubernaculum into the permanent lateral incisor crypt. incisor. (C) Gubernaculum leading to crypt of permanent canine. (D)
(C) Opening of the gubernaculum leading to the crypt of the Gubernaculum, to crypt of first premolar. (E) Gubernaculum, to crypt
permanent canine. (D) Incisal suture. (E) Mediam suture. of second premolar. (F) Gubernaculum, to first permanent molar. (C)
Gubernaculum, to second permanent molar.
Note that the crypt of central incisor is in contact with crypts of the
lateral incisor and canine teeth. The crypt of the lateral incisor is in
contact with the central, canine, and first premolar. The first premolar
is in contact with the lateral incisor, canine, and second premolar. The
crypt of the canine contacts the crypts of all teeth from the first
permanent molar to the midline. (Courtesy Dr. Spencer R. Atkinson)
34 . Eruption of the Teeth
3 Years
are at the sites formerly occupied by the first molars. The
In the Maxilla. All deciduous teeth have erupted and their crowns of the permanent central and lateral incisors, the
roots are fully formed, with the possible exception of the canines, first premolars, second premolars, and second
deciduous canine roots. The crowns of the permanent first molars are in various stages of calcification.
molars are fully calcified and are located in the tuberosity of In the Mandible. Progress is the same as in the maxilla. The
the maxilla, The crypts of the permanent maxillary second crowns of the permanent first molars
18. Development of Dentition from Birth to Age 14 . 35
Fig. 4-10. Top left and top right (Left) Occlusal radiograms of a
child of 7 years. The maxillary and mandibular permanent central
incisor teeth are erupted. The deciduous lateral incisor teeth have
been shed, and the maxillary and mandibular permanent incisor
teeth are erupting. Mandibular incisor calcification is more
advanced than maxillary incisor calcification. (Right) The
premolars and permanent canines show advanced calcification.
The permanent first molars are erupted. The second molar
crowns show continuing calcification. (Courtesy Dr. David
Marshall) (Bottom) Section of specimen approximately 7 years of
age. The cut was made near the level of the roof of the palate.
Note that distribution of cancellous bone is abundant both buccal
and lingual of the second premolar and first permanent molar and
roof of palate; (a) location of first permanent central incisor; (b)
lateral incisor; (c) canine; (d) first premolar; (e) second premolar;
(f) first permanent molar; (g) transverse palatine suture is now
between the first and the second permanent molar; (h) location of
second permanent molar; (i) crypt of developing their molar; (j)
the pterygoid plates. The tuberosity of the maxilla is lateral to the
pterygoid process of the sphenoid. (Bottom Courtesy of Dr.
Spencer R. Atkinson)
are fully calcified and are located almost entirely within permanent first molars is complete. The enamel of the
the mandibular body. The crypts of the permanent second permanent central and lateral incisors may be complete.
molars are now located at the site formerly occupied by Calcification is advanced in the permanent second molars
the first molars. and canines.
In the Mandible. Progress is the same as in the maxilla.
4 Years
In the Maxilla. The deciduous dentition is complete. The
5 Years
crowns of the permanent teeth show further hard tissue
formation. The enamel of the In the Maxilla. Enamel formation is complete in
19. Development of Dentition from Birth to Age 14 . 35
Fig. 4-10. Top left and top right (Left) Occlusal radiograms of a
child of 7 years. The maxillary and mandibular permanent
central incisor teeth are erupted. The deciduous lateral incisor
teeth have been shed, and the maxillary and mandibular
permanent incisor teeth are erupting. Mandibular incisor
calcification is more advanced than maxillary incisor
calcification. (Right) The premolars and permanent canines
show advanced calcification. The permanent first molars are
erupted. The second molar crowns show continuing calcification.
(Courtesy Dr. David Marshall) (Bottom) Section of specimen
approximately 7 years of age. The cut was made near the level of
the roof of the palate. Note that distribution of cancellous bone is
abundant both buccal and lingual of the second premolar and
first permanent molar and roof of palate; (a) location of first
permanent central incisor; (b) lateral incisor; (e) canine; (d) first
premolar; (e) second premolar; (f) first permanent molar; (g)
transverse palatine suture is now between the first and the
second permanent molar; (11) location of second permanent
molar; (i) crypt of developing their molar; (j) the pterygoid plates.
The tuberosity of the maxilla is lateral to the pterygoid process
of the sphenoid. (Bottom Courtesy of Dr. Spencer R. Atkinson)
are fully calcified and are located almost entirely within permanent first molars is complete. The enamel of the
the mandibular body. The crypts of the permanent permanent central and lateral incisors may be complete.
second molars are now located at the site formerly Calcification is advanced in the permanent second molars
occupied by the first molars. and canines.
In the Mandible. Progress is the same as in the maxilla.
4 Years
In the Maxilla. The deciduous dentition is complete.
5 Years
The crowns of the permanent teeth show further hard
tissue formation. The enamel of the In the Maxilla. Enamel formation is complete in
36 . Eruption of the Teeth
the permanent central and lateral incisors, first molars and central incisors. The permanent first molars have erupted.
possibly also in the first premolars. Calcification of the The enamel of the permanent central and lateral incisors,
canines and second permanent molars is advanced. The canines, first and second premolars, the first, and possibly
crypt of the permanent canine is in contact, with or second molars is complete. The permanent third molars
connected with the crypt of every unerupted permanent may be beginning to calcify.
tooth crown from the permanent central incisor to the In the Mandible. The permanent central and lateral
permanent first molar. incisors and first molars are erupted. The enamel of the
In the Mandible. Progress is the same as in the maxilla. permanent central and lateral incisors, canines, first and
second premolars, the first and possibly that of the second
molars is complete.
6 Years
8 Years
, In the Maxilla. The permanent first molars may be
erupting into the mouth. The enamel formation of the first In Both Dental Arches. The permanent central and
premolars is complete and possibly also that of the lateral incisors and first molars are fully erupted. All of the
permanent canines and second premolars. permanent teeth, excepting the second molars and third
In the Mandible. The deciduous central incisors may be molars, show completion of enamel formation. The third
displaced by the erupting permanent incisors. The molars are undergoing calcification.
permanent first molars may have erupted. The enamel
formation of the first premolars is complete and possibly
also that of the canines and second premolars.
9 Years
In the Maxilla. The permanent central and lateral
incisors and first molars are fully erupted. The roots of the
7 Years
permanent first molars may be completely formed. Enamel
In the Maxilla. The permanent central incisors are formation is completed in all of the permanent teeth except
displacing or have displaced the deciduous the third molars, which
show advanced calcification. The crypt of the third molar is first (and possibly the second molars) also. Crown formation is
now located at the site formerly occupied by the first and later complete in all permanent teeth up to the third molars, which
by the second molar. show advanced calcification. The crypts of the third molars are
In the Mandible. The permanent central and lateral now located at the site formerly occupied by the first and later
incisors, and possibly the canines and first premolars have by the second molars.
erupted. The roots of the permanent central incisors are
complete, and those of the permanent
I ,
c~ ~ ~~c
Fig. 4-13. (A, left) Occlusal radiograms of a child of 10 years. The maxillary
and mandibular incisors are erupted. The maxillary canine teeth are about to
erupt; the mandibular canines have erupted. (Right) Lateral jaw
roentgenograms show first premolars erupted and the second premolars, in
the process of erupting. The permanent first molars are erupted; the
permanent second molars are erupting. The third molar crowns show
continuing calcification.
. Fig. 4-13. (B) Front and side views of the skull of a 10-year-old child .
Roots and tooth germs exposed; the permanent teeth have dark stippling.
(From Churchill-Meyer, Lippincott)
incisors, canines, first molars, and occasionally the first Crown formation is complete in all but the third molars.
premolars, have erupted. There has been complete root
formation of the permanent central and lateral incisors
and first molars. Crown formation in the permanent teeth
12 Years
is completed with the exception of the third molars,
which show advanced calcification. In the Maxilla. All the permanent teeth, with the
exception of the third molars, have erupted. There is
completion of the roots of the central and lateral incisors,
first molars, and frequently the first and second
11 Years
In the Maxilla. The permanent central and lateral In the Mandible. All of the.permanent teeth, with the
incisors, canines, first molars and frequently also the first exception of the third molars, show complete crown
and second premolars are erupted. Root completion has formation and all teeth mesial to the third molars have
occurred in the permanent central and lateral incisors and erupted. There is completion of the roots of the central
first molars. Crown formation of all of the permanent and lateral incisors, first molars, and possibly the first and
teeth is complete, excepting the third molars, which show second premolars.
advanced calcification.
In the Mandible. The permanent central and lateral
incisors, canines, first premolars, first molars, and 13 Years
possibly the second premolars and second molars have In the Maxilla. Conditions are about the same as at 12
erupted. The roots of the permanent central and lateral years, with further eruption and root completion of th
incisors and first molars are complete. premolars and canines.
In the Mandible. All permanent teeth except the
third molars have erupted, and all except the second and These teeth are less related to general physical
third molars, and possibly the second premolars have development than the rest of the dentition.
completed their root formation.
In the Maxilla. All permanent teeth have erupted None of the deciduous roots is completely formed until
except the third molars. All teeth except the third molars age 1 Y2 years, when the roots of the mandibular central
and possibly the canines and second molars haye and lateral incisors and maxillary central incisors are
complete roots. complete. The completion of the deciduous maxillary
in the Mandible. All permanent teeth except the third lateral incisors, the deciduous mandibular first molars, and
molars have erupted and excepting the third and possibly the deciduous maxillary first molars respectively occurs
the second molars, all have complete roots. between the ages of 2 and 3. The deciduous second molar
roots are completed at 3 years. The deciduous canine roots
are not complete until about age 3 years and 3 months.
The period of calcification in the deciduous teeth lasts
from about the age of 1 year and 10 months to
The third molars will start to calcify at age 7 in some approximately the age of 3 years and 8 months.
children and not until the 15th year in others.
42 . Eruption of the Teeth
Calcification of Permanent ooth Roots period of approximately 10 years. The shortest period of
Permanent teeth experience an extended period of complete calcification, including the roots, in the
formation and calcification. Complete calcification of the permanent dentition is that of the mandibular central
permanent incisor crowns occurs between the ages of 4 incisors, which take approximately 8V2 years to calcify.
and 5 years, the rest of the permanent teeth crowns, The longest period of complete calcification is that of the
excepting the 3rd molars, calcify between the ages of 6 canines, which require 12V2 to 14V2 years, although the
and 8 years. third molars may take as long as 15 years.
The third molar in its entirety has a calcification
PHYSICAL VARIATION AND OCCLUSION within a group may be normal and still differ one from
another. Appraisal of the normal growth of a child must be
A normal person is one who is sound in body and mind, determined by the fact that he falls within the range of
harmoniously developed physically, mentally, and variability of his or her own potentiality of growth. If a child
emotionally, and consistent with his years in developmental is so situated, he is developing normally, Computers promise
progress. Normalcy is not always the usual or average; nor to be useful in these determinations.
does it mean the best. On the other hand, normal growth and Normal in orthodontics as a basis for classification must be
normal physical morphology imply all of these. All persons based on what is known as biologic con-
44 . Development of Dental Occlusion
Fig. 5-9. Casts of the aspect of the linguoincisal third of the maxillary canine. The
child in Fig. 5-7 taken 2 distal aspect of the buccal cusp of the mandibular first
years later. (Top) The premolar occludes with the mesial aspect of the buccal cusp
maxillary permanent first of the maxillary first premolar.
molar shifted toward the Second Premolar. The mesial aspect of the buccal cusp of
middle after loss of decid- the second premolar occludes with the distal aspect of the
uous molars, causing tem- buccal cusp of the maxillary first premolar. The distal aspect
porarily incorrect occlusion of the buccal cusp of the mandibular second premolar
with mandibular permanent occludes with the mesial aspect of the buccal cusp of the
first molar. (Bottom) maxillary second premolar.
Mandibular permanent first
molar shifted mesially after First Molar. The mesiobuccal cusp of the first molar
loss of mandibular occludes between the maxillary second premolar and the
deciduous molars; it maxillary first molar. The dis tobuccal cusp of the mandibular
occludes correctly with the first molar occludes between the mesiobuccal and dis to
maxillary permanent first buccal cusps of the maxillary first molar.
molar. (Friel. S.: Int. J. Second Molar. The mesiobuccal cusp of the second molar
Orthodont., 13:322,1927) occludes between the distobuccal cusp of the maxillary first
molar and the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary second
of the linguoincisal third of the maxillary central incisor. molar. The distobuccal cusp of the mandibular second molar
lateral Incisor. The incisal edge of the lateral incisor occludes between the mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps of
occludes within the distal third of the linguoincisal third of the maxillary second molar.
the maxillary central and the mesial half of the linguoincisal Third Molar. The mesiobuccal cusp of the third molar
third of the maxillary lateral incisor. occludes between the distobuccal cusp of the maxillary
Canine. The mesial aspect of the incisal edge of the canine second molar and the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary third
occludes with the distal half of the linguoincisal third of the molar. The dis to buccal cusp of the mandibular third molar
maxillary lateral. The dis toincisal aspect of the mandibular occludes between the mesiobuccal and dis to buccal cusps of
canine occludes with the mesial aspect of the linguoincisal the maxillary third molar.
third of the maxillary canine.
First Premolar. The mesial aspect of the buccal cusp of the
first premolar occludes with the distal
Hatton, M. E.: The process of eruption in relation to skeletal bite in normal subjects between 9 and 17 years. E.O.s., Report of
morphology and the development of occlusion: 43rd Congress, Berne, 1967.
Intra-alveolar tooth movement and clinical eruption. Am. J. McGonigle, R. R.: Loss of teeth as a danger in the development of
Orthodontics, 45:709,1959. (Abstract) occlusion. I.AD.A, 50:57, 1955.
Haupi, K.: Die Enstehung des Milchgebisses und des bleibenden Moorrees, F. A M.: Occlusion. Part II. J. Periodont., 38:751, 1967.
Gebisses. Deutsche Zahn-, Mund-, 1I. Kieferheilk. 5:17, 1953. Muller, G.: Apikale Basis und Vertikalentwicklung.
Helman, M.: Factors influencing occlusion: Development of Fortschr. Kieferorthop., 23:304-311, 1962.
occlusion, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, ]941. Orban, B.: A concept of occlusion in periodontal practice.
---: The phase of development concerned with erupting the J. Periodont., 23:38, 1952.
permanent teeth. Am. J. Orthodontics, 29:507, 1943. Reichenbach, E., and Rudolph, W.: Untersuchungen zur
Higley, Bodine, L.: Mandibular Incisor Jumbling. J. Den. Entstehungsweise des Distalbisses im Milchgebiss. Fortschr,
Children 34:452-453, November 1967. Kieferorthopad., 16:96, 1955.
Jackson, D.: Lip positions and incisor relationships. Brit. Salzmann, J. H.: An analysis and discussion of oral changes as
D. ]., 112:147, 1962. related to dental occlusion. Am. J. Orthodontics, 39 :246, 1953.
[ankelson, B.: Physiology of human dental occlusion. Sanin, C, Savara, B. S. and Sekiguchi, T.: Longitudinal dentofaciaI
J.A.D.A., 50:662, 1955. changes in untreated persons. Am. J. Orthodontics, 55:135,
Leal, B.: Morphologie der Knochen und ihre Funktion. 1969.
Fortschr. Kieferorthop., 24:357, 1963. Sanin, C and Savara, B. S.: The development of excellent
Lundstrom, A: Tooth Size and Occlusion in Twins. occlusion. Am. J. Orthodontics, 61 :345, 1972.
Basle, S. Karger, 1948. Scott, J.: The role of soft tissues in determining normal and
May, G., and Luzi, C: Variations of the overjet and over- abnormal dental occlusion. D. Practitioner, 11:302, 1961.
Classification of Normal Occlusion and
Classification refers to the description of dental 3. Normal position and relation of the individual teeth
occlusion and its deviations according to a common to each other
characteristic, or norm. 4. Normal relation of the dental arches to each other
Characteristics of normal occlusion are: and to the face and cranium.
1. Correct axial position of the teeth Malocclusion is the arrangement of the teeth in a dental
2. Normal overbite and overjet arch, the relation of the arches to each other
A B C 0 E F G
Classification of Normal Occlusion and Malocclusion' 51
Fig. 6-2. (Top) Lateral view of casts (left) 8 months and 14 days; (center) 1 year, 5 months, (right) 1 year and 9 months.
There is a tendency to distoclusion. (Bottom) Occlusal views at same ages as above. At 8 months and 14 days the mandibular
central incisor teeth are erupting. At 1 year and 5 months the maxillary and mandibular central and lateral incisors have
erupted and the mandibular central incisor teeth have moved labially. At 1 year and 9 months the position of the incisor teeth
shows the same axial positions as at 1 year and 5 months. (Courtesy of J. H. Sillman)
52 . Classification of Normal Occlusion and Malocclusion
and to the base of the cranium in a manner different from Individual teeth can be maloccluded in any of the
the accepted human formula. following positional deviations:
1. Linguoversion - toward the tongue
27. 2.Labioversion or buccoversion - toward the lip or cheek
3. Mesioversion - mesial to its normal position in
4. Distoversion - distal to its normal position in
The diagnosis of malocclusion must be related to occlusion
chronologie, physiologic, and dental age; sex, ethnic 5. Infraversion - higher (in the maxilla) or lower (in the
background, constitutional makeup and general health of mandible) than the line of occlusi,
the patient.
Odd Even
A. Fig. 6-4. Occlusal changes from
deciduous to permanent dentition.
A, Odd (Left) Deciduous occlusal
relation similar to normal in
permanent dentition. A, Even (Right)
Distal surfaces of
the deciduous second molars on
the same vertical plane. B, Odd
(Left) Permanent first molars are
B. erupting. B, Even (Right) Permanent
first molars are erupting. C, (Left)
Permanent central and
lateral incisors and permanent first
molars have erupted and are in
normal occlusion. C, Even
(Right) Permanent molars are still in
cusp-to-cusp relation and permanent
c. central and lateral incisors show
some overjet. D, (Right and Left)
Permanent first molars, central and
lateral incisors and mandibular first
premolars have erupted the incisor
occlusion in D, even (Right) In
cisors show increased overjet. E,
Odd (Left) Permanent first molars,
first premolars and permanent
central and lateral incisors have
D erupted and the occlusion is normal.
. E, Even
(Right) Permanent first molars,
mandibular second premolars,
maxillary and mandibular first
premolars and permanent central
E and lateral incisors are in position.
The occlusion is still in cusp-to-
. cusp relation and the overjet has
increased. F, Odd (Left) All
permanent teeth have erupted
except the third molars. The
occlusion is normal. F, Even (Right)
All permanent teeth except third
molars have erupted and are in
F. Class II division 1 malocclusion.
The Angle Classification . 53
6. Supraversion - below (in the maxilla) or above occlusal adjustment from the deciduous to the permanent
(in the mandible) the line of occlusion dentition:
7. Torsiversion - rotated on its long axis 1. When the deciduous second molars show inter-
8. Axiversion - wrong axial inclination cuspation similar to normal permanent occlusion, the
9. Transversion - wrong sequential order permanent first molars erupt directly into normal
2. When the distal aspects of the second deciduous
CLASSIFICATION IN THE DECIDUOUS molars are on the same vertical plane, normal eruption of
DENTITIO the permanent first molars can be achieved when the
Classification in the deciduous dentition does not premolars erupt and the permanent first molars shift
adhere to the Angle classification because there are two forward, the mandibular permanent first molars shifting
types of occlusion observed. One shows a cusp-to-cusp forward more than the maxillary ones.
relation, and the second shows an intercuspal relation In the deciduous and mixed dentitions classification
similar to that found in the permanent dentition. The can be made by the canine occlusion when the deciduous
termination of the distal vertical plane of the second molars are missing or the permanent molars are not fully
deciduous molars can be caused by the variation in erupted.
mesiodistal width of the deciduous molars.
gorize the severity of malocclusion or the complexity of modate the teeth in the dental arches in normal alignment
treatment. For example, Class I is not the simplest without reducing the number of teeth by extraction or
malocclusion as it may involve many teeth while the placing the teeth in alveolar procumbency to the
permanent first molar occlusion is normal. mandibular and facial planes.
The following describes the Angle classification as it is
presently accepted:
Class II Malocclusion
In Class II malocclusion the mandibular dental arch
lass I Malocclusion
occludes in distal relation to the maxillary arch by at least
In Class I malocclusion first molar relationship is normal half the width of a permanent first molar or mesiodistal
mesiodistally, but there are deviations of other teeth in the width of a premolar. The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary
dental arches such as rotations, crowding, crossbite, permanent first molar occludes in the space between the
overjet, overbite, and openbite, Arch length deficiency is mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular permanent first molar
usually concomitant and makes it impossible in many and the distal aspect of the buccal cusp of the second
instances to accom- premolar. The
The Angle Classification . 55
r , ,
Types A B C D E F G H
(Facial Angle)
ormal4 Normal 4 ormal 3 Normal 1 Short 4
Protracted 2 Retracted 4 Obtuse 4 Short 4 Long 4
Retracted 2 Acute 1 Long 3
occlusion. An analysis of any Class II, Division 1 Mechanotherapy of the mandibular dental arch is not
malocclusion should take into consideration the variations required when it is not crowded and the teeth are in normal
shown in each type. axial and occlusal relation. If the mandibular incisors are
Table 6-2 shows an analysis of five measurements in the overerupted and occlude on the soft tissues palatal to the
eight types of Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. maxillary incisors, "levelling off" is indicated.
Class II, Division 2. Class II, Division 2 is a Class II In Class II, Division 2 malocclusion the maxillary
malocclusion in which the maxillary incisors are in central incisors, and frequently also the lateral incisors,
vertical axial position or in linguoversion and usually may be in linguoversion. Vertical height of the lower third
show abnormal overbite. of the face is comparatively short, and the chin is usually
Class II, Division 2 malocclusion can be treated by prominent. There is a reduction in total face height when
moving the maxillary incisor teeth labially before any measured from nasion to gnathion. When abnormal
other tooth movement is undertaken in the mandibular overbite is present, the mandible cannot be shifted to an
dental arch. After this stage of treatment is completed the appreciable degree without opening the jaws.
mandible may show rapid forward change of position, Labial surface attrition of the mandibular incisor teeth
especially in the mixed dentition. and attrition on the lingual surface of the maxillary incisors
Distal movement of the maxillary buccal segments is can occur. Periodontal conditions
indicated, especially if space is needed to change the axial
positions of the maxillary incisors.
may be found as a result of incisor impingement on the situated forward to the zygomatic crest (Key ridge-
gingival mucosa. Deep incisor overbite can be caused by Atkinson); in orthognathic faces the mesial root is at the
overeruption of the incisor teeth, infraelusion of the zygomatic crest. Bimaxillary alveolodental prognathism
buccal tooth segments, or a combination of both. Vertical can occur with normal occlusion of the teeth.
growth occurs during the eruption of the premolars. The
overbite may be overcome at this stage without
orthodontic treatment.
Alveolodental Prognathism
Class II, Division 2, Subdivision. A Class II, Division 2,
malocclusion in which the mesiodistal malocclusion is Dentoalveolar protrusion, in which the teeth actually are
unilateral only. procumbent and the dental arches are situated in a forward
position on the bases of their respective jaws, should not
be confused with maxillary, mandibular, or bimaxillary
Class III
prognathism which is caused by overgrowth in depth of
(n the patient with Class III malocclusion the man- the respective jaws. Dentoalveolar protrusion may be
dibular dental arch and the body of the mandible are in present also in prognathic jaws.
bilateral mesial relation to the maxilla and the maxillary Alveolodental prognathism may be confined to one or
dental arch. The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary both alveolar arches in relation to the facial line (N-Pg).
permanent first molar occludes in the interdental space Prognathism of the jaws themselves, i.e., facial skeletal
between the distal aspect of the distal cusps of the prognathism, should be differentiated from alveolodental
mandibular permanent first molars and the mesial aspect prognathism and from deficiency in depth of the middle
of the mesial cusps of the mandibular second permanent third of the face.
molars. For a malocclusion to be classified as Class III, Facial prognathism caused by excessive depth of the
the mandible must be either large or situated mesially to maxilla and length of the mandible is beyond the
an abnormal degree, as evidenced by linguoversion of the ministrations of the orthodontist. This type of prognathism
maxillary incisors and by cephalometric analysis. is influenced by a long anterior cranial base, a long ramus,
Class III, Subdivision. Class III, Subdivision a long maxilla, and especially by a long mandible and an
malocclusion is a unilateral Class III malocclusion. obtuse gonion angle.
GONION - N01'U1Al.
Fig. 6-27. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type A Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. (B) Tracing
showing principal characteristics of this malocclusion.
Reverse Occlusion' 67
TypE B
Fig. 6-28. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type B Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. (8) The
tracing shows the principal characteristics.
68 . Classification of Normal Occlusion and Malocclusion
Fig. 6-29. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type C Class II, Division 1 malocclusion and a tracing
(B) showing the principal characteristics.
38. Reverse Occlusion' 69
Fig. 6-30. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type 0 Class II, Division 1 malocclusion and a (B)
Tracing showing the principal characteristics.
70 . Classification of Normal Occlusion and Malocclusion 39.
l.tAX. - NOfol.MAL
fI,.AlomS - SHORT
Fig. 6-31. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type E Class II Division 1 malocclusion and a (B)
tracing showing the principal characteristics.
Reverse Occlusion . 71
MND. - RI:."'J."lUJ.CTEb
Fig. 6-32. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type F Class II, Division 1 malocclusion,
The (B) tracing shows the principal characteristics of this malocclusion.
72 . Classification of Normal Occlusion and Malocclusion 43.
Fig. 6-33. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type G Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. (B) The
tracing shows the principal characteristics.
44. Reverse Occlusion . 73
Fig. 6-34. (A) Casts and profile photograph of a Type H Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. (B) The
tracing shows the principal characterics.
74 . Classification of Normal Occlusion and Malocclusion
FACIAL SKELETAL PATTERN cisors. The lateral incisors may be normal or in labio-
Facial skeletal patterns are divided into Class 1, the
profile is orthognathic: Class 2, the mandible is
retrognathic, and Class 3, in which the mandible is Skeletal Class 3
Overgrowth of the mandible and obtuse gonion angle.
Classification of the facial skeletal pattern takes into
The mandible is prognathic.
consideration the relationship of the teeth as follows:
appear to have the same facial profile, but cephalometric slight crowding of the incisors and canine teeth in the
analysis shows two different dentofacial skeletal patterns. mandible. The right side shows a maxillary lingual
Clinical Description. Mrs. B. has a Class I (Angle) crossbite beginning with the second molars and extending
malocclusion. All maxillary permanent teeth, including across to the left side canine region. The remaining teeth
the second molars, are erupted and in normal alignment. on the left side are in normal buccolingual relation.
The mandibular permanent teeth, including the second The maxillary permanent central incisor teeth of Mrs.
molars, are erupted. There is B's son, D.B. are erupted. There is a maxillary
Variation of Skeletal and Dental Classification 77
tal pattern. His facial angle of 80 is below normal range facial line N-Pg. In O.B. the angle is -3, which is close to
(82 to 95) which is indicative of a Class 2 facial skeletal the norm and not as retrusive as his mother.
pattern (Fig. 7-13 G, H). A-B Line. In Mrs. B. the A-B line is at +2; in O.B. it is at
Angle of Convexity. Mrs. B. has a -7 angle of convexity; +1. The B-Point is in front of the A-Point in both mother and
this indicates a retrusive anterior limit of the basal arch (A- son.
Point) in the maxilla in relation to the Mandibular Plane to Frankfort Horizontal. In Mrs.
Bone Age Assessment 79
Convex Prof lie
(protracted rraxnta)
(normal mandible)
AS D,ffererce=10
J t Hand J 1
1-8 2-1 3-2 3-11 Metacarpal 1 1-1 1-3 1-10 2-1
1-1 1-3 1-11 2-5 2 0-9 0-11 1-4 1-6
1-1 1-5 2-0 2-9 3 0-10 0-11 1-4 1-9
1-3 1-7 2-6 2-11 4 0-11 1-1 1-5 1-10
1-5 1-8 2-9 3-4 5 1-1 1-2 1-8 1-11
1-11 2-3 3-5 3-11 Proximal 1 1-2 1-4 1-11 2-4
0-11 1-1 1-8 1-11 Phalanx 2 0-7 0-9 1-0 1-4
0-10 1-1 1-6 2-0 3 0-7 0-8 1-0 1-3
]-0 1-2 1-9 2-0 4 0-7 0-9 1-0 1-4
1-3 1-6 2-4 2-10 5 0-10 1-0 1-5 1-8
1-5 1-8 2-7 3-0 Middle 2 0-10 1-0 1-7 1-11
1-3 1-7 2-6 2-11 Phalanx 3 0-9 0-11 1-5 1-10
1-3 1-7 2-6 2-11 4 0-10 0-11 1-6 1-9
2-2 2-7 4-3 5-0 5 1-2 1-5 2-3 2-8
1-0 1-2 1-11 2-7 Distal 1 0-7 0-9 1-3 1-6
2-3 2-8 3-10 4-6 Phalanx 2 1-3 1-7 2-5 2-10
1-8 2-0 2-10 3-4 3 0-11 1-2 1-10 2-1
1-8 2-1 2-11 3-5 4 1-0 1-2 1-10 2-3
2-3 2-8 3-10 4-7 5 ]-3 1-7 2-5 2-10
SoN-A: 86"
A-N-8= -4"
--Peter 5.
-Robert 5
---- Mary 5
---. Betsy 5.
- --- PETER S.
--Mrs. B
-DAVID B. -- -- David B
---MRS. B 14 yrs
88 . Skeletal Classification
THE FORCE-LINKED STOMATOGNATHIC UNIT and manner of masticatory muscle insertion into the jaw
bones. The changes in the periodontal ligament and in the
The stomatognathic complex, as Salzmann (1948)
interdental fibers also must be stabilized. Some, if not all,
pointed out, is a force-linked closed functional unit that
of these changes take longer for their adjustment than it
includes the teeth, the jaws, the temporomandibular
takes to move the teeth into their new positions. Retention
articulation, the tongue, the muscles of mastication and
of moved teeth, therefore, is required until equilibrium is
expression, the bones of the face and cranium, the nerves,
reestablished, if indeed it is ever reestablished. The system
the vascular supply, and other related structures. The
has a wide range of functional accommodation. If it were
stomatognathic system is composed of a number of
otherwise, severe articulatory, occlusal, and functional
interdependent functional matrices as defined by Moss.
orodental disorders would be the rule. Stability of
When an individual tooth or a few teeth are moved, the
orthodontically moved teeth depends on their integration
functional unity of the stomatognathic complex is not, as a
with the rest of the stomatognathic components and is not
rule, disturbed. When extensive changes in tooth position,
limited to the occlusal arrangement of the teeth alone.
occlusion, and jaw relation are effected by orthodontic
Trajectorial forces in the jaws are based on the fact that
therapy, compensatory changes must occur in some, if not
the trabeculae of spongy bone follow in their
all, of the functional components of the stomatognathic
complex. This is necessary to restore its equilibrium and
so avoid relapse of the result obtained in the orthodontic
treatment of malocclusion.
The compensatory changes occur in the functional
pattern, in muscle behavior, and in the actual extent
Fig. 8-4. (Left) Section of skull on which the diagram (right) of approximate stress in the skull section is based. The functional design
keeps the various areas in balance with the gross skull growth. The stress analysis is based on the simplified treatment of the skull
components as straight members intersecting to present a symmetrical truss. (Spencer R. Atkinson)
Facial Balance, Muscle Balance, and Orthodontic Therapy' 97
FACIAL BALANCE, MUSCLE BALANCE, the maxillary and the mandibular dental arches when the
AND ORTHODONTIC THERAPY mandible is in rest position. The change in dimension
between the rest position and full occlusion indicates the
The term facial balance refers to facial symmetry and
amount of clearance between the teeth in the opposing
the orthognathic appearance of the face as shown by the
dental arches.
soft tissue profile. The lips mayor may not habitually rest
A large freeway space is related to an abnormal
against the teeth, and "straightening of the profile" may
overbite, as occurs in Class II, Division 2 malocclusion.
not occur when the incisor teeth are moved lingually over
Persons with Class I malocclusion generally have a
so-called basal bone, even after premolar teeth are
smaller freeway space than those with Class II or Class III
extracted. An orthognathic profile after orthodontic
therapy that includes tooth extraction depends as much,
Centric Relation. Centric relation is the position of the
or even more, on the thickness, tonicity, and habitual
mandible when the condyles are in balanced, retruded, but
posture of the lips ami circumoral musculature as on the
not strained position in the glenoid fossae. It is the basic
orthognathic positioning of the incisor teeth by
position from which all movements normally originate
orthodontic therapy.
and to which the jaw normally returns to rest position.
The force exerted by the tongue on the inner side of
Centric occlusion and centric relation are closely related
the dental arches and the circumoral musculature, the
when the condyles show a minimum of translation when
buccinators, and the muscles of mastication on the outer
the mandible goes from rest position to full occlusion.
side is not equal in amount. Factors in addition to muscle
Centric Occlusion. Centric occlusion is a static
balance responsible for stability of the dentition are the
position. It is the extreme or maximum occlusal and
axial positions of the teeth, the kinesthetics of the
incisal contact position of the teeth in the maxillary and
dentition developed by the proprioceptors, the quantity
the mandibular arches. Centric occlusion is normal when
and quality of the functional forces exerted in the
the teeth occlude according to the accepted human
movements of the mandible, and pressure developed in
formula with maximum intercuspation in terminal
breathing and swallowing. Tongue posture and proper
function of the mimetic and masticatory muscles are
In normal temporomandibular articulations the condyle
important in maintaining the stability of orthodontically
head is adjacent to the posterior slope of the glenoid
corrected dental occlusion.
fossa, but not at its deepest part, when in centric
occlusion. Centric occlusion can be modified by tooth
eruption, shedding of deciduous teeth, loss of permanent
teeth, attrition of teeth, and wear or lack of wear of teeth
Basic Mandibular Positions contact points. It can be corrected by occlusal
equilibration, orthodontic therapy, and prosthetic
There are five basic positions of the mandible:
1. Rest position
Variation in Centric Relation and Centric Occlusion.
2. Centric relation
Abnormal jaw positions of the mandible are caused by:
3. Centric occlusion
4. Terminal hinge position asymmetric jaw growth, changes in tooth position
5. Habitual position following extractions without prosthetic substitutes,
Rest Position. The rest position is a holding position overcontoured fillings, harmful pressure habits,
assumed when a person is at ease and is sitting upright. irregularities in occlusal or cuspal tooth wear, periodontal
While it is accepted as a state of equilibrium of the forces disease, trauma, temporomandibular arthrosis, muscle
responsible for mandibular movement, it varies in each spasms, and other factors.
person with changes in muscle tonicity, body position, Correction or reduction of divergence between centric
and during sleep. The rest position is not necessarily relation and centric occlusion can be obtained by
identical with the usual or, habitual mandibular posture. repositioning the mandible, by correcting the
The temporal musclJ"s maintain the mandibular posture malocclusion, by occlusal equilibration, by prosthesis,
during rest position. The mandible is suspended by the and by restoring vertical dimension.
articular capsule, the suspensory ligaments, and the Interference with Jaw Movements. Interference with
elevator and depressor muscles. Rest position of the lateral or protrusive jaw movements may be caused by
mandible is dependent on the entire skull pattern, extrusion of teeth which may be in complete labio- or
mandibular function, and the occlusion of the teeth. buccoversion, the presence of a convenience bite or a dual
The freeway space is the interdental arch space bite, and the continuous eruption, or elevation, of teeth
between the occlusal surfaces and the incisal edges of without occluding opponents.
98 . Stomatognathic Dynamics
Condyle Movements and Malocclusion the mandibular condyle, and damage of the articular
tubercle. Changes in the temporomandibular articulation
Persons with abnormal overbite and overjet, as in Class
associated with loss of the posterior teeth show
II malocclusion, generally have a large shift of the
themselves in overclosure. flattening of the articular
condyles when the mandible moves from rest position to
eminence, and a more backward positioning of the head of
closed position. During orthodontic treatment the path of
the condyle in the glenoid process. The abnormal
closure of the mandible in Class II, division 1
functioning temporomandibular articulation does not itself
malocclusion changes from upward and backward to
cause dental malocclusion. Contrarily, dental
upward and forward provided condylar growth occurs
malocclusion, loss of teeth, traumatic injuries, arthritis,
during this period. In Class II, Division 1 malocclusion
and other articulation abnormalities can produce
Ricketts found condylar movement to be equally divided
temporomandibular discomfort.
among those who show no change of condylar position
Occlusal equilibration is helpful in restoring normal
on closure from rest position to full occlusion, those who
temporomandibular function. Traumatic occlusions do not
show considerable upward and backward movement, and
always affect the temporomandibular articulation but
those who show only slight movement in these directions.
more often cause periodontal lesions.
Translatory movement predominates in Class II
There are temporomandibular abnormalities in children,
malocclusion, while rotary movement predominates in
especially neglected crossbites in the early mixed
Class III malocclusion. A combination of rotation and
dentition when dental occlusion is taking final form.
translation he found in Class I malocclusion.
Correction of malocclusion does not always produce
lasting relief from temporomandibular pain. Other
etiologic factors are arthritis with skeletal-muscle trigger
areas and neuropsychiatric involvements. Mental and
constitutional factors contribute to dysfunction of the
Temporomandibular Articulation Disorders temporomandibular articulation.
The shape of the glenoid fossa does not correlate fully Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Dysfunction.
with the mandibular condyle or with the type or Diagnosis of temporomandibular dysfunction cannot be
classification of dental occlusion. The ternporo- made on the basis of roentgenographic findings alone if
mandibular articulation can be considered normal when it the dysfunctions are not of a gross nature. Diagnosis
is free of pain, when there is no interference with requires additional clinical findings including the
mandibular movements during speech and deglutition, following:
and when it shows a well-defined image on the 1. Mandibular movements. Dysfunction is charac-
radiogram. A slight translatory movement should be felt terized by irregularity in movement, muscle spasms, pain,
on full jaw opening. The condylar surface shows changes and fatigue.
in growing children. 2. Crepitus. Place forefingers at site of articulations.
Clicking of the temporomandibular articulation is Ask the patient to move the mandible. Clicking can be
usually the result of the condylar ridge slipping over the heard and felt.
anterior or posterior transverse band of the meniscus. 3. Signs of tooth attrition in the mouth and on the casts.
There is a tendency for sounds to occur in all joints. Clicking of the Temporomandibular Articulation.
Clicking alone cannot be taken as a diagnostic sign of Patients may find that they can obtain a temporo-
temporomandibular arthrosis. mandibular articulation click by overopening (sub-
In the absence of temporomandibular arthrosis or other luxating), and by jiggling the jaw to close it. They then
organic disorders, clicking may be caused by a may practice the habit until it becomes a conditioned
combination of jaw "jiggling" and extreme jaw opening reflex. The child should be told of the danger to the
that subluxates the mandible. This should be pointed out articulation of practicing the clicking. The patient should
to the patient with the aid of a mirror, and instruction be taught to open the mouth slowly and to practice
should be given in limiting jaw opening and avoidance of opening and closing without jiggling the jaw and so avoid
jiggling. the clicking noise. Clicks of low register can be heard also
Overclosure of the Mandible. There is a difference in many normal articulations. They are usually associated
between abnormal overbite and overclosure of the with interrupted, irregular movements of the mandibular
mandible. Overclosure occurs when the teeth in the condyle, meniscus, external pterygoid muscles, and
maxillary and mandibular dental arches cannot be temporal muscles.
brought into opposition because of crossbite and in
extensive loss of teeth especially in the molar region.
Overclosure of the mandible causes destruction of the
disk, degenerative and proliferative changes of
Bibliography . 101
SPEECH AND MALOCCLUSIO related to speech learning and personality. Specific cause-
Malocclusion is not a major cause of defective speech. One and-effect relationship between malocclusion and speech is
child with severe malocclusion may speak and swallow not known.
abnormally, while another with similar or even more There is wide variation in the ages at which children reach
abnormal malocclusion may speak and swallow normally. specific stages of speech and language development.
Speech defects can be caused by malocclusion only when the Recommendations for speech treatment should be based on a
deformity is so great as to prevent the tongue, lips, or palate thorough clinical evaluation of the child, including
from occluding or constricting the oral and oropharyngeal psychologic tests.
valves during speech. A child with severe malocclusion may Dyslalias are the most common speech disorders
exhibit defective speech that is not related to the influenced by abnormalities of the teeth and jaws. When
malocclusion. sounds are produced incorrectly, omitted, or replaced by
Organic abnormalities of the teeth, the tongue, the .lips, the others, speech is diagnosed as dyslaIic. Common distortions
palate, the auditory mechanism, or the nervous system can can be classified according to the following sygmatisms:
contribute to disorders of articulation. lateral, interdental, strident, palatal, adental, nasal, and
Tongue thrust is found in children with normal speech as laryngeal and pharyngeal.
well as with defective speech. Tongue thrust does not always Clark Starr states that "when a maxillary arch is shorter or
accompany hyperfunction of the lower lip, but it is found narrower than a mandibular arch of normal size, there is a
twice as frequently among tongue thrusters as among normal high pro babiIity that articulation problems will exist or that
swallowers. the acquisition of good articulation will be difficult." He
Openbite is one of the few recognized malocclusions that observes further that, "correction of severe dental deviations
can interfere with speech in some patients. The effect of with a resulting improvement in cosmetic appearance may
openbite on speech depends on the size of the opening, the motivate patients to greater speech improvement, even though
degree of prognathism of the mandible or maxilla, and other potential for adequate speech existed before the corrective
factors, uch as those work."
Bluntschli, H.: Uber die Kaumuskulatur. Fort. d Zahnheilk. Kydd, W. L., and Toda, J. M.: Tongue pressures exerted on the
Orthop., 51:1,1929. hard palate during swallowing. J.A.D.A, 44:319, 1962.
---: Von den Kraften, welche den Kiefer bewegen und gestalten. Landa, J. 5.: The freeway space and its significance in the
Paradentium, 3, 1929. rehabilitation of the masticatory apparatus. J. Pros. Dent.,
---: Die menschlichen Kieferwerkzeuge in verschiedenen 2:756, 1952.
Alterszustanden. Verh. Ariat. Ges., 35:163, 1926. Lipke, D., and Posselt, U., (eds): Functional anatomy of the
Bluntschli, H., and Winkler, R: Kaubewegunger und temporomandibular joint. I- West. Soc. Periodont., 8:48, 1960.
Bissbildung. 1/1 Bethe, A, von Bergmann, G. et al.: Manly, R S., Hoffmeister, F. S., and Yurkstas, A: Masticatory
Handbuch der Normalen und Pathologis chen Physiologie. function of children with orthodontic disturbances, Am, ].
vol. 3, Berlin, Springer- Vedag, 1927.
Orthodontics, 40:756-764, ]954.
Bolk, L.: Die Entstehung des Menschenkinnes, Ein Beitrag zur Moss, M. L.: Primacy of functional matrixes in orofacial growth.
Entwicklungsgeschichte des Unterkiefers. Amsterdam, 1924. D. Practitioner & D. Record, 19:65, 1968.
Bosma, J. F.: Oral and pharyngeal development and function. J. Perry, H. T.: The temporomandibular joint. Am. J. Orthodontics.,
D. Res., 42lSupp!. No. 1]:375,1963. 52:399, 1966.
---: Evaluation of Oral Function of the Orthodontic Patient. Am. Perry, H. T., [r.: Relation of occlusion to temporomandibular
J. Orthodontics, 55:578,1969. joint. 79:137, 1969.
Brill, N., Lamrnie, G. A., Osborne, J., and Perry, H. T.: Ricketts, R M.: Clinical implications of the temporomandibular
Mandibular positions and mandibular movements, a review. joint. Am. [, Orthodontics, 52:2, 1966.
Brit. D. L 106:391, 1959. Salzmann, ]. A.: The temporomandibular articulation and
Broadbent, B. H.: The face of the normal child: Bolton standards orthodontics. Am. J. Orthodontics, 50:387,1964.
and technique. Angle Orthodontist, 7:183, 1937. Schwartz, L.: Disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint.
Brodie, A. G.: On the growth pattern of the human head from the Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1959.
third month to the eighth year of life. Am. J. Anat., 68:209, ---: The orthodontist's role in the diagnosis and treatment of
1941. temporomandibular joint disorders. Am. I- Orthodontics,
---: Late growth changes in the human face, Angle Orthodontist, 48:747, 1962.
23:146,1953. ---: Diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders.
Choukas, N. c., and Sicher, H.: The structure of the D. Radiog. & Photog., 36:84, 1963.
temporomandibular joint. Oral Surg., Oral Med. & Oral Path., Scott, I- H.: The doctrine of functional matrices. Am. J.
13:1203, 1960. Orthodontics, 55:38,1969.
Costen, I- B. A: Syndrome of ear and sinus symptoms dependent Sicher, H.: Temporomandibular articulation: Concepts and
upon disturbed function of temporomandibular joint. Ann. misconceptions. ]. Oral Surg., Anesth. & Hosp. Dent. Serv.,
Otol., Rhin., & Larying., 43:1, 1934. 20:281, 1962.
Cousin, R P.: Embryologie et croissance de Particulation Subtelny, J, D., and Subtelny, [. D.: Malocclusion, speech and
temporo-rnandibulaire. Orthodont. Franc., 31:39, 1960. deglutition. Am. J. Orthodontics, 48:685,1962.
Dorns, Von R, Haupfauf, L., and Langen, D.: Psychosomatische Tappen, . c.: A functional analysis of the facial skeleton with
Aspekte bei funktionellen Kiefergelenkbeschwerden. split-line technique. Am. I- Phys. Anthropol., 11 :503, 1953.
Deutsche Zahn. Zeitschr., 24:337, 1969. ---: Abnormal function of the stomatagnathic system and its
Eschler, J.: Form und Funktion irn Kausystem. Fortschr. orthodontic implications. Am. J. Orthodontics, 48:758, 1962.
Kieferorthopad., 3:247,1963. Thome, H.: The rest position of the mandible in the path of
Findlay, 1. A, and Kilpatrick, S. I-: An analysis of the Sounds closure from rest to occlusion position. Methods of
Produced by the Mandibular Joint. I- D. Res.. 39:1163, 1960. cephalometric determination Acta odont. scand., 11 :141,
Forrest, E. l.: Challenges of the temporomandibular articulation 1953,
in orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthodontics, 49:405, 1963. Urist, M., (ed.): Clinical physiology and pathology of bone. Clin.
Haack, D. c., and Weinstein, S.: The mechanics of centric and Orthop., 17:3, 1960.
eccentric cervical traction. Am. J. Orthodontics, 44:346, 1958. von Meyer, H.: Die Architektur des Spongiosa. Arch. Anat.
Haack, D. c.: The science of mechanics and its importance to Physiol., 34:6]5, 1867.
Walkhoff, 0.: Der Unterkiefer der Anthropornorphen und des
analysis and research in the field of orthodontics, Am. I-
Menschen in seiner funktionellen Entwicklung und Gestalt.
Orthodontics, 49:330,1963.
Kydd, W, L.: Psychosomatic aspects of temporomandibular joint Menchen-Affenstudien tiber Entwicklung und Schadelbau,
dysfunction. ].A.D.A, 59:31, 1959. Wiesbaden, 1902.
Kydd, W. L., and Neff, C. W.: Frequency of deglutition of Winders, R I-: Forces exerted on the dentition by the perioral and
tongue thrusters compared to a sample population of normal lingual musculature during swallowing. Angle Orthodontist,
swallowers. J. D. Res., 43:363, 1964. 28:226, ] 958.
---: Recent findings in myometric research, Angle Orthodontist,
32:38, 1962.
Permanence of result in the prevention and correction of postnatal, local, systemic, psychodynamic, traumatic,
malocclusion depends primarily upon the recognition and intrinsic, extrinsic, functional or acquired. Etiology of
elimination of the etiologic factors involved. The Angle malocclusion usually is found clinically in interrelated
classification, radiographic cephalometries, and other causes.
diagnostic aids that describe and classify dentofacial
deviations should not be confused with etiology, the CLASSIFICA nON
actual causative factors involved.
Malocclusion in the individual patient cannot always be
reduced to a simple cause and effect. Basic etiologic
factors such as deleterious genetic and environmental 1. Genetic: transmitted by genes; mayor may not be
influences, childhood diseases, and dentofacial pressure present at birth
habits do not always produce malocclusion. Some 2. Differentiative: engrafted on the body in the
causative factors may no longer be evident at the time the prefunctional embryonic developmental stage
patient is examined, and others may not show themselves a. General or constitutional: affect the body as a
until later in life. Specific general etiological factors are whole including the dentofacial areas
practically unknown in malocclusion. The exceptions are b. Local or dentofacial: affect the face, jaws, and
local, endocrine, and some osteogenic disturbances. There teeth only
are, however, certain causative factors of malocclusion 3. Congrnital: may be hereditary or acquired but are
which must be eliminated or at least checked in their early existing at birth
stages if we expect to prevent malocclusion, or to treat it
successfully once it has manifested itself.
Dental malocclusion is a morphologic, and frequently
also a physiologic, deviation from accepted dentofacial 1. General developmental
norms for the human species. The etiology of a. Abnormalities of relative rate of growth in
malocclusion can be genetic, congenital, dentofacial region
b. Hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles which influence
dentofacial development and function
c. Childhood diseases, nutritional, endocrine,
104 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion
Age 3 1/2
-John M.
---- Noel M.
Fig. 9-2. The phenotypes of monozygous twins show a higher degree of concordance in early life than later, when environmental
influences tend to modify the facial expression. (A,B) The tracings of these 3lf2-year-old monozygous twins show concordance of
craniofacial outlines. (C) Anterior views of their casts demonstrate similarity in the degree of overbite, and the maxillary left central
incisor of each is distally inclined. (D) The boys are not mirror twins. The left lateral and mandibular central incisors show similar
rotation. Interdental spacing is also similar.
2/70 -
2/68 BR
Fig. 9-3. (A,B) Monozygous mirror twins at 3Vz years of age. The lower right deciduous canine in the girl on the left and the lower left
deciduous canine in the girl on the right can be seen through the open lips. Their faces show the effect of the mandibular shift. Even
their head postures incline in opposite directions. (C,D) The crossbites are on opposite sides; the spacing between the mandibular
central incisors indicates the mandibular displacement to the sides of the crossbites. (E) Tracing of the same twins. ate concordance of
their facial outlines at age 3'h years. Patient 5. R. shows slightly more forward growth in the maxilla. (F) At 5'12 years, B .. R. shows still
more forward growth than M. R, who shows more continuing downward growth than forward growth during the same period of time.
These differences may become greater as the children grow older, or they may show more concordance, depending on environmental
effects on the phenotypes.
106 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion
Fig. 9-6. The dentition of a girl with orodigitofacial dysostosis. There are many
clefts, fissures, and frenums in the maxillary alveolar process extending into the palate,
as well as clefts in the mandibular alveolar process. The patient has oligodontia and
deformed hands and fingers. These abnormalities are associated with trisomy, a
triplication, of the first chromosome. It can be also an inherited sex-linked syndrome.
(Salzmann; Am. J. Orthod., 61 :437, 1972)
Fig. 9-7. (A) Girl with microtia of both ears, micromaridibular development and a prominent nose. She is not mentally retarded.
This syndrome is associated with trisomy 13, a chromosome aberration in the D group of chromosomes. There is a cleft palate, but
the lips are intact. There is no family history of this syndrome. (B) Open-bite before treatment. (C) Openbite corrected by treatment.
108 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion
Fig. 9-8. (Opposite) (A) Monozygous twins, according to blood type, at 8 years of age. One child is an achondroplastic dwarf, possibly
because of chromosomal aberrations. The normal twin was born 10 minutes after the dwarf. At birth they weighed 4 pounds 15 ounces
and 4 pounds 13 ounces, respectively. Chondrodystrophy of this type has no endocrine basis. This and other malformations in one of a
pair of monozygous twins can be caused by chromosome aberrations, mutations, and autosomal dominance. (B) Profile view of the
achondroplastic dwarf shows bossing of the forehead. The bridge of the nose is depressed, and the child has a retrognathic mandible. (C)
Here we see bossing of forehead in the dwarf twin; the base of the skull is shortened by the early synostosis of the sphenoid and occipital
bones. (D) There are knoblike epiphyses of the ulna and radius. While length of long bones is retarded in achondroplastic dwarfs, the
width of the bones reaches normal size. The wide radial epiphyses overlap the ulnar epiphyses and give dwarfs a characteristic hand
posture. They seem to paddle with their hands when they walk. (E,F) Both twins have anterior openbite and anterior crossbite, with the
dwarf showing more openbite and crossbite than her sister. This type of occlusion is usually found in achondroplastic dwarfs because of
middle face deficiency following early closure of the bones in the base of the skull. The occlusion in both twins has also a genetic
reference. Both girls show delayed tooth eruption, the dwarf later than the normal twin.
-- --Normal age a
----~_ ....
Fig. 9-9. (A) Girl, 8 years of age, with precocious puberty. There is no endocrine involvement. This syndrome depends on a sex-linked
autosomal gene. It is transmitted by genotypically affected but phenotypically normal males to about half their offspring. Regardless of
whether the parent manifests the trait, it is passed on to half the females, who may transmit it to their sons or daughters who, in turn, act
as carriers. (B) Head size is larger than that of a normal 8-year-old child. (C) Bone age is 16 years, while chronologie age is 8 years. This
rapid skeletal growth will be completed at an early age, as can be seen from the carpals and epiphyses of the ulna and radius, which show
advanced ossification. This prevents the patient from growing into gigantism.
110 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion 64.
Fig. 9-10. (Top) Front and
profile views of a 12-year-old
boy with a history of severe
disease and malnutrition.
(Second row) Compare the
development of the patient (leit)
at 12 years with that of his
brothers, 9 (center) and 5 years
(right). The patient is 46 ins. tall
and weighs 46Ibs.; radiogram of
his hand is of a lO-year-old boy,
the norms for his age are 58 ins.
and 84 Ibs. He is of small
stature and has testicular
dysgenesis, low 17-ketosteroids,
and retarded puberty. There is
no endocrine involvement. The
boy shows Klinefelter's syn-
drome: his sex chromosomes are
XXV, not xv. His face and
cranium are much smaller than
normal for a 12-year-old boy.
(Bottom) Roentgenogram shows
his level of dental development
to be that of a normal 10year-
old. (Opposite page) A tracing of
the boy's cephalogram (solid line)
is compared with one of a
normal 12-yearold boy (broken
65. Temporomandibular Disturbances 111
Fig. 9-11D. The radiogram of the patient's hand at
, 8 years shows carpal development typical of a 5-
--AN aqe B I
- - - Normal age 8 I
year-old. The wrist of a normal 8-year-old has the
- ;:-"""\
following carpal bones: greater and lesser
"' -, \
'-, multangulum, navicular, lunate, hamate, and
"" \
triquetrum. The radial epiphysis is no longer wedge-
shaped. The greater and lesser multangular and
navicular are not formed. The radial epiphysis is
wedge- shaped.
,.,. -- -. \ ''-\.
'~. ,\
< , /~'
... I
,, " .
: .. /?
, Mouth Breathing
Mouth breathing can be associated with all types of
, malocclusion, and with normal occlusion. Mouth
'- , -, , breathing is not as important in producing openbite as
Fig. 9-11C. Cephalometric tracings of A. N. at 8 years and of faulty tongue posture. Mouth breathing does not always
a normal boy of the same age are compared. lead to narrowing of the maxillary dental arch, and the
width of the jaws is not usually affected. When the lower
lip in the mouth breather occludes lingual to the
maxillary incisors, these teeth usually show protrusion,
and there may be narrowing of the dental arches.
Lip Posture
Test for Mouthbreathing. To determine whether a
Incompetent lip posture shows the lips wide apart child can breathe through the nose hold a cardboard with
when the face is in repose. Some incompetent lip small pieces of paper on it under the nose and ask the
postures are the result of bimaxillary protrusion or Class child to bteathe with the lips closed. If
II, Division 1 malocclusion.
Temporomandibular Disturbances . 113
the pieces of paper are moved by the nasal breathing, the ually over the occlusal and incisal surfaces of the teeth
child can breathe through the nose. This does not mea~, causes openbite. Diastemas of the anterior teeth also may
however, that the child habitually breathes through the be seen in faulty tongue posture.
nose. Tongue- Thrust Swallowing. Rix (1946) described
openbite swallowing in which the lower lip, aided by the
Tongue Posture and Function mentalis and zygomatic muscles presses against the upper
lip forming a firm anterior wall to meet the forward thrust
An enlarged tongue can be the cause of malocclusion, of the tongue between the separated dental arches when
notably of excessive spacing and open bite. Size and swallowing is performed. Tongue thrust disappears in
function of the tongue are important etiologic factors in many children when the occlusion is corrected.
malocclusion. Tongue posture habit-
114 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion
Fig, 9-12 D
Fig. 9-13. (Top) Tongue-thrusting, interdental tongue posture, and openbite in mother and
son, Tongue-thrusting, jaw posturing, and occlusal mannerisms have been found to show
genetic reference. (Bottom) Another mother and son show the same type of mandibular
incisor crowding. Both had the same mandibular pressure mannerisms and jaw posturing.
Midline Deviations' 115
When the tongue is held habitually between the dental dontic treatment that aligns the maxillary and mandibular
arches over the incisal and occlusal surfaces, openbite is incisors can frequently eliminate tongue thrust.
induced. Tongue thrust is found in persons 'with deep
overbite as well as in those with openbite. Orthodontic
therapy can eliminate tongue thrusting, especially when open MIDLINE DEVIA nONS
bite and overjet are corrected and the tongue is inhibited In the maxilla or in the mandible deviation of the midline in
from resting on the occlusal and incisal surfaces of the teeth. relation to the sagittal plane can be caused by missing teeth
It is the posture of the tongue between the incisal and when the remaining teeth in the mouth shift mesially, distally,
occlusal surfaces of the teeth rather than the tongue thrust lingually, or buccally or when there is a disproportion in the
that is responsible for openbite. Ortho- number of teeth or in the mesiodistal dimensions of the teeth.
116 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion 69.
Fig. 9-15. Tooth shifting and space closure
without orthodontic guidance can be an etiologic
factor in malocclusion. (Top row, left) Teeth
adjacent to the extracted maxillary permanent
first molar will shift into its space. (Center) The
second premolar begins to shift into the space
left when the mandibular permanent first molar
was lost. (Right> The mandibular first and second
premolars shift distally while the permanent
second molar remains stationary, owing to
interference of the elongated maxillary
permanent first molar. (Bottom row, lejt) The
f ._
, ~.. * mandibular first and second premolars remain
stationary while the second molar is shifting
mesially into the extraction space. (Center) Distal
shifting of the second premolar and mesial
shifting of the second molar closed the
mandibular extraction space. The first premolar
remained stationary, and a space has been
Mandibular midline deviation, in addition, may be opened between the first and second premolars.
caused also by shifting of the mandible caused by (Right> The space of the extracted maxillary
asymmetry especially of the condyles. permanent first molar is completely closed.
Closure was effected by distal shifting of the
teeth anterior to the extraction space and mesial
Diastemas shifting of the second and third molars.
Maxillary midline diastemas can be a normal con-
ditions from infancy until 10 years of age or until the
5. Deficiency of tooth structure, such as missing or Occlusal changes after loss of permanent first molars
dwarfed lateral incisors include the following:
6. One or more abnormally large or deformed teeth in 1. Dental arch collapse
the anterior region of the mouth that interfere with or 2.Teeth adjacent to the extraction space show a
disturb normal maxillary tooth alignment. tendency to rotate, incline, and shift their position. The
premolars usually shift distally while the molars shift in a
mesial direction.
3. The median line of the teeth tends to shift in the
Space Loss
direction of the side from which the first permanent molar
Loss of mesiodistal space involving the teeth is caused has been extracted.
by the following: 4. An increase in the incidence and degree of intensity
1. Loss of tooth substance from the mesial or distal of dental caries
aspects of teeth - extraction, premature loss, caries, 5. Loss of the permanent first molar while the deciduous
accidental trauma second molar is still in position can cause the second
2. Faulty contour of fillings premolar to erupt distally in the space left by the extracted
3.Loss of deciduous teeth coincident with missing first molar.
permanent tooth germs Occlusal changes following extraction of perrnanent
4. Disturbances of occlusion following premature loss first molars without orthodontic treatment can be
of deciduous teeth before the permanent successors are summarized as follows:
ready to erupt In the Maxilla. Closure of the space after extraction is
5. Deciduous teeth lost through traumatic injuries can caused by distal shifting of the premolars and mesial
damage the unerupted underlying permanent teet~. shifting of the molars. In Class I (Angle) malocclusion
Accidental loosening of primary teeth rarely affects the with normal molar relationship, the malocclusion may
permanent successors. change to Class II, Division 2 subdivision. There may be
buccoversion of the premolars (occasionally of the
canines) and lateral incisors on the side where the
Loss of Permanent Teeth extraction occurred.
When mandibular permanent first molars are lost in
Loss of permanent teeth can produce various types of Class I (Angle) cases, they may change to Class II,
shifting of the adjacent teeth, initiating or modifying Division 1 or Division 2 subdivision, depending on
existing malocclusion, depending on the type of occlusion whether the loss is unilateral or bilateral and on the
originally present in the mouth.
118 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion
relationship of the lower Lip to the maxillary incisors. If because of the comparatively small amount of distal
the lip rests under the maxillary incisors, the change is to shifting of the premolars and the relatively greater mesial
Class II, Division 1 subdivision. If the lip closes normally shifting of the adjacent second molars. The relative
over the maxillary incisors, the change is to CLass II, protrusion of the maxillary incisors may be increased
Division 2 subdivision. because of the distal shifting of the premolars and lingual
Loss of maxillary first molars in Class II, Division 1, collapse of the mandibular incisors.
(Angle) cases does not result in self-correction When one permanent first molar is extracted in
Supernumerary Teeth 119
C4!ss II, Division 1 malocclusion there is a tendency for tracted permanent first molar and to erupt distally,
the maLocclusion to become a subdivision of the same producing spacing between the premolars.
Loss of maxillary permanent first moLars in Class III
(AngLe) cases (mesial relation of the mandible) Supernumerary teeth can be responsible for delayed
increases the malocclusion. eruption, norieruption, and spacing of the teeth. Early
If a permanent first molar tooth is lost before the removal of supernumerary teeth is important to prevent
second premolar erupts, there is a tendency for the dental irregularities and dental arch malrelationships.
second premolar to fall into the alveolus of the ex-
120 . Etiologic Factors in Malocclusion
The following can serve as a guide in radiographic mean that every child who sucks a thumb or finger will
diagnosis of supernumerary teeth: develop malocclusion. Forceful methods of preventing
1. The supernumerary tooth shows a dense area on the film. thumb- or finger sucking can produce psychological
2. The enamel of the supernumerary tooth may be seen distress in children.
on the radiogram. Thumb-sucking practiced after permanent incisor
3. The pulp chamber of the supernumerary tooth is eruption can cause openbite, maxillary incisor protrusion,
visible on the radiogram. crossbite, distoclusion of the mandibular dental arch, and
4. A radiolucent line of demarcation of the tooth sac is constriction of both dental arches. The type of
visible on the radiogram. malocclusion depends on bone density, on the intensity,
duration, frequency, and method of sucking, and on which
finger is sucked. Malocclusion caused by thumb-sucking
DENTOFACIAL PRESSURE HABITS will correct itself if the habit is stopped while the child is
young. If the maxillary incisors rest on the lower lip when
Pressure habits that interfere with normal growth and
the jaws are approximated, the occlusion will not correct
jaw function include finger-sucking, tongueand lip biting,
spontaneously. A personal appeal to the child, preferably
biting on firm materials, and bruxism.
by someone other than the parent, for cooperation in
Thumb- and Finger sucking eliminating the habit is important. The child thus is given a
sense of responsibility for the ha bi t- breaking effort.
There is a positive correlation between thumb- and
finger sucking and malocclusion. This does not
Dentofacial Pressure Habits' 121
Food impaction, entailing over 20 ill-effects, including caries and interproximal disease
or bucco- Traumatization of tongue
lingual) Interdental Unattractive appearance
spacing Speech defect (social and economic disadvantages)
Traumatization of tongue (inviting malignancy)
Malposition of frenum { Gingival recession
1. A break in labially instead of Accentuation of pyorrheal destruction
continuity interproximally Interference with treatment
of the Temporomandibular disturbances Approximation of jaws
dental arch Traumatic occlusion and
Gingival traumatization anteriorly
T. {FOOd impaction
B. orsion Traumatic occlusion
C. Food impaction other than that caused by shifting or torsion
R . I) { Cervical hypersensitiveness
nail biters indicates that the habit is responsible for teeth. Fractured and missing teeth can produce the same
openbite, and rotation of the mandibular incisors. effects on the occlusion as premature tooth extraction.
Traumatic Occlusion
Force exerted on the occlusal or incisal surface of ""
tooth is translated as traction on the periodontal ligament. Bruxism can occur during sleep and in waking hours. The
When the force is greater than it can withstand, some of the most important factor is psychological or emotional
periodontal ligament may be destroyed. The tooth may be tension. It can be initiated by local factors including cusp
loosened, or, if lateral trauma is absent, it may actually interference, loose teeth, high fillings, and any continuing
become ankylosed. stimulus to the afferent nerve endings in the periodontal
tissues, which normally are associated with the reflex arcs
of the rhythmical movements of mastication. Children who
Caries suck their thumbs or bite their nails may
don tal disease Part V. - Relation of classification of occlusion Massier, M., and Malone, A. J.: ailbiting-a review. ].
to periodontal status and gingival inflammation. J. Periodont., Pediat., 36:523, 1950.
43:554, 1972. Massier, M., et al.: Epidemiology of gingivitis in children.
Glass, D.: The recognition of bilateral craniofacial deformities. J.A.D.A., 45:319,1952.
Dent. Practitioner., 21:137, 1970. McKenzie, J., and Craig, J.: Mandibulo-facial dysostosis (Treacher
Goodman, R. M., and Gorlin, R. J.: The face in genetic disorders. Collins Syndrome). Arch. Dis. Child., 30:391, 1955.
St. Louis, C. V. Mosby, 1970. Moorrees, C. F. A.: Genetic Considerations in Dental
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Orthodontics, 47:924,1961. Fortschr. Kieferorthop., 21 :210, 1960.
---: Effect of molecular genetics and genetic engineering on the Thompson, R. H., Jr., Geiger, A. M., Wasserman, B. H., and Turgeon,
practice of orthodontics. Am. J. Orthodontics, 61 :437, 1972. L. K: Relationship of occlusion and periodontal disease. Part III.
Salzmann, ]. A., and Seide, L. J.: Malocclusion with extreme Relation of Periodontal Status to General Background
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Salzmann, J. A., and Wein, S. L.: Dental correlation in pituitary Todd, T. W., Cohen, M. S., and Broadbent, B. H.: The role of allergy
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1., and Heupel, B.: Roentgenographic diagnosis of congenital syphilis 39. (Abstract)
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Silverman, 5., et al.: The dental structures in primary Walker, D, G.: Malformations of the Face. Edinburgh, E. & S.
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59:362, 1971. Witkop, C. J., [r., (ed.): Genetics and Dental Health. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1962.
Dentition Anomalies and Malocclusion
Ectopic Eruption 127
molar occurs before the second premolar erupts. In these the second deciduous molars to be resorbed prematurely.
cases, the second premolar is often found to Jrupt in the Occasionally the eruptive force of the permanent molar
space formerly occupied by the extracted permanent first will cause exfoliation, or elevate the second deciduous
molar, while a space about the width of the extracted molar into supraclusion.
molar separates the second premolar from the first. Third molar ectopism can be caused by lack of alveolar
Occasionally the second premolar may fail to erupt tuberosity growth and by micromandibular growth. It is
altogether. questionable whether the eruptive force of the third
Ectopic eruption of first permanent molars that brings molars can force the teeth anterior to them out of
them too far mesially can cause the roots of alignment. When the second molar has
128 . Dentition Anomalies and Malocclusion
Fig. 10-2. Roentgenographic evidence of agenesis of tooth follicles: (top row) maxillary permanent lateral incisors
and canines are missing. (Center) The maxillary left central incisor was lost accidentally; the maxillary first
premolars and canines are missing. (Bottom row) Permanent mandibular lateral incisors are absent. The mandibular
right deciduous second molar is displaced into the alveolar process by the inclined permanent first molar (left side).
Fig. 10-3. The roots of an ll-year-old girl's mandibular second deciduous molar were
resorbed. Her second premolar is absent.
Fig. 10-4. (Bottom) Compare this second deciduous molar that likewise has nosecond
premolar successor. The deciduous molar that shows resorption has received fillings;
the one without resorption has not been filled. Root resorption in deciduous teeth that
are without permanent successors occurs more frequently when the deciduous teeth
are filled and when they are not below the line of occlusion.
impactions of these teeth. Radiographic examination of the with the surrounding alveolar bone. Tooth ankylosis may
third molars requires occlusal and lateral jaw films to occur either before or after eruption of the tooth and can be
check on buccal deviations. found in the deciduous and the permanent dentitions.
Ankylosis of deciduous teeth can be caused by the
deposition of bone into the partially resorbed roots.
Biederman found tooth ankylosis to occur more than twice
Ankylosis of teeth is a fusion of the cementum as often in the man-
Eruption Anomalies . 131
jaw bones: those that erupted but were later reenclosed, the process continues to grow, what was formerly alveolar
so-called "submerged" teeth, and those that never erupted. process becomes part of the body of the maxilla or the
A re-enclosed ("submerged") tooth is one that fails to mandible.
maintain its position in the developing occlusion. It may
become partially or completely enclosed by the alveolar
mucosa and the alveolar process in the growing child. Prolonged Retention of Deciduous Teeth Prolonged
Failure of these teeth to maintain their height is ascribed to retention of deciduous teeth beyond the chronologie age when
ankylosis of surrounding bone and the tooth. As the these teeth normally are shed is attributed to the following:
alveolar 1. Absence of permanent successors
132 . Dentition Anomalies and Malocclusion
Fig. 10-10. The mandibular left canine lies across
the incisor teeth. An attempt to expose canine
could harm the incisor teeth.
Fig. 10-12. (Left) Supernumerary teeth are situated above and below the unerupted maxillary central
incisor in a child 8 years old. (Right) The maxillary central incisor erupted after supernumerary teeth
were removed. Removal of supernumerary teeth close to unerupted teeth requires special care to
avoid injuring and displacing them.
73. Eruption Anomalies 133
Traumatized Teeth
Trauma of a tooth may cause obliteration of the pulp
canal, resorption at the pulp walls, or resorption of the
tooth surface. The extent of external and internal
resorption depends on the extent to which the hard
tissues have been damaged by loss of nerve and blood
Fig. 10-14. In 1961, at age 10, this patient's Retention of Deciduous Tooth Roots
permanent canines were in the normal
eruption space. A year later they began to Retained deciduous roots are more common in the
erupt ectopically and still a year later, they mandible than in the maxilla and are found in
were impacted, (Courtesy M. L. Feldman)
Fig. 10-18. (Left) Ectopic eruption of the first and second premolars was caused by
overretention of the deciduous first and second molars. (Right) Prolonged retention of
deciduous molars caused buccal cross bite.
Root Resorption and Orthodontic Therapy' 137
Fig. 10-25. (Left) A peg tooth, also known as a mesiodens, is between the maxillary central incisors.
(Right) Supernumerary teeth in the maxillary incisor area crowd the maxillary incisors.
then erupts mesially usurping some of the space intended opposite side of the mandible. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung., p.
for the second premolar. With the eruption of the first 7, 1956.
premolar before the second premolar erupts, the space is Del Boca, R.: Considerazioni su cinque casi di transposizione
occupied and the second premolar is impacted or may dentaria. Minerva Stomatol., 8:115, 1959.
Foster, T, D., and Taylor, G. S.: Characteristics of supernumerary
erupt lingually.
teeth in the upper central incisor region, D. Practitioner., 20:8,
Anomalies of Tooth Arrangement. In the permanent 1969.
dentition those teeth most commonly out of position are the Gardiner, J. H.: Supernumerary teeth. Dent. Practitioner, 2:63,
third molars; then, in order of decreasing frequency, the 1961.
maxillary lateral incisors, the mandibular incisors, the Millhon, Jerry A., and Stafne, E. c.: Incidence of supernumerary
second premolars, and the second molars. The first molars and congenitally missing lateral incisor teeth in eighty-one cases
and first premolars are rarely out of position. of harelip and cleft palate. Am. ]. Orthodontics, 27:599, 1941.
Sabes, W. R., and Barthold i, W. L.: Congenital partial anodontia of
permanent dentition: a study of 157 cases. J. Dent. Child.,
29:211, 1962.
Steinberg, A. G., Warren, J. F., and Warren, L. M.: Hereditary
generalized microdontia. J. D. Res., 40:58, 1961.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Tannenbaum, K A, and Alling, E. E.: Anomalous tooth
Book, ]. A.: Clinical and genetical studies of hypodontia. development, case reports of gemination and twinning. Oral
Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2:240, 1950. Surg., Oral Med., & Oral Path., 16:883, 1963.
Boruchov, M. J" and Green, L. J,: Hypodontia in human twins and Yolk, A.: Untersuchungen zur Zahnunterzahl, Fortschr.
families. Am. J, Orthodontics, 60:165, 1971, Bradlow, R.: An Kieferorthopad ie, 24:202, 1963.
inheritance of dwarfed or absent maxillary lateral incisors in three Welsh, J. P.: The psychogenesis of bruxism. J. Periodont., 36:417,
generations. Internat. ]. Orthod. & Dent. Child., 21:439,1935. 1965.
Brekhus, P, J., Oliver, C. P., and Montelius, G.: A study of the Warner, G, R, Orban, B" Hine, M. K, and Ritchey, B.:
pattern and combinations of congenitally missing teeth in man, Internal resorption of teeth: interpretation of histologic findings.
]. D. Res., 23:117, 1944. J.AD.A, 34:468, 1947.
Bruce, K W.: Dental anomaly: early exfoliation of deciduous and Wegner, H.: Uber hypodontia vera der milch und ersatzzahne bei
permanent teeth. J.AD,A, 48:414, 1954. vererbter ekto- und mesoderm- dysplasie. Deutsche Zahn.
Bruszt, P.: On the migration of lower canines to the Ztschr., 17:1019, 1958.
Examination of the Patient
The child orthodontic patient can be assessed in six lation and centric occlusion. Midline discrepancies should
parameters. The (1) amount, (2) rate, and (3) direction of be noted. When deviations in swallowing are suspected,
dentofacial growth and function of the stomatognathic the patient may be given a biscuit to eat so that the method
system over (4) intervals of time, must be ascertained to of chewing and swallowing can be observed.
determine the status, progress and (as far as possible) the The teeth and gingival tissues should be examined.
terminal state of the occlusion in the individual child. Speech, postural, and functional aspects of the tongue, the
Function (5) is another important parameter in measuring position of the lips in relation to the teeth, and the rest
the development of the dental occlusion, and (6) psycho- position and postural positions of the mandible should be
neurogenic endowment of the child is a dimension which noted.
frequently determines whether the patient will cooperate Serial Examinations. Serial examinations are of special
in the treatment of malocclusion. value during the deciduous- and mixed dentition periods.
The roots of deciduous teeth may be resorbed abnormally,
or the deciduous teeth may be prematurely lost or retained
SCOPE too long. Interferences with continuing normal dentofacial
development should be noted.
Malocclusion is more than a biophysical morphologic Histories. Medical and dental histories of the patient and
deviation that requires the application of mechanical force his immediate family provide information on genetic
only to bring about desired changes in the dentofacial endowment, postnatal development, and growth
area. Diagnosis in the individual patient entails the experience. Medical history obtained from the mother
weighing of many variables which tend to modify each usually is not reliable. Hospital records and information
other and may even cancel out their respective etiologic obtained from the family physician can be useful when
significance. The correlation of chronologie age, skeletal systemic etiologic influences on dentofacial abnormalities
age, and dental age is important for determining optimal are suspected. Height and weight measurements provide a
time for planning and beginning treatment. clue to physical growth and maturation.
The examination must be centered on the patient as a Posture. Correction of throat and neck muscle function
person and not merely on the malocclusion or on the is important in treating some malocclusions and in
dentofacial malformation alone. Above all it should not be avoiding relapse after treatment. Good posture is
based on the "system" of appliances used. The medical comfortable and requires little effort to maintain.
and dental history of the patient and the assessment of his Conformation to a single postural pattern is of no value.
growth are important in order to establish a diagnosis. The Skeletal Signs. Skeletal proportions are indicators of
examination should be complete, but must at all times be maturation. At birth the ratio of the upper and lower body
practical. Only questions that have value in prescribing segments, divided at the symphysis pubis, is 1:1.7, with the
therapy should be asked. upper segment being longer. By age 10 years the ratio is
Mandibular Dynamics Examination. The clinical e 1:1. Unusual skeletal proportions are characteristic of
aluation of mandibular dynamics should be made with the certain sexual aberrations that can exert an effect on dental
mandible in full occlusion and while it is going through its development.
range of motions. The midline deviation should be Bone age is an indication of maturation and physical
observed with the teeth in full occlusion and at rest development of the skeleton and the dentition
position in order to learn whether the mandible is shifted developmental stage. Wrist radiograms are
in going into terminal occlusion from rest position. This
will indicate any discrepancy between centric jaw re-
Suggestions for Diagnostic Examination Charts 143
considered an adequate indicator of skeletal development. front and in profile, the soft tissues in repose, the habitual
A disparity of 1 or even 2 years in bone age and position of the head in space, and the changes brought
chronologie age based on an accepted standard can (in the about by growth and orthodontic therapy.
absence of other unfavorable systemic symptoms) be Face Masks. Hydrocolloid or other plastics may be used to
considered to be within normal range. Children with less taking the impressions of the face when dramatic changes
than average skeletal development for their age may show have been obtained. A method of making facial casts is as
well developed dental arches, while tall, well developed follows:
children may show deficiency of dentofacial development. 1. Place patient in a horizon tal position in the dental
Dental Age. The stage of dental development is chair.
determined by the order of appearance, the size, and the 2. Cover the face, eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair about
amount of calcification shown by the teeth, deciduous and the temples and forehead with a thin film of petroleum
permanent tooth eruption, and closure of the apices of the jelly.
permanent teeth. The foregoing are compared with standard 3. Adjust the heavy cardboard or metal face frame that
tables of normal dental growth and development. One esti- will serve as a tray for the plaster.
mate of dental age can be made from the number of teeth 4. Prepare a thin mixture of alginate. This is used to
already erupted. A second, more limited cover the face and is applied from the chin upward. Keep it
estimate, can be based on the age at time of calcification of away from the nostrils. Let the thin coating dry.
the permanent mandibular first molars. A third estimate is 5. Straws in the nostrils or between the lips are not
based on the age at the time of completion of calcification necessary, provided you are careful not to pour any loose
of the dentition as a whole. alginate into the nostrils. To strengthen the alginate, a
gauze covering may be incorporated into it before it is fully
6. Prepare a mixture of fast-setting plaster and pour it
over the alginate, being careful not to occlude the openings
ORAL EXAMINATION at the nostrils. Pour plaster over the entire surface of the
alginate to a thickness of about lh to V2 inch.
In addition to charting dental defects and missing teeth, 7. After the plaster has set, ask the patient to contract the
information should be obtained on the sequence of eruption, muscles of the face, and then remove the alginate slowly.
velocity of eruption, the time of shedding of deciduous 8. Pour the impression in dental stone. The entire inside
teeth, and the presence of infection in the teeth and gums. surface of the impression should be poured to the desired
The teeth should be examined in occlusion, when the jaws thickness of the cast to be made.
are opened, and when the mandible is in motion. Attention
should be given to the appearance and texture of the oral
mucosa and the alveolar and gingival tissues. A physical
count of the teeth should be made to detect missing,
supernumerary, over retained or prematurely lost teeth. A
pulp-vi tali ty examination is of value before orthodontic
appliances are placed on the teeth.
Radiograms. Cephalometric radiograms help to obtain a SUGGESTIONS FOR DIAGNOSTIC
quantitative analysis which aids in localizing the EXAMI A TION CHARTS
malocclusion. Cephalometric analysis shows the pattern of The following can serve as suggestions of items
facial growth, arch length, and relative position of the that may be included in examination charts:
dental arches, among other data, as found at the time the 1. Name, sex, age at examination
radiogram was obtained. 2. Address
Dental radiograms and casts can aid in obtaining 3. Parent responsible for patient
information on the following: (1) the direction in which the 4. Medical History
teeth are to be moved, (2) changes required in axial position a. Parents and siblings
of teeth, (3) an analysis of overbite, overjet, openbite, b. Patient
crossbite, and the line of occlusion. The type of dental arch, 1. Diseases of infancy and childhood
whether tapering, round, or square, can be determined. 2. Operations involving dentofacial area
Photographs. Photographs can show the face full 3. Accidents involving dentofacial area
4. Present state of health
5. Specify any current treatments
6. Malformations, hereditary and congenital
144 . Examination of the Patient
146 . Guidance of Occlusal Development
4. The chin cap with cervical anchorage to reduce the Early Treatment
forward extension of the mandible Early treatment of gross malocclusions is conducive to
Types of malocclusion in order of decreasing frequency better esthetic and functional results. Occlusal guidance
are: without the use of mechanical appliances may be
1. Intramaxillary irregularity of tooth arrangement undertaken on patients of any age when indicated.
2. Intermaxillary deviations of the dental arches with or However, care should be exercised to avoid interfering
without jaw abnormalities in size and shape with inherent growth when using mechanical appliances
3. Abnormalities of jaw development during the mixed dentition period.
4.A combination of dental irregularities, lack of Contra indications to early orthodontic treatment
development, and malrelation of the jaws include the following:
Irregularities of tooth position evidence themselves 1. Minor malocclusions in the deciduous dentition
clinically in crowding, spacing, rotations, and proximal which may correct themselves by continuing dentofacial
contact abnormalities. Irregularities may result from growth and development
premature shedding or prolonged retention of deciduous 2. Rampant caries and oral sepsis, which should be
teeth, the presence of supernumerary teeth, congenitally eliminated before orthodontic treatment is undertaken
missing buds of teeth, and postnatal loss of teeth. In the 3. Dentofacial conditions that primarily require surgery
deciduous dentition spacing is the most common problem; 4. A patient in a highly emotional state
in the permanent dentition, crowding occurs most fre-
5.Disturbances of general health that would interfere
with continuity of orthodontic treatment
disappear as the mandible is rotated forward during growth. 3. The mandibular cast is elevated to approximate normal
Teeth coming into occlusion, especially in the incisor region, occlusion with the maxillary incisors.
may appear to be, and frequently are, in malocclusion. Such 4. An acrylic sheet is trimmed clear of the maxillary and the
cases should receive periodic reexaminations to ascertain mandibular mucobuccal folds and frenums and extended to the
whether these teeth are actually in malocclusion. Serial distal surface of the second deciduous or permanent first
clinical examinations are especially valuable during the transi- molars.
tional dentition period, when the deciduous teeth may be 5. The screen is bent slightly away from the buccal dental
abnormally resorbed, prematurely lost, or over-retained. segments so that it rests on the protruding anterior teeth. If the
screen is to be used for lip exercises, a wire ring is inserted on
the labial surface at the level of the edge of the upper lip.
