Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
I am Raj sekhar Tutika,a masters student of computer science. currently working as a graduate teaching
assistant/ research fellow in the department of computer science at Jackson state university, Mississippi.
My undergraduate degree is in Electronics and telecommunication. During my undergraduate study,I got
some experience for around 3yeras in the field of Networking, IT(Information Technology ) and ITES
(Information Technology Enabled Services). This opportunity will sure,enhance my knowledge in the field of
computer science. I prepare myself for masters in computer science which I am perusing now .In this field I
am exploring to many new technologies in database,languages,graphical interface. Everyday its like a
fresh day for me to learn some new things ,techniques which makes my technical knowledge strong
throughout my studies. By gathering past experience, current study knowledge and working knowledge as
a research fellow under the department pushing me for research.
During my searching the topic of research what I found is Must of the research today depends upon
ease of access to data, associated sophisticated tools and applications, to enable research and education.
the sheer volume and this heterogeneity of data bring a multitude of problems. So,to solve the problem and
to prepare Commodity scalable cluster based platform I decide to prepare a hybrid cluster through which I
can solve the problems related to access huge amount of data,to manage th database, analyze the data
and get the required data in sophisticated manner in user friendly way.
On the way of research on hybrid cluster database system I named my research as mining Ecosystem with
hybrid brain. Where I need to outline many things like process of developing a hybrid commodity cluster,
Data Analytics ,data processing. So far this research surrounding me with many keywords like Big
data, Data Mining, Clustering, Data Analytics and visualization. Looking after the tools there are some
new process ,tools explored to me like for clustering open stack,for cluster based database like
Mongodb,Rethink Db, for Data analytics the commercial service IBM Blue mix via Watson Data
The things for what I am digging will takes me more depth and I am fine with that because in every
step I will learn new knowledge through which I can ahead on my research to make a database cluster
with brain.
Further more my research needs more experience on database clustering, Data Mining and
networking. These all needs real time experience which I can get to work under such environment .
So,the more knowledge I grab the more success my research will be and which will help development
of the organization.