WK 2 UD302 Noun Prefix

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KD Level 3
Veronica P. Atin 10/1/2017

Noun Prefixes

Some KD words with the circumfix (imbuhan
awalan dan akhiran) ko...an are nouns
The function of ko...an is almost the same as the
Malay ke...an

Korikatan = arrival [root word: rikot]

Ketibaan (M) = arrival

Try changing these roots to noun with

ko/ka...an, ko/ka...on
1. Gumu (many)
2. akan(eat)
3. Ongoi (go)
4. Bobog (hit)
5. Tambalut (friend)
6. unsikou

1. Gumu (many) kogumuan [kebanyakan]
2. Akan (eat) kaakanan [time to eat, reason for
3. Ongoi (go) - kaangaian [reason for going]
4. Bobog (hit) - kababagan [reason for hitting]
5. Tambalut (friend) koombolutan [friends]
6. Unsikou (grateful)- kounsikahan

Some guidelines of uses:

For ko/ka...an:
If the first syllable of a word starts with /a/- the
circumfix is kaan
If the first syllable of a word starts with either /o,
i, u/ the circumfix is koan

Gumu = kogumuan /kebanyakan
Walai = kawalaian/perumahan
Sumandak = kosumandakan/gadis-gadis
Tondu= koonduan/kaum wanita
Kusai= kokusaian/kaum lelaki
Inggorit- koinggoritan/kesengsaraan
Watu kowotuan/kawasan berbatu

Some exceptions due to vowel

harmony on the language sound:
When a word begins in the vowel o in the first
syllable and followed by another vowel o in the
second syllable, the circumfix ka...an is used,
and all the vowels become a.

Ongoi (go) = kaangaian (reason for going)
Omot (harvest) = kaamatan (end of harvest)
Topot (true) = katapatan (truth)

Vowel Harmony
If the first syllable is /a/ (or when the first two syllables are
/a/), and the last syllable is /u/, we use k0...an
Watu = kowotuan
This is due to a phenomenon called vowel harmony in KD, in
which the sound [o] cannot follow the sound [a]. Thus, the
sound that violates the rule needs to follow the adjescent (next
to it) prefix sound .
Ko- watu-an > ko-wotu-an
In this case, vowel harmony happens from left to right.
Reminder: having a syllable with the vowel o following
another syllable with the vowel a is against the sound rule of

Vowel Harmony (contd)

In the case of a root word having two syllables
containing the vowel [o], harmony starts from
right to left because the sounds that go against
the rule are [o] in the last syllable of the root
word and [a] in the suffix an.
step 1 a step 2 a step 3 a
Ko- omot-an > ko-omat-an > ko-amatan
= kaamatan

The prefix T-
Most words that begin with a T- in KD are used
as nouns

Anak (child) = tanak

Isio nopo nga tanak ku
I tanak ku nopo nga osuau
Ulun (person) = tulun
Tulun tokou ngaawi do Malaysia

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