7. The screen is trimmed and polished.
The Vestibular Screen 8.The patient is instructed to place the appliance in the
mouth as long as possible before going to bed. Usually by the
When the lower lip rests lingual to the maxillary incisors third night the screen can be worn comfortably. The screen
they are propelled into increasing protrusion. This can be may be used during active treatment with appliances in the
alleviated with a vestibular screen. The screen is a sheet of mouth and during retention.
plastic adapted to fit over the teeth that makes it impossible to A lip bumper may be used as a means of avoiding extraction
bite the lip or place it lingual to the maxillary incisors. The in so-called borderline cases. The lip bumper is inserted prior
screen can be used to keep the tongue from producing open to loss of the deciduous mandibular second molars. Thus the
bite by resting over the maxillary and the mandibular dental leeway space is maintained, and the actual distal movement of
arches. It can be used also to reduce maxillary incisor the permanent first molars provides sufficient space for regular
abnormal overjet. The screen makes it impossible for the child alignment of the anterior teeth and mandibular dental arch.
to introduce the fingers or thumb into the mouth and suck Headgear therapy may be used on the maxillary permanent
them. The screen should be worn as much as possible. It molars in conjunction with the lip bumper.
should be placed in the mouth at least 1 hour before bedtime;
otherwise, it will annoy the child and keep him awake.
The vestibular screen is constructed as follows:
1. Maxillary and mandibular impressions that extend to the
mucobuccal folds are taken.
2. Stone casts are poured. SPACE MAINTAINERS
Space loss after a deciduous molar is exfoliated is more
marked in the maxillary than in the man-
permanent canines have erupted through the alveolar 3 .. Abnormal eruption of central incisors
mucosa. When an excess of interdental spacing is present, 4. Supernumerary teeth'
the removal of the stabilizing lingual arch permits the 5. Oligodontia, especially agenesis of permanent
mandibular first molars to shift forward and close the lateral incisors
spaces. 6. Tooth shifting following loss of teeth
Stabilizing lingual arch construction 7. Genetic factors
1. Bands with vertical half-round tubes soldered Separation of the central incisor teeth may not, and
lingually are fitted to the permanent molars. frequently does not, have any relationship to a large
2. The lingual arch is bent to lie in contact with the frenum. Separation between the central incisors can persist
linguogingival margins of the mandibular teeth and the after frenum excision under the following conditions:
gingivae of the mandibular incisors. 1. When the ligament connecting the frenum with the
3. Vertical half-round posts are fitted on the lingual incisor papilla lies in an opening in the alveolar bone.
archwire to fit into half-round tubes attached to the molar 2. When the alveolar bone between the incisors is a
bands. square single mass of bone. When an excessive amount of
The lingual arch may be soldered directly to the molar bone is present between the central incisors, the excision of
bands when so desired. The lateral segments of the arch the frenum has no effect on the space.
should be adjusted so that they do not interfere with the The foregoing anomalies require active orthodontic tooth
erupting permanent teeth. movement to approximate the central incisors. This usually
causes the frenum to recede. The teeth should be retained in
approximation until the canines have erupted.
Separated Maxillary Central Incisors
Separation of the maxillary central incisors during
childhood is a normal occurrence in dental eruption.
Practically all maxillary permanent central incisor teeth
erupt spaced at some distance from one another but Periodontal Treatment in Malocclusion
eventually come together. Angle advised excision of the Poor arch relationship with dental irregularities can result
frenum. Mershon pointed out the dangers of unnecessary in gingival and periodontal trauma. Periodontal
surgical excision of frenums. Abnormal midline frenums disturbances in children are usually caused by diabetes,
may have a wide base or they may be thin and fibrous. allergy, endocrine and digestive disturbances, disorders of
Both types can be responsible for spacing. circulation and avitaminosis. Although prevalence and
The following conditions may be found with abnormally severity of periodontal disease increase with age, the onset
spaced maxillary central incisors: of destructive lesions occurs early in life. Young girls are
1. Abnormal maxillary midline frenum
more severely affected than boys. In later years men show
2. Presence of peg-shaped lateral incisors
more periodontal disease than women.
Treatment of Labial Frenums' 151
Fig. 12-6A. (Top left) Stabilizing lingual arch to reenforce
anchorage. Note. This arch can be used also to maintain dental
arch length after premature loss of deciduous teeth. B. (Top, right)
Lip-plumper appliance with contoured plastic vestibular portion
and closed coil spring stop. e. (Bottom, right) Intraoral view of lip
plumper in position. First permanent molars banded with combination
tubes, 0.018 by 0.025 inch, and 0.045 inch round tubes. Tubes
positioned parallel to occlusal plane. Lip plumper adjusted 2 to 3 mm.
labial to lower anterior teeth and 2 to 3 mm. above depth of vestibule.
A B c o
Fig. 12-7. Various lypes of bone formation in abnormal
frenum labii. (A) man, 44 years of age; (B) girl, 9.7 years of
age; (C) man, 50 years of age, permanent separation; (D)
woman, 44 years of age, permanent separation. (After H.
Orthodontic tooth movement in some children, especially periodontally involved teeth. The periodontally affected
where mouth hygiene is poor, may show thickening of the permanent tooth, when moved into a new and more favorable
gingival mucosa. Proper mouth hygiene and massage with a location and then sufficiently stabilized, will frequently
water pulsating device will return the gingival tissues to become firmer than before it underwent tooth movement.
normal in the absence of other etiologic factors. Periodontal treatment may be carried on simultaneously with
Extremely light force should be used when moving orthodon tic therapy.
Treatment of Labial Frenums' 153
Crowding of Teeth and Basal Arch Size Overbite refers to the vertical relationship of the
maxillary to the mandibular incisors. Normal overbite
While the size, form, and relationship of the jaws are usually occurs when the sequence of eruption is canine,
independent of the size of the teeth, tooth arrangement is first premolar, second premolar in the mandibular arch and
greatly dependent on the size of the jaws and on the first premolar, canine, second premolar in the maxillary
relationship of the jaws to each other. Therefore, teeth arch. Incisor overbite develops independently of molar
moved into apparently normal arraqgement by orthodontic height. Variations in the degree of overbite in normal
means will not stay in position when the basal arches of occlusion can be attributed primarily to the axial position of
the jaws are too small to permit such teeth to occupy the the incisor teeth; vertical position of the maxillary incisors
new locations, since they are thus in conflict wi th the in- encourages deep overbite, alveolar growth and mandibular
trinsic lines of functional stress of the jaws. Extraction incisor height.
then becomes a necessary adjunct to the orthodontic Abnormal overbite may be inherited. It is present when
therapy. the incisor overlap extends vertically more than one third
Crowding of the molars, especially the second and the over the opposing tooth crowns. In the mixed and
third molars, can be found in arch inadequacy permanent dentitions overbite de-
156 . Guidance of Occlusal Development
Fig. 12-15. (Top row) A removable appliance for bite opening seen from the tissue surface (left), the lingual surface (center), and in place in
the maxillary dental arch (right). (Second row) Pretreatment casts (lefl) and the teeth after treatment (right). (Third row) The appliance with a
labial wire to aid retention: (leit) in place in the mouth and (right) from the lingual aspect. (Fourth and fifth rows) Comparison casts of a case of
persistent open bite. Lateral, anterior, and occlusal views of two sets of casts. In each set, these on the left were made at age 4 and those on
the right, at age 15.
Open bite . 157
pends primarily on the extent of mandibular forward trusion, (2) forward overdeveloprnent of the maxilla, (3) a
growth during the eruption of the mandibular permanent retrognathic or undersized mandible, (4) difference in the
incisor teeth and on the axial relation of the incisors. amount of alveolar prognathism in the respective jaws, (5)
Abnormal overbite is most prevalent in the mixed the presence of abnormal labial inclination of the maxillary
dentition. Openbite is comparatively more prevalent in the incisors, (6) pressure of a large tongue, and (7) lip biting,
deciduous and early mixed dentition and tends todisappear finger sucking, and other orodental pressure habits.
in the later mixed dentition period. After the eruption of the
permanent canines and premolars the overbite in the
permanent dentition is established. Molar eruption is not
Extraction in Abnormal Overjet or Overbite
the determining factor in severity of overbite.
Abnormal overjet and overbite are not contraindications
to extraction. Tooth extraction in orthodontic treatment is
not a reason for increase in overbite or openbite. Errors in
orthodontic therapy can cause these conditions.
Overjet refers to the horizontal protrusion of the
maxillary incisors in relation to the mandibular incisors.
Abnormal overjet can be caused by (1) anterior OPEN BITE
maxillary alveolar overgrowth and incisor pro- Openbite is the failure of the occluding surfaces of the
teeth to achieve contact when the teeth are
158 . Guidance of Occlusal Development
brought into full closure. The cause of open bite, in the mandibular angle, a short ramus, or downward bending of
absence of gross jaw bone deformities, is interposition the mandible at the antegonial notch can cause openbite.
between the dental arches of the tongue, the lip, the fingers, Patients with short rami, obtuse gonion angles, and short
or other objects for periods of sufficient duration, and mandibles without tongue posture over the occlusal
frequency generating sufficient force to interfere with the surfaces, do not show openbite. They do show extremely
establishment of normal occlusion or to affect the alveolar long anterior mandibular height from infradentale to
bone and move the teeth out of occlusion. Tongue posture menton.
over the occlusal and incisal edges of the teeth is a causa- Treatment should be directed primarily to eliminating the
tive factor of open bite. In total openbite, the tongue may causative factors. The curve of occlusion of the mandibular
overlie the occlusal surfaces so that the premolars and teeth should be corrected, and the maxillary teeth should be
molars are prevented from achieving full occlusion without brought into vertical alignment. The use of an activator
overclosure of the mandible. appliance 12 to 14 hours per day will tend to close the
Incomplete eruption and alveolar deficiency are results openbite because the tongue cannot rest over the incisal
of open bite, not causes, except in arrested eruption of edges of the teeth. A plumper appliance keeps the lower lip
ankylosed permanent teeth. There is no evidence that from being held on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. When
posterior supraclusion, an obtuse orthodontic appliances are used
Tongue Thrusting 159
Fig. 12-19. Front view showing extremely long distance from gnathion to incision.
Note. Openbite in the absence of tooth ankylosis is caused by an object which
intervenes between the teeth. Otherwise, the teeth seek antagonists and continue to
erupt with or without elongation of the alveolar process. The obtuseness of the gonial
angle is not a factor in openbite.
vertical elastics are employed to close the open bite and
keep the lower lip from resting on the incisal edges of the
mandibular teeth.
Tongue thrusting and the deficient function of the upper
lip and of the hyoid suspensory musculature are
indications of possible lack of neuromuscular maturation
and may be etiologically related to the other muscle and
neurogenic problems.
Examination and treatment of tongue thrusting should
include the following:
1. The posterior pharyngeal wall, fauces, and soft
Fig. 12-20. (Left) The palatal bar acts as a habit reminder by breaking the seal that would otherwise create suction. (Right) The hayrake is
a mechanical device with a "fence" that interferes with the pleasure of thumb-sucking. (Klein, E. T.: Am. J. Orthodont., 59:286, 1971.
160 . Guidance of Occlusal Development
Orthodontic expansion screws should have high instances by moving the crown of one tooth against that
mechanical efficiency, minimal bulk, and a transverse of the adjacent tooth and by applying spring force
dimension of at least 4 mm. The HawleyRussell 999 gingivally. the tooth can be moved to a more vertical
screw is recommended where 4 mm. or less widening or position. Gore successfully closes extraction spaces by
expansion is required. For distances exceeding 4 mm, the this method with the Crozat appliance.
Hawley-Russell 666 screw is recommended. Control of the axial inclination of teeth is an important
consideration when moving them by means of biteplates.
When incisors protrude and there is no need to change the
position of their roots, the biteplate and other removable
appliances can be used with a flat plane, opening the bite
Biteplanes used for tooth movement produce tipping. sufficiently to free interlocking of the cusps (3fs-inch).
Sometimes the root will tend to follow the crown, but Wire springs attached to plates should be cut to size when
this usually takes a long time. In some
The Higley Stabilizing Plate' 163
the appliances are fitted in the mouth. The ends of the 2. Opening of the bite, diminishing the overjet of the
wire can then be rounded by adding a drop of solder or anterior teeth
by turning the end of the spring on itself. 3. Elevation of the posterior teeth; the anterior teeth
Springs should be activated so that the appliance is may be slightly depressed or both changes may occur
opened or closed by a distance somewhat less than the 4. A more normal anteroposterior relationship of
width of the tooth to be moved. If the appliance is to be the occlusion
used for closing spaces in extraction cases, impressions 5. Retention after correction of distoclusion
should be taken and the appliance constructed before the 6. With myofunctional therapy
extractions are made. Distal movement of premolars can 7.Relieve locking of individual teeth or groups of teeth
best be obtained by freeing the occlusal surfaces and by 8. To eliminate tongue habits, lip biting, thumb-
opening the bite so that the maxillary and mandibular sucking and other deleterious habits
teeth are not brought into actual contact. Note. In Class II, Division 2 (Angle) malocclusion the
Distal movement of molars can be performed with interference of the anterior and other teeth should be
finger springs attached to a plate. Space closure in the removed before the biteplane is used. Biteplanes should
mandible is not easily accomplished with a removable not be used where there is a tendency toward an openbite.
appliance when there is need for bodily movement of the 9. To retain space in premature loss of teeth
mandibular incisors. 10.With additional spring attachments, to move groups
Using biteplates for tooth movement seems easy. and individual teeth
While it is easily accomplished, retention is important, as 11. In correcting the mesial position of the mandibular
is control of axial position of the teeth. Removable teeth in the deciduous dentition
appliances require exact knowledge of appliance Increase in face height following the use of biteplanes
manipulation as do the fixed appliances. The use of a due to vertical increase in the posterior dental region,
biteplate to correct excessive overbite frequently fails mostly in the maxillary posterior teeth. Increase in
when the correction of excessive overbite requires vertical dimension is accompanied by change also in the
changes in the axial relations of the maxillary to the mandibular position.
mandibular incisors. This cannot easily be accomplished
with biteplates.
Biteplates make it possible for the posterior teeth to
elongate by continuing eruption and alveolar process
elongation. Whether they will relapse to their former
height after the plate is removed is uncertain. If the
masticatory muscles, especially the strong masseter THE HIGLEY STABILIZING PLATE
muscle, are stretched when the posterior teeth are A stabilizing plate can be used as a means for obtaining
elongated, there will be a tendency for the vertical anchorage in orthodontic tooth movement. An acrylic
dimension to return to its original size. The intrusion of plate, similar to a Hawley retainer, is made for either the
mandibular incisors into the alveolar process will not maxilla or mandible, as required in treatment. The plate,
remain when the plate is removed if the mandibular devised by Higley and Moyers, is constructed so that it
incisor teeth do not have proper contact and angular lies in lingual contact with the teeth and covers as much
relation with the maxillary incisor teeth. The maxillary- of the soft tissues lingually as possible. The plate is
mandibular incisor angle should not be allowed to remain supplied with wire extensions to which are soldered
excessively obtuse in deep overbite. vertical round or half-round shafts that insert into lingual
If a biteplane (like. the Oliver guideplane) or a Hawley half-round tubes soldered to the molar bands. These help
retainer is used, the inclined plane should be constructed to hold the plate in position.
in the mouth of quick-setting acrylic. The retainer should The stabilizing plate makes it possible to move the
then be removed. When the quick-setting acrylic is canines and the incisors distally without also moving the
hardened, it is trimmed so that the mandibular incisor posterior teeth mesially in extraction cases. The plate
teeth fit directly against the inclined plane. may be cut away from the lingual surfaces of the incisor
Among the changes that can be effected by means of teeth which may then be moved distally by means of
biteplanes are the following: intramaxillary elastics attached to wire extensions on the
1. Forward positioning of the head of the mandibular plate distal to the canine proximal contact points. When
condyle repositioning the mandible especially in growing reciprocal movement of posterior teeth mesially and
young children anterior teeth distally and lingually is desired the plate is
removed and intramaxillary elastics are used.
164 . Guidance of Occlusal Development
acrylic until the break is completely filled. When the Duyzings, J. A C: Nasenatmung bzw. Mundatmung und ihre
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Radiography in Orthodontics
The following information useful in orthodontics can body of the dentist or of the dental auxiliary can be
be gained from radiograms: measured with a film badge.
1. General development of the dentition: pres-
ence, absence, and state of eruption of the teeth
2. Root resorption of deciduous teeth Protecting the Patient
3. Root formation of permanent teeth The following measures should be taken to protect
4. Ectopic eruptions the patient when radiographs are made:
5. Morphologic anomalies of teeth 1. Use high-speed films
6. Pathologic conditions in the dentofacial area 2. Use diaphragms to collimate the x-ray beam
7.Cephalometric lateral radiograms for dentofacial 3. Use a lead apron on the patient
analysis 4.Use as large a film as possible for intra- and extraoral
8. Cephalometric posteroanterior radiograms for radiograms
symmetry analysis 5. Process films carefully to avoid the necessity of
9. Temporomandibular radiograms for diagnosis of reexposure to x-rays.
TM disturbances
10. Character of the alveolar bone
Effect of Therapeutic Radiation on Teeth
11.Evidence of present or past pathologic conditions
or morphologic abnormalities The teeth can be damaged by therapeutic radiation, but
12. Estimate of skeletal age - from radiograms of the not by x-rays used for dental diagnostic purposes. The x-
carpals rays used for therapy are in the 275 to 3,000 kilovoltage
range, the dose range is between 4,000 and 6,000 rads.
The dose for a single dental radiograph varies between
0.15 and 4 roentgens.
Protecting the Operator The effect of therapeutic x-rays on fully formed and
erupted teeth is usually seen as a saucer-shaped loss of
Exposure of the operator of a dental x-ray machine to tooth substance. in the cervical region. In most cases
radiation can be minimized by the following procedures: several adjacent teeth are involved. This occurs not only
1. Avoid the direct beam of primary radiation. on the interproximal areas but also on the buccal and
Stand behind a protective barrier to radiation. Use high- lingual surfaces. Both anterior and posterior teeth may be
speed films. Use a long cord on the timer to permit the affected. Cervical tooth degeneration may progress until
operator to stand out of sight of the sources of secondary the crown separates from the root; often the pulp is
radiation. Stand at a 45 angle to the path of the central exposed.
x-ray beam, behind and to the left or the right ear of the
2. 'Wear a lead apron.
3. Do not hold the tube housing the ray-directing
cylinder or the film during x-ray exposure. Intraoral dental radiograms for orthodontic diagnosis
4. An open-ended, shielded cylinder in place of a should present clear views of the apices of the teeth.
pointed plastic directing cone eliminates, controls, and Bitewing radiograms should be obtained to aid in
confines scattered secondary radiation. ascertaining the need for fillings. Exposure time varies
5. The x-ray machine should be tested for radiation with the x-ray machine used.
leakage. The bisecting angle technic in intraoral dental
6. The amount of x-ray radiation that reaches the radiography is based on the principle that the rays are
directed perpendicularly to an imaginary plane
168 . Radiography in Orthodontics 82.
that bisects the long axis of the tooth or teeth and the to the center of the packet. The patient immobilizes the
plane of the film. packet with a gentle end-to-end bite.
The uses of periapical and bitewing radiograms are as
1. For assessing the degree of development and The Mandibular Incisor Region
clacification of the teeth in the deciduous and permanent Insert the occlusal packet with the pebbled side toward
dentitions the lower arch and the long axis coincident with the
2. To measure crowns of unerupted permanent teeth in median plane. Direct the central ray in the horizontal plane
order to estimate dentition jaw length adequacy through the tip of the chin to the center of the packet. The
3. To measure extraction space closure angle formed by the central ray and -the film plane is
4.To recognize the presence of caries and periapical approximately -55. The patient immobilizes the packet
infection with a gentle end-to-end bite.
5. To detect the presence of supernumerary teeth
6. To detect congenitally missing tooth buds,
developing teeth, and missing unerupted teeth
7. To determine jaw bone density The Entire Mandibular Arch
8. To diagnose ankylosed teeth Insert the occlusal packet with the pebbled side toward
9.To evaluate position of developing, unerupted teeth the lower arch and the short axis coincident with the
10. To estimate degree of root resorption median plane. The posterior edge of the packet should be
11. To detect interproximal caries against inner border of the mandible. Direct the central ray
perpendicularly to the occlusal plane, through the inferior
aspect of the mandible to the center of the packet. The
patient's head should be back far enough so that the
occlusal plane is perpendicular to the floor. The patient
immobilizes the packet with a gentle end-to-end bite.
The Maxillary Incisor Region
Insert the occlusal packet with the pebbled side toward
the upper arch and the long axis coincident with the
The Entire Maxillary Arch
median plane. Direct the central ray at a vertical angle of
+65 through the bridge of the nose, The occlusal film is inserted with the smooth
Fig. 13-3. To radiograph the central incisors have the patient hold the head vertical and insert the occlusal packet pebbled side
up (A). (B) Direct the central ray at a vertical angle of -HiS degrees through the bridge of the nose to the center of the packet. The
patient immobilizes the packet with a gentle end-to-end bite. (C) This method will yield a radiograph of the maxillary incisor
region. (From X-Rays in Dentistry, published by Radiography Markets Division, Eastman Kodak Company)
Fig. 13-4. To radiograph the entire maxillary arch, the occlusal cassette is inserted with the smooth side adjacent
to the maxillary occlusal surfaces-the short center axis in the median plane and the long axis directed bucally and
the posterior edge abutting the mandibular rami (A). (B) Direct the central ray perpendicularly in the intersection of
the medial plane and a coronal plane through the outer canthi of the eyes to the center of the packet. The patient
immobilizes, the packet with a gentle end-to-end bite. (C) This procedure will yield a film of the entire maxillary
side adjacent to the maxillary occlusal surfaces, the EXTRAORAL RADIOGRAPHY
short center axis in the median plane, and the long axis
directed buccally with the posterior edge butted against
Body of the Mandible
mandibular rami. Direct the central ray perpendicularly in
the intersection of the median plane and the coronal plane The arm of the dental chair on the side to be examined is
through the outer canthi of the eyes to the center of the lowered so that the patient may sit sideways. Place the film
packet. The patient immobilizes the packet with a gentle holder on the headrest and the chair back so that the film is
end-to-end bite. at an angle of +45.
170 . Radiography in Orthodontics
Fig. 13-5. (AJ To make a film of the mandibular incisor region, insert the occlusal packet with the pebbled side down.
The patient inclines her head upward 45 degrees. Direct the central ray in the horizontal plane through thetip of the chin to the center of
the packet. (B) The angle formed by the central ray and the film plane is approximately -55 degrees. The patient immobilizes the packet
with a gentle end-to-end bite. (e) This method will produce a film of the mandibular incisor region. (From X-Rays in Dentistry,
published by Radiography Markets Division, Eastman Kodak Company)
/ insert the occlusal packet pebbled side down with the posterior
edge against the rami of the mandible. (B) Direct the central ray
perpendicularly to the occlusal plane through the inferior aspect
of the mandible to the center of the packet. The patient's head
A should be back far enough so the occlusal plane is perpendicular
to the floor. The patient immobilizes the packet with a gentle
end-to-end bite. (e) The film will show the entire mandibular
Fig. 13-7. (A) To take two lateral jaw views, cover half the 5" x 7"
cassette with a lead sheet. (B) Two lateral jaw roentgenograms were
taken on one 5" X 7" film in a cassette.
Fig. 13-8. To make a film of the body of the mandible, the arm of the dental chair is
lowered on the side to be radiographed so the patient may sit sideways. (A,B) Place the film
holder on the headrest of the chair back so that the film is at an angle of +45 degrees. The
patient holds the film holder in position with hands at the lower corrters, The patient's
cheek is in contact with the front of the film holder. The nose should be V2 inch from the
surface of the cassette; the head is extended backward. The median plane of the head is
rotated until the body of the mandible is in contact with the center of the filmholder, the
lower border of the mandible parallel with the lower edge of the cassette. (C) Direct the
central ray at an angle of about 25 degrees above the horizontal and from a point behind
and beneath the condyle so that the central ray passes through the second or third molar on
the side to be radiographed. (0) This procedure produces a film of the body of the
mandible. Figures 13-8A-13-10 (From X-Rays in Dentistry, pubijshed by Radiography
Markets Division, Eastman Kodak Company)
The arm of the dental chair is lowered so that the cassette so that the nose is over the approximate center
patient may sit sideways. The patient rotates the upper with the median plane vertical and coincident with the
trunk to face the cassette. Place the cassette on the long axis of the film holder. Direct the central ray at an
headrest and the chair back in a horizontal position. average angle of +700 in the median plane, through a
Place the patient's nose and chin on the point 1 V2 inches below the
172 . Radiography in Orthodontics
base of the skull toward the center of the film. Use two Temporomandibular Radiography
lateral jaw radiograms on one 5 X 7 film taken in a
Temporomandibular radiograms show the relation of the
cassette. One half of the cassette is covered with a lead
mandibular condyle to the glenoid fossa and are intended to
shield when the exposure is made.
disclose evidence of pathologic and morphologic
deviations. The dense bony structures surrounding the
temporomandibular articulation make it difficult to
The Facial Profile (Lateral View)
radiograph this area.
A line from the tragus of the ear to the ala of the nose is The patient is seated sideways in the dental chair, and the
taken as horizontal. The median plane is vertical. The headrest is adjusted to hold the patient's head stable. A film
occlusion should be in the rest position. The cassette in a cassette is used. The central ray of the x-ray machine is
containing the film is positioned vertically against the focused at 2.5 em. above the border of the ear on a line
lateral aspect of the head, with its lower edge resting on above the external auditory meatus and is directed to the
the patient's shoulder. The center of the film should be opposite condyle head. The central ray of the x-ray
opposite the zygomatic arch. The patient holds the cassette machine is set between 20 and 30 and turned 15 to 20
with the front edge parallel with the median plane of the towards the face.
head. Direct the central ray horizontally and laterally Another method is for the patient to hold the cassette
through the anterior nasal spine to the center of the film. vertically. The side of the face is placed against the cassette
so that the contour of the face touches
Panradiography is a method for exposing the entire
dentoalveolar and adjacent jaw region on a single film. This is
accomplished by traversing the x-ray tube and film around the
patient's head while making a continuous radiographic
exposure during the rotation. The x-ray head is attached to --8
one end of a <horizontal arm while a sliding cassette holder
for cassette and film is attached to the opposite end of the
arm. - --.D F
Distortion error in panradiography can be minimized by Fig. 13-10. An alternate method of taking temporoman-
proper positioning of the patient and rigid stabilization of the dibular radiograms. The temporomandibular articulation is
patient's chin on the chin rest. difficult to radiograph because of the dense bony structures
surrounding it.
Fig. 13-12A. Panradiogram of a child. The superimposition of intervening anatomic structures are eliminated.
174 . Radiography in Orthodontics
Fig. 13-12 Continued. (B) Conventional lateral jaw radiograms are shown for comparison. (C) Panradiograms of an adult are supplemented
by dental radiograms (below) that focus on the incisors and premolars. (B, C courtesy William J. Updegrave)
Bibliography' 175
Panradiograms show the crown and root relations ---: New method for reduction of gonadial irradiation of dental
clearly. The temporomandibular articulation can be patients. J. A D. A, 65:1,1962.
shown with a minimum at superimposed tissue. Riesner. S. E.: X-ray profiles in orthodontia. Internat. J.
Panradiography is a useful and convenient method to Orthodontia., 15:813, 1929.
Sather, A. H.: A technique for detailed anatomic study of the
supplement intraoral radiography. Panradiography
posteroanterior cephalometric roentgenogram. Oral Surg., Oral
should be used together with intraoral radiography and
Med. & Oral Path., 16:154, 1963.
other radiograms as required. Panradiography is of little Simon, P, W.: Fundamental principles of a systematic diagnosis
value in revealing incipient caries and the finer details of of den tal anomalies. Boston, Stratford, 1926.
dental and osseous structures. Stromberg, N. and Stromberg, c.: Positional variations of the
impacted upper canine. A Clinical and Radiologic Study, Oral
Surg., Oral Med., & Oral Path., 22:711,1966.
Turner, K. 0.: Limitations of panoramic radiography.
Oral Surg., Oral Med., & Oral Path., 26:312, 1968.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Updegrave, W. J.: Roentgenographic observations of functioning
temporomandibular joints. J. A D. A., 54:488, 1957.
Bergerhoff, W.: Wachstum und Bauplan des Schadels im ---; Higher fidelity in intra-oral roentgenography, J. A. D. A, 62:1,
Rontgenbild. Fortschr. Roentgenstr., 79:745, 1953. 1961.
Bjarngard, B., Hollender, L., Lindahl, B., and Sonesson, A: ---: Practical evaluation of techniques. An interpretation in the
Radiation doses in oral radiography. II. The influence of roentgenographic examination of temporomandibular joints.
technical factors on the dose to the patient in full mouth D. Clin. North America, p. 421, 1961.
roentgenography. Odontol. Rev., 11:100,1960. ---: Roentgenology in orthodontics. Am. J. Ortho dont., 48:841,
Burely, M. A.: An examination of the relation between the 1962.
radiographic appearance of the temporomandibular joint and ---: Panoramic dental radiography. D. Radiog. & Photog., 36:75,
some features of the occlusion. Brit. D. J., 110:195,1961. 1963.
Marshall, D.: An X-ray study of the cranial and facial bones in ---: The role of panoramic radiography in diagnosis.
relation to the profile. D. Digest. 71:296, 353, 1965. Oral Surg., Oral Med., & Oral Path., 22:49, 1966.
---: Interpretation of the lateral skull radiograph. Waggener, D. T.: Roentgenographic localization of unerupted
D. Radiog. and Photog., 43:71, 1970. teeth. Oral Surg., Oral Med. & Oral Path., 13:439,1960.
Peyton, H. G.; The effects of radiation on teeth, Oral Surg., Oral Wainwright, W. W.: Filtration for the lowest patient dose
Med. & Oral Path., 26:639, 1968. in dental radiography. Oral Surg., Oral Med., & Oral Path.,
Richards, A. G.: How hazardous is dental roentgenography? 16:561, 1963.
Oral Surg., Oral Med. & Oral Path., 14:40, 1961- Yale, S. H.: Radiographic evaluation of the temporomandibular
--: Shielding requirements for dental installations. joint. J. A. D. A., 79:102,1969.
J. A. D. A, 64:787, 1962.
Cephalometric Radiography
USE OF CEPHALOGRAMS x-ray exposure is made unless other positions are desired.
Techniques . 177
", Fig. 14-2. The patient's profile is painted with barium paste before the head is positioned in the cephalometer.
The resulting lateral cephalogram shows the soft tissue outline.
wide open; and (4) with the head in space. The wideopen
Lateral (Profile) Cephalograms
mouth usually affords an outline of the mandibular
Cephalometric lateral radiograms should be taken as condyle from which a template can be made for tracings
required (1) with the teeth in occlusion; (2) with the of radiograms with the teeth in occlusion.
mandible in rest position; (3) with the mouth
178 . Cephalometric Radiography
Determination of Right and Left Sides. In almost all gram. It is approximately 3 mm. above the center of the
lateral cephalometric radiograms (cephalograms), the ear rod as shown on the lateral cephalogram. The external
maxillary left first molar appears closer to the ear rod auditory meatuses used for head fixation are not as a rule
than the maxillary right first molar; the maxillary left on the same plane, and the integuments do not always rest
canine appears closer than the maxillary right canine; the upon the ear posts.
left jugal buttress appears closer than the right; the left
mandibular outline appears closer to the ear rods than the
right. Soft Tissue Radiograms
A sheet of thick paper is placed inside of the cassette
Radiograph of Natural Head Position covering the part of the film on which the soft tissue will
be shown.
The head in space. The patient is instructed to sit Mandibular Rest Position Radiogram. The patient is
relaxed while the head is in the cephalometer and to look seated in the cephalometer, asked to relax and to permit
at the image of the pupils in his own eyes in a mirror the mandible to remain at rest after saying the word
located on a wall directly in front. The center of the Mississippi. The patient is instructed to keep the mandible
mirror should be the same distance from the ground as in this position. The midline can be observed, and the
the ear rods of the cephalometer. amount of opening between full closure and rest position
can be measured.
Posteroanterior Radiograms. Rotate the patient and
Location of the Porion
headholder so that the posterior aspect of the head faces
The porion is not distinguishable on the radio- the x-ray tube. The ear rods should be inserted into the ear
openings. The head should be upright and not laterally
inclined. The nose is brought into contact with the cassette
and the exposure is made. Posteroanterior radiograms of
the head present difficulties in interpretation because of
the many superimpositions of structure.
The posteroanterior cephalometric radiograph to gain
information regarding the height and width of the cranium
and face; to determine the presence of asymmetry of the
face and the landmarks useful in diagnosis and
classification, both dental and skeletal.
Lateral Cephalograms Without a Cephalometer The head is extended backward as far as possible, and
The cassette is placed vertically against the side of the the side to be radiographed is turned slightly toward the
head parallel with the sagittal plane. The lower edge of cassette so that the ear is in flat contact with the center of
the cassette is held in horizontal position and rests on the film.
the patient's shoulder. The patient's hand is placed Direction of the Central Ray. The x-ray tube is
against the back of the cassette, the other hand holds the inclined at an angle of 150 above the horizontal and
lower anterior corner. directed beneath the mandible so that the central ray
(CR) passes through the second molar of the side to be
Radiographs of the Ramus of the Mandible
Adjust the headrest so that the cassette, when placed TRACING CEPHALOGRAMS
on the headrest, will be supported at an angle of 45" Cephalograms can be traced on traceolene or
above the horizontal. The cassette is held in position at transparent acetate paper of O.003-inch thickness and
the lower corners by the patient's hands. with one matted surface. Tools include a trans-
Selmer-Olsen, R.: Biometrics- biology. Tr. European Sherrington, c.: Man on His Nature. ew York, Macmillan,
Orthodont. Soc. p. 41, 1960. 1941.
Shapiro, H. L.: The anthropologic backgrounds of dental and Simpson, C. 0.: A procedure for obtaining radiographic images
oral morphology. Oral Surg., Oral Med. & Oral Path., 16:458, of the facial profile in the sagittal plane. Int. J. Orthodontics,
1963. 15:79, 1929.
Radiographic Cephalometries in
Diagnosis and Treatment
Cephalometries is a valuable tool in clinical ortho- 1. Intervals between serial observations should be kept
dontics. By relating the various parts of the face, the constant.
jaws, and the dentition, information is obtained to aid in 2. Distances between target, subject, and film should
establishing diagnosis, classification, treatment planning, be constant. X-ray film distance of 60 inches is most
and prognosis. However, cephalometries is not to be commonly used.
regarded as a sole parameter for establishing etiology, 3. The patient should be positioned as comfortably as
diagnosis, and treatment planning. Cephalometries possible and placed in the same relative position for
entails the use of cephalometers, x-ray machines, subsequent radiograms. The left side (or the same side)
photographic apparatus, and other equipment. All of the should be toward the cassette for all lateral projections.
foregoing are important in obtaining data for determining 4. Constant occlusal relationships and postural
dynamic changes in the patient and for growth studies in relations of the head should be obtained at all repeated
general. exposures.
Meaningful application of radiographic cephalometries 5. The ear rods should not interfere with positioning
in orthodontic practice depends on the knowledge of the patient. The immobilization of the head with ear rods
normal and abnormal dentofacial growth and introduces a degree of asymmetry proportional to the
development. In addition, it is necessary to know the deviation of the transmeatal ear openings and asymmetry
practical method of cephalometric technique. of facial morphology.
6. The patient and the x-ray machine must be
immobile when the x-ray film is being exposed.
7. The patient should be told to hold his breath when
the film is being exposed.
CLINICAL VALUE 8. Film exposures and development should be
Information obtainable from cephalograms meludes standardized.
the following: 9. Intensifying cassettes with screens should be used,
1. Angular and dimensional relationship of the especially for extraoral films.
craniofacial components. This indicates the extent of 10. The patient should be protected by a leaded apron
dentofacial growth. and any other available safety devices.
2. Indications of skeletal and dental abnormalities, and
jaw and dentition malrelationships. This provides
information on the malocclusion and skeletal
3. Guidance in treatment planning by indicating the
possibilities and limitations of success in treatment based
on the relation of the dentofacial skeletal and dental
4.. Analysis of changes obtained by growth and Ac. Acanthion. Tip of anterior nasal spine. A-
development and by orthodontic therapy, and changes Point. (Downs. See Ss - Subspinale),
that occur after post-treatment retention. AI. P. Alveolar Point. The lowest point of the alveolar
process at the midline between the maxillary central
STANDARDIZATION OF CEPHALOMETRIC ANS Anterior Nasal Spine. The median, sharp bony
TECHNIQUE process of the maxilla at the lower margin of the anterior
The following procedures are helpful in eliminating nasal opening.
variability caused by technical factors: Ar Articulare. (Bjork) The point of intersection
184 . Radiographic Cephalometries in Diagnosis and Treatment
Fig. 15-1. Posteroanterior cephalometric landmarks: Tr-
Trichion, GL-Glabella, N-nasion, T - Tragion, Or-orbitale,
Pr -prosthion, Inf. Den.-infradentale, Go-gonion, and Gn-
Pr A-point
Pg M
Cephatometric Landmarks, Lines, Planes and Angles' 185
on the alveolar mucosa between the mandibular central on the lower margin of the orbit directly below the pupil
incisors. when the patient looks straight ahead.
K.R. Key Ridge. Zygomaxillare- the lowest point of Pg. Pogonion. The most anterior point on the chin.
the zygomaticomaxillary ridge. P. Porion. The midpoint on the upper edge of the
M. Menton. The lowest point on the chin from which external auditory meatus. As a cephalometric landmark it
face height is measured. It is somewhat forward to is located in the middle of the meatal ear rods of the
gnathion. cephalometer as shown on the cephalogram.
N. asion. The middle point on the frontonasal suture PNS Posterior Nasal Spine. Process formed by the
intersected by the median sagittal plane. united projecting ends of the posterior borders of the
O.c. Occipital Condyle. The condyle on the occipital palatine processes of the palatal bones.
bone near the foramen magnum. Pro Prosthion. The lowest interdental point on the
Op. Opisthion. The posterior midsagittal point on the alveolar mucosa in the median plane between the
posterior margin of the foramen magnum. maxillary central incisors.
Ope. Opisthocranion. The posterior midsagittal point Ptm. Pterygomaxillare. The point where the pterygoid
of the greatest cranial length from glabella. process of the sphenoid bone and the
Or. Orbitale. The lowest point on the margin of the
orbit. In orthodontic cephalograms it is located
186 . Radiographic Cephalometries in Diagnosis and Treatment 87.
Fig. 15-4. Points visible on
the lateral film: 1, sella; 2,
posterior clinoid process; 3,
clivus; 4, anterior clinoid
process; 5, tuberculum sellae;
6, sphenoidal plane; 7, lesser
wing of the sphenoid; 8,
greater wings of the sphe-
noid; 9, ethmoid registration
point; 10, cribriform plate of
the ethmoid; 11, roof of the
orbit; 12, lateral margin of
ethmoid and frontal bone; 13,
-13 nasion; 14, orbitale; 15,
pterygo maxillary fissure; 16,
posterior nasal spine; 17, ante-
rior nasal spine; 18, A-Point;
19, prostihor; 20, infraden
ale; 21, B-Point; 22,
pogonion; 23, gnathion; 24,
menton; 25, gonion; 26,
articulate, 27, mandibular
-17 condyle; 28, sigmoid notch;
29, basion; 30, occipital
-18 condyle; 31, Bolton point; 32,
opisthion; 33, porion; 34,
1 sphenooccipital
9 synchondrosis.
pterygoid process of the maxilla form the pterygo- Sm. Supramentale. B-Point (Downs). The deepest point
maxillary fissure. The lowest point of the opening is used on the contour of the alveolar process between infradentale
in cephalometries. and pogonion. The anterior limit of the mandibular basal
R. Registration Point. Any point from which arch as seen on lateral radiograms.
measurements are made or from which different T. Tragion. The notch just above the tragus of the ear. It
cephalograms of a single patient are compared. lies 1 to 2 mm. below the spina helicis which can be
S Sella. The pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone. palpated.
In cephalometries it is the center of the sella turcica. Tr, Trichion. The midpoint of the hairline at the top of
SO Spheno-occipital Synchondrosis. The union of the the forehead.
anterior end of the basilar portion of the occipital bone and T.S. Tuberculum Sellae. Anterior boundary of the sella
the posterior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone. turcica.
Sto. Stornion. The midpoint of the oral slit, when the
lips are closed.
Ss. Subspinale. A-Point (Downs). The deepest point on Planes and Lines
the midline contour of the alveolar process between the
anterior nasal spine and prosthion. The anterior limit of the A line connects two points. A plane connects three or
maxillary basal arch as seen on lateral radiograms. more points.
A-B Line. Relation of A-Point (infraspinale) to B-Point
(supramentale). It represents the anterior
Cephalometric Landmarks, Lines, Planes and Angles 187
Fig. 15-5. (A) The more
variable landmarks are: 1,
Orbitale; 2, pterygomaxillary
fissure; 3, anterior nasal
spine; 4, A-Point; 5, poste-
rior nasal spine; 6, gonion;
7, Bolton point; 8, basion; 9,
porion; 10, sphenooccipital
synchondrosis. (B) The pala-
tal plane mayor may not
coincide with the ANS-
opisthion line. (B Courtesy
C. F. W. Moorrees)
..... 10
A GCf1Ion-'-
Fig. 15-7. (A) Landmarks and measure points for clinical use in cephalometries: deCoster's line (the planoethmoidal line) includes
the anterior contour of sella, the cribriform plate, and the internal plate of the frontal bone; orbital plate, the anterior contour of sella
and roof of the orbit; cribriform plate of the ethmoid, the horizontal plate that articulates with the
j, ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone; sphenoid plane. the top of the sphenoid bone; ethmoid registration point, on the sphenoethmoid line
between the greater wings of the sphenoid. The rest of the landmarks and measure points are defined in the text. (after A. W.
Moore) (B) Planes using various craniometric points: 1, Broca's plane; 2, His' plane; 3, Martin's plane; 4, Huxley's plane; 5, Hamy's
plane; 6, Schwalbe's plane; 7, the anonymous plane; 8, Schmidt's plane. (8 Courtesy W, M, Krogman)
, I
\ I
Cribriform Plate I I
Ethmoid ,
, I
Sphenoid ,,' , ,
," I
Platle . /
, "I
Fig. 15-9. Landmarks and measure points for clinical
cephalcrnetrics: 5, sella turcica; N, nasion; 0, orbitale; A S,
anterior nasal spine; A, A-Point; B, B-Point; Pg, pogonion;
Gn, gnathion; M, menton; G, gonion; PNS, posterior nasal
, ~ , t
/; , I
Cranial Base Reference Lines
1. The Bolton line. (Bolton point-nasion BP-
2. The sella-nasion line. (S-N)
3.The spheno-occipital synchondrosis-nasion line. (SO-N)
4. The Frankfort horizontal, because of its close relation to
the cranial base, may also be used. (FH).
Mandibular Reference Lines
Fig. 15-11. Areas of the head: the cranium is shown in
1. A line tangent to the lower border of the mandible.
slanting lines; upper face in stippled area; teeth and alveolar
When the mandibular border shows a decided downward
area in dark horizontal lines, and mandible in vertical lines.
curvature it makes this plane highly variable.
(after W. B. Downs)
2. A line joining gonion and menton. Both points show
changes during growth. Middle Face Reference Lines
3. A line joining gonion and gnathion. These points 1. The palatal plane, joining ANS and PNS. These
change during growth. landmarks are frequently difficult to locate on the lateral
2. The occlusal plane which bisects the maxil-
Fig. 15-]2. Lines and planes. Cranial base planes: S-Na, ANGlfS
sella-nasion; Bo-Na, Bolton plane; So-Na, sphenoccipital
suture-nasion; Po-Or, Frankfort horizontal. Facial planes: Fig. 15-13. Skeletal criteria. Angles S- a-A and 5- a-B and
palatal, occlusal and mandibular planes. Note 3 possibilities the difference between them for anteroposterior apical base
for mandibular plane; also facial plane, Y axis, orbital plane appraisal. (Downs's facial angle, Fh-Na-Pog, fits into this
and ramal plane. In clinical analyses the orbital plane and the group, too.) Na-A-Pog angle. Palatal, occlusal and
ramal plane are seldom used. mandibular plane angles with any of the base planes.
192 . Radiographic Cephalometries in Diagnosis and Treatment
lary first molar cusps and incisor overbite. Location of the and contributes to the position of the mandible in a
occlusal plane on the lateral radiogram is highly downward and backward direction. Continuing ramus
subjective. growth can produce forward and downward rotation of the
3. One of the mandibular planes may be used, especially mandible.
in relation to mandibular denture changes. Anteroposterior Maxillary Mandibular Relation.
Pterygomaxillary Fissure as a Reference Line. The In addition to being influenced by length of the ramus, the
pterygomaxillary fissure maintains a relatively constant size of the gonion angle, and the positon of the glenoid
position anteroposteriorly in relation to the cranial fossa, anteroposterior relationship may also be modified
landmarks during growth but moves downward in relation when extraoral force is used which can elongate the molars
and force the mandible to assume a more distal rotation.
to sella-nasio or to the Bolton plane. Registration at the
Usually, this change is only temporary. Condylar growth in
pterygomaxillary fissure is used for observing the effect of
the mandible may be upward, backward, or both, and thus
orthodontic treatment on the dentition as well as on the
also influence mandibular position and rotation.
maxillary growth pattern.
Gonion Angle. Cephalometric gonion angle is obtained
on the lateral radiogram by drawing a line tangent to the
postcondylar point and the most distal side on the ramus of
Variations of Landmarks
the mandible and another line on one of the three
All landmarks, planes and angles show variations. mandibular planes used. The gonion angle shows
The more variable landmarks and measuring points are downward change in the later adolescent growth period as
Bolton point, basion, porion, pterygomaxillary fissure, the mandible rotates forward.
orbitale. gonion, anterior and posterior nasal spines, and A-
Point and B-Point (Downs).
Height of the Maxilla. Vertical height of the maxilla
largely determines the height of the face
Cephalometric analysis includes profile, skeletal, and
denture analyses. In clinical practice, these
nasion or to a point on the anterior cranial base (S-N). The
relative anteroposterior position of A-Point to the cranial
base gives an indication of the amount of the maxillary
bone and basal arch protrusion or retrusion.
Sella-Nasion Line Changes. Sella-Nasion line changes
can occur in upward, forward and downward directions.
These changes influence measurements of the S-N-A, S-
N-B, and S-N-Pg angles. The thickness of the frontal bone
at nasion, which is included in measuring S- ,shows
marked increase to age 7 years and continues to grow at a
lesser rate to adult age as the frontal sinus enlarges. The
posterior portion of the cranial base also increases into
adult age.
A-Point- B-Point. A-Point and B-Point (Downs) express
the anteroposterior relationship of the maxil- ___ oJ".'
r 94.
would force the apices of the incisor teeth through the
labial bony plate. There is a great difference in the
relationship of A-Point to B-Point and A-Point to the base
A ~,
. ,
of the cranium, dpending on where A-Point is located.
Frankfort Plane Changes. The orbitale moves downward
between age 5 and 7 years; and porion moves downward
,ifw and backward relative to the cranial base. The Frankfort-
mandibular angle also changes.
Y-Axis (Downs). The Y-axis extends from sella to
gnathion. This line and the facial line that forms the nasion
and the pogonion are used for measuring the relative
protrusion or retrusion of the mandible and of the dentition
in relation to the facial profile. ALI of these measure points
and landmarks show variability during growth.
Basal Arch Changes. The A-Point and B-Point
landmarks which express the anteroposterior relationship
of the maxillary and the mandibular basal arches and the
Y-axis show the least change with age. The occlusal plane
shows reduction of steepness with age. Tooth and jaw
discrepancies actually are tooth and basal arch inequalities
B ..., which may be unimaxillary or bimaxillary as a result of
,, which there may be crowding and impaction of teeth and
, procumbency of the incisors.
\\ \' ~I
I ( , I
Frankfort-Mandibular Plane Angle. The Frankfort-
mandibular plane angle is affected by the length of the
mandibular ramus, the position of the glenoid fossa in the
vertical dimension, and the length of the facial profile from
) ... J
Fig. 15-18. Two ways of determining nasion to gnathion.
changes in the maxillary dentition: (A)
Superimpose the radiogram at the anterior
nasal spine or (B) at the pterygomaxillary
lary and the mandibular basal arches. Both A-Point and B-
Point change during growth. A-Point is on alveolar bone;
B-Point may be on alveolar bone or on the body of the
Cephalometric Denture Analysis
mandible itself. Howes pointed out that attempts to tip the
incisor roots labially through the bony eminence on the Denture analysis includes an appraisal of the
outer edge of the bony septum where A-Point is usually relationship of the maxillary and mandibular dentitions to
located each other and to their respective bony
.... -
3 MOS.
YRS. -BI9S9-
Fig. 15-21. Pre- and posttreatment cephalometric tracings Fig. 15-22. Tracings from lateral radiograms show defective
superimposed on the relatively stable S-N line with the point of growth of the face during the first 9 months. The points mark the
registration at S. This shows the combined changes resulting position of the incisal edge of the deciduous central incisor from
from facial growth and orthodontic treatment. Growth changes 3 months to 2 years for a comparison of abnormal with normal
are shown more accurately than orthodontic changes because the growth. Vertical growth is normal but anterior and posterior
superimposition at the anterior cranial base is comparatively development up to 9 months are retarded. (Courtesy B, Holly
remote from the dentition, Broadbent and the Bolton Fund)
196 . Radiographic Cephalometries in Diagnosis and Treatment
3. A line from A-Point (subspinale) to nasion to B- lation of the maxillary and the mandibular basal arch
Point (supramentale), the A-N-B angle. limits at A-Point and B-Point.
Suggested measurements of the axial inclination Mandibular Growth Changes. Registration at the gonion
of the incisor teeth are as follows: area will show condylar growth and forward growth of the
1. The maxillary incisors to Frankfort horizontal body of the mandible, especially at the symphysis. The Y-
2. To the nasion-pogonion (N-Pg) line axis is used for determining the direction of chin growth
3. To the mandibular plane in relation to the upper face.
4. To the sella-nasion (S-N) line Orthodontic therapy changes in the mandible can be
5. To palatal line (ANS-PNS). evaluated by superimposing the cephalometric tracings on
Dental and skeletal growth changes are established as the outer limit of the symphysis, the inner table of the
follows: (1) relationship of the axial inclination of the symphysis, the posterior border of the ramus, or the
maxillary incisors to any of the cranial base lines; (2) mandibular plane. Actual increase in growth of the
relation of the mandibular incisors to the mandibular mandible, condylar growth, and the eruption pattern of the
plane; (3) relation of the maxillary and mandibular teeth can thus be evaluated.
incisors to each other; and (4) relation of the mandibular Ramus, Condyle Changes. Superimposition on the
incisors to the facial line. symphysis of the mandible will show if there was an
Overall Facial Growth Analyses. Overall facial growth increase in the posterior part of the ramus and in the
changes in relation to the base of the cranium are condyle; it also reflects changes in the position of the
obtained by superimposing pre-and posttreatment teeth.
cephalograms on the Broadbent-Bolton Triangle. This is Intramandibular Changes. Intramandibular
defined by R (registration) point situated midway on a changes are obtained by superimposition upon the
line from the center of sella and perpendicular to the symphysis and the lower border of the mandible. Relia bili
Bolton-nasion line. ty decreases posteriorly along the lower border of the
Maxillary Growth Changes. Superimposition is with mandible. Gonion changes not only through backward
anterior nasal spine (ANS) or posterior nasal spine (PNS) growth but also in a vertical and horizontal direction.
as the registration point. With A S registered, are shown Dental Growth Changes. The following registration
the posterior growth changes of the maxilla and maxillary points are used: the anterior nasal spine (ANS), A-Point,
teeth in the direction of the pterygomaxillary fissure. B-Point, and pogonion. Points at the most anterior limits
Superimposition on the pterygomaxillary fissure shows of the facial skeleton are preferred. A-Point and the
whether the teeth have been moved distally and whether pogonion are the most commonly employed. The incisors
the anterior nasal spine, i.e., the alveolar process, has are related to the facial line (nasion-pogonion).
grown forward. When PNS, or the point on the BIBLIOGRAPHY
pterygomaxillary fissure is registered, changes are
observed in the forward growth of the maxilla and the
maxillary dentition.
Angle S-N-A is used as an indication of the antero-
posterior position of the maxilla to the anterior cranial
base. The angle A-B-S-N indicates the re- The bibliography for Chapter 14 covers topics in
Chapter 15 also. Please see page 181.
1 96.
6 Analysis
Downs' Facial Types nathic, protrusive lower face but within normal range;
and (4) true prognathism pronounced protrusion of lower
Downs describes four basic types of faces: (1) ret- face.
rognatic, a recessive lower face; (2) mesognathic, The various facial types differ in the relative
average or ideal facial type (orthognathic); (3) prog- anteroposterior position of the mandible and in
198 . Cephalometric Analysis 97.
N Nasion
S Center of sella turcica H
P Porion (cephalometric) I
BP Bolton point
R Broadbent registration point
o Orbitale
A~Point Subspinale
OP Occlusal plane
B- Point Supramentale MEAN
Pg Pogonion 87.8
Gn Gnathion
G Gonion
Minimal Maximal Mean Deviation
l II
_---.!:.H----l. _. _\.
o,-!l IIJ
- 9'
JI---- 0
Fig. 16-3. (Left; The angle of convexity (NAP)
measures the protrusion of the maxilla in relation
to the total profile. It is read in plus or minus
degrees from 0, the facial line from N to P. 1 A is
MEAN 1045
the upper face at Frankfort horizontal. A prominent chin of the mandible at the midsagittal plane (menton). The axial
tends to decrease the Y-axis angle. A long facial profile (N- relation of the mandibular incisor to mandibular plane is
Gn) or retrognathic mandible also tends to increase the Y- indicated as plus or minus from the 90 perpendicular to this
axis angle. base line.
o E F
202 . Cephalometric Analysis
Relationship Measurement
Mean Range
Mandible Facial angle 87 82 to 95
to Cranium S-N-Pg 80 72 to 88
A-N-B-Point +2 -1 to +5
A-B Line -4.5 0 to --90
to Maxilla Angle convexity 0.0 -8S to
Mandible S-N-A N-A 81 75 to 87
to Cranium to FH
90 84 to 96
1 to 1 135 1300 to
Mandibular Dentition Occlusal plane 150
9 P to 14
to Overbite 3mm. 1 to 6 mm.
Maxillary Dentition Overjet 1 to 2 mm. 1 to 4 mm.
Molar relation
Chin Prominence
Pg to -B-Point
("Chin Button") 3mm. 2 to 5 mm.
I to mand. plane 91 82 to 97
MAND ! to ocd. plane 14 3S to 200
Axial . ! to N-B, 23 8 to 40
Inclination degrees
1to N-B, +4mm. 1 to 10 mm.
110 99 to 121
Teeth mm.
18 3 to 31
Ito FH, degrees MAX. I
to N-A, degrees 1 to N-A, 3mm. -2 to 8 mm.
mm. 59 53 to 66
Y-axis Mandibular
Growth plane % of nasal 22 17 to 28
Potential height 43% 3%
The University of Washington Department of Orthodontics 85.4 3.7. One degree represents 1.5 mm. of difference in
has established standards based on those of Downs, with position of the chin relative to the nasion point. Downs' mean
modifications, as shown in Table 16-3. is 87.7, and the range is 82 to 95. Facial angles 80 are
retrognathic, those 85 are orthognathic, and 90 are prognatic.
X. Y Axis. A line from sella to gnathion. The X- Y axis is
RICKETTS' ANALYSIS an indicator of facial height. This is measured where the X-
Y axis crosses the basion-nasion line. A difference of
Ricketts established five minimum cephalometric one degree represents almost 2 mm. of height relative to
measurements: (1) facial angle, (2) X- Y axis, (3) maxillary depth. The average angle is 93 or plus 3. The range of
incisors to A-Pg line, (4) relation of mandibular incisors to A- variation is from -12 to +29, with a standard deviation
Pg line, and (5) facial contour, which he calls esthetic plane of 3. This suggests that X- Y measurements less than
(line). This is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of zero tend towards greater length in facial form as
the chin. opposed to depth.
Facial Angle. As established by Downs, the superior border The X- Y axis is considered plus if it is more than
of the external auditory canal is used in constructing the
Frankfort horizontal. The mean is
101. The Margolis Maxillofacial Triangle' 203
90 and minus if it is less than 90. Those with less than reference line describes facial esthetics and lip position.
90 are retrognathic. The lower lip is, on an average, 0.3 mm. forward of this
Maxillary Incisors to A-Point-Pogonion Line. line with a standard deviation of 3.0 mm. The upper lip is
The A-Paint-pogonion line is an indicator of denture on an average 1.0 mm. posterior to the lower lip when
position in relation to the facial line. This is 5.7 mm., with related to the facial esthetic line. The mean is -7 mm. At
a range from -8 mm. to + 15 mm. One standard deviation age 11 to 14 years there is on an average practically no
is the equivalent of 3 mm. variation of the lower lip to the facial esthetic line. In
Mandibular Incisors to A-Point-Pogonion Line. adults the difference is -4 mm.
The average mandibular incisor tip is located ap-
proximately 0.5 mm. anterior to the A-Pg line. One
standard deviation is 2.7 mm. The range of variation is
between +10 mm. and -10 mm. The mandibular incisor
inclines on an average 20.5 to the line A-Pg. One The Margolis maxillofacial triangle is a means for
standard deviation of inclination is 6.4. The range of measuring the overall facial growth pattern. It reveals the
angulation is from -11 to +53. The range of standard relative difference in size and relationship of specific
deviation is 15 to 2r. maxillofacial areas to each other.
Facial Contour. This is A-Point related to the facial line.
It is used to determine the relationship of the maxilla to
the mandible as seen in the bony profile. At the usual Lines
distance from nasion to A-Point 1 degree of difference The three sides of the Margolis maxillofacial triangle
from the line N-A to the facial line equals about 1 mm. on are: (1) the cranial base line, N-X; (2) the facial line, N-
an arc from A-Point to the facial line. Therefore, direct M, and (3) the mandibular line, M-X.
measurement from A-Point to the facial line is used to The Cranial Base Line. The cranial base landmarks are
measure variation of the profile from a straight line. A from nasion (N) through the cranial edge of the spheno-
reading of 10 mm. distance from A-Point to the facial line occipital synchondrosis SO.
is about 20 of convexity, as measured by Downs, or The Facial Line. The facial line extends from nasion (N)
about half that of the angular value in millimeters. There through pogonion to the point of intersection with the
is an average of 4.1 mm. and a standard deviation of 2.8 mandibular plane at M.
mm. Faces with a convexity or concavity of not more than The Mandibular Line. The mandibular line runs tangent
2 mm. are regarded as being orthognathic. Those with up to the inferior border of the mandible and intersects the
to 5 or 6 mm. convexity or concavity are classified as facial line at M and the cranial base line at X.
moderately convex or concave. At 10 mm. or over, the
faces are severely convex or concave.
Facial Esthetic Line. The facial esthetic line extends
from the tip of the nose to the end of the chin. This Angles
The angles of the maxillofacial triangle are the
Angular Changes
Sella Turcica. Reduction of the angle at the sella
produces forward displacement of the temporomandibular
joint and forward displacement of the jaws with an increase
in prognathism of the facial profile.
Articulare. Reduction of the angle at the articulate
increases the degree of prognathism and shortens the height
of the upper part of the face. This brings the base of the
mandible more parallel with the base of the skull and
increases mandibular prognathism.
The Gonion Angle. Reduction of the gonion angle does
not increase facial prognathism and may actually reduce it.
Chin Angle. Reduction at the chin angle reduces
mandibular prognathism.
increase in prognathism if the length of the face
remains unaltered. Shortening of the line from sella to
articulare increases prognathism and shortens the height of
the face, provided articulare remains unchanged. Increase / G
in the line from articulare to KK (the gonion angle)
increases mandibular prognathism. However, if the ramus
is parallel to the facial profile, there is no increase in /
prognathism. Increase in the length of the line from KK
(the X'
206 . Cephalometric Analysis 103.
gonion angle) to DD (the chin angle) produces a nathism, according to Bjork, diminishes as growth
pronounced increase in facial prognathism. Increase in continues; the profile becoming straighter and the incisors
facial height produces a slight increase in prognathism. less procumbent.
Facial prognathism is caused by the reduction of the Tooth crowding may be the result of the general
angle at sella or at articulare and an increase at the chin, reduction in facial depth, caused by shortening of the jaws
DO, a shortening of the cranial base, or an increase in the and not the result of lack of alveolar growth only. Bjork
length of the body of the mandible. found no difference in the procumbency of the mandibular
The prominence of the facial skeleton, in relation to the incisors in crowded dental arches when compared to arches
brain case, determines the general shape of the- facial with teeth in regular alignment. However, there is more
profile. Facial prognathism may be due to (1) shortening of crowding in shorter jaws.
the cranial base; (2) angular deflection of the cranial base;
(3) a small ramuscranial base angle; and (4) increased jaw
Extraction of teeth in the' presence of facial prog- SASSOUNI'S RADIOGRAPHIC
nathism, as distinct from alveolodental prognathism, is of CEPHALOMETRIC ANALYSIS
little avail in the attempt to reduce prognathism of the
In order to study the structural configuration of the skull
facial profile, other than alveolodental prognathism.
for the purpose of growth analysis, diagnosis, and
On an average, according to Bjork, during growth the
treatment, Sassouni constructed a series of planes, arcs, and
slope of the forehead increases. The angle at the sella
axes on the lateral cephalometric radiogram as follows:
shows a tendency to increase; the angle at the articulare
(Fig. 16-16)
has a tendency to remain constant. The gonion and the
gnathion angles show a tendency to diminish. Variability
is greater in the mandible than in the maxilla. Planes
Alveolodental prognathism is a condition in which the Mandibular Base Plane (OG). The mandibular base
alveolar arches protrude beyond the bony arches of the plane is tangent to the inferior border of the mandible.
jaws themselves. Alveolodental prog- Occlusal Plane (OP). The occlusal plane goes through
the mesial cusps of the permanent first
I /
The Moorrees Mesh Diagram . 207
upper and lower molars and incisal edges of the upper and Type I. Anterior cranial base plane does not pass
the lower central incisors. through O.
Palatal Plane (ON). The palatal plane is perpendicular to Type II. Palatal plane does not pass through O. Type III.
the midsagittal plane, going through the anterior and the Occlusal plane does not pass through O. Type IV.
posterior nasal spines (A SPNS). Mandibular base plane does not pass
Anterior Cranial Base. Structurally, the anterior cranial through O.
base is the floor of the anterior cerebral fossa. In the lateral The axial relation of the maxillary and mandibular teeth
radiogram there are two contours: the upper is the roof of to the palatal plane and mandibular plane is such that angle
the orbit, including the lesser wing of the sphenoid, and the M' = angle I' + 10 and angle m' = i' + S.
lower is posteriorly the sphenoethmoid area and anteriorly The angle formed by the ramal-plane with the occlusal
the cribriform plate. plane is equal to the angle formed by the axial inclination
Anterior Cranial Base Plane or Basal Plane (OS'). of the mandibular central incisor with the occlusal plane
The basal plane is parallel to the axis of the upper contour (angle R = angle i).
of the anterior cranial base and tangent to the inferior Since the norm concept cannot be accepted as absolute
border of the sella turcica. for the individual. Sassouni advocates the measurement of
Ramus Plane (RX'). The ramus plane runs tangent to the proportionality in the individual as a base for growth study,
posterior border of the ascending ramus. diagnosis, and treatment planning.
1. M,M',M". Axis of Q.
2. 1, I', I". Axis of 1-
3. I, I', I". Axis of T.
4. M,M'.
Axis of 6.
these parts on Line B to the distance established when the variable intracranial reference line (N -5) and use instead
Line N-5 was marked on Line B. At the point at which the the vertical line as follows:
additional segment ends on Line B, drop a perpendicular 1. Draw a line through nasion, parallel to the vertical
D parallel to Line A to the point where D meets Line C. (line 1).
5. Through the points established on B when the 2. Draw two lines perpendicular to Line 1, one through
dimension of N-5 was marked on it and divided into three nasion and one tangent to the lowest point on the border of
parts, draw perpendiculars to Line C, dividing the the mandible (Lines 2 and 3, respectively).
rectangle into four equal parts. 3. Transfer the distance from the nasion to the sella
6. Divide Lines A and D into four equal parts and turcica on Line 2 and divide it into three parts.
connect these points so that a mesh or - grid of 16 4. The fourth line of the basic rectangle is parallel to the
rectangles is obtained. vertical (Line 1) and perpendicular to Lines 2 and 3. It is
7. Measure the length and width of one of the drawn through a point on Line 2 at a distance from nasion
rectangles. which is 113 more than the length of the distance nasion-
8. After the mesh is completed add the following sella turcica.
landmarks: Two points where the vertical mesh lines 5. The basic rectangle is divided vertically and
intersect the palate and one point where the vertical mesh horizontally to give a mesh diagram of 16 rectangles on
line intersects the base of the mandible. The location of the which the face is inscribed.
selected points are now measured in their vertical and
horizontal locations on the mesh diagram.
210 . Cephalometric Analysis
Method of Comparing Individual Lateral Margolis, H. I.: A plastic and graphic technique for re-
Cephalograms by Means of the Mesh Diagram cording dental changes and facial growth. Am. J. Ortho-
dontics, 25:1027, 1939.
1. Trace grids and insert landmarks on the "before" and ---: Standardized x-ray cephalographies. Am. J. Ortho-
"after" lateral cephalograms. dontics, 26:725, 1940.
2. Measure the various landmarks on each of the tracings ---: Composite x-ray photographs. Am. J. Orthodontics,
of the cephalograms in relation to the vertical and the 27:717, 1941.
horizontal lines on the grid. ---: A basic facial pattern and its application in clinical
orthodontics. Crania-facial skeletal analyses (cont.) and
3. Changes after treatment or during growth are noted by
dento-cranio-facial orientation. Am. J. Orthodontics,
comparing dimensional distances on the cephalograms
39:425, 1953.
taken at different time intervals. Moorrees, C. F. A., and Kean, M. R.: Natural head position,
a basic consideration in the interpretation of cephalo-
The Head in Space metric radiographs. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 16:213,
The significance of cephalograms taken with the head Moorrees, C. F. A., and Lebret, L.: The mesh diagram in
held by a person in his usual natural position in space, and cephalometries. Angle Orthodontics, 32:214,1962.
when the head is oriented with the Frankfort horizontal, can Ricketts, R. M.: Cephalometric synthesis. An exercise in
be seen when the same person is oriented along the stating objectives and planning treatment with tracings of
Frankfort horizontal in the cephalometer or when the head the head roentgenogram. Am. J. Orthodontics, 46:647,
is held along natural head position. When the inclination of 1960.
---: Cephalometric analysis and synthesis, Angle
the Frankfort horizontal lines differs markedly from the
Orthodontist, 31 :141, 1961.
natural position of the head in space, the profile difference
---: Clinical Cephalometry. Philadelphia, University of
becomes obvious. Pennsylvania, 1959.
---: The Face in Five Dimensions. Philadelphia, University
of Pennsylvania, 1960.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassouni, Y.: The Face in Five Dimensions. Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1960.
Bjork, A.: The face in profile. Svensk. Tand. Tid. 40: o. 5B Savara, B. 5.: A method of measuring facial bone growth in
Suppl., 1947. three dimensions. Hum. Biol., 37:245,1965.
Downs, W. B.: The role of cephalometries in orthodontic Steiner, C. c.: Cephalometries for you and me. Am. J.
case analysis and diagnosis. Am. J. Orthodontics, 38:162, Orthodontics, 39:729, 1953.
1952. ---: Cephalometries as a clinical tool. In Kraus, B. S., and
James, G. A.: Cephalometric analysis of 100 angle class II Riedel, R. A., (eds.); Vistas in Orthodontics. Philadelphia,
division 1 malocclusion with special reference to cranial Lea & Febiger, 1962.
base. D. Practitioner & D. Record, 14:35, 1963. ---: Power storage and delivery in orthodontic appliances.
Johnson, E. L.: The Frankfort-mandibular plane angle and Am. J. Orthodontics, 19:859,1953.
the facial pattern. Am. J. Orthodontics, 36:516, 1950. Wylie, W. L., and Johnson, E. L.: Rapid evaluation of facial
Krogman, W. M., and Sassouni, V.: A syllabus in roent- dysplasia in the vertical plane. Angle Orthodontist,
genographic cephalometry. Philadelphia, Philadelphia 22:165, 1952.
Center for Research in Child Growth, 1957.
Interceptive- Preventive Orthodontics
212 . lnterceptive-Preventive Orthodontics
Measuring Arch Length assume an ideal arch form without regard for individual
malpositioned teeth. After the wire has been thus adapted
The most accurate method of measuring arch length over the occlusal surfaces and incisal edges of the teeth, it
involves taking impressions, pouring casts, and measuring is removed and straightened, and its length is measured to
the arch length from the casts. A 23-gauge soft brass wire determine arch length or the space available.
is adapted on the cast from the distal surface of the second Another, but less precise, method of measuring arch
primary molar, or the mesial surface of the first permanent length either directly in the patient's mouth, or indirectly on
molar, around the perimeter of the dental arch to the casts is by using a modified Boley gauge (Fig. 17-8).
contralateral tooth (Fig. 17-1). The wire is positioned so Chords of the dental arch are measured beginning at the
that it traverses the contact areas of the molar teeth and the distal of the primary second molar in the buccal embrasure
incisal edges of the anterior teeth; it should not be distorted between this tooth and the permanent first molar, anteriorly
to duplicate the malposition of one or more teeth that may to the embrasure separating the deciduous cuspid and the
be rotated or deflected to the labial or lingual, but should first deciduous molar. The second chord is measured
from this aforenamed embrasure to the midline. Two chords To compensate for the magnification of the tooth image as it appears on the
are measured similarly on the opposite side of the dental arch. x-ray film, Huckaba, Professor and Assistant Chairman, Department of
Orthodontics, U. Term., has suggested the following formula to determine the
size of the crowns of unerupted p rmanent teeth from dental x-rays.
"L21/12 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5 29.0
95% 21.6 21.8 22.1 22.4 22.7 22.9 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.0 24.3 24.6 24.9 25.1 25.4 25.7 26.0 26.2 26.5 26.7
85% 21.0 21.3 21.5 21.8 22.1 22.4 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.5 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.6 24.8 25.1 25.4 25.7 25.9 26.2
75% 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.5 21.8 22.0 22.3 22.6 22.9 23.1 23.4 23.7 24.0 24.2 24.5 24.8 25.0 25.3 25.6 25.9
65% 20.4 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.5 21.8 22.0 22.3 22.6 22.8 23.1 23.4 23.7 24.0 24.2 24.5 24.8 25.1 25.3 25.6
50% 20.0 20.3 20.6 20.8 21.1 21.4 21.7 21.9 22.2 22.5 22.8 23.0 23.3 23.6 23.9 24.1 24.4 24.7 25.0 25.3
35% 19.6 19.9 20.2 20.5 20.8 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.1 22.4 22.7 23.0 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.1 24.3 24.6 24.9
25% 19.4 19.7 19.9 20.2 20.5 20.8 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.1 22.4 22.7 23.0 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.1 24.3 24.6
15% 19.0 19.3 19.6 19.9 20.2 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.5 21.8 22.1 22.4 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.4 23.7 24.0 24.3
5% 18.5 18.8 19.0 19.3 19.6 19.9 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.2 21.5 21.8 22.1 22.3 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.4 23.7
I21112 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 26.5 27,0 27.5 28.0 28.5 29.0
95% 21.1 21.4 21.7 22.0 22.3 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.1 24.4 24.7 25.0 25.3 25.6 25.8 26.1 26.4 26.7
85% 20.5 20.8 21.1 21.4 21.7 22.0 22.3 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.0 24.3 24.6 24.9 25.2 25.5 25.8 26.1
75% 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.2 22.5 22.8 23.1 23.4 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.6 24.8 25.1 25.4 25.7
65% 19.8 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.2 22.5 22.8 23.1 23.4 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.6 24.8 25.1 25.4
50% 19.4 19.7 20.0 20.3 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.5 21.8 22.1 22.4 22,7 23.0 23.3 23.6 23.9 24.2 24.5 24,7 25.0
35% 19.0 19.3 19.6 19.9 20.2 20.5 20.8 21.1 21.4 21.7 22.0 22.3 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.0 24.3 24.6
25% 18.7 19.0 19.3 19.6 19.9 20.2 20.5 20.8 21.1 21.4 21.7 22,0 22.3 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.5 23.8 24.1 24.4
15% 18.4 18.7 19.0 19.3 19.6 19.8 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.2 22.5 22.8 23.1 23.4 23.7 24.0
5% 17,7 18.0 18.3 18.6 18.9 19.2 19.5 19.8 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.2 22.5 22.8 23.1 23.4
possible to be certain in using the table that in up to 90% of the second primary molars form a so-called "step"
of cases space will be available in adequate quantity if the terminal plane. The reason for this is shown in Figure 17-
90% level is used in determining the space needs. To use 2B and C.
the table one must know the combined mesiodistal widths If the first permanent molars erupt in a cusp-tocusp
of the crowns of the mandibular permanent incisors. This relationship, there is need for more mesial shifting of the
measurement may be made accurately using sharp-pointed mandibular first permanent molar and, therefore, a greater
dividers (Fig. 17-10). The width of each tooth is meas- need for additional leeway space. Where the entire leeway
ured with the points of dividers and pierced on an index space, regardless of its size, is needed to establish a proper
card. The measurements are added after all four incisors intercuspation of first permanent molars, a space main-
are measured. The total measurement represents the tainer can be a valuable interceptive appliance if one or
combined mesiodistal diameters of the crowns of the more of the primary molars is lost prematurely.
mandibular incisors. Using this value in Moyers' table one Other factors must be considered in deciding whether or
then. is able to determine in what percentage of cases the not a space maintainer will be needed following the
space available in the arch will be adequate for the premature loss of primary molars. The tooth or teeth that
predicted sizes of the teeth that are to erupt. are lost prematurely is an important consideration. The
Some types of occlusion require space maintenace more loss of one or more primary anterior teeth - maxillary or
than others. For example, if the distal surfaces of the mandibularis not nearly as detrimental to the development
opposing second deciduous molars end on the same of normal occlusion as the loss of a primary first or second
vertical plane, (Fig. 17-2A) there will be need for a greater molar. When an anterior tooth is lost, there is little, if any,
amount of leeway space in the mandibular arch than tendency for the permanent
where the distal surfaces
Cross bites . 215
first molars to shift forward and shorten arch length, acrylic deposited on the casts using the "salt-andpepper
when the primary first and second molars are still present spray-on" technique after having first adapted the
and have adequate root structure to resist mesial necessary wires that are to be embedded in the acrylic.
movement of the permanent first molar. While there may In the space maintainer illustrated in Figure 17-3A the
be actual shifting of some teeth immediately adjacent to wires are not used as clasps but are a part of the appliance
the lost anterior tooth, usually there is no forward for the purpose of imparting wearing quality at points
movement of the permanent first molars and, where the acrylic would wear from frequent inserting and
consequently, no loss of arch length. removing the appliance in and out of the mouth.
When a primary first or second molar is lost The acrylic portion which covers the dental area may be
prematurely, such loss is almost always attended by built up to a level sufficient to antagonize the overeruption
mesial shifting of permanent first molars and, therefore, of the teeth in the opposing arch. Acrylic in this area may
loss of arch length. Whenever a primary second molar is also be cut away when the tooth or teeth beneath the
lost prematurely, whether before or after the eruption of acrylic bridge begin to erupt. Thus, the appliance need not
the permanent first molar, there will be a loss of arch be completely discarded until the succeeding teeth are
length due to the mesial position assumed by the erupted a considerable distance and can maintain their
permanent molar. Accordingly, it is advisable where arch own space. The wire extensions from the acrylic can still
length is adequate prior to loss a primary first or second make contact with the teeth mesial and distal to the area
molar to place a space maintainer in order to preserve being retained, even though the acrylic has been cut away.
space adequacy.
The importance of maintaining primary (deciduous)
teeth until the appropriate time for their exfoliation has In many instances the patient is seen after a space which
long been realized. While dental health education and should have been retained has already been lost. The use
improved caries prevention have lowered the number of of space regaining appliances often is beneficial. These
children who develop malocclusion because of premature appliances are especially effective to upright teeth that
loss of primary teeth, it is still one of the most common have tipped following the loss of one or more adjacent
controllable causes of malocclusion. teeth when space is available. It eliminates the need for
full-banded orthodontic appliances in such cases (Fig. 17-
3B and
Types of Space Maintainers
Our preference for uprighting tipped teeth that require a
There are two general types of space maintainers: fixed minimum amount of tooth movement is a removable
and removable. Removable space maintainers have the appliance. Accidental loss is circumvented by having the
shortcomings of all removable appliances: they may be patient wear the appliance in the evening and at night only
worn at the whim of the patient and they may be broken for a period of approximately 14 hours daily to obtain the
and easily lost when removed by the patient. This is less necessary tooth movement. The type of removable ap-
likely to occur if the appliance is not worn outside the pliance that has been found most effective employs
home. The space maintainers shown are worn at night Adams clasps and has the springs fabricated according to
only. The patient is told not to take the space maintainer the design suggested by Adams (Fig. 17-3D through H).
from his bedroom except to wash it. It is to be inserted These space regaining appliances also find application
just prior to retiring and removed the following morning in the permanent dentition to regain space and to parallel
as soon as he arises. This is adequate to maintain space tipped teeth prior to the insertion of the fixed or removable
and permit the appliance to function effectively. The dental prosthesis. In the latter situation the space regainers
faithful nightly use of the retainer must be supervised by are more aptly labeled "orthorehabili ta ti ve appliances. "21
a parent or another responsible adult.
Fig. 17-3. (A) A removable acrylic space maintainer for maxillary teeth. (8, C)Two views of a
removable space-regaining appliance. The simple helical springs can effectively tip the incisors into
proper position and regain the space lost in the central incisor area. (D) Mandibular removable
appliance for uprighting first molars which tipped mesially following early loss of the deciduous
molars. (E) The Hawley archwire serves as a clasp to hold the appliance in place and stabilizes the
mandibular anterior teeth while the molars are tipped distally and lost arch length (space) is regained.
(F) Springs activated against the mesial surfaces of the first permanent molars as suggested by Adams.
(G) Removable space regaining appliance to move a maxillary molar distally. Left, shows a "C" -
shaped wrought wire clasp; right, an Adams clasp. (H) Palatal surface of the maxillary appliance
shown in C. Note the helical spring embedded in the acrylic used for distal movement of the first
molar as suggested by Adams.
Cross bites . 217
Fig. 17-4. (A) A crossbite malocclusion in the primary dentition involving the teeth on one side from the midline through
the second deciduous molar. Treatment was effected in the primary dentition. (8) Cross bite corrected in the primary dentition
remained stable; occlusion has remained normal in the permanent dentition. (C) A cross bite in the early mixed dentition
produced a lateral shift of the mandible. Note the lack of consonance of the denture midlines. (D) Stability of the crossbite
correction is demonstrated in occlusion 38 months after treatment. The denture midlines are nearly consonant.
bites may occur in the anterior, posterior, or both parts of only teeth and their supporting alveolar processes, broadens
the dentition. All crossbi tes should be treated at the its sphere of influence to include basal portions of the
earliest possible time. Cross bites should be treated in the maxilla and mandible, and can extend to remote areas
primary dentition, in the mixed dentition, and in the affecting the growth and configuration of the condyles of
permanent dentition (Figs. 17.-4A, B, C and D). Once the the mandible. Crossbite malocclusions that were treated in
crossbite has been corrected it is self-retaining and shows the primary dentition and remained corrected in the mixed
no tendency to relapse. and permanent dentition are shown in Figures 17-4A-D and
If the cross bite is not corrected in the primary dentition, SA-G. A crossbite malocclusion that did not receive early
it is almost certain to be found also in the mixed and treatment and was allowed to exert its deleterious influence
permanent dentitions. Furthermore, as time progresses and on the supporting and contiguous structures is shown in
the crossbite remains untreated, the malocclusion tends to
Figure 17-6A-B. While not all crossbites are amenable to
worsen, so that the crossbite which at the outset may have
simple treatment procedures, the early interception and
218 . lnterceptive-Preventive Orthodontics
Fig. 17-5. (A) Although the incisors have not yet erupted to the point where their crossbite would be evident, the maxillary and
mandibular central incisors show labiolingual positioning which will result in crossbite if it is not corrected. (/3) Immediate application of
the tongue depressor blade technique (see p. 222) has succeeded in changing the labiolingual relationship of the central incisors. They are
now in edge-to-edge relationship. (C) Additional but irregular use of the tongue depressor blade has moved the maxillary central incisors
barely labial to the mandibular centrals. (D) The maxillary central incisors are now definitely in labial occlusion. Their positions are
maintained and improved by the occlusion of the lower centrals against the lingual surfaces of the maxillary centrals. Note the blanching
of the gingival tissue just above the crowns of the maxillary central incisors, a manifestation of the occlusion-generated labial thrust from
the mandibular central incisors. (E) Continued eruption of the incisors and continued improvement of the crossbite are evident. (F) The
maxillary lateral incisors did not erupt in crossbite. They would have, had the maxillary central incisors been allowed to remain in
crossbite. (G) Eruption of the succedaneous teeth is complete. The occlusion is highly satisfactory. This would not be the case had the
incisor cross bite remained uncorrected.
Cross bites . 219
Fig. 17-6. (A) A long-neglected unilateral crossbite involving all posterior teeth and canines is responsible for the severe
mandibular shift of one and one-half times the width of a lower incisor. This now is a severe malocclusion with facial disharmony.
(B) Unless the malocclusion is corrected it can be expected to accentuate this boy's facial asymmetry.
Fig. 17-7. (A) A functional posterior crossbite. Although the teeth on the patient's left side are in crossbite, the correction shown in
B was achieved by bilaterally expanding the maxillary dental arch. (B) Correcting the cross bite has allowed the path of closure of the
mandible to be undeviated. ote the more consonant relationship of the denture midlines.
of the crossbite prevents a more serious malocclusion from functional crossbites and may offer a more challenging
developing. treatment problem than the functional crossbi tes.
The functional posterior crossbite has its genesis in a lack of
lateral development of the maxillary dental arch, an over
Detection of the "Simple" Posterior Crossbite
development of the mandibular dental arch, or a combination
Functionally generated, a "simple" posterior crossbite can of the two. The consequence is the same in all three instances.
be diagnosed by observing the path of closure of the mandible The dental arch sizes are mismatched, and the resultant oc-
as it moves from a position of physiologic rest, into centric clusion of the posterior teeth is a cusp-to-cusp relation instead
occlusion. As the mandible closes through these few terminal of a cusp-fossa one. Because the cuspto-cusp occlusion is not a
comfortable relation for the teeth and jaws to assume, the
millimeters, its lateral deviation to the right or to the left
proprioceptors in
betrays the functional crossbite. Posterior CfOSSbites that do
not show a mandibular shift are not
220 . lnterceptive-Preventive Orthodontics
Fig. 17-8. (A) Bilateral expansion across the molar areas of the dental arch, and/or the canine regions is easily effected with
the Porter lingual appliance. (B) The Mershon half-round shaft and locking wire secure the appliance to the half-round molar
the periodontal ligament of the teeth change mandibular bites when the extent of the movement needed is
posture. The mandible is diverted to the right or left to considerable. A diagrammatic representation of the
bring the teeth into a position of maximum contact and problem of extent of tooth movement and a classification of
comfort, i.e., a cusp-to-groove, cusp-to-fossa or cusp-to- simple versus complex posterior crossbites based on the
embrasure occlusion. A functional posterior crossbite is the extent of tooth movement is shown in Figure 17-9.
result of the lateral shift (Fig. 17-7 A and B).
