SAGA Reference Guide - Setup & Gameplay: Warband Size Units Scenario Selection Setup Steps
SAGA Reference Guide - Setup & Gameplay: Warband Size Units Scenario Selection Setup Steps
SAGA Reference Guide - Setup & Gameplay: Warband Size Units Scenario Selection Setup Steps
ly/sagaguide Page 1 of 4
CC 40 CC 36 CC 16
Terrain Type: Area Terrain (a perimeter terrain item such as forest or swamp) Each player counts casualties
Activated units may Move, Shoot, or Rest
Player that inflicted the most casualties is the winner Melee is the result of a Move Activation and is resolved
or Linear Obstacle (such as a wall or hedge).
immediately following the Movement
Defeated Unit must disengage
Terrain Height: Low or High. Low Terrain never blocks line of sight. Cant cross over High. An individual Unit may be Activated as many times in a
If Defeated Unit cannot disengage (e.g. terrain), then
Terrain Cover: Light (Soft) or Heavy (Hard). Light and Heavy impacts Shooting, Heavy turn as allowed by SAGA Dice placement in the Ability
the winning Unit must disengage instead
impacts Melee. 2/3rd of unit must be within cover to benefit. If both sides inflicted the same # of casualties, the
The order of Activations is determined by the player,
Terrain Piece: Uneven, Open, or Impassable. Open includes bridges and roads. Uneven attacker must disengage, but not counted as resolved one at a time, SAGA dice removed as used
disengagement for any special abilities or effects
Terrain (e.g. woods, rocky ground, walls, building, steep hill, etc.) will slow Movement from Orders used during your own turn, except for Reaction
Disengagement made by the Unit owner
M to S. Uneven impacts all the area terrain, not just the individual terrain elements within. and Melee Orders, which can be used during the
Each model in Unit moves up to S away from Melee opponents turn, including Activation/Reaction abilities
Buildings are considered High Terrain with Uneven Ground. Standard buildings (8 models Must move as far away from enemy models that models
Abilities do not need to be used. SAGA Dice can
can occupy) and Large buildings (12 models can occupy). were fighting, as possible remain on an Ability box for use later
May not finish disarrangement within VS range of any
Unit may only enter a building if not occupied by an enemy Unit, all models in the Unit can SAGA Dice in an Ability box can be removed at the
enemy model in the victorious Unit beginning of an Orders Phase and rolled
enter the building with the same Movement Activation, and room to occupy. Disengaged Unit must end in Unit Formation
Any SAGA Dice saved on your battle board will count
For Melee or Shooting involving Units inside buildings, see special rules on Page 31. If one Unit is wiped out entirely, no disengagement
against the number of SAGA Dice you roll next turn
SAGA Reference Guide Gameplay v0.8, 28 December 2014 Page 2 of 4
SAGA DICE Page 10 Activation SHOOTING Page 19 After Movement MELEE Page 24 Activation RESTING Page 28
CC 10 CC 26 CC 31 CC 38
Dice Description Range Type Class # of Attack Dice Resting removes 1 Fatigue token
0 Levies do not generate SAGA dice M Javelins, Composite Bows Levies 1 attack die per 3 models Resting must be the first Activation for that
Unit during a turn, only once per Unit per turn
