EE-211 Linear Circuit Analysis: Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher
EE-211 Linear Circuit Analysis: Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher
EE-211 Linear Circuit Analysis: Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 1 / 22
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 2 / 22
What are rst order circuits ?
Circuits with either capacitor or inductor are called rst order circuits.
Only one dierential equation of rst order.
Transient analysis make be because of closing or opening of one or more
switches in the circuit.
RL/C circuits have only resistance and inductance/capacitance in addition
to the independent sources and hence are called rst order circuits.
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Circuit response
Circuit response = Transient response + Steady state response.
Transient response = Natural response + step response
In Natural response the inductor or capacitor is abruptly disconnected from
the source to release energy to the circuit. In step response the
inductor/capacitor is connected to dc source to gain energy.
The procedure to nd the natural or step response is the same.
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Natural response of RL circuit
Assume that the given network consists of a passive elements and sources
whose initial state is known.
At a reference instance of time t=0 the system is disturbed.
Disturbance is such that it can be represented as a opening/closing of one
or more switches.
The objective is to nd the current, voltage, charge, etc in terms of time
measured from the instance of disturbance.
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Natural response of RL circuit
Consider the circuit shown in Fig. below.
At t=0 the switch is open so that inductor is disconnected form the source.
Before we begin our analysis we need to nd out the initial conditions in
this circuit.
The inductor under steady state dc excitation is a short circuit that means
the current through the inductor is I and v is zero.
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Natural response of RL circuit
After t=0 the equivalent circuit of our interest is shown in Fig. below.
= dy (4) 0
x L
( )
i t0 t0
V (0 )=0
Also according to initial conditions, V (0+ ) = I R 0
i (t ) = i (0)
0 The power is the product of current
and voltage
i (t ) R
ln = t (5)
i (0) L P = vi = I Re (
R )t
L (10)
i (t ) = i (0)e ( L ) t
(6) The negative sign shows that the
i (0 ) = i (0+ ) = I (7) power is dissipated in this circuit.
The energy dissipated is the
( R
i (t ) = I e
L )t (8) integration of power over time.
The voltage v is the drop across the 1 R )t
resistance and is given by W = LI (1 e (
2 2
L ) (11)
2 0
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Natural response of RL circuit
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 9 / 22
Time constant
The general solution of the equation has a coecient namely . R
This coecient reveals important information about the rate at which the
current decays to zero.
The reciprocal of this coecient is called time constant and is denoted by
1 L
= timeconstant = = (12)
So in terms of the time constant , the expressions for current, voltage,
power and energy can be rewritten as
i (t ) = I e
0 (13)
v (t ) = RI e 0 (14)
p = I Re
L t
w = (1 e )
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Time constant
Time constant reveals important information about the rst order circuits.
The time elapsed after switching in terms of and its integer multiples
reveals information about steady state condition.
Thus, if the =1 which means that after one time constant the current in
0 1.0
1 0.37
2 0.14
3 0.05
4 0.018
5 0.0067
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 11 / 22
Time constant
For most of the circuits the steady state is reached after ve time
The time constant provides information about the time required by current
to reach its nal state if the change in current is constant at its initial rate.
For example. Suppose we don't know about the time constant. Then the
extended slope (tangent at t=0) give information about .
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 12 / 22
Example 7.1 Nilsson
Find i (t ) for t 0, i (t ) for t 0+ ,v (t ) for t 0+ . In addition calculate
L o o
At t=0 the inductor was short circuit and 20A of current was owing in it.
Therefore, at t=0+ the current through the inductor is 20A. By inspecting
the direction of current after t=0 the resistive circuit can be remodeled
with an equivalent resistance of 10 ohm. Because 2 ohm resistance comes
in series with the parallel combination of 10 and 40 ohm resistor.
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Example 7.1 Nilsson
v (t ) = 40i
o 0 = 160e 5t t 0+ (19)
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Example 7.1 Nilsson
To nd the percentage of stored energy dissipated in the 10 ohm resistor
we need to rst nd the energy stored in the inductor before t=0.
1 1
w (0) = Li
= (2)(20) = 400J
2 2
2 2
To see how much energy is dissipated in 10 ohm resistance we need to nd
the power dissipation in 10 ohm resistor.
p ( t) =
= 2560e W
t 0+
Total energy dissipated is integration of power over time.
w (
10 t) = 2560e dt = 256J
= e( L ) (30) R t
di R I s V
= dt (27)
0 R
i ( s) LV
V ( LR )
i (t ) = + I e (31) s s t
= dy (28)
x s L V
R i (t ) = e ( L )
(32) s s t
I is the current at t=0 and i(t) is the
After one time constant the current reaches 63% of its nal value. The
voltage across the inductor can be calculated from (31) using the
expression for V .
v = L( )(I )e ( L ) s t
L 0
v = (V s I R )e ( L )
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Step response of RL circuits
At t = 0 the voltage across the inductor was zero. After the switch is
closed at t=0 the voltage jumps to the value (V I R ) and then decays
S 0
to zero. The voltage across the inductor follows the theory that has been
discussed already. If the initial current in the inductor is zero then there is
no drop across the resistance and hence the voltage across the inductor will
jump to the value of V . s
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 19 / 22
Example 7.5 Nilsson
The switch in the circuit shown has been in position a for a long time. At t
= 0, the switch moves from position a to position b. Find the expression
for i(t) for t 0, voltage across inductor right after the switch was moved
to position b. Does this initial voltage make sense in terms of circuit
behavior? How many milliseconds after the switch has been moved does
the inductor voltage equal 24 V? Plot both i(t) and v(t) versus t.
Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher (FEE, GIKI) Week 11 Resources November 25, 2017 20 / 22
Example 7.5 Nilsson
The switch has been in position a for a long time, so the 200 mH inductor
is a short circuit across the 8 A current source. Therefore, the inductor
carries an initial current of 8 A. This current is oriented opposite to the
reference direction for i thus I =-8A.0
v =L = 0.2(200e 10t ) = 40e 10t t 0+ (36)
Initial voltage across inductor is 40V
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Example 7.5 Nilsson
Yes; in the instant after the switch has been moved to position b, the
inductor sustains a current of 8 A counterclockwise around the newly
formed closed path. This current causes a 16 V drop across the 2
resistor. This voltage drop adds to the drop across the source, producing a
40 V drop across the inductor.
The time at which the inductor voltage equals 24 V by solving the (36).
24 = 40e 10t
solving for t
1 40
t = ln = 51.08ms (38)
10 24
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