Anterior Crossbites
Treatment of Cross bites
When an incisor crossbite exists, horizontal
The posterior functional cross bite is treated by bilateral
expansion of the posterior portions of the maxillary dental
arch, or bilateral expansions of those portions of the POSl ERI OR CROSSBIlE
denture that are in crossbite. Treatment is usually
accomplished in a comparatively short time by using a
simple labial or lingual appliance that produces lateral or
buccal movement of the posterior portions of the maxillary
dentition (Fig. 17-8A and B). ~ .~
This appliance is adjusted to produce equal amounts of
pressure on both sides of the posterior teeth to move them
buccally an equivalent amount, even though the crossbite / \
may manifest itself on one side only. Once the posterior
teeth on both sides have been moved buccally, the patient
will adjust the path of closure and no longer deviate the
mandible to the right or to the left and the crossbite will be
corrected by the bilateral tipping of the posterior teeth.
:--i I
- -lJ
Where the cross bite is a structural one, it involves lateral
movement not onl y of the teeth but also of segments of the
maxilla as well. Segmental lateral movement of the maxilla -----:-\
may be required for elimination of a structural or skeletal
type crossbite; it involves complicated treatment.
v~ ""
A more bodily (translational) type of movement, and less
tipping of the crowns of the teeth, may be necessary for the
.... v/
correction of some posterior cross- Fig. 17-9. Progressively more severe degrees of posterior
crossbite are illustrated from A (normal buccolingual
relationship) through E (complete by-pass bite). Crossbites
in Band C may be characterized as simple, i.e., they require
only tipping movements to effect their correction; those in
D and E are complex problems that require a more
translational type movement.
Crossbites . 221
Fixed Appliances Fig. 17-12. An inclined plane fabricated from clear, quick-
curing acrylic partly covers the six mandibular anterior teeth
Some patients will not give the cooperation necessary prior to cementing it in place. When the upper incisors occlude
to effect correction with the tongue depressor blade. For against the acrylic plane, the posterior teeth are out of functional
these, fixed appliances are necessary. One effective fixed contact.
appliance employs the principle of the inclined plane.
Formerly, the inclined plane was constructed of metal. In causing any damage to the teeth or tissues. Rarely does the
recent years, quickcuring, self-polymerizing acrylics have appliance need be worn longer.
replaced the metallic inclined plane. After the inclined plane appliance is seated and before
Appliances are fabricated on a stone cast of the the patient is dismissed, both the patient and his parents
mandibular teeth. The acrylic resin is deposited on the are apprised of the difficulty he will have trying to chew
cast with the "salt and pepper technique" and built up to fibrous or hard foods because the posterior teeth are held
the desired form with small additions of the polymer out of occlusion. Only the maxillary incisors receive the
moistened with the monomer, the whole mass being force of occlusion. Force directed against the front teeth is
shaped with the fingers while it is still in a plastic state. by way of the acrylic incline plane. (Fig. 17-12). After the
The inclined plane is formed at a cant of 45 degress to the appliance has been in place a few days to a few weeks,
horizontal, extending upward and lingually to the continued eruption of the posterior teeth will gradually
maxillary incisor teeth that are in lingual crossbite (Fig. reestablish the occlusion and the problems of mastication
17-12). will disappear. However, the overeruption of posterior
The acrylic inclined plane should extend far enough teeth that occurs creates a different problem when the
posteriorly to make it difficult for the patient to bite acrylic inclined plane is removed. The bite is opened by
behind it. After the acrylic incline is formed on the cast, the eruption of posterior teeth, and because of this the
the appliance is removed and shaped with burs and stones vertical overbite in the incisor region may disappear. (Fig.
to approximately its final form in the mouth. 17-13A, B and C). Therefore, there is nothing to oppose
When the inclined plane has been trimmed to the the tendency of the teeth to relapse, and the
proper cant, and the margins given their final contour and reestablishment of a crossbite is always a possibility until
extent, the appliance is polished before being attached to such time as the bite settles, the posterior teeth are
the teeth with dental cement. If it 'is cemented the patient depressed in their alveoli, and the vertical overbite is
cannot remove it. Therefore, the appliance must be worn reestablished. (Fig. 17-13C).
until the operator removes it. The patient is asked to While the bite is settling, the normal vertical overbite is
return for observation 4 to 6 weeks after the appliance is returning and establishing a natural form of retention for
inserted. At that time it is usually possible to remove it the corrected crossbite. It can be helpful for the patient to
because the crossbite will have been corrected. However, use a tongue depressor blade a few minutes each day to
if the tooth or teeth in crossbite have not moved labially a hold the corrected crossbite from relapsing. The acrylic
sufficient amount, the appliance may be left in place for inclined plane is a particularly useful appliance for
several additional weeks without correcting crossbites that involve one or more upper
incisor teeth.
224 . Interceptive-Preventive Orthodontics
Removable Appliances
Removable appliances for the correction of incisor cross
bite are generally attached to the maxillary teeth and consist
of an acrylic base with suitable
Fig. 17-14. (A) Simple incisor crossbite in the mixed dentition was treated with an inclined plane appliance. (B) Corrected
crossbite as it appeared following the eruption of all permanent teeth. The treatment result is stable after 28 months.
Crossbites . 225
Fig. 17-15. (A) This type of incisor crossbite in the primary dentition is amenable to correction with the acrylic inclined plane. (B)
Corrected crossbite is shown 13 months after correction. The treatment required less than a month.
Fig. 17-16. (A) Incisor crossbite in the primary dentition is unusually deep in this patient. (B) Correction was achieved after 8 weeks with
the acrylic inclined plane. (C) Six months after the inclined plane was removed, the occlusion was noticeably improved. (D) The patient
continues to benefit from early treatment of the incisor crossbite. The permanent teeth are erupting in normal relation.
226 . lnterceptive-Preventive Orthodontics
Fig. 17-17. (A) A removable Hawley-type appliance for tipping one maxillary central incisor labially out of crossbite. The single
helical spring is the active part of the appliance. (B) The double (recurved) helical spring, which is the active part of this appliance,
may be adjusted (activated) so that the arm, which contacts the lingual surfaces of the central and lateral incisors that are to be tipped
labially, does so with equal pressure on both teeth (C) Double helical springs give this appliance the potential of tipping all the
maxillary incisors labially out of crossbite. The Adams clasps on the molars are augmented by the C-shaped clasps on the bicuspids.
(0) This variation of the helical-type spring is used to tip the maxillary lateral incisors labially out of crossbite,
Elimination and Control of Harmful Oral Habits' 227
Fig. 17-18. (A) The coil spring section on a plain labial archwire, compressed between the molar buccal tube and a stop on the archwire
just distal to the canine, is the active element in this appliance that is being used to tip the maxillary anterior teeth labially and out of their
cross bite relationship. (B) A plain labial arch wire ligated to the anterior teeth that are in crossbite relationship can be activated to tip the
ligated teeth labially and correct the crossbite by flattening the loop stop; this moves the distal, unattached end of the stop into forceful
contact with the mesial end of the molar buccal tube. The effect is the forward movement of the arch wire and the incisor teeth ligated to
the lingual archwire and auxiliary spring assembly is factor in producing malocclusion in the anterior portion of
used, some provision must be made to keep the small the mouth.
spring wire from sliding incisally on the lingual surface of The typical malocclusion that results from thumb or
the upper incisor teeth and destroying the efficiency of finger sucking is characterized by an an terior open bite
this auxiliary. Fixed appliances are indicated for the and protrusion of the upper incisor teeth. The lower incisor
correction of incisor crossbites whenever one is not sure teeth mayor may not be displaced by the abnormal sucking
of patient cooperation. habit. Perhaps the greatest
Chemical Means
The chemical therapy employs either hot-tasting, bitter
flavored preparations or distasteful agents that are applied
to the fingers or thumbs. Such things as cayenne pepper,
quinine, and asafetida have been used to make the thumb or
fingers so distasteful that the child will keep them out of
his mouth. In our experience these preparations are
effective with a limited number of children, and only when
the habit is not firmly entrenched.
Mechanical Means
There are a number of patented devices which may be
purchased to fit over the thumb or finger sucked, or to
cover the entire hand or limit flexion of the arm. The
patented devices that fit over the thumb or finger are
intended to make the establishment of intraoral vacuum
difficult if not impossible and to change the character of the
sucked thumb or finger so that it is no longer desirable.
Devices that completely cover the hand are intended to
make the thumb or finger inaccessible and therefore
eliminate the habit. Appliances that limit flexion of the arm
prevent the child from putting the thumb or fingers in his
mouth. This type of appliance seems cruel and somewhat
dangerous. The child may be unable to protect himself if he
stumbles or falls.
A simple device for controlling thumb or finger sucking
is the application of adhesive tape to the thumb or finger. In
many instances this changes the character of the finger
sufficiently to call the child's attention to the fact that it is
being placed in the mouth. This is important because in
Fig. 17-20. (A) An anti-thumb-sucking intraoral appli-
many instances thumb and finger sucking habits are at the
ance was constructed on a dental cast. After orthodontic
subconscious level of the individual's attention. Even
bands with Mershon-type half round tubes are fitted to the
though there may be some desire on the part of the subject
maxillary second deciduous (or first permanent) molars,
to discontinue the act, he finds it difficult to do so unless he
an impression is taken and the bands are removed and
is made aware when he is sucking his thum b or finger.
fitted into the impression before the working cast is
poured. The first step is adapting a lingual archwire as
shown here. (B) A palatal wire is added to the basic lingual
arch wire. (C) The connection of the anterior portion of the
lingual arch wire to the palatal wire forms the meshwork
of wire designed to prevent the thumb sucker from con-
tacting the palatal gingiva with his thumb.
Elimination and Control of Harmful Oral Habits . 229
The psychological approach was suggested by Dunlap
at Johns Hopkins some years ago. Dunlap believed that if
a subject can be forced to concentrate on the performance
of an act at the time he practices it, he can learn to stop
performing the act. Forced purposeful repetition of a habit
associates it with unpleasant, if not painful, reactions and Appearance. Supernumerary teeth are usually smaller
the habit is abandoned. than normal teeth. They may be peg-shaped with thin
short roots, as shown in Figure 17-23A. Those in the
SUPERNUMERARY TEETH region of the maxillary lateral incisors often resemble
normal incisor teeth and frequently approximate the size
Developmental and Etiology
of lateral incisors. Supernumerary teeth that develop in
Location. Supernumerary teeth may be found in any premolar regions are sometimes molariform, small and
dental area, but their most frequent sites are the third amorphous, or they may be shaped like normal premolar
molar region and the maxillary palatal midline. vyhen teeth.
they occur at the maxillary midline they are called Detection. The atypical size and anomalous form of the
mesiodens, (Fig. 17-23A) (Fig. 17-238). Maxillary incisor supernumerary tooth help to identify it. A problem in
midline supernumeraries are most frequently unerupted. detection arises when the extra tooth closely resembles,
Since supernumerary teeth develop late, they are both in size and shape, the primary or permanent tooth
infrequently found in the primary dentition. If they adjacent to it when it erupts in a normal position and does
develop with the primary teeth they usually erupt (Fig. not crowd the adjacent teeth. Unless one has adopted the
17-23C). Supernumerary teeth in the region of the lateral routine of counting each tooth, the supernumerary may be
incisors, either in the primary or permanent dentition, overlooked. (Fig. 17-24A and B). Supernumerary
usually erupt.
Supernumerary Teeth 231
Fig. 17-24. (A) A well-developed extra mandibular incisor is present in this patient's mouth. A superficial examination might overlook the
supernumerary incisor, which is distal to the mandibular right lateral incisor.
Supplemental Teeth
Supernumerary teeth which closely resemble the
The supernumerary tooth may also displace permanent
normal tooth alongside which they erupt are "sup-
teeth that are already erupted (Fig. 17-27). When the
plemental teeth." Their development apparently is the
result of an equal splitting of the tooth germ which supernumerary tooth erupts, it is no less a problem as far
produces two teeth rather than one. Supplemental teeth as the development of normal occlusion is concerned. Its
are found most frequently in the maxillary and presence prevents the normal relationship of teeth mesial
mandibular lateral incisor areas. They resemble the and distal to it (Fig. 17-27F).
normal lateral incisor alongside which they erupt. They Unerupted or erupted su pernumerary teeth can displace
may be found in the primary as well as the permanent permanent teeth, cause them to rotate, produce diastema,
dentition. When one finds a supplemental primary tooth, deflect them mesiodistally or labiolingually. and produce
the presence of a succedaneous supplemental tooth in the axial malposition (Fig. 17-28A, B).
same area in the dentition may be expected and should be When unerupted they may also be factors in the
looked for radiographically (Fig. 17-28A and B). development of dentigerous cysts, and in the resorption of
roots of adjoining teeth. Therefore, even though
supernumerary teeth may not produce malocclusion, they
are candiates for removal because of their potential for
precipitating dental pathosis.
form and size to the tooth alongside which it erupts, can be occlusion from becoming severe and lessens the length of
made by looking at the comparable tooth on the opposite side orthodontic treatment.
of the dental arch and removing the one which less closely
resembles in size and shape the normal lateral incisor (Fig.
17-29A and B). Usually, the more distal of the two teeth is the
supplemental one. Conditions that should prevail when management by serial
extraction is being considered are: (1) Class I molar occlusion;
(2) lack of so-called developmental spacing in the incisor
section of the primary dentition; (3) permanent incisors
SERIAL EXTRACTION erupting labially or lingually to the line of occlusion, often in
Serial extraction is a planned program of early removal of torsiversion; (4) arch length deficiencies of 4 mm. or more per
primary teeth to make room for the eruption and satisfactory quadrant.
positioning of the succedaneous teeth. Extraction rests in the
removal of four permanent teeth, usually the four first pre-
molars. The procedure should not be practiced unless one has
a thorough knowledge of orthodontic diagnosis, especially of
dentofacial growth and development. The timed, sequential The need for early removal of some primary teeth may first
removal of appropriate primary and permanent teeth can become apparent when one or both mandibular permanent
prevent a mal- central incisors are forced, for want of space, to assume
malpositions as they erupt
&I ,0
(Fig. 17-30A). Extraction of the primary lateral incisors eruption sequence is the first premolar before the canine.
affords the erupting permanent central incisors additional Since such sequence occurs in less than 21 per cent of the
space, and spontaneous improvement in their positions population, early removal of the mandibular first
can be expected (Fig. 17-30B). deciduous molar is necessary to make room for the
The next permanent teeth to erupt are the maxillary erupting permanent canine (Fig. 1731D). The early
central incisors. If these teeth are crowded but do not extraction of the second deciduous molar must
cause premature exfoliation of the primary lateral immediately follow to allow enough distal eruption of the
incisors, the laterals should be extracted in order to first premolar (Fig. 17-3'lD) so that it does not crowd
provide the space needed for the satisfactory positioning teeth in the mandibular anterior section of the dental arch
of the permanent central incisors. (Fig. 17-3IB). It is absolutely essential to place a well-
Just prior to the eruption of the mandibular and adapted lingual holding arch wire on the removal of the
maxillary permanent lateral incisors, the premature second deciduous molars. When the first premolar erupts
removal of the primary cuspids in both dental arches is (Fig. 17-31D), it is extracted. The lingual holding
necessary to provide space for the permanent laterals. archwire is not removed until after the second premolars
Once the space becomes available, the spontaneous have erupted.
correction of ectopically erupting and erupted permanent
incisor teeth can be confidently anticipated (Fig. 17-30C).
The next phase, which includes the extraction of THE LINGUAL HOLDING APPLIANCE
permanent as well as primary teeth, requires some
decisions that are final and produces some results that are The lingual holding appliance is constructed on a cast
irreversible. Therefore, an orthodontist should always be a of the mandibular teeth. After orthodontic bands have
consultant on these cases, if attempted by a general been fitted to the mandibular first permanent molars, an
practitioner whose knowledge of dentofacial growth and alginate impression is taken. The bands are then removed
orthodontic diagnosis is limited. from the molars and fitted carefully into the alginate
After the incisors are well-aligned (Fig. 17-31A) the impression before pouring the cast. This working cast
lack of arch length and the inadequacy of the space permits adaptation of 0.040-inch round chrome alloy
available for the eruption of the canine and premolar (stainless steel) wire to the lingual surfaces of the teeth.
teeth becomes obvious. Space now must be provided for The wire is soldered to the molar bands.
the canines, otherwise they will encroach upon the incisor
area as they erupt and cause recrowding (Fig. 17-3IB).
Following exfoliation or extraction of the first Adaptation of the Archwire
deciduous molar, the unerupted first premolar is
extracted. This occurs far enough in advance of the Proper adaptation of the lingual holding arch wire is
eruption of the maxillary canine tooth so that space for its important. It serves three functions: (1) maintains arch
eruption is ample for it to move into position without length until the second premolars have erupted, by
displacing the teeth anterior or posterior to it. preventing forward movement of the first permanent
In the mandibular dental arch, because the sequence of molars following the extraction of the second deciduous
eruption of teeth is different, the serial extraction molars; (2) controls lingual tipping of the mandibular
procedure must be modified. In a study of 236 subjects, incisors; and (3) prevents supra-eruption of these teeth.
representing seventeen different eruption sequences of Rowan's-" study of the positions of teeth during and
mandibular teeth, Moyers and LOl8 found the mandibular following serial extraction showed two highly significant
canines erupted before the first premolars in 79.3 per cent changes involving the mandibular incisors: the vertical
of their sample, therefore, the situation illustrated in overbite increased, owing, in part, to their supra-eruption,
Figure 17:31C III and IV prevails in about 8 of every 10 and the horizontal overjet increased, owing in part, to
individuals. their lingual tipping.
To avoid the undesirable results (Fig. 17-31B) that If the position of the lingual holding archwire is above,
come from failure to remove appropriate teeth at the rather than below, the height of contour of the cingulum
proper time, it is necessary to have radiograms of the of the mandibular incisors, their supra-eruption can be
mandibular canine-premolar region in order to determine prevented. If the archwire is in actual physical contact
the sequential eruptive possibilities of these teeth (Fig. with the lingual surfaces of all mandibular teeth mesial to
17-310). The most favorable the first molars, arch length will be preserved, and lingual
tipping of the incisors will be prevented.
238 . Interceptive-Preventive Orthodontics
Fig. 17-34. (A) Failure of the maxillary central incisor to erupt needs immediate investigation and treatment.
Delay will permit the other incisors to tip into the unoccupied space. (B) X-ray examination revealed an
unerupted central incisor in a normal upright position. A possible explanation of its failure to erupt is the
presence of some dense radiopaque tissue inferior to the incisal edge. (C) Surgical removal of hard and soft tissue
overlying the incisal portion of the crown of the central incisor, provided an opening as large as the greatest
circumference of the crown of the tooth stimulated, (D) A radiogram of the exposed tooth 3 months after the
surgical procedure, (E Opposite) The exposed tooth completed its eruption 6 months after surgery.
o orthodontic treatment was necessary. (F) A radiogram of the exposed tooth 6 months after surgery.
are shown in Figures 17-37, 38, The spontaneous and natural in the wake of ankylosed primary molars (Fig. 1736C, D).
improvement that one may expect the permanent tooth to
make following removal of the overretained primary tooth is
illustrated in Figures 17-36A and B. Perhaps the greatest
damage that may result from overretained primary teeth Diagnosis
The ankylosed primary molar may not be recog-
119. Extraction of Overretained Primary Teeth, 241
Fig. 17-39. (A) The first deciduous molar is ankylosed and is being overretained. This compels the developing first premolar to erupt
mesially to its normal position. (B) Following the extraction of the overretained first deciduous molar, the first premolar improved its
position and is erupting in a normal position.
Fig. 17-40. (A) In the clinical appearance of dental ankylosis at an early stage, a difference in the ocdusallevels of the crown of the first
deciduous molar and those of the adjacent teeth is obvious. (B) The difference in the ocdusallevels of the ankylosed deciduous molars and
the adjacent teeth is evidence that the ankylosis is not a recent development.
Fig. 17-41. (A) The maxillary left second deciduous molar is not clinically evident. The tooth is ankylosed and completely covered by
the continuing vertical growth of the soft tissues. ote that the first permanent molar shows severe mesial tipping. (B) In the radiogram of
the ankylosed second deciduous molar and adjacent teeth, note the severe mesial tipping of the first permanent molar.
244 . Interceptive- Preventive Orthodontics
Fig. 17-42. (A) The ankylosed maxillary second deciduous molar may be retained for a while longer because it is maintaining
arch length by preventing the mesial tipping of the permanent first molar. (B) In this case of long-standing dental ankylosis
involving the second deciduous molar, extreme mesial tipping of the first permanent molar and considerable loss of arch length is
obvious. Immediate and careful removal of the ankylosed tooth is indicated, as well as uprighting the permanent molar and
regaining the lost arch length.
The value of ankylosed teeth as masticatory units of the more dentists should be involved in the interceptive-
dentition is lost early, once the continuing vertical eruption of preventive phase of orthodontics.
the adjacent teeth takes the ankylosed tooth out of occlusion.
However, they may serve for many additional months to
maintain arch length integrity before they are no longer BIBLIOGRAPHY
capable of preventing mesial tipping of the first permanent 1. Adams, C. P.: Design and construction of removable
molars (Fig. 17 -41A and B). orthodontic appliances. ed. 4th. Baltimore, Williams and
Because the union between the cementum of the root of the Wilkins, 1970.
tooth and the bone of the alveolar process is a physically 2. Ballard, M. 1., and Wylie, W. 1.: Mixed dentition case
strong one, ankylosed primary teeth are overretained. analysis - estimating size of unerupted permanent teeth.
Because an overretained tooth often accounts for the ectopic Am. J. Orthodont. O. Surg., 33:754, 1947.
eruption, if not the impaction, of its succedaneous tooth; and 3. Brown, J. E.: Predicting the mesiodistal crown width of
because the ankylosed tooth ultimately is unable to withstand unerupted maxillary canines, first and second premolars.
the mesial shifting of the first molar and the loss of arch Unpublished M. S. thesis, Univ. of Tenn., 1955.
length (Fig. 17-42A and B) the extraction of an ankylosed 4. Carey, C. W.: Linear arch dimension and tooth size.
primary tooth is an effective means of practicing interceptive- Am. J. Orthodont., 35:762,1949.
preventive orthodontics. Of course, if the ankylosed primary 5. Dewel, B. F.: Serial extraction in orthodontics: Indica-
molar must be removed before prompt eruption of the tions, objectives, and treatment procedures. Am. J.
underlying permanent tooth can be expected, and loss of arch Orthodont., 40:906, 1954.
length in excess of the leeway space will follow, a space 6. _________ : Serial extraction: Procedures and limitations.
maintaining appliance must be used. Am. J. Orthodont., 43:685, 1957.
7. _______ : A critical analysis of serial extraction in ortho-
dontic treatment. Am. J. Orthodont., 45:424, 1959.
8. __________ : Serial extraction: Its limitations and contra-
indications in orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthodont.,
53:904, 1967.
9. _______ : Prerequisites in serial extraction. Am. J. Ortho-
dont., 55:633, 1969.
SUMMARY 10. Fonseca, C. c.: Predicting the mesiodistal width of the
canine-premolar segments of maxillary dental arches.
The high incidence of malocclusion and the relatively
Unpublished M. S. thesis, Univ. of Tenn., 1961.
small number of orthodontists has created a situation in some
11. Heath, J.: The interception of malocclusion by planned
areas of our country where not only the need but also the
serial extraction. New Zealand D. J., 49:77,1953.
demand for orthodontic treatment has outstripped the supply
12. ________ : Serial extraction and mechanically guided de-
of practitioners to provide the service. While there is no easy
velopment. Melbourne, Verona Press, 1958.
solution to this problem of professional manpower shortage,
13. Huckaba, G. W.: Arch size analysis and tooth size pre-
diction. Dent. Clin. N. Arn., p. 431, 1964.
Bibliography . 245
14. Lloyd, Z. B.: Serial extraction. Am. J. Orthodont., 39:262, 1, Mixed dentition diagnosis and treatment. Am. J.
1953. Orthodont., 39:695, 1953.
15 _____ : Serial extraction as a treatment procedure. Am. 20. Rowan, T. W.: Changes in denture and skeletal patterns
J. Orthodont., 42:728,1956. occurring during and following serial extraction. Unpublished
16. Mayne, W. R.: A concept, a diagnosis and a discipline. M.S. thesis, Univ. of Tenn., 1959.
Dent. Clin. N. Am., p. 281, 1959. 21. Salzmann, J. A.: Practice of Orthodontics. Philadelphia, J. B.
17. _____ : Serial extraction as an adjunct to orthodontic Lippincott, 1966.
treatment. St. Louis, Am. Assn. Orthodontists, 1965. 22. Weber, F. N.: Orthorehabilitative procedures. Dent.
18. Moyers, R. E., and Lo, R. T.: Studies in the etiology and Clin. . Arn., p. 419, 1959.
prevention of malocclusion; 1, Sequence of eruption of the 23. Young, W. O. and Zwemer, J. D.: Impact of present and
permanent dentition. Am. J. Orthodont., 39:460, 1953. future government programs on orthodontic care. In Proffit,
19. Nance, H. .: The limitations of orthodontic treatment; W. R. and Norton, L. A. (eds.): Education for Orthodontics in
General Practice, St. Louis, C. v. Mosby, 1966.
Extraction in Orthodontic Therapy
Criteria . 247
--(-?~fO:' I \ \
I '~\
\ \
.; ~ 'e- _ _ _ ____________ ____ _____1- ____ >,.. _ __ __ __ _____- - ~~ - JiL -
<, .:::" \ \ 82~"1
-, ..
' \ ,II
-_ 1\ \ \
-, _________\1, ______ __ __ ___ _ _ __ -_
"" \: \ --"'--;:;:-,-,tr-
" \ \ \1.~1I
\ '/ '~ I
"" \1300 \
... I-.:::: \\ .JI1i'
__ /yi/ \
I"', \ tf:'
KK - '0/1' \
- - -18yrs. '~~ v
" .....
'\, CD
Fig. 18-3. Lateral cephalogram tracings of patient K. K.
(see Fig. 18-2) before retreatment (A) 1 year out of reten-
tion (B), and (e). The change was in the dentition only; the
facial growth pattern had not changed.
occlusion present and the amount of overbite and overjet
shown by the patient before treatment. Extraction is not
responsible per se for increase or decrease in overbite.
incisor to the facial line (NPg), and the distribution and First Premolars
amount of the soft subcutaneous tissues of the face.
First premolars are the teeth usually extracted when it is
necessary to obtain stable results in malocclusions with
dental arch-basal arch discrepancies. The choice is
THE CHOICE OF TEETH FOR EXTRACTION modified by the age of the patient (e.g., if less tooth
movement would be required in an adult patient), the
The choice of teeth to be extracted depends on (1) the
presence and severity of caries or extensive fillings in the
direction of jaw growth, and especially lack of jaw
second premolar teeth, and agenesis of other teeth in the
length; (2) the amount of discrepancy between the size of
dental arch. When forward positioning of the molar teeth
the dental arches and the basal arches; (3) the carious
is not required, the first premolars should take precedence
state of the teeth; (4) the anteroposterior position of the
over the second premolars as the teeth to be extracted.
teeth in the jaws in relation to the facial line; (5) the
presence of an orthognathic or a prognathic facial profile;
(6) the degree of alveolodental prognathism; (7) the age
of the patient; and (8) the health of the dentition as a
Second Premolars
The teeth to be extracted in adults, other conditions Second premolars may be extracted instead of first
being favorable, are those that entail the least amount of premolars if they are unsound or severely carious, are
tooth movement for obtaining favorable results. blocked out of alignment, and would require extended
orthodontic tooth movement to bring them into line, while
the first premolars are already in satisfactory position. If
the space required for tooth alignment will not fill the
extraction space and considerable mesial movement of the
Canine teeth should not be extracted by choice because molars will be required, second premolar extraction
of their importance in maintaining facial expression and should be considered.
occlusal stability.
123. The Choice of Teeth for Extraction . 251
Fig. 18-9. Casts and photographs of face, a tendency to Class III (Angle)
patient, 18 years of age, when first seen. The malocclusion, and mandibular prominence.
maxillary first premolars had been extracted Adequacy of the basal arches had been
by a previous operator who brought the ignored, and the extractions were performed
canines which were blocked out of the arch to aid in overcoming tooth crowding without
into alignment in the first premolar spaces. regard to basal arch growth, facial
Lingual collapse of the maxillary arch appearance and intermaxillary arch
followed with a flattening of the maxillary relationship. The face appears flattened.
portion of the
The Choice of Teeth for Extraction . 253
molars is required frequently to move the maxillary molars 3. The maxillary tuberosity is insufficient to accommodate
posteriorly. Buccal displacement of the maxillary second or both the second and third molars in normal alignment.
third molars can occur when the alveolar process or maxillary 4. The second molars are severely carious and their
tuberosity length is deficient. The second molars may become successful restoration is questionable and the third molars are
impacted against the first molars, or the distal positioning of sound.
the maxillary first molars may cause the second molars to 5. The maxillary third molars are in favorable angulation for
erupt into malocclusion. eruption into the second molar space.
Contraindications to second permanent molar extractions
include the following:
1. Poor angulation of third molars in relation to
Permanent Second Molars to the second molars
2. Undersized third molars
Conditions favorable to maxillary second molar extraction
3. Absence of third molar tooth buds
and their replacement by mesial movement of the third molars
4. Ectopic or impacted third molars
can be summarized as follows:
1. The patient is past the average physiologic eruption age Enucleation of mandibular third molar tooth follicles in
when the second molars usually erupt. 2. The maxillary third children when it appears that there is not sufficient room to
molars are normal size and shape, and the root area is accommodate these teeth is not recommended, since it is
sufficient for these teeth to serve in place of second molars. impossible to pre-
Fig. 18-12. The casts of H. K., a girl of 11, were made by a tion to the mandibular first molar and openbite of lateral incisor,
previous dentist before he began treatment. (A) The right side canine, and second premolar. (F, G, H) Casts 1 year out of
shows Class I molar relation with canine unerupted and space retention at age 18 years. (l) Occlusal view taken by dentist before
closed. (B) An anterior view of the casts shows maxillary incisor he started treatment shows spaced maxillary incisor teeth; the
spacing and overbite. (C) The left side shows a cusp-to-cusp right maxillary canine is unerupted and the space is closed; the
molar relation and a crowded second premolar; the canine is left maxillary canine is unerupted and the space is partially
unerupted and the spaces partially closed. Casts taken when the closed. The maxillary left second premolar is crowded and
patient was first seen at age 15 years after having previously had rotated. The mandibular incisors are aligned. The right
4 years treatment elsewhere. The patient had the four first pre- mandibular canine is crowded, and the left mandibular canine is
molars extracted at that time. (D) At the beginning of re- unerupted and the space almost closed. (J) Occlusal view when
treatment, the maxillary first molar showed a cusp-to-cusp the patient was first seen and had previously had 4 years
relation with the mandibular second molar. The maxillary first treatment. The maxillary first premolars had been extracted. The
premolar occludes with the mandibular first molar. The maxillary incisor teeth are spaced. The mandibular first pre-
maxillary canine is erupted and in open bite relation with the molars had been extracted. The mandibular canines are erupted
distal aspect of the second premolar. The mandibular right and are crowded. The mandibular incisors and canines are
canine is still crowded. The maxillary lateral incisor is in lingual crowded. (K) An occlusal view 1 year out of retention at age 18
occlusion and in open bite. (E) The left side shows the maxillary years.
first molar in Class III rela-
The Choice of Teeth for Extraction . 255
Fig. 18-14. (Left> Anterior view of H. K. (see Figs. 18-12, 13) when first examined after having been treated elsewhere and (Right> at age
18 years, 1 year out of retention.
256 . Extraction in Orthodontic Therapy
Fig. IS-15. (Left) Maxillary second molars have been extracted. (Right) The maxillary third
molars are erupting into position and pre-empting the space of the extracted second molars.
determine the eventual increase in the tuberosity and the tuberosity has a bearing on the need for second molar
course of eruption of these teeth. extraction and replacement by the third molar. Permanent
third molars may find space for eruption during adolescent
growth or even later in the third decade of life. Contrarily,
Impacted Third Molars
some apparently normally erupting third molars may
Impacted third molars that show evidence of interfering become impacted. It is advisable to extract the second
with treatment or retention or that cause reflex pain or molars in the maxillary dental arch and the third molars in
infection, should be extracted. Malformed third molars that the mandibular arch when molar extraction is required.
interfere with occlusion should be extracted during
orthodontic treatment if they interfere with distal
movement of the maxillary dental arch or with retention
after treatment.
Mandibular Incisors
There is a wide variation in the time of eruption of the The intercanine distance of the maxillary and mandibular
third molars, and the development at the teeth should be measured when ex-
Fig. 18-19. The casts were made when patient 1. B. was first examined after having had 4 years treatment elsewhere. (Top) Left side
shows cusp-to-cusp occlusion and first premolar spaces still open. Anterior view shows maxillary incisor deep overbite. Right side
shows cusp-to-cusp occlusion and first premolar spaces still open. (Bottom) The occlusal view shows the teeth are aligned, but the first
premolar extraction spaces are still open after 4 years of treatment. The lateral jaw radiogram shows open premolar extraction spaces and
edge-to-edge occlusion and the intraoral view shows deep overbite.
Fig. 18-20. (A) In the profile view of L. B. made at the first examination note the deep (anteroposteriorly) maxilla and retrognathic
mandible. (B) Measurements were made from a lateral tracing of a cephalogram: S-N-A is 85, while the maxillary incisors are in
vertical axial relation at 920 to the Frankfort horizontal. The interincisor angle is 150, which is at the high extreme of the Downs range.
The mandibular incisors are at 87. The normal Tweed range is 90 5. This patient was treated by changing the axial inclinations of
the incisors making the mandibular incisors more procumbent, thus reducing the interincisor angle and rendering the incisors more
stable. The posterior series of teeth were moved forward to close the premolar extraction spaces.
260 . Extraction in Orthodontic Therapy
Friel, S. E.: Migrations of teeth following extractions. Proc. Mixed dentition diagnosis and treatment. Am. J. Orthodont.,
Roy. Soc., Med. Sect. Orthod., 38:22, 1945. 39:695, 1959.
---: The development of ideal occlusion of the gum pads and the Pletcher, E. c.: Simplified management of space closure.
teeth. Am. J. Orthodont., 40:196, 1954. Am. J. Orthodont. 45:278, 1959.
---: Determination of the angle of rotation of the upper first Priewe, D. E.: An evaluation of cephalometric analysis and
permanent molar to the median raphe of the palate in different extraction formulas for orthodontic treatment planning. Am. J.
types of malocclusion. D. Practitioner & D. Record, 977: [an., Orthodont. 48:414, 1962.
1959. Reid, P. V.: Extractions in the problem case. Am. J. Orthodont.,
Grieve, G. W.: Manifest evidence of the cause of relapse in many 45:12,1959.
treated cases of malocclusion. Int. J. Orthodont. & Oral Surg., Rottsahl, J.: Zur Frage del' Extraktion von Zahnen beim Deckbiss.
23:23, 1937. Deutche Zitsch. Zahnheilk. Kieferorth., 1 :1145, 1958.
---: Anatomical and clinical problems involved where extraction Salzmann, J. A.: The rationale of extraction as an adjunct to
is indicated in orthodontic treatment, Am. J. Orthodont, & Oral orthodontic mechanotherapy and the sequelae of extraction in
Surg., 30:437, 1944. the absence of orthodontic guidance. Am. J. Orthodont., 31
Halderson, H.: Early second permanent molar extractions in :181, 1945.
orthodontic. Canad. Dent. Am. J., 25:549,1959. ___ : Orthodontic therapy as limited by ontogenetic growth and
Kessel, S. P.: The rationale of maxillary premolar extraction only the basal arches. Am. J. Orthodontics, 34:297, 1948.
in Class II therapy. Am. J. Orthodont., 49:276, 1963. ---: An evaluation of extraction in orthodontics. Am. J.
Lewis, P.O.: Space closure in extraction cases. Am. J. Orthodontics, 51 :928, 1965.
Orthodontics, 36:172, 1950. Tweed, C. H.: Indications for the extraction of teeth in orthodontic
Lundstrom, A. F.: Malocclusion of the teeth regarded as a procedures. Am. J. Orthodontics & Oral Surg., 30:405, 1944.
problem in connection with the apical base. Sv. Tandl.-Tidskr. - __ : Clinical Orthodontics. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby, 1966.
Festskrift. 1923. Waldron, R.: Question of the influence of erupting or impacted
---: Malocclusion of the teeth regarded as a problem in connection third molars on the occlusion of treated and untreated case. lnt.
with the apical base. Svensk. Tand.-Tidsk., Sup. 1923. J. Orthodontics & Dent. Child., 23:221, 1937.
Reprinted, Am. J. Orthodontics, 11:591, 724, 793,933, 1022,
and 1109, 1925.
Nance, H. N.: The limitations of orthodontic treatment; 1,
Serial Extraction
The basis of serial extraction is th premise that it is molars is only one of the considerations in determining
possible, in the mixed dentition stage, to predict that space availability in the dental arches. Other factors of
increments in arch size and intercanine width will not be importance are the extent and direction of jaw growth, and
sufficient to accommodate all the permanent teeth in the shape of the dental arch itself.
regular alignment. Serial extraction seeks to guide
eruption of permanent teeth in a favorable direction, INDICA TIO S FOR SERIAL EXTRACTION
reduce malpositions of teeth, and shorten the duration of
orthodontic therapy. Serial extraction requires serial observation of the
One method of determining the ultimate permanent development of the dentition. Teeth generally emerge into
dental arch size is by making measurements of the the mouth when the root is about onehalf to three-quarters
mesiodistal dimensions of the unerupted and the erupted completed. Observation should continute until the
teeth. However, the measurement of unerupted teeth in permanent maxillary central and lateral incisors are erupted
order to determine the need for treatment based on arch and their roots are nearing completion. The position and
length variation of 1, or even 2 or more, millimeters when inclination of unerupted permanent teeth relative to the
jaw growth is still proceeding is of questionable accuracy. alveolar crest and to the adjacent teeth should be evaluated
The actual changes in jaw size that will occur during the to determine what is interfering with their eruption.
growth period when the dentition changes from the mixed When the maxillary permanent lateral incisors are in
to the permanent dentition cannot be estimated with a torsiversion, when the permanent central incisors are in
high degree of certainty. There are marked individual contact or crowded, or when one or both deciduous
variations in actual mesiodistal space required by the canines have been lost and the canine space is closed,
deciduous canines and first and second deciduous molars serial extraction is to be considered.
and the space required by the permanent canines and first In crowded incisor dentitions, when the permanent
and second premolars. canines are not erupting in advance of the first premolars
and the deciduous canines are in position, they should be
The deciduous canines and first and second deciduous
allowed to remain in place. When the permanent canines
molars usually, but not always, are wider than the
show about twothirds of their roots completed and their
succeeding permanent canines and the first and second
crowns are near the alveolar crest, the deciduous canines
premolars. When the permanent buccal series of teeth
and first premolars should be extracted.
erupt a "leeway space" is left. Part of the so-called leeway
Deciduous canines and first molars should not be
space in the transition from the deciduous to the
extracted before the roots of one-half of the succeeding
permanent dentition is preempted by the forward shifting
canine and first premolar have calcified. A relatively rapid
of the permanent molars. When the succeeding
continuing calcification of the roots of premolars and
permanent canine and first and second premolars are of
canines occurs soon after these teeth erupt through the
the same mesiodistal dimension or even greater than the
alveolar mucosa.
deciduous canine arid the two deciduous molars there is
no leeway space for the permanent molar to shift forward.
Therefore, if the permanent deciduous molar is in distal
relation to its maxillary opponent before the deciduous
molars are exfoliated the same condition may prevail CONTRAINDICATIONS TO SERIAL
when the premolars are erupted. EXTRACTION
The relationship between the mesiodistal crown
diameters of the first and second deciduous pre- Serial extraction should not be performed in the
following circumstances:
1. Class I malocclusions where the lack of space is
slight and the teeth show only slight crowding.
Nance's Method of Serial Extraction . 263
At age 13 years, after 1 year out of retention, the maxillary 26 mm. The inter-first molar distance was 29 mm. at age 10
and mandibular dental casts show all permanent teeth except years and 3 months and 33 mm. at age 13 years, 1 year out of
the third molars erupted. The maxillary permanent canines retention. While averages for intercanine width increase have
are still in the process of erupting, but sufficient space is
been presented by a number of investigators, there is wide
present for their eruption. The occlusion is Class I, and the
abnormal overbite and overjet that were present before variation among individuals.
treatment at age 10 years and 3 months have been eliminated Skeletal Classification. The facial skeletal pattern is Class
(Figs. 19-5A bottom, SB right, 5C righ t). 1, but borders on Class 2.
The intercanine space at age 7 years was 16 mm. Treatment Summary. Although mandibular growth was
At age 10 years and 6 months it was 18 mm. Two years and mostly downward, favorable widening of the jaws occurred
(Fig. 19-50) which was of direct benefit in obtaining a
6 months later, the intercanine space was
satisfactory result. This demonstrates the advantage of serial
tions before serial extraction is undertaken and of initiating maxillary incisor teeth without resorting to serial extraction.
orthodontic therapy during active growth periods. The The width of the dental arches should be assessed on the
increase in intercanine width provided space for the dental casts as well as the assessment of sagittal change.
alignment of the mandibular and
Trea tment Withou t Extraction - Case Histories . 267
- - _age 10 yrs ,3mos.
- -, age 13yrs.
-. . -,
c , ,
'>. -, ... D
Patient R. M.
Age 10 Years, Age
Dimension Downs Range Mean 7 Years 3 Months 13 Years
Facial Angle 82 to 95 87.8 82 83 83
(F.H. to N-Pg)
Angle of Convexity -8.5" to + 10 0 +6 +10 +10
A-B line to N-Pg -9 to 0 -4,8 -2 -5 -6
Mand. Plane to F.R 28 to 17 21.9 32 32 32
Y-Axis 66 to 53 59.4 63 64 66
Occlusal Plane to F.H, 1.5" to 14 9S 15 14 15
1 to I angle 130 to 150.5 135.4 130 117 133
I to Mandibular Plane 81.5 to 97 91,4 85 94 92
5- -A 82 80 81 82
5- -B 80 77 77 77
Gonion Angle 116-135 126 132 132 132
The following patient was treated without extraction, ous canine has been exfoliated, and the space is closed. The
although growth was unfavorable: left first deciduous molar is in position and the left second
deciduous molar has been extracted. The right and left
Patient M. M. (Fig. 19-6) mandibular permanent first molars are erupted. The lower
lip rests lingually to the maxillary incisor teeth.
Clinical Description. A girl, age 8 years and 6 months At age 9 years and 6 months, after 1 year of treatment,
with a Class I malocclusion. There is lingual collapse of the occlusion is Class I (Angle). The incisor overjet has
the mandibular incisor teeth and an abnormal overjet of 12 been reduced to 4 mm. The maxillary right and left
mm. There is interdental spacing of the maxillary permanent central and lateral incisors are in normal
permanent right and left central and lateral incisors. alignment.
The right and left mandibular permanent central and In the mandible the right and left permanent central and
lateral incisors are erupted (Fig. 19-6A). The right lateral incisors are in normal alignment. On the left side the
deciduous canine is in position. The first deciduous molar first deciduous molar is in position and the extraction space
has been exfoliated. The left decidu- of the second deciduous
268 . Serial Extraction
-age 6 yrs.,6 mos.
- - -age 9yrs.6 mos.
- - --agelOyrs,,6
270 . Serial Extraction
molar is available for the eruption of the second premolar. cisor teeth may show self-correction at this time. The
Skeletal Classification. The facial skeletal pattern is second deciduous molars should be maintained in the
Class 2. dental arch to prevent the permanent first molars from
History. When the patient was first examined she had a shifting and inclining forward.
space maintainer at the right mandibular deciduous first Tweed summarizes the philosophy on which his therapy
molar space and at the left mandibular second deciduous is based as follows:
molar space. The left deciduous canine space was closed 1. The mandibular incisor teeth are in normal axial
but the right deciduous canine was permitted to remain in inclination when related to the Frankfort plane at
place. There had been no attention given to the severe approximately 65 (FMIA).
maxillary incisor overbite and overjet. The dynamic 2. The mandibular incisors should be positioned over
dentition of the child cannot be treated piecemeal but must basal bone (the medullary bone of the respective basal
be regarded and treated as a unit. arches) at 90 5 in relation to the mandibular base
Serial extraction objectives are as follows:
1. Facial balance and harmony
TWEED'S ORTHODONTIC GUIDANCE 2. Stability of the posttreatment dentition
3. Healthy oral tissues
When a discrepancy exists between dental arch and 4. Efficient function
alveolar process length (basal bone) and the patient is
between the ages of 7% and 8 V2 years, Tweed performs
serial extraction as follows:
At age 8 years all four deciduous first molars are Tweed conceived the diagnostic facial triangle as a basis
extracted. If the mandibular permanent incisors are not for diagnosis and treatment planning. This consists of the
blocked out or severely crowded, the deciduous canines following:
are maintained in position to prevent too early eruption of 1. FMA - the Frankfort-Mandibular Plane Angle.
the permanent canines. When the first premolar teeth erupt 2. IMA- the Incisor-Mandibular Plane Angle.
to about the level of the crest of the alveolar mucosa, they 3.FMIA-the Frankfort-e Mand ibular Incisor Angle. In
are extracted. The deciduous canines also are extracted at addition consideration is given to:
this time. When the premolars are extracted 4 to 6 months A- -B-the A-Point-Nasion-B-Point angle, and S- - the
prior to eruption of the permanent canines, the permanent sella-nasion line.
canines usually shift posteriorly and erupt in the space left
Tweed established 25 as the norm for the Frankfort-
by the extracted first premolars. Slight irregularities of the
mandibular plane angle (FMA), and 90 as a norm for the
mandibular in-
mandibular-incisor-mandibular plane angle (IMA). By
extending the line through the
l :1
... -
---- _ ... _._-;:~-
.\ "
FMIA . Nt.. \ ",
S2g 6.750
Fl7/60 97.5
70D 2,.50
30,5 97.5 51" 6.50"
II II 61 31 9~ 57
0 .' ,
., ~
Fig. 19-7. (Left) Superimposed tracings of patient with a Type A growth trend between 8 years and 5 months (solid line) and
approximately 10 years (dashed line) show that growth was mostly in a downward and rearward. If this direction of growth had
continued, treatment would have been handicapped. (Right) Superimposed tracings at 8 years and 5 months (solid line) and 11
years and 3 months (dashed line) show the favorable changes which produced the orthognathic profile. Growth changed to a
downward and forward direction.
Tweed's Facial Types . 271
Fig. 19-8. (Left) Tracing of a Type B face before treatment was started at age 7 years and 9 months. One year and 4 months later growth
of the mandible was entirely forward. (Right) Tracing after orthodontic intervention. Note. Facial growth changed into a downward
direction only between age 9 years and 1 month, and 11 years and 3 months.
~\t . \
-. ~.
axial plane of the mandibular incisor to the Frankfort between the Frankfort and mandibular planes. Tweed used
horizontal plane the third angle, the Frankfortmandibular a template to help locate the apex of the mandibular
incisor angle (FMIA), of 65 is obtained. incisor tooth.
The Tweed diagnostic triangle is traced on the lateral The A-N-B angle indicates the mesiodistal relation of
radiogram as follows: the anterior limits of the maxillary and mandibular basal
L The Frankfort plane connects a point about 4.5 mm. arches. The normal range is from -5 to 0, with 65 per
above the geometric center of the cephalometer ear rod cent of cases examined ranging from -3 to 0.
and an orbital point midway between the left and right S-N line is used for superimposing cephalometric
lowest borders of the orbits. tracings in order to obtain the facial growth changes in
2. The mandibular plane is drawn along the lower patients under observation. The BroadbentBolton
border of the mandible and is extended posteriorly to construction also may be used.
connect with the Frankfort plane. The mandibular plane
goes through menton anteriorly and bisects the vertical
distance between the right and the left lower borders of
the mandible posteriorly in the region of the gonial TWEED'S FACIAL TYPES
angles. Tweed divided the facial skeleton into the following
3. The incisor plane is a line through the axial types by using lateral (profile) radiograms:
dimension of the most forward mandibular incisor Type A. The maxilla and mandible show forward
272 . Serial Extraction
in dental orthopedic therapy. Tr. European Orthodont. Soc., growth and development of the maxilla and mandible. Am. ].
1947. Orthodont., 53:19,1967.
--: Serial extraction as a corrective procedure in dental orthopedic Sontag, L. W., and Lipford, J.: The effect of illness and other
therapy. Acta Odont. Scandinav., 8:17, 1948. --: Observation and factors on the appearance pattern of skeletal epiphyses. J.
treatment of cases of developing progenia from deciduous Pediat., 23:39, 1943.
dentition to adult age. Tr. European Orthodont., Soc., 1955 Sontag, L. W., and Reynolds, E. L.: Ossification sequence in
Lloyd, Z. B.: Serial extraction as a treatment procedure. identical triplets. J. Hered., 35:57,1944.
Ani.. J. Orthodont., 42:728,1956. Tanner, J. M.: Genetics of human growth. In Tanner, J. M., (ed.):
Lysell, L., Magnusson, B., and Thilander, B.: Time and order of Human Growth. vol. 3. pp. 43-58. Symposia of the Society for
eruption of the 'primary teeth. A longitudinal study. Odont. the Study of Human Biology. New York, Pergamon Press,
Rev., 13:217, 1962. 1960.
Moorrees, C. F. A., Fanning, E. A., and Gran, E.-A.: The Taylor, R. F.: Controlled serial extraction. Am. J. Orthodont.,
consideration of dental development in .serial extraction. 60:576, 1971.
Angle Orthodontist, 33:44, 1963. Todd, T. W.: The roentgenographic appraisement of skeletal
ance, H. N.: The limitations of orthodontic treatment: differentiation. Child Dev., 1 :298, 1930.
I, mixed dentition diagnosis and treatment. Am. J. Orthodont., ---: Atlas of Skeletal Maturation, St. Louis, Mosby, 1937.
33:177,1947. Tweed, C. H.: The diagnostic facial triangle in the control of
---: The limitations of orthodontic treatment: II, Diagnosis and treatment objectives. Am. J. Orthodont., 55:651, 1969.
treatment in the permanent dentition. Am. J. Orthodontics & Zachrisson, B. U. and Zachrisson, S.: Caries incidence and
Oral Surg., 33:253, 1947. orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. Scand. J. Dent.
Ringenberg, Q. M.: Influence of serial extraction on the Res., 79:183, 1971.
Biomechanics in Orthodontic Therapy
NOMENCLATURE Force applied through cervical anchorage of fixed or
Biomechanic terms frequently used in orthodontics include removable appliances can bring about positional changes in
the following: the arrangement of the teeth. The influence of force also can
Force. The influence, such as tension or pressure, exerted act directly on the teeth, as in fix d tooth-borne appliances.
on a body; e.g., if sufficient force is applied to a tooth it tends Strain. The deformation of an orthodontic wire when it
to change its position. Force in orthodontics can be applied by meets resistance, as a result of applied force.
soft tissue covering removable plates and activators that Stress. The resistance a tooth offers to an applied force.
produce alveolar bone changes and so change the position of
Compressive Tensi Ie Shearing
Fig. 20-3. (A) In simple anchorage, a stronger tooth supplies resistance for moving a weaker tooth. The force applied may be an elastic
or a wire which is tightened at intervals. (B) Simple stationary anchorage is like simple anchorage except that the square buccal tube
prevents tilting of the molar; it will be moved bodily if at all. (C) Simple reciprocal intramaxillary anchorage links teeth of equal resistance
in the same jaw. (D) Simple reciprocal intermaxillary anchorage involves teeth of equal resistance in opposite jaws.
Deformation. Change in the shape of a wire. Resilience. 2. Stationary: When an appliance is so constructed that
The elasticity of a wire related to the amount of force it the anchor teeth must move bodily, if at all, it is
can withstand without becoming permanently deformed. considered to be stationary anchorage. The occiput, when
Ultimate strength to withstand force increases with wire used for anchorage in extraoral appliances, can be
thickness. considered to be stationary anchorage.
Ductility. The opposite of brittleness; the extent to
which a wire can be stretched without breaking.
Elasticity. The amount of force an orthodontic wire
can withstand and return to its original shape without
Tensile strength. Resistance to breakage.
Torque. Force that produces torsion in a direction that
increases resistance.
Resistance is required from which the force required to
move teeth is to originate. This is the principle of
orthodontic anchorage.
Types of Anchorage
The various types of anchorage are as follows:
Intramaxillary resistance is obtained from teeth in one
jaw to move other teeth in the same jaw.
Intermaxillary. Anchorage in one jaw used to move
teeth in the opposing jaw.
Extraoral anchorage. An occipital or cervical ap-
pliance is attached to an intraoral appliance.
Anchorage can be further subdivided as follows: 1.
Fig. 20-4. Compound intermaxillary anchorage. The teeth in
Simple: A tooth or teeth that offer greater resistance to
one jaw are employed as resistance for" moving teeth in the
displacement than the tooth that needs to be moved. opposing jaw. This is accomplished here by means of
intermaxillary elastic bands.
276 . Biomechanics in Orthodontic Therapy
3. Reciprocal: When the force exerted on a tooth or 2. Teeth that have been loosened by trauma offer poor
teeth is evenly distributed and the teeth on bothsides resistance.
move. 3. Teeth undergoing root calcification in the early
mixed dentition offer poor anchorage resistance.
Extraoral Anchorage
Extraoral or occipital anchorage depends on the
resistance offered by the posterior portion of the skull. It Resistance to orthodontic forces can be derived from
can be used to exert force in combination with different the following:
types of orthodontic appliances. The extraoral appliance 1. The bone in which the teeth are situated. Dense bone
should be worn a minimum of 14 hours a day for best offers greater resistance to change of tooth position.
results. A cloth headcap, a belting fabric, or a rubber 2. Root surface of the teeth. Resistance is directly
tubing on the neck or head is used to hold the active part proportional to root area, all other factors (including the
of the appliance. Elastics are employed for attachment of character of the investing bone) being equal.
the facebow. The intraoral part of the appliance fits into 3. Teeth offer more resistance to movement opposite to
tubes placed on the first molars when these teeth are to the direction of natural growth of the jaws.
be moved distally. 4. Muscular pressure can offer additional resistance to
Extraoral anchorage eliminates the possibility of anchorage or weaken anchorage if the muscular pressure
untoward forward mandibular tooth movement when is in the same direction as the teeth being moved.
mandibular molar anchorage is used with intermaxillary 5. The extent and manner of interlocking of the cusps
elastics. can offer some resistance to orthodontic tooth movement.
Extraoral anchorage can be used for the following 6. Stabilizing removable plates that engage the oral
purposes: mucosa and the teeth enhance anchorage.
1. To provide additional support for intraoral
2. To prevent increased procurnbency of the man-
dibular incisor teeth
3. To prevent the buccal series of teeth from shifting
forward Reinforcing Anchorage
4. To move teeth or the entire dental arch distally Anchorage Loss. When anchor teeth show change in
position, they should be allowed to return to their original
positions or be actively moved to their original positions
before treatment continues. Resistance in the maxillary
Stability arch may be greater than in the mandibular arch, causing
While, in theory, a tooth with a greater surface area is an undue amount of forward shifting of the teeth in the
expected to offer greater resistance to force than one with mandible. Change in the line of occlusion induced by
a smaller surface area, this is not always the case in intermaxillary leverage which raises the mandibular
practice. Much depends on the thickness and the quality anchor molars usually is self-correctible in function.
of the alveolar bone, on the amount of leverage applied However, mandibular incisor crowding can be initiated or
on the anchor teeth, on the axial inclinations of the teeth, made worse by anchorage loss. Extraoral appliances can
on the proximal contacts, and on the forces generated in be used to reinforce mandibular anchorage in these cases.
occlusion. Spongy bone with large interosseous spaces or Reinforced or additional anchorage is frequently
poorly calcified bone will not offer as much resistance to required in the following circumstances:
force as will calcified bone. 1. When the lower lip is habitually behind the upper
anterior incisors when the jaws are in rest position.
2. When the tongue is continually positioned over the
incisal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth.
. Resistance 3. When a biteplate is used in Class II malocclusion to
Resistance offered by anchorage depends on many factors unlock a deep overbite.
among which are the following: 4. To prevent loss of mandibular molar stability when
1. The character of the alveolar bone in which the intermaxillary elastics are used.
anchor teeth are situated and the character of the bone
through which a tooth or teeth are to be moved.
144. Steel Wire Force' 277
~- . -
C d
\\ It
\\ II
\\ ~I
\\ I
\\ I
LENGTH ~ 1.8 c.rn. \i I
THICKNESS ~ .35 mm. \\ I
DEFLECTION ~ 5 mm. \\ I
\\ II I ' 8 x
Fig. 20-6. (A) Diagram of straight spring fixed at X, free elsewhere, deflected by pressure initially applied along d-e,
(B) Auxiliary spring force. (Left) Direction of action from a-b to d-e between full deflection and position of rest; (center)
coil inserted as near as possible to point of greatest bending stress to distribute stress over greater body of material and
to avoid liability to deformation; (right> progressively unequal movement of teeth from point of fixation of the single
spring. (C) Diagram of double spring, which acts as if it were two single springs, A-B and X- Y. A is point of fixation.
(McKeag, H. J. A.: The teaching of appliance design in orthodontia. Dental Record, 56:260, 1936)
stainless steel to avoid loss of elasticity from the high heat movement and for torquing roots. Round light wires are
applied. most desirable for moving teeth.
Recurved auxiliary springs permit the movement of teeth of 0.020, 0.016, and 0.010-inch diameter. When heavier
where the point of fixation of the spring is not wires are used there is a greater tendency for the anchor
sufficiently remote from the tooth to be moved to allow teeth to move. The amount of deflection of an arch wire
sufficient deflection of the spring for the amount of or auxiliary spring at each adjustment should not exceed
movement required. 1/16 to V8 inch of space, in order to avoid strong force that
can produce undermining resorption.
Optimum Force
Heavy force can traumatize the periodontal ligament
and adjacent gingival tissues. Laminated archwires ORTHODONTIC APPLIA CE FORCE AND
employ the principle of laminated springs. They have RESISTANCE
increased elasticity over single heavy wires. Hixon et al. The force exerted on the teeth by an orthodontic
found no supporting data to substantiate the existence of appliance depends on the following:
optimal or differential force in moving teeth. The 1. The type of appliance used
maintenance of molar anchor teeth in an upright position 2.The duration of time during which the force is active
is important in maintaining anchorage when retracting 3. The size, location, and character of the investing
canine teeth. tissues of the teeth on which the force acts
Bodily tooth movement is obtained by applying force 4. The origin and point or sites of application of the
at the center of resistance of a tooth. This center is not force on the teeth
accessible because it is located in the root of the tooth. 5. The distance over which the force acts
Torque of the archwire produces a resultant force that 6.The reaction of the oral tissues to the force applied
can pass through the center of resistance of a tooth. 7. The force produced by occlusion of the teeth
The molars have a larger root area than the incisor or Forces produced by an orthodontic appliance in actual
canine teeth and usually will show more resistance to use in the mouth cannot be readily measured. The same
force and undergo less change of position than teeth with orthodontic appliance exerting the same amount of force
smaller roots and root surfaces. The foregoing depends can show a different rate of response in different patients.
also on the character of the bone surrounding the The amount of force experienced by a tooth depends on
respective teeth and the absence of outside interferences the type, the size, and the location of the tooth, the type
such as the position of adjacent and abutting teeth that and posi tion of the bracket band on the tooth, and the
tend to stabilize or reduce change of position of a tooth size, contour and deflection of the wire used.
or teeth.
Storey and Smith used orthodontic wires with spring
forces of different values to move canine teeth distally
into first premolar extraction spaces. The first permanent
molars and second premolars were used as anchorage. Passive, which does not change the axial relation of the
They found the optimum range of force required to teeth, and active, which produces a definite change in the
produce maximum rate of movement of the canine teeth axial relation and inclination of teeth. A rectangular arch
distally without at the same time producing mesial wire cannot be placed into the brackets if the wire is not
movement of the molar and premolar teeth mesially to torqued without producing undesirable axial movement
range from 150 to 200 grams. When the force is of the teeth.
increased perceptibly, the rate of the canine movement
decreases and appreciably increases mesial movement of
Directions of Torque
the anchor teeth.
Decrease in rate of movement of canines and molars In order for a square or rectangular arch wire to lie
when heavy forces are applied is attributed to passive in the brackets of the permanent teeth the
undermining resorption of the alveolar bone as originally archwire requires a lingual torque. The torque is inclined
shown by Sandstedt. Spring force for moving teeth is more lingually in the mandibular than in the maxillary
best applied by lighter gauge wires dental arch. The amount of torque is diminished in the
280 . Biomechanics in Orthodontic Therapy
'500 3000 ",,000 1500
1f 4
(~'"' . .,.,...m.)
Fig. 20-8. (Left) Equilibrium diagram. (Top,
right) Passive tip-back bends. (Bottom, right)
in a forward bends applied
so that tothebuccal segment.
premolars have less Orders of Torque
torque (Haack,
than theD.molars
c.:) and the canine torque is almost Differen t orders of torgue - such as labial, buccal,
nonexistent. Torque is eliminated from the arch wire that
lingual, rotative, depressive, and elongating - can be bent
lies in the mandibular and maxillary incisor brackets if
into the rectangular edgewise arch as follows:
root movement lingually or labially is not desired.
1. First order bends are used in forming the ideal
archwire. These bends do not alter the horizontal plane of
the wire. They make possible the engagement of all teeth
directly into the brackets.
2. Second order or "tip-back" and "tip-forward" bends
are incorporated in the archwire in the vertical plane. They
are used in tipping buccal teeth either mesially or distally.
3. Third order bends are used to obtain axial changes in
buccolingual or labiolingual root and crown axes of the
teeth. To be effective, torque in the rectangular arch must
be made so that when the attempt is made to place the
archwire in the bracket on the tooth it must be seated with
a torquing key or a pair of pliers.
The archwire, when first adjusted, possesses a variable
amount of stored energy depending on its spring design.
After insertion there is a gradual loss of force until the
minimum pressure is attained. Loops increase the length of
the wire between attachments, thereby reducing force and
increasing the range of the activity of the archwire.
However, the force exerted by a loop depends on the
amount of deflection it undergoes when it is attached to a
Vertical Loops. Vertical loops are intended to increase
the force delivered to the teeth. Vertical loops under
compression have a greater range of activation when not
expanded and then compressed. Excessive expansion of
the loops in the incisor region can cause the anterior teeth
to tip forward. Vertical loops aid in resisting permanent
crimping of wires between attachments, so that variations
in bracket heights and tooth irregularities will not readily
produce permanent distortions of the archwire,
If the distance of the deflection of the wire to the bracket
seat is not increased, vertical loops reduce the force
exerted by the archwire, If loops are placed in the archwire
between the brackets, the length of the' "lever arm" (the
force-producing part) is increased. A lighter force can be
exerted provided the
6.6 1IIIIl. 6.
2.5 11IIII.
0.9 oz.
10.5 lUI.
8.1. oz.
1).7 00,
Fig. 20-15. Vector diagrams, with intermaxillary elastics of the mouth closed (left) and open (right). (Courtesy S.
M. Bien)
284 . Biomechanics in Orthodontic Therapy 151.
Fig. 20-17. (Top) Sliding hook against max-
illary canine with intermaxillary elastic to close
space distal to canine. (Bottom) The space distal
to the canine now is closed.
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Janssen, M.: On Bone Formation. Its Relation to Tension and orthodontic therapy. Am. J. Orthodontics, 45:606, 1959.
Pressure. London, Longmans, ]920. Sandstedt, c.: Einige Beitrage zur Theorie der Zahnregulierung.
Johnson, A L., Appleton, J, L. T., and Rittershofer, L. S.: Nordisk. Tand. Tid., 5:236, ]904; 6:]41, 1905.
Tissue changes involved in tooth movement. Int. J, Orthodont., Sather, A H., Mayfield, S. B. and Nelson, D. H: Effects of
Oral Surg., & Oral Radiog., 12:889, ]926. muscular anchorage appliances on deficient mandibular arch
length. Am. J. Orthodontics, 60:68, ]971.
Joffe, B. M.: Galvanic current generated by an orthodontic
appliance. J.D.A South Africa, 17:78,1962. Simon, P.: System einer biologischmechanischen Therapie der
Gebiss-Anomalie. Berlin, H. Meusser, 1933.
Jolly, M.: The formation of bone. D. J. Australia, 25:133, 1953.
Kaletsky, T.: An additional report on further studies in electric Smith, R., and Storey, E.: Optimum force for optimum tooth
pulp testing. New York J. Dent. 7:81, 1937. ---: Management of movement. Australian J, D., 56:291, 1952.
traumatized pulps. Am. J. Orthodont. & Oral Surg., 30:93, 1944. ---: The importance of force in orthodontics, design of cuspid
King, E. W.: Cervical anchorage in Class II, Division 1, retraction springs. Australian J. D., 56:291, 1962.
treatment, a cephalometric appraisal. Angle Orthodontist, Sorensen, O. J,: The sectional arch in CLass II extraction cases.
27:98, 1957. Angle Orthodontist, 30:174, 1960.
Kloehn, S. J,: Guiding alveolar growth and eruption of teeth to Stevenson, W.: Extraoral anchorage and traction in orthodontics.
reduce the treatment time and produce a more balanced Brit. J, D., 122:309, 1967.
denture and face. Angle Orthodontist, 17:10, 1947. Stoner, M. M.: Past and present concepts of anchorage
---: An appraisal of the results of treatment of Class II preparation. Angle Orthodontist, 28:176, 1958.
malocclusion with extraoral forces. Tr. European Orthodont. -,--: Force control in clinical practice. I. An analysis of forces
Soc., p. 112, 1961. currently used in orthodontic practice and a description of new
Krebs, A: Expansion of the midpalatal suture studied by means of methods of contouring loops to obtain effective control in all
metallic implants. Trans. European Orthodont. Soc., 34:163, three planes of space. Am. J. Orthodontics, 46:163,1960.
1958. Storey, E., and Smith, R.: Force in orthodontics and its relation to
Kressner, A: Die Umstellung zur Nasenatmung durch die tooth movement. Australian J. D., 56:11, 1952.
Gaumennahterweiterung, vom Standpunkt des Rhinologen. ---: Bone changes associated with tooth movement:
Fortschr. Kieferorth, 15:228,1951. 'Lindquist, J. T.: Indirect band A radiographic study. Australian J. D., 57:57, 1953.
technic. Angle Orthodontist, 29:11, 1959. Susarni, R., and Akiyama, K: Some physical properties of rubber
Lischer. B. E.: Mechanical treatment of dental anomalies. elastics. J. Osaka Univ. Dent. Soc., 4:485, 1959.
J.AD.A & Dent. Cosmos 25:397, 1938. Sved, A.: The behavior of arch wires in fixed attachments.
Luffingham, J. K: Pressure exerted on teeth by the lips and Int. J. Orthodontics & Oral Surg., 23:683,1947.
cheeks. D. Practitioner, 19 :61, 1968. ---: The application of engi neeririg methods to orthodontics. Am.
J, Orthodontics, 38:399, 1952.
Taylor, N. 0.: Problems involved in the study of wrought
Bibliography 287
gold alloys for orthodontia. Int. J. Orthodontics, 17:1033, Weinstein,S.: Minimal Forces in Tooth Movement. Am.
1931. J. Orthod., 53:881-903, Dec. 1967.
Thorne, H.: Experiences on widening the median maxillary Weinstein,S., and Haack, D. c.: Theoretical mechanics in
suture. Report of the 32nd Congress, European Orthodont. practical orthodontics. Angle Orthodont., 29:177, 1959.
Soc. Annual 1956. Weinstein,S., et al.: On an equilibrium theory of tooth position.
Timoshenko, 5.: Strength of Materials. ed. 3. New York, Van Angle Orthodontist, 33:1,1963.
ostrand, 1955.
Wilkinson, J. V.: Some metallurgical aspects of orthodontic
Tirnoshenko, 5., and Young, D. H.: Engineering Mechanics. ew stainless steel archwires. Am. J. Orthodontics, 48:192, 1962.
York, McGraw-Hill, 1956. Williams, R. V.: Orthodontic metallurgy. Int. J. Orthodontics,
Tweed, C. H.: The soldering technic for steel arch wire. 15:219, 1929.
Angle Orthodontist, 11 :68, 1941.
---: Orthodontic alloys. Int. J. Orthodontics, 11 :1,1935. Ziegler,
Van der Linden, F. P. G. M.: The removable orthodontic J. T.: The comparative merits of cementing orthodontic bands on
appliance. Am. J. Orthodontics, 59:376, 1971. non-dehydrated and air-dried teeth:
Waldron, R.: The dynamics of the new Angle mechanism, as A clinical study (Abstract). Am. J. Orthodontics, 45:869,
observed by a non-Angle man. Int. J. Orthodontics, Oral 1959.
Surg. & Radiog., 17:1113, 1931.
Appliance Construction and Use
An orthodontic appliance is a means to an end. It is not Overlapping portions of bands on the occlusal surface of
an end in itself as is the case with operative and teeth should be removed. All excess cement, especially on
prosthetic appliances that replace lost dental and oral gingival and occlusal surfaces, should be removed. All
tissues. Some appliances are more effective than others in loose bands should be recemented without delay.
producing desired results in specific types of
malocclusion. Placement of appliances in the mouth
should be accomplished gradually, and active force
should be postponed until the patient has become
accustomed to the presence of the appliances in the The fixed appliance is attached to the teeth; it is
mouth. The patient should be advised that some removable by the operator. Anchorage is dependent on
temporary tenderness may develop. Appliances should be the resistance offered by teeth (anchor teeth).
removed when not absolutely necessary. Bodily movement and rotation of teeth with
labiolingual appliances are not easily obtained although
they readily permit tooth movement by tipping.
Functional freedom of the teeth is more possible with
labiolingual appliances than witl"~ multi banded
appliances that keep the teeth in a more rigid state.
Appliances should possess the following qualities: 1. Space closure with labiolingual appliances does not
Permit control of the degree, distribution, duration, and lend itself readily to paralleling the roots of teeth. When
direction of the force they exert gentle pressure is used, teeth can be moved with only
2. Be harmless to the oral tissues and not adversely slight axial inclination. Teeth adjacent to an extraction
affected by oral secretions space should be banded in order to obtain parallel root
3. Allow teeth and soft oral tissues to function movement. Axial inclinations of the moved teeth adjacent
normally to an extraction space will correct themselves
4. Allow wearer to maintain oral hygiene. occasionally when a retaining appliance is worn.
5.Exert sufficient force or offer sufficient anchorage Another method of space closure is to bring the tooth to
resistance to induce histologic bone changes necessary be moved into the extraction space into contact with the
for desired orthodontic tooth movement tooth on the opposite side of the extraction space. Light
6. Respond to the control of the operator spring pressure then is exerted at the gingival margin of
7.Allow movement of individual teeth or of groups of the tooth being moved, while the adjacent tooth acts as a
teeth in desirable directions stop, until the axial inclination of the moved tooth is
Safety Measures in Appliance Therapy Rotation of Teeth. While auxiliary springs can be of
Appliances should be examined to note that the bands assistance in rotating teeth, lingual appliances require
are properly soldered, aligned, and cemented in proper bands to be cemented to the teeth to be rotated. Brackets
position in order to avoid undesirable movement of teeth, or staples are attached to the mesial and the distal thirds
caries formation, and unnecessary interruption of of the band for ligating the teeth to the arch wire in order
treatment. Archwires should be examined for brittleness to obtain rotation. Elastic or steel ligatures also may be
and unwanted crimping. used.
Irritation of the mucous membranes can result from To correct tooth irregularities in the mandibular arch, a
rough ends or archwires, Small, smooth wires soldered to lingual archwire (0.036 inches) with loops can be used.
the lingual surface of bands afford a grip for the band By bending the archwire slightly down-
remover and facilitate removal.
Lingual Appliances . 289
ward close to the molar bands compensation is obtained to at intervals during dental development. He did not consider
prevent shifting the molars forward when intermaxillary treatment completed before the eruption of the permanent
elastics are used. Intermaxillary elastics are not to be used dentition is completed. Mershon advocated correcting molar
until individual tooth irregularities in the mandibular dental relationship before aligning other teeth.
arch are eliminated. Construction. 1. Adapt bands to the second deciduous
molars, or in their absence, to the first permanent molars.
Solder half-round vertical tubes to the lingual surface of the
The Mershon Lingual Appliance maxillary molar bands
C ~
[ ~ H
~ TOP:' TOtt!iVE PI/'ICHIltfr
290 . Appliance Construction and Use
" ~
which eliminates the necessity of compensating bends.
The round tube is located to overcome adverse rotation.
rof (Courtesy Lowrie J. Porter)
>w "; h '
r l; H
:r , '
rf ': 1
b 6; ,
~._ t
1fOUI1D rvBiE.
METHODS OF SEP ARA TING TEETH FOR anterior band material use 0.003-inch to 0.005 x 0.018S-
Labial and lingual archwires 0.038-inch to 0.040inch
Soft brass 0.020-inch ligature wire is used to separate
Buccal tubes (round). Usually one-quarter inch in
molar teeth prior to band fitting. Occasionally separation
length, to fit various gauges of wires as used.
is required in anterior teeth; an O.OlD-inch steel or brass
Lock wires - 0.022-inch soft
wire is used. Elastic or steel spring ligatures may also be
Auxiliary springs - O.OlS-inch or 0.020-inch. Half-round
used (Fig. 21-1).
tube length is 0.010 inches, to fit 15-
Elastic ligatures of light, medium, or heavy thickness
gauge, half-round wire Guideplane wire
may be used for separating teeth before band fitting,
- 0.030-inch Intermaxillary hooks -
tooth rotations, space closure, tooth alignment and canine
retraction, and for bringing teeth into the line of
occlusion. The elastic ligature is drawn through the
interproximal space of the teeth with a fine ligature wire
and tied under tension. ST AINLESS STEEL APPLIANCES
Gauges of wires. The following gauges and di- Stainless steel commonly used in orthodontics contains
mensions of wire are used in labial and lingual 18 per cent chromium and 8 per cent nickel. This is
appliances: known as austenetic type steel. Allergic reactions to
Band material. For banding molars use 0.006-inch or stainless steel have been found to occur in some patients.
0.007 X 0.18S-inch or 0.187-inch material. For Stainless steel used in orthodontics should be malleable,
resilient, and impervious to oral fluids; Stainless steel
wires when heated to redness and slowly cooled become
soft. The temper in stainless steel cannot be restored as in
precious metal alloys.
Steel wires have a high tensile strength, therefore, wires
of smaller dimensions should be used to avoid excessive
force. An 0.006-inch steel wire can produce a force of 2S
g. While an 0.020-inch steel wire produces a force of
almost 700 g. High degrees of force reduce the rate of
tooth movement. Initial use of arch wire force should be
confined to light round wires of small diameters. Steel
wires have a tendency to break under increased
manipulation. The wires should be bent slowly if sharp
bends are to be made.
Soldering Stainless Steel
SOLDERING PRECIOUS METALS Fig. 21-11. (Top) A removable appliance with finger
springs used to move teeth mesially or distally. The plate
Solder of 22 carat is the best for soldering precious has been cut away from the lingual surface of the incisor
metals. Lower carat solders are more brittle. Soldering teeth. A wire has been adapted to help keep the anterior
should be done at the lowest possible temperature. The springs in place. When fine wires are used it is better to
thinner the space between the wires to be soldered, the depend on opening the coil (pushing force) rather than on
stronger the joint will be. Precious metal wires should be closure of the coil (pulling force) for tooth movement. The
softened prior to being shaped. spring is compressed when the coil is tightened. (Center) A
While partially softened wires are less subject to retracting spring for moving canine into first premolar
breakage, the bending operations during appliance extraction space; The free end is flattened and inserted
construction leave highly stressed sections above the mesial contact point. (Courtesy C. P. Adams).
(Bottom) A removable plate with springs is used to close a
first premolar extraction space.
294 . Appliance Construction and Use 11.
masseters, are stretched when the posterior teeth are trimmed so that the mandibular incisor teeth fit directly
elongated, there will be a tendency for the vertical against the inclined plane.
dimension to return to its original size. The intrusion of Among the changes that biteplanes can effect are the
mandibular incisors into the alveolar process will not following:
remain when the plate is removed if the mandibular 1. Forward positioning of the head of the condyle of the
incisors do not have proper contact and proper angular mandible; repositioning the mandible, especially in young
relation with the maxillary incisors. The maxillary- children when growth is active
mandibular incisor angle should not be allowed to remain 2. Opening the bite and diminishing overjet of the
excessively obtuse (over 150) in deep overbite. anterior teeth
If a biteplate or a Hawley retainer is used to retain the 3. Elevation of the posterior teeth; the anterior teeth may
mandibular incisor teeth as well, the inclined plane can be be slightly depressed or both changes may occur
constructed in the mouth with quicksetting acrylic. The 4. A more normal anteroposterior relationship of the
retainer should then be removed. When the quick-setting occlusion
acrylic is hardened, it is 5. Retention after correction of distoclusion
296 . Appliance Construction and Use
6. As an aid in myofunctional therapy Bahador and Higley found most of the increase in face
7.Relieve locking of individual teeth or groups of teeth height following the use of Hawley-type biteplates to be
8. Eliminate tongue habits, lip biting, thumb sucking due to vertical increase in the posterior dental region,
and other deleterious habits. NOTE. In Class II, Division 2 mostly in the maxillary posterior teeth. Increase in vertical
(Angle) malocclusion the interference of the anterior and dimension is accompanied by change also in the
other teeth should be removed before the biteplane is mandibular position.
used. Biteplanes should not be used where there is a
tendency toward an openbite.
9. To retain space when teeth are lost prematurely 10. THE REMOVABLE STABILIZING PLATE
With additional spring attachments, to move groups and
individual teeth A removable stabilizing plate was devised by Moyers
11. For correcting the mesial position of the man- and Higley that can be used as a means for obtaining
dibular teeth in the deciduous dentition. anchorage in orthodontic tooth movement in the mixed
dentition when all mandibular permanent teeth are not
fully erupted. An acrylic plate,
The Removable Stabilizing Plate . 297
Fig. 21-20. (Top) The lower traction plate is clasped to four teeth and has
hooks on the molar clasps. The labial bow is fitted as near as possible to the
incisal edge of the lower incisors. (Bottom) One kind of upper traction
appliance is clasped with four clasps and tubes that will take an extraoral
attachment which can be added for nighttime use. Figures 21-18 to 20,
courtesy (Adams, C. P.: Removable appliances yesterday and today. Am. J.
Orthodont., 55:748,1969)
Fig. 21-21. (Left) Framework for a maxillary stabilizing plate; (center) posterior extension on framework. (Right) Maxillary cast ready
for waxing. Note that the posterior extension is covered by stone which holds the framework in its proper relationship. (Courtesy L. B.
300 . Appliance Construction and Use
THE EXTRAORAL APPLIANCE Fig. 21-23. Maxillary stabilizing plate with labial archwire.
(Courtesy L. B. Higley)
Extraoral Appliance Force
Malocclusions characterized by forward displacement
of the dental arches can be treated with extraoral force hours daily during the afternoon, evening, and at night.
emanating from occipital or cervical anchorage. The Some children do not mind wearing it all day. The
appliance should be worn 12 to 14 extraoral appliance must feel comfortable
Fig. 21-26. (Left) Wire is
applied to the maxillary dental
cast before "blow-on" acrylic.
(Right) The finished Hawley
to the patient, and the force applied should be in the longer arm of the facebow will receive the greater force.
direction in which the teeth are to be moved. When gentle Lateral forces of small magnitude are always developed
force is exerted by the appliance the teeth anterior to the by an eccentric desgin of the extraoral appliance. These
molars that carry the appliance will also move distally. forces can be controlled or manipulated to obtain lateral
A study by Funk on the effect of headgear treatment on movement on one side or the other by springing the labial
the maxillary dental arch showed that mandibular teeth arch inward or outward. Biologic and morphologic
were uprighted and moved distally, mandibular arch form variables in the dental arch can cause variation of
was improved, and tooth rotations were diminished. The unilateral or bilateral forces. Molar extrusion should be
most favorable changes produced in treatment with avoided especially in retrognathic mandibles, since the
extraoral appliances occur in young patients. The ietrognathism is increased. The arms of the face bow
extraoral appliance is useful in some cases as a sale should not impinge on the cheeks.
method of treating malocclusion and to reinforce
anchorage when intraoral appliances are used.
6.3 oz.
5.4 oz.
10.5 rom.
4.0 oz.
Fig, 21-29, (Top left) Chincap with extension hooks for elastics used for Class nr malocclusion from hooks on
the archwire soldered mesial to the molar tubes, (Center) Front view of chincap and headcap to which it is
attached. (Right) Profile showing chin cap in position. (Bottom left) The relationship of the face bow to the arch
effects the force on the molars. When the face bow is parallel with the arch, the force produces a distal body
movement. Bending the face bow below the arch as indicated in the drawing produces a distal crown tipping
force upon the molars. (Center) When the face bow is bent above the arch a distal root force is placed on the
molars. A distal crown tipping force stimulates faster movement and may open the contact between the molar
and the tooth mesial to it. Note, The elastic size is determined by the distance from the end of the face bow and
the hooks on the cervical strap, and tissue response, pain being the indication to reduce pressure by using a
larger elastic. Constant maximum pressure according to the patient's tolerance is important and desirable
according to Kloehn, and can be accomplished by changing elastics several times a week. (After S. J. Kloehn.)
(Right) Vector diagram; headgear with spring traction bar.
distally as a unit. When space develops mesial to the molar there is a tendency for the elongated molars to return to
teeth as distal force is applied, it becomes necessary to their original occlusal height.
move the premolars distally in turn and then to apply force When a biteplate that keeps the jaws apart is used in
on the incisors to move them distally. Spacing mesial to conjunction with an extraoral appliance, the possibility of
the molar teeth may be due also to excessive force. elongating the molars is increased. This is not of value in
Intermaxillary elastics may be used if response to correcting deep overbite, since the vertical height of the
treatment in the permanent dentition is slow when molars cannot be arbitrarily permanently increased. The
extraoral force alone is used. This is especially useful for overbite usually is caused by overeruption of the incisor
lip-biters when the maxillary incisor teeth are pushed teeth.
forward by the lower lip. As the bite is opened there is a tendency for the
Bite opening caused by elongation of molar teeth when mandible to assume a more retrognathic rotation in relation
using an extraoral force depends on the degree and to the maxilla. This appears on the cephalometric tracing
direction of force applied, the nature of the alveolar bone, as a downward and rearward positioning of the mandible.
and muscle activity. When active, vigorous muscular Distal Driving. Extraoral force is a useful aid in
activity is exerted in chewing inhibiting the forward translation of the dentition
304 . Appliance Construction and Use
Cement molar bands onto the deciduous second
molars. If these teeth are missing or if their roots show
advanced resorption place the bands on the permanent
first molars. Solder tubes with 0.040 or 0.045-inch inside
diameter, and attach rectangular tubes to hold an 0.020-
inch archwire to be attached to the bracketbands on the
teeth, as far gingivally and mesialIy as possible, for distal
tooth movement. The labial arch wire should lie opposite
the gingival level of the incisor teeth. The molar tubes
can be adjusted to permit root or crown tipping of the
molars when desired.
