DENT 434: Crown & Bridge Course: (1 Credit Hour: 1 Theoretical)
DENT 434: Crown & Bridge Course: (1 Credit Hour: 1 Theoretical)
DENT 434: Crown & Bridge Course: (1 Credit Hour: 1 Theoretical)
Course Information
Course Title Crown & Bridge Course
Course Code Dent 434
Prerequisites -
Course Website -
Course coordinator Professor Ahed Al-Wahadni
Other instructors -
Office Location Dental clinics for postgraduates / JUST
Office Phone 02/7201000/ext. 23962
Office Hours Tuesday 10:15 – 11:15
Lectures Professor Ahed Al-Wahadni
Course Description
To provide instructions in the theoretical and practical aspects of planning
and making crowns-bridges.
Text Book:
Title Planning and Making Crowns and Bridges
Author(s) Bernard Smith
Publisher Martin Dunitz
Year 2007
Edition 4rth Edition.
Book Website -
* Fundamentals of fixed Prosthodontics 2nd Edition.
* Schillingburg, Jacobi and Brackett
References * Fundamentals of Tooth Preparations for Cast Metal and
Porcelain Restorations.
* Schillingburg, Hobo and Whitsett.
Assessment Policy: Midterm & final exams
Theoretical exams
Assessment Type -
60 % Marks
Final Exam
Clinical Assignments -
Attendance Mandatory
Useful Resources
Recommended Text books and References:
Course Content
Week Topics Chapter in text
5-2-2013 Course overview -
12-2-2013 Indications and contraindications for Crowns & Chapters 1, 7
19-3-2013 Clinical Techniques for Crown/ Bridge construction Chapters 6, 11, lecture
2-4-2013 Adhesive Dentistry 1 Lecture notes +
sections covered in the
9-4-2013 Adhesive Dentistry 2 Lecture notes +
sections covered in the
16-4-2013 Post & core systems and management of difficult Lecture notes +
cases sections covered in the
23-4-2013 Crown and Bridge Failures and Repairs. Chapter 13
Additional Notes
Make-up Exams It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse
is presented at the applicable time
Cheating It is unethical and illegal by any means.
JUST regulations will be applicable.
Attendance It is mandatory for all lectures.
JUST regulations will be applicable.
Absenteeism To receive course credit, a student should attend a
minimum of 90% of the contact hours of the class.
Students who are absent for the lecture must contact
the course coordinator prior to the class.
If absent from lectures, then the course coordinator
will refer to related guidelines set by the university.
Any student who is absent on a test day, will have to
demonstrate an acceptable medical or social
statement explaining the illness or personal crisis as
instructed by their faculty.
Individual instructors may accommodate by
arrangements for a make-up test only when a written
request is sent to and approved by the Dean.
Students with Special Any student who feels that s/he may need
needs accommodation for any type of disability is
encouraged to contact the course coordinator who
will be happy to help in any way.
Accommodations to the course plan can be tailored
to the needs of specific individuals after
consultations with the dean.