+1 per Warrior or Hearthguard Unit L Bows, Slings, Crossbows Warriors 1 attack die per model
Javelins may be used for free after Movement
Abilities that remove Fatigue do not count as
+2 Warlord Hearthguard 2 attack die per model a rest Activation
as long as not in Melee, no extra Fatigue
+3 Hero (unless specifically noted) Crossbow impact target enemy Units -1 armor Warlord 5
for every SAGA die left on your Class # of Attack Dice FATIGUE Page 28
Battleboard, unless removed before rolling Type Impact of Cover (2/3rd of Unit)
Levies 1 attack die per 2 models CC 37
Max of 6 SAGA dice rolled, max of 8 SAGA dice placed Cancel hits on 4+ instead of 5+,
Warriors 1 attack die per 2 models Heavy
defender only Fatigue Action
ARMOR Page 39 Hearthguard 1 attack die per model Mounted No benefit from cover Movement or Shooting Activation
+1 after the 1st non-Rest Activation for
CC 68 Warlord 2 Requires: that Unit per turn
Base to base contact or adjacent across
Class Melee Shooting Type Impact of Cover (2/3rd of Unit) +1 Melee (Attacker & Defender)
obstacle of two opposed models, equal to or
Levies 3 3 less than Unit Movement range engages in Friendly Unit removed from game in
Light Cancel hits on 3s +1
Melee, move one model at a time Melee within S distance of Unit
Warriors 4 4 Melee Steps:
Cancel hits on 3s, +1 armor to
Heavy Mounted Unit ending movement in
Hearthguard 5 5 target 0 Melee/Reaction abilities, Attacker goes first +1
Determination of Attack Dice (Attacker & uneven terrain
Warlord 5 6 Mounted No benefit from cover, -1 armor 1
Defender both), must be in base contact of
Crossbow Units are -1 armor (Shooting or Melee) Requires: enemy, within VS of enemy in contact, or in Class Fatigue Limit
Armor of 4 means must roll 4+ to hit
At least 1 model in Unit must have line of sight contact with friendly model contacting enemy
Armor must be 2-6, regardless of modifiers Levies 2
and range to an enemy model in a Unit, each 2 Defender may reduce its Attack Dice for
model eligible may shoot Defense Dice, remove 1/2 of Attack Dice, for Warriors 3
Activation MOVEMENT Page 12 Line of sight blocked by any models except every 2 removed, gain +1 Defense Die
own in Shooting Unit, spaces between any Hearthguard & Warlord 4
CC 19 3 Attacker then Defender use their SAGA Melee
models, scenery items higher than average abilities, multiple abilities allowed, spend Fatigue
Range # Description foot model, ~35mm (high terrain) A Unit may gain Fatigue past exhaustion limit
4 Attack Roll (Attacker & Defender)
Shooting Steps: - Target # is enemys Armor or higher
VS 2 / 5cm Declare target, determine eligible Shooting Unit equal to or higher than Fatigue limit it
1 - Max # of Attack Dice = 2x eligible
models, and calculate Attack Dice to be rolled becomes exhausted and cannot be activated for
Moving from, in, or through Melee models generated dice pre Movement or Shooting, only Rest, loses 1/2 of
S 4 / 10cm uneven ground or crossing an 2 Attacker then Defender use their SAGA abilities Attack Dice in Melee
obstacle Shooting abilities, multiple abilities allowed,
Defender can spend shooting Unit Fatigue 5 Defense Roll (Attacker & Defender)
M 6 / 15cm Foot models in open terrain - 1 die per hit Spending The Enemys Fatigue:
3 Attack Roll - Cancels hits on 5+
- Target # is enemys Armor or higher Reduce enemy Unit Movement by 1 level (e.g.