The labial archwire is constructed of 0.040-inch or
0.045-inch stainless steel. wire. Soldered or welded fixed
stops are attached to the arch wire to rest against the
mesial ends of the molar tubes, while the arch rests
labially 0.25 inch away from the incisor teeth. A 0.040-
inch spur to receive the traction bar or face bow is
soldered to the labial archwire at the median line. The
face bow or traction bar itself also may be soldered to the
archwire itself. Stops are soldered on the 0.045-inch
labial archwire so that its anterior part is 4 to 5 mm. away
from the incisors. The labial arch may be allowed to rest
against the incisors if it is desired to move the incisors
Fig. 21-30. (Top) A "high pull" extraoral ap- lingually, in which case the stops are placed on the arch
pliance in position; (bottom) a cervical extraoral wire away from the anterior limits of the molar tubes so
appliance in position. that the archwire can slide into the tubes as the incisor
teeth are brought lingualIy. When the incisor axial
and to help stabilize anchorage when Class II in- relation is corrected the stops are replaced on the arch
termaxillary elastics are used. So-called distal driving of wire to rest against the molar tubes to move the molar
the maxillary dental arch serves to inhibit the forward teeth distally. Another method of moving incisor teeth
translation of the dental arch and has been found to lingually is to attach hooks on the archwire of the
modify the vector of growth of the maxilla in general. extraoral appliance distal to the canines and to attach 3fs-
The extraoral appliance can be used in the mandible in inch rubber dam elastics that would exert pressure on the
Class III fashion by moving the mandibular molars incisors.
distally and for providing space for the teeth anterior to The mesiobuccal cusps of the maxillary first molars
the molars. can be rotated buccally by bending the ends of the labial
Shifting of permanent molars caused by premature arch buccally in front of the molar tubes. The traction bar
loss of deciduous molars, with encroachment on the or face bow of 0.070-inch round wire is constructed with
premolar eruption space, can be prevented with the hooked ends to hold the cervical gear.
extraoral appliance. When dental arch-basal arch The cervical gear is made of 1.5-inch wide belting
discrepancy is slight, it is possible by means of extraoral material.
force to move the buccal segments distalIy and
frequently to avoid extraction, especially if treatment is
initiated in the early mixed dentition.
When using force emanating from occipital an-
chorage, it is necessary to guard against impaction of
third and possibly second molars, if the first molars are
tipped too far distally. Additional appliances are usualIy JUMPING THE BITE
needed to complete tooth positioning and rotations. What is known as "jumping the bite" is accomplished
by an abrupt change in the position of the mandible
produced by orthodontic means. This may
Teeth Protectors . 305
In constructing a sliding jig, an 0.020- or 0.022inch
round steel wire is used. The use of the sliding jig in
conjunction with intermaxillary elastics makes possible
the distal movement of teeth in series. The jig can be
activated against the tube on the band of the last molar or
tied to any of the teeth anteriorly. It is best to construct the
jig so that the anterior hooked loop is situated just distal to
the canine bracket. As space is opened, the jig is engaged
anteriorly to the canine bracket so that the canine is
activated in a distal direction. The use of the sliding jig
permits serial movement of the teeth distally from the
canines. It permits using the entire mandibular arch as
Fig. 21-31. (Top) Intermaxillary hooks for attaching
stationary anchorage against two teeth at a time, one on
extraoral appliance and for inter- or intramaxillary elastics.
each side of the maxillary jaw, or to move teeth on one
(Second row) Sliding jig used against molar tube to drive the
side of the dental arch distally. Sliding jigs for space
molar distally. The premolar teeth usually move distally
closure after extraction of premolar teeth may be used
with the molars. (Third row) Sliding jig used in front of the
with the headgear to make certain that the molars will not
canine tooth to move it distally. (Bottom) Use of a Pletcher
move forward if forward movement of molars is not
coil to retract the maxillary canine tooth.
When maxillary molars are moved distally by means of
sliding jigs, the premolars will usually be found to move
distal movement of the teeth for about 6 weeks, until the
distally at the same time. This is true especially in
teeth are again stabilized in the alveolar process.
children who swallow in the normal closed-mouth
manner. In the tongue-thrust or open-mouth swallow
when the tongue rests habitually on the occlusal surfaces, TEETH PROTECTORS
the premolars do not usually move distally with the
Fixed orthodontic appliances need not be removed in
molars. The required direct force can be achieved by tying
order to construct a teeth protector. The impression is
the sliding jigs directly to the premolars and then to the
made with the fixed orthodontic appliance in place and the
canines. The use of lighter elastics is beneficial in
teeth protector is constructed to fit over the appliance. To
maintaining anchorage stability. When anchorage stability
construct a teeth protector alginate impressions of the
is lost, it can be regained by discontinuing
dental arches and a wax bite with the teeth about 3 mm.
apart are taken, and the casts are poured.
306 . Appliance Construction and Use
Teeth protectors should meet the following requirements: (1) Beresford, J. 5.: Orthodontic springs for removable appliances.
occupy as little space in the mouth as possible; (2) be light and D. Practitioner, 2:178,1951.
easily positioned on and removed from the teeth; (3) do not Block, A J.: Headgear- modifications and admonitions.
impinge on the soft tissues; and (4) do not distort the muscles of Angle Orthodontist, 32:19, 1962.
the face to any great degree. Brock, W. C.; 'The principle of coil spring traction applied to
Teeth protectors may be made of prefabricated rubber with a cervical strap therapy. Am. J. Orthodontics, 46:43, 1960.
thermoplastic lining, or of latex, clear acrylic, or semihard Brodie, A G.: Technique of the pinch-band. AngleOrthodentist,
2:260, 1932.
acrylic shell with a soft acrylic insert. A material of silicon
___ : A discussion of torque force. Angle Orthodontist, 3:263,
vinyl in clear plastic 0.125 inch thick is available in 3" X 6"
sheets. The material is soft and flexible and is readily formed by
--_: The application of the principles of the edgewise arch in the
softening in heat and molding on a dental cast. The teeth treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusion. Angle
protector is trimmed to about the middle of the crowns of the Orthodontist, 7:3, 1937.
teeth. A second layer can be added to the first by heating the Brousseau, ]. c.: Bilateral Class II division 1 malocclusion
surface of the layers. treated with an occlusal gUide plane. Am. ]. Orthodontist,
38:444, 1954.
Hawley, C. A.: The principles and art of retention. D.
Record, 44:175, 1924.
Holdaway, R. A.: Bracket angulation as applied to the edgewise
BIBLIOGRAPHY appliance. Angle Orthodontist, 22:227, 1952, Hopkin, G. B.: A
case of cutaneous sensitivity to stainless steel. Brit. D. L
Adams, C. P,: The Design and Construction of Removable 98:117,1954.
Orthodontic Appliances. Bristol, John Wright & Sons, 1955, Hopkins, S. c.: Inadequacy of mandibular anchorage. Am. ].
--_: The design of removable appliances for intermaxillary and Orthodontics, 41 :691, 1955.
extra-oral traction. D. Practitioner, 5:244, 1955. --_: Inadequacy of mandibular anchorage-five years later. Am. ].
--_: The design of removable appliances for mesial movement Orthodontics, 46:440, 1960.
of teeth. D. Practitioner, 6:191, 1955. Lewis, P. D.: Principles for use of the edgewise bracket with
--_: Removable appliances yesterday and today. Am. rotation arms. Angle Orthodontist, 29:182, 1959.
J. Orthodontics, 55:748,1969. McKeag, H. J. A: The teaching of appliance design in
Andresen, V.: Ein gnatho- physiognometrisches System als orthodontia. D. Recoral, 56:260, 1936.
asthetische Grundlage der biomechanischen Orthodontie. Mershon, J. V.: The removable lingual arch as an appliance for
Fortschr. Orthod, Vol. 4. 1932. the treatment of malocclusion of the teeth. Int. J. Orthodontics,
--_: Die Gnathophoremethode die ktinstlerische Diagnose und 4:578, 1918.
wissenschaftliche gnathophysiognomische Diagnose. --_: The removable lingual arch and its relation to the
Fortschr. Orthod. Leipzig. Hermann Meusser, 1936. orthodontic problem. Dental Cosmos, 62:693, 1920.
-_: Gnathologische und physiognometrische Proportionslehre - __ : A practical talk on why the lingual arch is applicable to the
als diagnostische Grundlage der Punktionskieferorthopadie, orthodontic problem. D. Record. 46:297, 1926.
Den. norske Tand. Tid, 3: 1938.
The removable lingual arch appliance. Int. ].
Bahador, M. A and Higley, 1. B.: Bite opening: A ceph-
Orthod., Oral Surg. & Radiog., 12:1002, 1926.
alometric analysis. J.AD.A., 31:343,1944.
Moyers, R. E. and Higley, 1. B.: The stabilizing plate, an adjunct
Baldridge, J. P.: Unilateral action with headcap. Angle
to orthodontic therapy. 35:54, 1949.
Orthodontist, 31 :63, 1961. 'PosseH, U,: Bite guards, bite plates, and orthodontic treatment in
Bayne, D. I.: A preliminary study of changes in the lower arch periodontal disease. D. Practitioner, 11 :126, 1960.
subsequent to cervical force treatment in the maxillary arch Rortsahl. ].: Zum Problem der sagittalen Beeinfliissung der
(Abstract). Am. J. Orthodontics, 46:386, 1960. oberen apikalen Basis mit Platten beim umgekehrten
Bell, W.: A study of applied force as related to the use of Frontzahniiberbiss. Fortschr. Kieferorthop, 23:312, 1962.
elastics and coil springs. Angle Orthodontist, 21 :151, 1951.
Salzmann, J. A: The use of removable appliances. Am. ].
Orthodontics, 51 :865, 1965.
Diagnosis and Treatment in the
Deciduous Dentition
TYPES OF NORMAL OCCLUSION IN THE deciduous second molars are on the same vertical plane.
DECIDUOUS DENTITION 2. Deciduous molars follow the same relationships as
in normal occlusion of permanent molars, the
Patterns of occlusion in the deciduous dentition that
mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary deciduous second
may be regarded as normal are the following:
molar occluding into the buccal groove of the man-
1. Distal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular
dibular deciduous second molar.
The deciduous second molar relationship is not an
invariable base for classification in the deciduous
dentition, since the foregoing two types are both
considered normal. The canine relationship should
Fig. 22-1. These drawings illustrate
changes in premolar-molar relationship
with the change from the mixed to the
permanent dentition. (A) Top group shows
occlusal relation before loss of the
deciduous second molars. The middle
group shows the relation after the
deciduous second molars are lost; the
mandibular permanent first molar (6) has
shifted forward. The bottom group shows
the final relationship under normal
occlusal adjustment. (B) The middle and
bottom groups show prolonged retention
of the mandibular deciduous molar
interfering with the premolar-molar Fig. 22-2. The entire deciduous dentition has erupted, and
adjustment, initiating a forward permanent incisor teeth are developing. There is interdental
relationship of the maxillary arch. (After spacing in the deciduous dentition. The erupting permanent
A. Kantorowicz) incisor teeth are crowded.
308 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition
orthodontic therapy may be instituted at any age when a sufficient root structure to permit banding the deciduous
condition is found to interfere with the continuing normal teeth.
development and function of the dentition. Periodic , Complicated appliances should be avoided in the
examinations are especially advisable during the early deciduous dentition. Treatment should concern itself
stages of the mixed dentition. primarily with functional interferences and the continuing
normal development of the dental arches. Severe
anomalies affecting groups of teeth, the face, and the
relationship of the jaws to each other and to the cranium
should be treated.
All obstacles to tooth eruption, such as odontomas,
Treatment in the deciduous dentition should be supernumerary teeth, cysts, etc., should be removed as
instituted when the roots of the deciduous teeth reach early as possible so as not to interfere with the eruption of
their terminal stage of development and before root the teeth.
resorption has progressed to a point where the teeth can Indications for treatment in the deciduous dentition may
be easily dislodged. Mathews found that the position of be summarized as follows:
permanent teeth can be influenced favorably by changing 1. Gross interferences with the establishment of normal
the position of the overlying deciduous teeth, as long as occlusion
there is 2. Loss or impairment of function
Indications for Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition' 309
orthodontic therapy may be instituted at any age when a sufficient root structure to permit banding the deciduous
condition is found to interfere with the continuing teeth.
normal development and function of the dentition. , Complicated appliances should be avoided in the
Periodic examinations are especially advisable during deciduous dentition. Treatment should concern itself
the early stages of the mixed dentition. primarily with functional interferences and the con-
tinuing normal development of the dental arches. Severe
anomalies affecting groups of teeth, the face, and the
relationship of the jaws to each other and to the cranium
should be treated.
All obstacles to tooth eruption, such as odontomas,
Treatment in the deciduous dentition should be supernumerary teeth, cysts, etc., should be removed as
instituted when the roots of the deciduous teeth reach early as possible so as not to interfere with the eruption
their terminal stage of development and before root of the teeth.
resorption has progressed to a point where the teeth can Indications for treatment in the deciduous dentition
be easily dislodged. Mathews found that the position of may be summarized as follows:
permanent teeth can be influenced favorably by 1. Gross interferences with the establishment of
changing the position of the overlying deciduous teeth, normal occlusion
as long as there is 2. Loss or impairment of function
310 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition
3. Incipient dental malocclusion and jaw malposition EARLY TREATMENT IN CLASS III
4. Class I (Angle) malocclusion, when the maxillary
incisors occlude lingual to the mandibular incisors 5. Class Because Class III malocclusion becomes progressively
II, Division 1 malocclusion, when severe enough to affect worse during growth, early treatment is advocated. The
jaw relation in addition to dental arch relationshi p force of occlusion exerted by the lingually occluding
6. Class II, Division 2 malocclusion with severe jaw maxillary incisor teeth on the growing mandible is
malrelation and overbite injurious to maxillary mucosa accepted as tending to encourage its forward progress.
-" 7. Class III malocclusion (should be treated early before Early treatment can influence thevectorof growth of the
root resorption begins in the deciduous mandibular bodyof the mandible.
be expected to overcome the disproportion in forward holding effect. It should fit snugly but should not exert
growth. The chincap should not be used in the attempt appreciable pressure. It is of value primarily during the
to retract the mandible but to exert a active growth period in the young child.
312 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition
Fig. 22-7 Continued (L) Another
patient, age 4, anterior view. (M)
Dentition before treatment. (N)
Appliance in position with latex
ligature moving the mandibular
incisors lingually. (0) Anterior
view after treatment.
Changes produced by the chincap can be compared to the changes the vector of mandibular growth. The claim that
skull changes brought about by certain South American chincaps will not affect the vector of growth of the
Indians who flattened the heads of children, producing mandible is inaccurate in view of the changes in the
deformities of the cranium. cranium seen in primitive tribes who compress and deform
The changes produced occur in the vector of growth but it.
not as a result of inhibition of growth. Gentle pressure on
the chincap should be directed in a backward rather than INDICATIONS FOR DECIDUOUS
an upward direction. Pressure against the TOOTH EXTRACTION
temporomandibular articulation should not be directed for
the purpose of inducing changes in the glenoid fossa. Indications for extraction of prolonged retained
Armstrong found young children with Class III dental deciduous teeth are as follows:
incisor relation to show an appreciable improvement 1. The root is resorbed while the cervix of the crown is
when the chincap is used. The changes in the incisor attached to the alveolar mucosa and interferes with the eruption of
region when the chincap is used are lingual inclination of the permanent successor.
incisor teeth. The chirrcap should be worn 12 to 14 hours 2. The permanent tooth is ready to erupt as indicated by the
a day. Oppenheim was the first to use force to move degree of completion of its roots and its proximity to the alveolar
maxillary teeth mesially by means of extensions from a bone crest, and the deciduous tooth shows little or no root
chincap to which intermaxillary elastics are attached. resorption.
3. A permanent tooth is erupting through the buccal alveolar
mucosa before the deciduous tooth is shed.
4. The roots of a deciduous molar are resorbed, and the
succeeding premolar shows calcification of onehalf to
Use of the Chincap for Developing Class III two-thirds of its root; there is no overlying alveolar bone;
Malocclusion and the premolar on the opposite side of the dental arch
The chincap is not intended to push the mandible has erupted.
rearward but rather to inhibit its forward growth. At the S. The permanent first molar has erupted past the
same time the maxilla is left unhampered to continue deciduous second molar occlusally and there is wedging of
forward growth. As shown by Baume, the condyle is the deciduous second molar into the
responsive to mechanical force. The chincap does not
inhibit forward growth of the jaw. It
Indications for Deciduous Tooth Extraction' 313
alveolar process. The deciduous second molar should be periodic checking to assure proper eruption space for the
extracted and the space retained. Extraction of the premolars.
deciduous molars should be followed by In the absence of a permanent tooth follicle where
314 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition
the dentition shows crowding and there is jaw length horizontal positioning of the permanent teeth. Thus, they
deficiency, in relation to obtaining normal dental arch help to maintain the line of occlusion and the mesiodistal
arrangement, consideration should be given to extraction arrangement of the dental arches.
of the deciduous tooth and closing the space. The patient Shifting of teeth following premature loss occurs in the
should be kept under supervision to prevent unfavorable deciduous and mixed dentitions. The continuity of the
tooth shifting. Orthodontic intervention usually is dental arch can thus be destroyed and the arrangement
required in the permanent dentition in these cases. and symmetry of the dental arches endangered. The
resulting harm to the later erupting permanent dentition
depends, among other factors, on the length of time
elapsed before the permanent succeeding teeth erupt.
PREMATURE LOSS OF DECIDUOUS TEETH Premature loss of deciduous first or second molars is
Premature loss of deciduous teeth can be responsible not necessarily always followed by space closure and
for the development of malocclusion of the permanent malocclusion. The space left by loss of deciduous molars
dentition, although the premature loss of deciduous teeth may close: it may remain stationary; or it may become
is not a factor in jaw growth itself. The deciduous teeth larger. Early loss of mandibular deciduous molars is more
affect the vertical and frequent than the loss of maxillary deciduous molars.
Spaces should be measured at successive time intervals.
If evidence of closure is found; space maintainers or a
holding lingual arch appliance should be employed. If the
han, removable appliances are indicated that will not tooth alignment may be achieved in this manner the position
interfere with the natural eruptive process and estab- of the body of the mandible may remain in lateral deviation.
lishment of the occlusion of the permanent teeth. In Therefore, mandibular repositioning may be required prior
posterior cross bites in the permanent molars, cross ~lastics to crossbite correction. An activator appliance can be used
may not prove efficient. While normal for this purpose.
318 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition
Thompson, J. R: Early orthodontic treatment. Am. J. --_: Analyses of early Class II, Division 1, treatment.
Orthodontics, 48:758, 1962. Am. J. Orthodontics, 43:769,1957.
West, E. E.: Treatment objectives in the deciduous dentition. Wylie, W.: Assessment of anteriorposterior dysplasia.
Am. J. Orthodontics, 55:617, 1969. Angle Orthodontist, 17:97, 1947.
Diagnosis and Treatment in
the Mixed Dentition
. ---
and a difference of 3 in one dimension. At age 13 years, 1 Y2 in four dimensions and a difference of 2 in one dimension.
years out of retention, the twins were again alike in six These cases indicate the differences that can occur
dimensions. There was a difference of 10
324 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Mixed Dentition
through orthodontic therapy and the changes through lary and mandibular permanent first molars show a cusp-
genetic endowment and growth. These monovular twins to-cusp relation when viewed from the buccal aspect. This
show a high degree of concordance in their facial growth is frequently seen in the mixed dentition. However, since
patterns. In the final analysis, genetics appears to have the mesiolingual cusps of the maxillary permanent first
the most important role in the determination of the facial molars occlude in the central fossae of the mandibular
growth pattern. permanent first molars, the occlusion is Angle Class I.
There is incisor crowding in the maxillary dental arch.
The right maxillary deciduous first molar interferes with
ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT AND FA the eruption of its succeeding premolar, which has
VORABLE GROWTH CHANGES emerged buccally through the mucosa. The maxillary right
and left deciduous canines and deciduous second molars
are still in position. The maxillary permanent first molars
'Patient A.C. (Fig. 23-3) have erupted.
Clinical Description Before Treatment. The maxil-
AC, --
age 11yrs.
-- -age 15yrs.
326 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Mixed Dentition
The mandibular right and left permanent central and Skeletal Classification. The facial skeletal pattern is
lateral incisors and permanent first molars are erupted. The Class l.
right and left deciduous canines and first and second Treatment Summary. This patient was treated without
deciduous molars are in position. There is no mandibular extraction. Extraoral force was used to the mandibular and
crowding. The deciduous molars show progressive root maxillary dental arches to align the teeth. Edgewise arch
resorption. bracket bands were used.
20. Orthodontic Treatment and Unfavorable Growth Changes 327
B Fig. 23-4.
maxillary right and left permanent central and lateral Treatment. Summary. The mandibular incisors were
incisors have erupted and are spaced. There is a 14-mm. allowed to remain procumbent because of the wide (deep)
overjet and a deep overbite. The maxillary deciduous maxilla, which continued to grow forward at the anterior
right and left canines and the first and second deciduous cranial base (SN). The maxilla became wider (deeper) as it
molars are in position. The maxillary right and left continued to grow forward. The anterior cranial base (SN)
permanent first molars have erupted. became longer. The A-. Point continued to show a forward
In the mandible the right and left permanent central and relation when measured at the angle SNA. At age 18 the
lateral incisors have erupted and are spaced. The maxilla had grown forward at nasion more than at the Au.
mandibular deciduous right and left canines, first and Point. The angle of convexity increased at age 15 as the
second deciduous molars are in position. The mandibular maxilla grew forward, while there was progressive
right and left permanent first molars are erupted. The retrognathic change of the mandible in relation to the
mandibular permanent incisors occlude on the palate upper face as shown at Frankfort horizon tal rela ted to the
behind the maxillary permanent incisors. facial line (N - Pg).
Skeletal Classification. The facial skeletal pattern was Five years past the retention, at age 18 years, occlusion
Class 1, at age 10 years but changed to Class II at age 15 is normal except for slight crowding in the mandibular
years because of lack of mandibular growth. incisor region. The second molars have erupted. No teeth
were extracted.
Fig. 23-5 (A, top left) Front view before treatment and (right) front
view after treatment. (Bottom left) Profile before and (right) profile
after treatment. (B, opposite, top) Before treatment. (Center) After
retention. (Bottom left) Occlusal view before treatment. (Right)
Occlusal view after retention. The casts are oriented along the
Frankfort plane. (C) Tracings show growth of the face in a direct
downward and forward direction.
Orthodontic Treatment and Unfavorable Growth Changes . 329
J.S. --
The dentition before treatment showed a severe Class - - -age
II division malocclusion. This was treated without
extraction. After treatment, at age 18, the posterior teeth
are still in normal alignment, although there is some '~
relapse in the mandibular right incisor region. With the
exception of slight mandibular crowding, the occlusion , '
did not suffer, although the mandible continued to .. .. . . -c
....... ~-
become more retrognathic relative to the maxilla.
The nasion kept growing forward as did the A-.
Point, even more than nasion. The mandible showed
only a limited amount of forward translation during
growth. The facial growth pattern may change at any
330 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Mixed Dentition
time, spontaneously or as a result of orthodontic therapy. inserted to' prevent the mandibular permanent molars from
shifting forward and preempting the leeway space which
would remain after the deciduous molars were shed.
Treatment was interrupted and the patient was observed
I FLUENCE OF TREATMENT TIMING ON until the premolars were fully erupted. When the
DENTOFACIAL CHANGES premolars erupted, they were moved distally into contact
J.S. (Fig. 23-5) with each other and with the permanent first molars. The
mandibular incisors were then aligned. By actual
Clinical Description. J.5. has a Class 1 malocclusion in measurement it was found that the space from the middle
the mixed dentition. The skeletal pattern is Class I. The of the permanent canine to the middle of the permanent
maxillary permanent central and lateral incisors and the first molars before the deciduous molars were shed
permanent first molars have erupted. On the right side of amounted to 26 mm. The measurement from the middle of
the maxillary dental arch, the deciduous canine and first the permanent canine to the middle of the permanent first
and second deciduous molars are in position. On the left molar after treatment when the premolars were in position
side of the maxillary dental arch the deciduous canine had amounted to 22 mm. This was equal on both sides and
been shed, and the space is about half closed by the lateral allowed 4 mm. on each side of the arch for the alignment
incisors, which had shifted palatally. The first premolar of the incisor teeth. A line drawn tangent to the pogonion
has erupted. The deciduous second molar was shed, and and at right angles to the mandibular plane showed that the
the space remained intact. distance of the first molars was the same both before and
In the mandible the four permanent incisors and the after treatment, which indicated that the molars had been
permanent canines are erupted and show crowding. The successfully held back. The face itself as seen on the
deciduous first and second molars on the right and left are lateral cephalogram showed forward and downward
in position. The left and right permanent first molars have growth, and the facial outline was parallel to the facial
erupted. outline before treatment.
Treatment in the mixed dentition is usually performed CHANGES IN TWO-STAGE THERAPY WITH
in two stages. The patient is treated to remove blocks to FAVORABLE GROWTH
normal dental development, and then treatment is stopped
and the change effected is retained with a removable (or,
E.F. (Fig. 23-6)
occasionally, permanent) appliance until all permanent
teeth, except the third molars, have erupted. If a second Clinical Description. E.F. exhibited an Angle Class I
stage of treatment is required it is instituted then. The malocclusion in the mixed dentition. The skeletal facial
twostage treatment is beneficial in eliminating protruding pattern at age 11 years is Class II. The maxillary right and
maxillary incisors, reducing crowding, and correcting left permanent central and lateral incisor teeth, and the
ectopic eruption. Treatment should be interrupted when it permanent first molars are erupted.
is found advisable to await additional dental development 'The deciduous canines and first and second deciduous
or to ascertain if it will occur, before continuing molars are in position. The maxillary incisors are in
treatment. protrusion, and there is an abnormal overbite.
Extraction of teeth in orthodontic therapy can fre- In the mandible the right and left permanent' central and
quently be avoided by treating the early mixed dentition, lateral incisors have erupted. The right and left deciduous
when crowding is slight. A lingual holding appliance may canines are in position. The right and left first premolars are
be constructed with bands on the permanent first molars erupted. The right and left second deciduous molars are in
to prevent them from shifting forward when the deciduous position. The right and left permanent first molars are
molars are shed thus obtaining additional space and then erupted. There is no crowding in the mandibular arch.
aligning the teeth anterior to the permanent molars. Space reatment Plan. This patient was treated in two stages.
can be obtained also by moving the permanent canines, There was an interval of observation between the ages of
premolars, and molars distally when these teeth are in 12 and 13 years. No teeth were extracted. Growth was
forward axial inclination. favorable. The skeletal pattern at age 16 years is class 1.
Treatment Summary. The patient was treated without This was an important factor in obtaining a satisfactory
extraction. A lingual holding arch was result.
Active orthodontic treatment usually is completed
Prognostic Factors in Treatment in the Mixed Dentition' 331
Age 16 Years
Downs Downs Age (2 Yrs. Out of
Dimension Range Mean 11 Years Retention)
Facial Angle 82 to 95 87.8 82 85
(F.H. to N-Pg)
Angle of Convexity -8.5" to + 10 0 +11 +70
A-B line to N-Pg _9 to 0 -4.80 -10 -8
Mand. Plane to F.H. 28 to 17 21.90 25 23
Y-Axis 66 to 53 59.4 62 62
Occlusal Plane to F.H. 1.5 to 14 9.3 14 130
1 to '1 angle 130 to 150.50 135.40 139 148
1 to Mandibular Plane 81.5 to 97 91.4 950 93
S-N-A 82 800 8P
S-N-B 800 75 77
Gonion Angle 116-135 1260 1200 120
The decision to close the space after loss of a It is frequently necessary to expose surgically
permanent tooth depends on the age of the patient, the
presence or absence of teeth in the opposing dental arch,
the usefulness of certain teeth for prosthetic restorations,
on the general character of the dentition, on the size and
shape of the dental arches, and on arch length adequacy.
Ankylosed Permanent Teeth. Since it is impossible to
move ankylosed permanent teeth by orthodontic means,
slight dislodgement may be attempted to break the
ankylosis. Before soreness disappears, orthodontic
movement is undertaken.
'Malformed Teeth. Developmentally or traumatically
Fig. 24-1. (Left) A deformed central in-
malformed teeth should be appraised from the standpoint
cisor tooth. The crown is at right angles to
of their potential for functional and esthetic restoration the root. (Right) After orthodontic
before the decision is made concerning their retention in treatment tooth presents a problem in es-
the dental arch. Malformed, unsightly teeth in the anterior thetics and restoration. Deformed teeth
part of the mouth on which jacket crowns cannot be con- should be diagnosed from the standpoint
structed should be extracted. of esthetics and function. The fact that a
tooth can be moved is not a sole reason
for undertaking orthodontic therapy.
336 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
unerupted teeth and to move them into occlusion when they the crown should be packed with zinc oxide-eugenol
are in an ectopic eruption path and are past their compound for about 3 weeks. The tooth will usually begin to
developmental eruption age as judged by the state of the erupt and should be aided in doing so by orthodontic means
erupted teeth. When the axial position of a delayed if the patient is over 12 years old. In younger children the
unerupted canine is in line with its normal eruption path, the tooth may not need orthodontic intervention. Insufficient
bone surrounding the crown should be removed when the removal of bone around the crown of the ectopically
root is at least three-quarters formed and the space about erupting tooth will interfere with its eruption,
Ectopy and Impaction . 337
Fig. 24-6. (Top left) before treatment. (Right) after treatment. (Center left) canine is being moved into position palatally past the
permanent lateral incisor tooth. (Right) Canine in position and central incisor is being brought into position. (Bottom left) Radiogram
shows impacted maxillary left central incisor with canine in ectopic eruption under it. (Right> Radiogram after treatment.
Ectopy and Impaction . 339
Fig. 24-7 A. (Left) The maxillary canines erupted on the palate. Orthodontic movement in such cases must use
extremely light pressure to prevent root displacement. (Center) The canines are in position after treatment. B. (Right)
This patient's maxillary canine is brought into position with a finger spring from an edgewise appliance.
Orthodontic Therapy
When the patient's age and dental development indicate
that a tooth is long past its physiologic eruption period and
the position of the apex of the tooth indicates that the tooth
will have to be moved through a considerable amount of
bone, the prognosis for bringing it into arch alignment is
poor. Otherwise, orthodontic therapy of impacted teeth is
Buccal canine impactions, while less common than
palatal ones, present special problems. The eruptive path of
the canine is longer than that of any other tooth. The height
of the canine tooth germ and the forward and downward
path of eruption of the lateral incisor may cause the canine
to be deflected palatally. Delayed resorption of the deci-
duous canine root may also cause the permanent canine
tooth to become deflected.
When the prognosis of an impacted canine tooth is
questionable, or where other teeth may have to be
sacrificed in trying to bring it into alignment, the canine
may be allowed to remain im pacted or it may be removed
Treatment of canine teeth in transversion with premolars
can be accomplished when the premolars are not on a
direct line with the canines by moving the premolars
distally and the canines mesially. If 'the canine is in labial
position, the labial plate
dontic bands on the adjacent teeth and on the turned tooth. of infection, and severity of the tooth rotation required.
The turned tooth should be positioned so that it is not Replantation of Teeth. Replantation of teeth with
traumatized in function. incompletely calcified apices may be performed without
, Successful surgical movement of teeth with incompletely pulp canal therapy, even though the nerve may be severed.
formed roots is attributed to the rich vascularity of the The nerve may recover or root development may be
atypical, and the pulp cavity may eventually be eliminated.
apical region and the presence of undifferentiated
Treatment of Mutilated Dentition. Patient S. B. (Fig.
mesenchymal tissue in the remnant of the dental papilla.
24-15) has congenital facial asymmetry and microtia. The
This can produce the vascular supply needed for repair of patient was born with stenosis of
stretched or torn tissues. Successful prognosis after this
technique depends on the degree of root maturation,
Ectopy and Impaction . 343
S,B. --
--- - After
,\ :
<, <, vII
............... y
<, -, !
<, ~~-(:
Fig. 24-15 S. B. (A, B, C, top) S. B. before treatment. (Center) After treatment. (Bottom) 3 years out of retention. (0)
Occlusal views. (Left) Before treatment. (Center) After treatment. (Right) Three years out of retention. (E) Removable
appliance used to correct maxillary incisor overbite. (F) Appliances used in treatment showing use on an anterior
intermaxillary elastic to improve inter-incisor alignment. (G) Dentition after 3 years out of retention. (H) Facial asymmetry
before treatment. (I) Facial appearance three years out of retention. (J) Lateral cephalogram before treatment. (K)
Posteroanterior cephalogram 3 years out of retention. (L) Lateral tracings superimposed on sella nasion line show favorable
344 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
the right external auditory canal, which was later lary right and left permanent first molars were extracted
surgically reconstructed. Both temporomandibular because of severe caries before the patient was seen for
articulations are normal. The anterior teeth in crossbite orthodontic treatment.
were corrected with a modified activator worn on the In the mandible the right and left permanent central and
mandibular arch. After the incisors were moved labially, lateral incisor teeth are erupted and are spaced. The right
the patient was treated with an edgewise appliance. deciduous first molar is in position. The deciduous left first
molar had been exfoliated and the first premolar is erupted.
The mandibular right and left deciduous second molars
have been extracted, and the right and left permanent first
molars are erupted.
Skeletal Classification. The facial skeletal pattern is
EXTREME MAXILLARY PROTRUSION Class 2. Although the facial angle is within normal range,
Clinical Description. K. C. (Fig. 24-17) an Angle Class the maxilla is decidedly forward to the an terior cranial
II, Division 1 malocclusion. There is a severe protrusion base (S- N).
of the maxillary incisor teeth. The maxillary permanent Treatment Summary. K.c. was treated by moving the
right and left central and lateral incisor teeth are erupted posterior mandibular teeth distally. Space was thus
and are spaced. The right and left maxillary deciduous provided for the second mandibular premolars. The
canines and first and second deciduous molars are in maxillary dental arch anterior to the molars
position. The maxil-
-- age8yrs.,6 mos.
- - - age 13 yrs.
Case Reports . 347
Fig. 24-18. (Top left) M. c., anterior view before, and (right) after treatment. (Center left) Profile view before, and
(right) after treatment. (Bottom left) Anterior view of dentition before and (right) after treatment. (Continued on overleaf)
348 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fig. 24-18. Continued. (Top row) M. C's casts before treatment.
(Second row) Casts after retention. The maxillary and
, mandibular first premolars were extracted. (Bottom left) Occlusal
M.e. - view before premolar extraction. (Right) Occlusal view after
- age 12 yrs. retention was completed. The casts are oriented along the
- - -age 14yrs
Frankfort plane. (Bottom) Super-imposed tracings before and after
treatment. The face continued to grow downward while nasion
and pogonion grew forward at the same rate,
Case Reports' 349
Patient M. C.
(Patient M.C.)
molars are in buccal crossbite. The maxillary permanent (1M A is 140);' they occlude on the palatal mucosa of the
teeth, including the second molars, are erupted. The maxillary incisor teeth. There is a crossbite of the first
mandibular permanent teeth up to the second molars are premolar teeth.
fully erupted. The teeth are not crowded. Skeletal Classification. The facial skeletal pattern is
Skeletal Classification. This is a Class 2 facial skeletal Class 1.
pattern. Treatment Plan. The procumbency of the mandibular
Treatment Summary. The four first premolars were incisors was reduced and their overeruption was corrected
extracted. The facial angle increased from 77 to 78. using 0.018- and 0.020-inch round wire arches. The
There was only limited forward translation of the mesiodistal relation was corrected with an extraoral
mandible. Most of the mandibular rotation was downward appliance. The maxillary incisors were inclined forward
and rearward. The face increased in length. The maxillary- and the interincisor angle was reduced. If the maxillary
mandibular incisor angle was increased 26, from 109 to incisors are left in their original vertical axial position they
135. Because of the Class 2 facial skeletal pattern and the are apt to elongate again after treatment.
heavy soft tissue covering, the profile will continue to The dentition is stable 3 years and 4 months out of reten
show some convexity, regardless of the premolar extrac- tion.
tions. The soft tissues do not necessarily follow the teeth
after space closure. In these cases the face does not
become more orthognathic. The patient cannot always be
assured that an orthognathic facial profile will be achieved INFLUENCE ON TREATMENT OF
through extraction and dental incisor respositioning. ADOLESCENT DENTOFACIAL
Patient R.Z.
Clinical Description. R.Z. (Fig. 24-20) has Class I
CLASS II, DIVISION 2 MALOCCLUSION malocclusion with deep overbite. The facial skeletal pattern
Patient B.J. is Class 1. The A-Point and B-Point indicate a retrognathic
profile. The maxillary right and left permanent central and
Clinical Description. B.J. (Fig. 24-19) has Class II, lateral incisors have erupted. The right and left deciduous
Division 2 malocclusion in the permanent dentition. The canines are in position. The right and left first and second
maxillary central incisors are in lingual axial inclination. premolars have erupted. The right second premolar is in
The dentition as a whole is in Class II relation. There is an torsi.version, and the right and left permanent first molars
abnormal overbite. The mandibular incisors are have erupted.
overerupted and procumbent
Patient B. l-
Age Age 18 Years,
13 Years 4 Months
Downs Downs (Began (3 Yrs., 4 Mos.
Dimension Range Mean Treatment) Past Retention)
Facial Angle 82 to 95 87.8 85 84
(F.H. to N-Pg)
Angle of Convexity -8S to +) 00 0 +160 +70
A-B line to N-Pg -90 to 0 -4.80 -]50 -7
Mand. Plane to F.H. 280 to 170 21.9 19 200
Y-Axis 66 to 530 59.40 58 60
Occlusal Plane to F.H. 1.50 to 14 9.30 12 17
l to 1 angle 1300 to 150S 135.40 1420 1380
] to Mandibular Plane 81S to 97 91.4 1040 1000
S-N-A 820 82 79
S-N-B 800 740 74
Gonion Angle 116-135 1260 113 113
352 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fig. 24-20. (Top left) R. Z., anterior view before, and (right) after treatment. (Bottom left)
Profile view before, and (right) after treatment. (Opposite, top) Before treatment. (Center)
After treatment. (Bottom left) Before, and (right) after treatment. Casts are oriented along
the Frankfort plane. (Bottom) Superimposed tracing shows unusual changes in base of-
In the mandible the right and left permanent central were changes also at the mandibular base, which had
and lateral incisors and right and left canines are erupted. grown decidedly downward and outward. The profile
The right first premolar is erupting, and the left first became more concave. The interincisor angle had
premolar has erupted. The right and left second premolars increased from 1360 to 1440 at age 16 years and 8 months.
and permanent first molars are erupted, and the second The relation of the mandibular incisors to the man-
permanent molars are erupting. At age 16 years, 3 years dibular plane was 64 at the beginning of treatment. The
and 4 months out of retention, the mandible showed angle had increased to 81. This was 78 at 3 years and 4
decided forward growth at the chin, and the facial angle, months out of retention. The gonion angle showed an
which was 88 at completion of active treatment, is 90. unusual change. It was 1330 before
33. Case Reports . 353
---age 13 yrs,4rros.
treatment and 1370 at age 16 years and 8 months. This was _.- . age 13 yrs.
caused by the changes at the mandibular base.
Age 16 Years
Age Age (2 Yrs., 8 Mos.
Downs Downs 11 Years, 13 Years, Out of
Dimension Range Mean 6 Months 4 Months Retention)
Facial Angle 8r to 95 87.8 88 88 900
(F.H.to -Pg)
Angle of Convexity -8.5 to +10 0 -90 -50 -flo
A-B line to N-Pg -90 to 0 -4.8 +2 _2 -40
Mand. Plane to F.H. 28 to 17 21.9 30 32 32
Y-Axis 66 to 53 59.4 56 58 57
Occlusal Plane to F.H. 1.5 to 14 9.3 17 15 1'20
1 to 1 1300 to 150S 135.4 161 136 144
1 to Mandibular 81.5 to 97 91.40 64 810 78
s- -A 820 780 79 79
s- -B 800 790 79 780
Gonion Angle 1160 -1350 126 133 136 1370
Fig. 24-22. E. s. (Top left) Profile before treatment; (right) profile after treatment. (Bottom left) Front view
before treatment; (right) front view after treatment. (Continued on overleaf)
anterior cross bite and also deficient growth of the middle tient came for orthodontic treatment. The maxillary teeth
one-third of the face. had shifted to the right, partly closing the space of the
Patient .5. extracted maxillary right first molar. The mandibular teeth
shifted to the left after the first molar was extracted,
Clinical Description. .5. (Fig. 24-21) originally had an partially closing the extraction space. The patient was a
Angle Class I malocclusion in the permanent dentition. tongue thruster, and the tongue habitually rested between
The facial skeletal pattern is Class 1. The maxillary right the maxillary and mandibular teeth. The incisal edges of
first molar and mandibular left first molar had been the maxillary incisor teeth were on the same vertical plane
extracted before the pa- as
356" . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
the mandibular incisor teeth. There was an incisor tivator appliance was used as a retainer to confine the
openbite and slight mandibular incisor irregularity. tongue and overcome the tongue thrusting. The patient
Outline of Treatment. The mandibular right first premolar was taught to swallow properly. The occlusion was
was extracted. Maxillary and mandibular edgewise bracket equilibrated. After the first 3 months, the patient refused to
bands were used with round O.OIB-inch archwires followed wear the retainer as instructed. The completion casts and
by 0.020-inch ones. Intermaxillary elastics were used on the photographs were taken 1 year after treatment. Growth
archwire from hooks in front of the maxillary molar tubes to during treatment was equal in amount for both the maxilla
hooks mesial to the canines on the mandibular 0.021 X 0.025- and the mandible.
inch rectangular archwire. The first molars were then moved
mesially by means of intramaxillary elastics to close the
spaces mesial to the first molars, and establish normal
Patient B.B.
mesiodistal dental arch relation. Vertical elastics were used on
the anterior segments to close the openbite. An ac- Clinical Description. B.B. (Fig. 24-22) had a Class III
(Angle) malocclusion in the permanent dentition. The
maxillary right second premolar is crowded
34. Case Reports' 357
Fig. 24-23. B. B. (Top left) profile before treatment. (Right) Profile after treatment.
(Bottom left) front view before treatment. (Right) Front view after treatment. (Opposite,
top) Before treatment; (center) after treatment. (Bottom) before (left) and after (right).
Fig. 24-23.
deficiency is evidenced by the anterior limit of the from the maxillary round O.020-inch arch wire distal to
maxillary basal arch, S-N-A angle is 68. the molar tubes to hooks mesial to the mandibular
Outline of Treatment. The cross bite was corrected canines on the mandibular archwire to obtain normal
with No. 3 cross elastics. The mandibular incisor mesiodistal relation of the dental arches.
procumbency was reduced after the mandibular first
premolars were extracted. The maxillary-mandibular
Patient A.K.
incisor angle was decreased when the incisors were
inclined labially. The maxillary incisor teeth were made Clinical Description. A.K (Fig. 24-25) has Class III
somewhat more procumbent as they were brought malocclusion in the permanent dentition. All teeth,
downward. Most of the maxillary-mandibular incisor including the second molars, are erupted. The bite is
increase was caused by the change in axial relation of open beginning with the second molar on the left side to
the mandibular incisor teeth to the mandibular base. the second molar on the right side. There is crowding of
Intermaxillary elastics were used the mandibular second premolar teeth.
360 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fig. 24-24. T. L. (Top left) profile before, and (right) after treatment. (Bottom left) front
view before, and (right) after treatment. (Continued on overleaf)
molars to the mesial of the mandibular canines. Vertical limit of their maxillary basal arch (A-Point) distal to the
elastics were used to close the open bite. An activator anterior limit of the mandibular basal arch (B-Point). All
appliance was inserted as a retainer and to prevent the have the angle of convexity on the minus side, i.e.,
tongue from resting in the interarch space. concave profile. A.K. has a Class 3 facial skeletal pattern;
Closure of the mesiodistal deficiency of the maxillary the rest have a Class 1 facial skeletal pattern with middle
and mandibular dental arches was effected mostly by face deficiency. The maxillas are retrognathic. The
lingual movement of the mandibular incisors and by Yvaxes. with the exception of A.K. 's. are on the wider side
change in axial relation of the mandibular incisor teeth, of normal range. All have long faces, which tend to
and the distal repositioning of the mandible as the increase the angulation of the Y-axis. In addition, A.K. has
malocclusion was corrected. There was little increase in an extremely deep face and a long prognathic mandible.
maxillary incisor procumbency. Therefore, her Y-axis is more acute than the others', since
Summary. These four patients have the anterior the chin is in a more forward relation to sella.
362 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fig. 24-24. Continued. (Top row) T. L. Before treatment; (second row) after
treatment. (Third row) Front view before treatment. ote crossbite in left buccal
segment. (Bottom) Front view after treatment.
35. Case Reports . 363
T.L. -
- - - age 17 yrs.
364 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fig. 24-25. A. K. (Top left> profile before, and (right> profile after treatment. (Bottom
left) front view before and (right) front view after treatment. (Opposite top) Before
treatment. (Second row) After treatment. (Third row) Before treatment. (Bottom) After
Dental Arch Relation She has a large and deep face, with the mandibular basal arch
beyond normal range.
E.S. has her maxillary basal arch (A-Point) retrusive, and
the mandibular basal arch (B-Point) is within normal range.
Patient B.B. shows the maxillary basal arch (A-Point)
extremely retrusive and the mandibular basal arch (B-Point) ORTHODONTICS IN MANDIBULAR
also extremely retrusive. T.L. shows a retrusive maxillary RESECTION
basal arch (A-Point) and a retrusive mandibular basal arch (B- In surgical resection of mandibular prognathism
Point). Some of the apparent retrusion as indicated by S- -A the orthodontic procedure is as follows:
and S- -B is caused by the cranial inclination of the S-N line 1. Dental impressions are taken and casts made.
at nasion in relation to the Frankfort horizontal. A.K. shows 2. The mandibular arch is set into a template.
the maxillary basal arch (A-Point) forward, above normal. and 3.Sections are cut on the mandibular cast to the least amount
the mandibular basal arch (B-Point) extremely protrusive. that will allow the mandibular incisors to occlude in normal
relation with the maxillary incisors.
36. Surgical Orthodontics . 365
Fig. 24-25.
4. The mandibular segments are aligned in the template, is sterilized and is used to measure the amount of bone to
and the amount of bone to be removed from the mandible be excised.
is measured on the aligned cast. q. The maxillary splint is
constructed with bands and an O.040-inch archwire.
6. The archwire is made in three sections and soldered
to the bands. The ends of the arch wire are turned to There is a difference between purely surgical pro-
permit tying them together. cedures which completely replace orthodontic treatment
7. A mandibular splint is constructed in the same and those that are an adjunct to orthodontic treatment.
manner as the maxillary splint. Surgical operations of the jaws for the correction of the
8. An aluminum template is constructed to fit into the usual classifications of malocclusion as designated by
space cut from the mandibular casts. This Angle are not required when the alveolar process only is
involved. Specific cri-
366 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
__ age 14 yr 56 mo. ---
age17yr561nJ. )
Interception of Malocclusion in Scoliosis Patients' 367
teria for surgical intervention in the dento-oro-facial tous surgical insult when other factors do not contraindicate
complex are at present highly subjective. The substantive orthodontic procedure (See Chap. 25).
knowledge of the orthodontist is of utmost importance in Significant differences may be found in autografted
deciding on the need for surgery, especially when transplanted teeth as follows: disturbed interarch tooth
dentofacial growth is continuing. contacts, absence of occlusal contact in terminal occlusion,
Surgical procedures are contraindicated when the mobility of the transplanted teeth: disturbed crown-root;
malocclusion or dentofacial deviation can be treated by and shortened roots.
orthodontic means for the following reasons: The need for a surgical operation where the bodies of the
1. The danger of interfering with growth of the jaws if jaws are involved is understandable but not when the
the operation is performed when growth is continuing. alveolar process alone is involved or where the involvement
2. The dangers of tooth devitalization when certain of the body of the mandible or maxilla does not adversely
severed dental nerves fail to regenerate. affect facial esthetics. Present methods in orthodontics can
3. The abrupt oral changes and reduction of tongue obtain satisfactory results without subjecting the patient to
space, which can interfere with oral kinesthetics and surgical operations in these cases.
4. The interference with muscle attachment and muscle
function which may require a prolonged period of
5. The discomfort and untoward sequelae that may
attend surgical operations. Riser jackets, body casts, and Milwaukee jackets are
6. The attitude of the patient and the parents to surgery. placed by orthopedic surgeons to oppose spinal
If the morphologic changes required in treating contractions which result from scoliosis. A body cast
dentofacial condi lions are confined to the alveolar process covers the trunk and may cover parts or all of the legs,
and do not involve the basic parts of the jaws themselves, arms, and the back of the head. The chin pad of the body
surgical intervention is a gratui- cast contacts the inferior border of the body of the
mandible, These orthopedic appliances bring pressure
against the inferior border of
368 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fixed orthodontic appliances need not be removed in
the mandible, as the chin is elevated and the head is order to construct a teeth protector. The impression is
tipped backwards. Mandibular-maxillary dental arch made with the fixed orthodontic appliance in place and the
relation and malocclusion can follow close bilateral teeth protector is constructed to fit over the appliance. To
adaptation of the body casts. Increased dental protrusion construct a teeth protector, alginate impressions of the
is usually observed in these patients. dental arches and a wax bite with the teeth in occlusion are
Improvement in the alignment of the teeth can occur taken, and the casts are poured.
when the use of the Milwaukee jacket is discontinued. An Teeth protectors should meet the following re-
activator appliance may be used on children who are in quirements: occupy as little space in the mouth as
the Milwaukee jacket, since the appliance gives skeletal possible; be light and easily placed in position and
support and so prevents intrusion of the buccal series of removed from the teeth; not impinge on the soft tissues;
teeth and protrusion of the incisor teeth. and not distort the muscles of the face to any great degree.
Treatment. Howard (1926) observed the rapid ver- Teeth protectors may be made of prefabricated rubber with
a thermoplastic lining,
Teeth Protectors . 369
370 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
Fig. 24-28. (Top left) Anterior view of casts before jacket was
worn. (Bottom left) Increase in overbite and overjet after wearing a
jacket. (Center) Views of patient in Milwaukee jacket. (Above)
Anterior views before (left), and after (right) wearing the
Milwaukee jacket.
latex, clear acrylic, or sernihard acrylic shell with a soft inch thick is available in sheets of 3" x 6". The material is
acrylic insert. soft and flexible and is readily formed by softening in heat
A material of silicon vinyl in clear plastic 0.125 and molding on a dental cast. The
372 . Diagnosis and Treatment in the Permanent Dentition
teeth protector is trimmed to about the middle of the Ketcham, A. H.: The treatment of openbite cases. Int. ].
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Orthodontic Treatment of Adults
PSYCHODYNAMICS OF THE ADULT PATIENT sirability of going through with the treatment, and may reject
the repeated manipulation of his oral cavity by the
It is important to ascertain the motivation of the adult
orthodontist. The adult usually is impatient to see
patient who seeks orthodontic therapy to prevent conflict in
improvement. If the malocclusion occupies a prominent place
patient-doctor relations. Psychologic factors that motivate the
in the consciousness of the patient, he is apt to be cooperative.
patient must be ascertained in advance. There are patients who
Above all, one should make certain that he is dealing with an
have an oral fixation. They are not satisfied with their present
adult personality.
dental condition, do not basically wish to be satisfied with it,
and continue to go from one orthodontist or general dental
practitioner to the next until these rounds become part of their
life style. Adult patients should not be urged to accept treat- TISSUE TOLERANCE I ADULT THERAPY
ment. They must decide for themselves.
Do not take for granted that the adult patient is always Bone Changes
cooperative. Lack of cooperation can stem from Bone growth and phosphatase activity that accompany bone
psychodynamic as well as functional causes. The adult may change are less pronounced in the adult than in the child.
have second thoughts about the de- Rapid bone change does not occur in the adult and osteoclastic
activity on the application of orthodontic force to the teeth
374 . Orthodontic Treatment of Adults
Soft Tissues
Light forces should be applied and as few teeth as
possible should be moved to obtain the desired result.
The patient should be informed in advance that ideal
results are not possible, if that is the case.
Low resistance of soft tissues surrounding the teeth of
Fig. 25-4. (Left) Large diastema between maxillary central adults can result in irritations, chronic gingivitis, and
incisors in an adult. (Right) Diastema closed by orthodontic gingival pocket formation. Some adults may show less
therapy. Spaces distal to the patient's lateral incisors have been tooth mobility after a period of treatment and retention
eliminated by bridgework. than before the teeth were
Tissue Tolerance in Adult Therapy . 375
moved to new positions. Slight alveolar bone loss does not present and caution is exercised in the application of force.
contraindicate treatment, provided active inflammation or Functional adaptation to the new occlusion ob-
other pathologic conditions are not
tained in treatment is usually slower in the adult than in the 4. Reestablish vertical height of the teeth and face
child. Equilibration of the occlusion, while important, may 5. Improve facial esthetics
not be the entire answer to interference with functional 6.Correct temporomandibular articulation abnormalities
excursions of the mandible. 7. Correct extreme variations in centric occlusion and
Functional and postural jaw pattern changes resulting from centric relation.
occlusal change and rapid tooth movement are not as readily Limitations in treatment of adults can be mini-
tolerated by the adult as by the child patient. The adult patient .rnized if attention is given to the following:
is more apt to follow long-established functional patterns that 1. General health of the oral tissues
were originally responsible for the malocclusion and thus 2. Abnormal tooth mobility and root resorption
provoke relapse. 3.At least half of the root should be surrounded by alveolar
4. Condition of the periodontium should be satis-
SCOPE OF ORTHODONTICS FOR ADULTS 5. Gingival infection should be eliminated
The scope of orthodontic therapy in adults includes the 6. Oral hygiene should be satisfactory
following: The age of the orthodontic patient is not as important as the
1. To move teeth to advantageous positions for use as soundness of the teeth and surrounding tissues, the height of
bridge abutments the alveolar process, and the amount of tooth movement
2. For establishing a more orthognathic profile required.
3.To improve the occlusion of the teeth by eliminating Treatment of Nonvital Teeth
spacing, crowding, crossb ite, abnormal overbite and overjet,
anteroposterior deviations of individual teeth and of the dental
arches Nonvital teeth can be moved orthodontically as
Case Report 377
well as vital teeth. Tissue repair is slower in adults than through bridgework that replaces missing teeth.
in growing children. Care should be taken not to damage Retainers may be worn at night only, if they are
supporting tissues. The teeth should be reexamined at otherwise objectionable to the patient.
short intervals to detect root resorption. Anchorage is
frequently difficult to obtain and removable appliances
should be used whenever possible. CASE REPORT
were moved upward and distally. The slight occlusal lowed the change in A-Point when the angle of con-
plane change can be attributed also to the change in vexity and the maxillary-mandibular incisor angle were
incisor relation. The S-N-A dimensional change fol- reduced.
40. Treatment of Abnormal Overbite' 379
The orthodontist should look for bruxism in his patients,
whether children or adults. Bruxism should be suspected
when severe wear is present in the teeth of a child or
adolescent or when there is unaccountable loss of alveolar
bone. Bruxism can cause periodon tal disease.
Variations of bruxism are teeth clenching, in which before any other reconstruction is undertaken. Functional
pressure is brought upon the periodontal structures by disturbances can follow lack of coordination between the
repeated clenching of the teeth and the teeth clicking habit, teeth, muscles, and temporomandibular articulation. Centric
which consists of repeated, rhythmic clicking of the teeth. relation can vary greatly from centric occlusion. While
Discovery by the patient of his own unconscious biting or radiographic examination is important in these cases, the
teeth clenching habits during waking hours is of diagnostic correction of the condition actually depends on trial and
value and is often the first step toward correction. The error, which is reduced by the clinical experience of the
patient then becomes more willing to cooperate. Treatment dentist and the changes in the pattern of occlusion
includes occlusal equilibration and an appliance similar to experienced by the patient.
a tooth guard or an activator. The appliance should be If occlusal rehabilitation, or so-called "bite-raising," does
made to fit over the mandibular dental arch. not take into consideration centric relation and centric
occlusion, the result is an unbalanced face, although the
teeth in the dental arch may be in good appositive relation
in terminal occlusion. This is true of orthodontic treatment
in general. Relocation of the mandible by orthodontics
actually is the result of the relocation of the teeth, which al-
ORTHODONTICS I OCCLUSAL lows the mandible to come into, or to maintain, centric
REHABILITATION relation when the teeth are in full occlusion.
Occlusal rehabilitation depends on the establishment of
correct centric relation and centric occlusion
382 . Orthodontic Treatment of Adults
Fig. 25-14. (A) Anterior view before treatment. (B) Anterior view after completion of treatment. (C left) Occlusal view before treatment.
ote the loss of the mandibular permanent first molars. (D) Anterior view before treatment. (E) Anterior view after treatment. (F) Profile
before treatment. (G) Profile after treatment. (H) Cephalogram tracing shows maxillary and mandibular incisors have been lingually
However, where readjustment of the mandible is at- original off-center relation when the teeth are in full
tempted arbitrarily, necessitating stretching the occlusion.
masticatory muscles, the effort usually is attended by Occlusal rehabilitation cannot ignore functional
failure, and the mandible tends to return to its requirements. If arbitrary principles are followed in
44. Orthodontics in Occlusal Rehabilitation' 383
Afte r
SNB Y- 77
PgFH 8
1 870
bite-raising, interferences are developed with the movements centric relation in rest position to full occlusion.
of the mandible, which seeks to function as it did before bite- Measurements of the profile from the hairline to the gnathion
raising was undertaken. or the menton point are not reliable. Profile roentgenographic
The patient must establish his own optimum vertical cephalograms can be helpful in establishing vertical height.
dimension. Measurement of the skin is inaccurate because of Mandibular repositioning can be accomplished by means of
muscular contraction, grimacing, and the manner in which the grinding away interfering cusps of teeth, by onlays to permit
patient will position his lips when requested to do so the mandible to assume a new centric occlusion. When the
purposefully. Repeating the word mama, m, or Mississippi is a mandible is forced into lateral, protrusive or retrusive relation
useful exercise for establishing centric relation. It can then be to the maxilla due to local dental interferences and tooth loss,
observed if there is a median line shift of the central incisors repositioning is a useful method of cor-
when the teeth are brought from
384 . Orthodontic Treatment of Adults
-- Before
---- After
Fig. 25-16. (A) Anterior view of dentition in an adult age 25 years. Patient had received orthodontic treatment which was completed
when he was age 13 years. (B) Dentition after retreatment. (C) Photograph showing profile before treatment. (0) Profile after retreatment,
(E) Tracing of cephalograms before and after retreatment.
M,R. -
---- After
Fig. 25-18. Adult patient who had refused mandibular resection 35 years earlier. Examination revealed a forced-forward
position of the mandible to achieve full occlusion, Rest position showed lingual surfaces of the mandibular incisors to be in
contact with the labial surfaces of the maxillary incisor teeth. (A) Lateral view before orthodontic treatment. (B) Lateral view
after orthodontic treatment. (e) Anterior view of occlusion before treatment. (D) Occlusion after treatment wi th orthodontic
appliances only. (E) Tracing of cephalogram before and after treatment.
mandibular articulation, bite jumping can be successful. are must be determined for the individual patient. When the
Vertical height should be established with a temporary variation between centric relation and centric occlusion
overlay splint which the patient uses for some time before goes beyond the range of individual tolerance or adaptation,
permanent reconstruction is attempted. This permits the traumatic conditions develop in the dentition, and
patient to become accustomed to the new occlusal temporomandibular articulation disturbances can manifest
An activator can be used to establish the vertical position
The innervation and musculature are adjusted to the
of the mandible and to bring centric relation of the
functional pattern before bite-raising is undertaken. This
mandible into close relation with centric occlusion. The
pattern develops gradually. The sudden change in the
appliance is worn by the patient until he feels comfortable
functional pattern when the occlusion is changed is
with the new mandibular position. Then splints are made to
responsible for the loss of the kinesthetic sense on the part
maintain the vertical height and the new position of the
of the patient, who now must learn to use his jaws
mandible. When the patient finds the new position
according to the reconstructed occlusion. This is difficult to
comfortable, permanent restorations are constructed.
accomplish for most patients, and some never master it. It
The human dentition can adjust itself, within limits, to
is necessary to make occlusal changes gradually and to
differences in centric relation of the mandible when the jaw
determine provisionally the patient's reaction to occlusal
is in physiologic rest position, or in centric occlusion of the
changes induced by bite-raising. The patient must be
teeth. What these limits
prepared for the changes he will experience in the
kinesthetics in his mouth.
386 . Orthodontic Treatment of Adults
The activator appliance is a means of determining the reconstruction of adult dentition. Tr. European Orthodorit.
adequacy of the mandibular relocation, the amount of Soc.. Annual, 1956.
optimal increase in a vertical dimension, and the patient's ___ : An orthodontic approach to therapy in cases of deep
tolerance of these changes. overbite in adults. Trans. European Orthodont. Soc. Annual,
Reitan, K.: Orthodontic treatment of adult patients. Den Norske
Tandlaegeforenings Tidende, 51:41, 1941.
Salzmann, J. A.: Problems of the adult as an orthodontic patient.
Am. J. Orthodont., 57:84, 1970.
Beyron, H. L.: Occlusal changes in adult dentition. Schonherr, E.: Das Rez idiv und seine Verhiitung bei der
J.A.D.A., 48:674,1954. Kieferorthopadischen Behandlung Erwachsener (The relapse
Ford, J. W., and Ford, W. F.: Cephalometric appraisal of treated and its avoidance in orthodontic treatment of adults). Fortschr.
manibular displacement in an adult patient. Am. J. Orthodont., Kieferorth., 23:366, 1962.
36:222, 1950. Schwarz, A. M.: Orthodontic treatment of adults. Internat.
Goldstein, M.S.: Adult orthodontics. Am. J. Orthodont., D. J., 13:372, 1963 .
39:400, 1953. Wilson, J. H.: Some aspects of occlusion and restoration of the
Cranerus, R.: Orthodontics as a therapeutic measure in the mouth. Australian D. J., 5:185, 1960.
Orthodontics in Cleft Palate Therapy
~ c ~ o
r[f~ 0 01
K L o p
Fig. 26-1. Common types of cleft of lip: (A) Submucous cleft of lip. The epithelium is intact but the
orbicularis oris muscle is cleft. (B) Complete cleft of lip. (C) Partial bilateral cleft of lip. (0) Complete
bilateral cleft of lip. The prolabial part of the lip (shaded) contains no muscle tissue. Unilateral clefts of
lip, alveolus, and palate: (E) Cleft lip and alveolus. (F) Cleft alveolus, lip and palate intact. (C) Cleft of
lip, alveolus, and anterior part of hard palate. (H) Complete unilateral cleft of lip, alveolus, hard, and
soft palate. The absence of any muscle tissue in the prolabium (shaded) is a constant feature of bilateral
clefts: (l) Bilateral cleft of lip, alveolus, and anterior part of hard palate. The hard palate is intact but the
cleft follows the frontal process pattern. (j) Bilateral cleft of lip with unilateral cleft of lip, alveolus, and
palate. (K) Bilateral cleft of lip and alveolus. Unilateral cleft of palate. (L) Bilateral cleft of lip, alveolus,
and palate frontal segment is supported by the vomer, and the two lateral halves of the maxilla are
completely separated. Isolated cleft palate: (M) Submucous cleft of soft palate; epithelium is intact but
there is lack of midline continuity in the muscle of the soft palate. (N) Cleft of soft palate. (0) V-shaped
cleft of hard and soft palate. (P) U-shaped cleft of hard and soft palate. (Courtesy D. Glass)
maxillary prognathium. The nose may be deformed adjustment to life and has accepted a feeding formula and
when the lip is cleft into the floor of the nose. shows a steady, progressive gain in weight. Cleft palate is
usually closed at between 24 to 36 months of age. Lip or
nostril surgical revisions are performed at later ages.
Dentofacial Growth
Malocclusion in cleft palate and cleft lip patients can
Cleft lip is usually surgically closed several weeks be caused by deficiencies in the bone, the soft
after birth when the infant has made a satisfactory
Orthodontic Intervention 389
Fig. 26-2. Facial and palatal views of a father and two children. The father has a cleft of the soft and part of the hard
palate. (Center) Child, age 2V2 years, has a cleft of the soft palate extending only partially into the hard palate. (Right)
The girl, 1 year old, has cleft of the soft palate only. Tl;e trait seems to be transmitted as a recessive one.
tissues, supernumerary teeth, and missing tooth germs. labial or premaxillary segment in a protrusive position.
Malocclusion can be caused also by excessive scar tissue Tightness of the repaired cleft lip can cause palatal
resulting from extensive surgery in the growing child. inclination of the maxillary incisors and anterior cross
Incomplete clefts of the lips only are not a direct cause bite.
of malocclusion. When the cleft affects the alveolar
process there is a malocclusion of the teeth. Clefts of the
soft palate only and submucous palatal clefts do not
affect the occlusion although they are a cause of speech Orthodontic therapy is required to prevent or correct
nasality. Clefts of the hard palate only may cause a collapse of the maxillary dental arch before and after
narrowing of the maxillary arch with a tendency to surgical lip closure. Orthodontic treatment in the
crossbite, but severe malocclusiens in these cases can be deciduous dentition when the roots show advanced
attributed to other etiologic factors. Accompanying resorption is of no value. Removable appliances should
abnormalities of clefts of the lip, alveolar process, and be used where possible in the deciduous and early mixed
palate are difficulties in feeding and swallowing, speech dentitions.
defects, syndactyly, hypertelorism, and other somatic and The orthodontist in the cleft palate team is concerned
psychic disturbances. with the following:
In bilateral clefts of the lips there usually is lateral 1. Consult and advise on dentofacial growth.
collapse of the maxillary buccal segments with the 2.Prepare diagnostic aids and records including dental
impressions and casts, photographs, and face casts.
390 . Orthodontics in Cleft Palate Therapy
3. Make radiograms - periapical dental films; lateral One exposure is made with the mandible in rest
jaw, cephalometric, and posteroanterior films, and position. The patient makes the sustained sound, eee, and
tracings of cephalograms. is told to pronounce kaa and to hold the k sound as long as
4. Make stents to maintain lip contour and prevent possible. These sounds are representative vowel and
postoperative lip tightening. consonant sounds.
5. Provide orthodontic treatment preoperatively, In the normal palate the soft palate extends downward
postoperatively, and before the construction of prosthetic and curves gently from the posterior margin of the hard
appliances. palate at a thickness of 0.5 to 1.0 em., as measured on the
6. Advise on the patient's dentofacial growth status and radiogram. The lower portion of the soft palate terminates
potential in relation to optimum timing of plastic surgery, in the uvula which appears bulbous on the radiogram.
orthodontic treatment, and prosthetics. The soft palate moves upward and backward during
7. Correct malocclusion. speech, touching the posterior pharyngeal wall. In cleft
palate the two halves retract laterally against the fauces
and produce a hazy, unrecognizable shadow on the
radiogram, making it appear that the soft palate is
missing entirely. The repaired cleft may show the palate
Contrast material is applied in the following manner to to have a normal appearance or to be short to varying
obtain a profile radiograph of the pharynx. The patient is extents. The palate may appear to be thicker or thinner
put in a reclining position, and 1 to 2 mg. of a thin than normal on the radiogram.
barium mixture is placed in each nostril, If the patient
does not sneeze, he is asked to cough with the mouth
closed in order to distribute the barium through the
pharyngeal area. A small amount of the mixture is then
given by mouth to coat the tongue. The radiogram is now Timing of Orthodontic Treatment
made, using an 8 x lO-inch film in a cassette. The central Orthodontic therapy in cleft palate patients does not
ray is directed to a point about 1 inch anterior to, and 1 follow the usual pattern that applies to children with
inch below, the external auditory meatus. sound lips and palates. Treatment is on a periodic basis.
It may be for as little as a few months to
392 . Orthodontics in Cleft Palate Therapy
correct what is required at a given time. There may be a period of treatment in a cleft palate child, while in the child
number of periods of supervision necessary when further with a normal palate it would be better to wait until more
orthodontic treatment has to be held in abeyance for the development has taken place. Crossbite should be corrected
dentition to gain further development. It frequently is as early as possible, as is true also for the child with a
necessary to initiate a short normal palate.
prosthetic appliances would be required which would not by prosthetic appliances. The deficiency in bone and soft
be aided by orthodontic treatment. tissues as a result of the cleft present certain limitations to
the extent and direction of tooth movement.
Advantages of orthodontic treatment are the improved
Indications for Prosthesis
function and esthetics, more secure retention of prosthetic
appliances, the teeth remain longer in the jaws if not A denture should be constructed when prognosis for
covered by the prosthetic appliance, and speech therapy surgical correction is poor or when it has proved
is facilitated. unsuccessful, when many teeth need replacement, and
When teeth are absent the plan of treatment must take where teeth needed for abutments of bridgework are
into consideration the positioning of the teeth in the missing or unsuitable. Bridges should be used wherever
mouth to aid in restoring the missing teeth possible to replace missing teeth
Orthodontic Intervention . 395
Supernumerary Teeth
Supernumerary teeth in cleft palate patients should be
allowed to remain in the mouth if they are erupted and can
be made useful. They should be extracted if they are
impacted and interfere with the eruption of adjacent teeth.
Malformed teeth should be allowed to remain if they can
be brought into occlusion and restored by jacket crowns.
Teeth in supraclusion should be brought into occlusion by
orthodontic means.
When the maxillary dental arch is expanded in cleft
palate patients, permanent retention by means of a plate or
Fig. 26-11. This alginate impression was taken on an
bridgework may be required. In dental arches where the
infant with bilateral clefts of the lip and alveolar process
teeth are inclined palatally they should be uprighted.
and cleft of the palate.
Orthodontic treatment in cleft palate may be performed
with fixed or removable appliances. Interjaw traction may
be used to correct maxillary collapse.
Delay is not always necessary in constructing obturators,
speech aids, and other prosthetic appliances
Fig. 26-14. (Left) Collapsed dental arch with frontonasal process out of the line of occlusion. (Center) Widening of the dental arch permits
the frontal portion to come into position. (Right) The arch is expanded. The frontonasal process, which was included in the mucosa when
the lip was closed, can now be freed and permitted to come into position. Thus, the patient will eventually have the advantage of the teeth
in the frontonasal process.
Cleft Palate Orthopedics' 397
Fig. 26-15(AJ. This infant had a double cleft. The frontonasal portion protrudes and is horizontal
to the lateral segments. Adhesive tapes exert light pressure on the frontonasal process. A split plate
is used intraorally; dental floss is attached to prevent it from being swallowed or otherwise
misplaced. Notice how the process approximates the lateral segments and how the clefts
approximate. (8, Below) Two views of the split plate; the lingual surface shows the expansion screw
and the dental floss to hold the plate. An applicator was necessary to feed the baby soon after birth.
398 . Orthodontics in Cleft Palate Therapy
Fig. 26-15 (Cont.) (C) Compare casts of the palate and protruding frontal process before and after
treatment. The photograph shows the beginning of deciduous tooth eruption. (D) The appearance of
the infant before and after cleft lip closure. (Courtesy Mount Sinai Hospital Cleft Palate Center)
Cleft Palate Orthopedics . 399
McNeil's technique for treating collapsed cleft palates is after they are' repositioned. A new impression is taken and
as follows: a cast is poured.
1. An impression is taken of the palate and a dental cast 4. An acrylic plate is constructed on the new cast.
is made to be used as a master cast. Three or four plates may have to be made if the collapse is
2. An impression is taken of the master cast and a severe.
working cast is made. 5. Looped retaining wires are inserted to extend forward
3. The working cast is sectioned through the cleft or from each side of the anterior part of the acrylic plate.
clefts, and the maxillary segments are repositioned to ideal The appliance floats freely in the mouth but is upheld by
arch width anteriorly while the original width at the molar the tongue, which is kept out of the cleft. This helps the
region is maintained. Wax is filled into the spaces between child to bottle feed. Lip surgery is
the sectioned parts
Fig. 26-16A. Lateral casts of dentition before (left) and after (right)
treatment to correct crossbite and change the axial position of the
central incisor teeth. Anterior and occlusal casts made were before
and after treatment and with a partial denture inserted. (Continued on
400 Orthodontics in Cleft Palate Therapy
postponed until the bony segments have been moved brought into apposition before faulty speech patterns
into favorable position. Repair of the soft palate then are formed.
is performed, and the functioning muscles are Treatment is begun about 6 weeks prior to lip re-
pair. The appliance usually is tolerated well by the McNeil constructs a plate after the. soft palate only is
patient. Alignment of the palate in the cleft palate patient surgically closed. This he calls a stimulation plate. It is
eliminates many of the problems that orthodontists, intended to bring about a reduction in the width of the
dental prosthetists, and speech therapists face when cleft during maxillary growth while the deciduous
treating the cleft palate patient at a later age. dentition is developing.
Bone grafting to supply missing tissues in oral
Fig. 26-22. Continued. (Top left) Appliance in position. (Top right) A partial denture with 4 incisor teeth inserted in the
mouth. Deciduous canines seen in 26-27 (A) (bottom left) were extracted. The clasps used to retain the partial denture are
fashioned around the first premolars. The patient still has no incisor occlusion. She now requires a partial lower denture.
(Bottom left) Profile view at age 17 years taken with the denture out of the mouth. (Bottom right) Lateral view with denture in
palate causes more speech defects than any other oral Cleft palate speech is a term used to describe the
deformity. A speaker with cleft palate may omit every characteristic speech disorder of a person with cleft or
consonant except 111, n, and ng; his speech is characterized nonfunctioning palate. The abnormalities of the teeth, the
by many vowel distortions and a nasal vocal tone. Anatomic nasal structures, and the tongue contribute to speech
or physiologic abnormalities produce nasal escape of air and difficulties in articulation which are usually accompanied
the familiar errors in articulation which make up the so-called by hypernasality,
cleft palate speech. A severe dyslalia can occur, as well as an excessive
hyperrhinolalia and/or hyporhinolalia, if the soft
406 . Orthodontics in Cleft Palate Therapy
palate is tight, scarred, short, or cleft, if the hard palate is Fogh-Andersen, P.: Significance of a centralized treatment of cleft
too high or too flat, if there are certain types of lip and cleft palate. Acta Chir. Traum. Surg., 24:448, 1958.
malocclusion and obstruction or irregularity in the nasal ___ : Inheritance patterns for cleft lip and cleft palate.
cavity, or the upper lip is tight and scarred. In Pruzansky, S. (ed.): Congenital Anomalies of the Face and
Associated Structures. Springfield, Ill., Charles C Thomas, 1961.
Surgical operations are best performed before the
Fraser, F. C: Some experimental and clinical studies on the cause
optimum age for development of speech is passed and
of congenital clefts of the lip. Arch. Pediat., 77:151, 1960.
before defective speech patterns are fully established. Fraser, F. C, and Baxter, H.: The familial distribution of
Since the majority of consonant sounds is used before congenital clefts of the lip and palate. Am. J. Surg., 87:656,
the end of the first year, early cleft palate closure 1954.
operation actually can be effective in aiding speech. ___ : Harelip and cleft palate. In Fishbein, M., (ed.):
Problems of speech may originate from imitative Birth Defects. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1963.
psychological and neurologic causes as well as from Fukuhara. T" and Saito, S.: Possible carrier status of hereditary
disturbed anatomy and physiology. Consideration should cleft palate with cleft lip. Bull. Tokyo M. & D. Univ., 10:333,
be given to the complete biosociopsychic dynamics of 1963.
the patient. Glass, D. F.: The orthodontic treatment of cleft lip and palate
patients. Ann. R. ColI. Surg. Engl.. 239:25, 1959.
Goddard, C. L.: Separation of the superior maxilla at the
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Counselling Parents Crabb, W. C, Rosenstein, S. W., and Bzoch, K R.: Cleft Lip and
Palate: Surgical, Dental and Speech Aspects. 619 Illus., pp.
During the interview with the parents an attempt is 952.
made to alleviate their many fears and anxieties. Parents Hagerty, R. F., et al.: Dental arch collapse in cleft palate.
are informed that they are exempt from any guilt or Angle Orthodontist, 34:25, 1964.
contribution to their child's physical defect. They are Harkins, C. S., Harkins, W. R, and Harkins, J. F.: Principles of
advised that the patient should be thought of and treated Cleft Palate Prosthesis: Aspects in the Rehabilitation of the
as a normal child. Under supervision and treatment, they Cleft Plate Individual. New York, Temple University, 1960.
should be assured, and precluding unforseen Harvold, E.: Cleft lip and palate: morphologic studies of the facial
disturbances, the child will develop into a healthy adult skeleton. Am. J. Orthodontics, 40:493, 1954.
with a normal appearance. Haupl, K: Die funktionelle Kieferorthopadie im Dienste der
Behandlung der Kiefer-und Caumenspalten. Fortschr. Kiefer
Cesichtschir., 1:161, 1955.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Law, F. E., and Fulton, J. T.: Unoperated oral clefts at maturation.
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problems. J.A.D.A., 60:696, 1960. patients. Am. J. Orthodontics, 60:19, 1971.
Cadenat. E.: Le Bec-De-Lievre Quelques Aspects Actuels de la McKee, F. L.: A cephalometric radiographic study of tongue
Question. Ann. Odonto-Stomatol., 3:99, 1960. position in individuals with cleft palate deformity. Angle
Charnbiras, P. G.: Reduction of prominent premaxilla in bilateral Orthodontist, 26:99, 1956.
cleft palate. Australian D. J., 6:29, 1961. McKenzie, J.: The first arch syndrome. Arch. Dis. Child., 33:477,
Cooper, H. K: Cinefluorography with image intensification as an 1958.
aid in treatment planning for some cleft lip and/or cleft palate Mc eil, C. K.: Oral and Facial Deformity. New York, Pittman,
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lip repair. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 30:426, 1962. clefts at maturation. Angle Orthodontist, 30:78, 1960.
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Practioner, 8:166, 1962. Fortschr. Kiefer Gesichts, 4:167, 1958.
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The Edgewise Appliance
The edgewise appliance, as it is used in presentday principles is a necessary prerequisite to application of the
orthodontic practice, is applicable to the treatment of any details of appliance manipulation.
type of malocclusion from the most simple to the most
complex. The unique capability of the edgewise bracket DEVELOPMENT
wire combination to produce bodily tooth movement
simultaneously or separately in all three planes of space The universal applicability of the edgewise appliance
permits correction of the most extreme tooth malpositions has been achieved by a long process of evolution that
without the necessary addition of specialized intraoral began in the late 19th century with the innovative efforts
auxiliaries. However, the generalized nature of the of Edward H. Angle and continues to the present day. The
edgewise appliance permits the addition of auxilliaries original edgewise appliance represented the culmination
where desired for adaptation to specific tooth movement of Angle's efforts to design a system that would provide
tasks. intimate control of tooth position in all three dimensions.
Thus, in contrast to specialized appliance systems that Each of Angle's treatment systems beginning with the E
have been developed for and are limited to treatment of arch and extending through the pin and tube appliance and
particular types of malocclusions, the modern edgewise ribbon arch to the edgewise bracketwire combination was
appliance can be manipulated to correct the entire designed in keeping with his contention that maintenance
spectrum of tooth malpositions and dentoalveolar of a full complement of teeth and development of alveolar
disharmonies. This chapter is a presentation of the bone through dental arch expansion were the sine qua non
methods of construction and application of only one of of orthodontic correction.
the many variations of the edgewise appliance. However, At each phase in appliance evolution, Angle recognized
the mechanical principles employed in the appliance limitations in design and ingeniously devised means to
system shown here are central to the functions of al1 the circumvent them thus giving rise to the next
edgewise modifications. An understanding of these developmental step. With the E arch appliance (Fig. 27-1)
mechanical principles and their relationship to hard tissue direct ligation from the base arch to anterior teeth limited
physiology, as well as a grasp of orthodontic treatment tooth movement to rotation and tipping in a labiolingual
planning and mesiodistal direction. The subsequent addition of
vertical pins to the archwire and tubes to the labial band
surfaces (Fig. 27-2) introduced the capability for bodily
axial tooth movement in both labiolingual and mesiodistal
directions. Dental arch expansion and correction of
crowding was accomplished by periodic mesial ad-
vancement of the base arch and successive adjustment of
pin position and inclination. Rigidity of the base arch and
the critical nature of pin positioning made manipulation of
this pin and tube appliance very difficult.
Introduction of the ribbon arch appliance in 1916 (Fig.
27-3) resulted in considerable simplification of appliance
adjustment and gained direct rotation control without the
use of staples or auxiliary springs such as were necessary
with the pin and tube ap-
Fig. 27-1. Tooth movement was accomplished with
Angle's E arch appliance by direct ligation from malposed
teeth to a heavy labial archwire anchored to molar bands.
Only tipping movements were possible with this mecha-
Development . 409
Fig. 27-2. With the pin and tube appliance, progressive Fig. 27-3. With the ribbon arch appliance a base arch with
adjustment of the base archwire and alteration of pin rectangular cross section and a rectangular slotted bracket
position and inclination produced expansion of dental are provided for excellent labiolingual bodily tooth
arches by bodily movement of teeth in mesiodistal and movement (root and crown torque). Mesiodistal axial
labiolingual directions. Rotational correction was achieved control was compromised because of the loose attachment
by the addition of mesial or distal staples and direct ligation between archwire and bracket afforded by the locking pin.
to the base arch.
affected by presence of excessive interproximal band tion of bands with physical properties and configuration
material that best suit his individual needs.
5. Surface characteristics should permit polishing by The original edgewise bracket as designed by Angle
conventional methods and welding or soldering of consisted of a rectangular slot for ai chwire engagement
attachments. and occlusal and gingival flanges for reception of wire
Optimum band fit and placement will be achieved if ligature ties. Because of the relatively narrow mesiodistal
bands are contoured so that bracket width and the facial bracket slot opening, rotational
1. Gingival edge is festooned to avoid impingement on control was exercised either by ligature tension across the
the periodontal attachment and displacement of the base arch and under the ligation flanges or by ligature ties
gingival cuff. to staples soldered to the bands at some distance from the
2. Occlusal edge is festooned to avoid occlusal bracket (Fig. 27-6A). In either case, the ligature resulted in
interference and is beveled slightly to resist little deflection of the heavy rectangular archwire being
deformation in seating. used at the time and considerable discomfort to the patient
3. Proximal surfaces are relatively flat, incisogingivally as a result of direct compression of periodontal structures.
or occlusogingivally to preclude excessive cement Many
thickness at interproximal contact areas.
4. Maximum contact is achieved between inside surface
of bands and coronal surfaces of the teeth.
Clinical usage by each operator will permit selec- I
c:=J A.
