DENT 434: Crown & Bridge Course: (1 Credit Hour: 1 Theoretical)

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DENT 434: Crown & Bridge Course (1 credit hour: 1 Theoretical)

Jordan University of Science & Technology

Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Prosthodontics
Second Semester
Course Syllabus

Course Information
Course Title Crown & Bridge Course
Course Code Dent 434
Prerequisites -
Course Website -
Course coordinator Professor Ahed Al-Wahadni
Other instructors -
Office Location Dental clinics for postgraduates / JUST
Office Phone 02/7201000/ext. 23962
Office Hours Tuesday 10:15 – 11:15
Lectures Professor Ahed Al-Wahadni

Course Description
To provide instructions in the theoretical and practical aspects of planning
and making crowns-bridges.

Text Book:
Title Planning and Making Crowns and Bridges
Author(s) Bernard Smith
Publisher Martin Dunitz
Year 2007
Edition 4rth Edition.
Book Website -
* Fundamentals of fixed Prosthodontics 2nd Edition.
* Schillingburg, Jacobi and Brackett
References * Fundamentals of Tooth Preparations for Cast Metal and
Porcelain Restorations.
* Schillingburg, Hobo and Whitsett.
Assessment Policy: Midterm & final exams
Theoretical exams
Assessment Type -

Midterm 40% Marks

60 % Marks
Final Exam

Clinical Assignments -
Attendance Mandatory

Course Objectives Weights

Understand the principles of case assessment and selection. 10%
Understand the types of crowns & bridges and their selection 20%
principles as well as compare bridges with partial dentures and
implant-retained prostheses.
Understand the principles of bridges components design. 10%
Understand the principles and procedures involved in crown-bridge 30%
work preparation, provisional crown & bridge construction and the
fitting of crowns & bridges.
Understand the periodontal and occlusal implications of crown- 10%
Understand the principles and process of the laboratory procedures 5%
involved in manufacturing metal, porcelain, and metal/ceramic
Identify failures and methods of repair. 15%

Teaching & Learning Methods

Teaching duration: 16 weeks/Semester
 Classroom lectures.
 Small group teaching in the lecture room.

Learning Outcomes: To provide instructions in the theoretical and practical aspects

of planning and making crowns-bridges and at the end of the course the student
:should be able to
Related Objective(s) Reference
Understand the indications & contra indicators for crowns & Chapters 1, 7
Understand the types of crowns & bridges. Chapters 2, 8
Understand the principles of designing & planning crowns & Chapters 3, 5, 9, 10
Understand the clinical techniques for crowns & bridges Chapters 6, 11,
construction. lecture notes.
Chapter 4, lecture
Understand the periodontal & occlusal implications for crowns & bridges.
Have an overview on adhesive dentistry (all – ceramic Lecture notes +
sections covered in the
prostohesis & RBB) book
Identify failures and methods of repair. Chapter 13

Useful Resources
Recommended Text books and References:

Course Content
Week Topics Chapter in text
5-2-2013 Course overview -
12-2-2013 Indications and contraindications for Crowns & Chapters 1, 7

19-2-2013 Types of Crowns & Bridges Chapters 2, 8

26-2-2013 Biomechanical principles of preparations Lecture notes.

5-3-2013 Designing and planning crowns and bridges Chapters 3,5,9,10

12-3-2013 Components of Bridges Chapter 9

19-3-2013 Clinical Techniques for Crown/ Bridge construction Chapters 6, 11, lecture
2-4-2013 Adhesive Dentistry 1 Lecture notes +
sections covered in the
9-4-2013 Adhesive Dentistry 2 Lecture notes +
sections covered in the
16-4-2013 Post & core systems and management of difficult Lecture notes +
cases sections covered in the
23-4-2013 Crown and Bridge Failures and Repairs. Chapter 13

30-4-2013 Occlusal considerations Chapter 4, lecture

7-5-2013 Periodontium & Crown/Bridgework Lecture notes +
sections covered in the
14-5-2013 Lab Work Procedures Lecture notes +
sections covered in the

Additional Notes
Make-up Exams  It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse
is presented at the applicable time
Cheating  It is unethical and illegal by any means.
 JUST regulations will be applicable.
Attendance  It is mandatory for all lectures.
 JUST regulations will be applicable.
Absenteeism  To receive course credit, a student should attend a
minimum of 90% of the contact hours of the class.
 Students who are absent for the lecture must contact
the course coordinator prior to the class.
 If absent from lectures, then the course coordinator
will refer to related guidelines set by the university.
 Any student who is absent on a test day, will have to
demonstrate an acceptable medical or social
statement explaining the illness or personal crisis as
instructed by their faculty.
 Individual instructors may accommodate by
arrangements for a make-up test only when a written
request is sent to and approved by the Dean.

Students with Special  Any student who feels that s/he may need
needs accommodation for any type of disability is
encouraged to contact the course coordinator who
will be happy to help in any way.
 Accommodations to the course plan can be tailored
to the needs of specific individuals after
consultations with the dean.

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