WK 2 UD302 Noun Prefix
WK 2 UD302 Noun Prefix
WK 2 UD302 Noun Prefix
KD Level 3
Veronica P. Atin 10/1/2017
Noun Prefixes
Some KD words with the circumfix (imbuhan
awalan dan akhiran) ko...an are nouns
The function of ko...an is almost the same as the
Malay ke...an
1. Gumu (many) kogumuan [kebanyakan]
2. Akan (eat) kaakanan [time to eat, reason for
3. Ongoi (go) - kaangaian [reason for going]
4. Bobog (hit) - kababagan [reason for hitting]
5. Tambalut (friend) koombolutan [friends]
6. Unsikou (grateful)- kounsikahan
For ko/ka...an:
If the first syllable of a word starts with /a/- the
circumfix is kaan
If the first syllable of a word starts with either /o,
i, u/ the circumfix is koan
Gumu = kogumuan /kebanyakan
Walai = kawalaian/perumahan
Sumandak = kosumandakan/gadis-gadis
Tondu= koonduan/kaum wanita
Kusai= kokusaian/kaum lelaki
Inggorit- koinggoritan/kesengsaraan
Watu kowotuan/kawasan berbatu
Ongoi (go) = kaangaian (reason for going)
Omot (harvest) = kaamatan (end of harvest)
Topot (true) = katapatan (truth)
Vowel Harmony
If the first syllable is /a/ (or when the first two syllables are
/a/), and the last syllable is /u/, we use k0...an
Watu = kowotuan
This is due to a phenomenon called vowel harmony in KD, in
which the sound [o] cannot follow the sound [a]. Thus, the
sound that violates the rule needs to follow the adjescent (next
to it) prefix sound .
Ko- watu-an > ko-wotu-an
In this case, vowel harmony happens from left to right.
Reminder: having a syllable with the vowel o following
another syllable with the vowel a is against the sound rule of
The prefix T-
Most words that begin with a T- in KD are used
as nouns