B. I
[ I I
) c. I
0 --,
412 . The Edgewise Appliance
of the subsequent bracket modifications have been directed lumens are 0.022" X 0.028" permitting maximum wire size
at overcoming this lack of definitive rotational control. The of 0.0215" x 0.027". *
use of two single width edgewise brackets with slots
aligned horizontally and positioned some distance apart on BAND FITTING AND BRACKET PLACEMENT
the facial band surface (Siamese or twin brackets)
permitted the application of a longer lever arm for Accurate bracket positioning on the teeth is one of the
rotational movement (Fig. 27-6B). The addition of rotation most critical requirements in fabrication of a fixed
arms mesial and distal to a centrally placed bracket (Lewis, orthodontic appliance. If brackets are positioned properly,
Steiner) was another modification designed to improve the archwire fabrication is greatly simplified, the need for
capability for rotational correction (Fig. 27 -6C). compensating arch wire bends is minimized, and final
Narrow mesiodistal width of the original single interarch and intraarch tooth relationships are achieved with
edgewise bracket required the use of archwires of relative ease.
maximum dimension for optimum mesiodistal axial Since bands and brackets are purchased as preassembled
movement (Fig. 27-7 A). The additional distance from the units, bracket position is dependent upon proper band fitting
central tooth axis to the bracket extremity afforded by and placement. Brackets are welded to bands with the slot
development of twin brackets (Fig. 27-7B) and by the centrally located mesiodistally (except for molars) and at a
incorporation of anti-tip slots into mesial and distal rotation uniform 'distance from and parallel to the occlusal and
arms resulted in improvement of mesiodistal axial control incisal band edge (with the exception of cuspids and maxil-
capability (Fig. 27-7C) and permitted the use of wires of lary lateral incisors). Molar brackets and tubes are placed so
smaller dimension and higher resiliency for active tooth that the mesial edge of the bracket slot is at the height of
movement. facial contour of the mesiobuccal cusp in order to effect
In the treatment method described here, a combination of better rotation control. Cuspid brackets are positioned closer
single width edgewise brackets with anti-tip rotating arms to the occlusal edge to obtain better band retention by more
(Fig. 27-8A) and twin edgewise brackets are used (Fig. 27- gingival seating, and maxillary lateral incisor brackets are
8B). The former have proven to be most efficacious in inclined mesiodistally to produce distal root inclination.
controlling rotation and axial inclination of teeth adjacent Thus, if bands are placed with occlusal edges and
to extraction sites; the latter are most efficient in
controlling axial inclination of teeth with great mesiodistal
dimension (first molars when second molars carry buccal
tubes) and in correcting position of teeth with extreme root
convergence. All bracket slots and tube
Bracket slot and wire siz-es are designated in thousandths of an inch.
Band Fitting and Bracket Placement 413
@ I
within the limits of patient tolerance and act over a long force per unit deflection and act over a shorter distance.
distance and an extended time period. Archwires of larger Archwire resiliency also varies directly with the
diameter deliver higher levels of
416 . The Edgewise Appliance
example, with the lingual surfaces of maxillary central and sate for variations in incisogingival facial surface contour.
lateral incisors describing an even arc of occlusion with In position of normal occlusion the facial surfaces
ideally aligned mandibular incisors, the maxillary lateral underlying the points of bracket placement are at varying
incisor labial surface at the point of bracket placement lies angles relative to the plane of occlusion. Establishment of
slightly lingual to the central incisor labial surface. Thus in proper faciolingual axial relationship of teeth during
order to achieve the ideal lingual surface alignment, correction of malocclusion is accomplished by longitudinal
maxillary archwires must have a compensating bend torquing of rectangular arch wires to conform to the desired
toward the lingual just mesial to each lateral incisor. angular relationship. These compensating bends are
Similarly, prominence of maxillary and mandibular cuspid described in terms of the direction of root or crown
facial surfaces dictates the need for compensating bends in displacement from a position perpendicular to the plane of
a labial direction mesial to each cuspid. Compensating occlusion i.e., lingual crown torque, labial (buccal) crown
bends are also necessary mesial to mandibular first torque, lingual root torque, labial (buccal) root torque. Ideal
bicuspids, as well as mesial to maxillary and mandibular mandibular tooth relationships are characterized by neutral
first and second molars. Evaluation of individual tooth torque on incisors and progressive lingual crown (buccal
morphology and visualization of final tooth position serve root) torque on cuspids, bicuspids, and molars (Fig. 27-19).
as guides to shape and depth of compensating bends. Ideal maxillary axial alignment is characterized by
Faciolingual compensating bends are placed in both round moderate labial crown (lingual root) torque on central
and rectangular arch wires with the exception of wires of incisors, slight labial crown (lingual root) torque on lateral
small diameter where the loose fitting archwires make the incisors and progressive lingual crown (buccal root) torque
bends unnecess.ary. on cuspids, bicuspids, and molars (Fig. 27-20).
Archwires of rectangular cross-section must be further While the direction of torque placed in rectangular
modified in the horizontal plane to compen-
Reciprocal Tooth Movement and Anchorage' 419
Fig. 27-24. Auxiliary appliance selection for anchorage
control in Class II correction: (A) Use of intermaxillary elastics
from mandibular posterior to maxillary anterior (Class II)
produces distal maxillary dentition movement and mesial
mandibular dentition movement. The former is desirable; the
latter is undesirable. Secondary vertical components of force
produce occlusal plane tipping by maxillary incisor extrusion
and anteroinferior tipping of mandibular incisors. Such a
combination of movements is usually unstable and esthetically
unacceptable. (B) Preliminary use of intermaxillary elastics
hom maxillary posterior to mandibular anterior segments
results in mandibular dentition retraction and occlusal plane
tipping in the opposite direction. Simultaneous use of extraoral
traction (cervical headgear) to maxillary molars prevents
mesial maxillary tooth movement, or produces distal tooth
movement. (C) Subsequent Class II elastic application
continues distal maxillary tooth movement and mesial
mandibular tooth movement toward, but not beyond, the
pretreatment position and return of the occlusal plane to its
original inclination. Excessive maxillary incisor extrusion is
precluded by vertical extraoral force to the maxillary anterior
complexity of this biomechanical system are the duration and adherence to, the broad biological and mechanical principles
constancy of force delivery, the root surface and shape, the that govern appliance function, in conjunction with individual
pattern of force distribution through the periodontal ligament, observation and appliance adjustment are necessary in order to
and the reactivity of .bone-rnobilizing cells. It has become assure that tooth movement progresses satisfactorily toward
evident in recent years that optimum tooth movement can be attainment of treatment objectives.
produced over a broad range of force Ievelss-? and that
detailed measurement of appliance forces is not necessary
provided the forces (1) exceed the tissue threshold governing
cell conversion, (2) do not exceed the patient's pain threshold,
and (3) are distributed in such a fashion that periodontal The following case reports illustrate the correction of
membrane vitality is maintained. An understanding of, and complex malocclusions with the edgewise appliance. The first
patient, L.B., had a dental malocclusion with normal
anteroposterior skeletal relation-
422 . The Edgewise Appliance
ships. Orthodontic therapy was instituted after all factory upper and lower lip relationship, and acceptable
permanent teeth had erupted and some had been extracted prominence of the mentalis area. There was no evidence of
to make up for arch length deficiency. The second patient, facial asymmetry (Fig. 27-25). Dental
CM., had a dentoskeletal malocclusion; extraction was not 'examination disclosed generally satisfactory oral hygiene
required for correction. Treatment was carried out in two and a low caries rate. The maxillary left central incisor had
phases with the first phase beginning in the mixed a mesial angular fracture. Slight marginal gingivitis was
dentition period and the second commencing after noted in the maxillary and mandibular incisor regions,
completion of succedaneous tooth eruption. In both cases probably related to the dental crowding. Labial and lingual
active tooth movement was accomplished with archwires muscle function appeared to be within normal range. Arch
utilized in the sequence illustrated in combination with length analysis indicated the presence of a 6-mm. de-
auxiliary appliances for anchorage control. ficiency. Pretreatment cephalometric evaluation showed
that maxilla and mandible were both well related
anteroposteriorly to the cranial base. Slight protrusion of
the maxillary denture base and slight retrusion of the
Patient L.B.
mandibular denture base yielded an ANB angle at the
The patient was a Caucasian female, 12 years 7 months old upper end of the normal range. The interincisal angle was
with a Class I arch length deficiency malocclusion. Facial more obtuse than normal, primarily owing to vertical
examination revealed an orthognathic profile with slight orientation of the maxil-
subnasal maxillary lip protrusion, satis-
53. Case Reports' 423
lary incisors. All of the other cephalometric values were TABLE 27-1. PRETREATMENT A 0 POST-
within the limits of normality (Table 27-1). TREATMENT CEPHALOMETRIC VALUES, CASE
Treatment objectives were established as follows: (1) L. B.
reduction of maxillary and mandibular arch length
deficiencies; (2) reduction of vertical overbite; (3) AGE 12:7 15:3
overcorrection of end-to-end buccal occlusion; and (4)
reduction of maxillary subnasal protrusion. The treatment SNA 85 83
plan was outlined as follows:
1. Maxillary and mandibular dental arch length SNB 81 800
deficiencies dictated the need for extraction. Maxillary
A B 4 3
first bicuspid extractions were planned to provide
sufficient space for maxillary cuspid retraction and incisor
1 to A 70 25
alignment. Mandibular second bicuspid extractions were
planned to permit incisor alignment without adversely
affecting facial profile by excessive mandibular incisor
1 to Amm 2 3
retraction. 170
I to 16
2. Maxillary and mandibular edgewise appliances were
to be used with intermaxillary elastics during space 1 to 3 4
closure. Maxillary extraoral traction would be used as
necessary to reinforce maxillary molar anchorage. B 2
3. It was anticipated that 24 months of active treatment
would be required. 32 32
Following the extractions, treatment progressed as
follows: Maxillary and mandibular bands with edgewise
attachments were placed with light round archwires used dibular superpositioning indicated minimal retraction of
progressively to correct maxillary and mandibular incisor mandibular incisors and considerable forward movement
rotations and to achieve bracket engagement (Fig. 27-26). of mandibular buccal segments. Approximate equal
Maxillary cervical headgear to the first molars was placed amounts of vertical eruption in both anterior and posterior
to be worn 12 hours per day. During initial mandibular areas was observed (Fig. 27-28). Total active treatment
space closure the maxillary archwire was stopped, and time was 23 months.
Class III elastics were worn with the cervical headgear.
Maxillary space closure was initiated in conjunction with
final mandibular arch closure and leveling. Class II Patient CM.
elastics with cervical headgear were used for anchorage The patient was an ll-year-old Caucasiori male with Class
control. During the finishing stages major efforts were II, Division 1 malocclusion. The patient exhibited
directed towards correction of mesial axial inclination of protrusive profile of the convex type with eversion and
the maxillary left cuspid, correction of the deep overbite, entrapment of the lower lip. Nasal development appeared
and overtorquing of the maxillary central and lateral to be well advanced; the nose being rather prominent. The
incisors (Fig. 27-27). A maxillary Hawley retainer and a face was not noticeably asymmetric (Fig. 27-29). Dental
mandibular faciallingual splint were placed for full-time examination showed that the patient had mixed dentition
wear during the retention period. with premature loss of the mandibular left first primary
Before and after cephalometric tracings superimposed molar due to caries. A 6-mm. arch length deficiency was
on the cranial base indicate that the patient's face grew present. Oral hygiene was generally good and potential
primarily in a downward direction. Facial profile appeared caries rate was low. The maxillary dental midline
to be in satisfactory balance following treatment. coincided with the facial midline; the mandibular dental
Maxillary superimposition indicated that maxillary midline deviated 3 mm. to the left. Lingual muscle
incisors were maintained in approximately the function appeared to be normal. The lower lip was
pretreatment anteroposterior position and that postured lingual to the maxillary incisors during rest and
considerable axial change resulted from efforts to torque swallowing. In centric occlusion the mandibular incisors
the maxillary incisor root palatally. Distal bodily occluded with the palatal gingiva approximately 4 mm.
movement of the maxillary left cuspid was accomplished lingual to the maxillary incisors' cingulum. Pretreatment
in a satisfactory fashion. Man- cephalometric evaluation revealed that the maxilla was
slightly protrusive and the mandible slightly retru-
Case Reports . 423
lary incisors. All of the other cephalometric values were TABLE 27-1. PRETREATMENT A D POSTTREATMENT
within the limits of normality (Table 27-1). CEPHALOMETRIC V ALVES, CASE L. B.
Treatment objectives were established as follows: (1)
reduction of maxillary and mandibular arch length
deficiencies; (2) reduction of vertical overbi te; (3) AGE 12:7 15:3
overcorrection of end-to-end buccal occlusion; and (4)
reduction of maxillary subnasal protrusion. The treatment plan SNA 85 83
was outlined as follows:
1. Maxillary and mandibular dental arch length deficiencies 5 B 81 80
dictated the need for extraction. Maxillary first bicuspid
ANB 4 3
extractions were planned to provide sufficient space for
maxillary cuspid retraction and incisor alignment. Mandibular
1 to A 7 25
second bicuspid extractions were planned to permit incisor
alignment without adversely affecting facial profile by
excessive mandibular incisor retraction.
1 to NA mm 2 3
2. Maxillary and mandibular edgewise appliances were to
I to NBo 16 17
be used with intermaxillary elastics during space closure.
Maxillary extraoral traction would be used as necessary to I to NB mm 3 4
reinforce maxillary molar anchorage.
3. It was anticipated that 24 months of active treatment 4.
Po to NB 2
would be required.
Following the extractions, treatment progressed as follows: Go-GN-SN 32 32
Maxillary and mandibular bands with edgewise attachments
were placed with light round archwires used progressively to
correct maxillary and mandibular incisor rotations and to dibular superpositioning indicated minimal retraction of
achieve bracket engagement (Fig. 27-26). Maxillary cervical mandibular incisors and considerable forward movement of
headgear to the first molars was placed to be worn 12 hours mandibular buccal segments. Approximate equal amounts of
per day. During initial mandibular space closure the maxillary vertical eruption in both anterior and posterior areas was
arch wire was stopped, and Class III elastics were worn with observed (Fig. 27-28). Total active treatment time was 23
the cervical headgear. Maxillary space closure was initiated in months.
conjunction with final mandibular arch closure and leveling.
Class II elastics with cervical headgear were used for
anchorage control. During the finishing stages major efforts Patient CM.
were directed towards correction of mesial axial inclination of
The patient was an ll-year-old Caucasion male with Class II,
the maxillary left cuspid, correction of the deep overbite, and
Division 1 malocclusion. The patient exhibited protrusive
overtorquing of the maxillary central and lateral incisors (Fig.
profile of the convex type with eversion and entrapment of the
27-27). A maxillary Hawley retainer and a mandibular facial-
lower lip. asal development appeared to be well advanced; the
lingual splint were placed for full-time wear during the
nose being rather prominent. The face was not noticeably
retention period.
asymmetric (Fig. 27-29). Dental examination showed that the
Before and after cephalometric tracings superimposed on patient had mixed dentition with premature loss of the
the cranial base indicate that the patient's face grew primarily mandibular left first primary molar due to caries. A 6-mm.
in a downward direction. Facial profile appeared to be in arch length deficiency was present. Oral hygiene was generally
satisfactory balance following treatment. Maxillary good and potential caries rate was low. The maxillary dental
superimposition indicated that maxillary incisors were midline coincided with the facial midline; the mandibular
maintained in approximately the pretreatment anteroposterior dental midline deviated 3 mm. to the left. Lingual muscle
position and that considerable axial change resulted from function appeared to be normal. The lower lip was postured
efforts to torque the maxillary incisor root palatally. Distal lingual to the maxillary incisors during rest and swallowing. In
bodily movement of the maxillary left cuspid was centric occlusion the mandibular incisors occluded with the
accomplished in a satisfactory fashion. Man- palatal gingiva approximately 4 mm. lingual to the maxillary
incisors' cingulum. Pretreatment cephalometric evaluation
revealed that the maxilla was slightly protrusive and the
mandible slightly retru-
424 . The Edgewise Appliance 54.
Fig. 27-26. These archwires were used in active treatment with a full banded edgewise appliance, for L. B.
Case Reports' 425
values for both were within the normal range of variation.
The maxillary incisors were proelined excessively relative
to the cranial base yielding an acute interincisal angle.
The mandibular dentition was positioned satisfactorily
relative to the mandibular base and symphysis. All other
. cephalometric values were within the limits of normality
~ . (Table 27-2).
: "
with reduction of overbite and overjet. This was to be TABLE 27-2. PRETREATMENT PROGRESS AND
achieved with mandibular adjustable lingual arch and POST-TREATMENT CEPHALOMETRIC
maxillary cervical headgear and incisor bands. V ALVES, CASE C. M.
3. Final occlusal relationships were to be obtained by full
banding with edgewise appliance following completion of AGE 11:0 13:4 14:1
eruption of the permanent dentition. 4. Thirty months
treatment time would be required for the active phase of S A 86 85 85
Treatment was initiated with maxillary and mandibular 5 B 8P 82 83
first molar bands and an active mandibular lingual arch for
regaining mandibular arch length (Fig. 27-30). Cervical ANB 5 3 20
headgear was placed to the maxillary first molars and worn
14 hours per day. Headgear and lingual arch were adjusted 1 to NN 32 37' 32
progressively at 6-week intervals until sufficient space had
been gained for accommodation of mandibular suc- 1 to NA mm 9 6 6
cedaneous teeth. At this time the mandibular lingual arch
was deactivated and used as a space maintainer. Correction 1" to NBo 21 20 20
of the mandibular midline shift had been achieved at this
time. After 9 months of treatment, maxillary lateral and 1" to NB mm 5 5 6
central incisor bands were placed and light round arch
wires were used to cor- Po to NB 5 6 7
Go-GN-SN 25 25 27
428 . The Edgewise Appliance
Fig. 27-30. Archwires and cervical headgear were used in the first phase of C. M.'s treatment with a partial edgewise appliance.
Fig. 27-31. Progress casts and cephalometric tracings were made at the conclusion of the first treatment phase, when C.
M. was 12 years and 7 months old.
Case Reports . 429
Fig. 27-32. These archwires were used in the second phase of C. M.'s treatment with the full edgewise appliance.
Case Reports . 431
insure reduction of the mandibular denture protrusion. orthodontic treatment and following a post retention
Rectangular archwires were placed for continued overbite period of five or more years. Master's Thesis, Univ. of
reduction and torque control. During the last 3 months of Washington, Seattle, 1963.
correction Class II intermaxillary elastics were used for 3. Begg, P, R: Light arch technique employing the principle
final overjet reduction and establishment of Class I cuspid of differential force. Am. J. Orthodontics, 47:30, 1961.
4. Burstorie, C,: Biomechanics of the orthodontic appli-
relationship (Fig. 27-33). Total treatment time was 30
ance. In Graber, T. M. (ed.): Current Orthodontic
months. Posttreatment cephalometric evaluation indicated
Concepts and Technics. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders,
downward and forward mandibular growth and downward 1969.
maxillary growth with considerable increase in nasal 5. Case, C. S.: The question of extraction in orthodontia.
prominence. Maxillary 'superpositioning indica ted Tr. at. Dent. Ass., 1, 1911.
moderate maxillary incisor and molar vertical eruption and 6. Hixon, E. H., et al.: On force and tooth movement.
forward movement of maxillary molars. Mandibular Am. J. Orthodontics, 57:476, 1970.
superpositioning indicated that minimal incisor retraction 7. _____ : Optimal force, differential force, and anchor-
had taken place while a significant amount of vertical age. Am. J. Orthodontics, 55:433, 1969.
incisor and molar eruption had occurred (Fig. 27-34). 8. Johnson, J. E.: A new orthodontic mechanism: the
twinwire automatic appliance. J.A.D.A., 19:997, 1932.
9. [oondeph, D. R., et al.: Use of pont's index in ortho-
dontic diagnosis. J.A.D.A., 85:341,1972.
10. Lundstrom, A.: Malocclusion of the teeth regarded as a
problem in connection with the apical base. Tandl.
1. Arnatt, R. D.: A serial study of dental arch measure- Festskrift, II:149, 1923.
ments on orthodontic subjects. Masters thesis, North- 11. Tweed, C. H.: Indications for extraction of teeth in
western University, Chicago, 1962. orthodontic procedure. Am. Assoc. Orthodontists Tr.
2. Arnold, M. L.: A study of the changes of the man- 30:22, 1944.
dibular intercanine and intermolar widths during
Direct Bracket Attachment to Enamel
Without Banding Teeth
A technique of direct attachment of brackets, tu bes, and Depending on the type of case involved, one technique
other auxiliaries to the enamel surface of teeth and the may be more practical than another. In this respect, one
elimination of stainless steel bands has long been needed disadvantage of the direct bonding system is that the
in orthodontics. This chapter presents a practical method preformed plastic brackets may not withstand severe
of bonding plastic brackets directly to the enamel surface occlusal stress. Should severe torque forces be needed, a
of teeth without the need to construct bracket bands for round archwire with auxiliary torque springs is
each tooth. This Direct Bonding System (DBS) has proven recommended in place of heavy rectangular arch wires, in
itself to be successful in the treatment of patients at the order to avoid deforming the plastic brackets. Because the
Department of Orthodontics of Tokyo Medical and Dental principle of DBS is based on the use of polycarbonate
University. More than 3 years of clinical research at the attachments, it should be kept in mind that not all of the
University on this new method has confirmed its techniques used with stainless steel bands can be applied to
reliability. plastic brackets. Slight improvisations should be made
Among the advantages of using this bonding svstern are accordingly.
the elimination of tissue irritation and spacing of the teeth
which result with the use of stainless steel bands.
Moreover, the pain and inconvenience to the patient
caused by tooth separation and band fitting is eliminated. BO DING TECHNIQUE
The elimination of the possibility of decalcification due to
Preparation of enamel surface. The enamel surface is
poorly fitting or loose bands is an even greater advantage,
cleaned thoroughly with a brush cone and isolated with
not to mention the esthetic factor, which also plays an
cotton rolls, dried with alcohol, and compressed air. The
important part in the acceptance of orthodontic treatment.
first pretreatment agent, 65 per cent phosphoric acid, is
then applied for 30 seconds for the purpose of etching the
enamel sur-
Fig. 28-3. The brush-on technique: a bead is formed at the tip Fig. 28-4. The beaded adhesive is applied to the tooth surface.
of the brush.
the upper and lower dental arches. Class II elastics and tooth surfaces after the removal of the brackets at the end
lower horizontal elastics were also applied. In 5 months, of treatment.
after the crowding had been reduced and the canines Figure 28-7 illustrates treatment of an impacted upper
moved distally, an O.016-inch consolidation arch wire left canine using a plastic bracket. The direct bonding
was placed on the lower arch. Twelve months after the technique is especially effective in a case such as this,
start of treatment, an O.016-inch square contraction where excessive soft tissue coverage interferes with
archwire was inserted on the upper arch and an O.016- placement of a stainless steel band. After the crown of
inch square ideal archwire was placed on the lower. the canine was surgically exposed, a plastic bracket was
During the 16 months of active treatment, there was bonded directly to the tooth surface. This tooth was
no problem with loose plastic brackets. Nor was there moved into its normal position by means of auxiliary
any change in color or decalcification of the springs soldered to a lingual arch appliance.
The Begg Technique
The Begg technique of treating malocclusions is based spaces. Accomplishing this objective results in lingual
on three concepts. When these are understood and tipping of the incisors on their apices. The amount of
properly employed, the operator will soon make rapid lingual incisor tipping at the end of the second stage will
strides in the proficient execution of the Begg technique vary with the severity of the case. The greater the
in the treatment of malocclusions. magnitude of the original problem, the greater the severity
of the lingual incisor tipping at the end of this stage. Space
closure tipping is undertaken while maintaining the
overcorrected molar and edge-to-edge incisor
The first concept is the ever present phenomenon of relationships. As in the first stage, all movements of
continual mesial and vertical migration of the teeth anterior teeth are tipping movements, and only a small
through the alveolar process toward the midline amount of lower molar anchorage is expended in
throughout the lifetime of the individual. accomplishing the objectives of the second stage. The
The second concept is the Begg method of moving amount is customarily the least of any of the three stages.
teeth. This consists of two movements: tipping the teeth to In the third stage (Fig. 29-1D) there is one objective:
a proper position over the supporting bone and then correcting the axial inclinations of all teeth. This
uprighting them. customarily involves paralleling the roots of the teeth
The third concept is the employment of light, con- adjacent to extraction sites, torquing the roots of the upper
tinuous, physiological forces to achieve rapid tooth incisors lingually, and uprighting the mesiodistal
movement. inclinations of the upper and lower lateral incisors.
Paralleling of the roots adjacent to the extraction sites is
essentially of a reciprocal nature and consumes relatively
ST AGES OF BEGG TREATMENT little anchorage. However, torquing of upper incisors is a
Treatment with the Begg technique is divided into three bodily root movement with no reciprocals and if not
distinct stages. Experience has taught the necessity of controlled, tends to pull the entire upper dentition forward
following these stages in strict sequence if the treatment is off the supporting basal bone. To prevent this, lingual root
to be efficient, effective, and rapid (Fig. 29-1A). torquing of upper incisors is controlled with Class II
In the first stage of treatment there are three major elastics. As a result, lower molar anchorage is consumed
objectives: to overcorrect the molar relationship, to , in executing the third stage, and the third stage is the most
eliminate the overbite, and to tip the upper incisors back costly of the three in terms of anchorage expended. The
to an edge-to-edge relationship with the lower incisors amount of anchorage expended is directly related to the
(Fig. 29-1 B). Secondary objectives that must be achieved magnitude of the original malocclusion and the degree of
are to eliminate the crowding, spacing, or rotations in the incisor torquing required in this stage.
anterior segments and rotations in the premolar segments.
Since all of these movements are tipping movements,
usually only a small amount of anchorage is expended in
achieving these ob[ectives, The amount expended in this
stage varies directly with the magnitude of the correction
required. Rotation of molars is not easily performed EFFECTIVENESS OF BEGG TREATMENT
during the first stage and is better done at the end of the The Begg technique can correct all varieties of
second stage, when it can be accomplished effectively. malocclusions. It does so by matching tipping movements
In the second stage of treatment (Fig. 29-1C) there is against bodily movements. By manipulating tipping or
one objective: closure of extraction or .posterior bodily tooth movements, anchorage control is most
effective, and headgears to augment anchorage are neither
needed nor desirable in the Begg technique. Because
favorable axial inclinations
Fig. 29-1. Stages of Begg treatment- typical responses. (A) Original malocclusion;
(B) StageJ completed; (e) Stage 2 completed; (0) Stage 3 completed.
440 . The Begg Technique 59.
can be established consistently, the Begg treatment gates the forces and reduces the bite-opening ef-
promotes a high degree of denture stability. fectiveness of the tip-back bends. Archwires have tip-back
Patients treated in accordance with the Begg theory are bends in both the first and second stages; they are placed
able to sustain minimum posttreatment overbites. This is in both upper and lower archwires opposite the bracket of
because of the consistency with which optimum the second premolar. The amount of tip back is sufficient
interincisal angles can be achieved. This, in turn, is due to cause the anterior part of the archwire to lie in the
to a highly effective torquing procedure. While treatment fornix of the alveolar vestibule when in the tubes but not
time with the Begg technique for any given type of engaged in the brackets. The amount of tip-back will vary
malocclusion is about the same as with any other with the degree of overbite, never more than 40 in a very
technique, actual chair time is probably less, since deep bite nor less than 10 in an openbite.
adjustment intervals are usually 6 weeks or more and the Upper arch form in all stages is usually ideal and
time expended in making adjustments is frequently quite passive as to molar width. Lower arch form is expansive
minimal. These longer intervals between adjustments are in the molar region in the first and second stages to
possible because light, continuous physiologic forces are compensate for the lingual force vector of the Class 11
delivered by light, continuously acting resilient wires and elastics on the buccal surface of the lower molar.
light elastics. Intermaxillary circle hooks are bent into all archwires
used in any stage of treatment. They are positioned just
mesial to the cuspid brackets but need never be directly up
against them. For the most part, 0.016 wire is utilized in
the first and second stages. In the third stage 0.018 flat
archwires of ideal arch form without tip-backs are used.
Archwires Intermaxillary circle hooks and molar offsets are
incorporated in them. The circle hooks in all archwires are
To start treatment, 0.016 stainless steel resilient constructed so that the anterior portion of the archwire lies
archwires are customarily employed. A lighter archwire gingivally to the posterior sections.
of 0.014 diameter may be used to start treatment for the
initial adjustment interval if there is a need or desire to
avoid any possible tooth discomfort, but this is
infrequent. If there is crowding or rotation in the anterior
segments, the archwires are formed with loops to permit
the arch to be engaged in the brackets without distortion.
Attachments and Auxiliaries
As soon as the anterior crowding or rotations are
eliminated, usually within 6 weeks, rarely, more than 12, Attachment height on the teeth is a very important
the 0.016 archwire with loops is replaced by a plain one factor in successful treatment. The recommended
without loops. placement heights for the tubes and brackets are shown in
It is advantageous, for rapid bite opening, to discard Figure 29-2. When measuring proper heights on molars
the looped arch wire as soon as possible. The extra and premolars, it is essential to measure relative to the
amount of wire incorporated in the loops miti- long axis of the tooth, not against the buccal surface.
Attention to this suggested positioning will minimize
archwire distortion during the first and second stages. It
will also help open the bite more rapidly and completely.
This is vital for rapid and successful treatment. The ob-
jectives of the first and second stages of treatment may be
secured even in spite of inappropriate attachment
placement, but the toll will be taken in the third stage if
this error is allowed to go uncorrected.
Use of the recommended attachment heights will
prevent the bite from closing during the third stage. If the
5 4 4 attachments are placed correctly, flat archwires can be
placed in the third stage. Tip-ups or tip-downs will not be
necessary to maintain the bite open during the third stage.
If the attachments are placed incorrectly, any or all of
the following sequelae are apt to occur during the third
stage: deepening of overbite, flaring of
Case P.R. 0 to 42nd mo.
ANB 7' 6'
FMA 30' 27' ~; \
FMIA 80' 68' i\
l-NS 102' 91' ;:
T"AP -; -6mmdi\"
These springs do not incorporate a 12-0'clock bend but are fluence how much anterior retraction of the dentition will
activated 90 and deliver about 4 ounces at the crown and be accomplished.
2 ounces at root apices. There are a number of successful
variations of spring design and incisor torquing auxiliaries
which are known to produce changes in axial inclinations
of teeth with equal effectiveness. An examination of treatment records of the different
basic types of malocclusions may help to clarify the
fundamentals and technicalities of the Begg therapy. The
following cases show typical reactions to Begg treatment.
The problem constantly facing the clinician is to
reposition maloccluded teeth into a stable position over Typical on extraction Treatment
the supporting bone of the jaws. 0 achieve both stable
dentition and favorable lip balance, it is desirable to place Patient is a girl 12 years and 1 month of age at the start
the incisal edge of the lower incisor at or close to the AP of treatment. Original malocclusion was Class II, Division
(A Point-Pogonion) line. The normal relation of the incisal I, deep anterior overbite without lower crowding (Fig. 29-
edge of the lower incisor to the AP line is +0.5 mm. 3). Pretreatment growth was trending favorably (Fig. 29-
Sometimes there is sufficient available supporting bone 4). The mandible was growing downward and forward at a
and sufficient growth potential to reposition the full rate exceeding that of the maxilla; the apical base
complement of teeth into a normal functional and stable difference was diminishing, and the mandibular plane
relationship at +0.5 mm. relative to the AP line. At other angle was also diminishing. At the start of treatment, the
times there is insufficient available supporting bony space lower incisor was 6 mm. behind the AP line (Fig. 29-5).
and insufficient growth potential to reposition all the teeth The combination of the favorable pretreatment growth
into a stable position over the supporting bone; then some trend, the expectation of continued favorable growth, no
teeth must be extracted. The magnitude of the mandibular crowding, and the initial position of the incisal
malocclusion will influence which teeth should be edge of the lower incisor at 6 mm. behind the AP line
extracted. suggested that a functional and stable correction of the
The clinician has two methods of controlling the final malocclusion could be achieved without resorting to
position of the incisal edge of the lower incisor. One is by extraction of dental units. Of all the possible diagnostic
differential force control, that is, by controlling tipping decisions, the one to treat a case on a nonextraction basis
and bodily movement of anterior or posterior teeth. The will result in the least amount of potential upper incisor
other is by selecting the location of the extraction sites. retraction. This seemed appropriate for the case under
Variation in the location of the extraction sites will consideration. Appliances were placed with attachments at
determine the amount of posterior root surface area which the suggested heights.
is matched against anterior root surface area and which First stage mechanics were then initiated (Fig. 29-6J.
influence the amount of anterior retraction realized. Either Starting 0.016 arch wires were placed, the upper archwire
of these methods or a combination of the two will greatly incorporating vertical loops between canines and laterals
in- so it could be inserted in all anterior brackets without
distortion. Tip-back bends
were placed in both upper and lower archwires just distal STAGE 1 &2
to the second premolar brackets. The archwires were not Case p. R. 0 to 5th MO.
engaged in the premolar brackets but were loosely ANB 6' 5'
FMA 27' 27'
confined by C clamps to the premolar brackets. Class II
FMIA 68' 48' ) \
elastics, delivering 2.5 ounces of pull, were engaged from
the integral hook on the mesial of the buccal tube to the
circle hook on the upper archwire just mesial to the upper
canine bracket. This circle hook did not touch the canine
f=:~M ~~\~~
bracket. At the very next adjustment visit, it was possible
to replace the upper archwire incorporating the vertical
loops by a plain upper 0.016 archwire without such loops.
It is always desirable to eliminate archwires with vertical
loops as soon as possible. Such loops tend to reduce the
effectiveness of the wires to open bites.
Tip-back bends were maintained in the upper and lower
archwires. The tip-back in the upper archwire induces
incisor depression and distal tipping of the upper molar.
Absolutely no stop against the molar tube was used. It is
contraindicated. The tipback in the lower archwire
induces lower incisor depression and serves to maintain
the lower molar in an upright position, resisting bodily
movement. The lower tip-back bend creates bodily
anchorage resistance in the lower molar, which is Fig. 29-8. First and second stage of treatment
matched against tipping movements of the entire of P. R.
maxillary dentition.
As the bite opens, the entire maxillary dentition can tip-
back to more normal position over the supporting bone
and to more normal relationship with the mandibular
dentition. If bite opening is adequate, it does not take
much force to tip the entire upper dentition back to a
normal relationship with the lower dentition. If the bite
opening is rapid and adequate, lower molar anchorage
consumption will be small. Approximately 5 months after
starting treatment, the objectives of the first and second
stages had been achieved for this patient (Figs. 29-7, 8).
Fig. 29-10. P. R. at the end of Stage 3. Fig. 29-11. P. R. same day appliances were removed.
444 . The Begg Technique 64.
The third stage could now commence (Fig. 29-9). ginning the third stage, it was completed (Fig. 29-10). All
The objective of the third stage is to correct the axial appliances were removed (Figs. 29-11, 12, 13).
inclinations of all the teeth. In a nonextraction case this is Between appliance removal and placement of retainer
usually limited to improving the inclinations of the a week elapsed, and favorable settling of the dentition
incisors. For this the 0.016 archwires with tip-backs were was observed to have started, so no retainer was placed.
discarded and flat 0.018 archwires were inserted in both The trial period with no retainer was extended to even
upper and lower arches. These archwires were flat, had longer intervals to see whether the correction would hold.
ideal arch form, no tipback bends in the molar region, Eventually the dentition was observed to have settled
and no tip-ups in the anterior portion. Elastic circle hooks completely and with apparent stability. No retention was
were incorporated in the archwires just mesial to, but not undertaken. Intraoral views and tracing show that the
in contact with, the canine brackets. The anterior sector case, some four years after treatment, had retained its
of the arch wire is always constructed gingival to the stability (Figs. 29-14, 15, 16). Facial photographs before
posterior segments. Molar offsets were incorporated, treatment, at the end of treatment, the same day ap-
permitting easier engagement of the arch wire in the pliances were removed, and 4 years later show the
premolar brackets, premolar C clamps having been changes that occurred (Figs. 29-17 A, 8, C).
discarded to begin this third stage. The upper incisor
torquing auxiliary had two torquing fingers and was
made of 0.014 wire. The uprighting springs on the lateral
incisors were of 0.012 wire. The tendency of the upper Typical First Molar Extraction Treatment
incisor torquing auxiliary to drag the entire upper
Patient was a 13-year-old girl when active treatment
dentition forward off the supporting bone instead of
was started. The original malocclusion was Class II,
moving upper incisor roots lingually was inhibited by use
Division 2, with deep anterior overbite and maxillary and
of 2-ounce, Class II elastics. Thus, lower molar
mandibular dental arch crowding (Fig. 29-18). Skeletal
anchorage was expended in torquing upper incisor roots
development was well proportioned, apical base
to normal inclinations. If the dentition is able to accept
difference was within normal range, and the mandibular
this anchorage loss and yet remain stable after treatment,
plane angle is low. Mandibular incisor is -3 mm. behind
all is well. Some 4 months after be-
the AP line (Fig. 29-19). This fact plus the favorable
skeletal relations of the apical base, plus the minimal
.,~ ...
Fig. 29-12. Third stage of treatment of
P. R. P. R.
Fig. 29-13. All three stages of treatment of
~.. (
."' -, :, )
<, .'
J ... :~;
- ,." /""1.'/ <'
:' \~
Illustrative Case Histories' 445
STAGE 1 &2
Case P.R. 9th to 61st mo.
ANB 6 4
FMIA 8 27 ~.,
41 61 .
+;;- -.mm\1\
94 93 .
~ \ ...
STAGE 1,2,&3
~ ~
Fig. 29-15. Posttreatment reactions of P.R.
Fig. 29-17. Photographs of P, R, (A) at start of treatment; (B)
on the day treatment appliances were removed, and (C) 52
months after the removal of treatment appliances.
STAGE 1 &2
the archwire in both the first and second stages. Two Case D.H. too 9th
adjustment visits later it was possible to replace the 0.016 ANB 4' mo. 4'
vertical loop archwires with 0.018 plain archwires which FMA
incorporated circle hooks and tip-back bends. Vertical FMIA 77'
loops tend to reduce the effectiveness of archwires to open l- 101' -
bites, and it is desirable to remove such archwires as soon NS 3mm
as possible. Tip-backs were maintained in both upper and 72' :
lower arches midway in the first molar extraction sites. 2mm .
Molar stops were not used.
To compensate for the longer archwire span between the
canine hook and the molar tube in first molar extraction
cases, an 0.018 first- and secondstage archwire can be
used to advantage. This will compensate for the longer
posterior span, as compared with nonextraction or four
first premolar extraction cases, and will supply adequate
stiffness to produce the objectives of the first stage. Five
months after starting treatment, the objectives of the first
stage had been met, and the second stage was begun.
To accomplish the objective of the second stage, to close
posterior space, upper and lower horizontal elastics were
employed. They were engaged from the integral hook on
the mesial of the molar tube to the integral circle hook on
the archwire just mesial to the canine bracket. It is Fig. 29-22. First and second stages of treatment
frequently necessary to continue the Class II elastic of D. H.
traction during the second stage in order to maintain the
objectives of the first stage which have been achieved,
.J such as molar correction, bite opening, and edge-to-edge
incisor relationshi p.
Care must be maintained not to let the tip-backs slide
into the molar tubes. If this happens it can cause binding
of the archwire in the tube with a resultant lack of progress
as well as other undesirable sequelae. Therefore, it may be
necessary to remove the arch wires occasionally in order
to advance the tip-backs. Also, discomfort owing to the
extrusion of the archwire out the distal end of the tube
must be anticipated and reduced by clipping and folding as
needed. About 2 months later the second stage, the
extraction-space closing stage, was completed for this
patient (Figs. 29-21, 22).
The third stage of treatment was now in order (Fig. 29- , Fig. 29-23. D. H. set up for commencement of Stage 3.
23). The C clamps were removed from the premolar
brackets. Flat, 0.018 third-stage arch wires that had ideal
arch form, molar offsets, circle hooks mesial to the
canines, and that engaged the premolars were inserted. A
0.014 two-finger torquing auxiliary was applied to the
upper central incisors. All teeth that required uprighting
springs to correct their axial inclinations were ligated to
the 0.018 arch wire with 0.009 ligature wire through the
ow 0.012 uprighting springs were applied to the upper
and lower lateral incisors. The 0.014 upright-
Case D.H. 9th to 16th mo.
ANB 4' FMA 3'
22' FMIA 70' l-
NS 72'
T-AP -2mm 103'
~~: ~:"
J :
Case D.H. 16th to 50th MO.
FMIA 62'
Fig. 29-28. Posttreatment reactions of D.
STAGE 1 & 2
".,: ':
.... :
.. ,j ""'\"'--'
elusion of treatment, all four third molars had erupted into of the third molars. When fully matured, the dentition of a first
normal functional occlusion and were useful components of molar extraction case has all the appearances of a dentition
the dentition. Of all the diagnostic decisions, the one for which never had any extractions (Figs. 29-27, 28, 29). The
extracting the four first molars most nearly simulates the root development of the third molars after first molar
normal attritional reduction in arch length of aboriginal man extraction therapy is unexpectedly substantial and straight. Of
which allowed the unhindered eruption and development all the possible extraction procedures, as stated, the first
450 . The Begg Technique 75.
Case SW. START tissue changes at the start of treatment, at the end of
AND 5 treatment when appliances were removed, and 34 months
FMA 23 45
FMIA 117 after treatment (Fig. 29-30(A,B,C).
!-NS +1 mm
Typical Four First Premolar Extraction Treatment
Pp. S. W. was a girl 12 years and 2 months old when
active treatment was started. The malocclusion was a
Class II, Division 1 with deep anterior overbite and
moderate lower crowding (Fig. 29-31). While the apical
base difference was slightly beyond normal range, the
young age of the patient (11 years) plus the low
mandibular plane would suggest that continued favorable
growth could be anticipated (Fig. 29-32). Coupled with
this, the mild crowding, the deep anterior overbite, the
position of the incisal edge of the lower incisor being +1
mm. to the AP line, indicated the necessity of removing
the four first premolars in order to created a stable, func-
tional dentition with favorable balance of upper and lower
lips. Extraction of four first premolars will allow greater
Fig. 29-32. Headplate tracing of potential anterior retraction of anterior segments than the
S. W. at start of treatment. first molar extraction procedure. The magnitude of the
malocclusion suggested that this would be an appropriate
decision for this patient.
After the premolar teeth were extracted, the appliance
was constructed with attachments at the proper heights,
and the first stage of treatment was begun (Fig. 29-33).
Initial 0.016 archwires with 400 tip-backs just distal to the
second premolar brackets were placed. Engagement of the
archwire in all the anterior brackets was possible without
the need for vertical loops. As in all treatment during the
first and second stages, the second premolar brackets are
not engaged but loosely held to the arch wire by C clamps
which gave mild vertical control of the premolars while
allowing free slippage of the arch wire mesidistally. This
Fig. 29-33. Appliances in place. Commencement of treatment of
free slippage must occur if anchorage is to be conserved.
S. W.
Initially the Class II elastic pull was from the lingual of
the lower first molars. This was done to upright them as
well as to correct their anterior posterior relationship. No
molar stops were incorporated in the arch wires. The
molar correction was made by a combination of lower
molar anchorage consumption and distal tipping of the
upper molar.
Nine months after starting treatment, the objectives of
the first stage were accomplished. The bite had been
opened, the molar relation overcorrected, the upper
incisors tipped back to an edge-to-edge relationship with
the lower incisors.
The second stage was started by the addition of
horizontal (intramaxillary) elastics to close the extraction
Fig. 29-34. S. W. at the end of Stages 1 and 2. sites. This was accomplished in 3 months
,_;;mm -lml~\
FMIA 45' 37' ;:
I - NS 117' 84' 11.\1
Case S.W. 13th to 21st mo.
ANS 50 40
FMA 230 210
FMIA 370 350
Fig. 29-35. First and second stages of
treatment of S. W, ,-;:;mm +lml~
I-NS 840 980
Case S.w. 21st to 76th mo.
Fig. 29-40. All three stages of treatment ANB 4 3'
of S.W. FMA 21 21'
FMIA 35 44'
!-NS 9B 98'
T -AP lmm Omm
-~.~.~ ...
Fig. 29-41. Retainer used in retention of S. W. Fig. 29-43. S. W. 55 months posttreatment.
80. Illustrative Case Histories' 453
STAGE 1,2,&3
_ ... ~
. :.'
. .(/ ;
Fig. 29-45. Photographs of s. W. (A) at start of treatment; (8)
on the day treatment appliances were removed; and (C) 55 months
~~ MONTHS POST TREATMENT after the removal of treatment appliances.
STAGE 1 & 2
Case J.R. 0 to 15th MO.
ANB 8' 7'
FMA 4' 34' \
FMIA 8' 78' .
Fig. 29-51. J. R. at the end of Stage 3. Fig. 29-52. J. R. same day appliances were removed.
Fig. 29-53. Third stage of treatment of J. R. Fig. 29-54. All three stages of treatment of J.
had been tipped decidedly lingually. It will be found that nine brackets were installed. Premolar C clamps were
the more severe the original protrusion, the more severe removed. Premolar brackets were engaged in the
the tipping of incisors at the end of the second stage. The archwires. An 0.016 four-finger torquing auxiliary arch
operator should not worry about the unusual appearance was applied to the upper incisors. On the upper and lower
of the dentition in intermediate stages if the full benefit of lateral incisors, 0.012 uprighting springs were placed. On
the technique is to be obtained. Certainly no measures the canines and premolars, 0.014 uprighting springs were
need be undertaken to prevent such reactions, as the placed. The lateral incisor, canine, and premolar brackets
whole scheme of treatment will fall apart. For best results were ligated to the 0.018 flat archwires with 0.009
it is necessary to obtain the objectives of each stage in the ligature wire so that the brackets on these teeth could
prescribed sequence. accept the uprighting springs.
The case was now ready for the third stage mechanics Acting on the lower second molar was a reciprocal
to correct the axial inclinations (Fig. 29-50). Flat 0.018 0.016 uprighting spring, not only to upright the lower
third-stage arch wires with molar offsets, ideal arch form, second molar but to resist the anterior displacement factor
and circle hooks mesial to the ca- induced by the uprighting springs
456 . The Begg Technique
STAGE 1 &2
Case J.R. 34th to 71st MO. 5'
ANB 6'
.!.-NS 101'
;~: ~
T-AP 0
reS ~
STAGE 1,2&3
get good settling of the second molars, and this was done.
A Some 17 months after removal of appliances, the third
molars had successfully erupted into normal occlusion and
were useful, functional components of the dentition (Figs.
29-55, 56, 57). They also possessed good root
development. Normal eruption and development of third
molars may be expected after eight-tooth extraction
therapy. With the arrival of
the third molars the dentition had all the appearances of a moved well distally, thus giving these teeth a favorable
dentition which had had no more than four first promolars mesioaxial inclination, something which is required for lower
removed for orthodontic purposes (Fig. 29-58). Figures 29-59 incisor segment stability.
to 29-63 show various components of the appliances used.
RETENTIO 1. Begg, P. R. and Kesling, P. c. Begg Orthodontic Theory
and Technique. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1971.
Retention after Begg treatment can be adequately handled
2. Williams, R.: The diagnostic line. Am. J. Orthodont.,
with an upper Hawley retainer. No lower retention seems to
55:459, 1969.
be needed. Occasionally, proximal stripping of the lower
3. ______: The cant of the occlusal and mandibular planes
incisors is warranted so that they can maintain their with and without pure Begg treatment. J. Pract. Orthodont..
alignment. Beyond this, though, nothing in the way of a 2:496,1968.
retaining appliance seems to be needed in the lower arch. 4. ______ : Begg treatment of high angle cases. Am. J. Or-
The explanation for this probably lies in the fact that the thodont., 57:573, 1970.
uprighting potential of the auxiliary springs is so consistently 5. ______ : A cephalometric appraisal of the light wire
effective that the apices of the lower canines and lower lateral technique. In Begg, P. R. and Kesling, P. c.: Begg Or-
incisors can be thodontic Theory and Technique. Philadelphia, W. B.
Saunders, 1971.
The Twinwire Appliance: Construction and
Use in Treatment
In 1917 the oft-rediscovered "light wire" was discussed years. The reaction to rotation of teeth attached by means of
in an article on "Further Experience with the 0.020 Arch bracketed bands to the twinwire labial arch has never been
Wire" by Ray D. Robinson, D. Willard Flint, and Allen surpassed (Fig. 30-1).
Suggett. In 1924, in Kansas City, Doctor Charles Hawley c:===- ---------.
spoke of the use of fine round wire in bracketed bands. END TuBES: -30MM;-+
About this time a young man in Louisville, Kentucky,
Joseph E. Johnson, was experimenting with light forces and
aligning teeth without undue arch expansion.
One of the monumental discoveries of Johnson was that,
while an D.DIO-inch stainless steel wire was capable of
bringing about effective tooth movement, especially that of l.
rotation, the deformation of so small a wire reduced its END 5ECT IONS ARE THREADED ON THE .on WIRE
B- '''"
effectiveness. In time he constructed a labial archwire, of
parallel O.OlO-inch wires that reduced the deformation and
increased its effective action when it was fastened to a
banded tooth by means of a bracket. 2. ""'CEO w,,, E~",M'EO ON THE
The initial appearance and description of the technique COG WHEEL CRIMPER OF THE ARCH PULLER
and of its application as an appliance occurred in 1931 at
the meeting of the American Dental Association in 3
Memphis, Tennessee. The record speaks of the paper read .
there as "A New Orthodontic Mechanism." Not only did
Johnson describe the twinwire labial arch, he also demon-
strated the effectiveness of arch lengthening as a procedure
to overcome the overexpansion of dental arches so popular ARCH PULLER EXTENDS TWIN-WIRE ARCH TO DESIRED LENGTH
Fig. 30-4. Basic maxillary molar appliance showing wrapped Fig. 30-5. Close-up of wrapped free-end spring.
free-end springs.
Fig. 30-6. Diagrammatic profile view of twin- Fig. 30-7. Diagrammatic profile view of twinwire
wire appliance correcting extrusion of anterior appliance correcting intrusion of anterior teeth and
teeth and intrusion of posterior teeth. extrusion of posterior teeth.
Many bands have been employed to apply light wire
force to anterior teeth. The original bracket involved a
channel (0.022") and sliding friction lock. Although it Fig. 30-8 (Top) Diagram of original Johnson friction cap.
was effective, ligature tied brackets have (Bottom) Twin-tie channel bracket.
462 . The Twinwire Appliance: Construction and Use in Treatment
become much more popular. Practically any type of absent teeth .is efficiently accomplished. The concentric
bracket may be used as long as the channel is 0.022/1 wide posterior movement molars (often in conjunction with
(Fig. 30-8). extra-oral anchorage) is frequently employed (Fig. 30-9).
The use of headgear minimizes the need for inter- CASES INVOLVING EXTRACTION
maxillary elastic traction. In late mixed dentition The 0.016-inch labial arches with coil-spring action
treatment, or early complete dentition, the lengthening of against the canines in posterior movement of teeth is
the maxillary arch in many instances is enhanced by a employed in this method of treatment. Second premolars
combination of headgear and intermaxillary elastic are routinely banded, and lingual arches are employed
traction. until space closure is obtained, thereby assuring stable
molar position. Twinwire labial arches are customarily
utilized in anterior tooth alignment prior to posterior
canine movement. All of the attributes of other light wire
Push-coil-spring action is a vital part of linear appliances, including root torquing, are routinely
movement in the application of the twinwire mechanism. employed in practice with the modern twinwire appliance.
Space management in cases of congenitally
Cases Involving Extraction . 463
Fig. 30-10. This case is typical of a Class I malocclusion. (A-C) Pretreatment (D-FJ posttreatment.
Fig. 30-10. This case is typical of a Class I malocclusion. (A-C) Pretreatment (D-F) posttreatment.
Case 103. This case involved congenital absence of the Case 105. Case involving extreme labioversion of
left maxillary lateral incisor and an abnormal maxillary maxillary anterior teeth and out-sized temporary broken
frenum with anterior diasternas. This illustrates the use of anterior central incisor protection. Treatment time was 30
coil springs on a twin wire labial arch in space closure. months (Fig. 30-15A-15F).
Treatment time was 20 months (Fig. 30-13). Case 106. Class I malocclusion involving impacted
Case 104. Class I malocclusion similar to Case 103 maxillary right canine. The canine was chain-ligated and
with the exception of the absence of right and left moved into position by tension from a twinwire labial
maxillary lateral incisors (Fig. 30-14A-14F). arch. This is a very efficient method. Treatment time was
30 months (Fig. 30-16A-16F).
466 . The Twinwire Appliance: Construction and Use in Treatment
Fig. 30-17. Case 200 was a severe Class II, Division 1 malocclusion.
87. Cases Involving Extraction . 471
Fig. 30-19. Case 202, a Class II mutilated dentition. (Continued opposite page)
Cases Involving Extraction . 473
with severe unilateral open bite and a history of with placement of teeth well upright on basal bony support.
thumbsucking. A palatal crib was utilized to eliminate the Treatment time was 26 months (Fig. 3025A-25H).
habit after which a maxillary twinwire appliance was used to
close the openbite. Treatment time was 22 months (Fig. 30-
Case 300. A Class I malocclusion with bimaxillary
alveolodental prognathism necessitating the removal offirst BIBLIOGRAPHY
premolars (Fig. 30-24A-24F).
All maxillary and mandibular teeth were banded and a Allen, W. L: Mandibular stability with the twin-wire appliance.
0.016 labial arch was used. Coil-springs were employed on Am. J. Orthodont., 52:483, 1966.
the labial arches to move the canines distally. Twinwire labial Johnson, J. E.: A new orthodontic mechanism: The twinwire
arches were used to secure final anterior alignment. Treatment automatic appliance. 1- A. D. A., 19:997, 1932. ___ : The twin-
wire appliance. Am. J. Orthodont. & Oral Surg., 24:303, 1938.
time was 23 months.
___ : The construction and manipulation of the twinwire arch
Case 301. Class L Bimaxillary protrusion. Treatment mechanism. Am. J. Orthodont. & Oral Surg., 27:202,1941,
instituted was the same as in Case 300
478 . The Twinwire Appliance: Construction and Use in Treatment
Fig. 30-25. Case 301, a Class I bimaxillary protrusion. (Continued opposite page)
Bibliography' 479
-,-----: The treatment of different types of malocclusion with the Madden, C. K.: The Johnson twin arch appliance. Am. J.
twin-wire arch mechanism. Am. J. Orthodont. & Oral Surg., Orthodont. & Oral Surg., 33:420, 1947.
27:289, 1941. Robinson, R. D., Flint, D. W., and Suggett, A.: Dec. Items of
Interest. 40:352-355, 1918.
___ : The use of the twin-wire mechanism in the treatment of Weber, F. N.: The treatment of extraction cases using a modified
deep overbites. Am. J. Orthodont. & Oral Surg., 27:347, 1941. Johnson twin-wire technique. Am. J. Orthodont., 42:164, 1956.
___ : Some clinical applications of the modified Johnson twin
___ : The use of the twin-wire mechanism in the treatment of arch wire technique. Am. J. Orthodont., 43:90, 1957.
cases in which extraction is indicated. Am. J. Orthodont, &
Oral Surg., 33:582, 1947.
Labiolingual. Technique
Effective treatment with the labiolingual appliance of the tooth. In addition, the mesial root is the larger root,
requires a high degree of patient cooperation. The and the apical portions of the roots are curved distally. The
principles of this appliance include a treatment plan that first weld is' tacked lightly into place, visually examined
utilizes effective but minimal appliance manipulation and and adjusted with pliers to the desired position (Fig. 31-3).
early correction of conditions which if left uncorrected The final weld or solder is then applied. The 3 to 5
can adversely affect occlusion and facial harmony. inclination also serves to start the lingual archwire in a
Successful interceptive treatment of early malocclusions is slightly downward direction toward the gingival border of
effective for patients even under the age of 24 months the crowns of the incisors when it reaches the anterior
who have anterior crossbite (17 months), the mandibular teeth, thus reniforcing the anchorage.
molar region in internal occlusion (22 months) and the The half-round tubes on the lingual of the maxillary
posterior crossbite (17 months), the mandibular molar molar bands are placed as far gingivally as possible so as
region in internal occlusion (22 months) and the posterior not to impinge on the soft tissues (Fig. 31-4). The occlusal
crossbite (24 months). Fig. 3 -1 A-D). ends of the tubes are inclined mesially 3 to 50 to conform
with the inclination of the long axis of the teeth and so that
the anterior gingival approximation of the arch wire is
more easily accomplished.
APPLIANCE CONSTRUCTION The half-round tube may be welded or soldered onto the
metal band. Care must be taken to assure that solder is not
The construction of molar bands on the first permanent
allowed to flow into the tubes, lest it prohibit the
molars is usually accomplished with prior separation of
satisfactory insertion of the halfround posts attached to the
the teeth by means of 0.025-inch soft brass wires or elastic
lingual archwire.
ligatures. The tensile strength of the band material is
The buccal tube is tacked to the band. Its position should
important so that the band can be as thin as possible and
be as near to the gingival border as the soft tissue will
yet not break under the stress of mastication and removal
allow and rnesiodistally approximately 1 mm. more to the
for periodic recementing. A precious metal (0.007 x 0.187
mesial rather than equally dividing the crown. It should
inches) or a stainless steel (0.005 x 0.187 inches) material
also be approximately parallel to the occlusal surface of
is acceptable.
the molar crown. The band is replaced on the tooth and the
The teeth to be banded are examined for size and shape
buccal tube alignment is checked (Fig. 31-5). Any needed
(Fig. 31-2). Bands are tried on the tooth until an excellent
adjustment may be made prior to the final weld or solder
fit is obtained (Fig. 31-3). The band should not interfere
(Fig. 31-6). The final welding is then made.
with the occlusion (Fig. 31-3), and it should be festooned
The bands are completed with the buccal round tubes
to extend only under the free gingival margin so as not to
and the lingual half-round tubes properly placed and
irritate the soft tissue.
placed on the teeth in the position in which they will be
A half-round tube is soldered to each molar band prior
cemented. An impression is taken. The bands are then
to taking a work model impression with the two bands on
removed from the teeth and positioned in the impression,
the first permanent molars in place. The half-round tube is
waxed into place or held with a small amount of alginate
located on the lingual of the mandibular band 1 mm. from
over the buccal and lingual tubes (Fig. 31-7). The
the occlusal edge with the distal of the tube approximately
impression is poured with a good grade of dental stone
even with the lingual groove extension from the central
using the vibrator carefully so as not to dislodge the molar
fossa of the molar. The occlusal portion of the tube is
bands. Green colored stone has been found to be of
tilted 30 to 50 toward the midline. The purpose of this is to
sufficient hardness. It withstands the heat well
provide more effective anchorage by approximating the
geometric center of the effective root resistance
Band Technique . 481
Fig. 31-1. C. W., age 2, white male (A). The crossbite on the right side includes molars, canine and lateral incisor. (B) Bands
on the second deciduous molars with a vertical half-round tube on the left (normal) side and a horizontal round tube on the
right (crossbite) side. The lingual appliance is in place with the auxiliary spring last used to over-correct the canine crossbite.
(C) Slightly over-corrected- right side crossbite. (D) Occlusion on the normal side,
and is possibly better for avoiding eyestrain during merited, it is more comfortable to the patient and it saves
appliance construction. valuable chairside time to construct appliances in the
After the stone has set, the impression material is laboratory. It is practical in many instances, however, to
separated from the work model and the model is trimmed replace lost or broken appliances by constructing, fitting,
of all excess bulk leaving an outline of the sulcus of the and adjusting them at the chairside.
muco-buccal fold. The model base should be thick enough
The sequence of construction of appliances in the
to resist fracturing during. appliance construction.
The appliance is usually constructed on the work model. laboratory that conserves the models is as follows: (1) The
Although the appliance can be constructed directly in the mandibular lingual arch wire; (2) The maxillary lingual
mouth after the molar bands are ce- archwire; (3) The Oliver guideplane auxiliary attachment to
the maxillary lingual arch-
482 . Labiolingual Technique
Fig. 31-3. The half-round tube on the molar band is Fig. 31-6. A tack-welded buccal round tube is being
adjusted with a plier to obtain a 3 to 5-degree mesial adjusted so as to obtain correct horizontal and vertical
inclination of the occlusal end. alignment.
Inches Millimeters
0.001 0.025
0.005 0.127
0,007 0.178
0,010 0.254
0,012 0.305
0.018 0.457
0,020 0.508
0,022 0.559
0.025 0.635
0.027 0,686
0.030 0,762 Fig. 31-7. An alginate impression with the right and left
0.036 0.914 molar bands securely fixed in position with freshly mixed
0.040 1.016 alginate material over the buccal round tubes and the lingual
0.045 1.143
half-round tubes.
0.087 4.750
The solder, 650 fine, is placed on the filed flat end of the
half-round post. Solder should not be allowed to overflow without making a sharp bend. Hold the arch wire with the
the end area. The half-round post is soldered to the arch left thumb against the right canine area at the gingiva. Form
wire approximately 6 mm. from the right end of the the anterior portion of the archwire by bending with the
archwire. with the flat side of the half-round post facing the right hand, move the left thumb along the anterior portion
solderer. Extreme care is taken to prevent any excess solder of the arch wire to the gingival area of the canine, bending
from flowing on the flat side of the half-round wire and to by pressure with the right hand. Remove and refine the
avoid overheating the joint, which would change the crys- adaptation of the archwire to fit a slightly scored model as
talline molecular structure of the wire, The excess half- Iowan the lingual portion of the crowns of the anterior teeth
round post material is cut off leaving just enough soldered as possible without creating gingival irritation. There
to the archwire to completely fill the length of the half- should be an indentation of the gingiva after the archwire is
round tube but not to extend beyond it. The half-round post worn, but not an irritation.
on the archwire is held downward over the flame and The free end of the arch wire should now lie over the
allowed to heat to the melting point of solder, at which half-round tube of the left molar. The archwire is marked
time it centers itself on the archwire and assures a lightly with a file or marking pencil exactly at the midpoint
homogenous soldered joint. of the half-round tube and is then removed and a half-round
A grooved pliers is used to hold the arch wire at the half- post is soldered at the mark. The half-round post is cut, heat
round post. The post is warmed and immediately touched centered, lubricated, and placed into the left half-round tube
to soft carding wax. A film melts on the post and acts as a and the excess length of archwire is clipped.
lubricant during the repeated insertion in the half-round The rounded file is used again to adapt the distal end of
tube while adapting the archwire. the archwire against the band and to the embrasure. It is
The archwire is held at the post with the grooved pliers, also used to give a slight adaptation to the mesial and
and the post is placed in the tube and seated firmly with a slightly gingival embrasure. Holding the archwire with the
rounded end of a file. The same rounded end of the file is pliers off the model and bending with the fingers, it is fitted
used to press the distal end of the archwire into the to the lingual gingival crowns of the teeth. It can then be
interproximal embrasure and very slightly gingivally. The placed on the model and heat-treated with a flame to just
same procedure is carried out at the mesial embrasure of below a dull red using the holding grooved tweezers to
the banded molar, but guide
484 . Labiolinguul Technique 90.
its adaptation while being rendered into a molecular side of the archwire at 10-degree inclination distally from
passive state. perpendicular. The lock on the mandibular arch wire is
The posterior lock of the precious-metal lingual archwire soldered with a 0- to 10-degree lateral inclination lingually
is made by soldering 0.025-inch or 0.027inch annealed from the vertical, while the maxillary lingual archwire is
semiprecious metal lockwire 5 mm. mesially from the half- positioned 5 to 20 palatally. In both instances the purpose
round post on the gingival is to avoid impinging on gingival tissue when the archwire
is locked into position. The lockwire should be close
enough to the gingival tissue to be comfortable to the
After all the auxiliary spring attachments have been
placed, the completed lingual appliance is removed from the
work model and heat-treated for grain growth to obtain the
desirable state of tempered elasticity. The temperature and
time should correspond to that recommended by the
manufacturer of the wire. Usually 15 minutes at 600 to
800F will produce adequate resiliency without rendering
the archwire brittle.
Fig. 31-lD. Tissue area lingual to the mandibular incisors Fig. 31-11. The lingual archwire is approximated to the
is scored on the model to a depth of approximately 0.10 mm. lingual-gingival portion of the crowns in the molar and
premolar areas.
Construction of the Stainless Steel Ungual Archwire 485
Fig. 31-12. The lingual archwire is approximated to the Fig. 31-13. The lingual post on the right side of the arch
lingual-gingival junction of the incisor crowns. wire is inserted into the half-round tube on the right molar.
type. There may be some difficulty in insertion of the wire is scored on the model to a depth of approximately 0.10 mm.
when the horizontal type is used. (Fig. 31-10).
The end of an 0.010-inch annealed dead-soft steel The selected preformed (0.036-inch) Elgiloy-type lingual
measuring wire is bent 90, 3 mm. from its end. The 3-mm. arch wire is inserted in the left molar halfround tube and is
bend is placed in the left molar's half-round tube, cut 3 mm. approximated to the lingual gingival portion of the crowns
longer than the distance to the right half-round tube, bent 90 (Fig. 31-11). Using the thumb and fingers, the anterior
at the tube and inserted into the right half-round tube (Fig. portion is adapted on the model to an approximate fit at the
31-8). The annealed wire is removed and used as a linguogingival junction of the incisor crowns (Fig. 31-12).
measurement for the selection of the correct sized lingual
archwire (Fig. 31-9). The tissue area lingual to the incisors
Fig. 31-21. The lingual arch wire has the left and right
stabilizers soldered. Solder is being placed for attachment Fig. 31-22. The posterior recurved spring has been sol-
of the posterior recurve O.020-inch auxiliary spring wire. dered to the lingual archwire.
488 . Labiolingual Technique
, [
Fig. 31-23. The lingual archwire is held with pliers and the
auxiliary spring is bent buccally 145 degrees. Fig. 31-24. The auxiliary spring is held loosely with pliers
near the soldered joint and is bent lingually from its buccal
position to become parallel to the lingual archwire.
Fig. 31-25. The distal point of recurve of the gold auxili- Fig. 31-26. The distal point of recurve of the auxiliary
ary spring is heated to a dull red in preparation for its being spring is pressed almost closed with grooved pliers. The
bent 180 degrees on itself buccally. recurve spring is also shaped with the pliers to conform to the
shape of the particular section of the dental arch on Which it
is being used.
just mesial to the stabilizing stub. The uprighting springs are malocclusion. Its use is recommended during the mixed
usually placed bilaterally (Fig. 31-28), but only if the dentition period, but favorable results have been obtained in
treatment plan calls for it. A single one is often used. young adults as well.
The guideplane is constructed for specific conditions
existing in the individual patient. The height and pitch vary
from patient to patient and must be adapted and acceptable to
The Oliver Guideplane
the patient so as to give effective guidance to the mandible.
The Oliver guideplane is an auxiliary attachment to the The guideplane must not allow the mandibular
maxillary lingual arch wire in Class II, (Angle)
Construction of the Maxillary Lingual Appliance . 489
incisors to be brought to occlude posterior to it. This can 70 per cent distal position of the mandible with a 50 to 30 per
result from its having too much pitch or from being cent mesial shift of the maxillary molars.
constructed too far anteriorly. In severe Class II cases, it is It is possible to control the distal vector of force on the
frequently necessary to use one guideplane to position the maxillary molars, as this force is caused by the contacting
mandible halfway to the desired position and then, some action of the guideplane on the lingual surface of the
months later, to construct the quideplane more anteriorly to mandibular incisors and also by the elastic traction. The
achieve a Class I (Angle) occlusion. If the guideplane is too maxillary labial archwire is adjusted to correspond to the needs
short, it may not provide the desired guiding effect to the of this posterior vector of force. As long as distal movement of
mandible. It should place the mandible in a forward position the maxillary molars is desired, the labial archwire is left out
upon closure, bringing the condyle downward and forward on of contact with the labial surfaces of the maxillary incisors.
the posterior slope of the eminentia articularis in the temporal When the molars have been overtreated distally about 1.5 mm.,
bone (Fig. 31-29 (a) and (b) ). This condyle-fossa relationship the labial arch wire is adjusted to contact the anterior teeth,
is temporary, and in a few months the normal anatomic thereby distributing the force and reducing the distal force
relation is found to develop (Fig. 31-29 (c. component acting on the maxillary molars.
Intermaxillary elastic traction is always used concurrently In Class II malocclusion the maxillary labial archwire is
wi th the guideplane. The elastic traction usually is continued always left in contact with the labial surfaces of the maxillary
for some months after improvement has exceeded the incisors. This assists in eliciting the maximum tendency for the
guidance effect of the guideplane and its use has been mandible to grow forward. Baurn e.! and more recently
discontinued. Storey," give histologic evidence that this can take place
Tarpley' noted the following advantages of the guideplane: physiologically. The biomechanical principles have been
1. Reduction of cuspal interlocking so that the teeth can be shown to be theoretically sound and clinically effective by
moved easily into proper occlusion. 2. The maxillary buccal Oliver,3,4,5 Irish.t Tarpley." Baurne.! Salzmann.t? Sleichter"
segments can be moved distally while the vector of growth in and others. _
the mandible is encouraged in a forward direction in response The maxillary lingual appliance is constructed on the work
to the stimulus provided by the guideplane and intermaxillary model. While not necessary, it is desirable when possible, for
elastic traction. this archwire to touch the anterior teeth surfaces at the palatal
A Class II molar relationship may result from 100 per cent surface of the gingival edge. If the anterior teeth are to be
mesial migration of the maxillary buccal segments, or from tipped
1QO per cent distal relationship of the mandible to the
cranium, with all degrees between these two extremes being
possible, The 100 per cent mandibular distal relationship
seems to be as rare as the true (Angle) Class III. In most Class
II malocclusions, the cases appear to be due to a 50 to
Fig. 31-37. The work models are held in the Class I posi-
tion of occlusal advantage and the formed body-wire of the
guideplane is viewed from the posterior with corrected
height. It is now in position for the final soldering.
Fig. 31-38. Solder is placed in the right angle bend of the
completed body-wire in preparation for the interlacing.
Fig. 31-39. The 0.022-inch inter- Fig. 31-40. The a.On-inch interlacing wire is held with the
lacing wire is soldered bisecting the pliers and bent with the fingers to contact inside the
right angle bend in the bodywire of guideplane body-wire and the lingual arch wire.
the guideplane.
Fig. 31-45. (A) The completed maxillary lingual appliance with the Oliver occlusal guideplane is replaced on the work models. The
models are now guided into this position of occlusal advantage by the guideplane. The previously drawn lines are checked for
congruency on the right side. (8) The previously drawn lines are checked for congruency on the left side.
Construction of the Maxillary Labial Appliance 495
Fig. 31-47. While in the left buccal tube, the archwire is Fig. 31-48. The labial archwire is held with the pliers and
held against the buccal and labial surfaces of the teeth of the bent with the fingers 1 em. mesial to the mesial opening of the
maxillary work model then removed and formed with finger buccal tube. It is adjusted so that the archwire will contact the
bending until it passively contacts the labial surfaces of the labial surfaces of the maxillary incisors at the junction of the
anterior teeth. middle and gingival-thirds.
496 . Laoiolingual Technique
Elgiloy and 650 fine for gold) is melted on the archwire. It ~ The posterior loop-coil lock is made of 0.022-inch wire.
is important to avoid overheating, so as to retain the It is soldered to the archwire approximately 1 em. anterior
desired physical properties of the wire. A 0.030-inch gold to the mesial opening of the buccal tube (Fig. 31-55).
wire is soldered to form the hook for an intermaxillary Round nose pliers are used to form the loop of a half circle
elastic (Fig. 31-52). The 0.030inch wire is held with pliers about 8 mm. in diameter (Fig. 31-56). The loop is formed
at the desired length for the hook and bent anteriorly with
on the gingival side of the archwire. Its end is coiled
the fingers. The wire is cut leaving sufficient excess to
around the labial archwire twice, and the excess is
ball the end of the hook for the patient's comfort (Fig. 31-
53). Intermaxillary elastic hooks are attached on both removed (Fig. 3157). The loop-coil adjustment lock is
sides (Fig. 31-54). made on both sides. The labial arch appliance is replaced
on the model adjusting the loops for proper contact with
--... z
Fig, 31-51. With the work model in the model holder, the
labial archwire is placed in the right buccal tube and adjusted
until it inserts passively into the left buccal tube. The archwire
should contact the incisor teeth in the area of the middle and
gingival thirds.
Fig. 31-57. The posterior loop-coil stop is bent around the Fig, 31-58. The adjustable loop-coil stop is placed on the
distal beak of the round-nosed pliers to the labial archwire other side of the labial archwire using the round-nosed plier to
around which it is to be wrapped twice, The completed shape it. The completed labial appliance is replaced on the
adjustable loop-coil stop is on the labial archwire, The shape work model and the loop-coil stop is adjusted so that the
of the completed hook for the intermaxillary elastic also is labial archwire barely contacts the labial surface of the anterior
shown. teeth,
the anterior teeth (Fig, 31-58). The completed labial than those that receive the labial archwire. This permits easier
appliance is heat treated in conformance with the wire insertion of the face bow by the patient and gives adequate
manufacturer's recommendations, clearance for the normal use of the labial archwire.
When cervical anchorage or headgear is required, a 0.045 The mandibular labial arch wire is constructed in the same
X %-inch round buccal tube is soldered to the molar band manner as the maxillary. The arch wire is adjusted to contact
occlusally to the buccal tube used for the labial archwire (Fig. the labial surfaces of the anterior teeth at the gingival border
31-59 (A) and (8. The mesial of these buccal tubes which or in the area of the gingival third of these crowns. No
are to receive the face bow is placed about 3 to 5 more intermaxillary
Construction of the Maxillary Labial Appliance . 499
elastic hooks are placed, except in Class III (Angle) the labial archwire, the lingual archwire, or both. The
malocclusion. following is a description of some of the most frequently
used auxiliary springs.
An auxiliary attachment often used on the lingual
Auxiliary Spring Attachments
appliance is the loop-coil spring. Its purpose is to move a
Labiolingual technique lends itself admirably to the use tooth mesially or distally within the confines of the lingual
of various auxiliary attachments either to and labial archwires. The size
500 . Labiolingual Technique
of wire used for this attachment is 0.020-inch and the The loop right-angle auxiliary spring (Fig. 31-62) may
spring is soldered to the lingual archwire, formed into a be used to correct rotated anterior teeth. A 0.020-inch
generous sized loop and then wrapped loosely around the spring wire is soldered gingivally on the labial archwire at
arch wire and extended across the alveolar ridge (Fig. 31- the interproximal area adjacent to the labially positioned
60A). It contacts the mesial surface of the tooth to be line angle of the rotated tooth. A generous U-shaped loop
moved distally or the distal surface of the tooth to be is made that curves beneath the labial archwire to the
moved mesially. gingival and continues to the lingually positioned line
The spring pressure is adjusted by closure of the loop angle of the tooth. The spring wire loop is then continued
with a plier, holding at the soldered point and the coil. A 1 beneath the labial arch wire toward the incisors until the
mm. closure is usually sufficient at each three- to five- height of contour of the crown is reached. Then it is bent at
week adjustment appointment. a right angle and continued to the labially positioned line'
A bilateral loop-coil continuous auxiliary spring, the angle of the crown. The spring is then adjusted to exert a
Hale appliance (Fig. 31-60'B and C), is often used on the light force on the rotated tooth when the labial arch is
mandibular lingual archwire to upright molars and to ligated to the molar bands by means of the loop-coil stops.
slightly increase dental arch length. It is constructed of Malocclusions complicated by an anterior openbite
0.020-inch wire, soldered near the mesial of the second frequently require more than habit-breaking and a tongue
premolar; the loops are formed and the coils placed mesial guard on the maxillary lingual archwire. Banding of the
to the first premolar. The coils are joined together by the anterior teeth, with attachments for vertical intermaxillary
continuous anterior section which lies gingivally under elastic traction is effective in obtaining a normal overbite.
the lingual arch wire. The coils are opened 0.5 mm. at Light elastics are worn at all times, except when eating
adjustment appointments. Unless intrusion of the (Fig. 31-63A to C). .
mandibular anterior teeth is desired in leveling the The retentive appliance used with this' type of
mandibular dental arch, the Hale appliance is never malocclusion is of the de'Castro type but with a high labial
adjusted enough to cause the anterior portion to lie on the archwire of 0.040-inch stainless steel. A 0.028-inch spur is
cingula of the anterior teeth. soldered onto the archwire corresponding to each
The loop-coil-loop auxiliary spring (Fig. 31-61) is often maxillary incisor, terminating at the gingival margin of the
used on the labial archwire to retract the canine in tooth. AU-shaped 0.025-inch wire is formed to fit the
malocclusions that require the extraction of the first labial cervical
premolars. The 0.020-inch wire is vertically soldered to
the labial archwire gingivally near the loop-coil stop. A
loop is formed; the wire is coiled around the archwire
twice; and another loop is formed with its end contacting
the mesial surface of the canine crown. The spring is
easily adjusted by closure of the distal loop with a plier.
The closure moves the coil distally approximately 1 mm.
at each adjustment appointment.
Fig. 31-64. (A, B, C) . F., female, age 9 years. Complete mouth radiographic survey. A lack of space for the maxillary canines and the
mandibular right canine is shown. There is maxillary incisor protrusion. (D) Third molar radiographs taken during retention, at which time
their removal was advised.
archwire could slide distally through the tubes as the distally, and more so when a crowded canine is trying to
incisors were moved palatally. erupt.
As soon as the incisors had moved to a satisfactory The appliances were adjusted every 3 to 5 weeks, and were
position palatally-this required a period of approximately 4 removed, together with the molar bands, . every 6 to 8
months - the posterior loop-coil stops were adjusted against months, to check the teeth and clean them.
the buccal tubes, the figure-eight ligature wire was left off Growth was slower than had been anticipated, but still
the central incisors, and the labial arch wire was adjusted favorable, and the patient was ready for retention in 32
gingivally, out of contact with the labial surfaces of the months. A deCastro (Hawley type) retainer, with
incisors. In this manner, all the force of the Class II elastic continuous O.040-inch stainless steel wire was used in the
traction was exerted toward distal movement of the maxillary arch, and a mandibular lingual archwire attached
maxillary molars. The additional space gained mesial to the to the bands on the first permanent molars in the
molars was needed to enable the canines to erupt normally. mandibular arch (Fig. 31-66A to D).
The second and first premolars usually tend to follow the The partially formed third molars were radio-
Case Reports . 503
Fig. 31-65. (A) Right occlusion at the beginning of treatment. (B) Left occlusion at the beginning of treatment. (C) Right
occlusion at the time appliances were placed. A portion of the guideplane is seen palatal to the right lateral incisor. The
figure-8 ligature wire around the maxillary central incisors is to close the space between these teeth so that the erupting
canines will be given a better opportunity to move the laterals mesially, thus facilitating their own eruption. (D) Left
occlusion at the time appliances were placed. Note the intermaxillary elastic traction which is always used in conjunction
with the guideplane.
graphed during retention and their removal was dimension and relieve the palatal tissue irritation. It was
recommended. Six months after removal of the third necessary also to straighten the mandibular incisors and
molars, retention was discontinued. eliminate their rotations while improving the level of the
Four years past retention photographs were taken occlusal plane.
showing the satisfactory manner in which the corrected A maxillary labial archwire was constructed with hooks
occlusion and facial profile had been maintained (Figs. for intermaxillary elastics and adjustable loop-coil stops
31-67 A to D). anterior to the buccal tubes. In this case, the lingual
P.P., age 9, female, with a Class II, Division 2 (Angle) appliance was to be used to move the' retruded central
malocclusion. The extreme overbite was complicated by incisors labially, and therefore, compressed coil springs
some overeruption of the maxillary central incisors (Fig. were not inserted between the buccal tubes and the loop-
31-68A and B). Additional room for the maxillary canines coil stops, as is usually the case when the forward
was desirable. Two of the mandibular anterior teeth were movement is desired. The maxillary lingual archwire
slightly rotated, and the anterior occlusal level was included an Oliver guide plane which was positioned so as
uneven. The first permanent molars were in a Class II to rest on the inclines of the maxillary central incisors. In
relation. this way it would open the bite, exert pressure for labial
The treatment plan called for appliance therapy to move movement and depress the teeth at the same time: (Fig. 31-
the maxillary molars distally, depress and move the 68C and D); one vertical part only can be seen).
maxillary central incisors labially, establish conditions
favorable for an increase in vertical
504 . Labiolingu al Technique
Fig. 31-66. (A) Right occlusion at the time of retention. Note continuous type (modified Hawley) retainer. The bands have
been left on the mandibular molars so that the lingual archwire may be used for retention in the mandibular arch. (B) Left
occlusion at the time of retention. The labial wire is above the height of contour of the incisors so that the overbite may be
increased. (C) Right occlusion at the time retention was discontinued. (D) Left occlusion at the time retention was discontinued.
The mandibular lingual archwire was constructed so as to 2. Adjusting the guideplane gingivally by holding each
rest lightly on the cingula of the mandibular incisors, and half-round post with pliers and bending the archwire
the mandibular labial archwire was held in place by ligation gingivally with the fingers.
of the loop-coil stops to the molar bands. The latter was 3. Keeping space between the labial archwire and the labial
necessary because the patient lived at a considerable surface of the maxillary central incisors by opening the loop-
distance from the office and could only be seen every 4 to 6 coil stop against the buccal tube
months for appliance adjustments. Under normal 4. Bending the maxillary labial archwire gingivally with
circumstances, the mandibular labial archwire would have Howe pliers on the arch wire, in the mouth, just mesial to
been adjusted to lie approximately 3 mm. below the crowns the buccal tubes
of the incisors, when it would have been raised and ligated 5. Varying the amount of intermaxillary elastic pressure,
to each anterior tooth while under tension. This force would as indicated by response and molar mobility
tend to bring the banded molars upright and intrude the 6. Increasing the width of the labial and lingual archwires
mandibular incisors. very slightly so as not to impede normal arch width changes
Class II intermaxillary elastic traction was worn at all Six months after the beginning of treatment, it was
times, except while eating or brushing the teeth. recommended that the three deciduous molars suspected of
The appliance adjustments consisted of: being ankylosed should be removed. Their roots were
1. Adding very small increments of wire to the gingival resorbing, but the level of the crowns was below the
side of the guideplane resting on the lingually positioned occlusal plane. An added ad-
maxillary central incisors
Case Reports . 505
Fig. 31-67. Same patient as in Figs. 31-64, 65, and 66. (A) Right occlusion 4 years post retention. (B) Left occlusion 4 years post
retention. (C) Profile at the beginning of treatment. (0) Profile 4 years post retention.
vantage in their removal was that space would be gained therapy (Fig. 31-71A and B). The mandibular anterior
by the discrepancy in tooth size. bands were removed and the labial arch wire inserted in
One year after the beginning of treatment, at the third place of the twin-arch. By the next adjustment
adjustment, it was evident that some suppression of the appointment, 5 months later, the patient was ready for
overerupted maxillary central incisors would be retention. A maxillary removable retainer was
necessary, as well as rotation of the mandibular incisors constructed, which included an addition of acrylic, behind
and further bite opening (Fig. 31-69A and B). At the next the maxillary anterior teeth, as i.t was necessary to
adjustment, 5 months later, intrusion hooks were added to maintain the good vertical response during the time the
the maxillary labial archwire and adjusted so as to be second molars were erupting and coming into occlusion
under tension. The mandibular incisors were banded and (Fig. 31-72A and B). The mandibular lingual archwire,
a Johnson twin-archwire was inserted (Fig. 31-70 A and attached to the molar bands, was used as retention in the
B). Intermaxillary elastic traction was continued, but the mandibular arch. Retention was continued until the third
maxillary molar anchorage was now reinforced by the molars had been removed.
labial archwire resting against the labial surfaces of the In both the maxillary and mandibular dental arches
maxillary incisors. there was evidence of overtreatment. The maxillary
At the next adjustment appointment it was evident that molars were moved farther distally and more space was
there had been a good response to the appliance gained in the mandibular incisor
506 . Labiolingual Technique
Fig. 31-68. P. P., age 10 years. (A) Right occlusion with molar bands in place before the placement of active appliances. (B)
The maxillary central incisors are in abnormal overbite. (e) Right occlusion after 4 months of treatment with active appliances but
after the guideplane had been raised. Intermaxillary elastic traction is worn with the guideplane. (D) Left occlusion after 4 months
of treatment with these appliances but after the guideplane had been raised.