L 12 / 30cm Mounted models in open terrain - Max # of Defense Dice = 2x hits taken
- Max # of Attack Dice = 2x eligible L to M, not below VS), discard 1 enemy
Models can see and move in 360 degrees - no facing 6 Remove casualties, defender first, any model in Fatigue
Shooting models generated dice pre
All models in Unit must move together the Unit, cannot break Unit formation, must leave
abilities When shot at, discard 1 enemy Fatigue from
Models in a Unit must be within VS of one another 4 Defense Roll one model in base to base contact with enemy
the Shooting Unit to gain +1 armor
You may not move through your own models or Units - 1 die per attacker hit 7 Fatigue: 1 per unit in Melee
- Cancels hits on 4+
In Melee, discard 1 enemy Fatigue to gain +1
If you move within VS of an enemy model, you must 8 Loser must disengage
- Max # of Defense Dice = 2x hits taken
armor, only bonus against that attacking Unit
engage it in Melee, base to base contact with a single
enemy model per model, or stay back at least VS Remove casualties (defender selects), cannot Ranged Units will also fight in Melee
5 In Melee, discard 1 enemy Fatigue for -1
distance break Unit formation, any model in the Unit, Natural 6 roll automatic hit, roll of natural 1 as enemy Units armor
Starting with the second Activation of a Unit in a turn, if even those models not in the line of sight automatic failure removed as a rule in The
Ravens Shadow errata May only be used once during each Movement,
you are within S of an enemy Unit, you must engage Cannot re-roll a die that has already been Shooting, or Melee
the closest enemy Unit in Melee if activated for a re-rolled (no re-re-rolls), second roll is final A Unit can only be in Melee with 1 other Unit, if
Movement, unless exhausted multiple Units options, must declare one Each Fatigue effect can only be generated once
Natural 6 roll automatic hit, roll of natural 1 as
per occurrence (e.g. cant reduce Movement by
Allowed to activate for Movement but not move, is still automatic failure removed as a rule in The Cannot re-roll a die that has already been re-
2 levels)
considered a move Ravens Shadow errata rolled (no re-re-rolls), second roll is final
SAGA Reference Guide Special Models v0.8, 28 December 2014 Page 3 of 4
Anglo-Saxons Northern Fury, Page 5 Rulers of England from 7th to 11th centuries Muslim Inhabitants of the Holy Land in present-day Israel
Saracens Crescent & Cross, Page 72
and Palestine from the 11th to 13th century
Rulers of the Brittany region of France, fought
Bretons Northern Fury, Page 9 Crusader states founded by Europeans in the 11th and
against the Normans in the mid 11th century Milites Christi Crescent & Cross, Page 78
12th centuries in present-day Syria, Israel, and Palestine
Byzantine Empire of the Eastern Mediterranean
Byzantines Varjazi & Basileus, Page 11
Sea region from the 3rd to 15th century Muslim defenders of the Holy Land during the Crusades,
Mutatawwia Crescent & Cross, Page 84
largely Arab and Turkish religious volunteers
Franks (Carolingians) Ravens Shadow, Page 5 Rulers of France during the 8th and 9th centuries
Rulers of Spain, fought against the Muslim invaders
Spanish Crescent & Cross, Page 90
(Moors) during the 8th to 15th century
Rulers of Ireland, battled the Normans and Vikings
Irish Ravens Shadow, Page 9
during the 10th and 11th centuries Muslim invaders of Spain, Portugal. and France from
Moors Crescent & Cross, Page 96
10th and 11th century Viking mercenaries from North Africa during the 8th to 15th century
Jomskivings Northern Fury, Page 13
Jomsborg, along the Baltic Sea coast of Germany
From Normandy, France, rulers of England in late
Normans SAGA, Page 42
11th century SWORDS FOR HIRE Dark Ages only
Viking colonists of Irish Sea region from the 9th to Description Rules Description
Norse-Gaels Ravens Shadow, Page 13
11th century
Jarl Sigvaldi / Jomsvikings SAGA, Page 48 10th and 11th century Viking mercenaries
Viking colonists of Russia and Ukraine from the 9th
Pagan Rus Varjazi & Basileus, Page 3
to 11th centruy The Steppe Nomads Varjazi & Basileus, Page 15 Nomadic tribes from Mongolia
Christian rulers of Russia and Ukraine during the
Rus Princes Varjazi & Basileus, Page 7 Flemish Mercenaries Gripping Beast Blister Pack Heavy infantry mercenaries from Flanders
10th century
Scots Northern Fury, Page 17 Rulers of Scotland, descendants of the Celts Egil Gripping Beast Blister Pack Viking warrior-poet from Iceland
Make this SAGA Reference Guide better by sending your corrections to Turcomans Crescent & Cross, Page 104 C / M Horse archer mercenaries from
This SAGA Reference Guide has been created by Raven Zachary in Portland, Oregon, USA Turcopoles Crescent & Cross, Page 104 C Horse archer mercenaries from Turkey,
This does not replace SAGA Rulebooks. Please purchase copies for use. SAGA is Studio Tomahawk Greece, and Syria