Fig. 31-70. P. P. at 13 years. (A) Right occlusion after 27 Fig. 31-71. P. P., age 15 years. (A) Right occlusion and
months of active treatment. The hooks over the incisal edge of the appliances used at the time of retention. Intermaxillary elastic
maxillary central incisors are used to intrude them from their traction was also in use. (B) Left occlusion and the appliance used
overeruption, The mandibular anterior banding is for final to the time of retention. Intermaxillary elastic traction was also in
rotation using a twiriarch. (B) Left occlusion after 27 months of use.
active treatment. The hooks over the incisal edge of the maxillary
central incisors are used to intrude them from their overeruption,
The mandibular anterior banding is for final rotation using a
Fig. 31-72. P. P., age 17. (A) Retentive appliances used, induding
the mandibular removable lingual arch wire not showing. (B)
Retentive appliances used include the removable mandibular
lingual archwire not showing.
508 . Labiolingual Technique
Fig. 31-73. P. P., age 18. (A) Postretention right occlusion. (B) Left occlusion, postretention. (C) Profile before treatment.
(D)Profile postretention 1 year.
round tube on the lingual of the crossbite side and a half- spring was then constructed to exert a buccal force on the
round tube on the normal side. The lingual archwire was right deciduous first molar and canine. An additional 4
adjusted to exert lateral expansion on the second months was required to cross these teeth after which time
deciduous molar on the crossbite side. Compound the deciduous molar bands were removed. A half-round
anchorage was obtained from the normal side by having tube was now placed on the lingual aspect of the right molar
the lingual arch wire contact the canine and deciduous first band to replace the horizontal round tube. The right side of
molar, in addition to using the half-round tube on the the lingual archwire was replaced and a half-round post was
deciduous second molar. The lingual arch wire was attached for insertion into the new halfround tube.
adjusted each month so that a 2-mm. expansive force was Posterior lateral expansion springs of 0.020gauge were
delivered to the crossbite side. placed bilaterally on the archwire. The bands were
The right deciduous second molar was corrected in 3 recemented and the lingual appliance inserted with the
months, at which time a passive lingual archwire was lateral expansion auxiliary springs
inserted. A 0.020-inch posterior auxiliary
Case Reports' 509
activated so as to overcorrect and later act as a retainer The face shows that the mandibular shifting had been
(Fig. 31-74E). corrected.
The lingual appliance was removed 1 year later. The patient was seen at 4-month intervals. The
The crossbite was corrected and there had been 3 to 4 deciduous incisors had been exfoliated, but the erupting
months of adequate retention. The patient was seen in 3 permanent incisors had insufficient space and were rotated.
months. The crossbite remained corrected (Fig. 31-74C The mandibular right deciduous canine had been exfoliated
prematurely, owing to the pressure exerted by the erupting
and D). Figure 31-75A and B shows the patient at age 3
right lateral incisor. The mandibular left deciduous canine
years with her face unbalanced and the mandible shifted to then was removed to avoid any further shifting of the
her right. B, the patient at 10 years before corrective
orthodontics was initiated.
Case Reports' 509
activated so as to overcorrect and later act as a retainer The face shows that the mandibular shifting had been
(Fig. 31-74E). corrected.
The lingual appliance was removed 1 year later. The patient was seen at 4-month intervals. The
The crossbite was corrected and there had been 3 to 4 deciduous incisors had been exfoliated, but the erupting
months of adequate retention. The patient was seen in 3 permanent incisors had insufficient space and were
months. The crossbite remained corrected (Fig. 31-74C rotated. The mandibular right deciduous canine had been
and D). Figure 31-75A and B shows the patient at age 3 exfoliated prematurely, owing to the pressure exerted by
years with her face unbalanced and the mandible shifted the erupting right lateral incisor. The mandibular left
to her right. B, the patient at 10 years before corrective deciduous canine then was removed to avoid any further
orthodontics was initiated. shifting of the
510 . Labiolingual Technique
Fig. 31-75. (AJ D. T., age 3 years, full face photograph before appliance placement for the correction of the crossbite of the entire
maxillary right quadrant except the central incisor. (B) Age 10 years, 5 years after the removal of retention for the cross bite
correction, just prior to full appliance therapy.
Fig. 31-76. (A) D. T., right occlusion 6 years after the correction of a crossbite. There is insufficient space for the normal eruption of the
maxillary right canine. (B) Left occlusion 6 years after the correction of a crossbite, There is insufficient space for the normal eruption of
the maxillary left canine. (C) Age 13 years, right occlusion with the finishing appliance in place. The intermaxillary elastic traction has been
worn only during the daytime for one year. (DJ Age 13 years, left occlusion with the finishing appliance in place.
Case Reports' 511
Fig. 31-77. (A) D. T., age 13 years, right occlusion at the time of placing a removable maxillary and fixed mandibular retentive appliance. (8)
Left occlusion at the time of placing retention. (C) Age 14 years, right occlusion at the time of discontinuing the removable maxillary retentive
appliance. The mandibular lingual archwire is retaining the dental arch during the eruption of the third molars. (D) left occlusion at the time of
discontinuing the removable maxillary retentive appliance.
midline to the right side. Observation was continued every 4 dibular lingual arch wire. The maxillary retainer was
to 6 months. discontinued after 6 months, but the lingual archwire was
At age 10 years, corrective treatment was started (Fig. 31- allowed to remain until such time as the third molars had
76A, B). Bands were made on the four first permanent erupted or were removed (Fig. 31-77C, D). Figure 31-78A
molars, and appliances were constructed. Maxillary and shows an orthognathic profile at age 13; it was still being
mandibular labial arch wires were constructed for insertion maintained at 14 (Fig. 31-78B).
after the extraction of the four first premolars (Figs. 31-76A
and B). Full appliances were placed 1 week later and very
light Class II intermaxillary elastic traction was used. The
mandibular canines were moved distally by means of loop- REFERENCES
coil-loop auxiliary springs (Fig. 31-76C and D). The 1. Baurne, L. J.: Principles of cephalofacial development
maxillary canines erupted without surgical exposure of the revealed by experimental biology. Am. J. Orthodont.,
crowns or the use of cervical ligatures. Loop-coil-loop 47:881, 1961.
springs were added to the maxillary labial archwire when the 2. Irish, Russell E.: A discussion of the occlusal guideplane.
canines had erupted sufficiently for the springs to make A.J.O.&O.S., 29:12,699-711, 1943.
contact with the mesial surfaces of the crowns at about the 3. Oliver, O. A.: The occlusal guideplane. A].O.&O.s.
height of the tooth contour and the maxillary canines were 29:148, 1943.
4. Oliver, O. A: The rational of the labiolingual appliances in
moved distally.
present day orthodontic treatment. AJ.O.&O.s. 31:381-
Routine adjustments were made to the archwire and 390,1945.
auxiliary springs until the canines were moved distally about 5. Oliver, O. A.: Indications for the occlusal guideline.
2 mm. beyond their correct position. Ligature wires were Am. J. Orthodont. & 0.5. 31:520, 1945.
used to align the mandibular incisors, but it was necessary to 6. Sleichter, C. G.: Some effects of the occlusal guideplane
use anterior bands and a Johnson twin-arch to rotate the in the treatment of class II, division 1 malocclusions. A. J.
maxillary incisors. All bands and appliances were removed Orthodont.,43:83, 1957.
periodically for routine dental examinations and cleaning. 7. Storey, Elsdon: Growth and remodeling of bone and
The erupted teeth were in position at age 13 (Fig. 31-77A, bones. Am. J. Orthodont., 62:162, 1972.
B). During the retention period, a maxillary removable 8. Tarpley, B. W.: The guideplane as an aid to labiolingual
technique. Am. ]. Orthodont., 34:153, 1948.
retainer was used with a man-
9. Tarpley, B. W.: Technique and Treatment with the
Labiolingual Appliance. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby, 1961.
10. Salzmann, J. A: Orthodontic principles and prevention in
the everyday practice of dentistry. J. Canad. Dent. Ass..
27:81, 1961.
The Crozat Appliance in Theory and
Although the Crozat appliance is simple, it is actually one directly in tooth movement. When appliances are adjusted
of the exacting appliances. One cannot merely take an mildly at regular intervals and are worn regularly, patients
impression, send it to a laboratory and expect the finished experience no discomfort. If the appliances, for any reason,
appliance to produce satisfactory results of its own accord. are removed for an interval of sufficient duration, upon
The operator must first learn how to construct the appliance, replacing them the patient will experience discomfort. In
how to fit it in the mouth of the patient, and how to modify such instances, it may be necessary to readapt the appliance.
it as treatment progresses in order to obtain desired results. During planned rest periods appliances may be worn
Dr. Crozat explained the fundamental philosophy of his nights only and they are not adjusted except for stability of
appliance before the Sou them Society of Orthodontists in attachments. Holidays and vacations are favorable times to
1954. Quotations from his paper are presented here as are institute what we may term rest periods. It is impossible to
his method of approach in the actual treatment of patients. conceive treating an orthodontic case in a school term or
Crozat stated the following: two and to dismiss the patient with a retainer and consider
the case completed. A removable appliance can serve as a
treatment device and as a working retainer. It is surprising to
observe in some cases a greater amount of tooth movement
during these intervals than when under continuous active
I would seriously call to the attention of those interested in treatment. The change may occur to the extent that the teeth
the use of removable appliances that the primary object is will have moved beyond contact with the appliance.
not to devise or adjust an appliance to move malposed teeth Without experiences of this nature, one would assume that
by sheer force, but to be used as a means of applying stress the appliance had been distorted. On return of the patient,
in the direction of desired tooth movement. First in another phase of treatment is planned and instituted.
importance, the appliance must fit perfectly. It must be Basically the initial treatment is to attempt the necessary
adjusted with extreme moderation. Every attempt should be
arch change or changes and the axial positions of the
made to avoid pain and to interfere to the minimum with
permanent first molars.
function. A prerequisite, as with all mechanotherapies, is a
thorough analysis of the total dentofacial complex: muscle
habits and their dysfunctions; facial variation as related to Treatment of patients must be approached on the basis of
the individual patient's growth pattern, and to the norm. their chronological and developmental age as well as their
With removable appliances, application of treatment dental age. These considerations will make for the
deviates from the pure mechanistic trend of straightening difference in rapid or delayed treatment, or early or deferred
teeth, which does not usually allow nature to work for an treatment.
objective correction of the dentofaciaI deformity. In this It is of paramount importance that patients be impressed
application of treatment one must be ever conscious of the with their responsibility in conducting their treatment and in
child's state of development until completion of growth of managing and caring for the teeth and appliances. Without
the dental apparatus. the complete cooperation of the patient, very little can be
The attachment teeth (the anchor teeth that hold the achieved. From beginning to end, it is a question of
appliance in place) oppose an equivalent of the force instructing patients in every detail of treatment and of
applied by the appliance in the direction of desired tooth enlisting an enthusiastic attitude as their teeth are moved
movement. If forces are excessive the attachment teeth will into position. Treatment and retention occur coincidentally
be unstable. as treatment progresses. Retention is not a problem, as time
The appliance is not intended to move malposed teeth and function help us to produce pleasing and harmonious
directly, but to deliver stress through the teeth to the results.
supporting structures resulting in tissue changes and in-
514 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
CONSTRUCTION OF THE APPLIANCE 4. The lingual sides of the maxillary molars are trimmed
lower gingivally than the buccal sides because of the
1. The clinical crowns of the teeth to be clasped
difference in height of coronal contour (Fig. 32-1).
frequently require some recontouring. Amalgam or gold
Conversely the buccal surface of the mandibular molar is
restorations with poorly carved marginal ridges must be
trimmed lower than the lingual (Fig. 32-2). A Cleve-Dent
smoothed with a disc to form a space for an 0.028-inch
99 trimmer is used to trim the stone cast.
wire to pass at the occlusal embrasure areas.
5. First molar tooth clasping is here described.
2. After the teeth to be clasped are properly recontoured,
However, if a case dictates, clasps may also be constructed
a colloid impression of each dental arch is taken and then
on second molars, premolars or even on canine teeth. Since
poured in stone.
premolars are usually conical, single-rooted teeth, both
3. Trim the clasp teeth on the stone cast. This is an first premolars are not clasped in the same appliance. This
important phase in the construction of the appliance. The prevents the appliance from rocking. For example, it is best
object of trimming the teeth is to idealize the coronal to clasp the right first premolar and the left second
portion in order to expose the ideal retentive form that the premolar in the same appliance.
tooth offers. A comprehensive knowledge of dental
anatomy is required for proper trimming. A study of molar The clasp must extend to the maximum retentive form
teeth can be helpful. that the molars offer. When the second molar is about to
erupt, the gingival margin on the distal surface of the first
molar extends almost to the marginal ridge. This tissue
must be carved away on the cast. However, there should be
no compression of the tissue by the clasp after the
appliance is inserted in the mouth. The clasp wire goes
around the tooth and fits between the tooth and the tissue
without causing any compression.
Clasp Construction
Clasps must be designed according to individual tooth
form and shape, but in keeping with the greatest retentive
capacity of the tooth. The crib extends to, but does not go
beyond, the greatest diameter of the tooth. The crescent
(See Figs. 32-10, and 11) goes just below the greatest
Fig. 32-1. The height of contour is lower on the lingual diameter of the tooth in order to provide maximum
than on the buccal of a maxillary first molar. retention. The crib and crescent as a unit are referred to as a
"clasp". The clasping quality of the claspwire depends on
the resilience of the wire. When the claspwire is too
, long occlusogingival1y, it will play up and down.
This will cause the appliance to break. This is especially
true if there is a high labial wire on the appliance and the
clasp is too long. The patient will
use the upper lip to push the labial wire down a little and then
bite the clasps, repeating this pro.cedure until the clasp is
Forming the Crescent elastic gold-platinum wire is bent in a flat plane (Fig. 32-10).
The ends of the crescent are tapered so that there will be no
The crescent made from O.028-inch Ney No. 4 discomfort to the tissues. Note that the crescent fits just below
the height of
Fig. 32-6. Third and fourth bends. Note all bends are in the
same plane. The occlusal is bent to follow exactly the outline Fig. 32-7. The wire is swung around the lingual surface of
of the tooth. the molar.
516 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
Fig. 32-10. The crescent held in place with sticky wax. After the second bend is made below the mesiclingual
cusp, the wire is brought around the curvature of the arch
in the same plane. Care must be taken that the wire passes
contour on the buccal surface of the tooth. Figure 32-11 above and free of the lingual frenum. If the wire needs to
shows a completed clasp consisting of a crib and crescent be raised to pass over the lingual frenum, it is done by
wire before soldering. bending the first bend from 60 to 650 or 700 keeping the
first portion of the wire parallel and touching the crib
The Mandibular Lingual Bodywire , wire.
After passing the lingual frenum and keeping 1 mm.
Figure 32-12 shows steps in the construction of the away from the tissue all around the arch, the wire is again
mandibular lingual bodywire, The bodywire is made of bent at a 120-degree angle at the mesiolingual cusp. Then
Baker 3 percent gold wire, 0.051 gauge. The wire starts at after continuing vertically for 8 mm. it is bent mesially 600
the lingual groove of the first molar and is bent 600 at the at the distolingual cusp and then cut at the lingual groove.
center of the distolingual cusp. A second bend of 120 The correct placement of the lingual bodywire is important
degrees is made below the center of the mesiolingual cusp to obtain correct archform and to prevent the bodywire
and about 8 mm. down from the first bend. At this point from impingeing on the soft tissue lingual to clasped
the horizontal ends of the wire will be approximately molars.
parallel. If the vertical section is made too short, the The lingual arms and the occlusal rest wires, made of
tongue will catch under the lingual bodywire and remove Baker 3 percent 0.040-inch gold wire, are added (Fig. 32-
the appliance from the teeth. The vertical section of the 13, 14). The lingual arms are generally contoured with the
wire must be bent slightly toward the tooth so that it is free shape of the teeth, and end at the interproximal area mesial
of the soft tissue. It meets the crib at a slight angle. to the first bicuspid. In
Construction of the Appliance' 517
Fig. 32-12. (A) The mandibular lingual bodywire. First and
second bends are done at the same time. The first bend is a
60 angle and the second, 120. (B) The lingual bodywire is
placed on the modeL (C) An occlusal view of the lingual
bodywire. Notice how it is bent slightly just below the first
bend in order to meet the cribwire without touching the stone
the mouth, the lingual arms should never touch the lingual
surfaces of the premolars. Care should be taken not to curve
the lingual arm too far into the interproximal area mesial to
the molar, since the molar often must be rotated. If the lingual
arm is adapted too far into the interproximal area mesial to
the molar, it will interfere with the molar rotation. To the Fig. 32-14. Finished lingual with both lingual arms and
arms are soldered lingual attachments later. Until attachments occlusal rest held in place with sticky wax. The appliance is
are needed, the arms give the appliance balance and are used now ready for investing and soldering.
in measuring the correct amount of basic adjustment.
mandibular molar the lingual groove is out of functional No. 4 elastic gold-platinum O.028-inch wire. The first bend is
occlusion and the rest extending somewhat over the occlusal made at the height of contour on the buccal surface of a
surface prevents the appliance from impinging on the mucosa. maxillary first molar (Fig. 32-15A). The second bend, (Fig.
When the appliance is placed in the mouth, the patient does 32-15B) is shown with the occlusal portion of the wire
not feel the occlusal rests. contoured to the curvature of the mesial marginal ridge. Room
Every bend has a purpose. The beginner should not try to is needed for the first molar to rotate, allowing the mesio-
improve on the method of construction as here outlined. An buccal cusp to continue buccally and distally. The amount of
important point in clasp construction is not to proceed with the rotation room necessary is accounted for before the vertical
next bend until all the preceding bends are perfectly shaped extension is bent; Figure 32-15B shows the necessary length
and fitted. of the occlusal portion. The wire is now bent around the
lingual surface at the height of contour of the tooth (Fig. 32-
15C). Note that the height of contour is lower on the lingual
than on the buccal surface of the maxillary first molar. Figure
32-15D shows the method of bringing the wire over the
Bending the Maxillary Crib wire occlusal
A 137 SS White contouring pliers is used to construct the
maxillary cribwire from a piece of Ney
Fig. 32-15. (Aj Right angle bend for upper crib held at the proper height of contour. (8) The bends following the contour of the
mesial margrnal ridge. (The mesial side is always bent first so the long portion of the wire does not interfere with the cast.) (C) The
lingual view shows the vertical bend is not jammed close into the mesiolingual interproximal area. This will allow room for the
tooth to rotate. (D) The wire bent over the occlusal is ready to be cut and tucked in on the buccal. (Note that all bends are perfect
before proceeding to the next bend.)
Construction of the Applicance . 519
Fig. 32-28. (A) The mandibular adjustment. First measure the distance between the occlusal rests, using the first
bridgemeter. (B) Measure outside the ends of the lingual arms with a second bridgemeter. (C) While holding the appliance
in a horizontal plane, pinch the center of the bodywire with a SS White o. 137 contouring plier. (0) This causes each clasp
to move buccally l/2 mm. as measured by the first bridgemeter. (E) Then, grasping the clasp distal to the rest, or the
strongest area, rotate the right crib so that the end of the lingual arm moves buccally Ih mm. (F) Check the rotational
adjustment. (Continued on overleaf) (G) Rotate the left crib so that the end of the lingual arm moves buccally V2 mm. (H) Both
lingual arms should meet end-toend with the bridgemeter. (l) The right lingual ann end is moved back to its original
position. (J) Check the adjustment. Notice only one lingual arm is inside the previously established bridgerneter
measurement. (K) Now the left side. (L) Both lingual arms are now in their original position in relation to the bridgemeters.
The upper and lower appliances are adjusted in the clasps rotate outward with the first bend, the arms may
same manner. Figures 32-29A-29L show the sequence of tend to be rotated inward.
adjustments for the maxillary appliance. A word of In unilateral distocclusions the routine is to expand the
caution: to accomplish a rotating adjustment in either occlusal rest 1 mm. as in a bilateral case, then to rotate the
appliance, measure the molar width and at that moment maxillary molar of the normal side. The lower appliance is
use the second caliper and measure the anterior arms. The similarly adjusted to rotate the molar on the opposite side.
reason is that as the The objective is to estab-
524 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
lish widths that reach the point of centric accommodation. form is the "Crozat premolar-molar relationship." A
Correlating arch widths to establish or influence the measurement taken from the tip of the buccal cusp of the
normal anteroposterior relations of one arch to the other is maxillary right first premolar to the buccal cusp of the
thus provided. maxillary left premolar will correspond to the distance
Arch Form. It is desirable to ascertain the relative from the mesiolingual cusp of the right maxillary first
widths of both arches in the positions that will obtain molar to the mesiolingual cusp of the left maxillary first
when the anteroposterior relation is corrected. The patient molar. This relationship has a coefficient of correlation of
is instructed to place the incisors in the relatively desired .876, as determined by the University of Alabama
position. If the incisors are protrusive the canines will be orthodontics department.
engaged. The operator then notes the anteroposterior
relation of the molars and premolars and will obtain a
Activating the Appliance
relative idea of how much the maxillary incisors should
move back. One can also obtain some idea of how much As the molars are being rotated and a better arch form is
the upper molars should be rotated to fit with the lower being established, auxiliary attachments are added to the
molars. appliance. The placement of the attachments is governed
Another guide used to determine adequate arch by the case and is limited
Adjustment 525
Fig. 32-29. (A) The maxillary basic adjustment. First measure the distance between the occlusal rests, using the first
bridgemeter. (B) Measure outside the ends of the lingual arms with a second bridgemeter. (c) While holding the appliance
in a horizontal plane, pinch the center of the bodywire with a SS White No. 137 contouring plier. (D) This causes each
clasp to move buccally lfz rnrn. totaling 1 mm. as measured by the first bridgemeter. (E) Then, grasping the clasp mesial to
the rest, or the strongest area, rotate the right crib so the end of the lingual arm moves buccally liz mm. (F) Check
rotational adjustment. (Overleaf, G) Rotate the left crib so the end of the lingual arm moves buccally 112 mm, (H) Both
lingual arms should meet end-toend with the bridgemeter. (I) The right lingual arm end is moved back to its original
position. (J) Check the adjustment. otice only one lingual arm is inside the previously established measurement. (K) Now
the left side. (L) Both lingual arms are now in their original position in relation to the bridgerneters.
only by the imagination of the operator and the individual or laterally and at the same time distally to escape the
case needs. Some of the basic auxiliary attachments will anterior constriction or curvature which is natural to all
be included here. It is best for the person unfamiliar with arches. Thus, the molars appear to move distally into the
the appliance to gain experience with fairly simple cases wider portion of the arch, and spaces are seen to develop
before advancing to the more complex. in the teeth anterior to the molars.
Expansion of the appliance exerts force outward As the molars are rotated and Class II elastics
526 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
are worn. After the molars obtain a Class I or neutro- the treatment in the maxillary arch. By this method
clusion relationship, "golf sticks" (auxiliary wires) are advantage is taken in the presence of deep bite which
placed anterior to the maxillary canines and are adjusted offers a degree of resistance to the labial movement of the
to move the canines and premolars distally thereby mandibular anterior teeth. These stresses, therefore, are
closing the spaces. At this time, the patient must continue expended distally with satisfactory molar response. With
the use of elastics to maintain the distally positioned this accomplished, the case is treated as a distoclusion.
molars. In very deep bites, anterior springs are placed lingually
When an appliance is activated, there is a tendency for and incisally to the cingulums of the mandibular incisor
the appliance to extricate itself from the teeth. This is one teeth. The spring force is thus directed to the apices. In
of the factors conducive to the vertical dimensional cases presenting slight overlap of the incisal edges, the
growth of the posterior teeth. The posterior movement lingual springs are placed at the very neck of the tooth to
may be augmented or increased by the addition of lingual avoid stress in the direction of the apices. This is to
springs at the necks of the lower or upper lateral incisors prevent a depressing force on the contacted incisor teeth
in crowded arches. Frequently, it may be desirable to treat by the springs or a tip-back action upon the molars. These
the mandibular arch to some extent before advancing to forces
Case Histories' 527
must be very mild to maintain the axial position of the molars and Much of the malocclusion will correct itself automatically. After
prevent opening the bite. The foregoing is an attempt to control the molars are in neutrocclusion, the high labial with the "golf
the balance maintained between a mild mechanical stress and the sticks" and fingers are added.
stresses of occlusion. By such control teeth maintaining their Treatment extends over the development of the dental
occlusion in function will move distally and still maintain their apparatus to about maturity. In most instances, retention is
axial relations. This will occur whether they are moved distally or achieved with night use of the appliances.
Having obtained an approximation of normal arch sizes for the
accommodation of the teeth and having positioned first molars in
Class I or neutrocelusion, additions may be made at this time to CASE HISTORIES
the appliances such as high labial wires with pins and extensions
to position the individual anterior teeth. A serious mistake would
T.W., age IS-Class II, Division 1 malocclusion
be made if the high labial wire was placed right from the start and
an attempt was made to expand the arch and/or rotate the molars. The diagnostic casts were studied to see if the teeth to be
Everything should be done in sequence. The molars come first, clasped required reshaping (Fig. 32-30 A, B, C). None was
and therefore must be adjusted first. Start by having the patient required in this case. The lower appliance was inserted first so that
wear the appliances, to become thoroughly adapted to them, the patient could become accustomed to one appliance before the
comfortable to the patient, and the patient manipulating and second one was placed. At this appointment the patient was
handling them properly. Then begin to rotate the molars. shown how to clean and care for his appliance. The necessity for
cooperation was reemphasized.
The upper appliance was placed in the mouth 1
Wire )
0.028 gold platinum Clasp and crib auxiliary a The J. M. Ney Company, Drawer 990, Hartford, Conn.
ttachmen ts 06002. Ask for Elastic No.4, 0.028.
0.040 gold Lingual arm and rest Baker Dental Division of Englehard Industries, 700
Labial arch Blair Road, Carteret, N. J. 07008
Ask for 3% wire.
0.051 gold Body wire and maxillary labial arm Baker Dental Division of Englehard Industries
0.040 blue Elgiloy Labial arch } Rocky Mountain Dental Products Co., Box 1887,
0.028 blue Elgiloy Auxiliary attachments (labial Denver, Colo. 80201
Heat shield 70 Investing and repairing Heat Shield 70, Box 402, Gatlinburg, Tenn. 37738 (or
Codesco Dental Supply Co.)
Ransom & Randolph Soldering
soldering investment
Wire solder (28-gauge)
Soldering flux paste 450 and 650 wire solder Soldering Baker Division of Englehard Industries
gold-platinum wires S. S. White, Division of Pennwalt, Three Parkway,
Fig. 32-30. Case 1. (A, B, C) Before treatment diagnostic cast. (0) Mandibular appliance placed on cast showing the correct position of
the lower lapping sweep springs. (E) Maxillary appliance, occlusal view, showing the position of the elastic hooks. (F) The correct
position of the mandibular elastic hook. (Opposite G) Side view of maxillary elastic hook. (H, 1) Appliances in place with 5/Hl-inch 3112-
oz. latex elastics. Finger spring is shown engaging the mesial of each maxillary cuspid. 0, K L) Front and lateral views at the end of
active treatment. During retention the patient wears his lower appliance at night only as shown. (p. 530, M, N, 0) Front and lateral views
6 years after active treatment.
week after the lower appliance. The patient was then After this interval a full adjustment was made in the
allowed 4 weeks to become fully accustomed to the maxillary appliance, as previously explained, and lapping
appliances. sweep springs were soldered to the
Case Histories . 529
ends of the lingual arms of the lower appliance and lasting stress in the desired directions. These sweep
contoured so that they touch the cingulums of all the springs are usually made from O.028-inch blue Elgiloy
incisors and end, in this case, at the cuspid teeth (Fig. 32- wire. A low-fusing solder (Baker 450 fine gold wire) is
300). In very deep bites the lower lingual sweep springs used, and a flux consisting of half borax and half
may be soldered to the bodywire just under the clasps. potassium acid fluoride. All additional auxiliaries are
This allows more wire to be incorporated in the sweep added with the low-fusing 450 solder.
spring, giving a mild, longer Four weeks later, the lower appliance was given
530 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
close to their correct positions. A finger spring was Four months after the use of elastics was started the
soldered to the buccal arm above the elastic hook and bent molars achieved a Class I relationship, and spaces
to engage the mesial of the upper cuspids (Fig. 32-30H, I). developed between the maxillary premolars. Up to this
The wearing of the elastics was continued. point the canines have moved very little. Now a wire was
When the cuspids were in normal relation, the patient soldered to the existing buccal arm and engaged mesial to
was instructed to wear his elastics at night only, but to the canines.
wear his appliances at all times. Three months later he was Although the patient was checked at regular monthly
instructed to wear his appliances at night only. At this intervals, nothing was changed until the canines were in a
time active treatment was completed. The patient was seen Class I position. It took 4 months for the cuspids to assume
at 3 month intervals for 1 year. We then removed his their normal position. The entire maxillary elastic hook
upper appliance at night, and he was instructed to wear wires then were removed, and a labial wire was added. An
only his lower- appliance at night. At this point he had a 0.040-inch blue tip Elgiloy wire is soldered to one buccal
tour in the Navy. However, he wore his appliance at night arm. Then with a large contouring pliers, the wire is bent
during this time. Figure 32-30], K, L shows the around the labial portion of the mouth (32-31G) and then
photographs of the teeth at the end of active treatment. marked with a china marking pencil 1 mrn. past the end of
Figure 32-30M, N, 0 show the occlusion 6 years after the buccal arm. The appliance is removed from the mouth
active treatment. and the 0.040-inch labial wire cut on the mark. The free
end of the wire is soldered to the right buccal arm (Fig. 32-
The necessary auxiliary wires are added in the following
M.G.W., age 12-C1ass II, Division 2 The appliance is inserted in the mouth, and the labial
subdivision wire is marked at the points where the auxiliary wires are
Impressions were taken (Fig. 32-310, E, F), periapical x- needed (Fig. 32-311). The appliance is removed and the
ray films were obtained, and 35-mm. slides were made 0.028-inch blue Elgiloy auxiliary wires are soldered to the
(Fig. 32-31A, B, C). The routine for placing appliances in labial wire at the marked points. The appliance is then
all patients is the same. Patients are seen at 4- to 6-week inserted into the mouth so that the newly soldered wires
intervals, averaging 5 weeks. may be marked (Fig. 32-31]) and subsequently cut and
The patient returned 4 weeks after receiving both her tapered to their correct length (Fig. 32-31K).
appliances and was given a basic adjustment in the Auxiliaries shown are: 1. Elastic hooks, maxillary and
maxillary appliance, for rotating the maxillary first molars. mandibular. 2. "Golf stick," an 0.028-inch blue Elgiloy
Four weeks later a basic mandibular adjustment was made. Rocky Mountain wire bent at a right angle toward the
Both maxillary and mandibular adjustments may be given interproximal area and engaging to the mesial of the
at the same appointment. canine. The purpose of this wire is to move - and/ or keep
At the next regular appointment, 5 weeks later, the maxillary canine in a Class I position. It also helps to
mandibular right and left lingual sweep springs and the stabilize the maxillary appliance when elastics are worn. A
mandibular hooks for elastics were added. The sweep golf stick may be used on any tooth.
springs are placed just below the cingulum of the teeth and "Three Fingers," an 0.028-inch blue Elgiloy Rocky
should exert no more than 1 to 1.5 oz. of pressure. The Mountain wire is soldered to the labial arch wire and tapered to
high point of the sweep spring viewed from the lateral a fine point touching the centrals or laterals at or near the
aspect should contact the incisor just below the cingulum. height of contour on the labial surface. The maxillary
If the wire touches above the cingulum, the tooth will be appliance of this patient with the labial and auxiliaries attached
depressed. Sweep springs must be initiated before elastics is shown (Fig. 32-31L-O). After the labial archwire was added,
are started or the elastics will pull the lower first molars the patient was seen at monthly intervals for a year. At each
mesially. visit the finger springs were examined to be sure they had no
After another five weeks elastic hooks were added to the more than a half ounce of pressure. This pressure is checked by
maxillary appliance. Elastics were instituted at this passing the tip of an explorer between the tooth and the finger
appointment. These 5!l6-inch latex elastics exert a force of spring and/or golf stick. If the instrument will not pass easily,
2.5 oz. or less. The maxillary elastic hook can be adjusted allowing the finger to snap back touching the tooth, then the
mesially or distally to get the correct amount of elastic pressure is too light.
pull. Five weeks later the second basic upper adjustment Retention was simple. The patient was instructed'
was given to this patient. Elastics were continued for the
next 3 months.
532 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
Fig. 32-31. Case 2. (A-C) Intraoral views before treatment. (D-F) Beginning cast. (Opposite, CJ Construction of the labial archwire. An
0.040 blue tip Elgiloy wire was soldered to the left buccal arm, and large contouring pliers were used to bend the labial around the arch. (H)
Labial appliance in place with labial arch at proper position after the free end is soldered to the buccal arm. (l) Marking the labial arch wire
for the placement of auxiliary wires. (j) Marking the auxiliary wires at their proper height prior to cutting. (KJ Appliance inserted with
auxiliaries cut and tapered. Notice how inconspicuous the appliance is. tp, 534, L-O) Different views of the appliance used. (P-R) Views of
dentition 10 years after termination of active treatment.
Case Histories . 533
or twice a week seems to be an acceptable and simple and photos were taken. Appliances were placed, as usual,
solution to retention problem. 1 week apart. After wearing both appliances for 1 month,
the patient was given a full adjustment in both appliances.
The purpose was to rotate the first molars so that space
Patient CC, age 13
could be obtained mesial to the first molars to move the
Impressions were made for diagnostic casts (Fig. 32- premolars distally. This afforded space for the left
32A-C) and occlusal views (C, H), Panorex x-rays maxillary canine and lateral
Case Histories . 535
Fig. 32-32. Case 3. (A, B, C), Casts at beginning of treatment. (0, E, F), Casts after active treatment. (Overleaf, G, H). Occlusal views
J! occlusal views after treatment. (K) Overlay showing addition of O.028-inch lapping sweep spring ending at the left
before treatment; (1,
cuspid and right lateral, (LJ Upper appliance in place, (M p. 537) Lower appliance in place shows lapping springs and a lingual rest to the left
second molar to prevent the attachment teeth from tipping.
536 . The Crozat Appliance in Theory and Practice
Fig. 32-33. Case 4. (A, B, C) View of beginning casts. (0, E, F) Intraoral views at completion of active treatment 18 months from start.
(Opposite, G, H) Occlusal views before treatment. (T, j) Occlusal views after completion of treatment. (K, L. M, p. 540) View of labial arch and finger
attachments for closing spaces. (N, 0) Appliances in position. (P, Q, p. 541, R) Front and lateral views after 3 years of wearing the appliances only at
night. (5) Pretreatment profile. (T) Posttreatment profile. This is a good example of what happens to the facial profile when mandibular rotation
is retrognathic.
Case Histories : 539
The maxilla seemingly offers the most favorable maxillary narrowness may be present together with a lateral
potential for direct skeletal alteration in attempts to treat mandibular displacement. This demonstrates a unilateral
skeletal dysplasia or imbalance associated with dental cross bite when only the occluded position of the teeth is
malocclusion. Opening the mid palatal suture or palatal studied (Figs. 33-2, 33-3).
disjunction and the attendant widening of the maxillary Differentiation must be made between true bilateral
skeletal base by use of a rapid maxillary expansion maxillary deficiency and unilateral maxillary deficiency. A
appliance has moved orthodontics into the realm of "facial bilateral maxillary deficiency or constriction may produce a
orthopedics." By this means one type of skeletal bilateral buccal cross bite Of, in a less pronounced bilateral
imbalance, known as bilateral maxillary constriction, has constriction, a unilateral crossbite may be seen as the
proven treatable. mandible deviates or is displaced laterally from the rest
position to full occlusion which produces a normal buccal
dental relationship on one side and a crossbite on the
HISTORY opposite side. The condyle-to-fossa relationship is
constantly disturbed by the latter condition. Correction of
Since E. C. Angell's! first report in 1860, numerous maxillary constriction allows the mandible to change its
authors have discussed maxillary expansion by opening the path of closure from rest to occlusion so that the
midpalatal suture. In the early 1900's much interest in this mandibular displacement is eliminated and' a normal
procedure was generated among physicians specializing in condyle-to-fossa relationship is established. This is
rhinology who sought a means to increase nasal demonstrated in Figure 33-4.
perrneahility.s-": 6,7.11 Orthodontic investigators such as A unilateral maxillary constriction should usually not be
Dewey.P Wright,24 and Cryer'? considered the histologic treated by rapid bilateral maxillary expansion. Bilateral
and anatomic aspects while others such as Barnes- and expansion of a unilateral maxillary constriction may cause
Black" reported the effects upon the dentition. the mandible to be displaced laterally toward the normal
After much was written in the early 1900's, there was a side by following the guidance of the dental cusps as the
dearth of information until European authors revived normal side is over-expanded. Such treatment may
interest. Korkhaus!? and Derichsweiler!" were notable for permanently displace the mandible and can result in joint
their contributions in the 1950's and were responsible for disturbance (Fig. 33-5).
redirecting clinical interest. Recent investigations have A high narrow palatal vault is often associated with a true
shed light upon the forces employed,15,16 histologic bilateral maxillary constriction. Owing to disproportionate
response at articular sites,9.19 skeletal and dental widths, an exceptionally wide mandible and mandibular
aJterations,I418,21,22 and nasal-respiratory changes." arch is sometimes seen with a maxilla of normal width and
a normally contoured palatal vault. When buccal segment
crossbite exists together with this skeletal imbalance, com-
pression of the mandible is not possible, and successful
treatment entails widening of the maxilla by opening the
INDICATIONS mid palatal suture. Rapid expansion of a maxilla of normal
Bilateral maxillary constriction is probably the only width to match a wide mandible may be considered as
condition that warrants midpalatal suture opening." In this another indication for this procedure.
type of skeletal imbalance the constriction may be severe One may also consider midpalatal suture opening as an
enough to cause a bilateral crossbite of the buccal adjunct to the treatment of narrow dental arches where
occlusion. Thus, both maxillary buccal segments, and there is no crossbite but where mod-
sometimes, the maxillary anterior teeth, will be seen to be
in cross bite. A representative case is seen in Figure 33-1.
On other occasions, a less pronounced bilateral
95. Indications . 543
Fig. 33-1. Continued.
In order to document actual results of therapy, three
complete sets of orthodontic records should be made:
prior to opening the suture, at the time of completion of
Fig. 33-5. Schematic representation of bilateral maxillary
the suture opening, and when the appliance is removed.
expansion of a unilateral maxillary constriction creating a
Complete records include orthodontic study casts,
displaced mandibular position. Risk of production of such a
displacement is to be avoided by treating unilateral constrictions posteroanterior and lateral cephalograms, occlusal x-ray
with conventional unilateral orthodontic therapy not midpalatal films, intraoral photographs, and facial photographs. All
separation, which is mostly bilateral in effect. pretreatment records should be studied prior to proceeding
with the palatal disjunction.
A true unilateral crossbite should not be treated by
midpalatal separation. A limitation based on age must be
considered. Recent work indicates that maxillary
Plan of Construction
articulations elsewhere than the midpalatal juncture may
offer the major resistance to lateral displacement of the A rigid fixed appliance capable of producing strong
maxillary halves. Older patients will usually resist suture force is necessary. Suture opening cannot be obtained
opening to a greater degree and only limited suture with a low-load appliance, nor can it be effective with a
opening has been found possible. This is presumably due removable appliance (Fig. 33-6). To prepare such an
to a general increase in the rigidity of all sutures and not appliance, abutment teeth are selected. These are usually
the maxillary deciduous
curved palatally to be imbedded in the acrylic portions of quarter turn is made each morning and each evening by the
the appliance. The midline of the acrylic portion is parent. A loop of dental floss should be tied to the key and
divided, except in the area where an expansion screw looped about the wrist when activating the appliance to
mechanism connects the two halves. The screw prevent aspiration or swallowing if the key is dropped. The
mechanism should have anterior and posterior guide rods patient is observed twice weekly until expansion of the
for stability (Fig. 33-8). One full turn or revolution of buccal segments is considered sufficien t.
most expansion screw mechanisms results in For better results in older patients, a reduced activation
approximately 0.9 mm. expansion. The widest opening schedule is recommended. Here the activation may be
mechanism that will fit the case should be utilized in reduced to a quarter turn per day or even to a quarter turn
order to obviate remaking the appliance to achieve over- every second day.
correction in narrow arches. The sensation of pressure at the abutment teeth
Several factors are most important in fabricating as following an activation is experienced by almost all
rigid an appliance as possible. The guide bars of the screw patients and must be explained to the parents and the
mechanism should extend directly laterally. This is patient. Pressure may also be expected at any site of
absolutely necessary to insure minimal lateral rotation of maxillary bone articulation. About twenty per cent of
the maxillary halves. To produce a very rigid appliance, patients report pressure at nasion or at the zygomatic
the wires connecting the bands to the acrylic should be sutures. About 50 per cent of all patients claim to feel
exposed from the acrylic as little as possible, and heavy sensation at the midpalatal area, but this may be a
solder reinforcement should be incorporated on the misinterpretation of pressure upon the teeth or palatal
lingual surfaces of the bands. The lingual wires are held mucosa. The usual duration of the pressure sensation is
in place while soldering by the use of moist asbestos or a from a few seconds to several minutes. Rarely do the
piece of Mortite (Fig. 33-9). abutment teeth become tender or sensitive, as might be
expected following a conventional orthodontic adjustment,
and rarely does pain accompany mid palatal separation. In
a young patient, tissue irritation either from improper
appliance construction or food impaction may be a source
Activation of pain. Older patients may express symptoms ranging
Activation of the appliance is initiated with one full turn - from discomfort to painful sensations, these are usually
that is, four one-quarter turns - on the day the appliance is due to suture rigidity and attendant pressure from the
placed. The operator makes the first three one-quarter acrylic palatal sections as the appliance is activated faster
turns with the parent observing the third. The parent then than the skeleton can respond.
makes the fourth one-quarter turn under the guidance of The operator can easily cope with any painful reaction.
the operator. Usually these turns are separated by a time In the young patient a few reverse turns of the appliance
interval of about ten minutes each. Thereafter, one one- and a few days without activation usually allows the pain
to subside. This should be combined with careful hygiene
instructions. If tissue irritation from sharp areas of acrylic
is suspected, the appliance should be removed, modified,
and immediately recemented. After comfort is achieved,
activation may be resumed in a few days.
In older patients, a few reverse turns, and several days
without activation should bring comfort. This should then
be. followed by a reduced schedule. Reduced activation
means one one-quarter turn of the screw mechanism each
day or, possibly, every other day. If improper appliance
construction or lack of good hygiene is the problem, the
appliance must be removed, adjusted and recemented
The parents and patient should be made aware of the
temporary spacing of the central incisors as the halves of
the maxilla are carried laterally.
When treating skeletal patterns with a predisposi-
new lateral positions. Even a heavy labial archwire or well-fitting plate or Hawley-type retainer. The acrylic
removable acrylic plate used during the period of fixation margins serve as a fulcrum of rotation and allow the
will only retain the teeth, while the force of resistance at overexpanded buccal teeth to become upright during
maxillary sutures may initiate an orthodontic response function. This is continued for 6 months to a year, unless
around the retained teeth and allow the maxillary bones the buccal teeth are banded and controlled by arch wires;
themselves to relapse. This should not be confused with in that case the palatal retainer may be discontinued. The
the placement of an acrylic plate following the period of stability of the result is excellent when expansion is
stabilization. At this later stage, no residual force of carried to overcorrection and when stabilization and
resistance at the articular sites remains." the bone retention are properly applied.
segments are stable, and the removable plate is used to
serve as a fulcrum of rotation for uprighting the flared
and overexpanded buccal teeth.
The acrylic portion must be trimmed from the free FORCES
gingiva and rounded at its edges, but maximum tissue
The force build-up during appliance activation is
coverage is desirable. The palatal surface should not be
heavy. An average range of 3 to 13 pounds is produced
relieved. Entirely tooth-borne devices that do not have
and sometimes more. This is a necessary level of force
an acrylic central portion can certainly open the
for orthopedic movement of bone segments as opposed to
midpalatal suture, but without the acrylic central portion
the lighter forces used in orthodontic tooth movement. It
to aid in stabilization of the newly positioned maxillary
must be stated that suture opening normally creates no
halves, orthodontic response from residual forces may
pain. Mild pressure symptoms at maxillary articular sites
allow the maxillary bone segments themselves to relapse
are usually evident for as much as several minutes
medially while the teeth are held in their new lateral
following activation, but discomfort is minimal. A force
position. Some gain in skeletal repositioning and nasal
value of 5 to 10 pounds now is believed optimal for most
airway widening would thus be lost. Because the buccal
cases. However-and this is important-some heavily
bar sometimes advocated to connect the abutment bands
structured faces may require more than 10 pounds of
appears to bear no stress and only increases the difficulty
in seating the appliance, it is omi tted. High-grade
A comparison or orthodontic and orthopedic force
acrylic must be used to allow for maximum tissue
values should be considered. When moving teeth, sound
orthodontic concepts direct us to approximate a
After the appliance is fixed other orthodontic
physiologic response in the periodontal ligament and
procedures can readily be initiated. Face-bow therapy
adjacent bone. Low-load, high-range, constant forces are
with cervical or high-pull traction or Class III mechanics
utilized for the most effective movement of teeth.
can be accomplished without fear. Anterior banding is
According to Storey and Smith." 5 to 10 ounces of force
usually delayed until the central incisors have shifted
is optimal for canine retraction. By contrast, rapid
almost back together, and then, using the suture opening
maxillary expansion, or palatal disjunction, is induced by
appliance as a stabilizer, the anterior teeth may be easily
heavy forces designed to produce a minimum of tooth
aligned. If indicated, maxillary anterior teeth can be
movement and a maximum of
advanced to produce sufficient space for canine eruption,
, bone repositioning. A contrast is seen between the half
or the appliance can be used to support the buccal
pound of force utilized in canine retraction and the many
segments when first premolar abutment bands are
pounds that may be built up in the movement of the
removed, first premolars extracted, and canine retraction
maxillary segments.
initiated. Extraoral support of the buccal segments may
Strain gauges":!" show that the force of the earlier
be added to the canine retraction technique when
activations of suture opening appliances dissipates
anchorage requirements dictate. When used in con-
'rapidly. As widening continues, there tends to be a
junction with other therapy, the appliance may remain in
slower dissipation of the force, and some amount of
place as long as desired. Many appliances have been
residual force remains at the time of subsequent acti-
worn for more than 1 year.
vation. As activation continues, this residual force tends
to accumulate into higher and higher values. The residual
force tends to build up faster in older patients, and the
assumption is that the articular sites in older patients offer
more resistance than in the young. a ill effect has been
apparent from the build-up of residual force in young
RETENTIO patients, but a reduced activation schedule that builds up
Removal of the appliance after a minimum of 3
months fixation is followed by the placement of a
Nasal Area Changes' 551
residual force might allow for more successful suture midpalatal suture opening is replete with claims of
opening in older patients. increased nasal permeability, but most of such claims are
The time required and degree of expansion obtained in subjective in nature. In 1965, Wertz reported on the
opening the suture to a sufficient width depends on the respiratory effects of midpalatal separation." A method
amount of width required in the individual case and on was developed for measuring the volume of air passing
the activation schedule. Ten to 24 days are needed to through the nasal chambers during both inspiration and
effect the necessary amount of opening in an average expiration. This method utilized the warm-wire
case. Exceptions are seen in older patients with reduced anemometer principle, which measures air velocity in feet
activation schedules. Lateral displacement, or widening per minute. By converting velocity to volume,
of the dentition, by as much as 12 mm. has been pretreatment nasal air volume was compared with
recorded. Wider opening is possible but would very rarely posttreatment nasal air volume. In this study, the
be needed. midpalatal suture was opened by a fixed split-palate
The buccal segments should be carried laterally until appliance and respiration was measured at rest, after mild
the maxillary teeth threaten to go into buccal crossbite. exercise, and during maximum effort ventilation.
This is an important point; inexperienced operators tend Most patients measured at rest and after mild exercise
to discontinue suture opening when the cross bite is demonstrated an increase in nasal air volume, but some
minimally corrected. Because the teeth have flared showed a mild decrease. All cases recorded an increased
somewhat buccally owing to some tipping movement and capacity for nasal air volume when measured during
to lateral arcing of the maxillary components, allowance maximum effort.
for uprighting must be made by overexpansion. This also Variations in the findings at rest and after mild exercise
permits the maxillary bones themselves to be brought to a indicate that nasal air volume is related to the degree of
more lateral position enhancing the harmony of maxillary patient respiratory effort. While at rest, such effort might
to mandibular skeletal width and resulting in maximum vary with the state of anxiety of a patient. When measuring
correction of the primary problem of bilateral maxillary air volume during mild exercise, there is variation in the
insufficiency. degree of effort and the resulting variation in need of
additional air volume.
All patients exhibited a gain in air volume when
maximum ventilation was examined, but the degree of
NASAL AREA CHANGES gain varied greatly. This variation probably lies in the
An important clinical consideration is the change in the anatomical configuration of the lateral walls of the nasal
nasal airway and nasopharyngeal function following cavity and their spatial alteration resulting from the rapid
maxillary disjunction. The history of maxillary expansion.
A study of occlusal radiograms showed that even though
the maxillary portion of the midpalatal suture was
definitely opened by rapid expansion, the opening was
Fig. 33-12. (A)
Pretreatment occlusal x-ray oblique. The opening commonly was
film showing normal
midpalatal area and a narrow
crowded dental arch. (B)
Occlusal x-ray film at
stabilization. Nonparallel
opening of midpalatal suture
is a routine response to mid-
palatal separation. The open-
ing appears to be at about a
3 to 1 ratio, with the anterior
opening being widest. The
image of the vomer is
clearly seen in the posterior
aspect. (C) Occlusal x-ray
film at time of suture open-
ing appliance removal. Note
the increased dental arch
Width, restoration of ossifi-
cation at midpalatal area,
and retraction of cuspids into
area of extracted first bicus-
widest at the anterior limit and narrowed toward the As a supplement, two dried skulls, one adult and one
posterior (Fig. 33-12). The extent of opening in the with mixed dentition, were subjected to the same therapy
palatine portion of the hard palate could not be and examined specifically for skeletal displacement (Fig.
determined. This finding focused interest on work on 33-13).
monkeys that demonstrated the suture opening to be
limited to the maxillary portion of the hard palate, the
palatine portion being iritact.P Analysis of cephalograms RESULTS
demonstrated an arclike movement of the maxilla in the The results showed the following general findings:
frontal plane with the fulcrum located about at nasion. 1. Rapid maxillary expansion was definitely
Anteriorly, the lateral wall of the nasal cavity is accomplished in all cases. With advancing maturity,
formed by the medial aspect of the body of the maxilla. rigidity of the skeletal components limited the degree of
More posteriorly, the medial wall of the maxilla is' orthopedic correction.
overlayed with the vertical plate of the palatine bone. 2. Downward displacement of the maxilla is almost routine,
Posterior to this the lateral wall of the bony nose is but forward displacement to any degree is limited to isolated
determined by the medial pterygoid 'plate. With the cases.8,22 Recovery of maxillary displacement during the
maxilla arcing in both the occlusal and frontal planes of period of stabilization varied with only 50 per cent of the cases
space, it is postulated that a stenosis caused by an demonstrating posttreatment recovery of position.
obstruction in the more anterior-inferior portion of the 3. Mandibular rotation and subsequent recovery is
nasal cavity could possibly be relieved by midpalatal usually noted.
suture opening, while a stenosis located in a more 4. The maxillary halves arc laterally with the fulcrum
posterior or superior area would have minimal benefit located close to the maxillofrontal suture (nasion).
from this procedure. The location and degree of stenosis 5. Skeletal widening progresses inferiorly. Apparently
may then account for the variation among patients in alveolar bending and possibly some extrusion of teeth
gain of nasal airflow accompanying midpalatal
account for proportionally increased lateral denture
separation when measured under conditions of
displacement relative to that of the skeleton.
maximum effort. The foregoing allows the clinician to
6. Skeletal stability in the frontal plane of space is
understand and believe patients who claim increased
capability for nasal respiration following midpalatal
7. The maxillary central incisors always separate as
suture opening.
the halves of the maxilla are carried laterally during
active treatment and always move mesially and generally
are uprighted following stabilization. The uprighting or
SKELETAL-DENTAL REACTION decrease in the sella-nasion-maxilla central incisor angle
helps to account for the rapid closure of the large midline
In 1968, Wertz analyzed 60 cases of rapid maxillary diastema produced by maxillary disjunction. Concomitant
expansion treated in his own practice to determine the with the up,righting or decrease in the sella-nasion-
effects of this treatment in routine clinical practice." The maxilla
following is a summary of the investigation and the central incisor angle, a shortening of gained archlength is
results. evident. Increased muscular tension on the dental arch
Examination was made of 60 cases treated for bilateral produced by the maxillary expansion together with
maxillary narrowness by means of rapid expansion of interseptal fiber tension is offered as an explanation for
the midpalatal suture with a rigid, fixed, split-palate this behavior.
device. Frontal and lateral cephalograms, occlusal x-ray . 8. Viewed occlusally, the midpalatal suture appears to
films, and dental casts were studied before treatment, at open obliquely with the widest opening being at the
the completion of rapid maxillary expansion, and again anterior nasal spine while diminishing posteriorly. The
at least 3 months after completion of the therapy. Of palatine portion of the hard palate is opened in many
special concern were the direction and magnitude of cases, but the success of such in all cases cannot be
maxillary displacement, behavior of mandibular definitely established.
position, and change in selected tooth relationships. A 9. There is a general parallelism of widening between
saggital analysis and a frontal analysis were developed
the anterior and posterior abutment teeth. The occlusal
to study skeletal alterations as seen on the headfilms.
tips usually move more laterally than the cervical area.
The dental casts were measured for changes in tooth
This indicates the need for overcorrection to allow for
relations, and the occlusal x-rays were examined to
subsequent uprighting after
study the configuration and extent of palatal separation.
Results' 553
treatment. The apparent conflict between the parallel of the midpalatal suture with the rigid fixed splitpalate
opening of the abutment teeth and the oblique opening of appliance for the purpose of correcting bilateral maxillary
the midpalatal suture may be explained by the theory that constriction is a safe, dependable procedure that can be
there must be more alveolar bending and tipping of dental advantageous in routine clinical practice.
units in the posterior area. Lateral cephalograms show the maxilla to move
10. In the adult skull, although the mid palatal suture downward but rarely forward (Fig. 33-14). Extrusion of
opens readily, lateral displacement of the maxillary the teeth together with the dropping downward of the
halves is limited. Dry skull observation substantiates this maxilla account for the general opening of the mandibular
finding (Fig. 33-13A, B). plane angle.
11. The mixed dentition skull exhibits maxillary he rotational effect upon the mandible and BPoint
displacement of great magnitude (Fig. 33-13C, D). (supramentale) dictates an increase in the A-N-B (A-
12. Careful appliance design is necessary to limit Point-nasion-B-Point) angle. This would be accentuated
irritation. Rounding of the acrylic margins and relief of by any forward movement of APoint but it must be
the acrylic from the free gingiva, but not from the palatal emphasized that A-Point usually does not move forward
surface, minimizes tissue irritation. appreciably, and in some cases A-Point actually moves
Examination of the 60 cases shows that opening slightly back-
554 . Midpalatal Suture Opening 97.
displacement with rarely" a I significant forward
displacement. Such movement ,; I creates mandibular rotation
... _/ plane angle. Recovery
and opening of the mandibular
during the period of stabilization is variable.
nasal stenosis, hare lip, cleft palate, and speech. Dent. Cosmos, produced by rapid maxillary expansion. Angle Orthodont,
51:7, 1909. 34:256, 1964.
7. ______: Discussion of Dr. Cryer's paper. Dent. Items 16. Isaacson, R. J., and Zimring, J. F.: Forces produced during rapid
Interest, 35:94, 1913. maxillary expansion. Angle Orthodont., 35:178, 1965.
8. Byrum, A. G.: Evaluation of anterior-posterior and vertical 17. Korkhaus, G.: Discussion of report: A review of orthodontic
skeletal change vs. dental change in rapid palatal expansion research (1946-1950). Int. Dent. J., 3:356, 1953.
cases as studied by lateral cephalograms. Amer. J. Ortho., 18. Krebs, A.: Expansion of the mid palatal suture studied by means
60:419, 1971. of metallic implants, European Orthodont, Soc. Rep.. 34:163,
9. Cleall, J. F., Bayne, D. L Posen, J. M., and Subtelny, J. D.: 1958
Expansion ofthe midpalatal suture in the monkey. Angle 19. Starn bach, H. K., and C1eall, J. F.: Effects of splitting the
Orthodont., 35:23,1965. midpalatal suture on the surrounding structures. Amer. J.
10. Cryer, Mathew H.: The influence exerted by the dental arches in Orthodorit., 50:923, 1964.
regard to respiration and general health. Dent. Items Interest, 20. Storey, E., and Smith, R.: Force in orthodontics and its relation to
35:16, 1913. tooth movement. Aust. J. Dent., 56:11, 1952.
11. Dean, 1. W.: The influence of the nose on widening the palatal 21. Wertz, R. A.: Changes in nasal airflow incident to rapid maxillary
arch, J.A.M.A., 52:941, 1909. expansion. Angle Orthodont., 38:1, 1968.
12. Dewey, M.: Bone development as a result of mechanical force, 22. _______ : Skeletal and dental changes accompanying
report on further treatment in attempting the opening of the rapid midpalatal suture opening. Amer. J. Orthodont., 58:41,
intermaxillary suture in animals. Dent. Items Interest, 36:420, 1970.
1914. 23. West, I. M.: Histologic study of sutural tissue changes
13. Derichsweiler, H.: La disjonction de la suture palatine mediane. accompanying palate splitting in the monkey. Unpublished
Trans. Euro. Orthodont, Soc., 1953. master's thesis, University of Illinois, 1964.
14. Haas, A. J.: Rapid expansion of the maxillary dental arch and 24. Wright, G. H.: A study of the maxillary sutures. Dent.
nasal cavity by opening the mid palatal suture. Angle Cosmos, 53:633, 1911.
Orthodont., 31:73,1961.
15. Isaacson, R. J., Wood, J. L., and Ingram, A. H.: Forces
The Activator
As originally modified by Andresen, the activator was the erupting teeth of children with malocclusion into more
intended to correct malocclusion solely through the muscles acceptable relationships, each system emphasizes particular
of mastication. Although its exact mode of action has not been aspects of the neuromuscular physiology of the
clearly established, there is a sufficient body of clinical stomatognathic system that its originator considered
experience based on the application of neuromuscular important. These time-tested and ingenious methods of
physiology to present a rational approach to orthodontic treat- orthodontic treatment provide useful adjuncts to the
ment with the activator. This chapter will outline the practitioner's orthodontic techniques. However, judged by the
possibilities and limitations of activator treatment, the clinical occlusal and facial esthetic standards currently demanded in
management of Class II and Class III malocclusions with the North American orthodontics, the method has serious
appliance, and the construction of the activator. limitations. The same statement, however, might be made
The activator or Andresen appliance (Fig. 34-1) and its about that other useful orthodontic adjunct, headgear. This
derivatives, the Bimler (Fig. 34-2) and Frankel appliances chapter will discuss the activator. After gaining a basic
(Fig. 34-3) are removable orthodontic appliances derived from understanding of the appliance, the interested practitioner can
the original monobloc designed by the French dentist, Robin, proceed to study associated functional appliances.
in 1902. While each of these "functional appliances" activates The method is particularly useful in the treatment guidance
neuromuscular tissues and reflexes to guide phases of orthodontic interception. It is also useful in the
management of severely mutilated
Fig. 34-1. A typical activator for the correction of a Class II, Fig. 34-2. The Bimler Appliance. This appliance may be
Division 1 malocclusion. The appliance consists of two acrylic described as a wire activator with accessory functions. The
plates joined together in a bite registration which fixes the Simler appliance fixes the mandible in a particular bite
mandible downward and forward in relation to the maxiIla. registration in relation to the maxilla. One advantage of this
This appliance is usually worn when sleeping and as many appliance is that it may be worn during the day as well as
extra hours during the evening as is possible. during the evening and while asleep.
The Activator 557
POSSIBILITIES AND LIMIT A TIO S Skeletal Dysplasia Correction and Differential Control
of Tooth Eruption
Facial Changes
Cephalometric analysis of the results of treatment (Fig. 34-
Figures 34-4A,B and 34-SA,B illustrate the soft tissue 7) illustrate that the method can be used to achieve moderate
profile changes achieved through the use of the activator alone reductions in skeletal dysplasia between the maxilla and the
and the activator combined with bicuspid extractions followed mandible but will not reduce mandibular incisor protraction.
by multi-banded orthodontic therapy. As the figures illustrate Indeed, unless the practitioner exercises considerable care, the
the method can assist in achieving marked facial changes both mandibular incisors may move labially into an abnormal
position relative to the lips and may subsequently show a
through nonextraction and extraction therapy.
tendency to relapse. The tracings also show that it is possible
to exert differential control over the eruption of teeth in the
maxillary and mandibular buccal segments. By this means the
maxillary buccal teeth may be permitted minimal eruption
Occlusal Changes
while the mandibular buccal teeth are allowed to erupt
A typical course of activator treatment can be used to vertically in harmony with the vertical component of
achieve major mesiodistal and vertical changes, restore arch mandibular growth. The usefulness of this inhibition of
form, but the appliance cannot correct crowding and does not maxillary buccal seg-
lend itself to the management of detailed tooth positioning
(Fig. 34-6).
98. Possibilities and Limitations . 559
ment eruption will be discussed later (see Functional Occlusal (Fig. 34-8). This measure assists in the conservative reduction
Plane). of moderate prognathisms by the vertical manipulation of the
jaws and dentition rather than by the conventional
Changing the Direction of Mandibular Growth anteroposterior approach to the correction of Class III
malocclusions in which the maxillary teeth are moved mesially
The activator can be used to alter prognathic mandibular and the mandibular teeth distally. This same approach may be
growth directions to more vertical directions
560 . The Activator
Fig. 34-7. The tracings of the entire face illustrate the changes that took place during the
correction of a Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. The tracings on the left have been super-
imposed on comparatively unchanging structures in the anterior cranial base. This tracing
illustrates that the chin point descended in a much more vertical fashion than is seen with
normal growth changes. In addition, the anterior nasal spine did not advance horizontally as is
usual. This change at the anterior nasal spine would be considered desirable in the management
of a Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, while the change at the chin would be considered
undesirable. The change at the chin is probably due to overeruption of the lower buccal
segments which was accomplished with the activator. The tracings on the right illustrate the
tooth movements accomplished in the maxilla and in the mandible separately. It can be seen
that eruption of the maxillary buccal segment was inhibited while the maxillary teeth were
tipped distally a small amount. The mandibular tracings show that the mandibular incisor teeth
were displaced labially. Such loss of anchorage is considered undesirable. The mandibular
tracings also illustrate the eruption in mandibular buccal segments which was permitted and is
considered desirable if this eruption is in harmony with the vertical component of mandibular
Facial Growth
From the foregoing paragraphs it wil1 be apparent that the
activator controls alveolar growth and functions most
effectively in those individuals who experience active phases
of mandibular growth with a minimal forward component of
growth in the mid-face. Serial height recordings (Fig. 34-11)
provide a useful method for determining whether the patient
is likely to experience a period of active mandibular growth
during orthodontic treatment. There is no evidence available Fig. 34-9. The tracings indicate the suc-
to date to support the view that activators stimulate cessive soft tissue changes during a sixteen
month treatment period with the activator in a
mandibular growth. Instead, it is more likely that successful
patient who does not require extractions or
activator treatment coincides with normal periods of active
space closures. The tracings illustrate that the
mandibular growth (Fig. 34-12). improvement in the patient's facial contour
was associated with a marked increase in
lower face height.
562 . The Activator
" -, D, ,
-, ~
~ \ ....
' \
U SNA SNB ~ FMA T~B PgtoNB ~'rJ. Unit M>:. Unit Oift. Lower Face HI.
Types of Facial Morphology Best Managed by the cause Class II malocclusion is merely a common symptom of a
Activator large number of very different facial morphologies (Fig. 34-
13). The underlying cause of this system may be
Our knowledge regarding the true nature of the Class II dentoalveolar, skeletal, or neuromuscular, but all produce the
malocclusion has advanced surprisingly little since the early same Class II malocclusion even though the treatment and
1950's when surveys concerning the true nature of the Class prognosis may differ markedly in the various facial mor-
II malocclusion found conflicting results, asserting, for phologies. The orthodontic specialist uses static cephalometric
example, that the Class II malocclusion was characterized by radiography to assist him in distinguishing the different types
a small mandible, or by a normal size mandbile, or in others of Class II malocclusions. Activators should not be used by
by large mandibles. Such inconclusive results will probably general practitioners who will not or cannot use cephalometric
continue as long as samples for such studies are selected on
radiographs in order to assist in establishing
the basis of occlusion be-
Possibilities and Limita tions . 563
J. .
50 20
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
A Chart Prepared by ___________________________________________ _
the true nature of the facial morphology to be treated. terized by lingually positioned mandibular dentition . and
Figure 34-14 illustrates six types of facial morphology labially positioned maxillary dentitions (Fig. 34-14A).
associated with similar Class II malocclusions. Some of 2. It is less appropriate in skeletal problems associated
these morphological variations will respond better to with extreme apical base dysplasias due to mandibular
activator treatment than others. For example: retrognathism. Unless the patient has favorable amounts
1. The activator constitutes a form of Class II in and directions of growth in the mid-face and mandible,
termaxillary therapy; if it is used incorrectly, it can cause the maxillary dentition must be retracted bodily to
the mandibular dentition to slip labially (slipping the camouflage the skeletal dysplasia. The activator is not
anchorage). It follows, therefore, that it can easily be suited to perform active bodily retractions of incisors (Fig.
modified to slip anchorage and thus correct dentoalveolar 34-140).
Class 11 malocclusions charac- 3. The activator does better in the management of
564 . The Activator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
I 'I' in.
, ,
190 ' I
, I
150 60
110 I I 1
I, ..1.
/ c;.l
100 I
, 11.1.. + r
I , L JT
1- J , I r
90 II Stngle ~ Time - - ----- 97
- -----_.
. -- ------
(cross- se<1ional) ______ ~ _____ 3
Repeated - \ii:s.i t mer':::J.%~fuillW97
Standa,d Jl!l8riiil;':;'iiii;;&,* so
60 (lo"9itudinal) trttffi?sr:m?:=: 3
I ,
50 20
234 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
B Chart Prepared by
Class II malocclusions due to mid-facial prognathism axial inclination. Since the appliance does tend to
when amounts and directions of mandibular growth are -incline the maxillary incisors lingually, it is not suited
favorable. In such patients the clinician does not want to for children whose incisors are vertically upright or in a
retract the maxillary dentition in order to avoid moderately lingual position at the beginning of treatment
overemphasizing a prominent nose. Since the activator (Fig. 34-148).
does not perform active bodily retractions of teeth it is 4. This appliance is well suited to the management of
suited for use in children who need more moderate Class II malocclusions due to moderate skeletal
amounts of maxillary incisor movement. However, dysplasias between the mid-facial area and the mandible,
children with mid-face prognathism frequently exhibit where moderate amounts of mandibular growth and
Class II, Division 2 malocclusions or environmental moderate amounts of maxillary incisor retraction may
distortions of such malocclusions in which the maxillary combine for successful treatment. It is not suitable for
incisor teeth have an upright the management of skel-
Possibilities and Limitations ' 565
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12
1 000 085 162 247 329 414 496 581 666 748 833 915
2 003 088 164 249 332 416 499 584 668 751 836 918
3 005 090 167 252 334 419 501 586 671 753 838 921
4 008 093 170 255 337 422 504 589 674 756 841 923
5 011 096 173 258 340 425 507 592 677 759 844 926
6 014 099 175 260 342 427 510 5\15 679 762 847 929
7 016 101 178 263 345 430 512 597 682 764 849 932
8 019 104 181 266 348 433 515 600 685 767 852 934
9 022 107 184 268 351 436 518 603 688 770 855 937
10 025 110 186 271 353 438 521 605 690 773 858 940
II 027 112 189 274 356 441 523 608 693 775 860 942
12 030 115 192 277 359 444 526 611 696 778 863 945
13 033 118 195 279 362 447 529 614 699 781 866 948
14 036 121 197 282 364 449 532 616 701 784 868 951
15 038 123 200 285 367 452 534 619 704 786 871 953
16 041 126 203 288 370 455 537 622 707 789 874 956
17 044 129 205 290 373 458 540 625 710 792 877 959
18 047 132 208 293 375 460 542 627 712 795 879 962
19 049 134 211 296 378 463 545 630 715 797 882 964
20 052 137 214 299 381 466 548 633 718 800 885 967
21 055 140 216 301 384 468 551 636 721 803 888 970
22 058 142 219 304 386 471 553 638 723 805 890 973
23 060 145 222 307 389 474 556 641 726 808 893 975
24 063 148 225 310 392 477 559 644 729 311 896 978
25 066 151 227 312 395 479 562 647 731 814 899 981
26 068 153 230 315 397 482 564 649 734 816 901 984
27 071 156 233 318 400 485 567 652 737 819 904 986
28 074 159 236 321 403 488 570 655 740 822 907 989
29 077 238 323 405 490 573 658 742 825 910 992
30 079 241 326 408 493 575 660 745 827 912 995
31 082 244 411 578 663 830 997
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Chart prepa red by J_ M. Tanner and R. H. Whitehouse Uni v ersuy of London. Institute of Child Health, for The Hospital for Sick Children
Great Ormond Street. London, W.CI.
The system of decimal age has been used in all charts. Thus the year is divided into 10. not 12. Each date in the calendar is marked (from the table bela","! rn terms of thousandths of the year.
Thus January 71h 1962 is 62.016. The child's birth date is srrmlarly recorded, c.g. a child born on June 23rd 1959 has the birth day 59.474. Age at examination is then obtained by simple
subtraction, e.g, 62.016-59.474-2.542, and the last [igurc rs rounded off. This system greatly facilitatcs the computing of velocities, since the proportion of the year between two
examinations is easily calculated.
Source of standards
The details of the source data and of the construcuon of these standards arc set forth In J. M. Tanner. R. HI. Whitehouse and M. Takaishi, Archives of Diseases III Childhood 1966 Volume 41.
For the most part heights and weights for the age 0-5 are from thc data of the UniverSIty of London, Institutes of Education and Child Health. Child Study Centre. and the Oxford Child Health
Survey. and for the ages 51-lSI from the London County Council survey reponed by SCOll m 1959. Height attained and height velocity percentiles were calculated OIl the assumption of a
Gaussian distri but ion at each age, weight attained and weight velocity percentiles were estimated directly from the frequency disrribuuons. Srnoorhrng was in general earned Out graphically.
The shape at the repeated visit standards are based on longitudinal data frorn the Harpenden Growth Study.
- Fig. 34-11. Continued. C
etal dysplasias of any morphological types that exhibit closure. In the overdosed position such malocclusions
extreme dysplasia between the mid-facial area and the appear to be Class I; examined in the rest position they are
mandible (Fig. 34-14C). really Class II malocclusions with a total openbite
5. It is ideal for the management of Class II maloc- superimposed. Such cases are obviously more
clusions resulting from environmental influences such as retrognathic when examined in rest posi tion and will be
thumb-sucking and chronic mouth breathing if some more difficult to correct if the excess freeway is reduced
growth still remains and the habit can be eliminated. through eruption of teeth in the buccal segment. Such
Many of our so-called skeletal Class II malocclusions are overclosures complicate Class II treatment because the
probably environmental simulations of skeletal problems mandible must be treated closer to its rest position than to
(Fig. 34-14F). The exact prevalence of this type of Class its overclosed position. The activator is an ideal appliance
II malocclusion is not known, but any Class II to effect the differential tooth eruption required in the
malocclusion exhibiting excessive lower face height maxillary and mandibular buccal segments (Fig. 34-16).
should be suspect. The activator can be used to restore Such eruptive movements occur most readily in actively
correct facial morphology in growing individuals where growing patients.
the environmental impact can be eliminated. However, if It must be repeated at this point that the general
the excess lower face height is not due to environmental practitioner of dentistry must have a thorough working
factors, the activator can produce further deterioration in knowledge of cephalometric radiography if he hopes to
facial contour as the Class II malocclusion is corrected. identify patients with severe skeletal dysplasia, excess
6. Figure 34-15 shows a Class II malocclusion lower face height, and overclosure characterized by
characterized by excess freeway space and over- reduced lower face height, and thus select suitable cases
for activator treatment.
566 . The Activator
Case /I ........................................................................ .
Name .............................................................................................................. .
3 4
Fig. 34-13. (A) Four Class II, Division 1 malocclusions of approximately the s.ame severity. It is not possible to
differentially diagnose the underlying cause of these similar appearing, but actually radically differing malocclusions,
by examining the occlusions only. (B) This shows the four profiles and varying facial skeletal structures underlying and
responsible for the similar appearing malocclusions illustrated above. (1) All, individual with a skeletal Class II, Division
1 malocclusion due to midfacial convexity superimposed on all, orthognathic or mesiognathic facial type. (2) All,
individual with a similar appearing Class II, Division 1 malocclusion due to moderate midfacial convexity
superimposed on moderate mandibular retrognathisrn to produce total severe dysplasia. (3) All, individual with a similar
appearing Class II, Division 1 malocclusion due to extreme mandibular retrognathism. (4) All, individual with another
similar appearing Class II, Division 1 malocclusion due to extreme midface protrusion superimposed on extreme
mandibular retrognathism to give a total very severe facial dysplasia.
568 . The Activator
A B c o E F
Fig. 34-14. (A) Class II, Division] malocclusion in which the parts of the face are harmoniously related while the teeth and alveolar bone
have been distorted by environmental force. This represents a dentoalveolar malocclusion with excellent prognosis for a simple and
successful therapy. (B) Class II, Division 1 malocclusion due to the unfortunate combination of a very convex nasomaxillary complex on a
mesiognathic facial type to create convexity of the facial profile too great to be compensated for by lingual adjustment of the maxillary
incisors and labial adjustment of the mandibular incisors. Such skeletal malocclusions are very susceptible to the creation of overjet with the
application of labially directed environmental forces to the maxillary incisors. (C) Class II, Division 1 malocclusion due to the unfortunate
random combination of a moderately retrognathic facial type with a moderately convex profile type to produce a total severe dysplasia. (D)
Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, due to an extremely retrognathic facial type. The nasomaxillary complex may be back but the mandible is
even more so. (E) A severe Class II, Division 1 malocclusion due to the superimposition of extreme midfacial convexity on extreme
mandibular retrognathism. (F) Class II, Division 1 malocclusion in which the mid facial area and the mandible were previously
harmoniously related. With permanent alteration in the rest position of the mandible as in chronic nasal obstruction the mandible assumes
an environmentally created retrognathic position. This represents a neuromuscular malocclusion since its origin involves the alteration of
some very basic neuromuscular reflexes.
FUNC IONAL OCCLUSAL PLANE CHANGES IN pOS) non by differential control of tooth eruption. Since,
CLASS II TREATMENT however, this tends to increase lower face height and mandibular
retrognathisrn, it will not be the best procedure to follow in most
Harvold emphasized the concept of the "functional occlusal mature, patients. Furthermore, in such patients, it may be
plane" and the role played by its manipulation in the successful necessary to assist the mandibular buccal teeth to erupt to a new
correction of Class II malocclusions. This plane represents the vertical level by the use of Class II elastics attached to a lip
functional table of occlusion in the first permanent molar, second plumper and used in combination with the activator (Fig. 34-17).
bicuspid and first bicuspid areas. The level and inclination of the
Figure 34-
functional occlusal plane is the resultant of the neuromuscular
'18D illustrates an activator trimmed to permit the desired vertical
and developmental forces acting on the dentition. The correct
manipulation of the functional occlusal plane involves inhibition eruption of the mandibular buccal segments and to inhibit
of eruption of the maxillary buccal segments which normally eruption of the maxillary buccal segments. 3 to 5 mm. vertical
follow a downward and forward curved eruption path (Fig. 34- change in the position of the buccal segments is usually
16). At the same time, the mandibular buccal segments are considered adequate to effect the change from Class II to Class I
permitted to erupt vertically in harmony with the vertical growth occlusion. However, this change cannot be used to achieve a total
of the lower face. Since the mandibular molars erupt at right- Class I relationship in Class II cases with severe skeletal
angles to the functional occlusal plane, this facilitates a change dysplasias and steep occlusal planes.
from Class II to Class I malocclusion as illustrated in Figure 34- Since the direction of mandibular growth at the chin usually
16. This change may be achieved in mature individuals if the diverges from the inclination of the functional occlusal plane, any
mandible is rotated into a more vertical position and the occlusion
attempt to make the functional occlusal plane more closely
allowed to adjust to the new mandibular
parallel the direction of growth at the chin will permit such
direction to be expressed along the plane of ortho-
Functional Occlusal Plane Changes In Class II Treatment 569
, L .----......
Centric Occlusion --Rest
D Position
Fig. 34-15. (A) The photograph illustrates an apparent deep overbite when the occlusion is examined in centric occlusion. (B) When the
occlusion is examined in the rest position it can be seen that an excess freeway space exists. If the patient were permitted to close 2 to 3
mm. in the buccal segments an excess interocclusal clearance would exist and an edge to edge bite would probably exist in the incisor
area. Obviously this case is not a case of deep overbite but rather, of apparent overbite. The case would more correctly be classified as a
complete openbite. (CJ This photograph illustrates that the cause of this excess interocclusal clearance or this complete openbite is an
abnormal posture of the tongue during rest. This condition is distinct from tongue thrust. Since the tongue rests between the occlusal
surfaces of all teeth, the teeth are not permitted to erupt while the jaws continue their normal downward and forward growth. As growth
continues the inhibition of tooth eruption creates an increasing excess freeway space. When the patient closes the tongue is withdrawn
and the jaws overclose. (D) The tracings illustrate the position of the mandible in this patient when the mandible is examined in centric
occlusion and at rest position. Orthodontic treatment for this patient would more correctly be planned around the jaw relations indicated
by the rest position tracing rather than the overdosed centric occlusion tracing which gives a more prognathic position of the mandible
than actually exists. Such vertical malocclusions are very suitable for treatment with an activator.
570 . The Activator
Fig. 34-16. The diagram -illustrates the different eruption direction of the
maxillary and mandibular buccal segments relative to the functional occlusal
plane. The type of occlusion which is established will be dependent upon the
C/oss relative amounts of vertical eruption accomplished in the maxillary and
III s mandibular buccal segments. For example, if there is minimal eruption of the
C/os I maxillary buccal segments and overerupticn of the mandibular buccal
oss II segments, there will be a distinct tendency for the establishment of a Class rrr
malocclusion as the functional occlusal plane establishes itseLf at a higher
level. Conversely, if there is minimal eruption of the mandibular buccal
segments and overeruption of the maxillary buccal segments, the functional
occlusal plane will be established at a lower level and the mesial component
of maxillary buccal segment eruption will be over-emphasized. These
changes will combine to lead to the establishment of a Class II tendency. It
follows that the change from a Class II malocclusion to a Class I will be
I facilitated if maxillary buccal segment eruption is inhibited while the
... <, I mandibular buccal teeth are permitted to erupt. The correction of Class III
" <; \\ I- . "
position that any muscle and soft tissue action that attempts to
return the mandible to its normal position will apply an
intrusive force to the maxillary and mandibular incisors which
impedes further vertical alveolar development (Fig. 34-19). In
addition, it delivers intrusive forces to the maxillary buccal
teeth, which are in contact with an acrylic buccal shelf. Since
the activator shields the mandibular buccal segments from the
forces delivered by the muscles of mastication at the moment
of initial contact, these teeth are free to erupt unimpeded. Since
the appliance contacts the mesial surfaces of all the maxillary
buccal teeth, forces tending to retract the mandible or those
delivered to the appliance from the labial tissues, provide a
distal thrust to the maxillary teeth and prevent their normal
downward and forward eruption. Mesial thrusting forces
directed at the mandibular dentition are intercepted by
removing all acrylic contact with the teeth except at the
Fig. 34-17. In severe overclosure problems in both growing
mandibular incisal edges. Mesial forces di-
and non growing patients, it may be necessary to assist the
mandibular buccal teeth to erupt to a new vertical level by the , rected against the mandible are delivered to the basilar
use of Class II elastics attached to a lip bumper and used in structures to keep the mandibular anchorage from slipping
combination with the activator as illustrated. (Fig. 34-20).
As originally modified by Andresen, the activator was
intended to correct malocclusion solely through the action of
dontic correction (the functional occlusal plane) and hence the muscles of mastication. Although its exact mode of action
enhance the effect mandibular growth has in correcting the still has not yet been clearly established, four basic
malocclusion. neuromuscular concepts have evolved which represent three
different philosophies of bite registration.
1. The bite registration in a number of areas in Europe
BITE REGISTRA nON AND THEORIES OF commonly uses a wax bite to register the mandible in a
ACTION position protruded to approximately 4.0 mm. distal to the most
The single most important point in the construction of the protrusive position the patient can achieve. Vertically the bite
activator is the registration of the wax bite which determines is registered at the level of the patient's freeway space. The
the relationship of the mandible to the maxilla when the pro-
appliance is in the mouth. The appliance consists of a
maxillary and a mandibular plate joined together in the bite
registered. Bite registration places the mandible in such a
Bite Registration and Theories of Action . 571
1 3_
4 !f~!if~f~i
Fig. 34-18. (Left) An activator trimmed to permit the desired vertical eruption of the mandibular buccal segments and to inhibit eruption
of the maxillary buccal segments. (1) Areas of hard acrylic contact with basal structures and also the labial surfaces of the incisor teeth. (3)
Acrylic which is left in contact with the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth and also the mesial surfaces of the maxillary buccal
teeth. (5) Acrylic which is removed to permit eruption of mandibular teeth and distal movement of maxillary teeth. (Right) A view from the
distal of a correctly trimmed activator. The lingual surface of the mandibular buccal segments should be clear of the acrylic the thickness
of an explorer in order that no friction stops will impede eruption of the mandibular buccal teeth. (1) Areas of hard acrylic contact with
basal structures and also the labial surfaces of the incisor teeth. (3) Acrylic which is left in contact with the occlusal surfaces of the
maxillary buccal teeth and also the mesial surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth. (4) Firm acrylic contact with the alveolar processes. (5)
Acrylic which is removed to permit eruption of mandibular teeth and distal movement of maxillary teeth.
ponents of this method believe that the presence of a 22) is activated so that, in addition to the muscle force
loosely fitting activator increases the frequency of reflex delivered during swallowing and in biting, reflex stretch
contractions in the muscles of mastication against the stimulation of the muscle spindles also elicits reflex
appliance. Intermittent movements of the appliance in muscle activity. Since the appliance locks the maxillary
swallowing and biting deliver distal and intrusive forces teeth to the mandibular arch, the force elicited in
to the maxillary teeth engaged in the appliance. This attempting to return the mandible to its test position is
results in tooth movement and bone remodelling. transmitted through the appliance to the maxillary teeth.
Since the appliance is trimmed loosely, it will drop This force may either prevent further forward adaptation
when the jaws relax. The patient must then be of the maxillary den toalveolar process, move it slightly
conditioned to bite into the appliance to keep it in distally, or more frequently may direct its normal
position, and, if correctly motivated, soon develops a downward and forward mesial eruption distally. While
conditioned reflex and performs this act while sleeping. these changes are proceeding, the mandible continues its
When the mandible moves mesially to engage the normal rate and direction of growth. Obviously, if the
appliance, the muscles are activated and deliver force to change in eruption direction is to be effective, the vertical
the teeth. When the teeth engage the appliance, the component of mandibular growth must be adequate.
myotatic reflex (Figs. 34-21, 34-
572 . The Activator
Fig. 34-19. (A) Existing malocclusion. (B) the working bite for a
Class II mono bloc. Bite registration places the mandible in such a
position that any muscle and soft tissue action that attempts to return
the mandible to its normal position will apply intrusive force to the
2. The bite registration, most commonly used in North
maxillary and mandibular incisors. In addition, intrusive forces are
America, registers the mandible protruded to a point
delivered to the maxillary buccal teeth which are in contact with an
acrylic buccal shelf. The mandibular buccal teeth are free to erupt
approximately 3.0 mm. distal to the most protrusive
unimpeded. The intrusive forces generated by an activator do not position, while vertically the bite is registered
usually cause active intrusion on teeth. Rather, these intrusive forces approximately 4.0 mm. beyond the rest position.
prevent eruption of teeth in growing individuals and hence obtain the Clinicians using this bite registration maintain that the
effect of active intrusion. appliance induces activation of the myotatic reflex in the
muscles of mastication and that the frequency of biting
and swallowing
Fig. 34-20. (Opposite, A) A frontal view of the activator. Note that the undercuts in the mandibular portion of the appliance are left in place to
assist in retaining the appliance in position. The patient must insert the appliance sideways. (1) Areas of hard acrylic contact with basal structures
and also the labial surfaces of the incisor teeth. (2) Areas of relief lingual to the maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth. (3) Acrylic which is left in
contact with the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth and also the mesial surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth. (4) Firm acrylic contact
with the alveolar processes. (5) Acrylic which is removed to permit eruption of mandibular teeth and distal movement of maxillary teeth. (B) A
lateral view of an untrimmed activator. Note that the acrylic is removed in the mandibular buccal segment in order to allow free eruption of
mandibular teeth. The acrylic extends well up on the labial of the maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth to assist in anchorage control. The acrylic
is extended deep into the mandibular retromolar-area to assist in retaining the appliance in position. (J) Areas of hard acrylic contact with basal
structures and also the labial surfaces of the incisor teeth. (2) Areas of relief lingual to the maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth. (3) Acrylic which
is left in contact with the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth and also the mesial surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth. (4) Firm acrylic
contact with the alveolar processes. (5) Acrylic which is removed to permit eruption of mandibular teeth and distal movement of maxillary teeth. (C)
The acrylic which presses against the mandibular basal bone structure constitutes the sole anchorage since this acrylic presses firmly against basal
bone structures. If this area is relieved, the appliance can move mesially and permit anchorage slippage. The area of relief lingual to the mandibular
incisor teeth affords further protection against anchorage slippage in the mandibular incisor area. (1) Areas of hard acrylic contact with basal
structures and also the labial surfaces of the incisor teeth. (2) Areas of relief lingual to the maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth. (3) Acrylic which
is left in contact with the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth and also the mesial surfaces of the maxillary buccal teeth. (4) Firm acrylic
contact with the alveolar processes. (5) Acrylic which is removed to permit eruption of the mandibular teeth and distal movement of maxillary
teeth. (D) This view illustrates the areas of hard contact (3) which are left in contact with the mesial of each maxillary buccal tooth. umber 5
indicates the areas of relief on the distal of each maxillary tooth. This trimming permits the maxillary buccal segments to be guided distally.
Expansion may be achieved if the acrylic contacting the palatal vault is relieved moderately. The full thrust of the forces will then be dissipated
laterally through the alveolar processes to those portions of acrylic (4) which are in contact with the buccal segment alveolar processes. The
dislodging spring is activated approximately 0.5 mm. to provide continuous dislodging action and assist in activating the muscles of mastication.
Bite Registration and Theories of Action' 573
1 2
2 ~!!!~!!:!:
i~~11~li 4
Hl B
311I A :~~~
4,~j t~
~~) 5:ffuJ
2 iii!'!!!!
2 311
!!1!~!!!!! 4@@
c~ ANCHORAGE PURPOSES Fig. 34-20. Legend, page 572.
574 . The Activator
Fig. 34-21. Description of the neural pathway for reflex and volitional control of the masticator nucleus.
The proprioceptive fibers arising from the periodontal membrane, the muscles of mastication and the temporomandibular
joints ascend via the trigeminal nerve to the brain stem. Unlike the other sensory nerve tracts, the proprioceptive nerve tract
has its cell body in the mesencephalic nucleus, which is located in the brain stem. The other sensory nerve tracts have their
cell bodies in the trigeminal or gasserian ganglion (outside the brain stem).
From the mesencephalic nucleus the tract descends to the masticator nucleus on the ipsilateral side, where it synapses with
the lower motor neurone that carries the motor impulses to the muscles of mastication via the third division of the trigeminal
The voluntary or volitional control of the masticator nucleus, and therefore, the muscles of mastication, comes from the
pyramidal cells of Betz, located in the cerebral cortex and descends via the upper motor neurone. (Courtesy Or. M. Roberts)
increases only during the first few days of therapy. They , tained during the whole period of contraction.
maintain that the main force is provided through increased Studies conducted at the University of Toronto confirm that
active tension in the stretched muscles of mastication. In increased levels of masseter and digastric muscle activity
their view, this more extreme vertical separation of the are sustained to a high level during 10 to 12 hours of wear.
jaws is necessary because the appliance is worn mostly at It is for this reason that the activator is preferred to the
night and the rest position of the mandible is altered during Bimler appliance; the compressibility of the Bimler
sleep, so that the freeway space may be approximately appliance permits more isotonic muscle contraction and re-
double what it is when the patient is awake. Thus, the more duced force levels although the wearer bites into the
extreme vertical separation of the jaws ensures that the appliance more which tends to initiate further muscle
myotatic reflex will act when the musculature is more activity. As a basic principle, activators should be
relaxed while sleeping. constructed of a rigid material to obtain the force levels
Since the activator does not permit muscle shortening, generated in isometric muscle contraction.
the contractions produced are isometric rather than 3. The third bite registration (originated by HarvoId and
isotonic. During isometric contraction, muscle fibres gaining increasing acceptance) places the
develop higher tension, which is well sus-
Bite Registration and Theories of Action . 575
(01 AGRAIol IolATIC)
Fig. 34-22. Mechanism of the stretch or myotatic reflex: The stimulus for the stretch reflex is the stretch of the muscle.
The stretch reflex, when elicited, causes contraction of the stretched muscle.
Muscle stretch receptors are proprioceptive nerve endings called muscle spindles. The muscle spindle is located within the
muscle itself and consists of a bundle of 2 to 15 thin intrafusal muscle fibers, The long slender ends of the intrausal fibers are
striated and contractile; whereas, the central or nuclear bag region is non-con tactile.
The impulses arising from the muscle spindle (nuclear bag) are conducted by the Group I A sensory nerve fibers. These sensory
nerve fibers synapse with the motor neurons called alpha efferents that supply the extrafusal muscle fibers responsible for the
contraction of the stretched muscle.
The myotatic or stretch reflex is therefore, a monosynaptic reflex arc.
The functional significance of the stretch reflex is that it serves as a mechanism for upright posture or standing. Natural stretches
are usually imposed on muscles by the action of gravity, During standing, the quadriceps muscles are subjected to stretch because
the knee tends to bend in accordance with gravitational pull. The stretch of muscle acts as a stimulus to elicit the stretch reflex,
causing a sustained contraction of the stretched muscle, so that the upright position is automatically maintained despite the action
of gravity. The same stretch reflex acts in the mandibular musculature to maintain the postural rest position of the mandible in
relation to the maxilla. (Courtesy Dr. M. Roberts)
mandible approximately 4.0 mm. distal to the most protrusive primary force to the appliance (Fig. 34-24). Thus the power to
position the patient can achieve; vertically an extreme produce tooth movement and alveolar remodelling is obtained
separation of the jaws is used, so that the mandible may be from the inherent elasticity of muscle and tendon without
opened 8 to 10 mm. beyond the freeway space. The author motor stimulation. Muscle spindles have not been clearly
uses a vertical separation of approximately 12 to 15 mm. demonstrated in the labial muscles, and therefore there seems
beyond the daytime rest position of the mandible (Fig. 34- to be no mechanism for turning off the reflex muscle activity
23). The proponents of this concept contend that the myotatic through a modification of myotatic reflex (Fig. 34-25). Thus,
reflex and attempts to increase frequency of biting and the more these muscles are stretched, the greater the force
swallowing should be largely ignored, letting passive tension delivered to the activator. It is quite possible that the forces
(viscoelastic properties) in the stretched labial and oral generated by this extreme bite registration represent a
musculature deliver the
576 . The Activator
60 Resting length
Totil tension
C) ......
-i-, '/ : \
0 : \ Active tension
(racililafion) -I NHIBITORY
Since the muscles are not permitted to shorten, the muscle force is also delivered to the maxillary teeth to impede
contractions are isometric rather than isotonic, generated further their horizontal development. Relieving the acrylic
with a greater resultant force. Bite registrations numbers 2 occlusally in the mandibular buccal segments and placing a
and 3 purposely create an excess interocclusal clearance, and relief lingual to the mandibular incisors shields the
neuromuscular activity is activated by one of the methods mandibular teeth from these forces. The mandibular buccal
discussed above to re-elevate the mandible. Intrusive force is teeth are thus permitted to erupt vertically in growing
thus placed on the entire maxillary dentition to impede children in harmony with the vertical component of
further vertical alveolar development; distal mandibular growth (Figs. 34-19, 20). A greater degree of
578 . The Activator
SENSORY PATHWAYS ..... =.; 1 + rr= 0(
l . U
0< -EFFERENT ----')0...
.,~;~ .. ; b./NTRAFUSAL FIBRES
',,,,1 (contractile)
.-1, ~'~ 00 '0 FIBRE
. '-~::r'" S
Fig. 34-26. Regulation of the myotatic reflex from the higher centers of the brain via the reticular formation:
In addition to the a (alpha) efferents or motor neurons supplying the extrafusal fibers of the muscles, smaller motor neurons or
y (gamma) efferents supply the intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindle (both contractile poles).
Activation of the y (gamma) efferents will cause polar contraction of the intrafusal fibers and therefore, put the noncontractile
nuclear bag region under tension. This will produce in the receptor endings a mechanical distortion indistinguishable from that
occasioned by passive stretch of the whole muscle. In this way, the y (gamma) efferents may initiate spindle discharge in the
absence of external stretch or in the presence of stretch, so increase the sensitivity of the spindle that frequency of the sensory
discharge is markedly increased. They (gamma) efference thus serve as a biasing mechanism regulating the sensitivity of the
muscle spindle receptors. It is through this y (gamma) efferent system that the higher centers of the brain via the reticular
formation influence the stretch or myotatic reflex. This is significant because it helps us explain how emotional or psychic
disturbances affect the symptoms of T.M.}. dysfunction.
The reticular formation influences the myotatic or stretch reflex mainly by facilitation or inhibition of the small y (gamma)
efferents which cause contraction of the intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindles, thereby increasing the rate of the spindle firing,
which in turn influences the amount of 0: (alpha) motor neuron firing. (Courtesy Dr. M. Roberts)
eruption may be permitted in individuals with excessive mandible to permit the extrusion of a deep lingual flange,
interocclusal clearance. which assists in holding the appliance in position (Fig. 34-
Decide whether to use bite registration 1, 2, or 3 as
described previously, and register the bite using a thick roll
The activator is constructed of exothermic selfcuring of softened baseplate wax. Insert into a bundle of tongue
acrylic on stone casts of the maxillary and mandibular depressors the wax in the incisor area to provide a guide for
arches. The mandibular impression should be extended the patient's vertical closure (Fig. 34-27). The thickness of
deeply on the lingual side of the first and second permanent the bundle will be determined by the space between the
molar areas. The impression thus extends into an undercut maxillary and mandibular incisal edges when the patient's
area of the
Construction of the Activator' 579
Fig. 34.28, (A) The form of the labial arch for a Class II
activator is outlined on the relief tape and teeth. (B) Four
thicknesses of buccal tape relief for the labial arch on a Class II
activator, If the wire design is of the Hawley type, the tag ends
are carried anteriorly in a symmetrical arc at the middle of the
freeway space and kept approximately 1 to 2 mm. labially to
the maxillary incisors. All bends made in the tag ends for the
purpose of retention should be in the horizontal plane of space.
If the labial wire is of the Andresen type, the form is outlined
on the relief tape and teeth as illustrated, The crest of the loop
gingival to the canine areas should not be high enough to
impinge on the mucobuccal fold.
Adapt a length of 0.032 to 0.036-inch wire to the labial
surfaces of the incisors at the junction of the gingival and
middle thirds of the crowns. This wire is kept straight in the
horizontal plane from the junction of the middle and distal
vertical thirds of one lateral incisor to the same location on the
opposite side of the arch. The arch form should be kept
symmetrical to avoid perpetuating minor irregularities in
incisor alignment. The middle loop should lie over the canine
area with 1 to 1.5 mm. clearance to the labial to permit
freedom for movement of the canine tooth. This loop is
occasionally used in the final stages of treatment to gUide
erupting canine teeth lingually when required. Check that the
labial wire is passive and seal it to the cast on the gingival side
of the wire along the central incisors and at the loops over the
canines. Wax should not be permitted to flow incisally to the
wire. (C) Four thicknesses of adhesive tape relief for the labial
arch on a Class III activator.
Fig. 34-29. (A) The pencil outline for relief areas lingual to
the maxillary and mandibular incisors. (B) The wax relief
lingual to the maxillary incisors is illustrated. This relief is
carried lingually from the central incisors approximately 5.0
mm. on the same plane as the incisal edges and usually in a
horizontal plane. A slight inclination from horizontal is
sometimes used to control intrusion or extrusion of the
incisors. The relief is carried from cuspid to cuspid in an arc
which provides about 2 mm. lingual relief when the distal of
the cuspid is reached. The illustration also shows wax placed
over the active arm of the molar springs. If exothermic self-
curing acrylic is used, baseplate wax is adequate for the relief.
If endothermic heat-cured acrylic is used, plaster-of-paris
should be used to afford a contrast with the stone cast. If
exothermic acrylic is to be used, flow enough baseplate wax
on the active arm and helix of the spring to secure it to the cast
and to prevent acrylic from contacting these parts. Wax must
be kept away from the tag end which is to be embedded in the
acrylic. If endothermic acrylic is to be used, the spring is held
in place with temporary cement or plaster-of-paris. (C) The
wax relief lingual to the mandibular incisors is illustrated.
This relief is in a level plane flush with the incisal edges of the
central incisors and is carried lingually for approximately 3
mm. arcing from the distal of each cuspid with a lingual
extension of approximately 2 mrn. The illustration shows that
the occlusal surfaces of the buccal teeth in the mandibular cast
are prepared with a wax platform which is carried occlusally
to an approximate height of 5 to 7 mm. and is as wide as the
buccolingual width of the buccal teeth. This platform should
be parallel to the wax on the maxillary cast.
Prefabrication of Trimming
A considerable amount of chair time can be eliminated
from the trimming procedure if areas are blocked out on the
casts, with wax for exothermic acrylic appliances and plaster
for endothermic acrylic appliances. The activator will then
have the trimming processed into it. The method for wax is
described. Relief is placed on the lingual surfaces of the mandibular
In the Class II activator, eruption of teeth should be arrested buccal teeth so that acrylic will not contact the lingual
in the buccal segments of the maxillary arch while letting the surfaces. This lets them erupt unimpeded. Figure 34-34
teeth erupt in the buccal segments of the mandibular arch. At illustrates the placement of wax on the labial portions of the
the same time the appliance should provide for posterior labial arch. It is necessary to build an acrylic shelf that inhibits
movement of teeth in the maxillary buccal segment (Fig. 34- the eruption of the maxillary buccal teeth (Fig. 34-20B).
19 and 34-31). This is accomplished by the formation of Figures 34-29, 33A, and 33B illustrate the wax-up required to
"wedges" which can transmit a posterior force to the mesial of build this shelf.
each buccal tooth in the maxillary arch (Fig. 34-32). The Class III activator should arrest eruption of teeth in the
buccal segments of the mandibular arch while permitting the
buccal teeth to erupt in the
582 . The Activator
Fig. 34-30. (A) The dislodging spring design used in a Class TI activator. The diameter of the helix is established by shaping the
spring around the round beak of a pair of 139 or 390T pliers at a point near their throat to produce a coil with an outside diameter of 8
to 9 mm.
The straight part of the level arm should be approximately 15 mrn. long. The end of this arm, which fits into the embrasure, should be
bent back vertically on itself for approximately 2 mrn. to afford more contact against the proximal surface of the tooth and eliminate
any sharp ends.
The spring for a Class II activator is placed over the palate, with the anterior arc of the coil opposite the rnesio-proximal surface of
the first permanent molar. The only part of the spring which touches soft tissue is in the embrasure and at the helix, the rest having a .5
to 1.0 mm. palatal relief. The active arm of the spring always rests on the occlusal side of the helix in such a manner that the helix will
unwind when activated. The tagend, which will be embedded in acrylic, extends approximately 15 mm. anteriorly where it terminates in
a hook for retention. It is shaped to the contour of the palate with .5 to 1.0 mm. relief at all points. (B) The dislodging spring design used
in a Class III activator. It unwinds with the thrust in a mesial direction and, in its placement on the palate, the distal part of the helix lies
in lines with the distoproximal surface of the first permanent molars.
Fig. 34-31. An occlusal view of the maxillary arch. At the same time, it should provide for posterior
maxillary buccal segment with the movement of all mandibular teeth and anterior movement of all.
acrylic of the activator contacting the maxillary teeth. Figs. 34-35A-C show the wax-up required to
mesial surface of each tooth and facilitate tooth movements and avoid tedious chairside trimming
relieved on the distal surface. Thus, the
and create the acrylic "wedges" required to transmit a posterior
trimming provides for posterior
force to each mandibular tooth.
movement of the teeth in the maxillary
buccal segment and wedges of acrylic
are formed which can transmit a
posterior force to the mesial of each
buccal tooth in the maxillary
arch. -
Fig. 34-33. (A) The illustration shows the maxillary and mandibular casts mounted on an articulator in the bite which was registered
previously. Wax reliefs have been placed on the maxillary and mandibular casts lingual to the incisor teeth, occlusal to the mandibular
buccal teeth, and distal to the maxillary buccal teeth. In addition wax strips have been placed on the labial surfaces of the gingival
portions of the incisor teeth in order to prevent acrylic from extending beyond these areas when the appliance is processed.
The occlusal surfaces of the buccal teeth in the mandibular cast are prepared with the wax carried occlusally to an approximate height
of 5 to 7 mm.; this builds a flat platform which is as wide as the buccolingual width of the buccal teeth. The platform should be parallel
with the wax on the maxillary cast. If these steps are followed there should be a space of 2 to 3 mm. between the two arches in the
buccal segments. Acrylic will extend into the space between the maxillary and mandibular occlusal wax platforms to form an occlusal
shelf which will inhibit the eruption of the maxillary buccal teeth. In addition, acrylic will flow between the incisal surfaces and
encompass the retentive portion of the labial arch wire which is centred in the interincisal freeway space. (B) The frontal view illustrates
the build-up of wax in the mandibular arch which will permit eruption of the mandibular buccal teeth and the lack of occlusal wax build-
up in the maxillary arch.
The acrylic of the Class II activator is extended as a lip bumper to hold the lip away from the maxillary
through the incisor freeway space from the distal of one incisor teeth and facilitate their downward and forward
cuspid to the distal of the other in both arches. Thus eruption. The construction of this arch wire is described in
acrylic is carried gingivally on the labial surfaces of the Fig. 34-37.
maxillary and mandibular teeth to a distance equal to
two-thirds the height of the crowns of the central incisor
teeth (Fig. 34-36).
The acrylic of the Class III activator is extended
through the incisor freeway space from the distal of one
cuspid to the distal of the other in the mandibular arch
only (Fig. 34-37).
Fig. 34-35. (A) The wax-up for the occlusal surfaces of the
maxillary arch of a Class III activator. The wax is carried to
an approximate height of 3 to 5 mm. and a flat platform
shaped to the buccolingual width of the posterior teeth. This
platform should be parallel with the wax on the mandibular
cast. Wax approximately 1 rnm. thick is flowed on the entire
mesiolingual surface of each maxillary buccal tooth to the
centre of each embrasure, No wax is applied to the
distolingual surface of these teeth. Thus, when the acrylic is
applied, wedges are formed which can transmit a mesial force
to each maxillary tooth. (8) The occlusal wax-up of the
mandibular arch for a Class III activator. The occlusal
surfaces of the buccal teeth of the mandibular cast are covered
with baseplate wax and this is built up occlusally until only
the cusp tips are exposed. Approximately 1 mm. thickness of
wax is flowed on the entire distolingual surface of each
posterior tooth to the centre of each embrasure. No wax is
applied on the mesiolingual surface of these teeth. Thus, when
the acrylic is applied wedges are formed which can transmit a
posterior force to each mandibular tooth. (C) If the wax-up in
the maxillary and mandibular arches has been performed cor-
rectly a space of 2 to 3 mm. remains between the two arches
in the buccal segments. An acrylic shelf will flow into this
space and will remain in occlusal contact with the mandibular
arch while the maxillary buccal segments are permitted to
erupt occlusally.
allowing the first coat to dry before applying the second. Take
care to see that the separator flows over the labial surfaces of
the incisors and that any excess is drained off. Figure 34-38
illustrates the addition of a wax sheet on the labial surfaces of
the construction to enable molding of the labial acrylic
extension and Figure 34-39 illustrates the placement of
acrylic on the casts.
An undercut area is sometimes present in the gingivolingual
area of the mandibular molars. This undercut must not be
relieved because its presence provides one of the key methods
by which the patient is conditioned to retain the appliance in
position while asleep. When such an undercut is present the
appliance must be inserted sideways. The lingual flange
should be kept as deep as possible in this area (Fig. 34-20A,
B) to obtain maximum use of the undercut. Extra thickness
should be left in this area for strength.
Fig. 34-36. The acrylic of the Class II activator is extended Fig. 34-37. The acrylic of the Class III activator is ex-
through the incisor freeway space from the distal of one tended through the incisor freeway space from the distal of
cuspid to the distal of the other in both arches. The acrylic is one cuspid to the distal of the other in the mandibular arch
carried gingivally on the labial surfaces of the maxillary and only and should not cover the labial surfaces of the maxillary
mandibular teeth to a distance equal to two thirds the height incisors. The acrylic is carried over the labial surfaces of the
of the crowns of the central incisor teeth. The vertical height mandibular incisors for a distance of twothirds the heights of
of these labial acrylic extensions is obtained by softening a the crowns where it approximates the labial wire.
Y2-inch wide strip of doublethickness baseplate wax and The labial archwire is constructed from 0.036 wire. The
adapting it over the labial surfaces of the six maxillary arms lie on each side of the frenum parallel with the occlusal
anterior teeth and the labial wire. The incisal two-thirds of plane approximately 2 to 3 mm. gingival to the incisors and
the crowns is left exposed and the wax sealed to the cast recurving about 2 mm. short of the frenum. These arms
with a hot spatula. Similarly, a Y2-inch strip of double- recurve in a distal direction approximately 5 mm. gingival to
thickness baseplate wax is adapted over the labial surfaces and parallel with the lower arm. The upper portion of the
of the six mandibular teeth and the incisal and middle two arm is bent occlusally at the distal embrasure of the cuspid or
thirds of the crowns is left exposed and the wax sealed to the further distally if muscle attachments permit; this portion
cast with a hot spatula as shown in Fig. 34-33. continues to the middle of the freeway space where it is bent
horizontally and carried to the midline. The retention tags
provided on this arm should lie in the middle of the freeway
space over the incisor teeth.
The vertical extension of the lower arm is bent occlusally
viously. The steps to follow are for an untrimmed activator.
about 1 mm. anterior to the vertical part of the upper arm.
Mandibular Portion. The basic aim is to remove all
This arm must have room to move posteriorly without
mesially directed forces from the mandibular teeth and permit
~ontacting the arm behind and yet it must not be placed so
free eruption of the buccal teeth. In the mandibular arch, the
far anteriorly that it impedes the anterior movement of the
acrylic should rest only on the incisal edges, the most inferior
cuspid. This arm is carried from the maxilla to the mandible
portion of the alveolar process and as much as possible on the
where it turns at right angles to the junction of the gingival
"basal" bone area, in order to avoid delivering forces that
and middle-thirds of the mandibular incisors. At this point, it
might move the mandibular teeth labially. The lingual
is shaped symmetrically over the labial stu;faces of the
interproximal portions of acrylic in the buccal segments are
mandibular incisors to the cuspid on the opposite side where
trimmed so that the acrylic rests only on the soft tissue areas
it again returns vertically.
inferior to the teeth (Fig. 34-20B). A 1.0 mm. clearance is left
between the acrylic and the lingual surface of all mandibular
buccal teeth to permit their full eruption. If the mandibular
posterior teeth are allowed to erupt, the acrylic is removed
from the occlusal area.
Maxillary Portion. The basic aim of trimming in this area
is to prevent all eruption in the maxillary arch and, by the further forward development of the maxillary dentoalveolar
delivery of distal forces, to prevent process. Because the forces must be directed through the
labial archwire against the maxillary incisors, against the
molars through the molar springs, and against the
mesiolingual surfaces of the other maxillary posterior teeth,
the trimming of the maxillary portion of the activator must
be precise.
586 . The Activator
is difficult to obtain extensive torque with the activator. in environmentally narrowed maxillary arches, but this is
It is important to avoid cutting out the palate in the not necessary if the clinician pays attention to the details
maxillary arch because definite basal bone contact in the noted above.
maxillary and mandibular arches is needed to assist in Heavy gauge dislodging springs are placed passively
maintaining the stretch of muscles and associated tissues against the maxillary first permanent molars and adjusted
that provides the activating forces. If, however, one wishes distally 0.5 mm. These are not intended to move the molars
to expand the maxillary arch, the palate may be distally but to create a dislodging action within the
temporarily removed so that the vertical thrust of the appliance. Such action conditions the patient to bite firmly
appliance against the maxillary arch is delivered against into the appliance to keep it in position; for this reason, the
the lateral portions of the buccal segment alveolar process, dislodging springs act as addi tional activators of the
which is then thrust laterally. Alternatively the palate can muscles of mastication. They also provide friction against
be shaved lightly with an acrylic bur to produce the the mesial of the maxillary first permanent molar and, in
expansion required to change an occlusion from Class II to activators where the acrylic has been trimmed occlusally in
Class 1. The maxillary arch must expand approximately the maxillary buccal segments, tend to prevent its eruption.
one-fourth inch to achieve this change. As an additional Thus dislodging springs assist in the correct manipulation
measure, the maxillary acrylic can be cut on an outward of the functional occlusal plane.
slope (Fig. 34-41) to allow the maxillary buccal teeth to In children with marked overcIosure arid resultant deep
erupt to a greater width. However, this is unnecessary overbite, a vertical relationship of the jaws should be
because the width will change along the maxillary shelf established in which the rest-position face height
(Fig. 34-19) in activators that permit no eruption of the approximates the occlusal-position face height at the
maxillary dentition. A more elaborate wire configuration completion of treatment. To accomplish this objective,
in the buccal area using heavy-gauge wire will hold the considerable eruption must be obtained in the buccal
cheeks laterally and permit further expansion of the segments to eliminate the excess freeway space maintained
maxillary arch if this is desirable. In addition, such a by these patients. In such cases, eruption is permitted in the
configuration will assist the cheeks to hold the appliance maxillary buccal segment as well as the mandibular buccal
in position. Some practitioners routinely expand the palate segments, but the acrylic should only be removed in the
with a removable expansion appliance before placing the maxillary buccal segment area after considerable eruption
activator has been obtained in the mandibular arch. Thus, the buccal
teeth are permitted to erupt in both arches, but the
mandibular buccal teeth are permitted to erupt 3 to 5 mm.
more than the maxillary buccal teeth. This facilitates
correct manipulation of the functional occlusal plane while
at the same time enabling a practical closure of excessive
iriterocc1usal clearances. A lip plumper may be used in
conjunction with light Class II elastics to assist in the
elevation of the mandibular buccal segments
'(Fig. 34-17).
view of a Class III activator
illustrates the acrylic shelf in the
buccal segment which inhibits
eruption of the mandibular teeth.
The maxillary teeth are permitted
free downward and forward
eruption. In addition, the acrylic
is trimmed so that the maxillary
incisor teeth are totally free and
contact is made against the
palate opposite the apical third of
the maxillary incisor roots. The
appliance is trimmed in the man-
dibular arch to permit only a
distal eruption of the mandibular
buccal teeth. (1) Areas of hard
acrylic contact with basal
structures and also the labial
surfaces of the incisor teeth. (3)
Acrylic which is left in contact I B
with the occlusal surfaces of the
mandibular buccal teeth and also
the mesial surfaces of the III
mandibular buccal teeth. (5)
Acrylic which is removed to 3m
permit eruption of maxillary 5 4~1.
teeth and mesial movement of
maxillary teeth. (8) The figure
illustrates that a total open bite is
created by the bite registration encouraged in a Class II malocclusion. In other words, no
and the appliance is trimmed to
eruption of the mandibular teeth is permi tted while the
permit downward and forward
maxillary buccal teeth are permitted a free downward and
eruption in the entire maxillary
arch in order to allow the forward eruption. In addition, the acrylic is trimmed so
artificially created open bite to that the maxillary incisor teeth are totally free and contact
close. (1) Areas of hard acrylic is made against the palate opposite the apical third of the
contact with basal structures and maxillary incisor roots. A total openbite is thus created by
also the labial surfaces of the the bite registration and the appliance is trimmed to
incisor teeth. (3) Acrylic which permit downward and forward eruption in the entire
is left in contact with the maxillary arch in order to allow the artificially created
occlusal and mesial surfaces of openbite to close (Fig. 34-42A, B). The appliance is
the mandibular buccal teeth. (5) trimmed in the mandibular arch to permit only a distal
Acrylic which is removed to
migration of the mandibular buccal teeth. (It is postulated
permit eruption of maxillary
that the vertical stretch created in all muscles affected by
teeth and mesial movement of
maxillary teeth.
insertion of the appliance will cause a migration of either
the origins or insertions of the muscles and ultimately
restore the resting length of the musculature.) When such
a change is accomplished in combination with vertical
eruption of the maxillary incisor teeth, the direction of
growth expressed at the chin may be altered from
downward and forward to a more vertical direction if the
therapy is long range and is carried through the
prepubertal growth acceleration. Therefore the appliance
is used in an attempt to obtain a permanent alteration in
mandibular posture and mandibular growth direction.
590 . The Activator
Since such an alteration will increase the lower face It was noted previously that the activator cannot
height, it may also increase the lower face height to produce a detailed precise finishing of the occlusion. In
unesthetic levels in those patients who have excessive some instances, it is possible to further refine the
lower face height at the beginning of treatment, Excess occlusion through the use of a tooth positioner. If, before
lower face height is a definite contraindication to Class III initial fabrication of the positioner, the positioner set-up is
treatment with activators. Management of Class III cases mounted on the articulator in a protrusive and vertically
with activators is much more effective in those patients opened bite registration, the positioner achieves an
who have Class III skeletal tendencies in combination activatorlike effect as well as a tooth-positioning effect.
with mesial functional displacement of the mandible and This effect can correct a Class II malocclusion to the
the overclosure that accompanies such conditions. In such extent of one-fourth to one-third of a cusp. Such an
children, the changes initiated by the activator will do articulator mounting must never be used where positioners
much to resolve the total problem without causing further are used to detail the occlusion in cases which were
deterioration in the face. previously Class III. In such problems, the articulator pin
The labial wire configuration (Fig. 34-42A) is used in is merely opened, and the mandible is rotated vertically
the maxillary arch as a maxillary lip plumper or labial without the protrusive bite registration used in Class II
muscle appliance. At each appointment the maxillary bite registrations.
labial portion is activated labially to hold the lips away Specialists in the United States and Canada use the
from the maxillary teeth so that they can continue their activator primarily for orthodontic interception and
downward and forward eruption unimpeded. The labial preorthodontic guidance in the management of major
musculature provides additional thrust to the appliance. It malocclusions. In such management, part of the original
is relieved lingual to the mandibular incisors if the apical base dysplasia is corrected with the activator while
operator desires a moderate amount of lingual tipping of the teeth erupt into improved positions, either in a
these teeth. The precautions relative to contract between conservative or an extraction approach. The activator
maxillary and mandibular basal bone structures and the treatment is then followed by a short phase of multibanded
acrylic (outlined for the Class II activator) apply also to therapy to detail the occlusion and obtain additional
Class III activator. reduction in apical base dysplasia. The general practitioner
should keep in mind that an occlusion finished to the
standard customarily demanded in North America can be
obtained only in highly selected activator cases, and that
additional periods of multibanded therapy are frequently
ACTIV ATOR THERAPY In spite of these limitations, the activator does have
The activator is a limited appliance for use in highly many advantages in the preorthodontic guidance of the
selected cases only. Careful case selection requires a clear occlusion. Its chief advantages are that it provides
understanding of the use of cephalometric radiography in excellent control in the vertical dimension, particularly in
assessing the facial morphology underlying the overclosure cases, and, in the correction of malocclusion,
malocclusion and particularly an understanding of the it uses the existing
assessment of excess lower face height, which constitutes -growth of the jaws to the maximum. During treatment, the
a clear cut contraindication for activator treatment in both patient experiences minimal oral hygiene problems and
Class II and Class III cases. While all orthodontic minimal tissue damage and tissue irritation. In addition,
appliances require patient cooperation, successful use of the intervals between adjustments may be longer than with
the activator requires superb patient cooperation. The conventional orthodontic therapy although it is wise to see
practitioner should not spend undue time with the patient briefly at six- to eight-week intervals to
uncooperative patients but, in his presentation to the maintain the patient's interest. Such appointments are brief
parents, should make provision to change to headgear and usually consist of checking to make sure that none of
therapy or other forms of multi-banded therapy. However, the mandibular buccal teeth are impeded in their vertical
the patient who does poorly with the activator will usually eruption through contact with the acrylic on the lingual of
do poorly with other forms of orthodontic treatment these teeth and recording the overjet so that its reduction
unless the reason for lack of cooperation was nasal may be checked from visit to visit. Since the initial
stenosis. Lack of patient co-operation poses an especially appliance construction and the treatment appointments are
difficult problem for the general practitioner who may not brief, the method can provide more economical treatment
have sophisticated orthodontic mechanisms to fall back in those cases that are suitable for activator correc-
on if the patient does not trust or function correctly with
the appliance first provided.
Indications and Contraindications . 591
ticn. It is further useful in the correction of malocclusion dibular growth trends owing to the increase in lower face
with associated habits, such as thumb sucking and tongue height which usually results if the use of the appliance is
thrusting and indeed the patient may substitute the carried through and beyond the prepubertal growth
activator for the thumb and obtain excellent action with acceleration. Because many problems of severe open bite
the appliance. are associated with excess lower face height, the appliance
will not be useful in the mangement of such problems.
Since incorrect manipulation of the appliance tends to
make mandibular incisor teeth more procumbent relative to
The indications for the activator may be summarized as basal bone, it should not be used in children who have even
follows: moderate amounts of such procumbency before the
It is used primarily in actively growing individuals with initiation of treatment.
favorable facial growth patterns. The appliance cannot be used effectively in children wi
The maxillary and mandibular teeth should be well th nasal stenosis due either to structural problems within
aligned and the mandibular incisor teeth should be the nose or chronic untreated allergy. Some clinicians
positioned upright over basal bone structures. routinely place breathing holes in the appliance to assist
It provides a superb treatment in children who lack their patients during periods of temporary nasal stenosis
vertical development in lower face height because associated with nasorespiratory infections.
differential vertical alveolar development can be readily The appliance has limited application in mature
obtained in either the maxillary or mandibular arch as individuals, although it may be used successfully in such
desired. individuals if the clinician has determined that the patient's
It provides a useful preliminary treatment before major facial morphology will tolerate an increase in lower face
multibanded orthodontic mechanotherapy. height. However, treatment changes tend to be slow in
It is useful for posttreatment retention in children with a adults because the appliance makes use of vertical eruption
deep overbite due to overcIosure. of buccal teeth, and such eruption may be very slow in
The appliance is contraindicated in the following mature individ uals.
situations: Finally, it must be recognized that this method of
The appliance is not useful in the correction of Class I orthodontic treatment is not a panacea. Patients must be
problems of crowded teeth due to disharmony between selected with care and attention must be paid to every
tooth size and jaw size. It may, however, be used to assist detail in its manipulation. Indiscriminate application of the
in the correction of Class II malocclusions where method will do much to discredit this useful addition to the
disharmony between tooth size and jaw size has been clinician's orthodontic armamentarium.
superimposed and is being managed concurrently through
serial extractions.
The appliance is contraindicated in children with excess
lower face height and extreme vertical man-
Tissue Changes in Orthodontic Tooth
This chapter deals with the general aspects of tissue tooth eruption and migration. There may also be movement
changes as observed in various experiments of which the of teeth adjacent to an extraction space, a displacement
conclusions are largely based on observation of humans. partly caused by the pull exerted on the periodontal fibers
Some recent investigations of the anatomy and biology during tissue contraction and healing of the extraction
of the jaws have provided new information on anatomical wound,42,72, partly as a result of bone changes.
details, composition, and behavior of the supporting tissues Guided by the occlusal force certain teeth tend to alter
as submitted to normal function of the dental mechanism. their position, especially following the eruption period.
In spite of the fact that great variations exist anatomically Also, muscular pressure may cause tooth movement. A
and histologically during tooth development and eruption, protruded tooth position in a Class II case may partly be
these variations are nevertheless characterized by the result of stimuli caused by imbalance in the muscle
physiologic tissue behavior and, at times, static periods. function. Experiments have shown that movement of teeth
In comparison, the alterations observed during requires a comparatively light force only. It is the sustained
orthodontic tooth movement are of a more dynamic nature force rather than the amount of force that causes the tooth
as exemplified by increased cell proliferation, changes to move (Fig. 35-2). In young patients a sustained mus-
observed in the root substance, and greater thickness of the cular force need not be greater than 4 or 5 g. to produce
free gingival fibers which become manifest following tooth changes in the position of teeth84 (Fig 35-3).
movement. These observations cannot be made in sections On the other hand, teeth will not change their position
derived from anatomical material. Information of value to during mastication when conditions of equilibrium exist in
the orthodontist must therefore be based on experimental the dental occlusion, when the force is not great enough to
evidence. disturb the equilibrium, or when the force is not sustained.
120. . Continuous Forces' 593
applied when the forces are exerted by functional or other Fig. 35-1. (A) Direct bone resorption as
removable appliances. observed during physiologic tooth move-
ment. (8) Indirect bone resorption with
hyaliruzed zone; on the tension sides, bone
Fig. 35-2. (Left) Bone re-
sorption during physiologic
tooth movement. Adult case,
fairly dense alveolar bone. H,
formation of Haversian system
(osteone); C, bone cell; 0, one
of several osteoclasts along the
bone surface; P, periodontal
ligament. (Right) Hyalinization,
]2-year-old patient, area
corresponding to B in Fig. 35-1.
Force = 40 g. duration, 6 days.
Arrow indicates direction of
movement of the root. C,
capillaries in hyalinized tissue.
Several pyknotic cell nuclei
persist. P, New connective
tissue cells accumulated around
the hyalinized zone. Height
from P to P approximately ],2
mm. B, Bundle bone divided by
line, L, from old bone. 0,
Osteoid tissue deposited along
the alveolar bone crest. R, Bone
resorption. 0, Bone deposition.
large marrow spaces, M.
slightly expanded removable plates." there is initially an puzzle." Thus, in 12- and 13-year-old patients a rapid
indirect bone resorption with hyalinization of one or several widening of the suture may lead to compression and even
small areas of the periodontal ligament. These zones will fractures at the thinnest portion of the bone lamellae (Fig. 35-
subsequently remain ceJlfree until a certain area of the 7).
subjacent bone has been removed by resorption. Behavior of Cell-Free Zones. There has been a tendency to
assume that hyalinization can be avoided during orthodontic
treatment. This has been observed in only a few experiments.
Hyalinization With the exceptions mentioned in the foregoing, all teeth
moved with a continuous or an interrupted force undergo a
Hyalinization, i.e., periodontal tissue with a cellfree, tissue hyalinization period. Its incidence depends
glasslike appearance, was first observed by Sandstedt in
1904/0 rediscovered by Schwarz" and also described by Reitan
and Skillen." Later, semihyalinization was introduced as a
term to indicate a partly cell-free appearance of the
periodontal fibers (Fig. 35-5).58
Hyalinization must be regarded as a nonpathological
reaction to compression of fibrous tissue between two bone
surfaces or between bone and root surfaces. The subjacent
bone rarely, if ever, becomes necrotic in humans. The only
case reported so far has been observed by Oppenheim.v In
more recent experiments human bone cells persisted even
after compression of 50 days' duration.s" A few investigators
have observed necrotic bone in the rat,31,10 and in all
instances there is destruction of a certain n umber of cells and
fibers of the compressed ligament." Hyalinization has been
observed in the sutures of the maxilla (Fig. 35-6),33 and it
most likely occurs in humans during treatment, since in man
the interdigitating bone lamellae of the median suture have an Fig. 35-6. Experimental widening of the median palatine
outline resembling that of pieces in a jigsaw suture in Macaca mulatto. A, Compression of sutural tissue
between bone surfaces with hyalinization and undermining
bone resorption, B. C, Ends of interdigitating bone spicules.
(Courtesy L. Linge: Trans. European Orthodont. Soc. p. 553,
Continuous Forces . 595
nitude and duration of the force. From an orthodontic tendency for resorbing cells to attack the bone in areas
standpoint it is desirable to obtain tooth movement as soon around the hyalinized tissue. Since the latter consists of
as possible. Since a small hyalinized zone is more readily compressed collagen fibers, it usually adheres closely to the
removed by bone resorption than a wide zone, it is practical bone surface (Fig. 35-8 right), and most of the cellular
to start movement of anterior teeth by applying a force not elements subjacent to the cell-free zone, including the
exceeding 70 or 80 g. When further tooth movement occurs mesenchymal or progenitor cells, disappear. Thus, usually
after the initial period one may even then obtain a more no resorption starts subjacent to the hyalinized tissue.
rapid displacement by not increasing the force to more than Several variations of undermining resorption exist, largely
100 or 120 g. dictated by the anatomical environment. Resorption around
The height of the cell-free zone shown in Figure 35-2 the hyalinized zone at the inner bone surface, also called
(right) is only 1.2 mm. with about the same width. The frontal resorption, is observed in most cases in addition to
duration of this hyalinization is approximately as seen in other resorbed bone surfaces (Fig. 35-8). If the bone is
Figure 35-13. Generally the initial hyalinization time may dense, as in some animals, the undermining resorption may
vary from 10 to .20 days on the average when the teeth are be of long duration, up to 70 or 80 days. This never occurs
moved with light continuous forces. in human tissue where the bone may contain several spaces
The bone type causes variations in the duration of the and open clefts in which resorbing cells can be forrned.>"
hyalinization period. A flat and dense bone tissue increases The small marrow spaces in certain areas of dense bone
the duration considerably in animal experiments. In young tend to remain without osteoclast formation (Fig. 35-8
patients the inner bone surface usually exhibits openings right). In only one case of a mass of human material could
and clefts, anatomical details that tend to shorten the osteoclastic resorption be observed at the bone crest. The
duration of the hyalinization (Fig. 35-2 righ r). periosteal type of undermining resorption was observed in
The fact that contraction of fibrous tissue during relapse the rat following buccal tipping of molars (Fig. 35-9).22
of the tooth moved also may lead to hyalinization on the The existing types of undermining resorption will then be
opposite side of the root tends to stress the importance of as follows: frontal resorption, resorption in marrow spaces,
the time factor. Even this very light force acting resorption at the alveolar bone crest, and resorption on the
continuously, may create hyalinized zones.t" periosteal side. The first two types are observed quite
Undermining resorption is another term for indirect bone regularly in humans; the latter type has not been seen in
resorption indicating that there is a monkeys, dogs, or humans.
Reconstruction of Hyalinized Tissue. Regardless whether
the force is Ugh t or strong the initial pressure causes
compression and flattening of the periodontalligament in a
circumscribed zone. The width of the periodontal space
before and after hyalinization is seen in Figure 35-8. Still
more compression occurs following application of a strong
force; the
, hyalinized zone will be wider and the hyalinization period of
longer duration. In the graph there may be steps or an
ascending line not indicating clearly the duration of the
hyalinization (Fig. 35-10).59
Very little has been known about what happens to the
soft tissue in a hyalinized zone. Following closure of an
extraction space epithelial and fibrous tissue accumulate
(Fig. 35-11).11 If guttapercha is softened and placed
interproximally so as to exert fairly strong pressure, most of
this accumulated tissue will disappear after a while. In
practice surgical removal is a better way to eliminate such
an excess of soft tissue. To some extent the experiment
illustrates what happens to a compressed hyalinized zone.
New experiments have shown that dissolution of cytoplasm
Fig. 35-9. Hyalinized tissue, H, in the rat. Continuous and cell nuclei starts early, an effect
buccal movement of first molar. S, Alveolar bone surface.
0, Several osteoclasts in Howship's lacunae along the
periosteal bone surface. C, Shrunken bone cell in lacuna.
Periosteal bone resorption in the rat tends to revert into
bone deposition after a certain period of time. (Reitan, K.,
and Kvam, E.: Angle Orthodontist, 41 :1, 1947.)
Continuous Forces 597
ID I~ 14 ID 18 zo ~~ ~3 ~! ~1 3D
nitude and duration of the force. From an orthodontic tendency f-or resorbing cells to attack the bone in areas around
standpoint it is desirable to obtain tooth movement as soon as the hyalinized tissue. Since the latter consists of compressed
possible. Since a small hyalinized zone is more readily collagen fibers, it usually adheres closely to the bone surface
removed by bone resorption than a wide zone, it is practical to (Fig. 35-8 right), and most of the cellular elements subjacent to
start movement of anterior teeth by applying a force not the cell-free zone, including the mesenchymal or progenitor
exceeding 70 or 80 g. When further tooth movement occurs cells, disappear. Thus, usually no resorption starts subjacent to
after the initial period one may even then obtain a more rapid the hyalinized tissue. Several variations of undermining
displacement by not increasing the force to more than 100 or resorption exist, largely dictated by the anatomical
120 g. environment. Resorption around the hyalinized zone at the
The height of the cell-free zone shown in Figure 35-2 (right) inner bone surface, also called frontal resorption, is observed
is only 1.2 mm. with about the same width. The duration of in most cases in addition to other resorbed bone surfaces (Fig.
this hyalinization is approxi-rnately as seen in Figure 35-13. 35-8). If the bone is dense, as in some animals, the
Generally the initial hyalinization time may vary from 10 undermining resorption may be of long duration, up to 70 or
to.20 days on the average when the teeth are moved with light 80 days. This never occurs in human tissue where the bone
continuous forces. may contain several spaces and open clefts in which resorbing
The bone type causes variations in the duration of the cells can be forrned.t"
hyalinization period. A flat and dense bone tissue increases the The small marrow spaces in certain areas of dense bone
duration considerably in animal experiments. In young tend to remain without osteoclast formation (Fig. 35-8 right).
patients the inner bone surface usually exhibits openings and In only one case of a mass of human material could
clefts, anatomical details that tend to shorten the duration of osteoclastic resorption be observed at the bone crest. The
the hyalinization (Fig. 35-2 right). periosteal type of undermining resorption was observed in the
The fact that contraction of fibrous tissue during relapse of rat following buccal tipping of molars (Fig. 35-9).22 The
the tooth moved also may lead to hyalinization on the opposite existing types of undermining resorption will then be as fol-
side of the root tends to stress the importance of the time lows: frontal resorption, resorption in marrow spaces,
factor. Even this very light force acting continuously, may resorption at the alveolar bone crest, and resorption on the
create hyalinized zones." periosteal side. The first two types are observed quite
Undermining resorption is another term for indirect bone regularly in humans; the latter type has not been seen in
resorption indicating that there is a monkeys, dogs, or humans.
Reconstruction of Hyalinized Tissue. Regardless whether
the force is light or strong the ini tial pressure causes
compression and flattening of the perio.dontal ligament in a
circumscribed zone. The width of the periodontal space before
and after hyalinization is seen in Figure 35-8. Still more
compression occurs following application of a strong force; the
hyalinized zone will be wider and the hyalinization
period of longer duration. In the graph there may be steps or
an ascending line not indicating clearly the duration of the
hyalinization (Fig. 35-10).59
Very little has been known about what happens to -the soft
tissue in a hyalinized zone. Following closure of an extraction
space epithelial and fibrous tissue accumulate (Fig. 35-11).11
If guttapercha is softened and placed interproximally so as to
exert fairly strong pressure, most of this accumulated tissue
will disappear after a while. In practice surgical removal is a
better way to eliminate such an excess of soft tissue. To some
extent the experiment illustrates what happens to a compressed
hyalinized zone. ew experiments have shown that dissolution
of cytoplasm and cell nuclei starts early, an effect
10 12 11 16 18 20 22 23 25 21 JO J2
that some fibrils will be eliminated by enzymes;82 others may who are looking for a more detailed explanation of the bone
become degraded and split up, but even in experiments of changes.3,5,45
long duration the number of split fibers never exceeded more Since the piezoelectric effect was described in 1957,1'
than 10 per cent of the whole fiber group of the compressed several investigators have stressed the importance of bone
area.68 A more complete elimination of fibrous tissue may bending during tooth rnovement.t-t? Kingsley and Farrar were
occur as a result of compression of accumulated tissue as already of the opinion that flexibility of the alveolar bone
shown in Figure 35-11. In the latter case it is assumed that might be partly responsible for producing displacement of
epithelial cells also may become active in eliminating fibrous teeth. Experimental evidence shows that pressure of the root
tissue." Hence the reaction in the periodontal space is slightly may cause a slight deflection of a thin bone wall in a young
different. Nearly total elimination of fibrous tissue as a result patient. If the bone crest is kept denuded, one may even
of hyalinization has been observed in animals with extremely measure the degree of deflection.
dense bone'" but not in humans. There is, however, one factor which will prevent a
Gradual reconstruction of the hyalinized tissue occurs during permanent bending of the bone.42 The hydroxyapatite crystals
tooth displacernent.w There will be formation of capillaries of bone are laid down in a network of collagen fibers which
and cellular elements with direct bone resorption all along the tend to become rearranged as soon as the pressure is relieved.
bone surface, but the epithelial remnants of Malassez will not If the pressure is maintained, there will be hyalinization and
be recons tructed. 47 undermining bone resorption until a space is created so that the
At this stage of tooth movement the periodontal space may deflected bone wall can move back to its former position (Fig.
become widened up to 0.4 mm. (Fig. 35-8 right). During this 35-14).
secondary period (Fig. 3513), i.e., after a fairly short initial Partly calcified bone on the tension side is frequently
period, there is an increased turnover rate in the periodontal deformed as a result of relapse. This has been observed in
ligament with formation of new cells that facilitate the tissue animal experiments, and it also occurs in humans during the
reaction during the ensuing treatment period (Fig. 35-5). day following treatment with face bow and extraoral force
Theories of Bone Deformation. Up to the present the general (Fig. 35-15, and 35-16).
principles of bone resorption and deposition have been based As regards the secondary effect of bone bending stimulation
on a descriptive interpretation. The finer chemical and of precursor cells, it has not as yet been clearly shown that
mechanical processes that make the tissues react to various there is always a bone deformation factor present in cases
stimuli are still to a large extent unknown. Although where resorbing cells, osteoclasts, are being formed."
. of great practical significance, the existing pressure and Experimental evidence has proved that even slight
tension theory may be considered as unsatisfactory from a compression of the periodontal soft tissue may cause
scientific point of view. A critical approach to the resorption- production of resorbing cells along the bone surface (Fig. 35-
deposition problems is being taken by several present-day 4). During bone formation it has for many years been observed
investigators that not only bone bending but even functional stimuli of short
duration may increase the number of osteoblasts. On the other
hand, the
Fig. 35-13. Duration of the
hyalinization period varies
Fur ther tooth according to the bone type
llIovement (Fig. 35-8) and the force ap-
plied. It is generally shorter
during bodily movement. If
Hyalinization the force is excessive (300500
period g.), other factors, such as bone
Secondary period deformation and extrusion of
the tooth, tend to create an
ascending line instead of a
horizontal one during the
hyalinization period.
Time 10 to 20 days
125. Continuous Forces . 599
a ...r-..:-..
Fig. 35-14. (A) Arrow indicates how the
tooth has been moved against the bone thus
creating compressed zones in the
periodontal ligament and bone deformation
(dark line). (B) Similar case following
undermining bone resorption and
uprighting of the deformed bone lamella
with periosteal bone formation. (Reitan, K.,
and Kvam, E.: Angle Orthodontist, 41 :22,
deposition or resorption in individual areas. Further tooth mobiliry.s-" These untoward effects may usually be
research may disclose whether such a mechanochemical avoided by spot grinding of prominent cusps or by
messenger process could be the explanation of how insertion of a biteplate.
undermining bone resorption or compensatory periosteal When occlusal stress is absent, one may observe that a
bone deposition can start even at some distance from the tooth, being moved bodily, may remain fairly stable even
original pressure sites. after a prolonged treatment period." Tooth mobility may
Observation of a large human material reveals that also be partly eliminated by insertion of a carefully
other factors must be included, especially in cases of adjusted edgewise arch. Initially minor new hyalinized
periosteal bone formation. As shown by Bjork degree and zones may reappear, but provided the teeth have become
onset of formative changes vary individually during the fairly well aligned by initial light wire treatment, the
growth period." Most investigators consider periosteal secondary compressed areas will usually be eliminated
bone deposition in humans as controlled primarily by cfter 10 to 15 days. Such uprighting movement of the teeth
growth hormones. Obviously mechanical stimuli is largely of the interrupted type. It should also be noted
constitute an important trigger rnechanism.':' but it has that a thin edgewise arch will exert a more gentle force
nevertheless been found that equally strong forces applied than a thicker arch and thus shorten the period of
in patients of the same age group may cause appreciable hyalinization.
variations in the production of new periosteal bone Internal Bone Deposition. The age factor. The tissue
layers." changes that occur on the tension side along the internal
The Posthyalinization Period. Increase in the number of alveolar bone surfaces are apparently less dependent on
new connective tissue cells is typical of the tissue reaction the existing hormonal factors, but one may stilI observe
observed following hyalinization, During this period the that the time of onset and the amount of new bone formed
osteoclasts in Howship's lacunae along the bone surface vary according to the age of the individual. In young
tend to overreact. These multinuclear cells are patients there are more cells in the periodontal tissue, and
periodically reconstructed. Some cellular units will move during tooth movement new cells are formed rapidly by
away from the original osteoclasts, and new units are mitotic cell division.:" In 'children, evidence of osteoid
added so that the resorbing cells are maintained.s? Once formation is observed after tension has been applied for a
started, bone resorption continues for a period of up to 10 period of 30 to 40 hours, occasionally after 20 hours (Fig.
or 12 days even if the force is interrupted.4858 In 35-17 and 35-18).84
comparison, physiologic tooth migration reveals a less Adults require more time to overcome the static
dynamic bone resorption which may be of shorter condition of the tissues. It takes about 4 times as long to
duration and without formation of overreactive osteoclasts initiate tissue changes in the adult as in the child. After a
(Fig. 35-2 left). period of 4 days, following application of a force of 50 to
Generally, the posthyalinization period is initiated as 60 g., the tension side of an adult tooth reveals only a
soon as the bone of the subjacent area has been slight increase in the cell number but no osteoid bone
eliminated, 3 or 4 weeks after the treatment was started. formation as seen in young patients.?' In adults, after a
During this period, a continuously acting light force, 70 to week, some osteoid is seen along stretched alveolar fibers
80 g. or less, not reactivated too frequently, will create and still more
more rapid tooth movement than will a stronger , bone formation occurs after periods of 2 or 3 weeks (Fig.
force.53,81 This light force effect is readily explained by 35-19).
what can be observed in the tissues. A strong force will On the pressure side, there is initially an incipient
create new hyalinized areas which again may delay tooth undermining resorption process observed in adjacent
movement (Fig. 35-10). marrow spaces, but only pyknotic cell nuclei i!l the
Tooth Mobility. During the posthyalinization period periodontal ligament, indicating that compression has
tooth mobility may become manifest as a result of started. This slow reaction is caused by the thickness and
widening of the periodontal space following undermining resistance of the periodontal fiber bundles in adults.
bone resorption;" This mobility is especially noted in Hyalinization occurs in all adult patients and, provided the
cases where the relationship between occluding cusps has force is light, undermining bone resorption is usually
been altered. In practice, it is usually not the orthodontic terminated after a period of 3 to 4 weeks. In adults, tooth
force, per se, but occlusal interference that produces any movement and bone changes occur with bone resorption
marked mobility. Certain biophysical changes in the slightly ahead of bone deposition. Extreme pressures
ground substance and the circulation may predispose to should be avoided since teeth with alveolar bone loss may
be jeopardized by such forces.
127. Continuous Forces . 601
During the posthyalinization period, tooth movement the apical portion is not fully developed. Initial tipping of
should be performed with light forces not too frequently adult teeth may reveal a fulcrum situated in the apical third
reactivated. Since there may be a tendency to resorption of of the root. This is caused by the stronger fiber attachment
the alveolar bone crest in adults, it is important to move the of adult teeth."
teeth within the existing bone limits and preferably in a Force Variation. Interrupted movement indicates that a
mesial or distal direction. Bodily movement constitutes the continuous pressure acting on a tooth is released after a
best method of displacing canines and premolars over a certain period or during certain rest periods (Fig. 35-20).
perceptible distance. Even strong forces may be applied in cases where the active
force is frequently interrupted.t? In treatment with a face
bow the extraoral force may vary between 200 g. and 800 to
900 g. Experiments have shown that the direction of mov-
ing first molars against second molars constitutes an
Tipping Movement. In young patients one may important factor." There is always hyalinization and
frequently observe that a spring, exerting a force of only 30 undermining bone resorption. In certain cases the
to 40 g. on a tooth, will cause a rapid displacement of its interproximal bone lamellae will be partly eliminated, but
crown. In such a case undermining bone resorption, which the bone crest is always reconstructed in children during the
may not last more than 10 to 12 days, will be followed by posttreatment period.
direct bone resorption in an area adjacent to the marginal Interruption of continuously acting forces may be of
third of the root. At the same time the apical root portion great practical significance even when the force applied is
will be displaced in an opposite directiorr'" (Fig. 35-11). A light. Histologically the rest period is characterised by an
rapid tipping movement can be performed over a short increase in the number of young connective tissue cells on
distance without causing any untoward effects. Among the the pressure side as well as on the tension side. Even if
disadvantages of a tipping movement are jiggling of the there is an overreaction of resorbing cells on the pressure
tooth caused by occlusal interference and in some cases side: one may observe some osteoid deposited in adjacent
apical root resorption. A tooth moved by tipping alone may marrow spaces. There is also reorganization and
end, in an inclined position, thus enhancing tendencies to calcification of newly formed osteoid on the tension side. In
posttreatment disturbances of the supporting tissues. addition, there is a certain relaxation of
Tipping movement is nevertheless necessary in all types
of orthodontic treatment. It occurs when thin round
archwires are inserted for initial tooth alignment.
Radiographic examination of some teeth may be advocated
in order to control the effect of the forces applied.
Location of the fulcrum in a tipping movement varies
largely according to the length of the root and the age of
the patient. In young persons it may be located close to the
marginal third of the root if
A~ ,
604 . Tissue Changes in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
act on individual teeth for a period of 5 to 6 weeks. This tinuous with the whole fiber system of the area. Fiber
movement causes elongation of individual supraalveolar tension of the supraalveolar ligament will cause
fibers. Changing the force application from one tooth to displacement of the tissues located even at some distance
another may in the end cause bone formation in the apical from the rotated tooth (Fig. 35-25). It has been observed
crest areas. Following further alignment by conventional that the rearrangement and the turnover rate seem to
arches, a stable tooth position will be obtained. remain slow as long as the stretching continues. In
Rotation of Teeth. Rotation constitutes a complex addition, when the tooth is released following rotation,
movement. During treatment the tooth may become partly there is always some contraction of displaced elastic tissue
tipped and pressure zones'" will form. Other areas of the which will result in relapse of the tooth moved."
root will be moved more or less parallel to the bone In spite of this effect, it has been observed ex-
surface. Because of the oval shape of the roots of some perimentally as well as in practice that overcorrection
teeth cell-free areas may be formed by compression followed by a prolonged -retention of the rotated tooth
against the alveolar bone, especially in the initial stage of may in the end lead to rearrangement of fibrous tissue and
tooth rotation. If the root does not move parallel with the a stable tooth position. Some relapse will occur initially,
bone surface, root resorptions are frequently observed but it will be compensated for by the over-correction. The
during rotation (Fig. 35-23). These resorbed areas are final result is largely dependent on a sufficiently long
repaired by cellular cementum when movement is period of retention which will provide time for
discontinued (Fig. 35-24). rearrangement of the supraalveolar fibers.
The periodontal fiber bundles are stretched and partly Surgical methods also have been applied to prevent
elongated in rotation rnovement.P Experiments have relapse following rotation. Sk6gsborg advocated
shown that there is a great difference between the reaction transsection of the interdental septums,"; a method which
that occurs in the supraalveolar tissues as compared with has been modified in our time. A circular incision in the
that of the principal fibers. Following rotation the fibers soft marginal fibrous tissue parallel to the root surface will
running from bone to root surface will be rearranged after relieve the tension caused by contraction of supraalveolar
a few months. The free gingival or supraalveolar fibers structures."
react differently." In many cases they seem to become The best method of retaining teeth is to perform rotation
slightly thicker, but they still appear to be without any early before the apical portion of the root is fully
marked increase in the cell number. In addition, during the developed. New fiber bundles formed during root
retention period they may remain stretched and displaced development will assist in maintaining the corrected tooth
for a long time (Fig. 35-24 right). Experimentally position.
displacement of these fibers was observed following a Bodily Movement. Bodily displacement of a tooth
period of 232 days.63 Marked stretching of the implies that the root is moved more or less parallel to the
supraalveolar structures occurs because the free gingival bone surface. The difference in the reaction between
fibers are con- tipping and bodily movement is due largely to mechanical
conditions. Initially, bodily movement
ideal conditions activator treatment may cause rapid is light, one may even observe a similar opaque area ahead of
improvement of muscular imbalance, especially in extreme the root of the moving tooth. The lamina dura, therefore, may
Class II cases. This observation has led to thecombination of be used as a diagnostic aid to indicate the direction of tooth
methods: initial treatment by removable appliances and movement during active treatment and also during migration
subsequently fixed appliance treatment.s" of teeth (Fig. 35-29). It should be noted that the apparent
thickness of the lamina dura depends on the method of
radiography. The direct rays determine the thickness shown on
the radiogram.
Actually the thickness of the lamina dura may not be as
The periodontal ligament is the most important structure in wide as that shown on the x-ray picture. The appearance of the
all types of tooth movement. The ligament supports the teeth, lamina dura on the radiogram depends on the shape of the
supplies sensory impulses, and carries nutrition. It is generally tooth and on the way in which the central x-ray beam faces the
recognized that the width of the periodontal ligament is lamina dura. Interpretations of the appearance of the lamina
greatest adjacent to the marginal and apical thirds of the root, dura, therefore, should be guarded because of distortions. In
anatomical characteristics which soon disappear as the tooth addition, areas examined histologically may disclose that what
is moved orthodontically. is shown on the radiogram as regards the thickness of the
Although most teeth subjected to orthodontic forces will lamina dura does not always correspond to the histologic
move, it is nevertheless found that the degree of movement findings. It is also a fact that what has been termed bone
varies according to the individual tissue reaction. As regards density is very seldom observed in young human structures.
the general aspects of tooth movability most practitioners On the contrary, examination of a great mass of material
agree that (1) teeth are moved more readily by light than by indicated that the bone in some young persons contain more
heavy forces, (2) tipping movement constitutes the fastest canals and spaces than in others,52 a factor which may
method of displacing the coronal portion of a tooth, and (3) influence tooth movability (Fig. 35-8 left).
teeth of young persons are moved more readily than those of Systemic Factors. Variation in tooth movability was
adults. observed in an experimental series comprising a fairly large
A closer examination of these statements will reveal that number of young patients undergoing observation over a
there are exceptions, some of which are related to the existing period of 12 to 13 months.
type of bone and fibrous tissue, others to systemic or Face bow combined with extraoral forces was selected as
hormonal imbalance?" and also local disturbances in the the method of treatment. Periodic measurement of the degree
periodontal ligament. of movement indicated that the magnitude of force was of
The Lamina Dura. As observed radiographically, the importance, but the influence of the individual tissue reaction
lamina dura becomes thinner and less radiopaque when the was of still greater significance. In some cases the tissues of
tooth comes into full occlusion following eruption.P" During sisters or brothers appeared to react similarly. The
tooth movement an increased thickness in the radiopaque
layer may be observed primarily on the tension side. If the
conclusion of these findings would be that certain hereditary as a small root tip left in the alveolus after extraction. Hence, it
factors may influence tooth movement. If one member of a may be considered a biological law that tooth movement will
family has molar teeth which are readily displaced, one may be arrested as long as pieces of calcified tissue, such as
expect that other members of the same family would react in a cementicles and odontomas, remain in the periodontal
similar manner. ligament. Following surgical removal of such obstacles the
The biological background of such findings is being adjacent teeth will move as intended. (Fig. 35-30).
investigated. Histologically there is a bone factor of large The Tooth Position. In addition to the factors related to an
marrow spaces (Fig. 35-2 right) and short hyalinization obstruction in the vicinity of the root, the inclination of the
periods. This type of human bone is entirely different from tooth to be moved may be the cause of a retarded movement
certain animal tissues (Fig. 35-24 left). Secondly there is a (Fig. 35-31). Although originally of a mechanical nature, such
fibrous tissue factor. Patients whose teeth are moved readily retarded tooth movability depends on biological factors, a
over a great distance reveal a turnover rate that facilitates a tendency to intrusion of the tooth to be moved and thus longer
rapid elongation and transformation of the supporting tissues. hyalinization periods and more bone to be resorbed. This well
These variations in the tissue reaction have not been fully known principle constitutes the basis of the prepared
examined and remain a problem for further investigation. anchorage philosophy. It has been observed experimentally
In contrast to the increased metabolic rate, a few cases have that inclined teeth will move much slower than teeth that are
been observed in which systemic disorders and hormonal upright before orthodontic force is applied. 53
imbalance may cause retarded eruption and slow movement Impacted Teeth. The same mechanical and biological
of the teeth. These cases are not numerous and it is not as yet factors are present in the movement of impacted teeth with
proved that the slow movability of these teeth is related to delacerated or curved roots. Certain teeth with malformed
hereditary factors. roots are difficult to extrude because there is recurrent
Local Disturbances. While there is no perceptible hyalinization and tissue compression with a large area of bone
difference in the degree of movability of devitalized and vital to be resorbed (Fig. 35-32). Theoretically surgical resection of
teeth either in their gross or histologic aspects,26,61 arrested the root end followed by root filling would facilitate extrusion
or retarded movement of a nonhereditary origin may be of the tooth. Another solution of the problem would be
caused by various obstacles located in the periodontal surgical removal of bone, a method which has been advocated
ligament (Fig. 35-29). The force applied in frictionless bodily by some practitioners."
movement varies around 80 to 100 g. Even conventional tooth In general, impacted teeth in the lower jaw can be extruded
movement may be arrested by obstacles such and moved into position more readily than teeth in the upper
jaw. Adult cases have been observed in which impacted
canines in the lower jaw could be brought into occlusion while
it was not possible to move the maxillary canines. To what
extent dense calcified centers of the maxillary sinus
Fig. 35-30. Adult case. C, Cementicle which will cause
retardation in the tooth movement. Similar effect may be Fig. 35-31. Mesially inclined canine, A,
caused by odontomas. B, Alveolar bone; M, epithelial will resist tooth movement. It can be moved
remnant. bodily when uprighted to B.
Tooth Movability . 609
Fig. 35-36. Two types of root fracture, It
can occasionally be indicated to move a
dislocated coronal fragment into contact
with the apical portion in case B, but not Fig. 35-38. Mechanical arrangement for movement of a
when the fracture is close to the marginal dislocated coronal fragment. Thickness of spring 0.012" or
tissues as in A. 0.010". Force, 30 to 40 g.
Pulp Changes . 611
ance treatment pulp disturbances exist, but these jected to root.resorption. Likewise the early eruption and
alterations do not cause pulp necrosis provided the well calcified root surfaces of first molars may explain
orthodontic forces are moderate and applied as indicated. why root resorption occurs fairly frequently in these teeth.
Initiation of Root Resorption. A detailed examination of
resorbed root surfaces has been included in more recent
ROOT RESORPTION studies. Details and form of the resorbed lacunae have
been visualized by scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 35-
Root resorption of permanent teeth has been observed 40 right). It has also been found that all teeth moved for a
for many years. Fairly large repaired lacunae may be period longer than 30 days will end up with small
seen in adult teeth as a result of trauma (Fig. 35-19 left). resorbed lacunae in the vicinity of the hyalinized zones of
Other factors causing root resorption may be of the root surface.P"
metabolic or genetic origin. The incidence varies in In a comprehensive study Reitan observed the initial
different teeth of the same person and is considered to be changes leading to root resorption. 51 It was found that the
higher in females than in males. anatomical environment is an important factor. Existing
In an extensive examination of roentgenograms cementoid on the root surface may delay root resorption,
Massier and Malone observed root resorption of one or but it was also seen that compression caused by an
more teeth in 708 persons who had never undergone orthodontic force can prevent further deposition or even
orthodontic treatment nor been subjected to any accidents diminish the thickness of the cementoid layers. During
involving their teeth." tipping movement the apical portion of teeth in a develop-
Trauma Causing Root Resorption. Trauma of varying mental stage will undergo changes similar to those
intensity can be followed by combinations of pulpal and observed in the bone (Fig. 35-41). The apical surfaces of
periodontal inflammation and root resorption. Gottlieb such teeth may be covered by thick layers of uncalcified
and Orban, and several other investigators, have tissue, and further development of the root cannot be
discussed the histologic changes during trauma. IS restricted even if there are resorbed lacunae close to these
Especially, bleeding along the root surface seems to uncalcified layers. The prerequisi te for such a reaction to
create resorbing cells, cementoclasts or dentinodasts, occur is that the force exerted is light or interrupted. A
cells which are of the same origin and appearance as persisting strong intrusive force may delay the
bone-resorbing cells, the osteoclasts. A degradation of development of the apical portion of teeth and even cause
the matrix covering the cementum may start formation of shortening of the root (Fig. 35-42).
resorbing cells.P" The most striking effect is observed in The initially resorbed lacunae are usually small and
roots of teeth that have been reimplanted, a procedure shallow.i'? Unlike bone resorption, root resorption may
which in nearly all cases, will lead to a marked foreign start even subjacent to the hyalinized tissue, especially if
body reaction with extensive root resorption. Only by the cementoid layer is thin or absent.55,73 Such small
autoimplantation of teeth with underdeveloped roots is it lacunae may be formed rapidly and, if the compression
possible to obtain further development of the apical decreases, become repaired even within a period of 30
portion and a stable tooth posi tion.I" days. 52
Orthodontic Treatment. While roentgenograms of , Apical Root Resorption. During orthodontic treatment
treated cases may reveal no visible changes in the root the apical area of the root is of special interest. The
surface, it is nevertheless a fact that most teeth moved initiation and extent of root alterations may be detected by
orthodontically will undergo root resorption. taking roentgenograms periodically. To some extent
Observations concerning the incidence of root re- uncalcified secondary cementum deposited in the resorbed
sorption have been made by Henry and Weinmann who lacunae will prevent further rdot resorption. If apical
observed that some individuals were more liable to show resorption has started, it is advisable to discontinue tooth
root alterations than others.P Persons with a higher movement for a few weeks until cementoid tissue has been
degree of root resorption prior to treatment would also deposited and apply lighter forces during the remaining
have more resorbed teeth during treatment. A careful treatment period. Since the occurrence of resorbed lacunae
examination of pretreatment roentgenograms is therefore in the marginal and middle thirds of the root never causes
important for treatment planning. any lowering of the function and stability of the teeth, it is
Some teeth are more frequently affected than others. apical root resorption especially which should be avoided.
The fact that teeth that erupt early have well calcified Generally apical resorption occurs less frequently
root surfaces and the small size of the anterior teeth may
explain why mandibular incisors and maxillary lateral
incisors are frequently sub-
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57. Reitan, K: Principles of retention and avoidance of 73. Selvig, K A.: The fine structure of human cementum.
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58. Reitan, K: Some factors determining the evaluation of 74. Sharnos, M. H., and Lavine, L. 5.: Piezoelectricity as a
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59. Reitan, K: Tissue behavior during orthodontic tooth 213:267,1967.
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60. Reitan, K: Tissue changes following experimental tooth orthodontic treatment. Int. J. Orthodont., 18:659, 1932.
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62. Reitan, K: Tissue reaction during repair of fractured roots. alometric study of children with various indocrine diseases.
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63.Reitan, K.: Tissue rearrangement during retention of 78. Stenvik, A.: Pulp and dentine reactions to experimental tooth
.orthodontically rotated teeth. Angle Orthodontist, 29: 105, intrusion (A histologic study-long-term effects). Trans.
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64. Reitan, K., and Skillen, W. G.: Tissue changes following 79. Stenvik, A. and Mjor, 1. A.: Pulp and dentine reactions to
the rotation of teeth in the dog. Angle Orthodontist, experimental tooth intrusion. A histologic study of the initial
10:140, 1940. changes. Am. J. Orthodont., 57:370, 1970.
65. Rinderer, L.: The effects of expansion of the palatal suture. 80. Storey, E.: Bone changes associated with tooth movement.
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66. Roux, W.: Gesammelte Abhandlungen tiber Entwick- 81. Storey, E.: The nature of tooth movement. Am. J.
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67. Rygh, P.: Ultrastructural cellular reactions in pressure zones 82. Ten Cate, A. R.: Physiological resorption of connective
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68. Rygh, P.: Ultrastructural changes in pressure zones of human 83. Utley, R. K: The activity of alveolar bone incident to
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69. Rygh, P., and Reitan, K: Ultrastructural changes in the 84. Weinstein, S., Haack, D. C, et. at.: On an equilibrium theory
periodontal ligament incident to orthodontic tooth of tooth position. Angle Orthodont., 33:1, 1963.
movement. Trans. Europ. Orthodont. Soc. 1973. (In press). 85. Wieslander, L.: The effect of orthodontic treatment on the
70. Sandstedt, C: Einige Beitrage zur Theorie der Zahn- concurrent development of the craniofacial complex. Am. J.
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71. Schwarz, A. M.: Tissue changes incident to orthodontic 86. Wolff, J.: Das Gesetz des Knochenschwundes durch
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endochondral osteogenesis in young rats. J. Cell Bio!.,
14:357, 1962.
Retention and Relapse in Orthodontic
CAUSES OF RELAPSE are in traumatic occlusion can be moved more quickly
and easily than those that have not recently changed
Postretention evaluation of orthodontically treated position. The greater mobility is due to the readiness with
patients shows a tendency in some cases for the original which recently formed, lightly calcified bundle bone
growth pattern and the malocclusion to reassert surrounding the recently moved teeth can be resorbed and
themselves, especially in the absence of or following to the presence of an increased number of young
inadequate retention. This tendency does not usually cofinective tissue cells. When orthodontic force is
result in malocclusion as severe as the original. The removed, the transitional bone is transformed into fully
mandible may tend to assume its incorrect position in formed alveolar bone. However, this transformation takes
keeping with the kinesthetic muscle functional pattern from about 6 months to 1 year, or even longer, after
established before the occlusion was corrected. active tooth movement is completed. During the period
of bone change, relapse can occur if the teeth are not
under retention.
The Area of Functional Tolerance
Since the teeth and jaws are a part of a closed force-
linked functional system their positions cannot be Muscle Balance
changed permanently by orthodontic means beyond the The fact that the force exerted by the tongue, the
limits of an area of functional tolerance or functional circumoral musculature, the buccinators, and the muscles
balance. Teeth moved to or located within this area will of mastication is not equal in amount indicates that there
remain stable because they are in line with the forces are other factors in addition to muscle balance
generated in function. Teeth moved or situated outside responsible for stability of the dentition. Among the
the area of functional tolerance will tend to show relapse factors responsible are the axial positions of the teeth, the
or recrowding. The placement of the teeth within the kinesthetics of the dentition that are developed by the
limits of the area of functional balance and tolerance, proprioceptors, and the quantity and quality of the
where the teeth will be maintained without relapse after functional forces involved in the movements of the
they are moved by orthodontic means, depends largely mandible.
on the clinical experience of the orthodontist. This is
almost always a subjective and pragmatic decision.
The tendency of the teeth to change position on the Equilibration of Forces
removal of orthodontic appliances, and occasionally also Teeth have to be moved into a position of static
retainers, can be attributed to the following: equilibrium. Otherwise, they are not stable and will
(1) Residual periodontal ligament tension, (2) lack of become displaced again after the use of retaining
functional adaptation of the teeth to their new locations, appliances is discontinued. A state of stable equilibrium
(3) inherent growth tendencies, (4) endocrine or other represents a condition of potential energy which cannot
systemic disturbances, (5) interference with the move the teeth out of position.
established functional forces, and (6) failure to remove
the original cause of the malocclusion.
Teeth that have changed position recently or that PREVENTION OF RELAPSE
Changes in Jaw Dynamics
Orthodontic changes in jaw relation bring with them
required changes in the pattern of jaw function.
Advantages of Early Treatment 617
This necessitates balancing of the periodontal and interdental muscles are in a state of active growth during which their
ligaments and changes in masticatory muscle insertions in origins and insertions are changing and can be more easily
the periosteum if muscle balance is to be achieved and the influenced in a direction favorable to the achievement of a
new jaw relation is to be permanent. Therefore, adequate use state of balance. Compensatory changes occur in the actual
of retaining appliances is necessary, especially during the extent and manner of muscle insertion. The changes in the
growth period, to assure that muscle insertion changes help periodontal ligament and in the interdental fibers also must
retain the teeth in their new positions. achieve stabilization. Some, if not all, of these changes take
longer for their adjustment than it takes to move the teeth into
their new position.
Skogsborg advocated slitting the labial and lingual frenum
ADVANTAGES OF EARLY TREATMENT attachments of the alveolar mucosa, especially in cases where
tooth rotations were present
Early treatment in young children is advantageous for
stability of orthodontic results because the
618 . Retention and Relapse in Orthodontic Therapy
before treatment, to overcome tensions remaining in the follows the use of extreme force in moving the teeth in the
tissues. Reitan advocates overtreatrnent of rotated teeth presence of weak musculature in which the tension on the
and active retention to prevent relapse. mandible will bring it bodily forward. Dual bite may be
also a voluntary action by the patient in the mistaken
RESULTS OF ORTHODONTIC THERAPY notion that since the orthodontist is trying to close the
overjet between the maxillary and mandibular incisors,
Desirable Results and the patient is anxious to have the appliances removed,
he brings the jaw forward, so that the orthodontist will
When we employ orthodontic appliances in treating terminate treatment sooner. It is important to recognize the
malocclusion we aim to obtain one or all of the following existence of a dual bite before beginning treatment. Dual
results: bite is found especially in patients who practice occlusal
1. Elimination of dental malocclusion mannerisms or jaw posturing.
2. Change in intra- and intermaxillary jaw rela- 3. So-called slippage of the dental occlusion when the
tions to an accepted normal maxillary dental arch slips forward after treatment is
3. An orthognathic facial profile completed in Class II malocclusion. This is seen
4. Maximum functional ability frequently after rapid tooth movement when strong
5. Acceptable esthetic appearance orthodontic force, extraoral or intermaxillary, is used to
move the maxillary teeth and the patient fails to wear
Undesirable Results retention appliances.
abnormal width, indicating that the teeth are under stress RECROWDING OF MANDIBULAR INCISORS
and that there is diminished or subnormal function. The
retaining appliance of the activator type can be worn after Recrowding of mandibular incisors is attributed by
school hours when the child is at home studying and Tweed to failure to locate them over "basal bone" during
during the night. An activator type of retainer is of treatment. However, many cases of recrowding of incisors
and space opening after orthodontic treatment can be found
advantage in preventing relapse and in correcting tongue
where teeth have been moved over so-called basal bone.
thrusting. Among the causes for incisor recrowding are the method of
The retaining appliances should allow a certain amount of chewing and swallowing, the type and degree of pressure
freedom for individual tooth positioning. They should not exerted when the teeth are brought into contact, dentofacial
hold the teeth in a state of rigidity. o matter how long pressure, and biting habits involving the teeth, the tongue,
teeth are retained under rigid conditions, they will relapse the lips, and other facial and
if the new position is not in consonance with functional
620 . Retention and Relapse in Orthodontic Therapy
masticatory muscles, psychic disturbances accompanied can show a tendency toward cusp-to-cusp occlusion on
by certain orofacial mannerisms, and other untoward one or both sides of the dental arches. The extraction space
factors. may reopen when the alveolar arch is large and also when
the tongue is large and active. Intruded or extruded
OCCLUSAL MANNERISMS mandibular incisors have a tendency to regain their
original height when pressure is released.
Occlusal mannerisms are the positions of incisor or
lateral series of teeth occlusion assumed by patients
involuntarily when they experience stress, anxiety, or
total concentration. The mannerisms are an important THIRD MOLAR ERUPTION AND INCISOR
cause of recrowding or relapse of mandibular incisors and RECROWDING
other teeth. Among these mannerisms are mouth twisting, With one important exception, third molar eruption, per
tongue chewing, cheek gnawing, and lip biting. se, is not a factor in mandibular incisor recrowding. When
Movements of the tongue, mimetic muscles, the the buccal teeth are moved or inclined distally by
mandible, and teeth in a child who is concentrating his orthodontic means so that the second molar encroaches on
entire efforts in performing some unaccustomed or the space of unerupted third molars, the eruption of the
difficult job are commonly observed. When practiced third molars and vertical axial positioning of the second
with sufficient frequency these occlusal mannerisms can molars can shift the distally inclined teeth forward and
reverse the satisfactory results obtained in orthodontic cause them to move mesially and impinge on the space
therapy. When an occlusal mannerism, or "tic occlusion," required by the incisors for normal alignment.
is present, the mandibular incisal edges show incisor
irregularities and highly polished facets uncommon in
young persons. When such a patient is asked to close the
teeth together, the teeth will frequently be brought into the RELATED FACTORS IN RETENTION AND
position they assume when the occlusal mannerism is RELAPSE
Related factors in retention and relapse are the age of
the patient, the type of orthodontic correction effected, the
rapidity with which the correction was accomplished, the
degree and the number of tooth rotations, the depth of the
cusps, the health of the tissues, and the distance that the
Treatment by extraction of a mandibular incisor teeth were moved.
Related Factors in Retention and Relapse' 621
Overtreatment of arch relation has been advocated as Posttreatment Adjustment in Mandibular Dynamics.
a means of preventing relapse. Cuspal pressures (the After treatment is completed mandibular dynamics may
forces of occlusion-Angle) usually can overcome continue to show wide divergence between centric relation
overtreatment. In some cases traumatic occlusion may be and centric occlusion. Such divergence can be seen also in
initiated by overtreatment. the tendency toward persistent mandibular protrusion in
Overexpansion. An overexpanded maxillary arch the case of a corrected Class III malocclusion when the
tends to contract. If the expansion is prolonged with the patient continues to bring the mandibular incisors forward
use of removable appliances, there is a tendency for the of the maxillary incisors when attempting to bring the
alveolar bone overlying the palatal roots of the teeth to teeth into terminal occlusion.
become thinner, and occasionally the palatal root of the Some patients must be taught, through exercise,
first molars may be denuded.
Related Factors in Retention and Relapse . 621
Overtreatment of arch relation has been advocated as a Posttreatment Adjustment in Mandibular Dynamics.
means of preventing relapse. Cuspal pressures (the forces After treatment is completed mandibular dynamics may
of occlusion-Angle) usually can overcome continue to show wide divergence between centric
overtreatment. In some cases traumatic occlusion may be relation and centric occlusion. Such divergence can be
initiated by overtreatment. seen also in the tendency toward persistent mandibular
Overexpansion. An overexpanded maxillary arch tends protrusion in the case of a corrected Class III
to contract. If the expansion is prolonged with the use of malocclusion when the patient continues to bring the
removable appliances, there is a tendency for the mandibular incisors forward of the maxillary incisors
alveolar bone overlying the palatal roots of the teeth to when attempting to bring the teeth into terminal
become thinner, and occasionally the palatal root of the occlusion.
first molars may be denuded. Some patients must be taught, through exercise,
622 . Retention and Relapse in Orthodontic Therapy
the cusps are severely worn, the surface area becomes traumatic occlusion will show varying degrees of
larger and increases the torque on the teeth during increased mobility. This is especially true of the
function. This increases tooth mobility. premolars and canines. Cusp grinding is limited to the
Traumatic occlusion shows itself radiographically in facets on the buccal aspects of the mandibular buccal
widening of the periodontal space between the root and cusps and the lingual aspects of the maxillary lingual
the cortical layer of the alveolus, thickening of the cusps.
lamina dura, hypertrophy of the cementum, and root Uneven marginal ridges should be eliminated to avoid
resorption. If adjustment does not occur, either food impaction. A method of examining for traumatic
spontaneously or by equilibration, teeth under occlusion is to place the tip of the fore-
626 . Retention and Relapse in Orthodontic Therapy
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Orthodontics in Public Health and
Prepayment Programs
The determining factor in the actual demand for 3. Advise in establishing an equitable fee scale for
orthodontic care in contradistinction to the need as orthodontic care
determined by dental personnel depends largely on the 4. Review selected cases periodically and advise on the
level of appreciation of "straight teeth" by the patient and progress and quality of treatment
the immediate family. This is influenced by the age and 5. Advise on continuing orthodontic educational
sex of the patient, the family's cultural and financial programs for professionals
status, and past experience with orthodontic care. Other 6. Prepare instructions to participating practitioners on
factors include the value and appreciation of orthodontic diagnostic aids, etc.
care by the patient's peers, the local community, the ethnic The Advisory Committee in New York State established
group, and by the general cultural environment. the following criteria for examination and acceptance of
Orthodontics as a public health function was defined by orthodontic care patients:
the U. S. Children's Bureau of the Department of Health, 1. Malocclusions interfering with masticatory function
Education and Welfare to be concerned with: 2. Malocclusions associated with cleft palate, cleft lip,
or abnormalities of the temporomandibular articulation
3. Malocclusions resulting from severe structural
deformities of the mandible and maxilla
The correction of dentofacial deformities when effi- 4. Malocclusions resulting from disease or trauma of the
ciency of the dental mechanism is threatened by a present mandible and maxilla
or potential condition which will cause tissue injury or 5. Malocclusions resulting in facial disfigurement and
interfere seriously with function or with mental or speech interferences
physical development. Required diagnostic aids include the following: 1. A
fully mounted series of periapical radiograms.
Additional radiograms to include lateral cephalometric,
ORTHODONTIC PROGRAMS lateral jaw, and occlusal views
2. Study casts
The American Public Health Association in a guide for 3.One profile and one full-face photograph showing head
public health personnel on Services for Children with and neck only, with the lips in rest position , and with
Dentofacial Handicaps states: posterior teeth in occlusion.
Since orthodontic care is often the principal service in
programs for dentofacial handicaps, there should be a
special advisory committee of orthodontic specialists,
preferably members of the American Association of PRINCIPLES IN ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC
Orthodontists, who are certified by the American Board of HEALTH ORTHODONTIC PROGRAMS
The following decisions must be made wherever
prepayment orthodontic programs are undertaken: 1. The
The Orthodontic Advisory Committee
results obtained should be comparable to those prevailing
Advisory committees on orthodontics can function in in orthodontic practice.
connection with prepayment programs as follows: 2. The educational and clinical experience of those who
1. Advise on criteria and priority for accepting patients are to render the service should be established as for
for treatment specialty practice.
2. Advise on the training and experience necessary to 3. The effect of the malocclusion on the personality of
qualify practitioners for participation in the program the patient should be a factor in accepting patients.
4. Orthodontics is a time consuming procedure.
Defining Handicapping Malocclusion . 629
There is an irreducible minimum cost below which capping malocciusion is needed by the dental profession
adequate care cannot be provided. that could justify the inclusion of orthodontic care in all
5. The retention period should be considered from the prepayment mechanisms, particularly if the prevalence of
standpoint of length of time required, service to be handicapping malocclusion were known and benefits were
rendered and costs involved. limited to those conditions; (2) that such a definition should
be available through the ADA but that the AAO is the
6. Educational material should be prepared on the
logical organization to establish the criteria and develop the
importance of patient and parent cooperation.
definition; (3) that since recommendations on prepaid
7. Cooperation of the orthodontist with the family dental care should be made by the ADA rather than by a
dentist while the child is undergoing orthodontic treatment specialty group, all data obtained from the study should be
and general dental care. presented to the ADA for its use.
Points Scored
The total score for an individual provides an index to the a score that will include a sufficient number of children for
need for treatment unaffected by subjective considerations of treatment in keeping with available competent professional
etiology, treatment planning, difficulty and duration of personnel and funds budgeted for orthodontics. In a
treatment required, or other professional judgments.
community of 3,000 children, the sampling indicates that
However, special circumstances that affect the acceptability
450, or 15 per cent, have assessment scores of five points or
of an individual patient can be inserted under "Remarks."
Method of Establlshing Treatment Priorities. The range more, and professional personnel, or available funds, or both,
of severity and frequency of occurrence of malocclusion is will permit treatment of 250 children only. Priority for
obtained by assessing a random sample of the child treatment is then given to children with the highest scores in
population in the community under consideration. The cut- decreasing order, until 250 children are included. The cut-off
off point is then set at point is then set. (Fig. 37-2) Practical experience in using the
Defining Handicapping Malocclusion' 631
indicates that a score of about 26 points or more usually since a rotated tooth is not scored also for crowding, and
indicates a high-priority malocclusion that requires vice versa.)
treatment. 5. Open spacing: crest of interdental papilla is visible.
Score each papilla in incisor section; score posterior teeth
when both adjacent crests of the interproximal papillae are
Use of the Index as a Base for Fees
The Index can be used for establishing fees for specific 6. Closed spacing: space is insufficient for complete
orthodontic treatment according to the severity of the eruption of a tooth.
malocclusion. Fees can be predicated on the number of B. Inter-arch Deviations (Fig. 37-58).
points or score shown in the individual's Index assessment 1. Overjet: labioaxial inclination of maxillary incisor
form. For example: alignment of a crowded tooth that teeth with mandibular incisors occluding on or over palatal
requires moving other teeth in the arch to obtain space mucosa.
should have a higher fee rating than a rotated tooth for 2. Overbite: maxillary incisors occlude on or opposite
which there is sufficient space for alignment in the arch labiogingival mucosa or mandibular incisors occlude
without moving other teeth. The "space" applies to closed directly on palatal mucosa.
and open spacing in intra-arch tooth alignment which 3. Overjet and overbite: score both when mandibular
mayor may not entail moving other teeth in the same arch.
incisors occlude directly on palatal mucosa and maxillary
Interarch deviations, such as overjet, overbite, crossbite,
incisors are in overjet.
openbite, and anteroposterior deviations that entail placing
4. Openbite: vertical separation between teeth in
an appliance on the upper or lower arch only, should have
opposing dental arches when the rest of the teeth are in
a lower point value than where both arches require
terminal occlusion. Edge-to-edge occlusion is not scored
insertion of appliances. The use of point values should be
as openbite (Fig. 37-6).
confined to the correction of maloccluded teeth that do not
require interarch correction. 5. Incisors crossbite: maxillary incisors are lingual to
Patients with patent malocclusion that involves tooth mandibular incisors when posterior teeth are in terminal
alignment in the upper and lower dental arches and occlusion (Fig. 37-7 A).
correction of interdental arch relation in general should be 6. Crossbite of posterior teeth: canines, premolars, and
treated on a case basis. This will obviate charges for first molars are buccally or lingually out of entire occlusal
change of appliances, progress radiograms, usual contact with their opposing teeth (Fig. 37-78).
breakage of appliances, and other unforeseen 7. Mesiodistal deviation: mandibular canine and
interferences with treatment.
Normal Buccal cross-bite Lingual cross-bite
buccoliogua! relation
B ~ Buccal
l e lingual P
~ Palatal
B. Posterior openbite
Fig. 37-6. Examples of interarch deviations.
incisor deviations show a score in excess of 6 points. The first premolar teeth are spaced on the mesial .sides
This makes a grand total of 32 points (Fig. 37-10E). only. Posterior teeth, to be counted as spaced, must show
The casts shown in Figure 37-11A-O show the visible papillae on their mesial and distal sides.
maxillary right incisor to be missing. The other three Therefore, these teeth are not scored as spaced. In the
maxillary incisors are spaced. Although it is obvious that mandibular dental arch when there is a space between the
if the right central incisor were present it too would be canine and first premolar it is scored. The space between
spaced, only three papillae are scored and not those the canine and lateral incisor is not scored, since it was
adjacent to the missing incisor. Therefore, the anterior scored with the anterior teeth.
score is 2 points for the missing central incisor, and 2 Interarch deviations include 3 teeth scored for overjet
points for each of the three visible papillae, making a and 4 teeth scored for overbite in the anterior section, or
total of 8 points for the maxillary anterior segment (Fig. 14 points additional for a total of 24 points. The
37-11E). mandibular posterior teeth on each side are distal to their
The maxillary canine teeth are spaced on both mesial maxillary opponents giving them a total score of 8 points
and distal sides. Since the canine teeth are assessed with for the right and left sides making a total of 32 points.
the posterior segment in this Index, 1 point is assigned Since the score of the maxillary anterior teeth, under 'A.
for each spaced canine tooth, not the papillae, or 2 points Intra-Arch Deviation' and the score for the anterior
for a total, thus far, of 10 points (Fig. 37-11E). segment under
Defining Handicapping Malocclusion . 635
DEFINITION: Handicapping malocclusion and handicapping denlafacial deformity are conditions that cons tilule a hazard 10 the
mainlenance of oral health, and i nlerfere wilh the well-being of the chi Id by adversely of. fecI i n9 denlofac ic I e sther i c s , mond ibu I or
fu net i on, or speech.
I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
Cos'!! No. ITIII'J Exami ... l!'f No. CTI Dot.1TTTlI Ar.,~
" " I 21
I X2
POSI. 22 2>
1 '4
" ae I Xl
2.7 z. '0
Ant. a to. " 2 Xl Z
Posl. aa
"f ae ae
f Xl
AnI, anterior te eth (4 incisors); Post. = poslerior teeth (include conine,
Total Score
premolars and firsl molar).
No . number of leeth affected.
1. Anlerior Segment
2. Posterior Segment
ee 4 5> 51 es
" "
Canine 1 I I 3 Xl
50 54 5. a 70
1 st Premo lor I J 2- Xl '2.
47 51 55 so ea .7 7'
2nd Premolor I I Z. Xl
4 s ee .0 7'
lsI Molar I
Z. Xl
No. = number; P.V. = point value; Total Score '1
'Add 8 points,when i ntrc-ond inter-o rch maxillary ~
inci sor score is 6 or more to denote esthetic hondicop. GRAND TOTAL' JZ-
Fig. 37-9E.
636 . Orthodontics in Public Health and Prepayment Programs
Fig. 37-10. See text.
Continued, opposite.
'B. Interarch Deviations: equal more than 6 points, 8 Lower Lip Palatal to Maxillary Incisors. The as-
points are added. This makes an grand total assessment sessment of the rest position of the lower lip palatal to the
of 40 points for these casts (Fig. 37-11E). maxillary incisors is made with the lips relaxed and the
teeth in terminal occlusion (Fig. 3713). Jaw closure
Use of the Index in Direct Mouth Examination should be repeated until relaxation of the lips is obtained
before the assessment is made.
The Supplementary Oral Assessment Record (Fig. 37- Occlusal Interference. Occlusal interference refers to
21) is used when the assessment is made directly in the the presence of malpositioned teeth that interfere with
mouth of the patient. Dentofacial deviations, such as the lateral, protrusive, or other excursive movements of the
following, that are not apparent on dental casts can be mandible (Fig. 37- 4A)
scored when the Index is used in direct mouth Functional Jaw limitation. Functional jaw limitation
examinations. Eight points are scored for each dentofacial refers to malpositioned teeth that interfere with or limit
deviation. jaw movements usually required during mastication (Fig.
Facial and Oral Clefts. Facial and oral clefts (Fig. 37- 37-14B).
12) refers to malocclusion in association with clefts of Facial Asymmetry. Facial asymmetry refers to
the lip and palate. When the alveolar process is not malocclusion that necessitates lateral or protrusive
involved in the cleft, orthodontic treatment priority is shifting of the mandible to obtain terminal occlusion so
determined by the malocclusion score alone. that lateral asymmetry of the face becomes evident (Fig.
37-15). Mandibular prognathism is shown
Defining Handicapping Malocclusion . 637
DEFINITION: Handicapping malocclusion and handicapping dentofacial deformity are conditions that constitute a hazard to the maintenance of oral-
health, and interfere with the well-being of the child by adversely affecting dentofacial esthetics, mandibular function, or speech.
Ce s e No.
2 3 4
Excmrne r No. r=o DOI.~
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 I, 16
1. Anteri or Segmen t
4- so
t I' '0
~ X2 /&
*Sc:ore maxillary or mondibulor incisors. Total SCore /6
No_ number 01 teeth affected; P .V. = POInt value.
2. Posterior Segment
4, 45 '9 53
" "
42 4' 50 ee
ea '0
I Xl J
1 st Premolar
" Xl
se 53 71
2nd Premo I Or
" " Xl
44 >2 ee ec 6' 72
1st Molar
" Xl
incisor score is 6 or more to denote esthetic handicap. GRAN D TOT AL ~
Prepcred by Dr, J. A. Sol zmcnn, Qppro .. ed by ,h", BOO;Jrd of Dt-eerer s of the Americon A5-S0l;iQtion of Orthedent! sis and the Council on Dee tel Health ~'the Ame-
l ccn DcnlO;JI As s o cletlcn.
Fig. 37-lOE.
638 . Orthodontics in Public Health and Prepayment Programs
in Figure 37-16, and a retrognathic mandible is shown in and 28 as indicated by esthetic deficiency, interference
Figure 37-17. Speech defect should not be assessed by with function, or dental health.
the orthodontist, general dentist, or hygienist without
special training in speech pathology.
DEFINITION: Hondicopping molocclusion ond hondicopping dentofo eio l deformity ore conditions that constitute a hazord to the
maintenonce of orol heolth, end interfere with the well-being 01 the child by c dver selv al." fecting dentofcc io l esthetics, mondibular
lunction, or speech.
1 2 3 4 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16
Z e:
Ant. " " Xl
Post. aa
,. as Xl
1. Anterior Segment
1- ,. 40
1 X2
"Score moxillary or mandibulor incisors.
No. = number 01 teeth affected, P.V. = pornt vclue.
Totol score
2. Posterior Segment
41 ee 4' ee 01 50
" 6'
r I Z Xl 7.-
50 54 02 50
" " "
1st Premolar I J 2- Xl ~
.7 " 55 59 03 67
2nd Premo I ur I I 2 Xl 2
44 '6 52 56 00 04
6. 12
1st Molor j I 2- Xl ~
No. = number; P.Y. ;;;; point val we; Totol Score ~
*Add 8 points,when intra-and inter-orch moxillary If
incisor score is 6 or more to denote esthetic hondicap. GRAND TOTAL *
Prepered by Dr. J. A. Salzmann, oppro v e d by th~ BI;loQrd I;lof Dl rectcr s of ,h~ Am4!lrieor'll AS!Qdotion of Dr'''oo'ontists eed the Cl)Ur'IIeil on Dl:"Ilh:1I H4!loltJ-. of 'he-
American Dl!'r'II te I A$~Qc;iQtion.
Fig. 37-11E.
640 . Orthodontics in Public Health and Prepayment Programs
Teacher or urse
The examiner (assessor) checks squares 43, 44, and 45
as indicated. If treatment is requested voluntarily or in
reply to a question, the assessor asks if the reason is to
correct dental irregularity, facial appearance, or as an aid in
chewing or tooth cleaning. Affirmative replies are checked
as indicated in
as. 46, 47, and 48. If treatment is not wanted, square 49
is checked.
The section on Treatment Desirability provides a Fig. 37-15. See
Treatment Desirability 641
A. 69 cases accepted by
index assessment
33 cases rejected by
index assessment
- 8 cases
rejected (see
8 cases
note 11 (see note 2)
B, 61 cases accepted by B. 33 cases rejected by
clinical judgment clinical judgment
same cases used for both
Fig. 37-20. (A) Head position and cheek retraction for intraoral
examination except for overbite. (B) Retraction of cheek for
anteroposterior occlusion examination. (C) Intraoral examination
for overjet and overbite. (D) Intraoral examination for overbite. (E)
Intraoral examination for anteroposterior deviations (Courtesy M.
M. Feldman).
Bibliography' 643
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Cue NO) III IJl9.rrnEx~miner NornD"telTTTllere~ IIIII
~ ~ Locution
3. Occlusel interference
5. F~cial esymmetry
6. Speech impeirment
Totel Scor
Dental 28
clue to the degree of patient and family cooperation that tion is a valid and practical method of assessment. Direct mouth
can be expected. This may help avoid wasting examinations can be used also in epidemiologic surveys of
malocclusion or the assessment of large numbers of children for
manpower and available funds.
prepayment or public health orthodontic care programs (Fig. 37-
Allen described the use of the Index in direct mouth 18).
examinations of prospective orthodontic patients in the
following manner:
The patient is seated in a dental chair with the head tipped BIBLIOGRAPHY
back and the mouth sufficiently open to permit a clear view of
the entire dentition (Fig. 37-18A, B, C). The assessor must be Allen, N. D.: Handicapping malocclusion assessment record in
able to view the dental arches from the front of the mouth for direct mouth examination. Am. J. Orthodont., 58:67, 1970.
assessing overbite and overjet, and the buccal series of teeth at a Ast, D. B., Carlos, J. P., and Cons, N. c.: The prevalence and
right angle to the occlusal plane, in order to assess the characteristics of malocclusion among senior high school
mesiodistal relation of the mandibular to the maxillary dental students in upstate New York. Am. J. Orthodont..
arch. A magnifying hand mirror and metal mirror cheek retractor 51:437,1965.
are useful for this purpose (Fig. 37-19A and B). The patient is Baumgartner, L.: Orthodontics as a public health service.
asked to "bite on the back teeth." The occlusion is checked to Am. J. Orthodont., 47:809, 1961.
ascertain that the mandible is not thrust forward or to one side. Byrne, J. J.: Assessment of malocclusion: Implications for dental
Overbite is assessed with the patient's head level and overjet prepayment programs. Am. J. Orthodont., 54:766, 1968.
with the head tipped back. Council on Dental Health, American Dental Association.
Allen examined 110 children to determine the accuracy of Prepaid dental care programs, Am. J. Orthodont., 48:778,
direct mouth examination using the Index. The results indicate 1962.
that the use of the Index in direct mouth examina-
644 . Orthodontics in Public Health and Prepayment Programs
Hixon, E. H., et al.: On Force and Tooth Movement. Am. J. --_: Orthodontics in prepaid dental programs, Am. J.
Orthodont., 57:476, 1970. Orthodont., 49:776, 1963.
Salzmann, J. A.: Principles and Practice of Public Health Salzmann, J. A.: Malocclusion severity assessment. Am. J.
Dentistry, Boston, Stratford, 1937. Orthodont., 53:109, 1967.
--_: Orthodontics as a public health activity. Am. J. Salzmann, J. A.: Handicapping malocclusion assessment to
Orthodont., 35:179, 1949. establish treatment priority. Am. J. Orthodont., 54:749, 1968.
Salzmann, J- A, et al.: Fact finding report on Strusser, H., and Simon, L. A: Orthodontics in public health
health services-Orthodontics. Am. J. Orthodont., practice. Am. J. Orthodont., 40:654-670, 1954.
37:50, 1951Salzmann, J. A, and Moore, G. E.: The Squires, F. A., Salzmann, J. A, Howes, A E., and Bedell,
White House conference and orthodontics. W. R: The advisory committee on orthodontics in
Am. J. Orthodont., 37:426, 1951- the public health program. Am. J. Orthodont., 46:220-
Salzmann, J. A: The Michigan workshop in 223, 1960.
Am. J. Orthodont., 45:55, 1959.
Numerals in italics indicate a figure, "t" following a page number indicate a table.
Abnormalities. See Malformation(s) modified, in edge-to-edge bite, 383 638, 643, 640-642
Activatorts), 556-591 occlusal changes and, 558, 559 establishment of treatment priorities in, 630-
action of, theories of, 570-578, 572-578 skeletal dysplasia correction with, 558, 560 631, 630
advantages of, 590-591, 619, 619 tooth eruption control with, 558-559, 565, 560, treatment desirability section of, 638-643
casts for, 578-579 570 use of, as bas for fees, 631 instructions for,
application of separating medium to, 584 trimmed, inferior view of, 572-573 631-638, 643, 631642
placement of acrylic on, 584, 587 lateral view of, 571 American Dental Association Council on Dental
Class II, correction of malocclusion with, 558, right buccal segment of, 571 Health, on acceptance of patients for pu blic
563-565, 556. 557, 558, 560, 562, 568, superior view of, 572-573 health orthodontic programs, 629
569, 570 trimming of, prefabrication of, 581-583, 582 American Public Health Association, on
eruption of teeth with, 581, 572, 572573. 582, procedure in, 584-586, 572, 572-573, orthodontics, 628
583 585 Analysis, cephalometric. See Cephalometric(s),
extension of acrylic of, 583, 585 untrimmed, lateral view of, 572-573 analysis
working bite for, 572 uses of, 556-567 Anchorage, 275-277
Class III, correction of malocclusion with, vertical manipulation of dentition with, 560-561, compound intermaxillary, 275
588-590, 589 560, 561, 562 definition of, 420
eruption of teeth with, 581-582, 584 exten Adams clasp, 298 extra oral, 276
sian of acrylic of, 583, 585 Adolescent, as patient, 3 labiolingual technique and, 498, 499 loss
labial archwire for, design of, 583, 580, 585 dentofacial growth changes of, influence of of, 276
construction of, 578-586 treatment on, 351-353, 352-354 Adult(s), occipital, 276
bite registration for, 578-579, 579 skeleton and musculature of, and of newborn, problem, hypothetical, 419
compared, 6 reciprocal tooth movement and, 419-420,
and manipulation of, for Class II correction,
skull of, 7 419,420,421
586-588,570,572,572-573, 585, 587,
treatment of, 373-386
588 reinforcing of, 276-277
case report of, 377-378, 379
contraindicatioris to, 591 resistance offered by, 276
Age, as factor in treatment, 146, 147 changes in
disadvantages of, 590-591 facial growth and dental development, 20-21. simple, 275
dislodging springs for, formation of, 580-581, dental, assessment of, 143 simple reciprocal intermaxillary, 275
582 simple reciprocal intrarnaxillary. 275
in deciduous dentition, 310 skeletal,
facial changes and, 558, 557, 558 simple stationary, 275
assessment of, 79-80, 142-143 tooth
facial conditions best managed by, 562- sta bili ty of, 276
eruption and, 29
565,568,569,570 Agenesis of teeth, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131 types of, 275- 276
facial growth and, 561, 563-565, 566 Alastics. 283 Angle, classification of malocclusions, 54-65,55
frontal view of, 572-573 Alveolar process, ankylosed teeth and, 131 edgewise appliance, 408-409, 408-409
growth of, 249 Ankylosis, in deciduous and permanent
functional occlusal plane changes in Class II
dentition, 130-132, 130
treatment with, 568-570, 570, 571 and maxilla, supraclus ion of, and buccoelusion
of primary molars, 240-241, 243
indications for, 591 of maxilla, 55
Anodontia, causes of, 126
intermittent forces of, tissue changes and, 605- American Association of Orthodontists,
Appliance(s), activator. See Activator(s)
606, 606 interceptive orthodontics defined by, 211
active, 277
intrusion of teeth and, 560 -Salzrnann treatment priority index, 629-643
Andresen. See Activator(s)
labial arch wire of, design of, 579, 556, assessment of dental casts in, 632-636, 633-639
antithumbsucking, 229, 228, 229
572-573, 580 assessment of patients for, 629-630, 630
arch-widening, 403
limitations of, 556-567 direct mouth examination and, 636-
in B gg technique, 440-442, 440, 457-459
lingual relief of, 579-580, 573, 581
Birnler, 556, 556
mandibular growth change with, 559-
biteplate, 162-163
in Bruxism, 381, 384
in mandibular relocation, 385, 386
masticatory muscle reaction to, 606-607
646 . Index
Boley gauge in measurement of arch length, occlusal relation of, 45, 46, 45 lines, 186-189, 191
212, 212 premature loss of, 315 maxillofacial triangle in, Margolis',
Bone(s), age assessment, 79-80, 142-143 development of, from birth to age four- 203- 204, 203
alveolar, resorption of, tooth movement and, teen, 30-41 measurements, Downs', 198-200, 198-200
592-593, 594 ectopic eruption of, 126, 128, 134, 339 planes, 186-189, 191
teeth as functional matrix for, 25 bundle, extraction of, 250 radiographic, 176-182
arrangement of, and tooth movement. 604, high, 135, 137 clinical value of, 183
603, 604 impacted, Direct Bonding System in, in diagnosis and treatment, 183-196 in
centers, in hand, range of time of ap- 437, 436 examination, 143
pearance of, 83t changes, locating of, 337, 340, 341, 342 limitations of, 190-191
in adult, 373-374 cranial. See orthodontic therapy in, 339-340 reference lines in, 191-192
Skull surgical exposure of, 340-341, 342 techniques in, 176-179
deformation, theories of, 598-600, 599 movement of, force and, 279 tracings of, superimposition of, 195, 193, 194,
deposition, internal. in posthyaliniza- permanent, occlusal relation of, 46, 48, 47 195
tion period, 600, 601 shaped to resemble lateral incisor, 337 uses of, 176
. physiologic tooth movement and, 592, 593 Caries, dental occlusion and, 19 and standards, Downs', 198t
displacement of, in mid palatal suture opening, malocclusion, 3, 122 Ricketts', 202-203
552, 551, 553 and orthodontic treatment, 3 University of Washington, 202t
facial, development of, 6 Cartilage, Meckel's, development of, 11 Centric technique, standardization of, 183
of fetus, 9 occlusion, and centric relation, 618 of mandible, Yvaxis, 190, 194
formation, in abnormal labial frenums, 152 97, 98 Charts, diagnostic examination, 143-144
types of, 9-10 Centric relation, and centric occlusion, 618 of Child(ren), as patient, 2-3
grafting, in cleft palate, 401-403, 405 mandible, 97, 98 comparison of hands of, from age 6 to age 15,
growth of, types of, 26 Cephalogram(s), accuracy of, 176 45 89-93
lability of, 9, 9 degree, 179 development of dentition of, from birth to age
long, structural details of, 8 head position, natural, 178 14,30-41
orthodontic therapy and, 9-10 regeneration of, information obtainable from, 183
temporomandibular articulation of, and of adult,
following mid palatal lateral, 177-178, 178
compared, 99
suture opening, 549-550, 549 resorption, comparison of, by mesh diagram, 210
Chincap. 164,310-312,303,311
orthodontic tooth movement and, 593-594, oblique, 179
for developing Class III malocclusion, 312, 311
594 tracing of, 188
in mandibular prognathism, 313
physiologic tooth movement and, 592 593 without cephalometer, 179, 180
Chlorobutanol, 4
undermining, 596, 595, 596 magnification and distortion in, 176
Chromosomal aberrations, and clefts, 387, 390,
structure, factors influencing, 9 and mandibular rest position, 178
teeth, differences between, 30 posteroanterior, 178
Clasp, Adams, 298 Schwarz
type, hyalinization of periodontal tissue and, of ramus of mandible, 179
arrowhead, 298
596, 593 tracing of, 179-181, 188
Clasp knife reflex, mechanism of, 577
Bracketts), attachment of, to enamel. See Direct in check of efficacy of treatment, 248 use
Classification, in deciduous dentition, 53 dental,
Bonding System of, 176
variation of, 75-79
in Begg technique, 440-441, 440, 457 Cephalometer, 176, 177
of malocclusion, Angle, 54-65, 55 Class
edgewise, 409, 409, 410 Cephalometric(s), analysis, 197-210
I, 54
functions of, 410 denture, 194-195, 192
Downs', 197-202
Class 54-55
modifications of, 411-412, 411 Division 1,55
placement of, 412-414, 41~, 416 facial, Bjork's, 204-206, 204, 205
Subdivision, 55
and tube set-ups, 412, 412 mandible, 193
Division 2, 58-65
Brain, case, growth of, form-function rela- maxilla, 193
Subdivision, 65 Class
tionship in, 25 Moorrees mesh diagram in. See Mesh III, 65
expansion of, 16 diagram, Moorrees' skeletal. 75-94 variation
Branchial arch abnormalities, 107-111 profile, 193,192 Ricketts', of, 75-79
Bruxism, 122-123, 381 202-203, 201 Sassouru's, Cleft Ii p, chromosomal aberrations and,
appliance in, 381, 384 206-207, 205 skeletal,
387, 390, 391
Buccoclusion, of maxilla, and maxillary and 193-194, 191
dental abnormalities in, 387-389
alveolar supraclusion, 55 angle(s), 190
etiologic factors in, 10, 387
Bumper, lip, 148, 151 Gonion, variations in, 192
formation of, stages of, 387 parent
in evaluation of growth, 195-196, 193, 194, 195
counselling in, 406
Frankfort-mandibular plane angle in, 190, 194
types of, 387, 388
Frankfort plane, 187-188, 194
Cleft palate, 387-407
landmarks, 183-186 commonly
bone grafting in, 401-403, 405 chromosomal
used, 189 lateral, 184, 186
aberrations and, 387, 390, 391
and measure points for clinical use in, 189, 190
collapsed, treatment of, McNeil's tech-
Calcification, of teeth roots, deciduous, 4 posteroanterior, 184. 185
nique for, 399-403, 397-398
permanent, 42 variations in, 192, 189
crossbi te in, 399-400,403
Calvaria, growth of, form-function relationship
dental abnormalities in, 387-389
in, 25
etiologic factors in, 10, 387
Canine(s), deciduous, grinding of incisal tips of,
648 . Index
Cleft palate- (Cont.) extractions histories of, 527-531, 537, 528-530, 538- renal, dentition and skeletal features in. 111-112
in, 392 formation of, stages 541 severe, dentition and skeletal features in,
of, 387 Division 2, Subdivision malocclusion, case 110-111
not involving alveolar process, 400 history of, 531-534, 532-534 construction of, Distoclusion. See Malocclusion. Class II
oligodontia in, 393, 403 514-521 Downs' cephalometric analysis, 197-202
orthodontic intervention in, 389-396 materials and tools for, 514, 527t crescent of, Ductility, definition of, 275
contraindications to, 393-394, 393 mandibular, formation of, 515-516, 516 Dwarf, achondroplastic, dentition and skeletal
results of, 394 maxillary, formation of, 519 features of, 108-109
timing of. 391-392 cribwire of, mandibular, bending of, 515, 515, Dyslalias, malocclusions and, 101 Dysostosis,
orthopedics, 396-403 516 orodigitofacial. dentition in, 107
parent counselling in, 406 postoperative maxillary, bending of, 518-519. 518 Crozat Dysplasia, ectodermal, hereditary, dentition in,
anomalies in, 396, 392 prosthesis in, on, 513 115
394-395, 401 radiography in, 391, 393 finished, 521, 522 skeletal, activator in, 558, 560
rehabilitation in, 394 insertion of, 521-522
speech, 403-406 lingual bodywire of, mandibular, construction
supernumerary teeth in, 395 of, 516-517, 517
transmission of, 387, 389 maxillary, construction of, 519-520, 519, 520
types of, 387, 388 occlusal rest wires of, 517-518 Ectodermal dysplasia, hereditary, dentition in.
Clicking of temporomandibular articulation, in rotation of molars for space gain, case 115
100 history of, 534-537, 535-537 soldering of, Ectopy, diagnosis of, 337
Coil, Pletcher, 305 spring Edgewise appliance, 408-433
520-521. 520, 521
force, 280, 282 band fitting in, 412-414, 414, 415
Curve of Spee, 19
-springs. in twin wire appliance, 462, 462 bodily movement and, 605 bracket,
Cuspids, band fitting and bracket placement on,
Condyle(s), changes in, 196 409, 409, 410
413, 413
mandibular, growth of, 10, 9 modifications of, 411-412, 411
movements of, 99 placement of, 412-414, 413 and
malocclusion and, 100 tube set-ups, 412, 412
Copalite,4 in complex malocclusions, case reports
Coronoid process, and temporalis muscle, form- of, 421-433, 422-432, 423t, 427t
function relationship of, 25 Cranium. See Skull Deformation, definition of, 275 components of, 410-412
Crossbite(s),215-227 Dental care, general, 3-4 development of, 408-410
anterior, 220-221 Dentinogenesis imperfecta, in ectodermal E arch, 408, 408
buccal, midpalatal suture opening and, 551 dysplasia, 115 modifications of, 409-410
in cleft palate, treatment of, 399-400, 403 in Dentist, family, orthodontics and, 1 pin and tube, 408, 409
deciduous dentition, 217, 316-318, Dentition. See Tooth(Teeth) ribbon arch, 408-409, 409
217.308.310 Development, of clefts, 10 uses of, 408
labiolingual technique in, 480, 481 in definition of, 6 Elasticity, definition of, 275
mixed dentition, 217, 217, 218 posterior, and growth, record charts, 563-565 of Elastics, force produced by, factors influencing,
degrees of. 220 mouth, 10, 10 283
functional, detection of, 219-220, 219 occlusal, guidance of, 145-166 intermaxillary, force of, 284-285
unilateral, 219 scope of, 145 hooks for, 300
right maxillary, with exception of central of teeth, deciduous, 30-35. 31-32 in space closure, 284
incisor, labiolingual technique in, 506- permanent, 35-42, 33-41 with mouth open and closed, space diagrams of,
512,509-511 of tongue, 11 284
simple incisor, characteristics of, 221. 221 Diagnosis, in deciduous dentition, 307-320 of vector diagrams of, 283
correction of, acrylic inclined plane appliance ectopy, 337 lingual and buccal, in space closure, 284
in, 223-224, 223. 224, 225 in mixed dentition, 321-334 modification of pull of. 283
fixed-removable appliances in, 226227,227 in permanent dentition', 335-372 of Oliver guideplane and, 490
gaining cooperation from patient in, 221-222 prognathism, 353-361 uses of, 283
removable appliances in, 224-226, 226 of supernumerary teeth, 120, 230-231. 231, 232, Enamel, direct bracket attachment to.
tongue blade technique in, 222-223, 218. 222 233 See Direct Bonding System
treatrnen t of, 220 of temporomandibular dysfunction, 100 Tweed etching, 4
early, 215-219, 217, 218 triangle in, 248, 270-271, 252 Diastemajs), Endocrine imbalance, dentofacial manifestations
Crozat appliance, 513-514 abnormal, causes of, 116-117, 152. 153 of, 111
acti vation of, 524-527 in deciduous dentition, 316 Environmental factors, effects of, on dental
adjustment of, 522-524, 523-524, 525-526 midline, in adults, treatment of, 374, 384 genotype, 43, 44
clasps of, construction of, 513-514, 516 in Differential force, 279 Equilibration, occlusal, 623-626, 625 Eruption,
Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, case Direct Bonding System, 434-437 control of. activator in, 558-559, 565, 560, 570
advantages of, 434 delayed, causes of. 126, 132, 136, 137, 139
bonding technique in, 434-435, 434-435 surgical exposure of teeth in, 238-239,
bracket removal in, 435 240, 241
clinical use of, 435-437, 436 ectopic, 126-128, 134,135, 137
disadvantage of, 434 facial growth in depth and, 15
Disease(s), periodontal, malocclusion and, mean ages of, 29
111,150-152 order of, 30
Index' 649
effect of. on deciduous dentition, 315-316, 314, second,250 son, compared, 75-79, 87
315, 317 serial, 262-273 contraindications to, in siblings, compared, 84-86 profile(s)
Etching, enamel, 4 262-263 goals of, 262 of, cephalometric analysis of,
Etiology, of malocclusion, 103-125, 103 improperly planned, 239 193, 192
acquired, 104106 indications for, 235, 262, 235, 236, 265 changes in, activator and, 560, 561
classification of, 103-106 lingual holding appliance and, 237- compared, 80
dentofacial pressure habits in, 120-123, 238, 238 dental occlusion and, 22
118-119, 120, 121 endocrine Nance's method of, 263 extraction and, 249-250, 250
imbalance in, 111 environmental, procedure in, 235-237, 235, 236 Tweed's factors influencing, 22
104-106 functional, 104 orthodontic guidance for, 270 without radiography of, 172, 180
genetic, 106-111 active mechanotherapy, 264 rhinoplasty and, 22, 253
mandibular incisor crowding in, 123 supernumerary teeth, 232-235, 234 prognathism of, 197 causes
midline deviations in, 115-119 tooth shifting following, 116 Tweed of, 206, 250
mouth breathing in, 112 diagnostic triangle and, 248 measurement of, 205
periodontal disease in, 111 twin wire appliance in cases involving, 462 proportions of, increase in, 12-15, 13
postnatal factors in, 103-104 without orthodontic therapy, 257, 258, 259,260 skeletal patternts) of, 75
prenatal factors in, 103 supernumerary Class 1, 85, 87, 349-351, 352-354, 355,
teeth in, 119-120 temporomandibular 357, 358, 360
disturbances in, Class 2, 86, 87, 345-346, 347-349
111 Class 3, 82, 83
tongue posture and function in, 113115 and phenotypical facial appearance, in mother
Examination(s), charts, diagnostic, 143-144 and son, compared, 75-79, 87
Facets), analysis of, Bjork's, 204-206, 204, 205
in siblings, compared, 84-86 relation of
history in, 142 asymmetry of, 8, 7 treatment in,
dentition to, in Downs' analysis, 200-201,
oral, 143 342-344, 343
parameters in, 142 balance of, and orthodontic therapy, 97-98
variations in, 75-79
photographic, 143 bones of, development of, 6 fetal,
types of, 78, 79
posture, 142 9
roentgenographic, 143 compared, 80
changes in, activator and, 558, 557, 558 Downs', 197-198, 197, 197t
scope of. 142-143 genetic influence on, monozygous twins
serial, 142 Tweed's, 271-272, 270, 271
illustrating, 322-324, 322, 323
skeletal signs in, 142 width of, dimensions of, 13
treatment timing and, 330, 328-329
of tongue thrusting, 159-160 growth in, 16-17
contour of, Ricketts' analysis of, 203 depth
Exfoliation, premature, 132-134 Fetus, facial bones of, 9
of, growth in, 15
Expansion screws, 161-162 gums and palate of, 30
esthetic line of, Ricketts' analysis of, 203
Extraction(s), in abnormal overjet or over- Finger sucking, malocclusion and, 120, 227-
expression of, muscles and, 14-15t growth of,
bite, 157 228, 318, 118, 2L7
of canines, 250 therapy in, chemical, 228
acti vator and, 561, 563-565, 566
child and, 3 mechanical, 228-229, 228
by age, 20-21
choice of teeth for, 250-257 psychological, 229-230
changes in, treatment and, 21-22 dental
in Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, 247 Fingernail biting, 318
development and, age changes
Division 2 malocclusion, 247-248 in malocclusion and, 121-122
in, 20-21 in
cleft palate, 392 Flory standard of appearance of osseous cen
depth, 15
criteria for, 246-248 ters, 83t
during first 9 months, 195
of deciduous teeth, indications for, 312-314, Fluoridation treatment, 3
factors influencing, 8
314, 315 Force(s), auxiliary spring, 278279, 278
favorable, 20
eight-tooth, Begg technique following, 453- coil spring, 280, 282
in height, 16
459, 453-457 continuous, tissue changes with, 593-602
method of, 15-19
facial profile and, 249-250, 250 of definition of, 274
occlusion and, 19-22
incisors, mandibular, 256-257 in differential, 279
overall, analysis of, 196, 193, 195
procumbency of. 247-248 relapse elastic, 283-285
Margolis maxillofacial triangle in, 203-
following, 620 extraoral, 300-301, 304
204, 203
of molars, first permanent, 251-253 occlusal intermittent, removable appliances and,
unfavorable, malocclusion therapy and,21
changes following, 117-119 second 605,606
in width, 16-17
permanent, 253-256, 256 interrupted, fixed appliances and, 605, 602
height of, growth in, 15-16
third, impacted, 256 light, in tooth extrusion in openbite, 603-604,
later changes in, 17-19
orthodontic therapy without, case histories of. 603
masks, construction of, 143 measurement(s)
264-270, 266-267, 268-269 in tooth movement, 602-603, 602
of, Downs', 198-200,
of overretained primary teeth, 239-244, 242, lack of force equilibration of, and re-
243, 244 lapse, 616
polygonal portrayal of, 201
of premolars, first, 25<l, 257 in midpalatal suture opening, 550-551 molar
middle, reference lines in, 191-192 muscles
case illustrating treatment following, 254-255 resistance to, 279
controlling expression of, 14-15t
without orthodontic therapy, results of, 259, muscular, physiologic tooth movement and,
phenotypical appearance of, and facial
260 592, 593
skeletal patterns, in mother and
optimum, 279
650 . Index
Forcers) - (Cont.)
and development, record charts, 563-565 Hypercementosis, tooth movability and, 609-
orthodontic, muscle reactions to, 618
evaluation of, orthodontic therapy changes 610, 609, 610
transmission of, methods of, 279 orthodontic
and, 195-196
appliance, and resistance,
facial. See Face, growth of
of head, cranial and visceral areas of, 6-9. 7 Impaction(s), 128-130
in physiologic tooth movement, 592, 593 causes of, 128
processes in, 26
spring, for moving teeth, 279
of jaws, muscle function and, 19 locating of, 337-339, 340, 341, 342
steel archwire, 278 processes in, 26 orthodontic therapy in, 339-340
steel wire, 277-279 treatment and, 145 second premolar, 138
trajectorial, in jaws, 95-96 mandibular. See Mandible, growth of surgical exposure in, 340-341, 342
types of, 274 maxillary, 11-12,196,12, 193, 195 normal,43 teeth susceptible to, 128-129
variation, in tooth movement, 602-604 Form- of palate, 12 of third molars, 129-130, 131, 135 Incisorts),
function relationship, functional matrix concept central, axial position of, treatment to change,
of skull, 6-9, 7
and, 25 399-400
transforrnative, 26
Frankel appliance, 556, 557 Frankfort- band fitting and bracket placement on, 414,413
translative, 26 deciduous, occlusal relation of, 45, 46,
mandibular plane angle, 190 cephalometric
Cui deplane, Oliver, advantages of, 490 45
analysis and, 194
applications of, 488-490, 489 construction deformed, 335
Frankfort plane, 187-188
of, 491-493, 490-494 Gums, of fetus, 30 impaction of, management of, 338
changes in, cephalometric analysis and, 194
of newborn, 30 maxillary, fractured, 336
Frenum(s), labial, abnormal, 152, 153
separated, 150, 152, 153, 340 permanent,
treatment of, 150-152, 154
occlusal relation of, 46, 47-48,47
Frontal process, development of, 11 Frontonasal
radiography of, 169
process, outward, excision of, 392
separa tion of, self-correction of, 309
split-plate in reduction of, 395, 397 Function,
crossbite of. See Crossbiters), simple incisor
and form, relationship between, functional
Habit(s), dentofacial pressure, malocclusion and, development of, from birth to age 14, 30-41
matrix concept and, 25 Functional matrix,
capsular, 26 120-123, 118-119, 120, 121 finger sucking, edge-to-edge occlusion of, treatment of,
Functional matrix concept, clinical applications 120,227-228,318,118.227 harmful, elimination 377-378, 379, 383
of, 26-27 and control of, 227-230, 318-319 extraction of, relapse following, 620
clinical orthodontics and, 25-28 mandibular lip biting, dentofacial structures in, 19, 319 intrusion of, activator and, 560
growth and, 27-28 Functional occlusal plane, nailbiting, 318 lateral, canine shaped to resemble, 337
changes in, in treatment of Class II malocclusion thurnbsucking, 120,227-228,318,119,227 Hale deciduous, occlusal relation of, 45, 46, 45
with activator, 568-570, 570. 571 appliance, in labiolingual technique, 500,499 mandibular, extraction of, in overbite, 162
Functional tolerance, area of, and relapse, 616 Hand(s), osseous centers in. range of time of maxillary, band fitting and bracket placement
Fusion of teeth, 128 appearance of, 83t on, 414, 413
radiographic comparison of, of boys and girls, missing, treatment in, 375
from age 6 to age 15, 89-93 skeletal permanent, missing, 335
components of, 88 occlusal relation of, 46, 48, 47 mandibular,
Hawley retainer, 162-163, 294-296 crowding of, causes of, 123 self-correction of,
construction of, 300-301 265
Hawley-Russell screws, 162 extraction of, 256-257
Genetics, influence of, on dentofacial changes
Hayrake, 161. 229, 159. 229 abnormal overbite following, 258
in monovular twins, 322-324, 322,323
Hep 70,520-521, 520 Head(s), permanent, development of, 249
malocclusion and, 106-111
areas of, 191 procumbency of, extraction in, 247-248
tongue thrust and, 114 increasing of, 251
growth of, cranial and ~isceral areas of, 6-9.7
Genotype, dental, ffects of environmental permissible, 247-248
processes in, 26
factors on, 43, 44
position of, natural, radiograph of, 178 in treatment of, 247, 248
Gonion angle, variations in, 192
space, cephalometric analysis and, 210,210 radiography of, 168, 168, 170
Grinding, of deciduous canines, 316 recrowding of, 619-620, 618,620
types of, 78, 79
in traumatic occlusion, 624-625, 625 Growth,
young adult, sagittal section of, 18 Headgear. See third molar eruption and, 620 maxillary,
changes, adolescent, favorable, 368
also Appliance(s), extraoral labiolingual impacted, surgical exposure of, 340-341, 342
influence of treatment on, 351-353. 352-354
technique and, 498, 499 with twinwire appliance, premature loss of, 315
favorable, and orthodontic treatment, case
462 radiography of, 168, 168
history of, 324-326, 324-325 two-stage,
Histories, in examination, 142 Inclined plane appliance, acrylic, in crossbite,
case history of, 330-33L 331, 332
Hooks, for extraoral appliance attachment, 305 223-224, 223. 224. 225
unfavorable, and orthodontic treatment, case
for intermaxillary elastics, 496, 300, 305, 497 Investment, HCP 70 as, 520-521, 520
history of, 327-330, 326-327
condyle of mandible, 10, 9 Hyalinization of periodontal tissues. See
Tissue(s), periodontal, hyalinization of Hygiene,
cranial, processes in, 26
oral, 3
definition of, 6
dentofacial, in clefts, 388-389
dynamics, changes in, and relapse, 616617 pliance in labiolingual technique,' 496-498, edgewise appliance in, case report
growth of, muscle function and, 19 498 of, 423-433, 427-432, 427t
processes in, 26 of precious metal archwire in labiolingual extraction in, 247
treatment and, 145 technique. 484 interrelations of types of, 58t labiolingual
lower, growth oi, 10-11, 26, 27, 9, 11,12 on removable lingual arch appliances, 289 technique in, 501-503,
posterior view, 18 of stainless steel archwire in labiolingual 502-505
at molar region. sagittal section of. 19 technique, 486, 486 in mixed dentition, 59
transverse section of, 19 Loops, archwire, helical. 282-283 in monovular twins, 322-324, 322, 323
movements, interference with, causes of, 97 hor-izontal, 282 in permanent dentition, 62
muscle portions active in, 98 open, 283 Subdivision, 55
prognathism of. 65 torquing, 283 in mixed dentition, 60
radiography of, lateral view, 171-172, 171. 180 vertical, 281-282 in permanent dentition, 63
re-enclosure of teeth in, 131 labial arch, as stops. 289 twin wire appliance in, 469-477, 477
trajectorial forces in, 95-96 Jigs, treatment plan in, 56-57
sliding, 305, 305 twinwire appliance in, 469,470-471,
Johnson, twinwire appliance and, 460 475
Macrogenitosomia praecox, dentition and Type A. 66
"Jumping the bite," 304-305
skeletal features in, 113-114 Type B, 67
Malformation(s), branchial arch, 107-111 Type C, 68
chromosomal, and clefts, 387, 390, 391 Type D, 69
craniofacial, 22 Type E, 70
of dentition, eugnathic, 55 Type F, 71
Kidney disease, dentition and skeletal features and malocclusion, 126-141 Type G, 72
in, 111-112 dentofacial, psychodynamics of, 3 Type H, 73
Kretschmer classification according to body permanent dentition, 335 with unfavorable growth changes, 327-330.
types, 75 Malnutrition, dentition and skeletal features in, 326-327
110-111 Division 2, 86
Malocclusion(s), attitude of patient toward, 1 Begg technique in, 444-450, 446-449
Labiolingual technique, archwires in, spring Class J, 54 clinical manifestations of, 58-65
attachments to, 487-488, 499- arch length deficiency, edgewise appliance in in deciduous dentition, 57
500,487,488,489,499,500 case report of, 422-423, 422, 424, 426, extraction in, 247-248
band construction for, 480-482, 482, 483 423t labiolingual technique in, 503-506, 506-508
early application of. 480, 481 bimaxillary protrusion, twin wire ap- in mixed dentition, 60
labial appliance for, maxillary, construction of, pliance in 477, 478-479 clinical in permanent dentition, 351, 63, 349-351
495-501, 495-501 description of. 76-79, 87 in Subdivision, 65
labial archwire for, mandibular, construction of, deciduous dentition, 56 Crozat appliance in, 531-534,532-
498-499 in mixed dentition, 330, 59, 328-329, 331. 332 534
lingual archwire for, attachments to. 487-493, in permanent dentition, 355-356, 358359, in mixed dentition, 61
487-494 62,355-357,361-363 in permanent dentition, 64 twinwire
precious metal. construction of, 482484 requiring extraction, 246 appliance in, 469, 476
stainless steel, construction of. 484-486, 484, treatment of, without extraction. 264266, treatrnen t of, 58
485, 486 267-270, 266-267, 268-269 twinwire twinwire appliance in, 469, 474 functional
maxillary lingual appliance in, con- appliance in, 463-465, 463469 occlusal plane changes in, with activator
struction of, 486-487, 486 with bimaxillary alveolodental prognathism, treatment, 568-570, 570, 571
in open bite, 500-501, 501 twinwir'e appliance in, 477, 478 mutilated dentition, twinwire appli-
space closure and, 288 with deep overbite, 351-353, 352-354 ancein,469,472-473
treatment with, case reports of. 501-512, 502- Class II, 54-55, 344 Class III, 65, 82, 83
511 Division L 55, 85 activator in, 559-560, 588-590, 561, 589
activator in, 558, 563-565, 556, 557, apparent, 65
Lamina dura, tooth movability and, 607, 595,
558, 560, 562, 568, 569, 570 correct buccal torque in treatment of,
analysis of measurements in, 58t 280
Landmarks, cephalometric. See Cephalometricts).
anchorage control in, 420, 421 in deciduous dentition, 58 in
Begg technique in, 442-444, 450453, 441-446. mixed dentition, 61
Leeway space, 211, 262. 322
449-453 in permanent dentition, 356-358, 359361,
Ligament, periodontal, and tooth movability, 607
case(s) of, compared, 76 64. 358-360, 364-366 Subdivision, 65
Lip(s), cleft. See Cleft lip
in permanent dentition, 344-350, treatment of, early, 310-312, 311-312
muscles of, 14t
350-351,336, 345-346, 347-349 stages of, 354 classification
posture, incompetent, 112
causes oi, 562-563, 567, 568 of, Angle, 54-65 in cleft lip, 387-
muscles and, 19
clinical manifestations of. 55-56 Crozat 389
Lip biting, dentofacial structures in, 19, 620 or
appliance in, 527-431, 537, in cleft palate, 387-389
sucking. malocclusion and, 121, 120 Lip
bumper, 148, 151 in deciduous dentition, 57
Lischer method of designating malposition of
teeth, 50
Lockjs), loop-coil, on maxillary labial ap-
652 . Index
Malocclusion(s) - tCont.) position(s) of, 97 abnormal, McNeil's technique in collapsed cleft palate, 399-
clinical manifestations of, 52-53 complex, causes of, 97 403,397-398
edgewise appliance in, case reports of, 421- Meckel's cartilage, development of, 11 Mershon,
changes in, cephalometric analysis and, 193
433, 422-432, 423t, 427t half-round shaft and locking wire, 220
"jumping the bite:' and, 304-305
eight-tooth extraction in, Begg tech- lingual appliance, 289-291, 289, 291 Mesh
radiography of, 168, 169-170, 168, 170,
nique following, 453-459, 453-457 diagram, Moorrees', in cephalo-
condylar movements in, 100 definition of, metric analysis, 207-210 construction of,
ramus of, radiographs of, 179
50-52 208-209, 207, 208 lateral cephalograms
reference lines in, 191,191
dentition anomalies and, 126-141 dentofacial compared by, 210 modifications of, 209,
relocation of, 98, 381-386, 98, 385 resection
pressure habits and, 120-123, 209
of, orthodontics in, 364-365,
118-119, 120, 121 Mesioclusion, See Malocclusion, Class III
etiologic factors in, See Etiology, of mal- Mesiodens, 230, 133, 139, 230
rest position of, 97
occlusion Mesiodistal space, loss of, causes of, 117
retrognathic, clinical findings in, 77-79, 87
finger sucking and, 120, 227-228, 318, 118,227 Metal(s), precious, arch wire in labiolingual
rotation of, 368
genetic evidence in, 106-111 handicapping, technique, 482-484
facial height and, 16
defining of, for public soldering of, 293-294
forward, types of, 11
health orthodontic programs, 629-643 Margolis, cephalometer, 176, 177 maxillofacial Microglossia, 333-334, 332-334
incidence of, 65 triangle, 203-204, 203 Masks, facial, Microtia, dentition in, 107
mandibular incisor crowding and, 123 construction of, 143 Mastication, condylar Midline deviations, 115-119 Midpalatal
midline deviations and, 115-119 mouth movements during, 99 suture opening, 542-555
muscles of, 14t appliance in, activation of, 548-549 force
breathing and, 112
control of, 574 build-up during, 550-551
nailbiting and, 121-122, 621 periodontal
reaction in, in activator therapy, 606607 construction of, 546-548, 546, 547, 548
disease and, 111, 150-152
stimuli for, 96 contraindications to, 546, 546
in permanent dentition, to be treated,
Maxilla, and alveolar process, supraclusion of, history of, 542
and buccoclusion, 55 indications for, 542-544, 543, 544, 545
prevalence of, 211
basal arches of, 95
prevention of, before tooth eruption, 146 in nasal changes in, 551-552
bimaxillary prognathism of, 350-351, 347-349 nonparallel, 551-552, 551, 553 orthodontic
scoliosis patient(s), 370
buccoclusion of, and maxillary and alveolar procedures following, 550 records on, 546
interception of, 367-368, 371
supraclusion, 55
self-correcting, 146-147 results of, 552-554, 554
bu ttresses of, 96, 95
speech and, 101 retention following, 550 skeletal-dental
to cranial base, changes in, cephalometric
supernumerary teeth and, 119-120 reaction in, 552, 553 stabilization
analysis and, 193
thumbsucking and, 120, 227-228, 318, following, 549-550, 549
deficiency of, bilateral, 542, 543
119,153,157,227 Models, conservation of, appliance construction
unilateral, 542 and, 481-482
tongue posture and function in, ]13-115
dentition in, development of, from birth to age Molar(s), band fitting and bracket placement on,
transitional, 147-148, 147
14, 30-41 413, 413
treatment of. See Treatment
expansion of, midpalatal suture opening in. deciduous, premature loss of, 314-315, 314
in twins, 106, 104, 105, 106
See Midpalatal suture opening frontal portion and premolars, mesiodistal size of, compared.
types of, 146
of, in clefts, treatment of, 396 262, 263
Mandible, articulation of, structure of, 99 basal
growth of, 11-12, 12 changes development of, from birth to age 14, 30-41
arches of, 95
in, 196, 193,,195 height of, elongation of, biteplates and, 294-295
changes within, 196, 194
variations in, 192 extraoral force and, 303
condyle, growth of, 10, 9
mandibular relation, anteroposterior, variations first, deciduous, occlusal relation of, 46, 45
cross section of, 249
in, 192 height of, 514, 514
dentition in, development of, from birth to age
midline deviation in, 115 permanent, ectopic eruption of, 127 extraction
14, 30-41
occlusal changes in, following extraction of of, 251-253
dynamics of, examination of, 142
first molars, 117,-119 prognathic, facial occlusal changes following, 117119
posttreatment adjustment in, 621-622, 622,
skeletal patterns wi th, locking of, against deciduous second molar, 316,
77 318
growth of, 10-11, 27,9, 11, 12,249
protrusion of, extreme, 344-350, 345-346 loss of, occlusal changes following, 117, 117
changes in, 196, 193, 194, 195
radiography of, 168-169, 168, 169 occlusal relation of, 46-47, 48, 47, 48
with activator, 559-560, 561 favorable,
retrognathic, 81 rotation of, Crozat appliance in, case history
324-326, 324-325 functional matrix
facial skeletal patterns with, 77 sutures of, of, 534-537, 535-537
concept and, 27-28 translatory, inhibition
hyalinization in, 594, 594, 595 opening of. See
of, 164 unfavorable, 327-330, 326-327 loss of, premature, arch length loss in, 215
Midpalatal suture opening
in malposition, 98 -prernolar relationship, changes in, with change
sites of, 13
maxillary relation, anteroposterior, vari- from mixed to permanent dentition, 307
Maxillofacial triangle, Margolis', 203-204, 203
ations in, 192
midline deviation in, 115-116
movements of, 96
occlusal changes in, following extraction of first
molars, 117-118
overclosure of, 100
Index' 653
primary, ankylosis of, 240-241, 243 facial bones of, 9, 9 gums light interrupted force in, 603-604, 603
treatment of, 241-244, 243, 244 and palate of, 30 speech and, 101
resistance to force, 279 skel ton and musculature of, and adult, tongue posture and function and, 115,
second, deciduous, locking of permanent first compared,6 114
molar against, 316, 318 occlusal relation of, skull of, 7 Oral cavity, See Mouth
46, 45 submergence of, management of, 337 ormalcy, range of, 43, 45 Oral hygiene, 3
permanent, 'extraction of, 253-256, 256 occlusal orrns, growth, 43 Oral screen, 148, 148, 149
relation of, 47, 48, 47 ose, in cleft lip, 388 Orthodontic(s), for adults. scope of, 376-377 as
third, calcification of, 41-42 functional changes in, following midpalatal public health function, 628
ectopic eruption of, 127-128, 135 eruption suture opening, 551-552 in cleft palate therapy, 387-407
of, incisor recrowding and, definition of, 1
620 interceprive. definition of, American
impacted, extraction of, 256 Occlusion, adaptive individual norm in, 44 Association of Orthodontists, 211 i
impaction of, 19, 129-130, 131, 135, , centric, and centric relation, 618 nterceptive-preventive, 211-245
256,257 of mandible, 97, 98 in mandibular resection, 364-365, 369
occlusal relation of, 47, 48, 47 changes in, activator and, 558, 559 in normal in, 43-44
Monobloc. See Activator(s) deciduous dentition, 307-308 definition in occlusal rehabilitation, 381-386
Moorrees mesh diagram in cephalometric of, 44 orthopedic measures in, 145-146
analysis. See Mesh diagram, Moorrees' Mouth, development of, 43-49 practice, essentials of, 1-2
mandibular growth and, 10-11.27, guidance of, 145-166 in prepayment programs, 628-643
11 scope of, 145 principles of, 1-5
maxillary growth and, 11-12, 12 edge-to-edge, treatment of, 155 in public health programs, 1, 628-643
origin of, 10, 10 equilibration of, 623-626, 625 radiography in, 167-]75
roof of, 18 facial growth and, 19-22 scope of, 1, 2
Mouth breathing, dentofacial structures in, 19 facial profile and, 22 surgical, 365-367
malocclusion and, 112 factors determining, 44 therapy. See Treatment
test for, 112-113 guidance of, timing of procedures in, 310 Orthopedics, cleft palate, 396-403
Moyers' prediction chart in determination of ideal, 45 dentofacial, 145-146
sizes of unerupted teeth, 213:.ll4, 214t individual normal. 45 Overbite, abnormal, 155-157
Muscle(s), balance, and orthodontic therapy, 97- line of, 19 in adult, treatment of, 379-381, 380
98 mannerisms of, 620, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624 following extraction of mandibular incisor,
and relapse, 616 in mixed dentition, 321-322 treatment of, 258
facial expression and, 14-15t normal,45 deep, in adult, case report of treatment of, 377-
force of, physiologic tooth movement characteristics of, 50 378, 379
and, 592, 593 classification of, 50-74 Class I malocclusion and, 351-353, 352-354
function, jaw growth and, 19 in in deciduous dentition, 307-308 terminal. mutilated dentition and, 373
jaw movements, 98 appositive relation of de- Overjet, abnormal, 157
of mastication, 14t ciduous teeth in, 45-46, 45 appositive in adult, treatment of, 378, 381, 382
control of, 574 relation of permanent
reaction in, in activator therapy, 606- teeth in, 46-48, 47
607 patterns of, 44-45
of newborn and adult, compared, 6 soft physical variation and, 43-44 Palatal bar, 161, 159
tissue profile and, 19 plane of, functional, changes in, in treatment of Palate, cleft. See Cleft palate of
stretch reflex and, 575 Class II malocclusion with activator, 568- fetus, 30
temporalis, and coronoid process, formfunction 570, 570, 571 growth of, 12
relationship of, 25 reverse, 65 of newborn, 30
tone, effect of force on, 618 slippage of, 618 soft, muscles of, 1St
total tension in, 576 stability of dentition and, factors influencing, suture, expansion of. See Midpalatal su-
Myotatic reflex, mechanism of, 575 19-20 ture opening
regulation of, 578 terminal plane relationship in, space Panradiography, 173-175, 173-174
maintenance and, 214, 213 Parents, counselling of, in clefts, 406
tic, 620, 620, 621. 622, 623, 624 Patient(s), adolescent as, 3
traumatic, 122, 624-626, 624,. 625 adult, motivation of, 373
root resorption and, 135 child as, 2-3
variables in, 44 motivation, 1
Nailbiting, 318 Odontoma, eruption, blocked by, 139 Periodontal disease, malocclusion and, Ill,
fingers and toes in, 123, 621 Oligodontia, causes of, 126 150-152
malocclusion and, 121-122, 621 in cleft palate, 393, 403 Periodontal ligament, and tooth movability, 607
ance's method of serial extraction, 263 in ectodermal dysplasia, 115 Periodontal structures, tooth movement
Nasal cavity, 18 Oliver guideplane, advantages of, 490 and, 420-421
lateral wall of, 552 applications of, 488-490, 489 construction Pharynx, muscles of, 1St
Nasal septum, development of, 11 of, 491-493, 490-494 Openbire, 157- Photographs, in examination, 143 Plate,
Neurocranium, growth of, 16 Neutroclusion, See 159,156-161 stabilizing. See Stabilizing plate
Malocclusion, Class I complete, activator and, 565, 569 labiolingual stimulation, 401
ewborn. development of dentition of, 30-31, 30 technique in, 500-501, 501 Pletcher coil, 305
654 . Index
Pliers, White bird beak, 514 protection, of operator, 167 of Ricketts' cephalometric analysis, 202-203, 201
Plumper, 158, 158, 319 patient, 167 Rocky Mountain screw mechanism, 547
Porion, location of, in cephalogram, 178 therapeutic, effect of, on teeth, 167 Root(s), calcification of, 41-42
Posture, examination, 142 Radiogram(s), carpal, of boys and girls, from of deciduous teeth, retention of, 134-135
Prediction chart, Moyers, in determination of age 6 to age 15, 89-93 resorption, apical, 612-613
sizes of unerupted teeth, 213-214, 214t technique for making, 80, 88 asymmetric, 134
Premaxilla, floating, in clefts, treatment of, 396 cephalometric. See Cephalogram(s) in deciduous teeth, 129, 138
Premolar(s), agenetic, 335 dental, in examination, 143 initiation of, 612, 611, 613
and deciduous molars, mesiodistal size of, periapical and bitewing, uses of, 168 Tweed's and orthodontic therapy, 135-141,612 of
compared, 262, 263 diagnostic facial triangle traced permanent teeth, 135
eruption of, 138 on, 271 tooth movability and, 609, 609
first, extraction of, 250, 257 Radiography, central incisors, 169 trauma causing, 612, 601
case illustrating treatment following, 254-255 cephalometric. See Cephalometric(s), ra- and traumatic occlusion, 135
without orthodontic therapy, results of, 259, diographic
260 in cleft palate, 391, 393
occlusal relation of, 46, 48, 47 extraoral, 169-175 facial
-rnolar relationship, changes in, with change profile, 172, 180 in Salzmann, basal arch, 189
from mixed to permanent dentition, 307 traoral, 167-169 treatment priority index. See American
second, ectopic eruption of, 126-127,337 jaws, lateral view of, 171-172, 171, 180 of Association of Orthodontists-Salzmann
extraction of, 250 mandible, arch of, 168, 170 treatment priority index Sassouni's
impaction of, 138 body of, 169-170, 171 cephalometric analysis, 206207,205
occlusal relation of, 46, 48, 47 incisor region, 168, 168, 170 Schwarz arrowhead clasp, 298
Profile, facial. See Face, profile of of maxilla, arch of, 168-169, 169 Scoliosis, malocclusion in, 370
soft tissue, changes in, activator and, 560, 561 incisor region, 168, 16.8 interception of, 367-368, 371
muscles and, 19 in orthodontics, 167-175 temporomandibular, Screen, oral, 148, 148, 149 Screw(s),
Prognathism, alveolodental, 65, 206 172-173, 172. 173 Ramus, changes in, 196 expansion, 161-162 Hawley-Russell,
bimaxillary, 65, 350-351, 347-349 cases Reflex(es), clasp knife, mechanism of, 577 in 162
illustrating, 353-361, 355-366 anal yses control of masticator nucleus, 574 myotatic, mechanism, in midpalatal suture-opening
of, 361-364, 367t 575 appliance, 548, 547
differential diagnosis of, cases illustrating, 353- regulation of, 578 Sella-Nasion lire, 188
361 Rehabilitation, in cleft palate, 394 changes in, cephalometric analysis and, 193
facial. 197 occlusal, orthodontics in, 381-386 Serial extraction. See Extraction(s), serial
causes of, 206, 250 Relapse, in adults, 377 Skeleton, classification of, 75-94 variation of,
measurement of, 205 of causes of, 616 75-79
jaws, 65 following incisor extraction, 620 following displacement of, in midpalatal suture opening,
mandibular, in deciduous dentition, treatment tooth rotation, prevention of, 552, 551, 553
of, 313 Relapse, in adults, 377 dysplasia of, activator in, 558, 560
surgical resection of, orthodontics in, 364-365, causes of, 616 facial pattern(s) of, 75
369 following incisor extraction, 620 following cephalometric analysis and, 193-194, 191
treatment of, cases illustrating, 353-361 tooth rotation, prevention of, Class 1, 85, 87, 349-351, 352-354, 355,
Prosthesis, in cleft palate, 394-395, 401 604 357, 358, 360
Protectors, teeth, 305-306, 368-372 Protrusion, prevention of, 616-617 Class 2, 86, 87, 345-346, 347-349
bimaxillary, Direct Bonding and retention, 616-627 Class 3, 82, 83, 364-366
System in, 435-437, 436 related factors in. 620-623 and phenotypical facial appearance, in mother
maxillary, extreme, 344-350, 345-346 Resilience, definition of, 275 and son, compared, 75-79, 87
Psychodynamics, of adult patient, 373 Rest position of mandible, 97 in siblings, compared, 84-86 of
Pterygomaxillary fissure as reference line, 192 Retainer(s), acrylic, construction of, 164, 298- hand and wrist, 88
Puberty, precocious, skeletal features in, 109 299 of newborn and adult, compared, 6
Public health orthodontic programs, ad- Hawley, 162-163,294-296
proportions of, 142-143
ministration of, principles in, 628-629 criteria construction of, 300-301 tissues of, growth of, 26
for examination and acceptance of patients for, removable, 618-619
Skull, base of, anterior, registration points and
628 repair of, 164-165, 299
lines of, 190
defining handicapping malocclusion for, 629- use of, period of time fat, 623
changes in, during treatment, estimation of, 201
643 Retention, in adults, 377 following
reference lines in, 191, 191
organization of, 628 Begg technique, 459
growth of, 6-9, 7
Pulp, changes in, 611-612 following labiolingual technique in
processes in, 26
Pyknosis, 596-597, 595 openbite, 500-501, 501
stress in, 95, 96
following midpalatal suture opening, 550
structure of, 16-17
length of, 622-623
Sliding jigs, 305, 305
limits of, 623
Soldering, precious metals, 293-294
need for, 95, 617
stainless steel, 292-293, 292
and relapse, 616-627
related factors in, 620-623
of rotated teeth, 623
Rhinoplasty, facial profile and, 22, 253
Radiation, control, 167
Index' 655
Space, available, 211-213 Stress, definition of, 274 in speech and, 101
measurement of, 212-213, 212 skull, 96 swallowing and, 113
closure, coil spring force in, 280 Benninghoff's lines of stress showing, 95 treatment of, 160-161,356,159, 161
elastics in, 284 types of, 274 construction of Hawley retainer for, 300-
Tooth (Teeth), deciduous - (Cont.) changes in, favorable, 324-326,324-325 impaction of, 335-344 incomplete,
retention of roots of, 134-135 genetic influence on, 322-324, 322, 323 management of, 335
spacing of. 316 unfavorable, 327-330, 326-327 loss of, shifting of adjacent teeth following,
thumb- and finger sucking and, 318 crossbite in, 217, 217, 2J8 crowding 117-119, 117
treatment in, 307-320 in, treatment of, 321 diagnosis in, through caries, 316
contraindications to, 310 321-334 malformed, 335
indications for, 309-310 occlusal relation in, 46, 47 treatment in, 335-372
dental age and, 143, 310 development treatment in, 321-334 position of, changes in, following orthodontic
of. at birth, 30-31, 30 at age 1 year, 31 indications for, 321 prognostic therapy, causes of, 616 stomatognathic
-32 factors in, 331 -333 scope of, complex and, 95 irregularities of, 146
at age 2 years, 32 321 tooth movability and, 608, 608 posterior,
at age 3 years, 34-35, 31 two-stage, 330-331, 331, 332 mobility of, in elongation of. biteplates and, 294-295
at age 4 years, 35, 32 posthyalinization period, 600 extraoral force and, 303
at age 5 years, 35-36, 33 of modern man, 54 primary, overretained, diagnosis of, 240241,
at age 6 years, 36, 34 movability, fractured roots and, 610-611, 610, 242, 243
at age 7 years, 36, 35 611 extraction of. cas s requiring, 239240,242
at age 8 years, 36, 36, 37 at hypercementosis and, 609-6JO, 609, treatment of, 241-244, 243, 244
age 9 years, 36-37, 37 at 610 protectors, 305-306, 368-372
age 10 years, 38-40, 38 at impacted teeth and, 608-609, 609 re-enclosure of, in jaws, 131, 241, 243
age I I years, 40, 39 lamina dura and, 607, 595, 607 relation of, to facial skeleton, in Downs'
at age 12 years, 40, 39 local disturbances and, 608, 607, 608 analysis, 200-201, 200-201
at age 13 years, 40-41 periodontal Iigam nt and, 607 systemic replantation of, 342
at age 14 years, 41, 40 factors in, 607-608, 593, 603 tooth resorption of, internal, 135 roots
at age 17 years, 41 position and, 608, 608 of, calcification of, 41-42
engulfed, 131. 241. 243 movement of. archwire in, 414, 416 fractured, tooth movability and, 610611,
eruption of, 29-42. See also Eruption control biteplane in, 162, 163, 294 biteplate 610, 611
of, activator in, 558-559, 565, 560,570 in, 162-163 types of, 610
prevention before, 146 bodily, 604-605, 605 resorption of. See Root(s), resorption
wi th Class II activator, 581, 572-573, 582,583 direction of, with extraoral appliance, 301- rotated, reten tion of, 623
with Class II1 activator, 581-582, 584 303 rotation of, 604, 603
exfoliation of, premature, 132-134 edgewise appliance in, 408, 408-409, edgewise appliance in, 408-409, 409, 411
extraction of, shifting following, 116 410
lingual appliances and, 288-289
fusion of, 128 force variation in, 602-604 separating of, for banding, 292, 289
grinding of, 122- 123 interrupted, 602-603, 602 shifting, extraction and, 116 stability of,
growth of, changes in, 196, 194 labial and lingual appliances in, 220 factors influencing, 276
impacted, 128-130, 131, 135 orthodontic, methods of, 602-605 following orthodontic correction, factors
locating of, 337-339, 340, 341, 342 tooth in posthyalinization period, 602 tissue responsible for, 97
movability and, 608-609, 609 intrusion of, changes in, 592-615 periodontal and occlusion, factors influencing, 1920
activator and, 560 structures and, 420-421 physiologic, submerged, 131, 241. 243 supernumerary,
loss of, condi tions resulting from, 12lt 592, 593 appearance of, 230, 230 causes of, 126
malposition of, Lischer method of desig- reciprocal, and anchorage, 419-420, 419, 420, in cleft palate, 395
nating, 50 421 detection of, 119-120, 230-231, 231,
rnalposrtioned, artificial eruption of, 335-336 tipping, 602, 597 232, 233
diagnosis of, 337 vertical, activator and, 560-561, 560, 561, effects of, 232, 233
mandibular, changes in, analysis of, 195- 562 location of, 230, 230
196,194, 195 mutilated, crowded out of arch, treat- problems associated with, 132, 133, 139, 315
crowding of, in adult, treatment of, 379 ment of, 377
treatment of, 232-235, 234
deciduous arrangement of, in normal terminal and malocclusion, treatment of, 375 types of. 126 supplemental,
occlusion, 46, 45 permanent, arrangement of, treatment of. 342-344, 343 232, 234
in normal terminal occlusion, 47-48, 47, 48 with severe overbite, 373
surgical exposure of, 238-239, 240, 241
maxillary, changes in, analysis of, 195, 194, ncnvital, treatment of, ili adults, 376-377
195 in impaction, 340-342, 342
numerical variations of, 126 surgical movement of, 342
deciduous, arrangement of, in normal peg, 133, 139
terminal occlusion, 45-46, 45 permanent, therapeutic radiation and, 167
permanent, ankylosed, 335 torsion of, immediate, 341-342
arrangement of, in normal terminal appositive relation of, in normal terminal
occlusion, 46-47, 47, 48 missing, balancing transversion of, 141,139, 140
occlusion, 46-48, 47 calcification of, 42 traumatized, 122, 134
of teeth in case of, 248
and deciduous arrangement of. compared,47 unerupted, permanent, determination of sizes
mixed, anteroposterior occlusal changes in,
deciduous dentition as indicator of normality of, 213-214, 2141
of, 308-309
diagnosis in, 335-372
ectopy of, 335-344
Index' 657
space maintenance for, type of occlusion with twinwire appliance, 469, 474 Class II, of microglossia and mandibular arch collapse,
influencing, 214, 213 supernumerary teeth Division 2, Subdivision malocclusion, with 333-334, 332-334
interfering with, 132 Crozat appliance, 531-534, 532-534 in mixed dentition, 321-334
Torque, buccal, in treatment of Class II1 with twinwire appliance, 469, 476 Class Il indications for, 321 prognostic
malocclusion, 280 malocclusion, with activator, functional factors in, 331-333 scope of, 321
definition of, 275 occlusal plane changes in, 568-570, 570, 571 two-stage, 330-331,331, 332
directions of, 279-280 with mutilated dentition, with twinwire of mutilated dentition, 342-344,343, 373,
la bial root, 281 lingual appliance, 469, 472-473 375,377 need
root, 281 orders of, Class III malocclusion, early, 310-3)2, 311- for, 211
280, 280 312 of nonvital teeth, of adults, 376-377 of
Trajectories, Benninghoff's lines of, profile of in permanent dentition, 358, 360-361, 354, overbite, 258
skull showing, 95 358-360, 364-366 in adult, 379-381,380
Transversion, 141, 139, 140 stages of, 354 case report of, 377-378,379
Trauma, causing root resorption, 612, 601 with activator, 559-560, 588-590, 561, 589 of overjet, in adult, 378, 381. 382 overretained
occlusal, 122, 624-626, 624, 625 in clefts of lip and palate, 389-396 primary teeth, 241-244,243,
of tooth, 122, 134 of crossbite, in cleft palate, 399-400, 403 244
Treatment, adolescent as patient, 3 of early, labiolingual technique in, 480, 506-512, patient motivation and, 1
adult(s), 373-386 481, 509-511 periodontal, 150-152
case report of, 377-378, 379 fixed appliances in, 223-224, 223, 224, 225 in permanent dentition, 335-372 plans,
age factor in, 146, 147 fixed-removable appliances in, 226227, 227 reevaluation of, 145 response to,
appliances. See Appliance(s) removable appliances in, 224-226, 226 differences in, 146-148 results of,
of arch collapse, mandibular, 333-334, tongue blade technique in, 222-223, 218, desirable, 618
251, 332-334 222 undesirable, 618, 618
Begg technique in. See Begg technique of crowding, in adult, 379 in surgical, 365-367
bimaxillary prognathism, 351, 347-349 mixed dentition, 321 of thumbsucking, 228-230, 228, 229 timing,
biomechanics in, 274-287 in deciduous dentition, 307-320 influence of, on dentofacial
bone and, 9-10 contraindications to, 310 changes, 330, 328-329
of bruxism, 123, 381 indications for, 309-310 dental, twinwire appliance in, cases illustrating, 463-
changes in, evaluation of growth and, 195-196 preliminary, 3-4 477, 463-479
child as patient, 2-3 of diasternas, in adults, 374, 384 two-stage, in mixed dentition. 330-331, 331, 332
Class I malocclusion(s), in permanent Direct Bonding System in. See Direct types of, 145
dentition, 356,359,355-357,361-363 with Bonding System without extraction, case histories of, 264-270,
bimaxiUary alveolodental prognathism, with early, advantages of, 146, 617-618 266-267. 268-269
twin wire appliance, 477, 478 in Class III malocclusion, 310-312, 311312 Trisomy 18, malformations in, 387, 390 Tubes,
with bimaxillary protrusion, with twinwire contraindications to, 146 half-round, for labiolingual appliance, 480,
appliance, 477, 478-479 with overbite, extraction. See Extraction(s) 495,482, 495
352,352-354 of finger sucking, 228-230, 228 Tweed's, diagnostic facial triangle, 248, 270-
with twinwire appliance, 463-465, 463469 fluoridation, 3 271, 252
without extraction, 264-270, 266-267, 268-269 and growth changes, 21-22 as extraction and, 248
Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, 56-57 in influence, 352, 352-354 tracing of, on lateral radiogram, 271, 270, 271
monovular twins, 322-323, 323 favorable, case history of, 324-326, facial types, 271-272, 270. 271
in permanent dentition, 344-350, 351, 336, 345- 324-325 ' method of establishing required and available
346, 347-349 unfavorable, case history of, 327-330, 326- arch length, 272
and unfavorable growth changes, 327330, 326- 327 orthodontic guidance, 270
327 in impaction, orthodontic, 339-340 serial extraction sequence, 270
with activator, 558, 563-565, 556, 557, 558, surgical, 340-342,342 Twins, heterozygous, clefts of lip and palate in,
560, 562, 568, 569. 570 of incisors, axial position of, 399-400 387, 390
with Crozat appliance, 527-531, 537, 528-530, in edge-to-edge occluslon, 377-378, 379,383 monozygous, clefts of lip and palate in, 387, 390
538-541 lateral, maxillary, missing, 375 interceptive- dentition of, 106
with labiolingual technique, 501-503, 502-505 preventive, clinical techniques in, 211-215 and facial outlines of, 104 dentofacial
with twinwire appliance, 469, 470-471, 475 labiolingual technique in, case reports of, changes in, genetic influence on, case
Class Il, Division 1, Subdivision malocclusion, 501-502, 502-511 history of, 322-324, 322,323
with twin wire appliance, 469-477, 477 of mandibular prognathism in deciduous mirror, dentition and facial outlines of, 105
Class II, Division 2 malocclusion, in dentition, 313 Twinwire appliance, 460-479 anterior
permanent dentition, 351, 349-350 with of maxilla, in clefts, 396 bands of, 461-462, 461
labiolingual technique, 503-506, 506-508 in maxillary protrusion, 344-350, 345346 in cases involving extraction, 462
coil-springs with, 462, 462
construction of, 460-462
headgear attachment in, 462
658 . Index
Twinwire appliance- (Coni.) labial Ll.S, Children's Bureau, on orthodontics as gauges of, 292
arch, 460-461, 460 public health function, 628 rectangular, 278
malocclusions treated with, cases illustrating, sizes, conversion table for, 483
463-477, 463-479 Vestibular screen. 148, 148, 149 stainless steel, 292
molar appliance of, 461, 460, 461 Wrist(s), radiograms of, technique for making,
Water jets, 3 80, 88
Welding, spot, stainless steel, 293 radiographic comparison of, of boys and
University of Washington cephalometric White bird beak pliers, 514 girls, from age 6 to age 15, 89-93 skeletal
standards, 202t Wirers), for labial and lingual appliances, components of, 88